The Professor Reacts to 1v1 Aggressive Chinese Pro.. Tells Story How He Twitter Trolled Him

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professor live what's up everybody professor live we're back another reaction video I picked this video because I thought it would actually just be really funny I went and did a special guest appearance and dribble too much his handle life clinic maybe 5 or 6 months ago it was out here in California in Thousand Oaks there's a big basketball facility I can't remember the name of it at the moment but it has about six courts a really dull spot and I have a good relationship with Johnny and we've collapsed on clinics several times in the past and what we do we have a good time kids come out and get impacted love teaching the youth reminds me of myself when I was that age I used to go to clinics all the time to try to work on my game and add to my game when we tend to do these clinics we always think it's fun to actually interact and play with some of the players at the end because you know it's fun a lot of their parents are there they get a chance to go get somebody at a high level and it's always a great experience it's fun it's a good way in the clinic to end it on high this claiming right here was a little different cuz it was like some older cats there and funny enough I thought the cutoff age was 18 you know usually we do a clinic it's like 12 to 18 or 8 to 18 you know it goes till typically high school this clinic had a couple cats that were in their 20s and apparently we're like the pro Hooper's overseas or something I thought there were kids they looked young even though they were big in size so I didn't really know what to think about it but uh anyway one of them challenged me to a game after the clinic when I was playing the long ones and it was interesting because he had he had a weird energy the whole time almost like he was like above the clinic or it was whatever to him I thought it was a kid I was like then he's skilled whatever so he asked me to play after the clinic and it was interesting because his his whole vibe changed like you got very aggressive and sort of sort of personal with our matchup and it's okay to compete I ain't even mad at that lady went super hard it was just just caught me off guard and I want to react to the video of the game and then tell a little bit of a little bit of backstory what happened after the clinic as well all right let's gonna do it major shout out the ball revisions appreciate you guys showing love holding me down so this is the kid I played first off before the the Chinese Cooper skit wasn't bad I'll be honest a lot of elite kids go to the handle life clinics giant does a great job of inspiring the youth and bringing uh League players out that's the that was the Chinese who were aggressive Chinese Pro they didn't really speak much English so we didn't communicate much shoutout to Johnny shoutout to handle life we're doing another clinic on the 16th of this month December 16 2017 here in the LA area come through check out handle like calm decided alright so the game was the three it was one and done the meaning when you shoot you you're over with you don't sit there and get a bunch of rebounds why because we had a limited time you know we only have ten minutes left at the clinic we probably went overtime right here we gotta end quick and definitely went to my benefit cuz this cat was Browdy and aggressive I would have had to play on a whole nother level of physicality if we were playing multi shot per possession and Johnny said bring his ankles or naw so dude has a pretty good balance yeah I'll give him that like you know and he was playing physical I had it I didn't have no any problem with that what was interesting is his energy and how personal the matchup was I almost feel like he came to the clinic just to try to beat me one on one like that was his purpose for being there because he's from China I don't know if he came for the clinic or he was in Cali or what as you can see he was really frustrated I tried to highfather I lighten the mood like a relaxed dude like it's a fun game you know isn't what people were really physical in rowdy sometimes he's got to go right by him don't mess around you're quick buckets sometimes you know I mean I've always found that's something I got to do to open a tough defender up or somebody who wants to play physical remember that all right so fun game now there's a funny story attached to this game that happens the next day so that night was whatever the next day I wake up in the morning and I'm checking my Twitter feed and I get a hit up from a few fans that are telling me that this guy that I played had said something on a Chinese social media I don't know if he had a following or whatever but he said that myself and dribble too much are liars because what we posted online wasn't a real depiction from what actually happened day of and I found that interesting because if you look at this baller visions video I mean the game was to to zip and we should it shut probably showed four or five possessions in real life it was probably a seven maybe eight possession game and the ones we cut out were like a foul you know dribble out of bounds whatever miss jumper but here's the thing when you when you show videos online you tend to show the highlights I mean when we depict highlights a professor live I'm never gonna show a story I'm never gonna show it in a way that's deliberately untrue okay now are we going to leave some stuff all like hey what it's like a flame is or just a dumb turn over or whatever it's like we leave that stuff off now I'm not gonna show only the ill highlights of a game if I have a good game like like whatever we show and depict has to be on par with how it really happened okay so one thing to take into account this game right here verbatim happened the way you saw despite like two or three possessions okay so this dude you know came to the table saying or somehow in China that we're liars and we just put the best highlights and whatever so I get hit up from a bunch of people saying that and then I get hit up on Twitter directly from somebody by the Twitter name of at love D loading and it said the Chinese say you're cheating you just edited it he can stop you lol by the way he's in Los Angeles - and then there's a picture of myself dribble too much and this kid that I just played so I'm thinking to myself like this they're playing third person but it sounds like it's the dude he's saying the Chinese like now all of China is saying that I'm cheating and that we just edited it and also that he could stop me and and his location like I guess third party fan just said all that right so I'm thinking it's him so my response and my godoh responded a lot of people on Twitter that can't keep up with it but when I do it's got to be someone I know in this case it was somebody I just had an interaction with the previous day and met so I tell him I respond I say well mind you he wants me to think it's third party so I act I rock with his game third party so I said the only reason that dude got any stops was because I tried to do like eight moves per possession to entertain the crowd the score was 2-0 and it's true I mean the guy was playing defense on the bottom half of the key if I want to make the game quick I would just put a dribble down there and just pulled up but I love to entertain that's what I do for a living I'm trying to entertain people the game so I'm trying a whole bunch of moves and I said that's all the reason he got stops game is to zero what do we talk about okay so he responds and he says many Chinese citizens Koro with you for him we love you okay so that's a little weird cuz now you're saying that Chinese citizens got a core oh you already told me that and but all China loves me at the same time so you know my response to him was you know appreciate the support not worried about any opinions man it was a simple game to - I posted the highlights just like I do all the time and what I didn't include 120 characters we've depicted a true story it wasn't easy okay so then responds again again okay can you have a game with him he said you were a liar and this time he's attached a Jif to it where I did I tried to go between his legs and a kick he kicked me and went out of bounds but that was in the baller visions video that's video we just saw so I'm guessing he didn't see that well the one he got him upset was the Instagram and it's this Johnny had actually may I actually hadn't put out any video footage at this point dribble too much it just made a mix from the whole camp so I respond again I say well why would I go play somebody I beat easily and then he responded saying a whole bunch of things like first it was I love you professor that's what he came back with I'm like wait first you say I was liar I need to play you gave me your location on his now as I love you yes it's like confusing it's like okay maybe you felt bad he went there or whatever and then he's deleted him now the tweets aren't on record anymore but he started saying a bunch of stuff like you need to play me I think it's whack you won't you won't set up another game we'll do it quick I'll come to you he starts saying all this stuff I'm like broski like I don't want to play the game was 2-0 easy win um the way you were playing it wouldn't be good YouTube footage you're sagging off like three feet you're playing he said something who stopped it I don't want to play you so I ended up not even responding but as I look back on record anything after I love you professor he actually deleted so anyway funny story I thought it was interesting that he followed up first hand I don't know for a fact that was him but probably was him I can't imagine a third party fan either in China or here would say that I actually need to play him not to mention some of the bio is written in Chinese and there's actually no profile pic so I think it was this guy and it was just interesting going into this what a personal vendetta this whole thing was and it's almost like he went to the clinic just for the specifically and I think because he was from China Johnny let him into the clinic you know over-aged you know usually you would say nobody over 18 he was 25 as a pro player leged League I mean could have been a pro he was a decent player I'm not gonna say he's not a good player but of funny stories I'll be honest in my career I have a lot of instances like this where it's really personal and sometimes a challenge for me to treat it with humility and just know that that's part of the gasps part of the territory but nonetheless it was all good it's all love I kind of against that dude even if he he's mad at me or whatever but a funny story I felt like I need to tell you guys and shout out to this guy he's watching this video I got a love for you my guy hopefully I upset but this was funny if it was you anyway thank you guys for checking this out more reaction videos coming soon [Music]
Channel: Professor Live
Views: 1,123,540
Rating: 4.8345499 out of 5
Keywords: professor 1v1, professor loses, professor troll, globalhooper, spiderman basketball, grayson the professor boucher, professor reaction, professor nba, nba, crossover, ankle breaker
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2018
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