The Problem With Events In Genshin Impact

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continually updating video games are known to provide us with content in two different forms permanent and temporary true to their definitions permanent content entails anything that will be a part of the game's foundational design hereafter while temporary content is anything that is only meant to be instituted for a short period of time a week or several weeks or on occasion it might only be a few days if not less these are commonly referred to as events whatever the case scansion impacts like every gotcha is a continually updating game providing us with a steady albeit small stream of things for plays to do every week with sumerofast approaching if not already released by the time you see this a huge wave of permanent content will be following suit opening up an entire new region for us to explore and likewise tons of new enemies to fight new items to collect new secrets to discover and of course new characters to seduce us into ripping our wallets a new one that's all well and good but something that i feel like is not only a missed opportunity but a point of concern for new players is the disparity and inconsistencies surrounding the balance of permanent and temporary content a sore spot for genshin has always been its substance or lack thereof the foundation of tivat is rich with landscapes culture places to explore enemies to encounter and it will only continue to expand as more and more of the land is made available as to discover but unfortunately a lot of its actual substance was only around for a limited time when many of us believe it should have been included in the base game going forward that brings us to our video for today i wanted to discuss the problem with events in genji impact and how even though mihoyo gives us a lot of fun and engaging content the way they deliver on it is not the best way to go about things before we continue any further just want to give a shout out to today's sponsor this video is brought to you by outplayed once again it's a video capturing software on overwolf that works for every popular game such as genshin players love to record and share clips in genshin all the time and if you're one of them you can try this one out outplayed automatically captures any interesting highlights during your play or allows you to record manually using a hotkey which you can then immediately port over to your discord server or have it uploaded to youtube anywhere you feel like sharing the app has a built-in video editor if you feel like touching it up a bit before sharing and the best part is that it works for a ton of different games besides genqing you can use it for league of legends valorant hongkai impact rainbow six siege and many more if you already have overwolf then downloading is a very easy process should you be interested in using outplayed feel free to use the link on screen or in the description really simple but cool app that makes recording highlights easier for you thanks again to alpine for sponsoring the video but for now let's get back into it more than other genres gacha games pride themselves for better or worse on impermanence and that impermanence takes a hold of a large majority of their content the reason for this is self-evident scarcity mindset a scarcity mindset is the idea or world view that opportunities resources and successes are uncommon and as such must be guarded in the context of gaming developers a scarcity mindset to accomplish two goals the first is to encourage or rather pressures clientele into remaining attached to the game for as long as possible the second is to artificially inflate the immediate value of something by planting the notion that if a player fails to jump at an opportunity another one will not come scarcity mindset often gets used interchangeably with fomo fear of missing out and fomo is what drives people to act impulsively grasping for things even when it may not be beneficial to them because there is a limited resource or time frame to do so many are already aware of the predatory nature of gatu games via their monetization systems but another way to administer the scarcity mindset is by intentionally suppressing the full extent of a game's experience incentivizing players to remain committed or in extreme cases addicted to logging on every day content in video games is not unlike that of a standard menu at any establishment that serves food and drink they have their normal range of items that are available year round but every once in a while they toss in a special or limited time item either to celebrate indication or because they feel like experimenting for a bit as such the point of permanent content is to give players enough of the game's experience to remain engaged to it and at a surface level genji manages to execute on this rather competently if you were a brand new player starting out today you would have dozens upon dozens of hours of things to do i wouldn't be surprised if the entirety of genji's permanent content following the advent of sumeru spans over 200 hours suffice to say you're gonna be able to enjoy a lot more in one sitting than day one players have roughly two years ago the obvious benefit of permanent content lies in the very definition of the word permanence the chess that spawn around the world the puzzles you can discover the archon quests character stories hangout events domains and whatnot will be a part of genshin from now until the end of its lifetime and it will be something every player regardless of when they start can look forward to moreover it's important to have a healthy balance of new permanent content added to the game as time goes on as it gives those who perhaps took a break for a few months a reason to come back and see what's new for all intents and purposes each new region of tibet is not unlike an expansion you would see in other titles a huge wave of permanent content is released all at once similarly to how final fantasy xiv featured the heavens ward stormblood shadowbringers and n walker every two years large expansions are a good way to reignite a playerbase's passion and excitement for the game that would otherwise not be possible through smaller events but it wouldn't be wise for all new content added to the game to remain in perpetuity as that leads to overbloating of the game's essential experience by distracting and or diluting the core part of it therefore developers have to be selective with what they want permanently added to the game since too much selection can be counterproductive quality over quantity is integral to establishing an identity on the flip side temporary content or events can be a fantastic way to reward existing players who regularly log on and play every day and convince new players to try out the game for a special price creating large scale expansions understandably takes a lot of time so developers can keep the fire burning with smaller events here and there gentian's flagship events can usually be identified by whether or not they provide a crown of insight as a reward a rare item that is used to rank up character talents from level 9 to 10. there's usually one crown event every version the benefit of these events is that they either promote a new area or feature such as the three realms gateway offering giving a players a reason to check out the new encanomia or to breathe new life into existing areas like how shadows emit snow storms brought players back to dragon spine after having spent most of the summer and fall in nina zuma something i think genqin does really well is expand on the world building with these events and make the characters feel more intertwined with the mythos of tibet i loved how we got to see clee and albedo travel tina zuma as tourists during zephyr of the violin garden or how we got to see ito and shinobu travel to liue during hidden dreams in the depths it's a nice touch especially since we really don't see characters wandering around in the overworld from day to day events can also be used to provide a steady flow of valuable resources that wouldn't be good for the game's economy if it were readily available in the base scheme and this applies to even single player despite not having general commerce as mentioned before we have the crown of insight while it would be nice for these to be unlimited in supply so we don't have to pick and choose which characters to max out and just max all of them they are a great way to encourage players to check out those events as there's no other way to get more of them outside of that but events do come with their own drawbacks while temporary bits of enjoyment are great for granting a bit of extra indulgence to the players certain aspects should not be exclusive to just events furthermore temporary content is like dessert they exist to complement your main course to finish your meal with the sweet taste but ultimately the important part is that main course if the base game lacks sufficient evergreen content events cannot make up for it you can have the most amazing events ever made but when you have nothing but dessert for every meal it doesn't feel as special anymore permanent and temporary content are inextricably connected to each other one cannot exist without the other yet at the same time one should remain mutually exclusive from one another it's a very delicate balance of knowing what should stay temporary and what should become permanent whether it's okay for this new event to remain in the game even after the event period or if it should be taken out and this is where we encounter the first problem with events in genji and impact lately there appears to be a far greater emphasis placed on events than the base game even though it really should be the other way around i can't speak for what lasting features will be introduced along with sumer since i'm writing this before it's officially in the game but throughout version 2's 9 events something has been made abundantly clear a lot of them could have stayed even after their event period was over it should be clarified that most events are designed around a specific occasion for example in other games especially anime ones there's usually a summer event and with it comes skins or alternative characters where units are wearing swimsuits or there might be a holiday event where everyone's wearing christmas stuff naturally wouldn't make a whole lot of sense for a player to run into a winter themed event in the middle of july in that regard events like the lantern right celebrating chinese new year in liue or the summer events in the golden apple archipelago should remain in their respective seasons but there are some events that look like they can very easily fit into the base game without being intrusive to player experiences or in some cases not including them or at least a part of them can be extremely detrimental to the experiences of players who weren't actively playing when the event was running the most egregious defender of this was one of the game's first flagship events unreconciled stars in version 1.1 while it first appeared to look like a regular coin shop event in which you collected materials to trade in for standard fare like talent books ascension materials more and whatnot the quest line itself had very plot relevant details pertaining to the greater lore surrounding tivet including the reveal of scaramouche one of the fertility harbingers who you wouldn't run into in the main storyline until a year later meaning if you didn't play during unreconciled start's event period not only did you miss out on some meaningful screen time for official but also a very critical revelation the coinshot part of it could have been dismissed but something that revelatory should not be a limited time thing if we're being really pedantic about it a player could miss that entire segment and still follow the archon storyline but that doesn't detract from the point that that kind of content should have been permanent since then there are also the two dragon spine events with albedo explaining why he spent so much time up there and his connection with the dragon that was buried beneath again technically not all too relevant to the main plot line but it explains a very important piece of narrative background and is really the only reason you would care about dragon spine in the first place outside of it being another area to find chess and whatnot fortunately for future events they integrated the focal point of every event into the main storyline two examples are the crane returns on the wind and perilous trail which are interlude chapters the former leading to the reconstruction of the jade chamber after it was destroyed during the end of the leo arc and the latter revealing the chasm and labyrinth underneath while the event rewards are no longer available you can still access the story part of these events and they feature very very important backstories for a lot of characters so good on them for doing so that being said outside of events there really isn't a whole lot of reason to explore entire areas in genshin for instance ankanomia is an entire dungeon deep beneath the sangnomia shrine and features the founders of watasumi island but apart from exploring the area to gain access to the coral defenders for dragon hairs false fin players don't have any real external motivation to go back into that area and explore the other parts of it at least not until we had the three roms gateway offering event one of my favorites even though it was really long it made you explore pretty much every nook and cranny of the place and leveling up the bokusoe box to be able to explore further was a cool feature in essence a lot of areas in tivat have no substance to them besides the initial exploration and events by extension there really isn't a whole lot to do in the base game other than whatever event is happening at the moment and that usually confines you to one area another issue at genshin's events is that it's a disappointing waste of effort on the developers parts some of the game's most engaging combat scenarios took place in the temporary dungeons and domains introduced in tandem with events as ridiculous as it sounds i actually kind of liked the elemental crucible event if memory serves it was the only event to this day where co-op was mandatory and the only reason people didn't like it was because it cost resin to participate but the gameplay itself wasn't even half bad it was actually kind of fun considering the location where it took place being a very big landmark on the world map but nothing really happening there otherwise i don't see why they couldn't have left it there as an introductory tutorial on multiplayer there were a ton of gameplay events that presented combat in a more nuanced way stuff that made players rethink how they had to approach every dungeon instead of picking their strongest units and destroying everything labyrinth warriors legend of the vagabond sword perilous trail three realms gateway offering vibro crystal one of my biggest complaints about combating genshin has always been the lack of variety in scenarios these events created those scenarios and it's a shame that some form of each of them were never reinstated in the base scheme personally i would much rather play labyrinth warriors to farm xp books instead of ley lines or i would love to do the perilous trail domain to farm weapon ascension materials perhaps if at all possible they could have been sources of end game content for players it feels like such a waste of time and effort to make comprehensive dungeons that are only available for like three weeks only to never be seen again at the same time however it wouldn't be very prudent for mihoyo to make every single event area and or domain a permanent edition even if they downgraded the rewards or did away with them entirely feature creep happens very often and leads to a lot of games feeling very congested if there are too many things you have to do it can feel overwhelming for players as they not only have to complete whatever event is happening right now but also whatever events they missed out on before on one hand it can be very disheartening for players who joined the game recently to realize all the stuff they missed out on but on the other having every single event be permanent basically means new players won't be able to catch up without playing 4 to 500 hours of content first that's also not good the ephemeral nature of events is what makes them so appealing and so special otherwise we take them for granted if we had the same christmas event every year why even bother doing it again the next time i'm by no means trying to argue that all events dungeons and domains should be permanently added to the game that would oversaturate and dilute genshin's experience while game developers should always strive to acquire as many new prospective players as possible they're also beholden to the existing playerbase the ones that stick around you have to find that middle ground the win-win strategy that other gadgets employ are event reruns or set rotation where old events or challenges are routinely cycled through instead of all of them slamming you at once ganchin already does this with banners on top of the new character they usually have a second banner showcasing a rerun but event reevance in conjunction with new events would be nice as well especially the ones that give weapons or items like the dodoko coattails festering desire and cinnabar spindle to name a few to prevent players from having too many resources they can make it so you can only get the rewards once one of the best storyline events was the golden apple archipelago featuring clee jean and barbara which players have been clamoring for a rerun for to everyone's surprise the archipelago is back but with an entirely new event attached to it so they sort of made good on their promise of bringing it back i don't know how many of you watched kazoo cast's video on why genshin impact won last but he criticized the lantern ride rerun for featuring an entirely different storyline than the one that came before while i agree with some parts of that argument i'm also the school of thought that continually updating games are not netflix shows they're not meant to be replayable from start to finish on demand whenever a player wants the whole idea of these games is for players to continue playing them following the world's continuity as if they themselves are living in tibet that's part of the experience of updating games if i were to go back to an old mmo like say maplestory i can't expect to go all the way back to the glory days of free big bang and play from then to now that would be utterly nonsensical so mihoyo isn't obligated to treat genshin like that all the same they're not giving enough focus to the main course of the game choosing instead to focus primarily on dessert there are some events that should be time exclusive either because they pertain to real world seasonality holidays etc or they're just extraneous fun little gameplay elements like theater mechanicus or the drink a dreaming event would it be nice sure but if we had to pick and choose we could make do without them there are also events that would really serve to enhance the experience of the game if there were permanent editions and no not just for the purposes of end game content but overall enjoyability for both casual and hardcore players alike anyways the video is getting really long so i'll end it off here if you could choose three events of old to add to the base game what would they be and why let me know in the comments down below for now if you enjoyed the video i'd appreciate it if you could leave a like and subscribe consider following me on twitter at varaspherum joining my discord server and checking out my other discussion videos if you haven't yet but till next time thanks so much for watching and i look forward to seeing you again soon take care [Music] you
Channel: Vars II
Views: 155,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin, genshin impact, vars genshin impact, genshin why no one plays, genshin impact gameplay, genshin discussion, genshin impact analysis, mihoyo, hoyoverse, genshin impact game, genshin impact graphics, genshin impact sumeru, genshin impact version 3.0, genshin impact dendro, genshin impact new content, genshin impact events, genshin impact limited event, genshin impact content, genshin impact event, genshin impact problems, the problem with events
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 27 2022
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