The Problem With Candace Owens | Coleman Hughes

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and you said before that it's important to be kind of careful with language around this what do you make of Candace Owens language around this cuz she's very very polarizing and I said some quite kind of provocative things around race yeah I I think she is very unserious in in the sense that you know I've seen her say things without any evidence of her feeling of burden to back it up with a fact like Richard Spencer is a democratic plant when challenged on Joe Rogan about why she thinks climate change isn't real she doesn't even have a single study to back it up she's not a smart climate skeptic or it's just her gut feeling against the view that she thinks is wrong and when asked to back it up often has nothing the Southern Strategy never happened that's I mean that if you're gonna argue that you better have some you better you better know something that mainstream historians don't but she seems to feel no burden to back those opinions up with evidence which is my first problem my second problem is that she seems to have very little respect for civil discourse and free speech she tweeted that Hillary Muller and Bezos should all be locked up she tweeted that right okay is that someone who's serious about civil discourse or someone who likes seeing their enemies thrown in jail or someone who's performing I know I actually can't tell I'm willing to believe that she is I'm willing to believe that most people are nice people but many nice people are also constitutionally incapable of really charitable civil discourse kind of beliefs and they enjoy bullying and Candace gives me that sense in addition to being someone who is comfortable making factional inaccurate claims and just kind of letting them sit there because there's also this sort of sense that in the in the current kind of expansion of the culture war someone like like her a black conservative is of huge value to one side in that culture war but there's this sort of sense of huge forces pulling people towards more extreme positions I'm sure that the the incentives of social media anything based on an ad model is you're getting paid by the clique so all the incentives are aligned to cater to your outrage to show you things that you either hate or love which is going to show you ever more shallow versions of the opinions you disagree with and ever more moralizing and extreme versions of the opinions you do agree with whether that is that explains candace Owens's candace owens his beliefs is something i can't know and don't particularly care about and i don't really care how she came to her belief that Richard Spencer was a democratic plant I don't care how she came to the belief that women who don't have children have something biochemically wrong with them as she put it the former is a conspiracy theory and the latter is just a bullying thing to say it's just mean and it's not interesting so you know my my critique of her has nothing to do with who she's funded by because again you could be funded by someone and still happen to be right you could be funded by the Koch brothers and have correct opinions just like you can be funded by George Soros and have correct opinions or incorrect opinions so you know my my problem with her is the way she thinks ironically Kanye famously tweeted I love the way Candace oh it stinks but it's precisely the way she thinks that's the problem which is to say there are many things that I agree with her on her general critique of the left on race issues is often spot-on but it's the way she thinks that's the problem because it's not it's often not evidence-based at all which leads her to say these things that are patently false and you know it actually amazes me sometimes I forget how big a platform she has because just when I see a clip of her and how shallow it is I assume that she doesn't have that big of a following but then every once in a while I've I'm reminded of her Twitter followers and I'm surprised every time you're increasingly in a in a really influential position and speaking on some of the kind of the hottest topics how do you make sure that you are keeping your own mind open and being exposed to kind of critiques and being kind of having the kind of intellectual curiosity and intellectual honesty to challenge your own views and perspectives mmm do you think that's a really important thing for you to do and it's well I think one thing I'm very afraid of is if I ever became I guess there's this thing when somehow as the number of Twitter followers you have goes up people's willingness to challenge you on your beliefs in private sometimes goes down which doesn't make sense and is really concerning so I can imagine someone who has a million Twitter followers who is a legend and who surrounds themselves by people who praise them constantly and they lose their edge to the point where when they're confronted by someone who really knows the topic and challenges them they're left completely there their cards are shown and they realize holy crap I've just been surrounded by people who are smelling my farts and not challenging me at all I think that's happened to a lot of people how do you avoid smelling of phones well I don't really have i'm not big enough to have a posse of people who agree with me and that also sounds like horrible that sounds like a nightmare I would much rather have people which I do who disagree with me all the time so I seek out those interactions I have friends who think I'm wrong about like big parts of the way I assess race issues and I talk to those friends so I get that pushback I read opinions I disagree with frequently tried to steal man my opponents all of these things try to stay mentally flexible and mentally healthy understand that you can change your opinion on something and it's not the end of the world you can admit to being wrong and it's not - not the end of the world so yeah I'm not super concerned about it but I do think about it
Channel: The Invisible Man
Views: 373,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Problem With Candace Owens, Coleman Hughes, Rebel Wisdom, Quillette, Intellectual Dark Web, Centrist, Centrism, politics, society, mind, psychology, racial politics, race, critical reasoning, thought, logic, arguments, Candace Owens
Id: R42RdN63BrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 53sec (473 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2019
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