The Power of Silence: Why Silent People Are Successful

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hey everyone and welcome to top think today we're  going to learn about why silent people are so   successful now let's begin life is loud chaotic  and distracting it's filled to the brim with   demanding mental and physical challenges you're  swept up in a tidal wave of stress but successful   people separate themselves from the noise and  chaos successful people understand the power   of silence so here are seven ways that silence  can change your life for the better number one   thoughtful silence a moment of silence is a moment  of thoughts well let's say your co-worker asks   you for a favor they want you to drive all the way  across town and deliver some documents they forgot   to send when confronted with this question you may  have a knee-jerk reaction and without thinking you   might say sure no problem but 10 seconds later you  realize it is a problem suddenly you're pressed   for time and overwhelmed by stress all because you  answered without thinking a few seconds of silence   can spare you from these stressful scenarios  instead of answering right away what if you took   a moment to think about your schedule you remember  how much work you already have you tell your   co-worker that you're too busy so they ask someone  else instead and just like that a brief period of   silence keeps your priorities straight and your  schedule clean that's why successful people pause   whenever they need to they view silence as an  opportunity to consider their options because   every decision is worth a few moments the thought  now of course not everyone can silently analyze   their problems you may feel so awkward that  you can barely think straight before you're   able to use these pauses constructively you have  to overcome your fear of silence that's why many   of the wealthiest and most influential people  in the world are also the quietest number two   persevering integrity a brief pause does more than  simply give you time to think when you pause for a   second a minutes or an hour your decision becomes  more careful and more decisive instead of doubting   and second-guessing yourself you know that you did  your due diligence you weighed the pros and cons   and you double-checked your schedule now with all  your boxes checked you can move forward unimpeded   whether you answer yes or no your decision is  now clear and firm as you become more decisive   you'll notice a change in the way people treat  you they'll start respecting your decisions and   valuing your choices why is that well because  decisive people mean what they say for example   they consistently fulfill their promises so  instead of saying yes to everything they only   say yes to the commitments they intend to keep  people will respect you more because they trust   you more when people trust you to follow through  your word carries more weight that newfound sense   of dependability works wonders in any relationship  personal or professional your friends and partners   will genuinely believe in the promises you make  your bosses and co-workers will have faith in your   ability to succeed something as simple as silence  can strengthen your relationships and earn you   the respect you deserve number three direct and  concise talking a lot and saying alot mean very   different things have you met someone who rambles  for 15 minutes without really saying anything many   people feel compelled to talk constantly silence  makes them nervous so they fill every blank space   with gibberish and small talk the problem is  when they're constantly talking they're rarely   thinking they say very little even if their word  count flies through the roof some people talk   too much and say too much have you ever heard  the term fast talker a fast talker is someone   who tries to trick you by burying you under a  mountain of ideas and incentives by the end you   barely understand what's going on often times they  do this on purpose to push their agenda salesmen   for example confuse customers with a flood of  information many people imitate fast talkers by   accident they talk and they talk because they  don't know when enough is enough they don't   realize how little sense they're making successful  people on the other hand talk a little but say   a lot in other words they're always direct and  they're always concise when a successful person   needs something they present their needs in a way  that's simple and easy understand they don't dance   around the point they don't hide their agenda  under a flood of extraneous ideas they say what   they need to say then they stop this is one big  reason why successful people seem quiet they're   experts at shaving their needs down to the bare  essentials if two ideas can be explained with   one idea they always go short and sweet number  4 psychological liberation silence isn't just a   tool for professional success it's also a powerful  source of mental clarity by growing accustomed to   silence you can provide your mind with a space  to think and feel freely our daily routines are   packed with crowds of stimuli from traffic jams  on the freeway to densely packed spreadsheets   your brain is exposed to an incredible volume of  information every day it's challenging to remove   yourself even for a moment from the downpour of  distractors in your life but as you discover the   power of Silas you'll find a rare opportunity to  set your mind free you can liberate your thoughts   from the shackles of your daily life instead  of worrying about unanswered emails you can use   these periods of silence to enjoy the present  moment this is one way that successful people   balance their demanding life styles with such an  extraordinary amount of pressure on your shoulders   it's easy to crumble to lose control and fall into  a downward spiral but moments of silence keep your   stress at bay each time you feel the pressures  of your lifestyle creeping in just take a brief   moment to yourself just tune out the world remind  yourself about the things that really matter your   goals your passions and your loved ones remind  yourself where you started and how far you've   come tell yourself that it's okay to make mistakes  that failure is natural gradually these moments   will melt away your stress returning to your work  with a clear head and a positive attitude you can   fill your day with as much silence as you need  some successful people enjoy moments of silence   every couple of hours others set aside a longer  period of time to completely relax their minds   according to a 2016 study in annals of the New  York Academy of Sciences achieving a state of   wakeful relaxation requires just three simple  things find somewhere comfortable to sits free   yourself from distractions like your computer  and your phone and gently close your eyes the   first few times your mind will be restless packed  with leftover stress and anxiety researchers call   this jumble of thoughts and feelings monkey mind  because your brain swings from one idea to the   next but over time you'll get more comfortable  in silence you'll learn to soothe your nerves   unravel your stress and liberate your Restless  mind number five enhanced concentration not   only does silence help you relax it fine Tunes  many of your most productive traits well take   concentration for example your ability to focus  on a single goal is critical for any project few   characteristics are as productive or valuable  as razor-sharp concentration mindful silence has   helped countless successful people to grow their  concentration and it can help you too as it stands   not many people can sit in silence without getting  restless or bored their itching to pick up their   phones open their computers or do something active  as strange as it sounds doing nothing is a real   challenge but it's a challenge worth tackling  a 2012 study from the Journal of Neuroscience   found that practiced meditators people who sit  in silence on a regular basis had many cognitive   advantages over people who never meditated the  largest discrepancies revolved around attention   for experienced meditators the areas of the brain  responsible for attention were much more stable   because of that stability meditators can rein in  distracting thoughts faster than most people in   other words by sitting in silence you teach  yourself to tune out distractions from your   environments and from yourself you learn how  to keep your mind focused and lengthen your   attention span so you can focus longer and harder  than ever before sitting in silence may not look   like much on the outside but its impact on  your brain is nothing short of incredible   number six inner wisdom as you become more  comfortable in silence you may notice a change   inside yourself suddenly you can hear your inner  monologue more than ever before your thoughts were   jumbled indecisive and confusing you struggle  to make decisions and think through problems on   your own but as you spend more time inside your  mind your thoughts become richer and louder you   overcome nervous hurdles you discover what you  want in life and you give your inner monologue   the opportunity to speak for itself now at  this stage you may be surprised by how much   wisdom you have to offer normally you're  so overwhelmed by doubt and fear that you   ignore your own instincts you tune out your gut  feelings you invalidate the lessons you learn   and the wisdom you have to offer successful  people use moments of silence to nurture that   voice inside them they trust their instincts and  value their own opinions but that takes time and   practice right now your head is so noisy that  you can't hear your own voice but as you grow   more and more comfortable in silence you'll  hear your wisdom loud and clear hey thank you   for watching Top think and be sure to subscribe  because more incredible content is on the way
Channel: TopThink
Views: 1,353,531
Rating: 4.9238586 out of 5
Keywords: the power of silence, ted talk, silence, successful people, success
Id: 5E3654Wvr1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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