The Power of Emotional Intelligence: Why Soft Skills Matter for Accountants |

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foreign hi my name is Jim Lindell today I want to talk to you about some of the soft skills and as accountants move through their career and they move from the starting phases if you know a corporate accountant or a beginning staff accountant and then they finally move up to you know a controller spot of VP of Finance perhaps a CFO or even a partner in a CPA firm the importance of soft skills increases significantly now when we talk about soft skills we're talking about things like the emotional intelligence it's becoming much more common and yet coming out of covid a lot of people lost the ability to to talk to other people to interact in a in a more personal environment as opposed to doing things like a zoom call or something like that it is just as important for each of us to have strong soft skills as it is technical skills if you have technical skills you may go high in an organization but you will usually find that people that get to the top of the organization have a good handle on these soft skills and emotional intelligence which is Major for us it's essential for us to be successful now there are five major categories that we deal with when we look at the soft skills the first is self-awareness the second is self-regulation the third is motivation of the fourth is empathy and the fifth are the different social skills that are out there when we think of self-awareness people that have good self-awareness they understand their own strengths and weaknesses they're better able to recognize and manage their own emotions that's that's a huge thing to be able to recognize when your emotions are taking control of of you and be able to deal with that this will allow people to make better decisions communicate more effectively and build stronger relationships with others the second one is self-regulation those of us that can regulate your emotions when you become aware of that not after you've lost control or you shouted at someone but those of us that can recognize it we are better equipped to handle stressful situations uh you're better able to be composed Under Pressure this allows us to stay focused on the work and reducing the amount of mistakes that we make the third form of the emotional intelligence is motivation now a good professional has a lot of their own motivation that helps drive them forward in in their career and their personal life people set goals they achieve goals they'll take initiative they might even be more proactive in their work this usually leads to much greater job satisfaction and fulfillment in their careers the fourth area of emotional intelligence is empathy this is being able to walk a mile in somebody else's shoes it's the ability to feel someone else's pain or their happiness their sorrow it it covers the entire Spectrum but accountants that are empathetic are better able to understand the needs and perspectives of who their clients their customers their co-workers and when you're really good too even those within your family this will build trust and Rapport it will also lead to Stronger relationships and better outcomes the final skill is the social skills accountants that have strong social skills are effective communicators they are able to build rapport they can influence others and they can reduce the amount of conflicts that occur this can help working effectively in teams managing client relationships and collaboration with other key stakeholders in the organization or outside of the organization as well the emotional intelligence is critical for each of us because you will be able to better relate to other people you will be better able to control yourself and I think you will have more Career Success my name is Jim Lindell if your organization or Association needs a keynote speaker or braid outs breakout speaker please give me a call if you are interested in taking your own career to a higher level please consider me as an executive coach for you thank you very much and I wish you the best of success in your career foreign
Channel: Jim Lindell
Views: 19
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, Soft Skills, Self-awareness, EI, Self-regulation, Motivation, Empathy, Social Skills, Accountants, Relationships, Communication, Teamwork
Id: 8En6Hl0YQQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 47sec (287 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 24 2023
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