The Problem with Complementarianism

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what's happening polite Society I hope you're having a good week if you're here for the first time welcome to my channel I'm Alan not too long ago I had the privilege of being able to interview Pastor Joel webben of right response Ministries in case you missed it here is a portion from that interview in this segment Pastor webben discusses some of the problems with complementarianism and why biblical patriarchy is actually the correct biblical position now another issue which is very important today has to do with the duties of men and women in the church the family and Human Society many in conservative big evil hold to what is known as the complementarian position this perspective developed primarily in response to the rise of egalitarianism perhaps the manifesto for complementarianism is the title recovering biblical manhood and Womanhood by Wayne grudem and John Piper however church leaders like yourself and Pastor Michael Foster have pointed out that the complementarian position is actually not the best way there is actually a third way which is more biblically sound as well as more consistent with the view of church history it is sometimes called biblical patriarchy or the gendered piety position Pastor Robin can you one please explain this third View and to describe some of the problems with complementariness yeah that's a great question now um yeah so I you know I would kind of say complementarianism is is the third view I think that you know um in terms of I guess like chronological order you know uh in terms of like when they appeared complementarianism is is um pretty novel you know it's a new idea and and I think you know without being too harsh I just I think complementarianism was the an attempt and I think a failed attempt um to appease the feminist you know the egalitarians I think it was guys who were who were patriarchal uh but were saying that word is just you know it carries too much negative connotation it's just too loaded you know it's it's a buzzword it's going to upset people and we want to you know we want to have a big tent you know and cast a broad net and we don't want to and so I yeah I think complementarianism was kind of this um it was trying to take biblical patriarchy which is that you know that is the historic clear biblical view uh but trying to take that and and kind of just wrap it in tensile you know and make it shiny and make it more palatable uh you know and but the problem is that if that's all it was you know I think that you know there would be certain challenges with that but in order to do that I think that the complementarians many of them actually um they didn't just dress up patriarchy uh but they they dressed down patriarchy um and they did it in terms of um not just its appearance or its presentation but actually it's uh it's Doctrine so for instance um one of the things that complementarianism just kind of assumes is that men and women are the same um in terms of on the inside but but that all of our differences are really external all of our differences it's just um at the end of the day if you get down to the you know the center of a man or the center of the woman it's just Humanity uh it's it's really just the same um but it's it's really uh the the external factors biological external factors you know but then also in terms of external roles and duties that's really the distinction between men and women um and and I think one of the things that that subtly came out of that is um a subtle indictment of God himself um as though God were arbitrary as though God assigns roles for no apparent reason right like like um you know God just assigned the role of flight to a bird and assign the role of swimming to a fish and it's like well are you sure I didn't have anything to do with you know you told the bird to fly but he sure didn't have anything to do with its feathers and wings and Hollow bone structure you know he took the fish to swim but I I mean it does seem like you know it stems from its nature that it has gills and fins and and scales um and and that's the same with man and woman uh man and woman we're different all the way down you can you know Matt Walsh has said you know with his what is a woman you know documentary but uh you know you you can dig up a skeleton that's 200 years old and and and tell if it was a man or a woman that's it's male and female it's all the way down to the bone it's not just uh length of hair you know or whether or not you wear makeup lipstick and it's not just reproductive you know organs and and it's I mean it's down to your chromosomes it's all all that and so the point is that God when he assigns roles and things like that to creatures is not arbitrary and likewise the role of the distinction of roles between men and women is not arbitrary it stems from design it's not male and female roles he assigned them it's male and female Natures he designed them male and female he made them not male and female as abstract duties and one's going to get this female Duty and another is going to get this male it's not male and female he assigned them it's male and female he designed them he made them so our maleness and our femaleness which which directly dictates what we're called to do our responsibilities our Authority our our um jurisdiction all the all these different things our realm where uh that that whole idea of male and female duties and responsibilities and callings directly stems from nature who we are a man does these things because he's built for a woman does these things because she's built for it and yes these are two distinct things that complement one another but I just started to notice in the complementarian world that it seems like a lot of guys you know someone would outright say this but some of them wouldn't verbalize it but it seems like a lot of guys believe like a woman could preach she's just not supposed to and and I even would notice like some of these soft complementarian guys saying you know my wife you know probably a better preacher than me you know uh she you know and they would say these things to kind of you know like basically to prove that they're that they're not chauvinist you know like like to prove that they value women and but But the irony is that the statements even as as kind of like these tongue-in-cheek jokes the statements that had to be made to prove that they value women were uh talking about how women could do things that are male right rather than just I value women because my wife can do all these things that I can't do I can't do and not just I'm not called to not just I'm not supposed to I can't and I would argue that in terms of preaching for instance I would say it's not just that a woman shouldn't preach right it's not just you know the the competing between men and women you know the woman's like anything you can do I can do better I can do anything better than you but I'm not called to no that that's not that's not what the Bible teaches it's not just that a woman can't a a shouldn't preach a woman can't preach be because we we've we've forgotten the essence of of preaching preaching there is a sense in which preaching is feeding Christ's sheep it's nourishing the sheep and then we you know we think feminine we think nourishment we think um you know and the apostles use that language it's sparing but but there are you know um like like a like a mother nourishing you know or like Jesus even said I long to gather you as a mother hen under its wings and so there is some language used by by masculine men Jesus himself or the Apostle Paul talking about Ministry pastoral um male leadership Ministry in the church in nourishing feminine type terms but that that's the Minority Report um it's true there's something there but that is that's not it's it's sparing um but there's another part of pastoral leadership it's uh which is used I think far more common uh commonly but is um that it's a fatherly role These Are Spiritual fathers in the church um nursing fathers but fathers nonetheless so yes they're fathers that have a degree of gentleness they're fathers who nourish they're fathers who are caring and loving and but but they are fathers not mothers and and then in addition to that um they also they chastise at times they rebuke at times are they correct at times and there's a sense of preaching is is feeding Christ's sheep and all then preaching is also the rallying the troops for battle so there's also a general type um you know atmosphere to preaching where you know William Wallace is is is going down the line and clanking his sword against all the other swords and and rallying the troops invigorating them inspiring them to to go to war and and to fight valiantly and so my point is um that's it's not just that um that a woman is not allowed to do that type of ministry it's that she can't um she can't and we try to depict it in movies all the time but it doesn't work it just doesn't it's not believable it's um that's just not the way that God has designed the world so all that means that patriarchy it just means father world uh father rule that's all it means it's just fatherhood we and we believe that at the end of the day you know we start with God who is a father God identifies himself and communicates that identity to us that he is a father and we live we have no the choice but to live in The Father's World in accordance with the father's rules and the Father of Lights from whom every good and perfect gift comes down he He blesses and works in multiple different varieties and Fashions but but primarily first and foremost God works as a father through human fathers he works through fathers in the home familial fathers he works through fathers in the church ecclesiastical fathers elders and he works through fathers in the civil magistrate with civil fathers and and this is the way that the world has worked uh for whether you're a Christian or not in Pagan Nation wherever this is the way that the world has functioned um for Millennia until a very very very recently and uh and so I I don't know when I look at you know these kinds of things I just think like like what's more likely um that that we're the first generation to finally understand uh what the Bible teaches about men and women or uh that we've been discipled by feminism you know and and I just you know I think that second explanation seems far more plausible so all that means that complementarianism is that men and women are different they complement one another but it gives the emphasis to the difference of men and women enroll and not not much emphasis to the difference between men and women in design that men and women are not just called to do different things but they're called to do different things that do complement one another but because God actually made them different in terms of their very nature all the way down to the bone and that that's a good thing thanks for watching everyone 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Channel: Polite Leader
Views: 4,880
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Keywords: biblical manhood and womanhood, women pastors, female pastors, can women be pastors?, can women be in the ministry?, complementarianism, egalitarianism, joel webbon, pastor joel webbon, right response ministries, the bible men and women, the bible women pastors, joel webbon right response, joel webbon right respnose ministries, can women preach?, women are to be silent in the church, pastors, the bible pastors, complementarian, john piper, wayne grudem
Id: acoLmHyj5es
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 21 2022
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