The Prophet Muhammad (s)

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[Music] [Music] it is narrated that when allah intended to create the creatures he first created the noor the light of prophet muhammad peace be upon him the world shone and breathes from the mercy of allah breathed to save man from ignorance and sins of life it was the great mercy that allah had endowed his people with to guide them to the best it was the birth of prophet muhammad peace be upon him which was the greatest event in history of the world and the best blessing from allah to his people the prophet muhammad is the last messenger of allah he was born in mecca and his father is abdallah son of abdul muttalib and his mother is the prophet's father died a few months before or a couple of months after the prophet muhammad's birth his grandfather abdel muttwaleb took care of him when the prophet was six years old his mother died too his grandfather abdul muttalib continued to look after the prophet after two years when the prophet was around eight years old his grandfather abdel muttalib died before he died abdul muttalib asked one of his sons abu talib the father of imam ali to look after the prophet and so abu talib and his wife say the fatima bint assad took care of the prophet it is reported that they loved the prophet more than their own children the prophet was assigned from signs of allah in morals and manners and he was distinguished from all prophets and human beings by his morals he could attract the hearts and could unite the arabs and lead them to purify the earth from idolatry and ignorance therefore allah praised him in the holy quran and indeed you are of a great moral character undoubtedly the prophet was the most generous charitable on to the poor and the deprived his charity wasn't limited to the poor it included animals as well the prophet was the most modest and humble person he would milk his own sheep patchy's clothes and mendy's own shoes when anyone asked for help he would stop whatever he was doing and attend to their need another characteristic the prophet has was his asceticism towards the worldly life he turned his back to this life's pleasure and lived away from its desires his stomach was never filled with food he never complained poverty was more beloved to him than wealth the prophet offered too many prayers he found in prayer the greatest pleasure in his life for in prayer he talked with allah the prophet was the bravest and the most courageous person imam ali said no one would be nearer to the enemy than he would on the day of the battle of badr we sought protection with the prophet though he was the nearest of us to the enemy the prophet was patient with all kinds of hardships and calamities the quraysh harmed abused and fought him when he was in mecca and followed him to medina and waged many wars against him but he was patient towards all that the prophet was famous for his cleanness and neatness the prophet encouraged people to care much for cleanness that he said islam has been built on cleanness the cleanness that the prophet recommended includes all sides of life such as drinking water food clothes and dwellings the prophet was the master of eloquence by his eloquence he could occupy the hearts and prevailed the souls some of his companions once said to him o messenger of god how eloquent you are we have not seen anyone more eloquent than you the prophet replied why shouldn't i be while the quran has been revealed in my tongue and in clear arabic when the prophet was around 25 years old he married a pious lady sayda khadija she was kind generous and the first woman to believe in the message of the prophet and supported him when others were refusing to believe and support him the prophet and say the khadijah had a daughter she was sada fatima zahara the leader of all women in the world the prophet loved his wife said khadija and his daughter say to fatima zahra very much even though the people of mecca worshipped idols and did many bad things they knew the prophet was different the prophet was praised for his integrity honesty and generosity they used to call him which means the truthful one and which means the trustworthy this is because the prophet never said a lie and everyone always trusted him the prophet always protected the weak and loved to help the poor and he never worshipped idols like others once a flood swept across mecca and the kaaba was badly damaged after quraysh rebuilt it a dispute arose between various clans as to who should put the black stone in its place they finally decided that the person to enter the precincts of the kaaba the next morning should solve the issue it so happened that the first person was none other than the prophet muhammad peace be upon him the quraish was so happy it was him because he was well recognized as the most truthful and trustworthy person at his time the prophet told them to put the black stone in his robe and send one representative from each clan to hold the corners of the robe and bring it to its place the judgment settled the dispute to the satisfaction of all the clans the prophet used to love sitting in the cave of hera on the mountain outside mecca where he used to pray to allah when the prophet was 40 years old the andrew jibril came to him and started reciting verses from the quran to him the andrew jibrael told the prophet to now start telling the people to stop worshipping idols and to worship allah alone at first the prophet only told some people and preached secretly to his family members a small group of people would gather together in a house and learn about islam say the khadijah was the first woman to believe in the prophet and his message from allah imam ali was young and he was the first male to accept and support the message of the prophet after a few years when some people were attracted to islam allah sent the andrew jibra ill to tell the prophet that it was now time to announce the message of islam in public this was not easy because mecca was full of idols and the rich people of mecca loved to worship and bow before the idols so they began to oppose the prophet and tried to stop him they retaliated violently the prophet and his followers were hurt and some were tortured but abu talib who was one of the leaders of mecca and the uncle of the prophet always protected him no one dared to harm the prophet directly as long as abu talib was there to protect his nephew the messenger of allah some of the rich men of mecca were abu jahl and abu sufyan they came to abu talib and told him that if the prophet would stop telling people about islam they would give him a lot of money when abu talib told the prophet muhammad what they said he replied even if they put the sun in my right hand and the moon in my left hand i will not stop calling people to islam abu talib was very happy to hear this and he said to him go then my dear nephew and preach the message of allah i will always support you and no one can touch you or harm you as long as i am alive this made the prophet very happy he went out and began telling people about the quran and about allah in the streets of mecca some people believed in him and some people laughed at him but he never stopped telling them the truth after some years sada khadijah passed away and then abu tadib their deaths left a very deep impression on the prophet he was so grieved that he called the year the year of sorrow the new quraish leaders of mecca like abu jahl and abu sufyan were very happy because they thought they could now easily get rid of the prophet peace be upon him one night many strong men came to surround the prophet's house and planned to kill him early morning the andrew jibreel came to the prophet and told him to leave mecca the same night and head towards medina the prophet asked imam ali to sleep in his bed and pretend to be him so that no one would know he had left imam ali slept in the place of the prophet to save his life the prophet stepped out of his home without the enemy knowing a thing in the morning they rushed into the house but only found imam ali alayhi salaam sleeping and the prophet was nowhere to be found in the meantime the prophet was already out of mecca the night when the prophet left mecca is called the night of hijrah muslims start their calendar from that year the city he arrived at was called yathrib after the prophet got there the people welcomed him as they have already heard of him many became muslims and they changed the name of the city from yafrib to madinat and nabi the city of the prophet or in short medina they built a big masjid together that is still standing today and is called masjid and nabawi the prophet's mosque in the meantime the meccans begun preparations to attack medina and the prophet the first battle that took place was in badr where the prophets and imam ali were at the forefront of the battle not long after the victory of the muslims at badr a battle followed it at uhud where the prophet was injured and imam ali was gifted the sword dull first where the prophet declared ali is from me and i am from him for a long time the jews were in medina and were very powerful upon seeing the muslims spread quickly in medina a tribe from the jews joined hands with the enemies of the prophet in mecca to wage war against the muslims when the muslims heard the news salman and farsi advised to dig a deep and wide trench on the unprotected side of medina in history this battle is known as the battle of khandak or ahazab the muslims were surrounded by some of the toughest men in arabia many hypocrites and even some muslims asked permission to leave and return to their home finally one of the enemy's bravest warriors abdiwood succeeded in crossing the trench according to historians he was equal to a thousand warriors he called out for a battle three times did the holy prophet exhort the muslims to give battle to hammer three times it was only imam ali who stood up in the third time the holy prophet allowed imam ali to go when imam ali was going to the battlefield the holy prophet said the whole faith is going to fight the whole infidelity once imam ali defeated ahmed the prophet said indeed one attack of ali in the battle of khandak is better than the worship of all human beings and jinns after the day of resurrection the killing of demoralized the enemies and they all fled away after this the jews had lost face and weakness so they planned another attack on the muslims instigating other tribes to join them to demonstrate their strength they captured many camels of the prophet after killing his herdsmen and capturing his wife the news of the preparation of the jews reached medina quickly at last the holy prophet decided to crush them before they could destroy the muslims the prophet marched towards khaibar to the jewish fortress some have said that abu bakr took the banner and went out to fight but returned unsuccessful then umar bin khattab took the standard and fought hard but he returned equally unsuccessful when the prophet came to know what happened he said by allah tomorrow i will give the standard to a man who loves allah and his messenger and whom allah and his messenger love one who is constant in onslaught and does not flee one who will stand firm and will not return till victory is achieved the next day everyone was curious to see who it would be the prophet called for imam ali alayhi salaam who at the time was suffering from an eye infection the prophet miraculously healed the eyes of imam ali and he went out to battle imam ali fought bravely bringing a clear victory for the muslims the prophet had earlier made a peace treaty with the meccans and one of the conditions was that there would be no war between the quraysh and the muslims for ten years the treaty was broken by the quraysh and they attacked the tribe from the muslims upon hearing this the prophet marched towards mecca with a large army the same city that had persecuted him and his followers to a far away land now lay at his feet no one stopped him the prophet said there is no reproach against you today god will forgive he is the most merciful and the most compassionate the prophet told them you are free no house was plundered nor any woman was insulted they were all forgiven the result of the prophet's compassion resulted in thousands accepting islam the prophet broke all the idols and everyone worshipped allah alone after a few weeks some envious tribes created the large army suddenly attacked the muslims in the hills of hunain majority of the muslims ran away except for imam ali and a few others who stayed back to fight and protect the prophet on seeing the strength of the imam the muslims regained their strength and returned to the battlefield to regain the victory as the message of islam expanded across arabia the caesar of rome heard of the fall of mecca and he felt threatened and so he sent a well-equipped army and they camped at a fort in tabuk the prophet prepared yet for another battle imam ali had always been at the forefront of every battle however in this battle the prophet left imam ali in charge of medina's affairs the prophet then said to imam ali o ali you are to me as harun was to musa except that there is no prophet after me in the tenth year after hijrah the prophet performed his last pilgrimage during his journey back the prophet gathered thousands at a place called on the orders from allah the prophet raised the hand of imam ali and told them that after he was gone they should follow imam ali and imam ali would be their master after him the prophet also said to the people i am leaving behind two things the quran and my family the bait not long after the prophet's health began attacking him when the news of the prophet's illness spread among the muslims they hurried to visit him once they arrived the prophet confirmed what he had said at home and he said this is ali he is with the quran and the quran is with ali they shall not separate until they come to me at the pond in paradise the prophet knew there was conflict among the muslims in their hearts he asked his companions bring me a piece of paper and an inkpot to write down some writing which you will never go astray according to scholars they said that the prophet wanted to write down his successor and khalif after him one of them said the book of allah is enough for us and you are seriously ill or delirious disputes and disagreements occurred between the companions so the prophet said to them go away and leave me after a few short talks with his family members mankind was afflicted with a great calamity the leader teacher and educator passed away a light that lit this world with divine teachings high morals and noble manners had left this world imam ali gave the holy prophet the islamic wash in prayer and buried him in medina near his masjid [Music]
Channel: Islamic Lessons Made Easy
Views: 6,891
Rating: 4.9408865 out of 5
Keywords: Islam, islamiclessons, islamiclessonsmadeeasy, shia, karbala, imam, iran, imamhussain, imamali, Iraq, hussain, ali, quran, islamiclectures, Islamic, ahlulbayt, imamreza, Arabic, Sistani, nahjulbalagha, ithanashari, jafar, 12imams, Muhammad, muslim, ahkam, arbaeen, fiqh, tawheed, Fatima, Ashura, Allah, mashad, tajweed
Id: NR6fvT9bG5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 13sec (1033 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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