The Preacher's Son | Drama | Christian Keyes, Clifton Powell, Valarie Pettiford, Vanessa Calloway

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(upbeat music) ♪ Mm mm ♪ ♪ Yeah yeah ♪ ♪ Day by day ♪ ♪ I know it seems as though ♪ ♪ You can't catch a break ♪ ♪ With so many bad things happening ♪ ♪ Makes you wanna holler for heaven sake ♪ ♪ With so much darkness and pain ♪ ♪ Nearly departed in heavy rain ♪ ♪ Keep your belief in off that's true ♪ ♪ At the end of the day you know you got you ♪ ♪ You may weep for a night ♪ ♪ You may weep ♪ ♪ But your on your way to sunlight ♪ ♪ Ooh ♪ ♪ I'm blessed and highly favored ♪ ♪ Highly favored ♪ ♪ You ain gon get the best of me ♪ ♪ Just you wait and see ♪ - [Boy] Ooh men, nice car. ♪ Just you wait and see ♪ ♪ I'm blessed and highly favored ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ You ain gon get the best of me ♪ ♪ Eventually, i'ma get the best of you ♪ ♪ Just wait and see ♪ ♪ Wait and see ♪ ♪ Just wait and see ♪ ♪ Yeah yeah ♪ ♪ Just wait and see ♪ ♪ Time and time again ♪ ♪ You get knocked down ♪ ♪ But its a must you get back up ♪ ♪ Take heed of who's around ♪ ♪ When the going gets tough ♪ ♪ Just know he never never gives you ♪ ♪ More than you can handle ♪ ♪ Never never ♪ ♪ He didn't wake you up for nothing ♪ ♪ It's there so find you end goal ♪ ♪ You may weep for a night ♪ ♪ You may weep for a night ♪ ♪ But your on your way to sunlight ♪ ♪ I'm blessed and highly favored ♪ ♪ You ain't gon get the best of me ♪ ♪ Just you wait and see ♪ ♪ Just wait and see ♪ ♪ I'm blessed ♪ ♪ And highly favored ♪ ♪ You ain't gon get the best of me ♪ ♪ Eventually i'ma get the best of you ♪ ♪ Just wait and see ♪ ♪ Just wait and see ♪ ♪ Just wait and see ♪ ♪ Just you wait and see ♪ ♪ Yeah yeah ♪ ♪ Just wait and see ♪ ♪ Can't nothing take me down ♪ ♪ Knowing that his around ♪ ♪ I'm blessed ♪ ♪ Highly favored ♪ ♪ Oh yeah ♪ ♪ I'm blessed ♪ (car engine revving) - You know, you gotta come by man and get tightened up at the shop. - Gentlemen, gentlemen. - Deacon Black. - How are you doing? - Deacon Black? - Terrific. Terrific. Absolutely. Some lovely scenery around here today-- - Hey guys. - It sure is. - How you doing, Deacon? - Okay, we gon put this conversation on pause, sister. - That's what you call old school players. Hey, you looking real happy though, man? What's her name? - Virginia. Virginia University Law School. - Yo, you got it. That's what I'm talking about, baby. Yo man, I'm proud of you, bro. Absolutely, man. - [Dante] Thank you. (Shorty laughs) Yes. Hey Donna, you-- - look absolutely amazing. - I need to see you. I need to borrow your car. - Did ma see you leave the house like this? Where's the second half of your skirt? - No and don't tell her. - All these nosy church folks around here I ain't gon have to. - I know, that's why I need to borrow your car so I can get outta here. - Hey Donna, if you need me to go in and drive. - I don't need a ride. I need my big brother to allow me his car. Ooh, yeah. And if mom and dad sweats you tell 'em I'm at Keisha studying. - Okay, don't text and drive and don't wreck my car Donna. - Thanks. - Yo, where's she going? - To see some dude. - What dude? - Some guy she been seeing for about a month or two. Think don't nobody know. Anyway, how about we go check on these cakes and pies in here? - You know what, man? On second thought, I'ma hold out on the cakes and pies, man. Too much sugar. Trying to keep my figure together. - Okay. - I'ma go and check up with you later, brother. - Okay, well, good luck with that. - Absolutely, - I'ma go check on this. - Yeah, my man. (footsteps thudding) (whimsical music) (fingers tapping) - Come in. (whimsical music) - Now don't tell me you turned shy all of a sudden. - Aah. (bag drops) (mouth kissing) Anita. Anita? - Mm. - Anita. I can't, okay? - Yes you can. And you will. (mouth kissing) (door knocking) - Come up, hold on. Hurry get under the desk. - Where? (door knocking) - Yeah, I'm coming, I'm coming. (door knocking) (door opens) - Hey. - Hey. You must be working really hard if you have that door locked. - Stop fussing with him. - What? - [Bishop T.K] Tell him, or I will. - [First Lady] Oh, you better not. - [Bishop T.K] Tell him. - Tell me what? - You have been accepted to Howard University School of Divinity. Your father's Alma Mater. (Bishop chuckles) - Right son. Congratulations. - Thanks dad. Divinity school, but I didn't apply to divinity school. - Honey I applied for you. You said you always wanted to follow in your father's footsteps, so. - Wow. I don't even know what to say. - Well, you can start by thanking your mom. - Right, I'm sorry, mom. Thank you. - You're welcome. - Ooh, Charlene. - What babe? - Congressman is in my office, we gotta go. - All right. Almost-- - Congratulations. - Thank you, Dad. - [Bishop T.K] You okay? - Yeah, too much coffee today. - Kiss? Something? Anything, what? - Of course, sorry mom. (mouth kissing) Love you. - [First Lady] Love you more. - You look good in that blue mom. - [First Lady] Thank you sweetheart. - Get your ass outta there. (gentle music) - Ooh, I thought they'd never leave. - You may wanna consider going with them. Senior choir rehearsal starts in about five minutes, so. Unless you wanna see all your husband's friends in the hallway. - Well, do you wanna hook up a little later and finish what we started? - Not gonna happen. - Oh, you don't get it do you? See we may have taken a little break while I was gone, but we're not over. - Go home to your husband, Anita. You tripping. (crowd chattering) - Shorty what you doing here? - Planning on ordering lunch, I hear the burgers are amazing. What you doing here? - I'm meeting someone and you're in their seat. - My bad, I didn't think there was a signed seat around here, I can post up at the bar. - Oh, you need to go home. - Is there something you don't want me to see? Is he... Girl, are you swirling? - And what if I am? You brothers date outside your race all the time. And soon as a sister wants a milk in her coffee, it's a problem. - You not taking me seriously is a bigger problem. - Don't make me hate you, Shorty. Leave. - Well fine. (phone rings) - Where are you? No, no, no, don't come in. I'm coming round the back. We got a problem. ♪ Now all I wanna do is worship you ♪ ♪ All I wanna do is worship you ♪ ♪ All I wanna do is worship you ♪ - I'll be front with you here T.K. I have made a decision to run for the Senate next year. - That's wonderful. Well, you know, you always have our support. You'll make a fine senator. - Thank you. Now I've been looking at some things and I'm probably telling you something you already know, but you had the fastest growing church in this city. All your services are standing room only. People love you man. - Well, I appreciate that. - You are the perfect candidate to fill my space in the Congress. Of course you're gonna have to split time between here and DC but I know you can handle it. - Wow. Mike, listen, I'm extremely flattered, but I have never thought about running for public office. I'm a pastor and I'm not a politician. - Frankly, we cannot afford to lose that seat to Republicans. - Darling, I have all the confidence in the world in you. And I say you do it. You do it. - It's interesting. Listen, I wanna take a few days and pray on this. - [First Lady] Good, good. - If that's okay with you and I'll get back to you in a couple days. - I respect that, for sure. (gentle music) - Tanisha. Tanisha. Tanisha. - What? - I'm hungry. - Come on Tyrell, just got home from work two hours ago. I got you cereal yesterday and there's milk in the fridge. Who ate all the cereal? Mommy and her friends? - They drunk up all the milk too. (Tanisha shrugs) (paper rustling) - $6.75. - I left my wallet. I live right down the block, I'll be right back-- - I need the money. - You can't just hold it from me-- - You don't have a food stamp or nothing? I gotta go now. - I'm sorry. I'm sorry. - My man, how much is that stuff? - [Cashier] $6.75. - No, no, no, I don't even know you. I can't take your money. - Yes you can, I gotta get to work. - What he said I gotta go to work too. It's cool. - Thank you. - You're welcome. (papers rustling) - Thank you have a good day. - Change coming that wasn't no tip brother. - Oh, okay. - Hey looky here, looky here. - Excuse me. - What's the hurry mah? - First of all, get your hands off of me-- - You ain nothing but a ratchet horse wearing whore. - You really gonna say that to me? - I know what you do-- - Hey is there a problem? - Nah, we ain't got no problem. (gentle music) - You okay? - Yeah, good. Thank you. I'ma owe you twice now, thanks. - Don't sweat it. - You know I live right down the block. I can just go get your money, pay you back. 'Cause I really don't like to owe people. - I gotta go. Oh, but, you know what? A friend of mine is having a poetry jam over here tomorrow. So if you are free, you can come on down, have a drink with me and we'll call it even. - I love poetry. (Tanisha chuckles) Yeah. - Well in that case, instead of you meeting me there, maybe I can come pick you up. - Are you serious? - Yeah, I'm serious. As long as you don't mind if my girl come with us. Little group thing, you and me. - Okay no - I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I'm kidding, I promise I'm kidding. - It's a little too much. (Tanisha chuckles) - I'm Dante. - Tanisha, nice to meet you Dante. You gon take me to dinner too? - Why not? - I like Red Lobster just in case. - Red Lobster. - Mm mm - I do too. - Ooh. Well thank you. - You're welcome. My number's on there. - I see it. (Tanisha chuckles) - Bye. - Bye. (door knocking) - Hey. - So I was right about him wanting you to run for office. - Your always right about those sort of things James. - Yes sir. - That's why I rely on you so much. That is also why I worry about you so much. - Why you worried about me? - Are you seeing sister RJ Johnson? - She might have been by the house a few times. Why, what she say? - Well, it's not her. It's what the women in the church are saying. - Ah, well there you have it. See I think most of those sisters might have been by the house themselves a few times. - James, listen to me. You cannot use the church as your own personal eHarmony. - Oh my goodness. - You understand? Church is not a dating site and you are a deacon for Christ's sake. - T.K, you're the preacher, not me. I only profess to being a man looking for redemption. - All I'm asking you to do, is do better. Yeah you one of the best deacons in this church and you're the only one I can seem to get the truth out of around here. - So stop worrying about my social life because I am not gonna stop being a man. (door knocking) - Hey Reverend Reynolds, what can I do for you? - Bishop, Deacon. Just wanted to remind you that this weekend I'll be going home for three days. - Oh, that's wonderful. Going to see your family? - Yes sir. - Well have fun. Be safe. - Thank you. - Check in with me. - Will do. (footsteps thudding) - Hey, that young man's gonna go far around here. - That boy right there is gonna be our next pastor when you retire. - Whoo, you better talk to my wife about that. - Oh, mark my words, who else? - She's grooming Dante for that. - No. - Yeah. ♪ Ooh ooh ooh ♪ ♪ Sam called, caught me off guard ♪ ♪ Wasn't ready for the left hand ♪ - Probably take her out to a romantic dinner or something like that. - Listen, I cannot believe you about to go all out for this THOT. - So you sure you wanna put the 26 inches up at the top? - I want you to just to put a piece right here, make it fuller like ssh, you know, so it could be, yeah, up in the front. - So we bringing out the real expensive fancy here for this guy, you must really like him. - No, I mean he aight. He aight. - Oh yeah, that's right, he aight. - [Tanisha] Yeah. - I don't know who you frontin for. I don been your friend too long for you to know, he aight, I know you like him. - You about to ruin it for every brother, man. I'm pretty sure she doesn't require much, but a bag of policies and a little shot glass of Ciroc. - See that, this moment right here. Remember this, this is exactly why Donna won't date you. (hand punching) - I just need him to know that you are special, okay? Well if he don't, it don't even matter 'cause I'm moving away soon anyways. - What you mean you moving away real soon? - I told you I'm going to school. I got accepted in Norfolk State. - Yes. Yes. I forgot, I forgot. - Your sister is different. She's special. - So is Tanisha. - Man please. - You judging her cause she's staying in the PJ. So what if she live in the projects? You gon like her when you meet her. I bet you though. (hand punching) - I mean this dude is in a whole other league. Like he is so different. - And that's why you should go to school, get your education and I'ma hold him down. I'ma be like-- - See - I got him. - Wait a minute. - For you. While you gone. - I didn't even see that coming. - I'm just saying - But you know what? - I'm just saying - You crazy. We gonna get you your own man. - Well, I hope so and soon. - Hands off this one, all right? You hurting me though? - I won't do it tight. - Okay. - Okay. - Where the needle at? (Tanisha shrugs) (upbeat music) - Honey have you heard from your sister? She is not answering her phone. She's supposed to be running Bingo tonight. - Mm, no ma'am. She wanted to borrow my car but I got a date tonight. (First Lady chuckles) - Well if you don't hear from her, you know, you might have to cut that date short. - Oh ma, no. I can't. I have a date first one in a long time. (First Lady chuckles) - I'm sorry, didn't mean to laugh at that. But honey, you are activities director and the reason why you have that position because if we get into trouble, your father and I can depend on you. - Can't you find somebody else? (door knocking) (door opens) - Nisha, your company here. She almost ready, come on in. - Thank you. (footsteps thudding) (door closes) - You Dante right? - Yes ma'am. - So you got a cigarette? Sorry I don't smoke. - Oh well you got... You think you can gimme $8 so I can get me some Newport. - I'm sorry Miss. - I'm Elena Tanisha's mama. - Miss Elena, I don't have any cash on me. I was gonna hit the ATM after I left here. - That's all right, you know, just bring me some when y'all come back, alright? I mean, would y'all go into the restaurant, right? - Well we were supposed to, but-- - But what? - Wow, you look good. You look damn good. - Thank you. But finish talking, you were saying we're supposed to, but. - One second, I have to take this. Anita, I'm on the way. Probably 10 minutes. - Sorry about that. - This Anita I hope she's the hostess at the restaurant we're going to eat at? - Yeah. - Yeah, about that. I'm sorry but I have to cancel. - What? - Something came up. - Oh hell no, you not finna come up in here and play me. I've been spending all day getting my hair done. That's what you're not gonna do. - I'm not trying to play you. Look, if you don't believe me, you can come down to the church with me. - Oh church? Wow. Oh my God. Mum you hear this bull? So what you telling me, you a preacher now? Is that what you're telling me? - I'm the preacher's son actually. - Oh shit. - And the reason I have to cancel, is because I have to run Bingo tonight. - Bingo. - Boy, you can't come up with something better than that? Bingo? Tanisha get this fool outta here before he make a bigger fool of you than he already has. What, please? - You heard her. Get out my house. - Look, if you think I'm lying, come down the First Jamaican Ministries and see. - Let me go ahead and give you this, all right? Now I don't owe you nothing. - That's right baby. - Go have fun with Anita. - Go on get outta here boy. Fuck outta here. (footsteps thudding) - Hey everybody, I'm really, really, really sorry. I know I'm late. Listen, my sister was supposed to do this and but I'm here shall we? Bingo. All right. (phone rings) - Hey girl, what's up? I'm just getting to work. I thought you were supposed to be on your date? - Yeah, tell Mill I'm coming in after all. - Wait, wait, wait. So what happened? - After all this money I spent getting ready for this date, this negro cancels. He's talking about he's working at a church and I don't know, he has some Bingo game tonight. - Bingo? - And 39. And that was a false alarm, Sister Moore did not have bingo. - I don't know girl. We know some lying asses and I never heard of Bingo before. Maybe he telling you the truth. - Tash, I'll see you later, all right girl? (phone beeps) (whimsical music) - Can I help you? - Oh yes. Hi. Is there someone by the name of Dante who works here? - And you are? - Oh, I'm sorry, I'm his friend, Tanisha. Are you his mother? I can see where he gets the good looks. - No, I'm not his mother. - She didn't mean nothing by it sweetheart. Dante is right over there. - All right, y'all ready? - Almost done, we got two more cards to go. - Thank you can I seat? - Now somebody gotta win something, we wanna give some of these prizes away. We gon get some winners. Next number B7, there we go. Somebody that sound like a good number. B7? Anybody? B7. (foot stamping) B7. - So I see you really do work in church. - Imagine that. - You must hate me for how I acted. - Nah, I probably wouldn't have believed me either. - I'm sorry, okay? - Apology accepted. - So we're cool? - We are very cool. (throat clearing) - This is the house of the Lord. Show some respect. - How y'all doing? - Aight Deacon - Anita leave these young folks alone they ain't doing nothing wrong. We gon get home and watch the 700 Club wanna see what's on there. - But we can't leave them. - Yeah, well he got the key. - But we could, you know, stay until everything's locked up. - Oh no, no, I got it. I can handle it, I'll lock it up Anita, thanks. - Yeah, see he got it, he got it. All right. Goodnight young fella, miss. Y'all have a good one. - Bye - All right. All right. - Okay, so that's Anita? The Anita that you work with? - That's the Anita. - So how long have you two been screwing? - What you talking about? - Come on, it's obvious that woman has it bad for you. The only one who can't see it is her husband. - Okay. (Tanisha chuckles) We messed around for a little bit but I broke it off. - Maybe I can help you keep it off. - I like the sound of that. I like the sound of little you. (mouth kissing) Do it again, do it again. (mouth kissing) I like that. - You like that? - You know what, we missed the poetry thing. But it's not too late for the Red Lobster. - Well it kinda is. I called my job and told them I was gonna come in work. But I'm off Monday, if you're free. - Well at least let me give you a ride to work. - That's really sweet. My boss is kind of a jerk and I don't like to mix my personal life with my work, you know. Maybe when I know you a little better. (Tanisha laughs) - Okay. (car engine revving) - Sup with you TT? - What up y'all? - Looking like money. - You already know. (Tanisha chuckles) - Who you texting? Where my text at? - Boy stop playing. (door opens) - Man whatever. - Men she just killed you on that? (both chuckle) - What the... What is this? (boxes dropping) No. God. (suspenseful music) Please, mom not my money. Please not again. (Tanisha sniffles) (book closes) (dramatic music) Dammit. (dramatic music) - Hey hey - Move out the way. - Hey you don't need to be coming up in here. - I bought this today. - I need my turn. - Hey - I been waiting - That's my girl. - Where's my money? - Hold on, you didn't need all that money girl. - I said where is it, $4000? $4000? That's the money I saved up for school. (women fighting) (women screaming) You lucky you my mum. (women screaming) - You crazy. - What's wrong with you? - Shit. - Why do you treat me like this? How could you treat me like this? - Shit. (car engine revving) (Bishop laughs) - How you doing man, you good? - I'm doing terrific. - So what'd you think about my sermon yesterday? - Oh Bishop, I gotta give it to you. I mean that sermon moved me. I thought it was about me. - It was about you. - Oh, you know you ain't right for that. - I'm sure you think so. (Bishop coughs) Hey, what you doing for dinner? Donna's making a roast, come on by the house. - Nah, I wish I could, but I got a little company coming by tonight. - You know you a mess? - You know how that go. Well I'll let you sprinkle some water on her head soon. - Well who's your guest? Anybody I know? - [James] You don't wanna know. - I'ma gonna pray for you son. (gentle music) - [Rev Reynolds] This looks great. - Well, you're gonna have to have some patience. - Okay. Okay. - Aight - I'ma catch up with your bishop. I'll be back, all right. (throat clearing) - Could I help you? - Yeah, I just wanted to know if you were free Friday night? I got tickets to the Beyonce concert. You always loved Beyonce. - Shorty, you have got to stop. What part of not interested don't you understand? - Hey Princess. - Oh hey dad. - Ooh, you got it smelling mighty good in here. - Thank you. - Hey Reverend, you might wanna get a little piece of this. - It's tempting, but I'll wait until the food is served. - Better man than me. - Yeah, I'ma go on get some just like the Bishop do. - Aa-ah aa-aah - Hey, hey, hey. - I need all y'all to get outta my kitchen. - See what you did Shorty? - Go. It'll be there shortly - If you stay the man God put you in boy. - I heard my assistance was required. - Talk to your friend, he's getting on my last nerve. - Well, apparently it's mutual. 'Cause I just heard him telling daddy that he's about to leave. What's going on with y'all anyway? - Nothing, that's the problem. He won't take no for an answer. - I think it's a little jealous that you seeing somebody. I'll talk to him. - Bless my daughter Donna, who made this wonderful meal. - [First Lady] Yes indeed. - [All] Yes. - Bless our wonderful family and our friends who came by today. Thank you Lord. Amen. - [All] Amen. Amen. - Deacon and Anita, so nice for you to join us. - Thank you for having us. - Dante you okay? You hardly touch your candied yams. And we all know how you love candied yams. (all laugh) - I'm good Bishop. - Aww, he's probably just pining over that girl, he had at Bingo last night. - What girl? - What girl? - Oh, and she was cute First Lady. - Really? (First Lady laughs) - But I don't know if I'd be bold enough to wear an outfit like that. You know how these kids are today, they need to show skin. Ain't that right Donna? - I guess. Dad, can I get the keys to your truck? I need to go to Keisha's to study. - Their in the kitchen. - So sorry to be rude guys, college courses. - Well I for one I'm happy for you, Dante. The way the two of you were all hugged up. - Honey, they was just showing a little affection. - Right, affection, that's the right word. - In church. Is this true? - It's not what you think, ma. I just gave her a little kiss. - Oh, Charlene, don't be bothered by that. The only person who didn't think it was innocent was Deaconess Brown. - Great Deaconess Brown was there. Now the entire church knows. I thought, you know, some of the sisters were acting a little funny after service today. - Charlene. - What? What? - Look, I talked to Deaconess Brown and I've taken care of it. - It's okay. - Oh, you taken care of it? That means, you know, everyone knows. Wow. Thank you very much. - Charlene, calm down. Don't make a big deal out of it. - T.K I do not wanna calm down. Dante knows better than this. I mean, who is this woman? Do we know her? I mean, is she even a member of this church? - No ma'am. I met her a few days ago. - Oh. - That looks all right, we carrying on like that. Boy, have you lost your mind? - Son, you know, the way a woman presents herself is very important. - [Anita] Amen. - It's also a reflection on you. - You're father's right Dante. Having a cultured woman by your side is a necessity as you move up in this world. I mean, just look at your mother. - Amen. Amen. I think I did pretty well. - Yes you did Bishop. - Indeed. - I appreciate that. - I'm gonna need-- - To the right woman in your life. (all laugh) - Hallelujah. ♪ Ey number tutti frutti get on the floor ♪ ♪ If you got that booty ♪ ♪ Ey number tutti frutti get on the floor ♪ ♪ If you got that booty ♪ ♪ Ey number tutti frutti get on the floor ♪ ♪ If you got that booty ♪ ♪ Ey number tutti frutti get on the floor ♪ ♪ If you got that booty ♪ ♪ Booty ♪ ♪ I said its about to go down ♪ (upbeat music) - Hold up now that's my home girl. That's my homegirl, pay attention. ♪ I'll never regret it ♪ ♪ I'll never regret it ♪ ♪ I'll never regret it ♪ ♪ Ooh ♪ ♪ I'd have my share of scandals ♪ ♪ See I ain perfect by a long shot ♪ - I like that. - I taught her everything she knows. ♪ You would think I was a ♪ - I just fell in love again. ♪ I know it ain no good ♪ ♪ Mama taught me better ♪ ♪ When it come to that bag ♪ ♪ I'ma do whatever ♪ ♪ You ain gotta like it ♪ ♪ But guess what I don't give a ♪ (upbeat music) - But stop playing. (both giggle) ♪ Gotta keep this love we share ♪ ♪ He's a winner ♪ - I'll holler at you girl. ♪ Yeah we winning ♪ ♪ So in love ♪ ♪ Son of a preacher man ♪ ♪ He's a winner ♪ ♪ He's saving me ♪ ♪ Uplifting me ♪ ♪ Son of a preacher man ♪ ♪ He's a winner ♪ - Thank you for this time that we can just bond and be together as a family, Lord it means the world to me in Jesus name we pray. - Amen. - Amen. - Amen. - Amen. (gentle music) - [Waitress] Can I start you off with any drinks? - Yeah, I'll take White Zinfandel. - [Waitress] And for you sir? - Hennessy on the rocks please. - You got it. - A man's drink. - I see. - Excuse me. - Yeah. - Thank you. Whoo. - You okay? - Yeah, I'm really good actually. This is the most amazing place I've ever been to. I thought we were going to Red Lobster. - I'm sure they have lobster. And be willing to bet it's red. (Tanisha laughs) So, we're good. - You're funny. (Tanisha laughs) - No, I do, I feel like I'm in a movie or something. - If we are, then you are the star. - I'm the star? - You look beautiful. - [Tanisha] Thank you. (waves whooshing) - The sun's setting. This is... Wow, this is really nice. Too nice. (waves whooshing) - What's that supposed to mean? - I don't know, I guess I'm just waiting for someone to wake me up, you know? ♪ Just can't get enough ♪ ♪ Of your good love ♪ ♪ It could never get too much ♪ - Who are you? You know, I mean, where did you come from? It's like, you work at the church and everything. But yet you kissed me like no guy I've ever met. - Well maybe you've never met a guy that's liked you for you. And yeah, as far as the church thing goes, it's just a job, you know. I'm not gonna make a career out of it or anything. - But isn't your father the pastor of that church? - Yeah. - What is he gonna think about that? - I don't know, maybe you should ask him when you meet him. I'd like to know what he is gonna think about that too. - You want me to meet your father? - Yeah, I mean, not tonight, but I want you to meet both my parents. - Okay, I don't know about that. I mean, I don't do parents. - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I met your mom. - That's my point. How did that turn out, huh? She made me throw you out the house. - Look, Tanisha, I know I'm not supposed to say this on the first day. I'm feeling you. Really feeling you. - Well that's a problem because I'm feeling you too. (gentle music) (waves whooshing) (car engine revving) (car door closes) So you wanna come in? My mom's not home. - Yes. But. - But what? (gentle music) - Some things are worth waiting for. - Are you for real? So you're telling me you're not coming in? - [Dante] Not tonight. - You took me to dinner, spent stupid money on a lobster dinner and expensive champagne. And you're telling me you don't wanna come in? Like, am I missing something? Like what is the catch? - There is no catch. Hey, I think you're special. And when I do come in, I don't want it to be because I spend a little money on a lobster dinner. - This better not be a game, Dante. 'Cause right now, I don't know if I should feel special or rejected. - If I were you, I would go with special. Definitely special. (mouth kissing) (car engine revving) - Girl I'm telling you like at the end of the night, nothing happened. - What you mean nothing happened? - [Tanisha] Nothing happened. - Damn. So hold up, he didn't handle no type of business, no nothing? - No type of business. And at the end of the night, he kissed me on my forehead. And that was it. - Like a grandpa kiss you on the forehead? - Like a grandpa, girl, like a grandpa. I was thinking maybe he's just, you know-- - Gay. - Like different. - He gay. - I got these flat irons, I might sizzle your-- - Don't burn me. Don't hate. - Your ear, will be burning. - [Donna] What up? (mouth chewing) - Hey. - Must have been a tough day at work. You used to eat cereal every day after school. - Some things never change. (mouth chewing) - Can I ask you a question? - Yeah. - How do I know if a guy really likes me? (gentle music) (bowl thudding) - Well, (mouth chewing) he makes you a priority. If he really likes you, he's thinking about you all the time, so. He's gonna find out a way to let you know that he's thinking about you all the time. - Yeah, but what if he's told me that and I'm still not sure. - Watch his actions. Guys, we say a lot of ish. Is he walking what he's talking? 'Cause if he's really into you, like he says he is, he'll make dog on sure you know. You okay? - Yeah. I'm okay. (gentle music) - You want some cereal? - No. - Okay, I wasn't gonna give you none of mine anyway. It's going directly to a bowl in the kitchen. - You're not funny. (door knocking) - Is somebody at the door? (door knocking) - Oh. - Well, somebody knocking. - No. No, I mean we don't care. It's probably them bootleggers just trying to sell some stolen merchandise and I don't want it. - What they be selling? - Girl everything, fake Louis, fake Chanel whatever. - Yep I wanna see 'em. - We don't need it. - Nah. - Ah-ah, I need it. - You so thirsty act though. Girl I got things to do, you playing too much. They sold you some flowers, see I told you. - No, no, these are for you. - For me? - Yeah. - What? - I guess cornball is not gay. - Well I told you, didn't I try to tell you? Look at this girl. "Can't stop thinking of you. "I hope you're free for Sunday dinner with the rents." - Bitch he's paying your rent. That's what I'm about. - No, no, no, no. He wants me to meet his parents. - Oh parents-- - That's big. - No that is. - That is big, right? (car engine revving) (gentle music) (water splashing) (gentle music) - Wow. - What do you want Anita? - Yum, this is how you keep in shape. I' wanna know something. Since you are parading around town with this girl as if she's the love of your life. Did you ever love me? (gentle music) (water splashing) - Yeah. I did. I did love you Anita. (gentle music) I'm also not the kind of guy that needs to have a building fall on him to let him know it's time to move on. - I got married for us. - Liar. - Come on, people were starting to talk and you and I both know that your mother would never let you be with a woman that was 15 years older than you. (Dante chuckles) - It's funny. After all that time we spent together, you still don't know me, huh? (gentle music) I would've fought for us. But you ran off and married that guy for money. (gentle music) (throat clearing) - I was taught that if you can't marry for love, then you better marry for money. (Dante scoffs) - It's disappointing to hear you say that. Especially when you could have had both. (gentle music) - What has happened to family values in our community? (congregation cheering) And what has happened to family values in this country? (congregation mumbling) Family values have gone to hell in a hand basket. - [Congregant] That's right, that's right. - We need a new breed of political leaders in this community. - [Congregant] That's right. (congregation applauds) - Come on somebody. (congregation applauds) So I'm here in front of my church family to say that I am running for Congress. (congregation applauds) (footsteps thudding) - Hey sister. (footsteps thudding) I thought that was you. I'ma tell you this just once. Stay away from my man. - Your man? - Mm. (Tanisha chuckles) - I met your man. Your man seems nice, real nice. But I prefer mine walking, so. (footsteps thudding) - You know damn well what I'm talking about. - Well, if he's your man, why is he spending all his time with me? (hang banging) - Listen heifer, - Bitch. You need get out my face - What you need to do is - First of all - Whoo Oh, oh. Oh this low class heifer, she's trying to attack me. Call the police. - Oh please. I know you started it, I saw you follow her in here. - I didn't, I just came into the bathroom-- Like any decent person. - Let me make one thing very clear. The Bishop doesn't like messiness in this church and neither does your husband. And do we really need to go there? (Donna shrugs) Didn't think so. (dramatic music) (footsteps thudding) (door banging) (Tanisha exhales) You must be Tanisha. - Yes. - Dante told me to look after you. I'm Donna, his sister. - Aa aw, nice to meet you. - What'd you do to her? - Listen. - Come on. - Thank you for that. - I know people are concerned about gentrification in the neighborhoods, being pushed out of their homes, being pushed out of their businesses. I decided to throw my hat in the ring and run for Congressman. So you're the first to know Martin. - I saw you and my sister talking too. - That's my girl. - I can see why my man is giving up his players card. (hands clapping) - Tanisha, this is Shorty my-- - Best friend. All day. Every day. - All right, well nice to meet you best friend. - Yeah. (Tanisha chuckles) - You know it seems like I know you from somewhere. Have we met before? - No. Uh uh. I would've definitely remembered somebody like you. - You know what it might be because y'all from the same neighborhood. - Yes, yes. - That's right. - Same neighborhood. - [Tanisha] Definitely. - You know we gotta get going, we're gonna be late. So, I gotta get Tyrell and-- - Come on, I gotta feed these two, so. - Okay. I'll get with you later at Big Dog? - Absolutely. - All right. All right. - Nice to meet you. - I catch up with y'all later. - Uh huh, okay. - Yeah. (hip hop music) ♪ I'm addicted to the fast life ♪ - I think one of Dante's friends recognized me and that's the last thing I need is for him or his family to find out I work here. - So what? You just doing, what you gotta do. Ain't that church people always trying to judge and then tell people, "Don't judge them." Just tell 'em you dance, so what? - Girl, are you crazy? I can't do that. I'ma have to quit. - So what about school? What about the money that your mama took from you? How you gonna get that back? - I don't know. All right, I'ma have to figure something out. (car engine revving) (Tanisha laughs) - So this is it. - Hey. I'm so glad you could make it. Welcome to our home. - I'm here. - Yes, well just remember my mom trips on the regular. So don't take anything she says personally. - You really think she's gonna say something to me? - You know what, put this on. - Yeah. - And I think you'll be okay. - Are you serious? - Yeah, - I don't. - Let's get that. - Slowly, your arm in that. - [Donna] You dressed up. - Thank you. - Let me get the hair for you. There we go. - Okay. - Right. - Much better. - Cool, let's go. - You ready? - Not really, but I'm here. So, let's do this. - It's gonna be fine. The behavior side... All right, Dad, Ma, I want you to meet Tanisha. Tanisha, this is my father, Bishop T.K Wilson. - Hi. - Hey Tanisha. Glad to meet you, call me Bishop. - Nice to meet you Bishop. - And this is my mother, First Lady Charlene Wilson. - [Bishop T.K] Come on in - Nice to meet you - [Bishop T.K] And sit down - First Lady. - Time to eat, sit dear. Sit. - [Bishop T.K] Come on and sit down and eat. - Okay. - Dante, will you do the honors of blessing the food? - Of course pops. All right. (throat clearing) - Thank you heavenly father for blessing us with this food. For the care and nourishment of our body. - [Donna] Yes Lord. - Bless the hands that prepared it as well. Those are my momma's hands, Lord. - Yeah. - And just, we just wanna thank you. In Jesus Christ name we pray. - Amen. - Amen. - [Bishop T.K] Amen. - [First Lady] Amen. - That was nice. Ooh. Thank you. - Charlene this is wonderful. - Thank you darling. - This is really good. - Thank you dear, I appreciate that. - So Tanisha, where you from? - I am from the Projects right off of the King. If you're familiar, perhaps? - Yeah, I know, we have a few parishioners from there. Don't we Charlene? - Yes we do. - Perhaps you're familiar with Sister Wilma Johnson? - Hmm. No sir, that doesn't ring a bell. I don't think I do. - [Bishop T.K] Maybe you know Sister Betty Dumps? - No sir, I don't know her either. - You sure you from that area? - [Tanisha] I know, right? - Excuse me about that, Sister Dumps is raising a lot of cane up over there. - Really, well I need to get to know her. (all laugh) - Is that a tattoo like right above your breast? - Oh, yes ma'am, I have three actually. - [First Lady] Wow. - I've got this one, I have one on my neck and then I have one that's, you know, little undercover obviously. (all laugh) Nobody can see it though. (all laugh) - Wow, you know, back in my day, only Jezebels wore tattoos. - Charlene, we're not back in your day. - Well that was a different time. - So Tanisha, do you have a church home? - No sir, I don't have a church home right now. But after hearing you speak last week, I'm thinking about joining First Jamaican Ministries. You know the doors of the church are always open. - Thank you and Lord knows I need to make use of them. - Now, that's the first intelligent thing I've heard all night. - [Bishop T.K] Charlene. - No honey, no really, no. Her soul looks like it could use some cleansing. - You know what the word says? That he who is without sin, cast the first stone. - Hmm. - So dear. Did you know that Dante will be attending Howard University School of Divinity this fall? He's becoming a minister. - A minister? - [First Lady] Yes. - I thought you told me you wanted to be a lawyer. - A lawyer. (chuckles) God heavens no. Dante, what is she talking about? - Well, ma, I've been thinking maybe I don't wanna be a preacher. - You've been thinking, huh? What has gotten into you? I don't know what it is, maybe it's this tramp that you brought into my house. - Ma - [First Lady] You need to watch-- - That's enough. - No, you need to get your head on straight. - Charlene. - [First Lady] What? - That's not necessary. - T.K look, no, Dante needs to hear this. Dante, of all the nice girls in the congregation, you have to bring home this-- - What this tramp? I got it the first time. - Done, if the shoe fits her. - Ma what-- - No, no, no, Dante, it is okay. Donna, it was really nice seeing again. Bishop, thank you for your hospitality. - [Tanisha] First Lady. - Yes dear. - You have a lovely home. - Thank you. - Too bad we couldn't get a chance to know each other better, cause we both have something in common. We both love your son. - Babe I'll take you home-- - No, it's okay, I'll get home. You eat dinner with your family, I'm gonna walk home. I have some things to think about anyway. - [Bishop T.K] Listen, let me apologize for my wife, she's drank-- - Don't apologize for me. - Dante go get her. - Hold on. (footsteps thudding) How do you call yourself a Christian Ma? - Who do you think you're talking to? - I don't know. Clearly not the woman who raised me. She wasn't this tacky and judgemental. (chair drops) - And I'll second that. - [Dante] Tanisha. - You wonder why people are scared of you at church? Where's the God in you? Didn't see it tonight. Should be ashamed of yourself. - Hey babe, let me take you home, okay. No no, let me take you home. - Just leave me alone. - Listen, listen, I'm sorry. Okay, that's not a representation of me. Let me take you home. - That wasn't right. - No it wasn't. - And that's why I'm out here with you. Do me a favor, get in the car. I'm gonna take you home. - Okay? - All right. (car honking) (gentle music) (car engine revving) (gentle music) - Look, I'm really sorry about all that. And I don't want all that to mess up all this, what we got. - And what is all of this that we got? - We got us. (gentle music) (mouth kissing) - [Man] Hey TT, something going on with your mom's. - What? What the hell is going on? - [Officer] 25 - [Elena] Let me go You gotta get her, take this picture somebody, I didn't do shit. - Take a step back, take a step back. Step back. - Hey TT, so hold up, you looking for your little bro? - Yes - They already took him. - Who? - Who took him? - Child services. I tried to tell 'em you be paying all the bills. They ain't care, they took him anyway. - [Elena] Help me. (suspenseful music) (footsteps thudding) (door knocking) (door opens) - Donna? - I need to talk to you. - Yes, yes, of course. But you know I'm always here for, you know, Sister Susan was just leaving. Ain't that right Sister Susan? - Oh yes, that's right. So I'll see you later? - Absolutely. - Deacon. - Absolutely. - Donna. (footsteps thudding) - I knew this was gonna happen. I told you this was gonna happen. Why wouldn't you stop smoking? - I know, I'm so sorry. Look and I'm gonna get some help, I'm really... So you gotta get me out. You gotta get me help, like right away. The bail is only a thousand dollars. It's just a thousand dollars. I know that you got money saved up for a rainy day girl. Come on Tanisha, it's raining in here like a mother fucker. - Did you forget that you smoked all my money up? - Get the money from Dante. - Are you crazy? - That fool, he loves you. He'll do anything for you. Tanisha, baby, you got to get me the hell outta here. - Hey time to wrap it up over there. - Tanisha. (suspenseful music) - Goodbye Mom. Listen, I will put some money on your commissary, but that's it. I gotta go to court now and see if I can get Tyrell to even come home with me. - Tanisha help me. - Get yourself together. - Tanisha, don't try to hang up the phone. (Elena screaming) Okay, okay. - Child endangerment, possession of an illegal substance in the home, mother testing positive. It's obvious we can't send this youngster back in the home with his mother. Does Mr. Jones have any other family requesting custody at this time? - Yes, Your Honor. His sister Tanisha Jones has petitioned for custody. Ms. Jones, however, is currently unemployed with no visible means of support. - I am afraid that may present a problem. - Permission to address the court, Your Honor. - That depends, who are you? - Dante Wilson, Director of church activities at First Jamaican Ministries. - Oh, are you Bishop Wilson's son? - Yes ma'am. Your Honor, Ms. Jones has recently been approved for one of our help a neighbor grants. I'm not sure if you're familiar with the program. - Oh, I know it well. I even served on the board a few years back. - Then you're no doubt aware that our grant combined with foster care funds will be more than enough to allow Ms. Jones to stay at home and take care of her little brother. - Custody granted, pending home inspection and evaluation. Very impressive young man. - Thank you. - Have you ever thought about becoming a lawyer? - Yes, Your Honor, I have. - I think you'll make a good one. - Thank you very much. - I'll have to tell the Bishop. This young man, his church and this court are placing a great deal of faith in you young lady. Don't let us down. - Yes, Your Honor. Thank you. - Court adjourned. (gavel thudding) (gentle music) (door opens) - Sorry I'm late-- - Donna, sit down. (keys jingling) (throat clearing) - Hey princess. You look upset. Is there something you wanna tell us? - Oh, everything is fine daddy. Just-- (throat clearing) - If everything's fine, you wanna explain this? Madonna Ree Wilson, I asked you a question. And I want an answer. You pregnant? - So now you going through my garbage can? - This is my house. I asked you a question. - Princess. Come on. Are you? Are you pregnant? - Yes, I'm pregnant. I'm so sorry, daddy. I'm sorry. - I cannot not believe this. What are we gonna do? - Charlene? What's done is done. What we gotta do now is try to make sure Donna's okay. - I want her outta my house. - Charlene. - You had to go and shame this family? I mean, ruin your father's campaign. Family values. Well, (scoffs) that's a laugh. - Okay. Okay. - [First Lady] How far along are you? - I'm not sure. Maybe two, three months. - All right, that's good. At least you know she won't be showing for the wedding. - Wedding? Who said anything about a wedding? - Of course you'll marry. Your mom and I need to talk to this young man. - Oh God, I'm not having a shotgun wedding. - And I need to talk to him man to man. - No, daddy, you can't do that. - Of course I can. - She doesn't know who the father is. - [Bishop T.K] Charlene. Do you? - Do you want the names of the five or six likely candidates so you can pick the best one to save your precious reputation? - You had to go and disgrace your father. And act like a whore. - Charlene. Charlene. - Daddy? Do you think I'm a whore? - No, I don't think you're a whore. But I do think you made a bad choice. - Wait-- - No Charlene no, no, no. - Stop it. - No. - I'm so sorry about this mess. It's crazy, I gotta clean it up because I have a social worker coming tomorrow and if she sees this, I might lose Tyrell. And if I lose Tyrell, that is gonna ruin everything that I'm-- - Stop. Sh sh sh, listen. - So much. - Listen. You're not alone, I'm here. We can handle this, together. - Really? - Really. Think you'd be surprised what I do for you. - I'm not too surprised after what you did today. I really appreciate it. - You're welcome. - Just couldn't even keep your damn legs closed, could you, I mean, how many times do we talk about this Donna? (First lady shrugs) Here. - What is that for? - An abortion. And please, please don't get it in the city. Somebody might recognize you. - So now you expect me to get an abortion? Suppose I don't want to? - Understand this, Donna, you're not gonna mess this up for your father. Now, you either tell me who the father of your baby is. Oh God, so we can arrange a wedding. Or you take your little butt to an abortion clinic. (dramatic music) (First Lady shrugs) (dramatic music) (Donna crying) (gentle music) - Donna. (gentle music) Donna. - Yeah. - Will you marry me? (gentle music) - What'd you say? (gentle music) - Look Donna, I love you very much. And I want you to be my wife. - Shorty, I can't marry you. I'm in love with someone else. I thought I explained it to you last night. - I mean you did. But it doesn't explain the fact that you with me and not him. ♪ Is there anything too hard for the Lord no ♪ ♪ You say that you got me ♪ ♪ So I'm letting go ♪ ♪ Been fixing my situations impossible ♪ ♪ I can't take no more ♪ ♪ I'm reminded your word ♪ (upbeat music) - Good morning. - Good morning (mouth kissing) - Yes. - What? - I'm just glad you're still cute in the morning. - Oh. (both laugh) ♪ And I'm rejoicing cause I already won ♪ ♪ With Joshua well you held the moon and the sun ♪ ♪ You love me just as much ♪ ♪ I trust you ♪ ♪ You saved Daniel form the lion's den ♪ ♪ She touched your garment and was whole again ♪ (upbeat music) - Donna, you can learn to love me. Your baby's gonna need a daddy. - Baby already has a daddy. ♪ Be fixing my situations impossible ♪ ♪ Be fixing my situations impossible ♪ - All right Tyrell, here's your lunch. It's time for school. - Thank you. - You're welcome. - That is good stuff. - Be good, okay? Love you. - [Tyrell] See you Dante. - Love you men. ♪ Your word says ♪ ♪ So I lay it at your feet ♪ ♪ Your word said is ♪ ♪ And I will lay it ♪ ♪ What you did for me ♪ - I made you a little sumn sumn incase you get hungry. - Thank you. Feel all special. - You should. - Come on here (mouth kissing) - Lord we ask you to keep us safe. We ask you to put your arms around this family. This most difficult and confusing time. (gentle music) - Are you sure about this? - Yes. (Donna sniffles) - Donna I have done a lot of crappy things in my life. Most of which I could care less about baby. - You promised. - I know, but this, this, this just doesn't feel right. - I'm sure. (suspenseful music) - Oh my goodness. (suspenseful music) You so brave. (gentle music) - [Donna] I have to go talk to my mom about this. (car door closes) - Wait, Donna, Donna, baby, come on, come on, come on. Are you sure you wanna do this here? All right, it could get ugly. - I'm sure what I wanna do-- - No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Come on, come on, come on, let's get outta here before someone sees us. Now you can always talk to your mother later, in private. - [Dante] Donna. - Come on. - Dante. - Hey, you had all of us worry girl. - I'm here for you baby. - Hey listen, ma said you're pregnant. - Has she also tell you she kicked me out of the house and she wants me to get an abortion. - What? Oh, this mess can wait. - What's going on in there? - Well, you don't know. Reverend Reynolds messed around and got himself married over the weekend. Daughter of some big preacher. - Married? (footsteps thudding) (dramatic music) - You don't have to do this right now. - Reverend Reynolds is getting married. I have to pay him my proper respect. - Your dropped your necklace. And are you okay, you don't look okay. - Oh really, I feel good. Now if you'll excuse me. - Donna. Hi. - Hey Donna, how are you? - I'm good, well, I hear congratulations are in order. - Yes, this is Shawna, my wife. Shawna, Donna Wilson, the Bishop and First Lady's daughter. - [Shawna] Oh, please to meet you Donna. - Nice to meet you and I hope we can become great friends. I'm sure we have a lot in common. - Oh, I'd like that. - You know what, let me take you out if that's okay with Reverend Reynolds. - Well, of course, I mean, but we'll probably be spending most of our time with other married couples. - Well, isn't that a coincidence? My fiance and I were looking for a couple to hang out with as well. - Fiance? - Fiance? - Fiance? - Yes, someone proposed to me too. - [Bishop T.K] And who is that Donna? - Who might be the lucky guy? - Shorty? - [Bishop T.K] Shorty. - Shorty proposed. (Donna chuckles) - Well congratulations. - Thank you. - [Rev Reynolds] Congratulations. - Congratulations. - Shorty, are you the father of Donna's baby? I asked you, are you-- - Yes. Shorty's the father. - Good Lord. Why are you torturing us so? - No one is torturing you mother. Why can't you just be happy for us? - Because he's trifling and I will not have him humiliate me with his trifling ways. And neither will you. - Charlene stop. - [First Lady] What? What? - That's enough. Now is not the time. They are gonna have a hard enough time raising a baby and finishing school. They need our support. Donna, do you wanna marry Shorty? Are you sure? - Yes, Daddy, I'm sure. - What about you? - Look, I love Donna, I always have. - Now's your chance to prove it. Welcome to the family. Listen Shorty, this is my only daughter. And I love her. You take good care of her, you hear me? - Yes sir. - Okay. It's gon be fine, it's in God's hands. - Yeah. Okay. (car engine revving) - Dante, I need your support. Shorty is your boy. - Exactly. I don't support this and I don't wanna go. - Can you do it for me? I need-- - Dante, have you seen... Oh Donna, there you are. Your father asked me to talk to you and Shorty about your pre-marriage counseling, you got a minute? - That's my cue, I need some air anyway. I'ma go, for you. - Thank you. (footsteps thudding) (door closes) - Donna, you can't keep avoiding me. - How's your wife? - Look, you can't marry Shorty. I won't allow it. - Won't allow it? - You don't love him. You love me. - Don't you dare touch me. I don't deserve this. You didn't even have the decency to tell me. - I wanted to tell you myself, in private. - Oh, you, to continue to play me for a fool. - No, I didn't want you to make a scene. - It would've been a scene alright. How could you cheat on me? - I was cheating on her, not you. ♪ Tell him that I'm back again ♪ ♪ And every now and then ♪ - Do you love her? - We make a good team. We, we, we work well together. She's from a very powerful family. And I want my own church someday, she can help me get that. - I asked do you love her? - I did. Till I fell in love with you. ♪ I can't make you ♪ - I got to be the world's biggest fool. (car engine revving) (gentle music) - We need to talk for a second man. - Yeah, sure, what's up? (throat clearing) - Been trying to figure out the right time and place to talk to you about this situation. Man to man. - Yeah, did your sister ask you about being my best man? (gentle music) - Told her no. How could you? Your supposed to be my boy. - Dante, you gotta-- - No, no, no, no. How could you do my sister, man? - D it's not what it looks like, man. Trust me bro. - I trusted you. My family trusted you. - D you, you know I would not hurt you, man. - The damage is done Shorty. It's a little too late for that. (gentle music) Shorty outta all the women that you know, Instagram models, strippers, you couldn't go get one of them. You had to go get my baby sister. - You know I've loved Donna for a long time-- - I don't wanna hear that. (gentle music) You knocked her up behind my back like a coward. - D I'm not a coward. I'm trying to do right by her. So I'ma be here, so you gonna have to deal with it. (hand punching) - Yeah. - Whoa, whoa, hey, hey, hey. What's going on fellas? - I have a question to ask you. Your father said that you're pregnant? - And? - It's my baby, isn't it? I thought you said you were on the pill. - Obviously it didn't work. - Well, you can't marry him. I can't bear the thought of another man raising my child. - Prove it, leave her, marry me Terrance. We can raise our baby together. Together. - I can't do that Donna, not right now. I have too much riding on this marriage. But I'll take care of the baby, I promise you. Just please don't get married. - Do you expect me to be an unwed mother? Are you crazy? I can't do that to my family or my baby. - Please Donna, I love you. - Selfish son of a-- - Donna. (mouth kissing) (hand slapping) - Don't you ever touch me again. I'm marrying Shorty and there's nothing you can do to stop me. - Damn it Donna, don't do this. (gentle music) (door opens) (door bangs) (Donna sobs) - You look amazing. What do you mean you don't feel confident? - I don't know, I just well, you would say that, but do I really have to go, you really want me there? - I want you there, my mom's not gonna trip. If she starts, we'll leave, I promise. - Promise? - Promise. - So how you gonna act when you see your boy? - I ain't got nothing to say to Shorty. - After a couple drinks, you're not gonna go Mike Tyson on them, are you? - Mayweather? - Oh my God, see. - Baby I'm kidding. I ain't messing up my suit. I'm too sharp I to be fighting. - You do look good. - Thank you, so do you. Let's go. - All right, let's go, I'm ready. - You mess around and get a different kind of touching this afternoon. - And do you Madonna Wilson, take Charles Mann to be your lawfully wedded husband. To have and to hold, to honor and cherish. So long as you both shall live? - I do. I do. - Then before all gathered here today with the power vested in me and through the grace of God, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your bride. (congregation cheering) (upbeat music) (mouth kissing) ♪ Beautiful ♪ ♪ You're everything that you need ♪ ♪ You're the star baby can't you see ♪ ♪ You're marvelous ♪ - Excuse me. - Oh. - The First Lady told the Bishop that she wanted you out of here. So if I were you, I would get to steppin. - I'm not going anywhere. - Tanisha. Darling, would you mind if I speak to Sister Emerson alone? Just for a minute - Of course. - Church business. - Yes, of course. We were done anyway. Anita, right? - Yes, it's Trumpnisha. - Oh, Dante. (footsteps thudding) - Well, it's a little drafty in here. Would you like to talk inside? - Mm. Oh, I don't think you want anyone to hear what I'm about to say. Stay away from my son and his girlfriend. (Anita laughs) (First Lady laughs) - I don't understand, we were just talking. - Stay away from them. You understand me now? - She's the one you need to be concerned with. She's not right for your son First Lady. A girl like that will tear the church down. - And you and him, that's right for the church? - Oh yeah. I mean, no. (Anita chuckles) I don't want you to get the wrong idea. See, I'm married and me and Dante we're just, we're good friends and I just don't wanna see him get hurt. - Is that right? Just friends. So you were just friends all those times you were in his office with the door locked? Oh and before he got his car, when you used to drop him off at my home at 3:00 AM in the morning. Anita, do you really think you can have an affair with my son all these years and I know nothing about it? At least you were safe. You had too much to lose, you know, to do anything crazy like get pregnant to trap him. - I (throat clearing) I mean, what are you trying to say First Lady? - I'm not trying to say anything, I am saying it. You had your fling, it's over, move on-- - You can't possibly approve of that (chuckles) relationship. Come on. - It's my business. Anita not yours. - You'll be happy I made it my business. When you hear what I've learned about that girl. Do you know that she-- - Will you be happy if I tell your husband and make it my business? That, oh, Dante still keeps naked pictures of you with his baseball cards. - You wouldn't dare. - Anita, I will do anything to protect my son. Right down to whooping your ass if that's what it takes. You want to-- (mouth clicks) - First Lady, you're making a big mistake when you find out the truth about that girl, you're gonna wish Dante stayed with me. They look better on. (footsteps thudding) (mouth kissing) - I've been waiting all my life for this. Babe wake up. - 10 Minutes. - Come on baby, it's me Shorty. - Shorty what do you want? - I want you. Look baby it's our wedding night. - Stop. - Come on baby wake up. I'll be gentle - Shorty I'm tired. (mouth kissing) - Come on baby, I thought we was going (mouth kissing) make this happen-- - Just let me sleep please. (gentle music) - Man we should talk. - Last time that happened, I got punched in the mouth. - Kinda had it coming. I might have overreacted a little bit. Come on man, have a seat. (gentle music) I ain't gon swing on you. (gentle music) You really love her, huh? (Shorty chuckles) - Yeah. I really do. (gentle music) - I don't like this. I've known you too long, been friends with you too long, for us to not be cool. And I guess if you gon be in the family and be my brother, I kinda need to get over that. (gentle music) Welcome to the family brother. (gentle music) Not that it's any of my business, what you and my sister are doing, but why aren't you upstairs with Donna man? It's your wedding night. - Yeah, she's exhausted man, with the baby. Man, she was calling hogs before I can even walk out of the room. - You know what I meant to tell you about that. I feel for you, you gonna have to deal with that for about the next 45 years. She been snoring since she was three. (Dante snores) (both laugh) It's terrible, sounds like the walking dead. (both laugh) Speaking of which, you know what, I'ma head out before Tanisha falls asleep that way at least one of us has a good night. I'm in 1206, hit me in the morning, man. Let's all grab breakfast or something. - Cool. - Hey, so you really like Tanisha, huh? (gentle music) - Yeah, I do. Why? - I just think it's something you need to know about your girl. - Shorty don't tell me you slept with her too, please. - No, man, I... But I have seen a bucket naked though. - Your stupid man, it's not funny. We just got cool again, you have the worst timing. That's not funny, man. - Bro she works at The Touch. She is a official stripper. - Oh, are you sure it's not just somebody who looks like her? I mean, that's a popular weave that she wears. - Brother, I wish it was. ♪ I'll never regret it ♪ ♪ I'll never regret it ♪ ♪ I'll never regret it ♪ ♪ I'll never regret it ♪ (dramatic music) - [News Anchor] Mr. Beck was arrested. - Baby there you are. (covers ruffling) What's wrong? - Are you a stripper? ♪ So lost for words ♪ - What are you talking about? - Are you a stripper Tanisha? - Who told you that? - Answer my question. Answer me? - Yes, yes. Listen, you have to listen, okay. It's not what you think. And I was gonna tell you, I promise. I was just looking for the right time, okay? I stopped. I stopped. And I was just doing it to take care of Tyrell. - You were doing it until you get a better hustle, me? - Why are you saying that? You know, I-- - That's something you tell me that's not something - No no no, you know I love you - You do. - Don't do that to me. This is me - Tanisha - This is me. - That's something - I would never you let know, you give me a chance to make the choice to deal with it or not to deal with it. - I love you I love you. - Get your hands of me, - I love you, I'm sorry - Don't touch me. I don't want no love, don't touch me. ♪ I blew it off ♪ ♪ I broke your heart ♪ (car engine revving) (gentle music) - Morning husband. (gentle music) Shorty. (Shorty groans) - Hey. - I'm gon take a shower and I'll be all yours, okay? - All right. Make sure you go on and hit that mouth area them teethesis before you get back in the bed. - Shut up. (Shorty laughs) (covers ruffling) - I'm just still so tired. (suspenseful music) (shower running) (suspenseful music) - You up early, Ma. - Yeah, baby. (mouth kissing) Always thought I was holding this for your sister's wedding day. It's your aunt Elizabeth's wedding ring. - That is beautiful. - Yeah. - I guess I'll hold it for yours one day when you get married. (both laugh) What? Something wrong? - Won't be anytime soon. - You know, Bishop and I, we were remarking that Tanisha seems to have settled you right on down. - Tanisha isn't who you think she is. She isn't who I thought she was. Just found out she was a stripper Ma. - Is she a stripper or was a stripper? See, cause I heard that she had stopped. - You heard? How did you hear? How do you know that? - Oh honey. Is she still stripping? - I don't know. I hope not. (phone rings) Right on cue. Saved by the bell. Hello? What? Hold on, we on the way right now, right now we on way, come on Ma. Donna's in the hospital, come on. - Donna's in the hospital, oh my God. (Shorty sniffles) - Look, there was blood everywhere man, we were scared. If it wasn't for Tanisha, I don't even know-- - Tanisha? - Yeah man, I tried to run and get you. Tanisha took charge, she calmed down Donna while the paramedics came, she called them. (footsteps thudding) - Are you okay? (footsteps thudding) - She's going to be fine. - The stress of the wedding is probably what caused the spotting. And the shower made it look like more blood than there actually was. - What about the baby? - The baby's fine sir. I'll be outside if you need me. - Thank you doctor. - Thank you. (gentle music) - So did you hear that princess? Your just fine, it's all in God's hands now. - Where's Tanisha? - Look, don't you worry about that, okay, you just rest. - Dante I hope you didn't mess up. She's a special girl. - Okay, you don't know what you're talking about. She's not the little angel everybody thinks she is. - God no one cares that she used to strip. You love her, she loves you, that is all that matters. - What the hell, does everybody know she's a stripper? (gentle music) - Honey, she's a good woman who has done absolutely everything to change her life. She deserves a good man. Please don't be like me, so caught up in what other people are saying that you stop following your heart. (gentle music) - [Bishop T.K] Hmm. (gentle music) - Go find that woman. - Ma. - Yeah. (all laugh) - Love you ma. - I love you more. (mouth kissing) (waves whooshing) - Dante what are you doing here? - I figured I'll find you here. Come here. (waves whooshing) Come here. (waves whooshing) I said some mean things about your past and I'm sorry. Regardless of what you used to be or used to do, I love you. - Dante I'm sorry-- - Sh sh. Will you marry me? - Yes. (gentle music) Yes. (gentle music) (waves whooshing) (mouth kissing) - But I don't want you stripping for nobody else but me. - Nobody but you. - Okay. (Tanisha chuckles) (Tanisha screams) (gentle music) Hold it up, let everyone see. (car engine revving) - Bitch, you look good. - Its, we're in church, can you please just, can you act... Can you put on good (throat clearing) Natasha for me today? - Yes. - Thank you. - Who is it? - [Tyrell] It's Tyrell, I got something for my sister. - Yes please. Yes. Aw, look at my brother. You look so handsome. - You look great too. - [Tanisha] Thank you. - I got something for you. - Mommy. My God. Oh, look at you. - Look how beautiful you look. - Me? Look at you, you look incredible. - How did you even get-- - Oh, early release for good behavior. And this. Look, this is all Dante. Did you know he was visiting me every week? And he asked me for your hand. - I can't believe you just... I'm so happy. - Oh I'm so happy for you. - Do you Tanisha Jones, take my son, to be your lawfully wedded husband. To have, to hold, to cherish and to honor. - And obey. - And obey as long as you both do live? - I do, I do, I do. ♪ It's more than your sexy walk ♪ ♪ The way you smile ♪ - By the power of the Almighty. And the power vested in me. I now pronounce you man-- - No. No. Stop. Stop. - Mommy. - Stop. No, you can't marry him. - What are you doing? No, you can't marry him. - Wait a minute, wait a minute. Now ma'am, why can't they marry? - That's your father, Tanisha. - What? - What? - Elena? Is that you? - Yeah, it's me. - Oh my God. What are you even doing here? - Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? Really? - Mom? - No. - Tanisha, no baby, baby. Wait a minute baby, I'm sorry. I'm sorry baby. (dramatic music) - [First Lady] It's gonna be fine guys. - Fine? - Yes baby. - Come on you shouldn't be on your feet for too long. - I don't wanna sit down right now. - Madonna, please sit down before you lose the baby. - Fine. (footsteps thudding) - I know it's been a long day. And I want you all to know that I'm withdrawing from the race - Bishop. No. - Look at all the stuff that's going on. - That's it? Hmm? That's all you have to say. - That's all for now Dante. - You're supposed to be a man of God, you fake bastard. - Dante. - Ma no. How long you been screwing around on my mother and how many other brothers and sisters we got floating around out here? - I will talk to you about that later. Now-- - Answer me. - Dante please - Hold on a minute yo that's your pops. - That's Deacon Black and Deaconess Ariel. - It's okay, let them in dear. - [Shorty] Calm down, it's gonna be fine. - Once you get a chance, you talk to him, okay? - [James] Hey. - Good to see you. - We just left the deacons-- - It's all right. - Hey Bishop. - Reverend Reynolds called an emergency meeting. - That's good. At least he's doing some damage control. - Bishop, he's asked the board to fire you. - What? They can't do this. - No, they can't. According to the bylaws, they have to have an open meeting and have me or someone else speak on my behalf. - Yes, but they can still suspend you without-- - I mean who is gonna run the church until then? - Well, that's officially why we're here First Lady Wilson. Reverend Reynolds has been named acting pastor. I believe he and his wife want your jobs. (car engine revving) - Bishop, you've heard the opinions and accusations and you know there's a motion to have you removed as pastor. Before we vote, we would like to give you the opportunity to make a statement. - [Congregation] Amen. Amen. - To the board and to members that are here, I prepared a brief statement, but I will not be answering any questions. - I think you owe us all an explanation for your infidelity and for the embarrassment you brought down on this church. - All due respect Reverend. I don't think I owe anybody any explanations. Maybe my wife, maybe my family, my son and my daughter. But the only person I feel like I owe an explanation to really is God. As you know, I have served this church faithfully for 17 years. And in those 17 years, we've done some good work here in the community, in this church, and all around this city. - [Congregation] Amen. - I wanna say that, I wanna say that this church, this church has been my life. And I am sorry for any indiscretions that may cause you some pain. But I will not stand here before you and deny my daughter. - So you admit that she is your daughter? - Yeah. That's my daughter. - Then that makes you an adulterer and unfit to lead this congregation. - Hmm. Let me say this to you all. I swear right here before you all and my Lord and master that I have never committed adultery. Now, fire me, that's what you decide. But I am at peace, knowing that my conscious is clear. - [Congregant] Amen. - And I am right with my God. (congregation cheering) Thank you. (congregation applauding) - We need order, we need order. There's still a motion on the floor and we still need to take a vote. - I like to say something. - We know that you have to defend your husband, but he has embarrassed this church and wronged you. We are only-- - Please, do not. Stop trying to act like you're defending my honor. Judas. If you would all indulge me, I'd like to share a story. - Deacon what does this have to do with-- - Reverend Reynolds. Please allow the First Lady to speak. - Thank you. - [Congregation] Amen. - Thank you. Thank you. The story concerns a young man in Virginia, he was not a member of a church. He worshiped crack cocaine. He and his woman were totally addicted. The woman had a very bad reaction to the drugs and slipped into unconsciousness. The young man feared that she would die. So he ran for help. He found it in a church where a visiting minister offered his assistance. And he and that minister took that woman to the hospital and most likely saved her life. She remained in a coma for about three weeks. And every day that minister and that young man, they prayed for her. The minister also, he prayed for that young man because he too was fighting against his own habits and suffering from withdrawals from his own addictions. Now we all know God is good, amen? - [Congregation] Amen. - [First Lady] And we all know that he answers prayers, amen? - [Congregation] Amen. Amen. - And in two weeks, that young man conquered his addictions and found the Lord. Young man went home to his woman, but his woman was not ready. And just as he was praying for her to please put down the drugs and follow the Lord, she was praying to him and begging him to put down God and get back to partying. The young man knew that he was in danger of losing his life. And so he asked that minister, could he go with him back to his own church? Of course the minister said yes. So he left his woman and followed the path that the Lord has set before him. - [Congregation] Amen. - Now the minister, he had a child, she got pregnant. Even worse, she had so many men, she had no idea who the father of the baby was. As you can all figure out right now that the young man I am speaking of is our very own pastor. Bishop T.K Wilson. The minister was my father and the wayward child, was me. - [Congregation] It's alright. - My father was devastated when I got pregnant. I could have destroyed his fledgling church that he had started. T.K offered to marry me and raise my son as his. And I protested very loudly at first, but of course I agreed. And it has been 26 of the most blessed life a woman could ask for. He raised my son as his and that young man you all know is Dante Wilson. (suspenseful music) - [Rev Reynolds] That does not alter the fact that he had a child out of wedlock. - He only learned of her existence when we all did. And with God's help, he is ready to build a relationship with her and even help her mother stay off drugs. - [Congregation] Amen. (congregation applauding) - My husband is a true man of God and he has dedicated his life to this church that he helped build to what it is today. He does not deserve to be fired. Thank you. (congregation applauding) - I would like to say something. Even if you all believe that the bishop had no knowledge of his child, the damage is done. All the stories that are circulating about our adulterous leader, they have cause to undermine all of the good work that this church has tried to do in the community. We cannot support a bishop, who will father a child out of wedlock. It's against everything-- - Terrence stop it. I'm not gonna let you get away with this any longer. - Go ahead baby. - How dare you try to have my father removed for having a child outta wedlock almost 30 years ago. I think there's one more thing the church should know about before they vote. - This is highly airy. - [Congregant] Let her speak Reverend. - Why don't you tell everyone who my baby's father is? Tell 'em. Tell 'em how you went behind my father's back impregnated me, then ran off and married another woman. (congregation murmuring) - [Shawna] What is she talking about Terrence? - She's lying, she's-- - This is the house of the Lord. You know damn well this is your child. - This is a ploy. Can't y'all see that? That this family has been plagued with a generational curse? We need to vote immediately to remove them from the leadership of our church and restore the good name of this church back into the community. - Terrence? Why are you kissing her in this picture? (congregation murmuring) - Let me see those pictures. That's you, this is him. - And before you lie, there's a date on the photo. The same date when I went looking for my bridal gown. (congregation murmuring) - Deacon Black, we're not here to talk about me. We're here to talk about-- - Rev Reynolds. - [Congregant] Yes. - I think we've heard just about enough from you for one day. This meeting is adjorned brother. - [Congregation] Yes. (congregation applauding) - I guess we still have to put this to a vote. But before we do, I would ask that you long term members recall just how much this church has grown under Bishop Wilson's guidance. Now I know you've heard about all this media attention and what people outside First Jamaica Church are saying about us. But to hell with the media. (congregation cheering) Forget the gossip. - [Congregant] Yes. - I say we let the bishop stay. Let the bishop stay. - [Congregation] Let the Bishop stay. ♪ So you came and changed my life ♪ ♪ You thought I was worth living ♪ ♪ So you cleaned me up inside ♪ ♪ You thought I was to die for ♪ ♪ So you sacrificed your life ♪ ♪ So I could be free ♪ ♪ So I could be whole ♪ ♪ So I can tell everyone I know ♪ ♪ You thought I was worth saving ♪ ♪ So you came and changed my life ♪ ♪ You thought I was worth living ♪ ♪ You cleaned me up ♪ ♪ So you cleaned me up inside ♪ ♪ You thought I was to die for ♪ ♪ So you sacrificed your life ♪ ♪ So I could be free ♪ ♪ So I could be whole ♪ ♪ So I could tell everyone I know ♪ ♪ You thought I was worth saving ♪ ♪ So you came and changed my life ♪ ♪ You thought I was worth living ♪ ♪ So you cleaned me up inside ♪ ♪ You thought I was to die for ♪ ♪ You sacrificed your life ♪ ♪ So I could be free ♪ ♪ So I could be whole ♪ ♪ So I could tell everyone I know ♪ ♪ You thought I was worth saving ♪ ♪ So you came and changed my life ♪ ♪ You thought I was worth living ♪ ♪ So you cleaned me up inside ♪ ♪ So you cleaned me up inside ♪ ♪ You thought I was to die for ♪ ♪ So you sacrificed your life ♪ ♪ So I could be free ♪ ♪ So I could be whole ♪ ♪ So I could tell everyone I know ♪ ♪ Ooh ♪ ♪ Hallelujah ♪ ♪ Glory ♪ ♪ Glory to the God who changed my life ♪ ♪ And I will praise you ♪ ♪ Forever ♪ ♪ I will worship you ♪ ♪ Forever ♪ ♪ I'll give you glory ♪ ♪ Forever ♪ ♪ Because I am free ♪ ♪ Because I am whole ♪ ♪ And I will tell everyone I know ♪ ♪ Come on help me sing ♪ ♪ Hallelujah ♪ ♪ Glory ♪ ♪ To the God who changed my life ♪ ♪ To the God who changed my life ♪ ♪ And I will praise you ♪ ♪ Forever ♪ ♪ I'll worship you ♪ ♪ Forever ♪ ♪ I'll give you glory ♪ ♪ Forever ♪ ♪ Because I am ♪ ♪ Because I am free ♪ ♪ Because I am whole ♪ ♪ And you can tell everyone I know ♪ ♪ Come on lift it up say ♪ ♪ Hallelujah ♪
Channel: Deep C Digital
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Keywords: Movies, Full Movies, Entertainment, Deep C Digital, Movie, Film, the preacher's son, the preacher's son movie, the preacher's son full movie, the preacher's son free movie, the preacher's son 2017, Christian Keyes, Clifton Powell, Valarie Pettiford, Carl Weber, Trey Haley, drama movies, drama movie, full drama movies, full drama movie, free drama movies, free movies, free films
Id: dhG2dzsHaos
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Length: 99min 12sec (5952 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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