The Prayer Circle | Heartwarming Drama with Yetide Badaki , J. Teddy Garces, Christian Keyes

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Annie: <i>Dear</i> <i>Annie, I'll be brief,</i> <i>I'm sorry that I did</i> <i>not make it to your</i> <i>last few groups.</i> The way you guys bonded after everything, is nothing short of inspiring. Can't believe that you were generous enough to invite me. The fact that you could find it in your heart to forgive after what I did, it gives me faith. It makes me want to be a better person. I've just been so lost for so long. All I want is to find my path and walk it. I believe in my heart this is how to do that. Thank you, Wood. Wood? look I know you're busy, and everyone here thinks I'm crazy but you know I pray for you. I pray for you and your cousin and your friends. I pray for you all every single day so, I understand that you're busy but I was just, I would really like to see you come out to the meetings. I mean we will meet every Sunday afternoon, every single Sunday, at this. Annie? Annie? Hey, are you okay? Yeah um, how'd you get here? Oh, the bus, it's fine. No, no, no. Next week I'm going to go pick you up. No, please, it's only 15 minutes away. -I'm right on the line -But still-- I insist. Okay, if you insist. Here. Thanks. Oh, Sorry. He would have turned 15 last week, Monday. He's a cutie. Hmm, he's a lot of things. What did he have to say? Oh yeah nothing. He's not coming. Well, you extended the olive branch. That's all you can do. Yeah, but I was just really hoping that he would-- Please, Annie, any man in his 20s, who's still writing letters has some serious issues. I mean who still does that these days. He could have called, text, emailed, tweeted, skyped, steno typed. Okay, he's not that old. Have you heard from Will or Sarge? Oh, you know, they're probably off doing some manly stuff, who knows. Yeah, like shopping for power tools. Oh no, out playing football. Or watching the real housewives of Memphis. (laughs) Okay, no, no. I think they probably just got lost or something. Oh no, not Sarge. Not with all his war stories, he could find a one-eyed pup in the middle of the ocean, let him tell it. Okay, okay, you know, you should stop calling him that, he hates it, okay? And um, no, he's really north that old. He's not. No. (both laugh) He's nice. Nice, please, that is the meanest old man I have ever met. Hey, he's not mean. He's just set in his ways. He is, he's far from old, so. He could be my daddy. He could. Oh yeah, and I could be your mother. -Okay, now, no. - Aunty? Sister? -Cousin? -Older sister. -I'm good with the older sister. -(both laugh) Which should make me her aunt? It does. Well, you should, you should talk to him. You know-- Oh wow, okay. Well you should. No, um, yeah what would he want with a woman like me? You mean a Godly woman? For we know, and rely on, the love that God has for us. God is love, and whosoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him. Annie: Umm, that was good. A wise, wise old lady told me that once. Not that old, okay. You know what, it's, wow, you do listen. Michelle: Yes, I do. And hey, you're beautiful. It's a really strong combination. You got to work on that house-keeping, but other than that, you're a good catch. Yeah, that is why we're having the meeting here this week. No, I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Your place is fine. Hmm, right, right. No, no, it really is. Have you seen my place? I mean I don't even have living room furniture. Unless a bean bag counts. No, no, you know what, I can safely say that a bean bag does not count. (Laughs) No, it probably doesn't. Oh, you know what, come to think of it. Actually we should have the meeting at my place next week. Can you imagine Sarge sitting on a bean bag, drinking out of a pink plastic cup? That would be hilarious. You know what, you know what, actually, that would be kind of-- Actually you should go ahead and ask him out. Tell him how you feel. No, no, no, I'm not his type. You know what, you're one to talk. No, no, no, no, no. Don't turn this around on me. You were the one that's in the hot seat, lady. No, no, seriously Michelle-- Uh huh? I mean, that is not what we're here for. What y'all talking about? (both laugh) Hey Will. What's so funny? Didn't I, didn't I tell you not to come in here, without proper socks and shoes? I forgot, I'm sorry. Alright, okay. You know what, that's okay. Okay, you know what, Sarge is running late, so I'm going to go give him a call. Michelle: No, I can-- Annie: No, no, no, don't worry about it. Right back. Hey Hey. How's the um, baby thing going? (laughs) He's going. (both laughing) Cool, cool. Will? Will, where's your car? Huh? Your car's not out there. Oh yeah, I walked. Walked? Michelle: It's like 5 miles, Will. Well, like seven and a half, but you know, who's counting right? Michelle: That's a long walk in some flip flops. (Both women laugh) Yeah, it's a beautiful day though, so you know. That's true. Have you ever just felt like walking, you know enjoying the personality of the city, you know people watching, you know. It's pretty cool if you do it. The personality of the city? Yeah. Hey, you are a, you, are, and interesting Willow. I actually might run back home, you know. I like to get my work-out on, and my praise on in the same day, so. That's very efficient, yeah. -It's not the same. -Huh? Nothing, nothing. Where's Sarge? You know, Tony, will be here soon. Tony. You know what I gotta go, um, print out last week's notes, so-- Do you know, need any help? I can-- -No, no, no, I can just-- -I can help you, too. No, I can do this, it'll just take me a minute, I'm just printing for you guys. It's not like I'm doing construction work, okay? So, ahh, yeah, I'll be right back. So, um, whatever happened to what's his name? Aww, (sighs) I don't know. He didn't show up. It's probably for the best, right. That would have been kind of awkward. Right? Yeah, it would have been weird. You want to have a seat, or, Oh, yeah. You need any help? I can help you. I'm fine. I'm pregnant, I'm not broken. I can sit down. I'm just trying to help you. Oh, I'm sorry. I'm fine, that was sweet of you. Sweet of me? That was sweet. (Laughs) You know what I mean. I think I do. Besides, it's not the sitting down that gets you, it's the getting up, that's hard. I feel that. So... So, did you really walk all the way here? I did. I did, you know. I don't really like to drive too much, you know. -Really? -Yeah. Did you know that the United States produces most of the carbon dioxide in the world? United States and China actually. No, I didn't. Yeah, and most of it comes from cars. So technically, I'm like saving lives, -You know. -(laughs) Okay. And it helps my figure, -my girlish figure. -Oh, no, no. I'm trying to work on my girlish figure, I need to work out or something, I mean. But you know, as soon as I drop this, oh, I'm about to get it right entitled by doing some sit-ups, some push-ups, oh I'ma get it in. (both laughing) Why don't you start now? I feel like we should start working out now, before-- Are you trying to say that I'm fat? No, no, no, no. I'm not trying to-- I mean you said I should start working out now-- I'm not saying you're fat, I just think, you know. You just think what? (laughing) I think you look wonderful, honestly. But you know, research shows that, you know, working out helps with the baby. -It helps with the pregnancy, -No, I don't-- -I just don't -(laughing) I don't know. From working and going to school, I just, I don't know, I'm so tired when I get home. I just, plus I don't really like to work out alone, so-- Um, well if you need me to, I'll work out with you. I like working out. -Oh, -Well, you know-- -I don't -Only if you want me to, you know, I'm pretty sure you've got a whole bunch of people that want to work out with you. Yeah, I see your Facebook, you got like 10,000 people on there. Now, now, don't think I'm stalking you, -It sounds like you stalk me. -No, no. I'm pretty sure you've got a million followers on twitter, somebody want to work out with you. And you're a twitter stalker too. (both laugh) Okay, No, but if you need me, I'll help you. I would actually like to work out. -Would you? -Yeah. Wait, just to be, you know, clear. You want to work out with me right? Yes, Will. I would like to work out with you. -Gotcha. -Stalker. (both laugh) You know, actually I realized the printer's over there, so... Um, has anyone heard from Sarge? -Where's he at? -Yeah, where's Sarge? Annie: His name's Tony. Well has anyone heard from Tony, I'm sorry. Oooh, Tony. Tony: Are you guys ready to do this? Shall we pray? Lord, I want to thank you for bringing us back together again. It's been a year since the incident, and we are all stronger for it. We trust in you, as the Bible says Lord, we trust in your strength, and in your refuge, and we can depend on your everlasting, ever present love. And we shall not fear, though the mountains shall fall into the sea, though the waters roar, and foam, we shall not fear Lord. In your name we pray, Amen. All: Amen Amen. You know, that's what I really like about forgiveness, you know? It's like the whole forgive, forget turn the other cheek thing. I think forgiveness is dope. You can't just forgive anybody. -Why not? -Because you can't, that's why. -Yeah, but God-- -Yeah but-- -God forgave... -God, yeah-- and if he can, then we-- shouldn't we try to do it as well? Yeah. So you think somebody should be forgiven, if they haven't repented? Yeah, I mean, if you-- For the Lord shall abhor the bloody and deceitful man. -That's what the word says. -Okay. Listen, all I'm saying, is that you can't go around forgiving any and everybody, willy nilly. -Alright but-- -It doesn't work like that. -Yeah-- -Especially if they haven't repented. And we can what if, what if, what if, until the cows come home. There's tons of people out there, who ask for forgiveness-- is something funny? No. Not at all. Ask for forgiveness and continue to deceive. And do you have to eat like that? -Eat like what Sarge? -Like that! With your shoes off, there should be a law against eating chips, barefoot, in the house of God. -(laughs) -You have absolutely no respect, do you? Okay, okay, calm down. I'm putting the bowl down. Don't arrest me, Sergeant. No sudden movements. I'm sorry, bro. I served 15 years in the military. -To protect slackers like this. -Ha ha, that's funny. -I'm not a slacker, Sarge. -Oh aren't you? Oh, really? You're not? -No. I'm not, no. -When was the last time you held a job? I'm in school, bro. I'm working towards my future. What are you doing? I'm not your bro, and when I was your age, I was in Grenada. Had traveled all over the world. Oh, right. Back and forth through the freaking snow right? Up and down, all that kind of stuff? Yeah, that's right, say it again. Hey, hey, guys-- You know what... What would I do without you Sarge? I love you man. I really do. Need a massage? You're kind of tense. (laughs) -Why are you still upset man? -Annie: Hey guys, guys. No, he needs a hug. Annie: So, it's been a year since the incident. How do you feel about that? Come on guys? Honestly, I used to think about it every day. I mean I still do, but it doesn't consume me. I can sleep at night. And I really believe it's because of you guys. I mean at first I was, a wreck. A complete wreck. I mean, I was depressed, I snapped at everybody who tried to help me. I didn't trust anyone. I think that's partly why Robert left. Tony: No it's not. He left because he was a deadbeat. And a coward. Found out you were pregnant, and took the first opportunity to leave. Everything else is just an excuse. You know I wish I had accepted Christ into my life a long time ago, you know. Why is it that we always find God, after we've fallen? Tony: For the same reason we reach for a crutch, when we can't walk. James 4:6 says, for he gives more grace. Why he said? Because the Lord opposes the proud, and gives grace to the humble. Now, Michelle, we can find victory over our sinful ways, 'cause the Lord gives us our grace. And that grace empowers us with the ability to be strong, against all of our sins. That's dead on man. Deep. Yeah. I still go to therapy, and um, it's getting better. Things are definitely getting better, and I am so thankful to you guys. You guys are amazing. Um, because you know it's been especially hard, because it's around the same time as, you know, Barry's birthday. And I, too, wish I had found God earlier, and I wish I had found you guys, earlier, but, I just want to say thank you guys. Thank you, thank you all, even Will. (all laughing) Yeah, like, I know I joke around a lot, and stuff like that but, that's just my way of dealing with things you know? Like, honestly, I think about what happened to you every day man. And I wish I could have did something more, you know? I thought it was my fault that the whole thing happened, you know. -All: No, it wasn't. -It wasn't your fault. Will: But, I can't, I-- It wasn't your fault Will. It wasn't your fault. They attacked us. They were the savages. We didn't deserve it. (knock on the door) Tension is getting too high in here, man. (door opening) Annie: Wood? (door closing) I really needed somebody to talk to. Of course, I'm glad you're here. Will: When'd you get out of jail? Will. -What, I just want to know. -No, I'm sorry. Guys, this is-- Tony: We know who he is. We know who he is, Annie. We know exactly who he is. What are you doing here man? Annie: Will. I just want to know what are you doing here? -It's fine -I'm sorry. It's cool. Annie: No, uh, Annie. It's just Annie. Annie, is it okay if I use your bathroom real quick? Oh yeah, okay, it's just-- Tony: I'll show him. Annie: Oh, okay. I guess Tony will show you. -So go, follow him. -Thanks. Thank you. Now that is an energy I can feel. Tension. Thank you. So he just shows up whenever he feels like it? I mean who does that? We invited him like a month ago, and he's just now showing up? I called him. What do you mean you called him? Will, we talked about this. What are you having a change of heart now? No, I'm not having a change of heart, I just, you know. I just thought it was weird that he just walked in whenever he felt like it, you know what I'm saying? He just came out of no-where. Why the sudden change? You know, it just makes me wonder, that's all. You waiting on me? Making sure you don't get lost. Ah Wood can I get you something to drink? I'm good, Miss Simmons. Thank you. We got more stuff in the mess-- You know something, let's stop fussing about this. -Why are you here? -He told me. No, bible study started an hour ago, and you're what? Three maybe 4 weeks late? -I don't know why he's here. -I said that he would-- Yeah, you said that he'd be here to apologize. Do you know how hard it was for us to agree to have you to come here in the first place? And not only do you not show up when you're supposed to, you show up whenever you want to. So if you're here to apologize, I think it's too late. I didn't mean any disrespect, Sir. Oh, is that right? Sarge, just calm down, and let's hear what he has to say. Hear what he has to say. Who cares what he has to say? Okay. You sleep well at night, don't you? Huh? You ain't ever had to be discharged medically from the military because you shattered -your arm in six places-- -Tony that's enough. -What? -Do I need to spell this out for you? Look, I invited him here, okay, so, whatever we needed to say to each other, we can say it with civility. He's a man though, right? You are a man? Yes, I am. And so why do you let, her keep speaking for you? And why are you on my back, man? Stop it. Sorry, for raising my voice. Michelle: I think it's bogus that he's here. Annie: Michelle. You said to say what's on your mind. You did say that. But I still want to hear what he has to say. I think we owe it to ourselves to accept his apology. Everybody feel that way? I don't know what to feel right now. It's too intense man. Well, the floor is yours. Well, it's like I said in the letters. -We didn't receive any letters-- -Just let him speak. I wanted to say that I'm sorry, if my actions or lack thereof that day, caused you all any trouble. I think about what happened every day. And I had no idea everything was going to take place the way it did that day. I was just driving a car. I try and do better now, you know. Trying to get a job, get back in school, -got a daughter. -Oh you have a daughter? -Uh huh. -Yeah, right. I have a daughter too, and I've never robbed a convenience store to help feed her. I didn't know they were going to rob the store, sir. Oh that's funny, because the court reports show, that you called your cousin several times that day. -What's his name again? -Jay. Jay, that's right. You had several phone conversations with Jay that day. They called me and asked me for a ride. That's it. Um, I have something to say. So you say you didn't know, that they were going to rob the store right? They came in with masks, how did you not know that they were going to rob the store... -if they have masks-- -I saw you come in the store with your cousins earlier that day. They were there-- we were there earlier that day. They went to get beer. I don't even drink. Okay, they got the beer, we left. I saw you at the corner, I looked you dead in the eye. Why would I come back? You came back with masks because you knew I was the only one in the store that night. I didn't know that. I didn't know they were going to come back and rob the place either. I didn't know, you gotta believe me. Annie: Look, guys he said he's sorry. He served his time. We have talked about forgiveness week after week, after week, we agreed, that we needed to forgive him. We agreed that we needed to do this to move on. We agreed that I needed this. I've been paralyzed by this for too long, okay. Look, um, let me step back for a second. I'm nervous, clearly. But, I'm not lying. Yes, we came by to get beer, at the store earlier that day. Um, I'm from the North Side, I was just driving them around. I was with my cousin and his friends that day, that's all. Tony: But? But, I did see them put the masks on in the car, once we got there and... And, pull the guns. And I told them, that I didn't want no part in it, and that I wasn't okay with that. And when they got out of the car, I left. Why didn't you call the police? They attacked Michelle, they ambushed Will and I. I didn't know, I didn't know what to do man. I had no idea how to handle it. My cousin was in there, I didn't know what to do. I'm sorry, I should have called the police. Michelle: You're sorry? The police arrested you a block away? You were just sitting there? I mean come on dude, really? I didn't know what I was supposed to do, man. I didn't know should I leave, I didn't know if they went through with it. I wasn't sure if you needed my help, I didn't know. Why'd you stay? 'Cause Jay is my cousin, and I wasn't about to leave my family regardless of if he was doing dirt or not. I wasn't going to leave. -Annie? -Yeah, Will? We're out of water. We have more in the mess hall. Alright, I'll go get it. Are you serious about this right now? Okay, I'm stressed out. I need water when I get stressed out. -We have more in the mess-- -Just go Will! Okay, can you come with me please? I'm not thirsty. I need you right now, can you come with me? I need to talk to you. Will. Look, I just need to get out of there, okay? Don't worry about Sarge. You know how he is. I mean Wood couldn't have thought it was going to be easy, -coming here behind enemy lines. -It's not that. It's not about Wood. -Then what is it? -It's me. You know, what if Sarge was right? You know, why should we forgive him? You know I feel like he's lying in our face. And I feel like a hypocrite. Will, you're not a hypocrite. You know, we've just been talking about forgiveness, and forgive this and forgive that, turn the other cheek. But when he came in all nonchalant, like he didn't do anything wrong, I just, it just, it's messing me. -You know what I mean? -I know what you mean. People think I'm dumb or something. They do not. Nobody thinks you're dumb, Will. I mean, you're a little weird, but, you're definitely not dumb. You know it just makes me so angry, you know what I mean. Like the way he just came in, like, I don't even know how to explain it, but. You know, the way, you know how it felt to... to watch those dudes terrorize you and Annie like that? In the store? And the way Sarge is just laying on the ground, all broken in pieces, and I couldn't do anything about it. I felt like I should, I should have did something more than I did. No, you did exactly the right thing. Those guys were crazy, Will. Can you imagine what would have happened if the cops hadn't have gotten there so fast? I mean, we're lucky we were just hostages. -You think so? -Yeah. You're a great guy, Will. It makes sense that you feel this way. We've been doing group counselling, and bible studies, I feel like I should be okay with it. -And you know... -But I'm not. That's normal that you should feel that way, Will. You just need to have some faith. I do have faith. Well faith without works, is nothing. As corny as it sounds, I'm living and letting go. I forgive him and his friends despite himself. Honestly I do. I mean, yeah, when I saw him... Yeah, I was angry. But I just had to pray about that. Because I got my baby to think about. And I got you guys, right? No doubt. Honestly I'm just, I'm just blessed that we're even alive you know? Uh huh. You want to know what I really regret about that night? No, what? Well-- well, there's two things, but, no, one thing, one thing. No, there's two. Two for sure. Let's just start with the first one. -Okay, let's start. -Two. Alright. I wish we would have officially met that night, you and I. -Yeah. -I don't think we actually met... -you know what I mean? -I know what you mean. I actually don't remember the first conversation we had. I do, it was in the waiting room, when we were doing group counselling. You were like, pass me that magazine over there. I did not, I don't even talk like that. -Yeah you did. -I was probably like... pass me the magazine. I don't squeak. -Oh, smooth. -I am smooth. (both laughing) -Okay, okay. So what-- -Do you even remember that? What was the second thing? The second thing-- the second thing, honestly. I wish I would have been able to protect you that night. I'm sorry about that. It's okay. Sarge is probably giving it to Wood right now. Yeah, he will. He'll be all right. You know sometimes I feel like, you know I wish I was able to say what's on my mind -like Tony. -No, you do. You are. -Right now. -Am I? Yeah, right now. We can go back in there if you want. Okay. You want the chips though, right? Oh yeah, nah, I'll take an apple. -You want an apple? -I'll take an orange. An orange, alright. You've got to be different. Okay, whatever. You know what, look. You believe what you want to. Annie, thank you for letting me speak my mind. -You've been more than great. -Wood. Yeah, I'm serious. What's going on? Let's just take a moment, okay? Let's take a second and think about this. You know what, there's my probation officer's card. He's probably going to call, to see if I really came by. Oh no, Wood, you don't want to have to leave. Really, you don't. We were having such a great time. You know sorry, I have been trying to be respectful. My mother raised me to respect-- Your mother, now you gonna cry about your mother? Don't say nothing about my mother. OK, my mother raised me by herself. Not because she made bad decisions, or was off doing drugs. Because my father, her husband, died in Iraq. Okay, now I made some bad decisions. And I'm here today to own up to them. She taught me to be respectful to soldiers and other people, so, before I don't do that, I'm going to leave. (door opening) (door closing) Wood, wait. Just-- just wait. What... what was that? I'm not who they're trying to make me out to be. I'm not. Look, I know. I believe you, so-- Look, I was tried and convicted. Okay, I did my time. That mess is going to be on my record for ever. And I didn't even do anything. You all hear me? I didn't do nothing! I'm sorry! To you, your friends. I'm sorry. -Okay, okay. -I don't know any other way I can say it. They're upset. Okay? They-- we have every reason to be. I mean I haven't heard from you in a month full of Sundays. You said you weren't going to show up, and you just, there you are. I mean-- You said come when I was ready. This has been bothering me forever. I needed to talk about this. I figured this would help. -You said it would help. -I did, I did. But I never said it would be easy. Okay? Look, sometimes... No, a lot of the times... No. Most of the time, forgiveness is hard. Forgiving yourself, I mean, that's the hardest. It's very hard. -You smoke? -Yeah. Only when I'm nervous. Okay, yeah-- no I can see-- Are you-- are you serious? -What? -In a church? Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Oh my God (laughs) Michelle: Sarge, will you get away from the door? I'm keeping an eye on her. Help me up. You're not the only one who wants to keep an eye on things. Guys, am I missing something here? -Huh? -I don't know. Did you hear his apology? Pathetic. Well, Annie really wants this to work. Maybe we were just too hard on him. Too hard on him? Too hard on him? We were the ones who were terrorized. I was pistol whipped from behind. Will and I were locked in that room for five hours. Five hours! You're the only Sarge in this. Hey you know what? I'm out of here. You can't leave. Annie won't forgive you, if you do. -She won't forgive me? -No. She won't forgive me, but she'll forgive the guy who helped terrorize us? Will: Yeah, that's kind of ironic. Guys, they used her as a bargaining chip. She was the one who had a gun pointed to her head, the whole night. Our group means everything to her. We can't just abandon her. I say we forgive, and let it go already. You know something? Why's Annie so bent on helping this kid anyway? You really don't know? You know, you and my son, you're just so... Yeah? Yeah. You're a little like him. Tony: Everything okay, Annie? Fine, we're fine. Here we go. Tony: Wood, I need to have a word with you. I would rather go back to prison, than go another round with this man. Careful... you'll be fine. Barry, my baby. You left them alone? You know why I went into the military Wood? Nope. I'm from a small city in Michigan. I'd have done anything to get out of my home town. And I felt stuck, like the whole world was caving in on me from different angles. You ever felt that way? Eighteen. No direction, no way out. You know what I did find out was, the military wasn't a way out. Neither was college. You know, my neighborhood wasn't even the problem. I felt trapped. There were times even in the military where I felt more trapped than when I was a kid back home. It wasn't until I found God, Wood, that I realized what my purpose in life was. That's a nice chain around your neck. I like it. Do you know what he really did for you? What he did for me? Oh, I wonder what they're doing in there? I don't even want to know man. They're probably just... they're probably just talking. Sarge is probably boring or torturing Wood with his war stories. -(all laughing) -I believe it. Guys I am so sorry, for putting you all in this situation. So sorry. What situation? There is no situation, we're here for you. Oh no, but I mean I forced this on you, I just needed this so much-- I... I feel selfish. No, no, Annie. You are the least selfish person that I know. You're a really good person Annie. And you see the good in everything, and everyone. You're my best friend Annie, and I know that that wouldn't have been possible, if this hadn't have happened. Now that's not true. Annie... I mean, I got a GED, I'm having this baby by myself. I mean, I work at a call center. Look, now who's getting down on who? Okay, you, yeah you've made some mistakes. Guess what, we've all made mistakes, right? And when I look at you, I just see a beautiful woman, who has surrendered herself to God, and is willing to do things his way. I see a woman, who is trying to better herself, and I for one I'm glad to be your friend. I second that. I'm glad to be your friend, too. And Annie, I'm pretty sure you used to be a great mom and everything like that. No, don't worry. He didn't-- Will: What? I'm sure he didn't mean anything by it. No, Will. I was... I was not a good mom. Um... Far from it. I... You know, everything just kind of broke down. I don't know when it did, but it just... And I think... I think maybe I worked too much, maybe. I think, or, maybe it's because I always wanted things that I didn't have, because I still do. No, no, it's true. Barry... Barry had a lot of troubles, and I blamed every one else for it. I-I blamed his father, I blamed his teachers, I blamed kids in his neighborhood, I even blamed myself. And then, when he died, I blamed anyone I could think of. Even the woman he killed. 'Cause see, I it was... I though because she didn't have a driver's license and she didn't have insurance that it didn't matter. I thought it didn't matter that he was the one driving down, drag racing. He was drag racing down a two lane street in the middle of the night. And um, I tried to blame everyone else for it, except for him. Wow (laughs) who thinks like this, huh? So it's-- see Wood looks and reminds me so much of... and so who am I not to-- not to forgive him? or his friends for that matter. Especially when I need to-- I need so much to be forgiven, and I hope, I hope that God had forgiven my son. He has. Okay. How about we call this a day, okay? (all laughing) Will: This is getting a little emotional. Tony: Annie, are you okay? Will: He said, 'Annie are you okay?' You said, 'Annie are you okay' Are you-- like Michael Jackson? It's not funny? No? Alright. I thought it was funny. Okay, I take it you two made up? You guys are good now? You guys love each other again? Tony: Yeah. -Yeah, I think maybe we should-- -Hug? -Give him a chance. -(everyone laughing) Wood: You know what? I'd like to actually, uh... It'd be great to join your hood, it would mean a lot to me. Annie: Okay, let's just say a prayer before Will ruins this. (Annie laughing) Father God, thank you. Thank you for providing us the lesson that you've given us today. And thank you for helping us learn it. Allow us to see your plan and that only through your plan can your will happen. What's wrong? -Will: Are you having the baby? -Annie: Michelle are you okay? No, she having-- she's giving birth. -Wood: She's giving what? -Okay, calm down, calm down guys. Tony: Maybe we should take her to the hospital. Calm down, no, no, no, she's giving birth. She's having the baby, I've done this before. Wood: Relax, relax Will. No. She's having the baby, what do you mean relax! Yo, why are you guys so relaxed? She's having a baby. She's giving birth right now, everybody calm down. You look panicked, okay? Look, I need rags, go get rags. You get a bowl, and we're going to deliver this baby, I've got it. (Will groaning) it's the first procedure because I almost went to med school for this, but my dad told me to go and I didn't go. They say parents don't understand but they really do because I should have went to med school. I would know how to-- Uh, I'm gonna-- I'll be back Um, we need rages. I'll go get the rags I'll go get the spatula or whatever we need-- -Calm down. -No! What do you mean calm down? -Relax -She's havin' a baby! Maybe we should just get a car, and take her -to the hospital. -No, no. How about you just listen to me, because I know what I'm doing, 'cause I'm the doctor in here, okay? Okay, look... (lots of talking by everyone) Will: Oh, you're big. I'm sorry, it's, I'm fine you guys. I'm fine really, it was just heartburn, I'm sorry. I'm pregnant, it happens. Wood: Wait, hold up, so you're not having the baby? No, I am having the baby. Just not right now. Will: Oh cool. Tony: Oh cool? Look what you did to Annie's table. Ah, you know what? I can fix that. And I can definitely help him fix it. Tony: No, you can't. Will, just sit down. -No, but I-- -Tony: Will, sit. Please. You can fix that? Yeah, I can pretty much fix anything. Cars, furniture, electronics. Put a nice new stand on it, too if you want me to and polish it. Have it look like new. Hey, let me ask you something, Wood. I thought we were cool, so-- Tony: We are cool, we are cool. Just want to ask you one question. Okay. What went wrong? What happened? How does somebody that can fix anything, end up involved in a convenience store robbery? I told you man, I didn't know that they were going to do that. Why did you plead guilty? I took a plea. With all the media coverage, all the news, they said I didn't have a chance. I didn't have enough money to get a real lawyer. I just wanted the thing to go away. And when I heard my cousin, looking at 40 years and his friends looking at 60, and I had a chance to do two, and be done. Which really means do six months and be out on probation, I jumped at it. I just wanted the whole thing to be over man. It was a nightmare. Hey um, during the burglary, I took a pretty nasty spill then. My shooting hand... just, it ain't what it used to be, My brother and I, we own a couple of apartments. Some complexes down on South Side. Nothing extravagant, bunch of rowdy college kids. Lots of stuff breaks all the time, you know, but-- I guess you're talking about me, but that was not my fault. That was totally my roommate's fault. It was an accident. I'm sorry. -Even the hole in the wall? -Yeah, uh, what happened was... I dove first doing P90X, but yeah, it was difficult Sarge. If you did P90X, you probably would fall face first too. Like I was saying, Wood, uh... Will: Yeah, I'm just sayin'... lots of stuff to do down there, and if you are as good as you say you are. You are as good as you say you are? I am. I can fix anything. Even a hole in the wall from P90X. That's impressive. If he can fix that. Beaumont Estates, you know where that is? I'm sure I could find it. Come on down tomorrow around lunch time. And we'll take you through the gamut. Prove yourself. If you're good, maybe you can get yourself a job. I don't know what to say. Ahh, don't say anything too quick. It's actually not a free ride. I need the help. We've all made mistakes, right? Hey, you've got a good heart man. You keep it open and let that light shine in. Tony can I talk to you for a minute? Alone. Sure. -Tony: I'll be back. -Yes, sir. Annie? Why are you looking at me like that? Thank you for understanding. You're welcome. Look, I'm sorry, I couldn't, If I'd have done that in front of Michelle, she'd have made a mountain out of a molehill. -And, -And? What exactly is that? I don't know. Yeah. (both laughing) Well... wow. -Did you hear them kissing? -Yeah, I did. Aw but, yeah. I gotta get going. So, tell Annie that I appreciate everything she's done, and I love her with all my heart. You know you ate a lot of food. Are you sure you're going to be able -to run all the way home? -I'll be fine. Ah, yeah, don't worry about me. Where is... have you seen my bag? -Michelle: No. -Is this it? Yeah, can you pass me that bro? Thank you. Is this some kind of sick joke, man? Is it? What are you talking about? -(glass shatters) -Okay. Will, what's going on? He's spazzing out. What's wrong with him? Barry, Barry Hilner? That's-- that's, that's my son. That's a picture of my son -You just smashed! -He killed my mother! He murdered my mother. That's who he is. Wood: You're his mom? -Okay, call the police. -Wood: You didn't know what? You didn't what? You didn't think she had a family, or you didn't care to check? -Wood: I'm outta here. -Now, W-Wood! (door slams) What just happened? Okay, Annie. Don't touch me! -Annie, I know. -You know what? What? That your child killed somebody? Do you know what it's like to watch the boy walk out of the house that your family destroyed? (Annie crying) Just... Just... I-I-I want to be alone. Just leave, please. Everybody, just go-- Michelle: Annie, we're not going to leave you. -Just leave me alone! -You're being too hard on-- Stop it, leave me alone! Let's go. Come on. I'll take you guys home. Let's go, come on. Okay, good. (Annie crying) -Michelle: I'm sorry, Annie. Just... -Just go. call me if you need anything, okay? Reader: <i>Praise</i> <i>the Lord my soul.</i> <i>All my inmost being,</i> <i>praise his holy name.</i> <i>Praise the Lord my</i> <i>soul, and forget not all</i> <i>his benefits, who</i> <i>forgives all your sins,</i> <i>and heals all your diseases,</i> <i>who redeems your</i> <i>life, from the pit,</i> <i>and crowns you with the</i> <i>love and compassion,</i> <i>who satisfies your</i> <i>desires with good things,</i> <i>so that your youth is</i> <i>renewed like the eagles.</i> <i>The Lord works righteousness,</i> <i>and justice for</i> <i>all the oppressed.</i> <i>The Lord is compassionate,</i> <i>and gracious,</i> <i>slow to anger,</i> <i>abounding in love.</i> <i>He will not always accuse,</i> <i>nor will he harbor</i> <i>his anger forever.</i> <i>For as high as the heavens</i> <i>are above the earth,</i> <i>so great is his love</i> <i>for those who fear him.</i> <i>As far as the east</i> <i>is from the west,</i> <i>so far, has he removed our</i> <i>transgressions from us.</i> <i>As a father has compassion</i> <i>on his children, so</i> <i>the Lord has compassion</i> <i>on those who fear him.</i> <i>For he knows how we are formed,</i> <i>remembers that we are dust.</i> <i>The life of mortals</i> <i>is like grass,</i> <i>they flourish like a</i> <i>flower of the field.</i> <i>The Lord has established</i> <i>his throne in Heaven,</i> <i>and his kingdom rules over all.</i> <i>Praise the Lord you his angels,</i> <i>you mighty ones</i> <i>who do his bidding,</i> <i>who obey his word.</i> <i>Praise the Lord, all</i> <i>his heavenly hosts.</i> <i>You his servants,</i> <i>who do his will.</i> Lord, I'm having one of those days. Day with lows and highs and... yeah, some more lows. To be honest there for a moment I just-- I just wanted to retreat I wanted to retreat like I did when my s... after my son died. And after the robbery. But I know that, I know, there is a better way Lord, so... I will turn to you. I turn to you in the good times, and the not so good times. Lord, this is, this is not a, it's not so good time. (knocking on door) Oh, come in. (knocking on door) Come in. (door opening) (door closing) Wood. Hey, ahh, I'm not even sure why I came back by, -but I thought I'd-- -That's okay. I keep coming by here unannounced. It's not okay. Now, now, this is not my house, this is His house. And you are welcome any time. I'm really sorry, I had no right destroying your property like that. I'd understand if when my probation officer calls, you told him. No. No, look, I don't care about that. Are you okay? I think so. Are you? I think so. You know, you left your chain here. Yeah, everything got so heated. Yeah, I'll say. It just got-- It just got messed up, you know. I saw that picture, I got so angry. So many things I wanted to say to your son. I'm so sorry. He took everything from me. My mom never even got a chance to meet my daughter. She hated my fiancé. That's another long story. My mom was a good woman, a God fearing woman. She sang in the Church choir, right here. You know that? Of course, how would you know that? She was, a good woman. She was a good cook, too. She was the best. I mean she had this cheesecake that was to die for. She sacrificed everything for me. Even when I would get in trouble, like she had this way of looking at me. That let me know that even though I was in trouble, I wasn't in trouble with her, you know? Yeah, she wasn't perfect my mom definitely had her flaws, but, she was the saint in my book. I am so sorry my son took that away from you. He had no right. Well, what do you do, you know? Well, Barry wasn't much of a saint either. Not by a long shot. He's... He was, he was always getting in trouble in school, and I was a teacher, fifth grade teacher, so that was just really embarrassing. (Annie laughing) And, uh... he had this big smile, these big eyes. And I... I remember this one time in the school dance, he... God, I am so sorry, I keep rambling on. You know that line you said, your mother, your mother told you about you not being trouble to her. I just really wish I could have told... Your mother, she was, she was... She sounded like quite the lady. A really smart lady. You were a teacher? Umm. Yep, almost ten years. The penmanship. (Annie laughing) I should have known. I should have known. I'm not writing you no more. Oh. You were probably grading my letters for grammar. (laughing) Okay, okay. Yeah, yeah. -Really? -Yeah. Yeah, you, uh, I'm sorry, I couldn't help it. It's okay. Oh, I am so sorry, I am so sorry. What-- I-I didn't know. When, when it happened I just kind of retreated. I just didn't-- I'm so embarrassed. I was just so... I feel so guilty. I am so angry at my son. I didn't understand why he did it. I-I, he knew, better than to drive like that. You know if I could take it all back, you know I would take it back. I know. You don't have to explain, Annie. No. I forgive him. And, uh, knowing my mother... she would too. I like that woman more and more. Yeah, she would have liked you, too. You know if you hadn't reached out to me, I couldn't... well there's no way I could have handled this. You know when you went to jail, I thought that's it for me, I'm out. And then... I was just so stubborn. You know, Tony was the one who suggested the study group. Hmm, huh? (Annie laughing) -Wood: Tony? -Yeah. He's not so bad. He's just... I mean you know he lost his career after the incident. I mean, he's really quite... he's quite remarkable. Tony: Is that Wood's car? What's he doing here? Will: He's probably spazzing out on Annie. Why did you say that? Well, I'm just saying. What-- hey wait! Hey, I can't get out! Will: <i>Help! Hey!</i> Annie: <i>Oh, your chain's</i> <i>over there</i> on the-- by the bible. (door opening) Annie. Tony, what, what are you doing here? No, we were just talking. He came to apologize. -Okay? -He did? -Wood: I did. -Annie: Yeah, and I to him. Annie: Look, what are you doing here? Nothing, we just came back to check up on you. Annie! Oh, sorry, we saw Wood's car outside. We didn't know what to expect. Everything is fine, we were just talking. You do understand I care about her. It's okay. Ooooh, Sarge likes Annie. (Michelle laughing) I didn't mean it that way. I care about all of you, you know that. Uh huh, you never broke down no doors for me. -I didn't break down the door. -Practically! Can you tell-- Annie. Can you say something? I didn't break down the door. I might have twisted it, a little bit. -Twisted -Yeah. Sarge it's okay, I would have done the same for my girl. Sarge don't do it, don't do it! There is nothing going on, we're just talking. -We're fine! -Oh, Sarge. Boy, I'm at least 20 years older than you, how did I get up here before you? Okay, time out. Your car seat is broke, and I'm in flip flops. What do you want from me? Okay, you know what? Let's let Tony continue to profess his undying love to Annie, because she was just about to accept his date. Accept a date? I did? -What? -Yes, you were. Yeah, you were. Go Sarge. Annie, uh... mess hall, please. What are you waiting on? Go! Go, go, go. Whatever he says, just say yes. just say yes, smile! (hums bridal march) Fluff your hair, fluff it. If we're going to do this we need ground rules. -Say what? -I'm very set in my ways. I wake up at five in the morning, every morning. I don't dance, I don't smoke. I don't like public displays of affection. I drive the speed limit, and I don't like fast food. Okay, well, I am an early riser as well. And I do love public displays of affection. I love to dance, I don't smoke, of course. I love classical music, and fast food. I love my Church. I have a daughter, she's a freshman at Berkeley. Her name is Kimi she'll give you a hard time. Tell her to bring it on. I'm grumpy sometimes. Oh, I don't care. I'm stubborn. I'm a neat freak. These are things you should know about me. We know that already, Tony. You wear that on your sleeve. What about the part where you are the sweetest guy I've ever met? You, brought me to Christ and made me feel safe. You're my hero. So what do you say? Under one condition? Oh he don't have anybody, he happy talking. Yeah, that's true. No, I'll bring my fiancé next time to bible studies. -Will: Oh, your fiancé. -That's right. GI Joe, we all hate flip flops. Well? Well what? Come on? Give it to me. Let's dish. I'll spill if you tell him how you feel. If-- If I... Hmm. Will: Oh, she doesn't know, that's cute. (laughing) I asked her out already. Curses. Yeah, and we would have gotten away with it, had it not been for you meddling kids huh? Will: Oh did Sergeant make a joke? He has a personality now? What did you do to him out there. Annie: Wait, wait. When did this happen? Will: It was after lunch, yeah when we stepped out to give you a break. When you spazzed out on us and told us to leave. Annie: Oh, okay, okay. Yeah, she just couldn't resist my charm. You know I gave her a little wink. I was like... Please, I felt sorry for you. -No, that's not what happened. -What? Yes, I felt sorry for them. Okay, that's the story she's gonna tell you guys. It's the true story. Well, that was actually my strategy. I wanted her to feel sorry for me, so I could like reel her in. Like a little fish. Really? Oh, I'm a fish now? And this is their first day as a couple. Yeah, Lord help them. Will: Just admit you fell for the charm. Michelle: No, I didn't. Lord I just want to thank you. Today like, every other day for your blessings. I just... I just I just feel so filled with joy, like you've lifted the weight off my shoulders. I feel blessed. I just want to shout it from the mountain tops. Thank you.
Channel: Deep C Digital
Views: 1,447,784
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Keywords: Movies, Movie, Film, theatrical film, motion picture, Deep C Digital Entertainment, The Prayer Circle Movie, The Prayer Circle Full Movie, The Prayer Circle Feature Film, The Prayer Circle, prayer, Yetide Badaki, J. Teddy Garces, Christian Keyes, Camara Davis, J. Horton, drama movie, christian movie, faith based movie, The Prayer Circle 2013 Full Movie
Id: iB-arxJjX7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 20sec (4580 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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