The Prince of Peace Is Coming: Rejoice!

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[Music] my wife and I were on our way to a church that Sunday was a Sunday morning when I heard my storm strong for the very first time as a matter of fact it was the Easter Sunday morning and here comes this strong voice over the television and I'll tell you why it was unusual because I normally would not look at any preachers on television I just that was just a no-no for me and I had gone out that morning based on some crazy tradition that I heard about and I actually wanted to prove it so early that morning I got up before the sunrise because I wanted to go out to prove something I had heard and this was it's silly now but I had to make sure it was true that every Easter Sunday morning the Sun shouted don't ask me how to play but I was the one that wanted to prove it I went out and I sat in a location in my hometown I had bought a dark pair of sunglasses because I had to prove this and so I said then the Sun came up I got back home my wife said well what did you find out and I said the only thing the Sun did was rise I said they lied again well at that time I turned the television on and there was this little old man and I heard him shout the words this is not the day that Jesus Christ was resurrected from the dead and I went what and both my wife and I stood there listening as she was preparing my daughter and we were both preparing to go to church that Sunday by the time mr. Herbert W Armstrong finished I was so shocked at what he said because one of the things that helped he proved it from the Bible I was like the cartoon character when something shark's the cartoon character what happens to the mouth it hits the floor and I called a friend of mine it's that you're not going to believe what I heard well he was an exciting exciting as I was I thought he lost his mind and my wife and I really struggled that day to go to church that Sunday morning but we did and then the preacher gets up and he says this is the day our Lord and Savior was raised from the dead and I looked at my wife we both went something's wrong and it was from there after that day believe it or not we never went back mr. Armstrong convinced us so much that there was something definitely wrong with religion and I asked you to look back look back in time brethren think about that day for the very first time that God revealed his truth to you as an individual because what I want you to think about and be reminded of is what we're a part of and the very reason you're here today it's a very special reason it's a very special calling we've been called out of the world and understanding what would take place brethren very soon for Christians for us and for mankind as well is going to be absolutely incredible we are about to face something very powerful and it should bring joy to every one of us because we are a part of something special and what's so wonderful about our calling brother is what happened soon what is going to happen will actually just be the beginning of what we will see for eternity and the rewards for the Christians the rewards for all of us will be awesome how much do you think about that how much do you ponder in your mind and think about what's about to happen and you know another wonderful thing to think about brother when Christ was turned is what mankind will finally get to enjoy finally something awesome something wonderful is going to happen and when it's enforced mankind will definitely be very grateful right now mankind is not grateful actually for anything because runners will see it's something that mankind has been trying to bring about but the problem with it all is they're trying to do it apart from God and it doesn't work does it I feel like I'm gonna bite this thing if I don't move it back just a little maybe you'll still be able to hear my my voice but apart from God what man does is impossible it won't it won't work man has incredible knowledge but what man wants to achieve won't happen you know ghrelin will have to remember that the world is in great turmoil they've shown pictures of Iraq and Iran in all of these places as they bomb various places and they show little children I think we're all aware of Aleppo and those things just hurt your heart doesn't it it makes you hurt from mankind but Humanity is in a is is in turmoil and it is it's even stated and as we miss their sweat touched on it yesterday but we're look at it again today but creation as a result of mankind is tortured I mean think about it we pollute the air we pollute the food we pollute the water we're destroying this very beautiful earth and we have to understand it's a result of man's misguided and Mis rule and there are wrong principles and approach to life and it's heavily influenced by Satan the devil you know dr. Meredith has always said a deceived person does not know that they're deceived let's go over to Romans for a moment chapter 8 and I know mr. sweat touched on it but I want to just go back and touch on it a little more I like mr. sweat I'm going to take a little quick drink here romans chapter 8 and i'll try not to touch all of it as he did but verse 18 for i consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us for the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of god you know brother you know I think how excited is Christ about wanting to come back right now because he sees what's happening in this wretched society that we live in I wonder how excited he is about that waiting to meet his brothers and sisters for the very first time for the creation was subjected to futility I looked at that word a little bit and it brings out the world the word morally morals the morals of mankind are basically zero the morals have changed we know they have not willingly but because of him who subjected it in hope because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption what we are going to see in the future is everything changed it may take time but it's going to be a beautiful world that we are going to be a part of so it's going to be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God do we appreciate that thought that we're going to have a part in something awesome and I do mean awesome brother when we look at what God's Word tells us for we know that the whole creation groans and Labor's with birth pains together until now think about that I remember when my wife was about to deliver our daughter I was at the hospital and I'm thinking about the pains as it says creation is groaning like labor pains and we were at the hospital she was very close to delivering our daughter and there was a lady in the other room right across the hall and I'm sitting there and she's screaming she's really screaming in a lot of pain then all of a sudden she said I changed my mind and I thought vainly I said you're about nine months too late and I think about this creation itself is in pain because of of what mankind has done on the face of this earth everything we touch we destroy and as a result of greed and selfishness and we know that so it's grown it grows now not only that but we also who have the firstfruits of the Spirit even we ourselves groan within ourselves you know Paul tells us in Romans 12 and think it's verse 9 that we should have poor the evil that we see around do we groan brethren do we pray about this society and what's happening all around us do we hurt and it does hurt to know that people have to suffer to know that little children are suffering and it's all a result of the selfishness of mankind but he says that but we also who have the firstfruits of the Spirit even we ourselves groan within ourselves eagerly waiting for the and it says adoption and I think it should as well mean sonship the redemption of our body you know brother we could at this point ask what is the problem why is mankind's actions and mindset such as it is why is it what's wrong now we all know that Satan's present is a major problem but Paul reveals something else let's go to Romans chapter 1 that there's more to the story mankind too must bear its responsibility for us happening today in this society look at Romans chapter 1 because here is a major problem in society and we can't continue to make excuses for why things are the way they are verse 21 he says because all that I'm just breaking into the story because although they knew God here's a problem they did not glorify Him as God nor were they nor were thankful but became futile in their thoughts and their foolish hearts were darkened God has given us major evidence of his existence I know there are atheists I don't remember her name but it was one lady that was supposed to be this great atheist and if the story is correct understand she was in a car accident and I think she died actually but before that what do you think her words were oh my god after denouncing God all of her life all of a sudden she realizes she's in trouble and who was she calling on I think people know I don't care if they're atheists it's foolish because we have much evidence to prove that there is a real God mr. Munsen gave us in his sermon incredible evidence that we are at the end of the age the signs are there things are happening and we as God's people must be aware of that and not take it lightly so Paul reveals that there is a serious disregard of the law or lack of respect towards God among mankind but brother we can't be that way because God opened our minds to an incredible truth and there's so much happening around us where people are trying to distort this truth even among God's people sometimes these things were warned we were warned of these things that they would happen people would creep in and bring in things that are not good people don't have a good respect about what God has declared for mankind that is right and good for all of us and mankind doesn't have a regard to God's laws and his awesome plan of salvation and have gone about to create their own religious ways that was one of the signs religion would spread like wildfire you know brown there's a wonderful title given to Christ mr. sweat touched on it yesterday a wonderful title given to Christ that implicates the implicates what he will do which actually describes what this world is lacking and only Christ can bring it about and it does describe what Christ will accomplish at the end of this age but you know in order for Christ to do what we'll see in just a moment it's not going to be very pleasant for many because mankind can be so selfish and inconsiderate and stubborn and we'll see that I'm going to show you something right out of the pages of the Bible that I just think is so shocking so alarming that Christ will have to do and in order to accomplish it let's go to Roman I'm sorry revelation revelation 11 how what Christ do and I'll give you the title in just a moment I want you to think about this what will Christ have to do there must be a change and to bring about that change it will not be pleasant for many revelation 11 I'll just drop down and skip the first portion look at verse 18 he says the nations were angry and your wrath has come and the time of the dead nation that they should judged and that you should reward your servants the prophets and the Saints brother in the time is coming when we are going to be rewarded for being faithful to God for hanging in there for staying strong for not giving up that time is coming but notice what he says and that you should reward your servants the prophets and the Saints and those who fear your name small and great and what will Christ have to do and is and should destroy those who destroy the earth we must ask brethren why why does Christ have what does Christ have to come with anger why does he have to be wrathful why does the most powerful and loving being come with great wrath why does he have to do it you know powerful lesson let's go to Psalms 36 because we find a powerful lesson here of why things will have to be done the way it will Psalm 36 a powerful lesson this festival portrays is a reason Christ will come being wrathful notice what is stated right here in verse one Psalm 36 verse 1 and Oracle within my heart concerning the transgressions of the wicked he's talking about the wicked those that do not revere God and what does he say there is no fear of God before his eyes brother and we can look around this nation and we understand that there is no respect for the Living God none whatsoever among the religions of the world because everyone goes about to do their own thing and the Apostle Paul echoes the same mindset let's go to Romans chapter 3 again let's go over to Romans as Paul was ELab about the Jews and some of the things that were going on and he comes down to verse 18 Saint thought of Psalm 36 Romans 3 verse 18 Paul says there is no fear of God before their eyes that's how you can do what you do that's how you can promote the things that are being promoted and a great word or phrase to understand about it is sexual immorality it covers a broad spectrum of the sexual problems of this world and the hatefulness and the desire of men and women to do things in their own eyes and though Paul was discussing this to the Jews in this chapter you know brother this is true for all mankind all around the world you just look at it how in the world can a human being put another human being in a cage and set him on fire you want to know why Christ will be wrathful how in the world can a human being slice another man's head off I say this because I want us to think about it because we're going to be a part of what it will take to fix the problems of humanity and we have to make sure we're preparing properly for that we also found that Isaiah writes about what causes problems between man and God what is the problem and brother we have to understand we want to make sure we don't make it a problem for us it's called Isaiah chapter 59 because all of these things we need to remember and certainly understand and respect because one of the things we have to remember as it was stated we are in we are at war this is a spiritual battle we have to arm ourselves with the armor of God because anything else could result in this isaiah 59 verse 1 behold the Lord's hand is not shortened that it cannot save nor his ear heavy that it cannot hear but your iniquities have separated you from your God and your sins have hidden his face from you so that guess what God is not listening if now if we're not walking right with God could our prayers just go to the ceiling mankind is walking in a way that is not pleasing in the sight of God we must not follow those footsteps verse 4 no one calls for justice nor does any plead for truth they speak in em they trust rather in empty words and speak lies they conceive evil and bring forth iniquity that's what we see in this society that's what we're seeing in our candidates it is so embarrassing to see these candidates do the things that they do and as we heard mr. Sweatt mentioned if we are voting for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton we're voting against God and shame on us if we do it that is wrong we are not a part of this world we are ambassadors for Christ you have to understand what an ambassador is if you were an ambassador for the United States and another country you could not be involved in their system we are not a part of this world we are in it we need to eliminate the thought of being involved in this political process is evil it is a Satan the devil jesus said my kingdom is not from here if we are to be sons of God children of God in the kingdom of God our minds should be on things above not on the earth we should not be a part of this system the last part of verse 6 it says their works are our works of iniquity and the acts of violence is in their hands their feet run to evil and they make haste to shed innocent blood their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity wasting and destruction are in their paths this is horrible but this is the society we live in isn't it it is verse 8 t verse the way of peace they have not known and there is no justice in their ways they have made themselves crooked paths whoever takes that way shall not know peace you know if we live by God's laws you realize the peace of mind we could have the joy that we can have if we obey God in every aspect so you see brother again we see that sin reflects a lack of reverence for God defining lack of fear and our God you know I looked up the word fear in various places and it talks about the fact that that is a feeling or attitude of deep respect love and awe of God and you and I know that does not exist in this society not in the religions of this world I'm not ashamed to say it not afraid to speak the truth you want to know how dangerous the mindset of this society is that is let's go to Revelation 9 and notice something you know God allows things to happen hoping to bring mankind to repentance God doesn't want anyone to perish does he how stubborn is mankind how rebellious is mankind revelation 9 because what what I want to show you is the second woe and the fifth Bowl judgment and show you the mind of mankind revelation 9 look at verse now you can write down verses 13 through 21 I won't read all of them well but we're at the sixth trumpet we drop down to verse 18 by these three plagues a third of mankind was killed by the fire the smoke the brimstone which came out of their mouths you know you tell a little child don't touch the stove is hot what happens they test them they test the waters don't they they found out that the the stove is hot I remember one day somehow a little mouse got into our house and I was preparing for work and I walked and I opened the cabinet door and I grabbed something I've walked away in a stop and I thought about though did I see what I just saw and I opened the cabinet and the little mouse looked at me yo what's up man now I knew I had to get that mouse out of there because if my wife were to see that Mouse that would not be good so I thought how in the world am I going to get this little creature out of here he's in there trying to break in my peanut butter John now he's that's the unpardonable sin there buddy you got a problem there so I grabbed I always hey I always keep a can of roach spray not for roaches but for everything and I opened that cabinet i zapped him and he shook his head closing then I open again he jumps out well I had just had breakfast I didn't wake my wife that morning had breakfast the stove was still a hunt and he jumps out he runs behind the little canisters and I spray that way and I spray that way we're going at it I'm spraying and spraying he takes off and hits that hot stove I didn't know him I did not know mice could jump and that little rascal just leaped and hit the floor took off and I went to open the back door and I said I'll get you out of here and I sprayed it sprayed but you know when when when God warns us of things we need to listen that mouse didn't listen this is Roots pre you better get out of here and god's been trying to tell mankind for ages you're going to bring catastrophe on yourselves look at verse 19 for their powers in their mouth and in their tails for their tails are like serpents having heads and with them they do harm but the rest of mankind who were not killed by these plagues what happens what's the nature of man Kent how stubborn how stubborn is mankind look at it did not repent of the works of their hands that they should not worship demons and idols of gold silver brass stone wood which can't see or hear can't do anything and they did not repent of their murders or their sorceries or their sexual immorality or the thefts God's sending a powerful message he's allowing things that happened in mankind is doing this that's horrible Esther banais chapter 16 another quick place just to take a quick look at look at the mindset of humanity stubborn rebellious no respect no fear of God then the fifth angel verse six verse 10 the fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the Beast and his kingdom became full of darkness and they gnawed their tongues because of the pain and they blaspheme God wow they blaspheme God it was a story about an old man who always said on his front porch every day and his dog would always sit behind him or rather right beside him and the dog would always moan just just moan all day and the gentleman walked up and said well what's wrong with the dog he said he's laying on a nail he said well why won't he move the dog had the same problem as mankind he said it doesn't hurt enough he didn't learn his lesson mankind has not yet learned it's lesson they blaspheme the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores and they did not repent of their deeds Britain that is horrible to think about you want to know why Christ comes wrathful because there's no respect there's no reverence for God so a stubborn rebellious mankind must be dealt with and you can count on it Christ is going to bring mankind to its knees because of that rebellion you know brother one of the most awesome titles attributed to Christ is going to become a reality and that is something we all must look forward forward to because the one thing that mankind cannot accomplish Christ will Isaiah chapter 9 let's go over there Isaiah chapter 9 Isaiah chapter 9 verse 6 who unto us a child is born a nun unto us a son is given and the government will be upon his shoulder and his name will be called wonderful counselor mighty God everlasting father look at the last phrase the Prince of Peace brethren the title for my sermon today is the Prince of Peace is coming rejoice yes it's going to be tough yes we will go through trials and tests and some may be tough but you know first Corinthians 10:13 Paul says that God does not allow us to go through trials that we're not able to stand and he makes a way of escape and it's common to man even through trials God is merciful and we ought to be grateful for that we're going to face trials they hurt we should always ask ask the question what's the lesson what's the lesson in every trial we may go through Leviticus 23 let's just take a quick look there Leviticus 23 I'm just going to touch on it I don't take the time to read it all that I may stay on course with the sermon Leviticus 23 verses 33 through 35 and you can actually say 33 through 41 but I just want to touch on a couple of things here speak to the children of Israel verse 34 saying the fifteenth day of this seventh month shall be the feast of tabernacles for seven days to the eternal the first day is to be a holy convocation for us and we shall do no customary work drop down to verse 40 and you shall take for yourselves on the first day the fruit of beautiful trees branches of palm trees the the boughs of leafy trees and willows of the brook and look at what he says you shall rejoice we're here brethren to do and get a foretaste of what is going to happen in the kingdom of God there is going to be abundance God's going to put an end to Satan and mankind's reign it's coming to an end he says you shall rejoice before the eternal your God for seven days you shall keep it as a feast to the eternal for seven days in the year it shall be a statute forever in your generations you shall celebrate and this week brother we should be celebrating I know it was tough I know parking was down the street I know it's crowded don't complain let me explain rejoice we're here to rejoice we're here to get a foretaste of the kingdom of God yes it's tight well guess what you get to meet someone new and I always say what don't don't spend all the time with the people you know spend a lot of time with people you don't know make new friends rejoice we're here to celebrate that word celebrate means to move in a circle it means to be giddy and that's not giddyup horsie now though it's not an insult to the Texans now it means to dance and to reel to and fro to be excited because the great God is about to change everything everything is about to change let's take a little look at some of those things let's go to Isaiah chapter 11 for a quick moment just just to get a slight review because I have some things I want to share with you points I want us to remember things that we've heard but need to hear over and over Isaiah chapter 9 everything is about to change the face of the earth is about to change verse 9 here is something that is wonderful I know he touched on it and our only read verse 9 they shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain there will be no more Isis Taliban boquerĂ³n dum-dum no more because Christ and we with him will rule with Christ as kings and priests and teachers in the kingdom of God people are going to be excited you know we heard mention about our first love have we lost that first love that excitement I know for myself and I'm sure for many ministers we go out we we talk with new people and to see the excitement that they have about this truth and about God's Way of life we saw him though in the behind the work for him those people were excited how much do we grumble husband 30 years he's still not here what if he wait 40 more years well we give up I hope not none of us they will they shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain why because the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the eternal as the waters cover the sea what we're doing and practicing and understanding and living what God has shared with us brethren we will have the opportunity to share it with the whole world we are doing a very small part of it now can you imagine in the kingdom of God and all of us will have a part of that think about that brethren let's also notice that God does love and include everyone so that there's no confusion as they're 56 roma 256 and notice what God says to everyone God doesn't want anyone to perish and we cannot argue the fact that God is doing everything he can but everyone must do their part verse 1 keep justice that says the eternal keep justice and do righteousness for my salvation is about to come and my righteousness to be revealed blessed is the man who does this and the son of man who lays hold on it who keeps from defiling the Sabbath and keeps his hand from in evil do not let the son of the foreigner who has joined himself to the eternal speaks and the Lord has utterly separated me from his people I'm gonna let the eunuch say Here I am a dry tree but thus says the eternal to the unit who keeps my Sabbath and choose what pleases me and hold fast my covenant even to them I will give in my house and within my walls a place and a name better than that of sons and daughters I will give them an everlasting name that shall not be cut off this is what God wants mankind to know he wants us to know it and the sons of the foreigner who joined themselves to the eternal to serve Him and to love the name of the Lord to be his servants everyone who keeps from defiling the Sabbath and holds fast my covenant even them I will bring to my holy mountain and make them joyful in my house of prayer he mentions burnt offerings and their sacrifices will be accepted on my altar when my house shall be called a house of prayer for all nation God is extending and going to extend this to everyone isn't it wonderful brethren do we understand we serve an incredible being a wonderful father who loves us and cares for everyone the Lord God who gathers the outcasts of Israel says yet I will gather to him others beside those who are gathered to him this is being being extended to everyone to all mankind Christ will usher in peace in a powerful way but understand Moore will have to be done something else will have to take place we heard a little bit look at Leviticus 26 verse 21 and 22 and I'll just break into the story here because here we have prophetic events that were listed long ago long ago God's been trying to tell mankind listen to me obey me do what is right live my way verse 21 then if you want contrary to me and are not willing to obey me I will bring on you seven times more plagues according to your sins I will also send wild beasts among you we shall rob you of your children destroy your livestock and make you few in number and your highways shall be desolate you know there could be an indication of joblessness are we preparing ourselves brethren for what's about to happen in this nation and in this world the young people are you listening you are part of something special there's nothing out in the world better I can assure you many of us old-timers will tell you and I think it was mr. Munson is it you don't have to try it listen to sound advice listen to those that have paved the way that have gone through many things you don't have to try it Isaiah 35 look at what else I wanted to read to you event about the beasts wild beasts we begin to rob people of their children we've already seen that I had one of the brethren asked me one time his wife was trying to convince him they had very young children and he wanted to bring a pit boil into the house and his wife said Mr Shaw do you think that's right and I looked at him as they are you crazy a pit bull he was oh if you train them properly they're gonna be okay there was a lady that trained that had a pit bull from a baby it grown up she was playing with him on the sofa he lost control ripped almost half her face off what will Christ do how a god deal with this verse 8 a highway I'm breaking breaking into the story here a highway shall be there in a road and it shall be called the highway of holiness the unclean shall not pass over it they shall be for others whoever walks the road although a fool shall not go astray no lie I shall be there no nor show any ravenous beasts go upon it it shall be it shall not be found there but the redeemed shall walk been the ransom of the eternal shall return and come to Zion with singing with everlasting joy on their heads they shall obtain joy and gladness and sorrow and sighing shall flee away God is about to change this world and we have the most incredible opportunity to be a part of it and I heard it saying and I'll repeat it out of seven billion maybe plus people on earth we're here not because we're better but because of God's grace and His mercy and there was for some special reason God revealed his truth to each one of us how much brethren do we appreciate it you know dr. Meredith years ago call I'mnot years ago a few weeks at several weeks ago called the church why fast because he said there was there seemed to be a spiritual aise and some of the ministers felt that way among God's people what's the problem are we getting complacent are we compromising as we heard in the sermonette today are we too involved in the world what a revelation 3 are we too involved in the world because Christ introduces a problem with his church at the end time so dr. Merritt have said let's have a fast a church wide fast and ask God's help to get rid of that spiritual malaise that that that just laid-back Ness that we may have revelation 3 verse 20 notice what Christ says behold I stand at the door and knock if anyone hears my voice and opens the door I will come in to him and dine with him and he with me Christ is knocking at the door that he's talking about a church era that's at the end time which era or mindset that we represent is a Philadelphian is it Laodicean you can answer that question if we're honest we can answer that question if we're honest how laid-back are how much involved in this world are we what's the problem here look at verse 17 he says because you say I am rich and have become wealthy and have need of nothing and do not know that you are wretched he's telling the people of God at the end of the age that some are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked you remember what happened in the Garden of Eden when they ate the forbidden fruit it poured from the tree they hid from God what was it what did God say where are you he said well Lord we hid from you because we were naked he said what who told you you were naked nakedness there is a husband and wife that has spent how long together I don't know all of a sudden they're shamed and they covered themselves sin brings shame and we have to understand that this was husband and wife but all of a sudden they are ashamed you know run there are four vital things that I'm going to share with us for the remainder of my time and I have to ask this question how much does it mean to us to each one of us haven't been called and having an opportunity now to enter the kingdom and the family of God how much does it mean to us what are we willing to willing to do to enter the kingdom of God as God grants us to do so what are we willing to do how far are we willing to go are we going to pull ourselves up go to Isaiah chapter 32 because I'm going to share some things with us that I think of vital because we have to remember Chrysler reveals that there's something going wrong among his people at the end of the age that will cause some to have to possibly face Great Tribulation we already know that there's some will revelation 12:17 tells us I want to short I want to share with you four by two points I'm gonna move along isaiah 32 look at verse 17 he says the work of righteousness will be peace and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance forever Christ is the Prince of Peace if we do what is right we can enjoy peace now and forever in the kingdom of God so let me share four things with you that I think is vital that when the Prince of Peace returns he will be willing to grant us to be in his family his kingdom for all eternity because Jesus tells us I think it's a little 12:30 to it jesus said it is the father's good pleasure to give us the kingdom think about that God wants to give us the kingdom he wants us there so the first thing I want us to be mindful of is this we must constantly surrender to God his laws and his ways daily we must constantly surrender to God his laws and his ways daily upon hearing God's truth for the first time in putting forth the effort to learn more about it we made the decision didn't we we said I know it's right we proved it I know it's right but once God revealed to us the need to repent accept Christ as Savior and we were baptized he granted us his spirit well you know then brother we have to commit to surrender to Christ to God's Way of life and commit to his conditions not May see man loves to turn God's word around doesn't it because a man wants to take God's word reform it reformat it to fit its rotten life it won't work it will not work when you think about the word surrender it means to give oneself up as in to the power of another or it means to submit and to yield yield means to give up as to superior power authority to give up or surrender oneself you know brethren all of god's conditions are based on his word and his perfect laws think about that God has given us a way of life based upon his word and his laws let's go to James chapter 4 James chapter 4 James chapter 4 verses 7 and 8 he says therefore submit to God and word submit could mean be under obedience to resist the devil and he will flee from you draw near to God and He will draw near to you and he tells us to cleanse we need to cleanse ourselves cleanse our hearts in mind and not be double-minded and the dictionary for the word submit means to be subjected to or under the authority of a superior and who better than Christ if we have to be on the authority of anyone who better than Jesus Christ we respect the laws in the leases of the land because God commands us to do so we shouldn't speak evil of the of the leaders of our nation or leaders of other nations even if they are chuckleheads I thought I'd borrow that from mr. Wales but we still have to some once we began to learn more of God's truth we made a decision to surrender to God based on his word and laws and conditions because every one of us we have to remember this this is vital we were bought at a price and that price was very high because God loved the world so much what did he do he gave his very best he gave his son we have to be appreciative for that we all repent of sin accept Christ as our personal Savior and we're baptized and in effect we committed to give up everything go to Luke chapter 9 notice what Jesus writes here or gave to us here very important brother Luke chapter 9 verse 23 then he said to them all if anyone desires to come after me let him deny himself what else and take up his cross daily and follow me you notice what he says deny yourself take up your cross every single day be willing to go through the trials in the pains that we may face and remain faithful to God's be surrendered to him you can find some interesting things in Luke 14 25 to 33 in Matthew 10:34 through 38 that fits together with this because complete surrender above all and above everything especially the self you know it's the self that we have to get rid of don't we because the self can be selfish something we should pray about to ask God to help us get rid of selfishness in every way the next step becomes very critical because when we think about the fact that we need to deny it means to do not utterly that is to disown abstain from even from our own desires putting God first we have to do that we have to understand that this is a lifetime process point number two we must become and remain conquered by God one way we will accomplish this is to understand what conquers mean we have to we must become and remain conquered by God from the Greek ni K a onda kayo means to overcome it's usually meaning is translated conquering and to conquer as you saw as you can see in revelation 6 and this is what is true this is what true Christians are looking out for not to be overcome by false teachings that will spread at the end time you know the Bible gives us warnings warnings brethren about some who will creep in and bring in false doctrines bring in heresies even in the Church of God and all of you know we've had that there have been some things creeping in that that I've read about and that have taken place for Millennials and some of you know some things that have creeped in we've had things like you have to call God's name in the Hebrew or the other one that's been a main issue Black is realism you know what brethren I'm going to say it just plainly both are demonic this is not of God you cannot find that in the scriptures show me in the scriptures where it says in order for me to call God's name I have to say it in the Hebrew as a matter of fact I can show you in the scriptures what Jesus tells us something different Matthew I didn't I didn't have it in my notes but I do want to bring it up look at Matthew chapter 6 because I want to make sure we understand that this is something that rises up quite often and we ought to be ashamed of ourselves because I'll tell you where it comes from it comes from that great Bible are called the Bible net or as you know the Internet this is where we get this people prove all kinds of things over the Internet we take people's word for it rather than guns look at what Jesus said Matthew 6 verse 9 in this manner therefore pray our Father I don't see any where we said say our Yahweh I don't speak Hebrew brethren I speak English been in America all my life there is no scripture God did not add that to the commandments when he says don't take my name in vain you may want to do a strong word study of that it's not what that's not the indication but yet people leave God's church over had a very good friend of mine very good friend it broke my heart because I know this individual from 15 years old studied under mr. Herbert Armstrong listen to him learned and I don't say that to bring anyone down I say that to help you brethren well steal here don't get entangled with this stuff I've had people send emails or messages to me about black Israel ISM and sent me videos and stuff from different sites to prove it and all I saw was Protestantism we ought to be ashamed of our sayings because the great God opened our minds and showed us a way of life that is awesome why would we turn to anything else and I'm going to say it again it is demonic you have to be careful brother because I'll tell you like it did and has and will do again it'll take people right out of the church and it has done it and it's unprovable in the video I saw was just it was so pathetic and I actually fussed at the person I really did I got really bent out of shape over it because God had worked had proven these things and and as we heard about the chair I'm gonna leave God's church over chair you if God wanted us to pronounce his name in such a way you know mr. John Oh Oh Glenn and there was another gentleman minister that helped that also did a part of it did an incredible search and I personally with my wife we took the liberty of looking into both of them stay off the internet that's the problem you can prove anything you want on the Internet anything you want you can come up with doctrine and everything in the world but I can tell you this eventually it will take you out of the church and I've seen it done I'm telling you the truth beware brother because Satan is cunning he's crafty he's a liar and the father of lies go to Colossians 3 better step it up a little bit cuz I see my time is running out and I don't wanna hold anyone up a Colossians 3 so I'm gonna go a little faster you might not be able to keep up with me but I'll give you the scriptures Colossians 3 verses 1 through 9 he says if you if then you were raised with Christ What did he say seek those things which are all over the internet where crisis on the Internet oh I'm sorry I lost it for a minute there seek those things which are above where Christ is sitting at the right hand of God set your minds on things above not on things on the earth not on the internet you cannot prove religion God's right way of life over the Internet you need to pick up this book this sword and take that sword and cut that junk to pieces because this junk it's demonic it is not of God I'll give you these scriptures Ezekiel 28 verses 11 through 17 he feeds for 22 through 24 because I don't want to run over time get off the internet and get in your Bible mr. Armstrong used to say blow the dust off the Bible stop trying to prove stuff over the Internet you can prove anything and one individual said oh Jesus wasn't born he was a human he had always been born he'd always exist I mean he hadn't always existed it's what she said and I just said liar liar pants on fire because the Bible says otherwise doesn't it John 1 in the beginning was the word the Word was with God the Word was God and the word became flesh and dwelt among among men see and what and it also tells us that they didn't know who he was why because they were on the internet it will destroy your brother you might want to get off of it because sometimes we put things on the internet that is not good that is ungodly but he'd be careful what we put out there point number three we must become faithful to and have faith in God and his entire way of life we must become faithful to and have faith in God and his entire way of life there is nothing wrong in the Bible people love to try to add to God's Word the Book of Enoch Wow people like to tear apart Genesis 6 and saw all kinds of stuff stuff that has nothing to do with God the most important lesson about faithfulness is to remember this try this one too you don't have to turn there God said he does not lie he cannot lie and he makes promises to us and mankind but I want to warn you there are promises God made go to Deuteronomy 7 God made some promises and I want to tell you a little secret it's a two-way street notice Deuteronomy 7 because two things can happen you'll be it it will result in one of two things notice what Deuteronomy 7 verse 9 says therefore know that eternal your God He is God the faithful God who keeps covenant and mercy for a thousand generations with those who love him and keep his Commandments now watch this brother here is the two-way street God is not a respectful person oh and you're about to see that he says and he repays those who would hate him how does he repay them look at that God doesn't go behind your back he says to your face see to your face to destroy them he will not be slack with him who hates him he will repay him to his face God wants you to know you're dirt you're you you think you hide it in the closet you know it's an interesting stuff I think it's proverbs 15 1 or 15 3 God knows everything that's going on we can't hide from God we can't hide sin I don't know why we think we can oh I can do this because nobody sees me really you must be invisible God sees everything he knows what's happening all around us so here blessings or curses are dependent on man's obedience and even to the disobedient God will keep his promise if we're disobedient God's promise remains he'll deal with it no one gets away with anything but let's also notice where God makes some wonderful promises Psalm 31 Psalm 31 verses 23 through 24th you don't get there as quickly as I am I'm gonna leave you I'm gonna keep going 23 oh love the Lord all you his Saints well the Lord preserves the faithful he'll preserve us if we're faithful to God he's going to preserve us and and foolery repays the proud person be of good courage and he shall strengthen your heart all you who hope in the eternal isn't God wonderful isn't he wonderful you know brethren I know his wonderful I stand here after having a bout with cancer in 2001 and 15 years later I never had to have anything they removed the prostate and the the concern was will it spray it and my doctor came into the hospital room the next day and he said you know mr. Stroud he says I've never seen anything like yours he said I've done this all around the world I teach it all around the world I've never seen one go like yours we have help God loves us brother some of us may go through trials for long periods of time but guess what when Christ returns we're going to be healed it may not be in this life it may be later where we have someone that really cares I love the fact that Jesus said when you pray say our Father isn't that wonderful the God of the universe the God of all things we can say our Father that is awesome and hope we take it that way and understand how awesome it really is let's go to Psalm 125 and notice this verse I'm skipping around a little bit because of time because I'll tell you when you start talking about God's word it is absolutely wonderful Psalm 125 those who trust in eternal are like Mount Zion who cannot be moved but abides forever that's a promise from God if we put trust in him if we have faith in God I'll encourage you to read some proverbs 3 verses 5 through 7 and Jeremiah 17:5 and 7 the one dangerous thing that man and sometimes God's people lack today is the willingness to obey God that's a reality and point for is that point we must become and remain obedient servants of God we must become and remain obedient servants of God the indication is to be to have that willingness to be taught by God we need to be teachable there's a good example of one being teachable being a good servant but it was in the case of a Samaritan Luke chapter 10 let's go there Luke chapter 10 verses 25 through 22 through 37 I will not read all of it and behold a certain lawyer stood up and tested him saying teacher what shall I do to inherit eternal life and he said to him what is written in the law what is your reading of it so he answered and said you shall love the eternal God with all your heart soul strength and mind and love your neighbor as yourself and Jesus gives an example a powerful example that someone was in need who was it that stepped off and wouldn't help it was the priest the Levite but a certain verse 33 Samaritan this could indicate someone who worship other gods but look at the example he was willing to help and the Levite in the priests who should know better would not help across the street how do our family members that may not be in God's church our friends our neighbors our co-workers how do they view us as individuals you know what's important to God because Jesus says in Matthew 5 let your light so shine among men that they may see your good works and glorify God see it's important that we be lights to this society because it's dark we live in a society that is dying that's going away we think about blessings and obedience what does God say in Acts chapter 5 I'll just give it a verses 29 and verse 32 God gives his Holy Spirit to those who obey Him Peter said we ought to obey God rather than man first Peter 1 13 through 16 you don't have to turn there for the sake of timeout I'll just give it to you first Peter 1 13 through 16 he talks about the fact that we should submit I'll say after every ordinance I'm sorry I'm looking at the wrong verse there he said therefore gird up the loins of your mind of your mind to be sober rest your souls hopefully fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ as obedient children you know when you think about the end and everything that's taking place let's look at revelation 22 and this would be the last verse that we read you know Romans 7:12 oh you can write that now Paul says that the law is holy and the commandments are holy and just and good you can't do away with something that's holy and just and good God doesn't give mankind the permission to do that but look at revelation 22 because this is what I used when people say all the laws have done away with and this is one of verses I used verse 14 he says blessed are those who do His commandments do them they do them this is the last book of the Bible the last chapter of the Bible to those that would like to say it's done away with I have news for you because the last book of the Bible and the last chapter of the Bible says blessed are those who do His commandments that they may have the right to the Tree of Life if you're not doing the commandments of God if you're compromising what happens you may not have that right and may enter through the gates into the city he explains what's outside brethren it's a wonderful opportunity for all of us God has called us out of a world we will join the Prince of Peace to make a change in this world and it's going to be a great change a remarkable change so let's be sure every one of us that we are surrendered and conquered faithful and obedient servants of the Most High God and look forward to eternal life in his soon coming Kingdom [Music] you
Channel: Living Church of God
Views: 5,118
Rating: 4.8630137 out of 5
Keywords: Christ, Savior, Prince of Peace, returning, second coming, 2nd coming, Kingdom, God, Feast, Tabernacles
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 31sec (4231 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2017
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