The Proof Is Out There: Top 5 UNBELIEVABLE Mysteries of South America

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good evening and welcome to the proof is out there we all keep our phones safely stowed away when driving right well that rule doesn't apply if you're flying on autopilot and Lucky For Us One Pilot had his hands free and his phone ready to capture a one-of-a-kind video prepare for takeoff February 2020 an Airbus A320 is on a routine flight Soaring Over Medellin Colombia little does the captain know he's about to find out he's sharing the friendly Skies the pilot does us the favor of showing his altimeter and we can see that he's flying around 30 000 feet in altitude the pilot then points his camera phone out of the cockpit window and watch this as he Zooms in a metallic looking object a polyhedron of some sort whizzes by in a straight line we slow it down and zoom in further you can see it kind of looks like a cube it has these kind of little points that stick out it does seem to be darker in color and not like a bright shining balloon whatever this is it definitely shouldn't be there now it's hard to judge this object's size without knowing how far away it is but scientist Amy Eskridge estimates it's 10 to 15 feet in diameter one theory is that if we were visited by another civilization they might send probes ahead of when they actually come and consider this a similar object was spotted by an fa-18 fighter pilot in 2018 at an altitude of 35 000 feet it still hasn't been identified and its structure unlike any known airframe lends Credence to the Alien Probe Theory they might want to collect a data maybe do a little surveillance a little monitoring before they actually show up the U.S we associate Medellin Colombia with drug cartels but in South America the city is known for UFO sightings in fact after UFOs were spotted over a soccer stadium at above a forest the city earned the title the new Roswell so we're turning to our experts to see if they can tell us what's going on I've analyzed several videos in depth of UFOs and uaps over the course of my career and the way that it's traveling on screen in the area of the clouds does appear to be consistent with recordings that I have deemed authentic so while Primo can't find anything technically wrong with the video something just doesn't look right to him what caught my eye is when the camera is panning up to the skyline the operator instinctively Zooms in almost like he's expecting this object as it's coming towards the airplane this was peculiar to me so the feel of the video upon visual analysis feels staged but Primo thinks it's possible the pilot was just play lucky to zoom in right as the object flies past the plane MJ benais agrees Pilots are the people who work in the sky and operate in it so they're gonna have the best view of any potential UFOs around them we turn this video over to our Aviation expert Tim McMillan he thinks whatever was shot over Medellin is too slow to be any kind of plane or missile and it looks nothing like a drone initially when it starts coming I thought it's probably a balloon regular helium balloons really make it to this altitude when they get this High the helium expands and the balloon pops but solar balloons are different used as toys or for research they're usually made from dark material to absorb the sun's heat they rise as the air inside warms and expands they've gone as high as 46 000 feet but in general when they hit the cooler air up high they start to lose shape and altitude it's just too cold for them to stay aloft it almost seems to have an odd cube-like shape that is exactly what the Navy Pilots have reported seeing off the east coast of the United States they're currently a part of the unidentified aerial phenomena that's being investigated by the Department of Defense I don't have a good explanation so assuming it's not a hoax it's certainly not a drone or a known aircraft it's possibly a balloon I mean when you look at that speed your mind goes there but it's extremely rare for a solar balloon to reach this altitude by process of elimination we'll go with genuine UFO so humans might not be the only Pilots up in the sky it's March 2020 a hot and humid day in the Brazilian Amazon Local fishermen are crossing the shingu river when they encounter an extraordinary site technology at first it almost looks like waves or ripples but let's have a closer look it's some kind of gigantic snake this thing is nightmarish and by one estimate it's 50 feet long field researcher Ken Gerhart says it immediately reminds him of the legendary River serpent known as boyuna a gigantic mythical deity of South America it's described as being an enormous black snake or Serpent and it's considered to be a guardian of sorts that it actually stands guard at certain sacred places but huge snakes aren't just part of folklore they're actually part of the Amazonian fossil record this is the prehistoric predator titanoboa which measured more than 40 feet long its midsection as wide as a man's waist it weighed over a ton and could stay underwater for as long as 45 minutes this thing did in fact exist and in this kind of habitat who's to say that they're all gone the fossil record shows that titanoboa went extinct millions of years ago but field researcher cliff barrickman notes that sometimes allegedly extinct species turn up alive and well example the famous coelacanth fish the coelacanth fish was thought to be extinct for millions of years like 20 million years until it was discovered in the 1930s swimming around in the oceans off of Indonesia so we should expect to be discovering animals that were either thought to be extinct or are related to extinct animals wow is the creature in the video some kind of Relic species some extremely large cousin of the Titanoboa that somehow survived and when the Amazonian tribes people described boyuna the serpent river god they've really been talking about something real we turn to our experts I mean this is extraordinary of like biologist Lucy Eckersley finds the video remarkable it could be that this snake is a living relic of titanoboa something that could trace its lineage back to that enormous animal but she thinks the serpent might be too big to be believed I think that this is an incredible sighting of an oven it will look even more enormous than it really was so we head back to forensic video analyst Michael Primo to authenticate the footage this video has left me baffled we have a Rippling effect that's consistent with the movements of the snake which is a level of consistency that would be incredibly difficult to manufacture if it has been changed it's been changed to a minimal degree so could it be a relative of titanoboa marine biologist Dr Shea Conger says that even if the video is totally legit the creature's distended midsection is key evidence it appears to have consumed a very large prey possibly a capybara or some type of angular from what we know about the Titanoboa they primarily consume fish based on that dietary profile Conger concludes this is a giant anaconda but interestingly she is not prepared to dismiss the notion that it could still be the god boyuna people that inhabit this area have spent centuries living around these animals the division between the deity and the biological creature are not two different things so to deny the fact that this animal May embody a regional deity or religious icon is outside the scope of what science should do so with that guidance in mind our verdict this is a giant anaconda and whether you want to call it a predator a deity or some combination of both depends on how close you live to it this story starts way back in the late 20th Century 1997 to be precise researchers from NOAA the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration are using hydrophones to monitor volcanic activity now a hydrophone is an underwater microphone initially developed to listen for Soviet submarines since repurposed for research and on that February 22nd a strange sound is detected 1500 miles west of the Southern Chilean Coast by two hydrophones nearly 2 900 miles apart this is that sound this underwater acoustic Wonder instantly becomes known as the bloop let's play that again and turn it up it may just sound like an air bubble popping in liquid but that noise could be heard three thousand miles away from its origin making it the loudest underwater sound ever recorded at the time but marine biologist Shay Conger explains that this version is sped up so humans like us can hear it better seems to be a much lower or deeper tone so the bloop was a pretty big deal because it was a unique low frequency and highly powerful sound that was one of a kind and he had nothing really to attribute it to Summit NOAA believe the source may have been biological the lead researcher at Noah claimed that this was possibly a large yet undiscovered animal that lives in the depths of the ocean and for something like the blue that would take a very large creature a very powerful creature in order to make something like this so could this noise have been produced by some sort of massive undiscovered sea creature that's been lurking the depths of the ocean if the bloop was made by an animal then its lungs must be larger than any known living organism but new species are discovered all the time just last year a new kind of whale was discovered off the coast of Mexico so could a monster massive enough to make the bloop really exist Dr Conger sees a dilemma here if a huge animal lived near the surface it would have been discovered by now and if it lived thousands of feet down it couldn't make a sound this loud animals that live at these depths tend to be actually all income compound we experience at sea level this is far outside the vocal range of something that would live in the deepest parts of our ocean so it's really unlikely that this is some sort of undiscovered giant Marine creature so we took the bloop recording to our audio analyst acoustic ecologist Dr Ben goddessman if you don't believe it to be an animal why don't we then compare it with one of the loudest human-made sounds we have in our oceans and that is the sound of air guns seismic air guns are used by the oil and gas industry to search for new carbon deposits they release compressed air which forms a bubble that produces a loud sound that's reflected off the sea floor let's analyze this recording [Music] here we see pulses of an air gun which are very rhythmic it has these regular intervals Broadband loud sounds and these can span similar distances to the bloop but I the blue this is much more broadband and the repetitive clicks that are so characteristic of air guns we don't see with the bloop but if the bloop is not man-made where does that leave us for answers goddessman turns to the planet itself what you're hearing now are giant chunks of ice and Glaciers breaking up similar to the bloop this recording has been sped up many times over to make it Audible I was amazed when I heard this because we see the exact same spectral shape the same duration it's really a match to me goddessman says when an iceberg scrapes along the sea floor it resonates like a tuning fork producing a sound as loud as a magnitude 4 earthquake or the noise created by over 200 super tankers [Music] so Dr gottisman has settled it our verdict this was the sound of glaciers breaking up it turns out the bloop was not a monster but something even more scary evidence of ongoing climate change in the Antarctic 1939 D key Delta Costa Rica the United Fruit Company was clearing an area of the Costa Rican jungle to start a banana plantation and suddenly they discovered something truly mysterious at sites all across the area workers uncover these stones that have been carved into near perfect spheres of all sizes the largest one was nine feet in diameter and 16 tons it would take an incredible amount of craftsmanship and masterful Engineering to create especially the large spheres many of the stones are within five percent of being perfect spheres a difficult task to execute precisely even when using calibrative Machinery this is a remarkable feat if carved from a larger Rock by hand when the first Western people came to Costa Rica and saw these spheres they had never seen anything like it archaeologists believe they were carved by a tribe known as the decis which flourished from ad700 to 1500 they produced at least 300 of these stones but the D Keys faded away hundreds of years ago and how they made the stones disappeared with him by the 1940s local indigenous tribes believed the stones were of divine origin the native Costa Rican people believed that these fears are actually from their God Tara who was the Thunder God used them with a blowpipe in defense of the Native Costa Ricans they believed Tara shot the stones at the gods of wind and hurricanes to keep them at Bay some have speculated that these battles between Tara and the other gods were actually a Titanic shooting match between UFOs with the stones some sort of spent weapon they point to the Spheres near perfect roundness as proof of alien creation but if we assume humans made them not Gods the question is why in the 1930s and 40s rumors spread they'd been made to store gold in the Spheres cores so workers blew up several and found nothing another possibility is that the Spheres serve a scientific purpose been posited is that they are somehow a representation of our solar system that they represent celestial bodies somehow they might have been placed to track the seasons or rolled around to reflect the shifting night sky there's also a theory that an advanced civilization even older than the dekeys built an entire complex of cities here it wouldn't be a surprise if we uncovered other temples or other places out there that we just haven't found yet they may represent an older civilization that was there here's a Twist the Costa Rican Stone spheres aren't alone in 2016 an archaeologist uncovered this massive sphere in Bosnia then also there are these in New Zealand let's see if our experts can solve this mystery without blowing anything up we turn to archaeologist Ed Barnhart who has seen the Spheres himself most of them in Costa Rica now have been rolled into Parks or they're in front of government buildings it's part of the difficulty interpreting of what they are is the fact that they've all been rolled out of context so if they once lined up with the Stars sun and moon we will never know why people made them may remain a mystery but Barnhart thinks he knows how they were made when I visited this location I stopped on the bridge and looked down on the river and I could see circular Stones just like this they're called concretions a concretion is when minerals build up around a core like a pebble and then over years later on concentrically creating a round Hard Rock geologists think this is exactly how the Spheres in Bosnia and others around the world likely formed but Barnhart sees the hand of man and just how smooth and round the Costa Rican stones are [Music] they weren't always perfectly circular so they chipped it here they chipped it there and made it more circular it took hundreds even thousands of hours of scraping and polishing then they had to roll these rocks some weighing 15 Tons to their sights Barnhart takes this as a sign of a dynamic thriving culture but what happened to this culture remains a mystery those archaeological sites were once living cities they were abandoned hundreds of years of forest came up grew all around them so for the stone spheres we're crediting natural forces in human industry most likely by members of the D Keys culture but why people carved and placed the stones is still unsolved April of 2021 it's nighttime on a rural road in Costa Rica when a security camera picks up this mysterious footage let's slow it down and zoom in it's dark and the footage is grainy but it appears as if some bizarre creature creeps Out of the Shadows it's clearly much larger than the dogs that can be seen cautiously approaching it before it Waddles away into the night down the street some men responding to the commotion step into the road and capture additional smartphone footage of a strange creature Gustavo Martinez runs a local YouTube channel and has a theory is field researcher Ken Gerhart who studies Latin American folklore says Lamona bruja also known as the monkey Witch is known throughout the region the Mona bruja is said to be able to transform into the shape of a monkey and countering la Mona brujab is considered to be a portent of impending disaster illness death essentially it's just bad news and as strange as that seems an even stranger Theory soon emerges some on the internet feel they see more than four legs here and here and that scrabbling movement get ready they think it could be a giant spider clip berrigman says there are legends there are stories of the jibba fofi with which is this Forex spider in central Africa that was apparently observed once by some explorers in the 1930s apparently it was a tarantula-like spider in the web that was three to four feet in diameter but this is a new world sighting are there any new world Giants Well in a way check out this nightmarish footage captured by a biologist in the Amazon rainforest in 2019 it shows a massive tarantula killing a possum wow if there were to be some undiscovered species of spider or another creature biodiverse Costa Rica would be a logical place to find it five thousand new species of animals and plants were discovered there between 2011 and 2013 but is what we see in this video even real [Music] we wanted to know if this is some kind of CGI so our first stop was to our video forensic analyst Michael Primo I haven't been given any real reason to question the authenticity of the video recording okay then we asked wildlife biologist Dr Stephanie shutler to address the theory that this could be a giant unknown spider species spiders couldn't get to the size they have an exoskeleton and it would be too large and heavy they also depend on tracheal openings they don't have lungs they also have copper-based blood which isn't as efficient as our iron-based blood so the oxygen couldn't get throughout their body if it was this big professor of biology Dr Floyd Hayes goes through several other options among the known local Wildlife well this doesn't look like any known species of mammals that lives in Costa Rica like a taper or a peccary or a sloth or a monkey we don't know of any monkeys that walk with their legs splayed outward like this individual here so it can't be a monkey under closer scrutiny Hayes thinks he spots a clue in the dark and grainy video it looks like the rear legs are longer than the front legs which is why I think it looks to me like a human trying to walk like a crab would walk Dr Shetler agrees and thinks that it's the behavior of man's best friend that provides the conclusive evidence we see a dog appears to be barking at it and then it seems to go really close to it and if that were a real animal I think the dog would be much more scared and acting more defensive so it turns out this isn't the legendary witch monkey of Costa Rica and it wasn't a monstrously large spider well we don't think the video was doctored our verdict is that this is a hoax it's just a very flexible person in a costume imitating a crab walk
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Keywords: history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, the history channel, documentary history channel, history documentary, documentary, history channel full episodes, documentaries, history channel documentaries, the proof is out there full episodes, the proof is out there, history the proof is out there, the proof is out there clips, the proof is out there show, the proof is out there scenes, watch the proof is out there, the proof is out there episodes, aliens
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 3sec (1383 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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