The Portfolio that will get YOU Hired as a Designer | Online Portfolio for Graphic Designers

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hello it's love flame in this video I'm going to be sharing my 2019 portfolio that I still use this portfolio has gotten me so many new opportunities that I have kept it as is because it works yeah if it's not broke you don't fix it sometimes I feel extra confident in it that I'll post it into the supporting document cover letter I always end up getting responses just based off of the portfolio should you be doing this is this going to work for you hell yeah I don't see why not I'm also going to guide you in my process and how I set up my portfolio how I lay every piece out and things to consider when setting up your own okay first we are going to start off by mentioning I do not think this is the best graphic design portfolio I don't think it's the coolest either I myself have considered wanting to change and update it but it has been working so well that I just have kept it to let it do its thing so what you see here is basically what you are getting that's it I have images uploaded to Showcase some of my most successful projects what I was picturing is someone that's looking at my portfolio for example oh she does brochures that's great we're looking for that okay she does social media yeah that that looks good she makes factors works with apparel so I envisioned someone using like a check mark while they're viewing my portfolio or also making sure that there is something relevant with their market and their brand that's what I wanted and how I wanted to be represented so think about what industries that you would like to be in and build a portfolio on that I'm fortunate that I got my hands on a lot of cool design projects but even if you are just starting out if you're interested in the food industry make sure your portfolio has a variety of food packaging food photography labels or if you are interested in fashion then you're going to want to make sure your portfolio has apparel designs that will definitely push you into more what you want to do and make companies believe that okay this person has experience with these fields second second is quality this needs to be pretty obvious as a graphic designer you are going to have to Showcase your best projects The Best of the Best of the Best of the Best of the Best in the best way download those templates make sure you're only posting the best pieces you've put together if you were posting drawings or sketches like me you're going to want to take those goes down unless they are representing a design project something that ties it into your other work I'm going to show you how I set up my designs and what rules I stick to you don't have to show everything within your project especially if it's not all important you want to draw in people to your designs have it in the spotlight all right now we can get into the design there are a lot of projects I've been meaning to upload I tend to always be late when uploading or setting them up but today I thought it would be a good idea to design a couple with you guys to see what my process looks like first we have this design over here I worked on it a while back for a game Fly ad I was meaning to put it up so today is that day we're going to do it together quick and lazy trick if you want a sizing ofen an online image just screenshot it I feel like the more you guys get to know me you're going to find out how like lazy I am okay so we have the sizing now I want to bring in this image in thank the gods and creators of this AI generating tool My Life as a graphic designer quality has improved by 1,000% thank you Adobe team I used to hate paying for Adobe sweet but I'm I think I'm more convinced okay beautiful I want to showcase my design in like a phone so we are going to go to free pick to pick out a mockup that will fit well mockups are going to improve your portfolio make your life easier props to people that have access to a camera and are taking photographs of their work but don't feel ashamed sometimes as a graphic designer we don't even get to see the final results so don't be scared to use mockups for your benefit adding Shadows to the back another helpful tip is sometimes when your design is too close to the screen you don't get an outer perspective so I suggest going back to look at the small screen the Navigator screen over here it will kind of give you an idea of what the client gets to see the first time they interact with like your site whether it's like a thumbnail or like like something they have to click on I also don't know who can relate but finding the right font sometimes can can take so much time sometimes a debate if I should add that extra one hour of searching for my client's font like why did that postcard Take 5 hours okay done perfect make sure to give it a clear name related to the project second project is going to be focusing on some marketing ads I did for a University we are going to start off on pixels to find the perfect background for free and for this one I'm going to set up a blur to just stack my design on top without losing them with the background my goal on every design is to put a couple of words or sentences that relate to the project because usually what happens is we start talking about the project during the interview and that's where I like to share more about every project and give out more detail my third design is pretty straightforward remember that you don't need to make every design complex there's a lot going on already so just a small collage is enough for the person to get an idea what I put together okay last one this one is a really good lesson to show you that sometimes it's hard you want to make things work you have to go through a bunch of tries to get get it right also remind yourself to make the design to fit well with what you already have in your portfolio you don't want it to stand out so much from from your other uploads so using colors that you've already have will help tie in your design pieces so we've set up four designs and now it's time to upload the projects to the website what I've been using is Wix I use this site for all my client's website as well it's super simple straightforward we are just going to add the images to this section here and placing a title for each one the way you want to set these up is to make colors match inever you row so feel free to move your designs around as you go to create an appealing outer look and there you have it I hope you find this helpful I am telling you I don't know what it is but I think because because it's super direct and easy to use I feel I've I've gotten so many different design projects because of the setup feel free to add your personality whether it's your logo color theme I think just making sure it's clean and easy to use you can do so much with an online portfolio so don't be scared to try out some Styles and see what works for you thanks guys don't forget to hit that subscribe button and like almost discontinous
Channel: LittleFlame
Views: 14,898
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #graphicdesign, graphic design course, graphic design portfolio, online portfolio, online portfolio website, how to get hired as a graphic designer, graphic designer salary, graphic designer portfolio examples, graphic design templates free, little flame, little flame93, designer, graphic design tutorials, how to get hired on indeed, portfolio design, graphic artist, graphic design jobs online, how to get a job, how to build a portfolio website, wix website tutorial
Id: wHAVsrn4Adc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 35sec (515 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2024
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