THE POWER OF GRATITUDE - This Motivational Speech Will Make You Cry | Steve Harvey

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do you realize that every day you thought you wasn't gonna make it do you remember them days when you thought it was absolutely unbearable and you thought you wasn't gonna endure that one do you know that your survival rate for every last one of them bad days is 100 you your track record for surviving bad days is 100 that's a fact your track record you batting a thousand you just survived every funky day you ever had you survived every hater you survived all the evictions you've survived the firings you survived all the tell you gnawing hind you survived all the trouble you ever been in your survival rate is 100 percent 100 percent all you got to do is start changing the way you think it's as simple as it's not a magic trick you can protect yourself from negativity and that's what stops most people negative thoughts you can coat your mind from negativity it's a real simple exercise to do i do it every morning before i walk out the door so i walk out as a positive person you know i get tired sometimes that's different from being negative because i get mentally drained from my job at times but to coach your mind from negativity the way you can put a coating around your mind is with one simple thing gratitude erases negativity i'm gonna show you how this works if you wake up in the morning you start having negative thoughts man this ain't my day i woke up on wrong side of bed i'm tripping i just don't feel myself every time you feel in the middle of the day if you feel yourself doing that stop just stop for a second and start going over in your mind everything you have to be grateful for not everything you want everything you already have because what you have is substantial you just haven't gone over the list and taken inventory in a long time but the fact that you can walk that's a blessing the fact that you woke up that's another blessing the fact that you can see think reason that's another blessing the fact that you can go somewhere and get yourself something to eat that's another blessing the fact that you can go and turn the key and call some place home that's another blessing the ability to dream is a blessing the the fact that you have an opportunity to get it right is another blessing the fact that you're beautiful that's another blessing the fact that you have any measure of health that's another blessing and i'm just talking to you i don't even know you i could give you 50 things you ought to be grateful for right now i don't even know you start coding your mind with gratitude it'll change everything for you [Music] i'm i'm in the only profession there is no school for you can't go to school for comedy there's nothing nothing available for comedy either born this way or you're not but you could go take lessons and then you know you just got to get around the scene out here it's hard it takes a lot young people you just gotta say it take a long time make a lot of money quit thinking you finna just hit it that's not how this works it takes a long time to make a lot of money took me a long time man but there's joy in the process too see you got to enjoy the process you got you got to be grateful when you're making 50 000. then you got to be grateful when you get to 75 000. you got to be grateful at 80 000. a lot of people stay pissed off because they ain't a millionaire but i got news for you if you pissed off where you are right now you'll never be a millionaire you want me to tell you why because there is a principle of success that god requires our gratitude the more you're grateful for the more god will give you to be grateful for god he real smart he got this system set up real smart so you can immediately increase your life by being grateful instead of complaining about what's going on man i got to go to work today man i got these kids see you asked for all this remember when you wanted a job remember when you wanted a baby remember when you wanted to get the new car well a new car come with some bills well remember when you wanted to get to a bigger place you got a bigger place it cost more money you know what i learned you can't cry about what's on your plate when your whole goal was to eat and if you the moment you start showing god more gratitude he'll give you more stuff because he's such a fair god you know what he do is he's not gonna keep giving you stuff if what you got you can't handle already so he ain't gonna put no more on you than you can bear so why are you tripping about all you got to do he said well let me quit giving him stuff to do cause he already can't handle this here you kill more blessings by not being grateful that's the number one blessing blocker lack of gratitude [Music] that's the number one reason i have what i have and that's the number one reason why i'm going to get more because i just stay grateful for what i have and i'm busy man but last year i was complaining a lot and i couldn't understand why these few deals wasn't closing i was on vacation this year i was sitting on the boat i was looking out over the water and and god just he just showed it to me he said well steve you've been complaining a lot about your workload about how much you got i can't give you no more because i don't want to i don't want to tax you i don't want to overburden you i came back told my wife that we we finished up the vacation i came back i changed everything i wake up every morning with nothing but gratitude and i became more efficiency and i'm telling you right now two of them deals i signed one yesterday the cool thing about it is it don't take god a long time to bless you he starts immediately man listen to me y'all wake up every day and start being grateful wake up every day don't don't check your phone first don't check your texts and messages wake up every morning and just start thanking him for just your life your kids your job your house your food your clothes your money your car your husband your boyfriend and then immediately after that you'll have a better day and then watch he start giving you more stuff it's really not a magic trick to getting rich man you just have to learn the principles of success [Music] what i'm gonna share with you took me years and years and years to really understand it but if you can wrap your mind around it you can grasp this concept and and master it in three days like you said if you little slow if you need a little extra convincing is what i mean by that then probably a couple weeks and then the rest of you just won't get this at all and i understand that there's a scripture that says the poor will always be amongst us one of the reasons he put that in there because he knew in a lot of people's shortcomings and the way they were going to think they would do they weren't going to buy into the belief system that they wouldn't go buy into the fact that if he came he came to give you life more abundantly that they weren't going to buy into the fact that miracles can happen for them too they're not going to buy into the fact that if that that these people with these wonderful lives that that can apply to them i think god knew that i'm not saying i know that but i think that scripture in there the poor will always be amongst us it's because i just i i don't know man maybe he knew all of us wasn't going to believe all of us wasn't going to receive and all of us wasn't going to think it was possible so maybe it's in there for that but it covers everything now here's here's the thing that took me a long time to wrap my mind around it is the concept of gratitude all right let me tell you what i come to came to the understanding so you can begin the process today gratitude and the lack of it okay you listen gratitude and the lack of it is one of the biggest blessing blockers there is listen to me it took me years and years and years to come to this realization i'm gonna give it to you and if you smart you can really wrap your mind around this thing in a matter of days if you focus on it and in two weeks you could have this thing mastered but gratitude and the lack of it is one of the biggest blessing blockers there is now gratitude is just what it is it's being thankful or grateful for something or someone and be and and some event that's an occurrence in your life it's just having the overall attitude of gratefulness thankfulness thankfulness gratitude for what you have if you can become extremely grateful and thankful for what you have you then open up the lanes for you to receive more but your lack of gratitude sometimes and our lack of gratitude causes the blessings that could flow our way to be blocked here's how you block your blessings this the cold part man hit a part that i didn't get if you are not thankful for what you have if you are not grateful for what you have why listen this is just common sense now why would god [Music] give you some more stuff for you then not to be grateful thankful and appreciative of why would he do that well it does not make any sense it goes against him it goes against the law of attraction it goes against everything that makes sense you cannot push away something and attract it it don't work you either pushing or you pull it you're either giving or you're receiving what which one you doing here you either running your mouth or you're quiet humming humming counts as humming doesn't count as quiet well i closed my mouth and i hum that don't count as quiet see so stop looking for the loopholes the lack of gratitude is one of the biggest blessing blockers that there is man why would god give you some more stuff to not be grateful for have you ever just looked at it that way maybe you don't have any more than you have because you're not really really thankful and appreciative or show gratitude for what you have had how do you show gratitude when you don't have all you want this is very simple you show the gratitude the appreciation and the thankfulness not for what you want for what you have then if you really master the concept when you ask god for something you thank him in advance for sending it to you so you can sit over here and had a cold ability to receive man this thing is not a magic trick it's a mental adjustment that we have to make in order to get where we want look man the lack of gratitude is one of the biggest blessing blockers that it there is think about it for a second think about if you don't have all you want when the last time you thanked him for all you have i mean really took inventory of your life and really thanked him for the ability to speak your mind walking healing for friendship for your family for keeping angels camped around for watching over your children for your parents still being here man for even having a parent even if you lost them for the things they taught you for being able to see the sun every day is cats locked away man don't even get to see the sun you ain't you ain't even grateful for that but then if you locked away ain't you grateful that you still here come on man everybody got something be grateful for because all the dirt i did i should be in the worst position that i am but even if you locked up all you did you could be worse off now think about it everybody got something to be grateful for but if you in that old woe is me mindset the oh lord i just can't seem to get it together these bills keep coming yeah they keep coming cause you keep attracting them lord lord i'm so sick of this dick lord help me get out of debt well you just attracted some more debt to get out of you keep speaking stuff out into space in the universe and you keep speaking stuff into existence in your life i can't ever seem to find all men as dogs well here come another one [Music] i can't find nobody to treat me right here come another one ain't gonna treat you right when you gonna change the way you think when do you when will we change the way we put out what we put out into space man the lack of gratitude is one of the biggest blessing blockers that there is man you've got to show gratitude for every little thing you have [Music] man the homeless man under the bridge got to be thankful if you get a box to shield him from the wind sometime but if not there you'll stay i'm sorry man this ain't steve you know coming over on this why you over here you are why where you are because you thought yourself there you thought yourself there you attracted things to you you didn't listen we don't listen to [Music] god [Music] you
Channel: Motivational Instinct
Views: 238,570
Rating: 4.9409728 out of 5
Keywords: Motivation, Motivational, Inspiration, Inspirational, steve harvey, steve harvey motivation, steve harvey motivational speech, steve harvey inspirational speech, faith makes it possible, steve harvey show, steve harvey trust god, trust god, ask and it shall be given, steve harvey seek god, manifest your gift, steve harvey follow your gift, steve harvey gratitude, steve harvey the power of gratitude, power of gratitude, gratitude motivational speech, gratitude inspirational speech
Id: WERppcuabKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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