The Plant Paradox Debunked

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hey it's Mike here and today the plant paradox debunked dr. Stephen Gundry authored the plant paradox which is a best-selling book and for the last year has been making around spreading some pretty ridiculous myths and yeah it has been a year but he has released something since then which we're gonna talk about so this is not just old news well there are of course things I do agree with dr. country on I'm gonna go through some of his favorite myths and put them up against the science let's do it so who is Stephen Gundry well he has some impressive credentials he ZL educated he is a heart surgeon he's performed thousands of heart surgeries and as he described in a story about himself gave my thesis to my parents and went off to become very famous heart surgeon cardiologist just want to let you know I'm a very famous cardiologist moving on but when you lean so heavily on credentials you tend to start making those claims without actually backing them up by science we're gonna see a lot of those claims but the reason I didn't go after Stephen Gundry earlier is because we do have one thing in common and that is you somebody who eats a primarily plant-based diet but when you probe a little bit deeper into his diet you'll see not only that it's not as plant-based as he makes it out to be but he enthusiastically promotes certain animal products and will leave you just completely afraid of a lot of plants in the past I've talked about a lot of people who tell you good news about your bad habits well he goes one step further and tells you great news about your bad habits here's one example in an interview with Tom bill you the yolk of the egg may be the most beneficial food that has ever been invented now they claim like that telling people to eat more egg yolks which are the single main source of cholesterol in the US diet you think he may be back it up with some studies no he doesn't even bother and that's a pattern and now for another pattern how confusing he is listen to this when I actually ask people to mainly throw the whites away so we'll do a a four egg omelet but four of them are yolks and just use one white and what is it in the whites or about the lights that make them problematic okay it's animal protein and let's look there's another reason not to eat animal protein sadly you say throw the egg whites away because animal protein is bad he even goes into mTOR and igf-1 an animal protein boosting those to boosting risk of cancer and I've previously outlined the studies connecting that but cod egg yolks have animal protein it's the pair day where nothing makes sense no I also have previous videos tackling the health washing of eggs talking about the cholesterol ceiling we're essentially throwing another match or another egg into the cholesterol fire doesn't really do that much talking about sick populations etc but it's not a new claim to say that eggs are healthy no the new idea he's selling here is the plant paradox that a lot of plants are actually unhealthy and in particular he's talking about one thing and that is lectins here he is scaring a bunch of innocent people on the Hallmark Channel saying that plants use chemical warfare so what they do is use chemical warfare to make their predators think twice about eating them or their babies selectins are self defense mechanism for plants you know what also is the self defense mechanism antioxidants yet those are super healthy for us I don't think anybody's gonna argue against that point don't get me wrong there are some plant defenses that are harmful i mean don't go eating a bunch of poison ivy but there's definitely a ton of exaggeration and some reductionism here that we need to tackle but what foods actually have lectins well you've got beans and lentils and a ton of veggies which are in the nightshade family like peppers and tomatoes this includes potatoes lectins are also in corn and soy and a bunch of other plant foods in fact country has a no list which includes all lentils all fruit unless it is in season and no zucchini what did sue Keaney ever do to you he also says no oats what and his yes list of course contains multiple carcinogens like prosciutto as well as high-fat dairy a ton of processed high saturated fat oils it's clear from what he's telling you to actually eat not eat that he's sort of repackaging a low-carb diet here he even has some keto bars on that yes list now there's no question that a really high level of lectins can be dangerous and I do want to add that even too much water can cause hyponatremia and kill you but people usually talk about kidney beans in this situation because uncooked kidney beans have high levels of lectins and they can make people sick however merely cooking them to the point where they are soft the point that we know them to be edible gets rid of the lectins from this study quote cooking of beans completely destroyed the lectin activity and here he is on the doctors admitting that you can just cook away the lectins from beans with a good response from plant-based dr. Joel Khan in my book I ask people to eat beans as long as you put them in a pressure cooker after Gundry are their pressure cookers in sardinia are their pressure cookers in okinawa other pressure cookers in Costa Rica Peninsula they don't exist question and they live a long healthy life it's not a fad diet it's a bad fad diet because we're gonna need more butter we're gonna eat more eggs and he's got 20 cheeses you can eat and almost no fruits you can eat sorry that's not medicine that is bad fat but he's acting as if all of these plant foods have the same level of lectins as undercooked or raw kidney beans this guy just has so many conflicting confusing things I mean I'm impressed that he's able to hold that many paradoxes in his head but I'm afraid he might crack and then we might find him on like an island somewhere in like 30 years lectin Larry and I have been talking what's that like did Larry they said there would be no lectins on this island but there are lectins everywhere coconuts coconuts are the best food on the planet but coconut water coconut water is the devil and country's main CEO is if that lectins will give you leaky gut and make your body vulnerable to autoimmune diseases here he is lectins cause the wall of our gut to actually separate and people have heard the term leaky gut yes I'm actually about to support his point with more studies than I've ever seen him using the video from this study yes you can poison rats with undercooked kidney bean lectins at a high amount and give them intestinal permeability issues leaky gut however for obvious reasons that's not practical to humans and from this other study that found a ton of health benefits to eating these beans with lectins such as decreased levels of inflammation they also mentioned that the prebiotics in beans in general have been shown to help maintain intestinal barrier function in rats so all the beans probably good at preventing leaky gut but back to human beings but back to humans beans appear to be possibly the most beneficial food for our health according to the research for example looking to the Hispanic paradox they are pointed to as the reason that hispanic americans have better health outcomes despite lower access to health care other factors that should be giving them bad health outcomes it's the beans and here's a fun one one thing that you will never hear dr. Gundry say is that there are plenty of studies showing that lectins are actually anti-cancer here's one study that concludes that dietary lectins from beans may be a good treatment to slow the progression of cancer that is pretty crazy and for the most important piece of information that would fry Gondry's brain from this study legumes were found to be the most effective dietary predictor of elderly survival of any food that they looked at for every 20 gram daily increase in legumes consumption they found an 8% decrease in death risk this is the food if that Gundry is telling you to be afraid of I'm not the first person to criticize country on YouTube but none of the videos I've seen have addressed his recent release of an abstract in the journal Circulation which no this is not a study which he would probably like people to believe this is just an abstract of his presentation on some of his research he's been doing first of all he mentions cure in the title which is pretty sketch and his results are over the top of the hundred people with autoimmune diseases he had in the study almost all of them were healed they could be important to look to somebody else's response for this in particular Robert Eccles responds he's the former president of the American Heart Association and professor at the University of Colorado he spoke to LiveScience and he said essentially that scientific presentations that are not yet peer-reviewed and published are inadequate evidence also that Gundry study does not include a control group and it is impossible to make any conclusions based on limited data in a presented abstract not only is this not a published study he doesn't report any p-values or anything like that and he changed so many things he added antioxidants and prebiotics and all of these other things what actually got the result and how do we know these results are real after all right there it says that this is an abstract about the pant paradox protocol hello patient number five we're gonna do step one which is take your pants off so not again I'm leaving where are you going you can't leave no you need to check off right here that your autoimmune disease was cured no well you don't want to well I'm gonna tell your husband that you took your pants off but I never took my pants yeah that's the pant paradox part and that's why you check your spelling anyway moving on it seems like he's trying to attack every single healthy food he even of course goes after whole grains whole grains are one of those wonderful myths that got perpetrated by a few individual then why are they associated with positive health outcomes and basically every single study out there like this study that found a stepwise positive connection between lower mortality and whole-grain consumption it's the paradox that's it's the opposite of science or how about this study that he somehow missed in his own field heart disease that those who ate the most whole grains had just 67% the heart disease risk that those who ate the least amount had he does get some stuff right like how there's a connection between autoimmune diseases such as type 1 diabetes and cow's milk moving on he also realizes that free-range chicken is BS feed them organic corn and soybeans and not let them out of the warehouse except open a door for 5 minutes every 24 hours and the chicken has the potential to go outside and that is the current government definition of organic free-range chicken now for what is possibly my favorite piece of hyperbole that came out of his mouth ok so the only purpose of food is to get olive oil into your mouth there are three long-lived societies in the Blue Zones that use a leader of olive oil per week in order to not repeat part 1 and part 2 of my oil videos you can go and watch those if you're interested in why olive oil is not a health food but for now I just want to say that just because the Blue Zones are eating one type of food doesn't mean that it's healthy for example everyone got on the Wine Train and said Oh Blue Zones drank wine so drink wine olive oil is not a health food is a significant source of saturated fat and studies like this one have shown that it's capable of compromising your artery function and it is 100 percent fat this is not the type of food you want to be recommending in a society where obesity is a major problem now one point he actually even mentioned any u5g AC which is in red meat and leads to inflammation talking about how red meat isn't healthy and then and then he goes on and it says this so if you're gonna have a steak please pour it on your meat as they do in Italy sorry man these mixed messages are next level now I tend to avoid reading things directly from Wikipedia even though this study in the journal Nature found that it was nearly as accurate as the Encyclopedia Britannica but this was just kind of funny quote he's best known for his claims that lectins a type of plant protein found in numerous foods cause inflammation resulting in many modern diseases scientists have classified the claims as pseudoscience he sells supplements that he claims protect or reverse the damaging effects yes he sells supplements which in case you didn't realize were actually ironically being advertised on the side of that live science article earlier but let's take a look at these supplements here is a 240 dollar supplement that blocks sugar from being absorbed what here's an $80.00 lectin shield supplement that prevents lectins from being absorbed because he told you not to eat lectins and you ate them anyway I guess inspired by Gundry I'm starting my own supplement it's called a BS shield it prevents dr. country's BS from entering your system $300 free in conclusion it's more important to listen to actual research and studies and the science instead of just somebody's credentials and just because something is a paradox doesn't mean that it's true in addition he sends a ton of mixed messages about eating animal products for example eggs or Jesus but animal protein is bad and red meat is dangerous but poor olive oil all over your steak this is just not good medicine and yes well lectin levels can be too high in inedible foods there's no evidence to show that lectins at the level they are in a bunch of the foods we eat are actually doing a lot of damage so my concern here is that a bunch of people would probably have chronic diseases or obesity are gonna go and follow Stephen countries and advice eat less of the plant foods that they really need like beans and vegetables pile on the eggs and it's probably not gonna do them very good now I don't want to be absolutist and say that nobody is ever gonna have any problems with their immune system from lectins I mean we have a lot of plant proteins that people are allergic to and so forth but this has been super blown out of proportion there's a ton of fear mongering around this and that probably doesn't apply to the average person finally it appears he's making a lot of money off of very gimmicky supplements and definitely a lot of money off making people afraid of lectins so that's something to be suspicious about and finally really you should just join me in my pant paradox protocol and just take your pants off I'm just kidding I'm still wearing my pants which aren't even that color that's that's the paradox all right anyway that's it for today feel free to like and subscribe let me know what you think down below about Steven Gunn drina's plant paradox and I'll see you in the next video did I mention legends legends are bad but I now know the real enemy Tecton Oh what's your name Tecton Pete nice to meet you I'm on the pant paradox protocol I'm on the pants paradox probe Karla [Music]
Channel: Mic the Vegan
Views: 448,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lectins, lectin free, kelly clarkson, diet, plant-based, vegan, keto, paleo, low carb, beans, legumes, kidney, disease, joel kahn, plant paradox, gundry, book, response, myths
Id: e0leFsZc7zY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 26 2018
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