The Porsche GT4 Experience? - 1st Impression

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there's some bunnies in the background which have distracted me i'll i'll stick a video showing you look how cute they are oh anyway back to the video [Applause] hello and welcome to the video so for my returning subscribers and viewers you'll see i've kind of gone through a different intro layout normally i kind of hold the camera i point and shoot sort of thing but i bought a brand new tripod um the reason for that is because i want to film drive-by shots and not have to rely on someone holding the camera all the time so for today's intro i thought i'd switch up try something new um i feel like i'm shouting to talk to you guys but hey if i like it i'll stick with it if i don't who cares i'm just switching it up on the channel now if you didn't know already and you're a new viewer to the channel or you just clicked on this video this is my brand new to me 718 cayman gt4 for the american viewers who don't understand our uk license plates this is a 2019 car it was registered in october now i bought this car three weeks ago from porsche wilmslow and it had done 3 000 miles after three weeks of ownership i put a thousand miles on the car and so that's the title of the video i want to give you my kind of first driving impressions of the car within my first 1000 miles of driving around in it it comes in a lovely gt silver and it's in a manual so the reason why i've waited a thousand miles to kind of give you my first driving impressions is because i wanted to get used to the manual first as it's my first manual performance car i've never owned a manual performance car before they've always been autos i wanted to get used to the manual first kind of take away those those kind of stresses i was having with changing gears and now that i've gotten used to the car and give you a proper review on what i think of it my whole youtube channel was built around my m2 competition and so i've had a lot of messages on instagram of m2 competition owners or just m2 owners in general asking me if it's a good worthy replacement and if maybe they want to do the same jump into a gt4 so i hope this video is useful maybe i can help kind of shed some light on good things and bad things and maybe if you want to get into a gt4 if it's the right choice i also want to see what i'm going to be like in the future maybe two years down the line after filming this video when i've done 25 000 miles i'm going to be re-watching this video to kind of see if my thoughts on the car are still aligned with my future self if that makes sense anyway without further ado this is going to be a very long video i think so sit tight get comfortable let's dive into the review [Music] so as you can see by the title driving impressions the reason why i have a gt4 in the first place is the porsche experience that i got in my first passenger ride around track um that only owning the car and driving the car and sitting in the car is just a massive experience it's it's something that i've kind of never really been aware of or any cars i've ever been in or driven they've been fun to drive they've been lovely they've been loud they've been awesome at handling but this is the first car that i've ever been in that gives me an experience and now that i own one i understand why porsche is such a cult and i understand why i think porsche owners continue to buy porsches throughout their kind of car journey is because porsche gives you an experience right so the minute you walk up to the car it looks super aggressive um this is one of my favorite angles you've got the sick awesome wing at the back you've got you know no real arch gap the car is super low to the ground you've got a super aggressive rear diffuser which has a purpose it's there everything on the porsche car is there for a purpose to give down force it looks awesome as you walk up to the car then you whip your key out and normally and i will get this sorted the you can get painted sides of the car key to match your car so i will get these black ones if it focuses these black ones replaced and they will be in gt silver so as i whip the key out my car my car key is the same color as my car so i whip the key out and i unlock the car and then as you walk to the driver's side i don't know if this probably won't give a very good impression but i'm i've got i'm not bending my arm right now i've got it straight and the door handle is far as is is quite far away from my fingertips so i have to bend at the hip to open the door that already is an experience to have to kind of bend down and open the door gives the idea that the car is lower and it obviously is but it gives you that feeling that you're about to get inside a race car so you walk towards it you bend down at the hip and you lift the door up to open the door when you get in you've got alcantara everywhere you've got alcantara on the steering wheel you've got alcantara in the seats alcantara on the um on on the roof of the car you get inside and you're not ready to kind of you're expecting the car to be higher than what it is and when you get in it's a lot lower than what you think it is so you get inside and you're like wow i'm sitting in a race car it's super low to the ground that's already an experience you're already getting an experience from the car before you've even turned the car on now being a manual i get to kind of experience the car day to day even more even at slow speeds i'm constantly changing gear i do i am having obviously manual problems as well along with that so when i try to um take away from a get away from a junction on a roundabout on a hill for example i have stored the car lots of times but i am getting better and better with it and when i do hit a country road a back road the manual is super fun there's enough punch within this engine that you're able to short shift still have fun with the manual still have a lot of speed and torque and when you do hold out and ring it out all the way to redline oh man it is it is just fun changing gears manually so i think um pdk and manual just to quickly touch on that i don't think there's a better or worse option i think they're both exactly the same um but i think the good the good days with the manual are very very good and the bad days with the manual are also very very bad whereas with a pdk you're kind of you're kind of in the middle and it's it's constant the experiences is the same throughout so i think on a whole if you've got really bad and really good and then you've got in the middle i think if you if you kind of averaged it out having a manual and a pdk um to live with day to day if you kind of averaged out the whole experience they're probably the same i don't think you're better or worse but again i might be biased because i have a manual so getting in the car you're falling down you have to kind of twist your body to get round already i'm in this perfect driving experience and i haven't turned the car on we're back to analog kind of ways of driving i have to put my key into the ignition into the dash and turn it in order to turn the engine on it's a completely different experience and i still keep forgetting sometimes i walk in and i get in the car and my key is still in the pocket because i'm so used to my m2 where i put my foot on the brake press a button and the engine turns on it is super cool having this putting your key in and turning it the minute you turn it you get a nice burble from the engine and there's this deep hum i always turn the exhaust button on and i'll play a few clips where you can see where you can hear the valves opening and the the hum from the engine gets a lot deeper [Music] after that as i pull away from turning the engine on i can hear the hum right behind me inside the cabin the engine is right here this i have a lot of friends who didn't know that cayman was a two-seater but they didn't really know it was like a sports car there's only two seats in this car and the engine is right here right behind my back so even even as i'm going down the motorway or doing any driving whatsoever i can hear the engine humming away it's not fake sound it's actual engine noise so as i pull away from here and because it's a manual i have to play with the throttle and the clutch i get deeper hums and i'm feeling connected already and getting an experience with the car i'm having a massive driving experience with the car every time i get in and drive away all right we're in the cabin i don't know if you can hear and i'm gonna have to shout quite loudly the hum from the engine behind me the experience driving this car continues i'm low to the ground i feel special driving it you could hear a stone rolling around just then in the in the in the wheel well and that's because of super sticky cup two tires that the car comes in which give amazing grip by the way this car is the first car in a very long time where i've been super excited to actually go out and drive it i go and see sevy or i go and see my friend will and i go home and i know that when i've got to drive back home to my own place i've got to get in the car and drive there and i look forward to the end of the day having to return home and drive home because i know i'm going to get in this car and drive it this car weirdly when i when i went from my m140 to my m2 it was kind of same same but different the interior was exactly the same it pulled kind of the same way both of them were auto the badge on the steering wheel was kind of the same so although it was a massive step up in driving experience and fun it didn't really feel any different actually driving it day to day at slow speed so for me i kind of wasn't as excited hopping in and just pottering down to the shops this is completely different i'm sitting at the lights right now i'm sitting low to the ground i know that when those lights turn green i might stall it and i haven't that's already a different experience and this car is just it's just brilliant i i feel like i'm just repeating myself a little bit now and saying the same thing over and over again so let's talk a little bit about some things i've noticed since only in this car because it's so far from memory of what i've said it's a pretty awful review the brakes they're super squeaky um from factory the porsche comes with kind of track semi-track semi-road um brake pads so if you want to kind of compare those to the m2 that i had they're like the ds 2500 pads that i had on my m2 but they're super squeaky they no matter how much kind of warmth and heat i've put into them when i come up to a set of traffic lights and i break they squeak like hell they're kind of cool sometimes sometimes i quite like it and sometimes it's it's like scraping a fork across some some plates and some bowls like that it kind of sends chills down my spine yep there we go what else can i talk about well i think i've talked a lot about the positives and how amazing this car is and it's quite it's quite hard to find some negatives because the car is genuinely so good but i think the gears the the the um the indicator stick the stalk i think it's cheap i don't like the plastic that they've used to to make it out of if this is something i've got to touch when i'm changing lanes or indicating left and right so i've got to touch it quite a lot in my opinion it just doesn't feel nice but i'm really being nitpicky here but it was one of the first things that i picked up on when i was driving this car i just thought they're not quite as nice as the m2 ones and the m2 is basically covered in cheap plastic anyway the cup holders they're absolutely awful um again i'm being very picky here but they're so shallow i like to drink a lot of monsters you know the energy drink um or even if i buy a coffee or whatever that doesn't come with a lid on it or you know where it can kind of spill quite easily so the cup holders are one the first one for me the driver is situated right over all the buttons and all you know the electronics so if i spill my monster as i floor it out of the lights or something it's going to go all over the electronics so i can't open my can of energy drink um when i'm driving which is really annoying it's it's so shallow that the the the bottle sits really high and it's like flimsy and it moves around so what i've actually ended up doing is buying a specific water bottle for this car i'm going to go over bridge and i just need to concentrate one sec we can talk about this in a sec i bought a specific bottle because it fits perfectly in the cup holders it means i can open it because i've got a manual i have to have two hands on the wheel all the time i can open it and drink whenever i need to and i can pull it back in the cup holder and because of the lid it doesn't move around so the cup holders they're really bad they honestly suck now going over that bridge oh no oh no don't want to curve my wheels okay we're good oh a tunnel is coming up let's wind the windows down and listen to the exhaust all right this is a second gear pull with the valves open oh yeah now going back to my point about the bridge this car is really low um if you follow me on instagram you'll see that i've scraped the front splitter already this car doesn't the gt4 doesn't come with a nose lift the gt3 does um i guess porsche c the gt3 is a supercar maybe so they decide to they think it's worthy of a nose lift but on a gt4 it doesn't come with a nose lift um you would think that's probably fine you know my m2 didn't have a nose lift and i had a splitter on it um didn't want to stall it there um but the the where the wheel where the front of the wheel is and then the front of the car it's quite far the distance is quite far so by the time you get to a ramp or wherever you're going up a multi-storey car park by the time the front wheel gets to the bit which starts to go up the front of the car is already touching it's already touching uh the the ramp and you're scraping your splitter so porsche obviously knew this was going to happen and that's why they fitted it with a plastic front splitter that costs 200 pounds to replace from porsche because they knew it was going to happen they know people are going to scratch it a lot they're going to rip it up et cetera et cetera it's bound to happen so for a cheap um bit of money 200 quid i can replace that front splitter but yeah i've scraped the front splitter four or five times already and um every time it happens it doesn't get any nicer you hear that kind of crunching that that scraping sound it's not enjoyable so i am super stressed kind of driving this around town a little bit buy a gt4 they said you can daily it they said well yeah you can daily it's easy to get in and out of especially with these comfort seats it's not super harsh the ride is very compliant but whenever i come to kind of curbs the islands or or or um or roundabouts where they're super super close or bridges or any kind of speed bumps that are super high that stresses me out a little bit but i've just kind of gotta learn to accept that it's gonna scratch it's gonna scrape and you know i'll just replace it when the time comes i think those are kind of the two main negatives of this car um because honestly the car's been absolutely fantastic in the three weeks i've been driving it what's the mpg like well on a motorway run i get about 26 miles to the gallon on average i've seen a 30 and that's when i'm going at 60 miles an hour and i've stayed at the same speed the whole time if you get a pdk then sebby's got pdk my friend sevi so he he kind of gets four mpg more than i do so when we're going on a motorway run i'll get 24 and he'll hope he'll get 28. when i'm really hooing it around town or i'm just literally just pottering around town i've seen as low as 11 miles to the gallon so it's not great but who buys a performance car and really cares about mars the gallon now auto blips fantastic i'm just going to downshift the second and floor and enjoy this really good road oh the speed the speed is going to get me in some serious trouble i think i need to be careful now where was i um oh yeah master the gallon the tank in this gt4 now i will do a proper video because i've had a few people asking me to do a gt4 versus m2 comparison um but i'm just going to touch on it here the fuel tank in this car is bigger than the m2 i think the m2 had like 52 liters it was a 52 liter tank and i think this one's 64 liters off the top of my head so the fuel tank in this is a lot bigger and it means that i don't have to go to the supermarket to go and get my fuel quite as often when i do go it's a hundred pounds to fill up this tank so it's quite a lot of money but i'm not going as often and the mpg is around about the same as the m2 was so really in terms of my bank and how often i'm spending money out of my my bank um it's about the same as the m2 which you know i'm not too fussed about this car's a weekend car i work from home if i have to go to the office in london i get the train so this car really is a weekend car unless i'm hooting around to kind of film a video for you guys again some awesome road so give me one second so i short shifted there but again there's enough punch to make it fun the auto blip in this is absolutely fantastic it makes the car closer to a pdk auto without having to compromise and get a pdk auto if you want to get a manual i have never owned a manual car performance car like i said and i've never learned how to rev match i don't even want to learn how to do it in a 90 000 porsche gt4 so i'm just gonna i leave auto blip on and i just let the car do it i don't want to destroy the gearbox i want the i'll let the car choose the revs thanks um and it's the car's gonna choose the revs better than i will so it's absolutely fantastic as the best part and the most fun thing about this car is when i'm kind of coming up to a corner or i'm coming to kind of a junction etc and you kind of got your foot flat on the brake slowing down and you just drop through the gears oh it's brilliant so let me demonstrate you know what third second off back to third up to four then i break really hard go to third go to second floor again up to third oh my god my hand i'm busy i'm engaged and the sound i don't know if you can hear it this whole time i'm trying to shout so you guys can hear me but the sound that hum it's constantly there and the hum changes on the motorway so the reason the car's able to kind of get 26 miles to the gallon on the motorway is the gt4 has cylinder deactivation so it's a it's a inline six it's a four liter it's a four liter six cylinder car but on the motorway if you keep your speed at the same constant speed it turns off three of the cylinders and then every minute or so it switches to the other three cylinders so you hear the car change in tone you'll have a really high hum and then it will change to a really deep hum so it's really nice that it's really weird to just be on the motorway and suddenly the the sound in the cabin changes and it's a it's a deeper hum and it's quite cool the engine is basically always talking to you and adds to that experience of driving a gt car [Music] oh i can't see a thing fantastic so when you ring it all the way out when you keep your foot flat to the floor and you wait and you wait and you wait and you wait for that needle to go all the way to redline the longer you wait the more you're rewarded because you feel it pull you harder and harder and you're rewarded with the longer you wait and obviously it can get you into trouble if you're not careful so um there's enough punch in the mid-range to enjoy it when you do wait and go all the way to redline you're rewarded with it which is also enjoyable and when you're poodling around town at slow speeds you get that deep hum oh what an engine absolutely brilliant so the final thing i want to touch on with the driving experience well first of all the grip the mid-engine grip is so good oh wait actually the seat belts the seat belt it's a common cayman problem but it knocks against the seat it's really annoying so you have to basically pull the seat forward seat belt forward and just kind of pull it inside the seat so it doesn't knock against the seat it's annoying but you know it's just a common cayman problem um the grip the mid-engine grip is ridiculous this car in the m2 i used to love golden mdm and doing drifts and drifting out of every single junction this car i have not wanted to turn the traction button off once for some reason my mindset has kind of changed and i seem to get more joy and enjoy like enjoyment out of cup downshifting with the auto blip into a second and then hitting a corner and going round the corner at speed and the faster you go around the corner obviously within reason because i know i could probably send it the fantastic cup two tires the mid-engine grip the faster you go around the corner you can feel the car being sucked to the ground even more and the grip is just amazing it's unbelievable um so i've not wanted to turn off the traction button at all and for some reason i don't seem to care about drifts anymore i'm sure as i get more experience with the car i might go and find an empty car park somewhere and i might have a little go at doing some donuts but a mid-engine layout as we know if you've got a mid-engine mid-engine layout it when when the back end goes it really goes and it's a lot harder to catch a drift or an oversteer in a mid-engined car than it is in a front engine rear wheel drive car so even though the back end would come out on the m2 it will be easy to catch i know that if this one goes it's going to be very hard to catch and i don't think i've got the skill to kind of save it so really i don't want to be risking turning the traction off in a gt4 unless i'm on track or whatever and to be honest like i've just said it's it's not about that in this car it's all about downshifting nailing a corner and listening to that now my final final point i want to touch on um my final final point i want to touch on because i i'm aware this video is really getting quite long is all the reviews i think all the reviewers want to find something to something negative about the car that they want to talk about right because this car is literally the best car i have ever driven that's a big statement it's the best car i've ever owned by far and i finally understand why gt porsche is such a reputation it's so good um you know that gt3 suspension the handling is amazing but every reviewer needs to have something negative to talk about the car and they all talk about how long the gearing is honestly it's bs in my opinion um i know it is a problem i know it can be a problem but the car set third gear still having fun fourth gear i'm still there's so much punch in the mid-range that you can still have fun and short shift you don't have to bring it all the way out to the red line you go to third i'm gonna go to second i'm not speeding still i'm still sticking to the limit i'll have that grip i'm able to short shift and still have fun without going over the speed limit oh my god the the gearing is so long et cetera et cetera honestly that that they're just trying to uh the reviewers are just trying to give a negative thing something to say about it it's not a problem i thought it would be a problem being naturally aspirated it's not going to have any low down torque so it would have to always be at the top of the rev range to enjoy and have fun it's honestly not a problem and probably the manual really helps as well it keeps it engaging at slow speeds i can have someone talking to me in the passenger seat just yapping away and in my head and thinking i'll go to third go to fourth i'll go up to fifth i might drop it down to fourth again the passenger next to me has no idea i'm not listening to what they're saying so yeah i think i've kind of touched on all the first things that i thought i've been thinking about since driving this car since the day i picked it up these are kind of the topics and the things that i've constantly been thinking about i've been discussing with friends people that are asking me you know what's the gt4 like these are things that i've been telling them and that these are my first impressions so i'm gonna leave the video here i'm gonna say this car is absolutely fantastic and i'm absolutely loving driving it around it does have its problems i have to open the door really wide to get out comfortably when you do get out i am really low to the ground so i'm kind of almost falling out i can't imagine what a lamborghini aventador svj will be like so i'm really glad i got the uh the comfort seat because i can just kind of slot in and out i like to take photos for instagram so i move the car get in move the car get out take photo get in with the bucket seats it would have been a problem so i'm really glad the spec that i've got it makes the car really enjoyable yeah everything about the car i'm just super super happy with i'm so glad um i've stepped into this vehicle it just makes driving so enjoyable so yeah i'm rambling a little bit now like comment subscribe the usual i'll see you later in the next video goodbye all right just going to go and get some fuel i just want to finally touch on that driving experience that the porsche gt4 gives you even after driving the car you've had a load of fun with it when you get out the car when you're done driving you're still given that gt4 experience you turn the engine off you put the uh the parking brake on which is electric and you get out the car and what you do you touch these fabric door handle straps i don't know if you can see it though um you probably quite calm i'll put i'll put an overlay clip but you've got fabric door handle straps which are apparently to save weight they don't really save weight let's be honest but it gives you that race car vibe you touch the door fabric handle strap and you pull it to get out the car giving you that final giving you that experience that driving experience that porsche gt4 experience so from the minute you get in you drive it and then you get out it's completely an experience and yeah that's that's what makes this car so special
Channel: MrHCars
Views: 13,935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: m2, carvlogs, petrolheads, amg, tgetv, joeachilles, llf, mercedes, topgear, c43, c63, porsche, supercars, m2competition, review, owners review, gt4, 718 gt4, cayman gt4, porsche gt3, gt3
Id: xMUYv72Sy_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 40sec (1960 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 14 2022
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