The Prajwal Revanna Story | Faye D'Souza

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this is possibly the most despicable case we have seen in Indian politics for a while now the Indian media is of course underplaying it by calling it a sex scandal by calling it a SAS Scandal but what it is really is a case of multiple sexual assaults multiple sexual harassment and possibly even rape consider this a man who's fairly young in his early 30s is featured in over 2,000 videos harassing and in some cases assaulting sexually assaulting women who are far older than him one could also argue that the whole town knew about it it almost seems like the villain scene from one of the 88s films where the landowner would take advantage of the people working in his home and that is what it sounds like if you listen to the local media in Karnataka the K media and all of the stories that are coming out on what was in these visuals now in latest update the pral ran case there is another case that's been registered by a zilla panchayat member who is in her 40s who claims that for over three years proel Rena regularly raped her and made videotapes of it he recorded it on his phone and he used those recordings to blackmail her to rape her over and over again the FI has now been registered by the CID who's investigating the case the woman has given her statement we understand to that sit as well prajal R is now booked under uh rape or repeatedly of the same woman which is section 376 physical contact advances that are unwelcome the assault of criminal force of a woman with the intent to disrobe voyerism and violation of privacy in the very least this woman has claimed that she would have to meet the MP and the MLA on a regular basis to request funds to request work to get done and he at one point took her into the room forced her to disrobe and then raped her and made a video of it and then used that video to do it over and over again in the meantime his father is also accused apart from other things of kidnapping in a fresh case that has come up now he is an MLA he's been booked in a kidnapping case just today a 20-year-old man has filed a complaint that his mother who was one of the women in those videos has gone missing and the police have now registered a complaint this is the case of pral Rana and in this video if you stay to the end we will answer the following questions did the D out family know what prajal Rana was doing two did the BJP top brass know prajal rana's history with sexual assault and harassment while they made him a candidate of the NDA and three did the congress party know and did they wait for the right time to use this politically instead of helping the women or the multiple women who were being abused we'll answer these questions through the course of the video let's get straight to First the breakup of who prajal ranaa is now I'm from Karnataka I'm familiar with this family this is a political family this is what the Prime Minister would call a parar vad family everybody's in this in this family is in politics everybody in this family is very powerful but for people outside of Karnataka this is the family tree this is who these people are right on top is Mr Daga former Chief Minister former prime minister of the country he's nearly 91 years old but the media will constantly talk about how astute he is how sharp he is how young he is in his mind now he joined politics when he was about 20 years old and he's been in politics ever since in 1962 he won the uh you know the State Assembly seat from Hassan this is where his grandson prajal ran is currently uh contesting from where his entire family has contested from this is the stronghold Hassan um that is where he had won his first seat he held that seat for three terms he then in 1994 became chief minister in 1996 he became uh prime minister of a sort of hotp of a coalition that had been put together at that time that sort of catapulted him to uh New Deli he's a very respected he remains respected in spite of everything that has come out he's a respected very strong leader in Karnataka and holds a great deal of power he has two sons the older of whom is HD Rana the younger is HD kumaraswami now Rana as you know inherited the Hassan seat in the State Assembly where he has been an MLA for a very long time he's also a very powerful man he's also being accused right now of sexual harassment the Second Son kumaras Swami although inherited the political Legacy he's two-time chief minister and he uh is at this point for the Lok SAA contesting from mandia now both prajal ran and HD Kumar Swami contesting from mandia and from Hassan in Alliance with the BJP so prajal ranaa is the grandson of a former prime minister he is the nephew of a former Chief Minister he is the son of a current sitting MLA and he is a sitting EMP he's a very very powerful man in Hassan and the family has a very stronghold this dynasty this parad politics family is an opportunistic Dynasty if you track Karnataka politics basically they control the voala vote which is a a cast of um sheep hooders and farmers and that's a fairly strong vote in the Hassen region and so they always win a few seats from there just enough seats to become what is known as king makers so they have formed different governments over different periods sometimes with the BJP sometimes with the Congress and it's really difficult to tell which way they will go in fact kumaras Swami has been chief minister twice once with this side and once with that side so being opportunistic is their kind of politics and at this point while they were looking for which winner to side with obviously the winner that they thought was the prime minister so they've actually now in an alliance with the bgp the BJP has given them three seats out of a total of 28 seats in Karnataka and two two of those three seats being contested by the family the HRI kumaraswami and pral ran that's where we are right now so this man prajal Rana who's the Prime Accused at this point is so big and so well connected that the Prime Minister himself flew down to Hassan and campaigned for him and requested for votes for him this is an important point it's going to come up a little later now this is what has happened since then 3 days before actual voting happened everywhere Hass they were suddenly strewed with pen drives on the seats of the public buses in the garbage dumps wherever you went there were these pen drives if you plug in the pen drive what you find nearly 3,000 videos featuring prajal ranaa abusing harassing in some cases disrobing inappropriately touching and very obviously criminal action against women now this caused a scandal across the board uh at you know at this point we had several women organizations who got together and they wrote officially to the uh State commission for women the state commission for women wrote letters to the Chief Minister and to the police and requested for cases to be filed now in these videos that then promptly went viral on WhatsApp I must point out to you I haven't seen these videos I have uh you know listened very carefully to what the local media is saying about it and to what other media is saying about it but I must point out that I haven't personally seen these videos now from what we understand in these videos that there are domestic workers who worked in their home there are government workers who worked in government offices who needed to meet uh pral R because he was the Member of Parliament who were constantly being abused by him uh there's one story in the local media about one woman who has come forward to file a complaint who said that the six domestic workers who worked in their home were constantly scared that pralana will come home and if he comes home and calls for you this means only one thing that he's going to abuse you in fact the men who worked in the house would warn these women to stay away from him that is how public this entire uh you know this well-known his behavior was now we understood that the women were too terrified to actually go to the police and complain because of how powerful this man was on the 24th of April a forum of women's organizations got together and uh they wrote to the women's commission the women's commission then wrote to the Chief Minister and to the police on the 27th of April the chief minister announced an sit that there would be a special investigating team that will be put together to look into this case there was of course immense political pressure on this case but the questions to ask here right now who leap the videos where did the videos come from that's when this man comes into play this is G DJ GAA he's a member of the BJP and he has he he's always been contesting from Hassan and he has lost to the GAA family in Hassan multiple times he was obviously hoping to win the ticket for Hassan this time from the BJP but the BJP entered an alliance with the uh the GDs and that ticket was given to pral Rana now we understand that in September last year uh this man gave a televised interview in which he said what is this Rana talking women are not safe in his own home everybody knows that a woman who goes into his home will be abused so there was that was the first mention of it in December last year he wrote apparently to the General Secretary of the BJP and to the state president of the BJP and he said that he's received a pen drive in which and there a specific number there are 2,976 videos of women being abused by this man the family he said has many allegations against them he also said in his letter that the local Congress leaders have access to this pen drive as well and they're just waiting for the opportune moment to use it so he warned the BJP that aligning with this family and specifically with prajal Ran's candidate will embarrass the BJP National if this man is given a ticket we should avoid them completely now it seems like that letter was completely ignored because that's exactly what happened they aligned with the GDs and they gave this man a ticket not only that the Prime Minister then campaigned for him in January this year he made in he did another uh television interview in which he said and this is again the bjp's D Raj GAA he said that many people have come to him with complaints women single women married women elderly women women married couples together have come to complain about how pral ran has abused them and has ruined their lives this he said on record in fact the the reason then the next question is if these videos were available already uh last year why would they made viral why was why didn't the media report about it because in June last year Riva filed a case in a civil court in Bangalore and got for himself a gag order preventing 86 media organizations and three individuals from using any of these visuals or publishing any of these visuals which he said were morphed in order to embarrass him now apparently the Civil courts in Bangalore news minuts reported about this have a track record of constantly releasing gag orders in favor of politicians and against the media so the media wasn't able to report about this but apparently everybody in question already knew and the reason why these videos came out is because ra pral Rena had a driver now this driver worked with him for seven years and one could understand that someone who works as a driver will be privy to your goings and comings and what's going on and what you're doing they had a fight and when the driver left he apparently took a copy of all of these videos from prell's phone the driver himself has put out a video right now to the media in which he talks about how he was harassed his wife was kidnapped by the GAA family by prajal RNA and so he went then to DJ GAA who was a lawyer and an opposition politician uh for help saying can you help me take on this family because this family was so strong everybody was afraid to take them on and it's likely that that is how D Raj GAA who was helping the driver came in possession of these videos now again we know that pral Rena has since then um said that these are mofed videos these are not real videos now whether the videos were morphed or not and whether someone took the trouble to actually Mor over 2,700 videos of this one man whether the videos were not were shot on his phone when they were shot all of that can actually come clean through a forensic investigation that one hopes the sit that has been put together is actually doing now after that the videos came out right before voting the sit was constituted the sit is looking into allegations of sexual abuse they've also put out a circular a lookout circular for prel Rena because he has not appeared before the investigators to answer questions where is he he has fled the country and gone to Germany the moment that voting was over now the family has turned around and said that he's not run away he's just taking a break after his like gr grueling sort of campaign Trail he wants just a holiday and he's going to come back Ren has also put out a statement pral Raven has put out a statement on social media saying that his lawyer is in touch with the investigators and he's asked for some time to appear before the investigators he's asked for more time the sit has issued a notice to his father HD Rana who's been named as an accused in the complaint of one woman now one woman like I told you who worked in their family came forward and said it was not just the son but even the father who would sexually abuse women while his wife was not in the house now uh Rana has since then asked gone to court and asked for anticipatory bail in this case uh just in case the police come to arrest him now what is the statements or what are the answers that various political parties have put out the GAA Family HD kumara Swami has first of all distanced himself now I must bring it in perspective here while D GAA is a respected powerful man his two sons have always feuded and they've always wanted a slice of the pie for their respective children so the two sons which is RNA and hhd kumaraswami don't get along so as soon as this came out the first thing that happened was kumaraswami himself spoke to the press and he said that uh I've not done anything Daga has not done anything this has nothing to do with us let's wait for the sit probe to to be completed and we will see what needs to be done uh kumaraswami also said he went as far as saying that the BJP cannot be blamed in any way that the Prime Minister cannot be blamed for campaigning because what the BJP did was just give us three out of 28 seats and we choose who should get those tickets so from within the JDS we have chosen the Rivera should contest from Hassam the BJP hasn't chosen so they cannot be uh blamed so kumara Swami here actually sort of uh defending the Ally BJP and sort of protecting the BJP from the blowback on this particular case uh the BJP on the other hand has effectively said that we didn't know the law will take its course the home minister has come out to say that you know um we will not stand for anyone who has abused women this is not something that we want to associate with Just note Bridge bushan Shar Singh I'm putting this as a sidebar here who remained at MP till his term was over and now that ticket has been given to his son so just saying there uh but the BJP kept asking why has the congress not done anything so far in fact Amit Malia of the BJP put out a tweet that said DK shivkumar has known for months apparently and why has he not done anything so far prianka Gandhi took uh you know sort of aim at the BJP and said that when when she leaves the country every time the BJP seems to know about it so why do they not know when a man like this has left the country the external Affairs Ministry responding saying that uh PR even has a diplomatic passport as a sitting MP it cannot be revoked unless there's a court order to do so so there was no way to stop him from traveling but because there's a lookout notice as soon as he touches Indian soil he will be picked up uh by the police and taken in for questioning now coming back to the three questions we asked in the beginning did the GAA family know it it appears from reporters and if you can watch a couple of the stories on the internet appears from what reporters are saying everybody in knew it appears like the driver knew all of the workers in their home knew all of the government officers knew all of the gardeners knew everybody knew and and these were people as if you go by the videos who were serving various members of the family which means that they had access to other members of the family they would have had the ability to tell other members of the family so it would be difficult to believe at this point that the ga family did not know to some extent what was going on and they have just chosen to look the other way the second uh question that we want to know is did the BJP know did the top brass of the BJP know now we do know that uh DJ G wrote a letter to the National General Secretary of the BJP we also know the BJP tends to spend a lot of time and energy picking their candidates for winnability very very carefully we know this about the BJP all political analysts will tell you that they're extremely careful and they they scrutinize every candidate for or winnability before they pick the candidate so would would there have been a possibility that the BJP basically just handed over three seats to the JDs and said oh fine pick whoever you want that seems rather unlikely having said that though the JDS has now suspended prajal Rana which means that even if it turns out that he wins the SK the uh the seat he's no longer a member of the GDs so it's not a GDs seat and because JDS is in Alliance with the BJP it will not be a seat that gets and added to the IND so I'm if I'm not mistaken if he wins he will have won as a independent candidate and finally did the congress know there seems to be enough evidence to suggest that the congress party may have also had access to these videos that they may have waited for the opportune time to release the videos after the Prime Minister had campaigned after this man had stood as a candidate after the you know the whole thing had been done just before voting so that it causes maximum damage now the question we have to ask is politically yes it might have served your purpose but what happens to all of the women in question because this sort of thing was allowed to carry on for so long we should also remember that at many points in the past the Congress was in an alliance with the GDs as well so for as long as it doesn't serve your purpose or serves your purpose you look the other way and when it serves your purpose politically you use the videos so really the fundamental basis of this is in terms of where women stand as far as politics is concerned in this country the answer is not not very high not very important unless it comes to asking for our votes
Channel: Faye D'Souza
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Keywords: faye d'souza live, faye d'souza interview, faye d'souza debate, faye d'souza good news, faye d'souza latest news, faye d'souza media, faye d'souza news, faye d'souza news channel, faye d'souza videos, faye d'souza youtube, faye d'souza show, prajwal revanna, prajwal revanna news, prajwal revanna case, prajwal revanna latest news, prajwal revanna today news, prajwal revanna videos, prajwal revanna sex scandal, prajwal revanna hassan, prajwal revanna news update
Id: TUQGVzcd6sk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 4sec (1144 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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