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Hono is a glass studio that creates pens using hard glass. Hard glass pens have excellent heat resistance and wear resistance, preventing the pen tip from wearing out. Today, we will show you the process of making colored glass pens. Now, let's take a look together. The material for the glass pen is hard glass. Hard glass is highly heat resistant, requiring more than twice the temperature of soft glass. Cutting it according to the size. Adjusting the height of the armrest. To make a glass pen, three pieces of glass need to be connected into one. First, we connect the glass for the handle part. Next, we connect the glass for the pen tip. While applying constant pressure, we shape the handle of the pen. We cool it until it hardens. At a temperature of 1200 degrees, we create a spiral pattern while rotating. While stretching the glass, we cut the end part. Making the pen tip. We also make the pen tip by stretching the heated glass straight. Polishing the pen tip. An important step in determining the writing feel. Testing.
Channel: プロセスX
Views: 1,582,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yt:cc=on, process of making, knowhow, plant, works, planting, craftsman, craftsmanship
Id: 4VTO70D-UgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 46sec (526 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2023
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