The Plane That Will Change Travel Forever

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flying vehicles like those wild jet packs flying saucers and even Airborne bikes have been a staple in Sci-Fi movies for forever well they're not just fantasy anymore thanks to some super smart engineers and their game-changing Innovations these sky-high concepts are getting closer to being a part of our everyday life as we're all patiently waiting to take our first ride in these Flyboys we will take you on a round trip courtesy of the top 20 most out there definitely not your average flying vehicles that are set to redefine our world number 20. hoverbike hey have you heard about this incredible hover bike from alley Technologies called The x-torismo Limited Edition honestly it's something out of a sci-fi movie this amazing machine can float right through the air making you feel like you're in some futuristic world now this isn't just some run-of-the-mill flying bike it can zoom through the air at a hundred kilometers per hour and can keep this up for 40 minutes straight it's got a standard engine and four battery-powered Motors to help keep you Aloft the hover bike isn't too heavy either weighing around 300 kilograms but it's sturdy enough to carry up to 100 kilograms extra it comes at a cost though which is a whopping six hundred thousand dollars however with a Mitsubishi backing and footballer kesuke Honda support you know you're getting top tier quality this hoverbike is more than just a joy ride though it's designed for emergencies and for The Thrill Seekers out there imagine flying around on a bike that looks like it's straight out of a high-tech movie with its four propellers controlled by a joystick and throttle plus it's got a built-in camera and speakers that can stream live video and audio right to your helmet it's limited to a safe altitude of 5 meters and it's even compatible with Cosmos which is a flight management system that ensures safe use number 19. aeromobile 3.0 flying car all right shifting gears let's talk about this amazing flying car the aeromobile 3.0 in this marvelous creation you can switch from driving to flying in less than three minutes under the hood this Beauty has a hybrid propulsion system with a turbocharged internal combustion engine you can fly around at a speedy 200 kilometers per hour for 40 minutes and on the road you can drive a staggering 875 kilometers at a maximum of 160 kilometers per hour what sets this flying car apart though is its use of existing infrastructure and its adherence to current air and Road regulations you'll be cruising around in a futuristic sports car and when you're ready to take off the wings fold out and the rear propeller Springs into action this flying car costs between 1.2 million dollars and 1.6 million dollars but for that price you get a vehicle that's about 20 feet long with a wingspan of 30 feet with adaptive flight control surfaces vehicle suspension for optimal takeoff and landing and advanced controls in both fly and drive mode it's like you're getting two high performance vehicles in one plus it's got a built-in camera and speakers so you can live stream your adventures like the mythical Pegasus the aeromobile 3.0 aims to take to the skies reaching up to ten hundred thousand feet number 18 ehang 184 okay so get this China's gone all out on the Drone scene and created the ehang 184 it's electrically powered and can lift a single passenger for a 23-minute joyride cruising at sea level it's for first debut was at the Consumer Electronics Show back in 2016 and it's been making headlines ever since the design forearms and eight propellers and they fold when it's resting when it's in action it's capable of hitting speeds up to 130 kilometers per hour with a maximum altitude of 3 000 meters say there's a malfunction or a disconnect the ehang 184 will gently land in the nearest safe spot the controls super simple you just tap your destination kick start your flight and you're good to go it communicates with the control center through 4G or 5G transmission so you're never really out of touch the price tag is somewhere between two hundred thousand dollars and three hundred thousand dollars but considering its expected uses in Urban Air mobility and emergency rescue it's worth every penny now this aav doesn't just look Sleek it's made of a tough composite material of carbon fiber and epoxy with aerial aluminum alloy the wingspan is around 18 feet and its length is 12 feet perfect for a single passenger it's equipped with adaptive flight control surfaces and vehicle suspension for optimal takeoff and Landing with inspiration from the Chinese mythical bird phoenix the ehang-184 truly soars number 17. blackfly get set for a real game changer in personal air Mobility the blackfly a Sleek electric vertical takeoff and Landing vehicle from opener masterminded by Visionary Marcus Lang this personal flight dream machine is a single seat Wonder soaring through the skies on eight propellers and electric motors cruising 20 miles at 62 miles per hour when fully charged this engineering Marvel is not just about thrill but also safety it comes equipped with a ballistic parachute redundant Landing systems and an auto land feature for worry-free Adventures Plus you don't need a pilot's license in the U.S a simple training program will have you ready for takeoff but wait there's more The Black Fly isn't just skybound it's amphibious mode enables water takeoffs and landings there's also a demo flight feature for a hands-free aerial tour its resilience is also impressive withstanding testing and tough weather conditions while maintaining a low noise level of 72 decibels at 150 feet the black fly's Stellar performance features include a service ceiling of 12 000 feet and a maximum static thrust of over 900 pounds fast recharge times and remarkable flight history since its first liftoff in August 2014 make it a true personal air Mobility Champion its flight performance is as spectacular as it gets and with deliveries expected to start in 2023 the future of personal air travel is nearly here hold on tight number 16 Lazarus lmv 496 buckle up and let's delve deeper into the phenomenal Lazarus lmv 496 the future of personal transportation crafted by the ingenious French mechanical engineer Ludovic lazarith this limited edition flying motorcycle is based on the lm847 a four-wheel tilting Superbike boasting a Maserati engine on the highway the lmv-496 is a sight to behold running smoothly on an electric motor with a decent range of 60 miles but wait till you see its transformation hit a button and this bike metamorphosis into a jet powered hoverbike equipped with four horizontal jet engines each delivering a whopping 1300 horsepower enabling the bike to hover for 10 minutes this hunky piece of engineering Marvel weighs 308 pounds but don't let its size fool you it can support a massive load of up to 2200 pounds comfortable seats a lightweight steering system and tfx suspension technology that adjusts to the rider's body weight and driving style ensure a smooth and enjoyable ride and just for an added layer of safety it's equipped with quick opening parachutes in the wheels just in case things don't go as planned but this futuristic bike isn't just about performance it's got style too unveiled at the guy Tech's trade show in Dubai in 2019 this motorcycle from the future oozes elegance and exclusivity with a price tag of fifty six hundred thousand dollars it is definitely an investment however when you consider that only five units are ever going to be produced you realize that it's not just a bike it's a piece of History number 15. terrafugia transition developed by terafugia a company founded by MIT graduates and later scooped up by jjang Gili Holding Group the terrafugia transition is a dream come true the transition is powered by aerotax 921 is engine that's quite versatile it drives a pusher propeller when you're in the mood for flying and Powers the rear wheels for those regular road trips the foldable Wings make it easy to switch and help it fit into a standard single car garage the transition has a cool flying range of 400 miles at a speed of 100 miles per hour but if you feel like hitting the road it can race at up to 70 miles per hour for safety it packs features like a full vehicle parachute airbags crumple zones and a carbon fiber safety cage though it's been given a thumbs up by the FAA as a light sport aircraft it's still waiting for the green light for Road use there are a few fun facts you might want to know about the transition first unveiled in 2006 it took its first flight in 2009 and even made a cameo in the movie Transformers Dark of the Moon as a Decepticon whether you fill it up with premium unleaded gasoline or 100 LL Avgas it's ready to roll oh and it has a boost option for the throttle for that extra Rush of power and three rear view cameras for Road mode number 14. Airbus vahana now let's talk about a serious Game Changer in the field of autonomous flying the Airbus vahana this single-seat all-electric Wonder was designed by A3 airbus's Innovation Hub in Silicon Valley it made its Grand debut in 2016 and after a series of successful test flights wrapped up the final flight in 2019. the vahana boasts eight electric motors and an amazing tilt Wing configuration this impressive piece of engineering allows it to take off and land vertically and fly across cities using battery power alone but it gets even better the vahana is equipped with a self-piloting system that uses real-time detect and avoid capabilities to safely navigate both in the air and on the ground this bird also has a dashboard that displays essential flight data such as speed location and altitude and if something goes wrong mid-flight no worries it's got an emergency parachute system ready to roll as for performance the vahana is no slouch it can reach a top speed of 126 miles per hour and has a range of 58 miles with a wingspan of 29 feet and a length of 20 feet it's a substantial aircraft but don't let that intimidate you it can comfortably lift off with a weight of 1642 pounds and still have room for a payload of 209 pounds so whether it's for work or play the Airbus vahana is revolutionizing the way we travel number 13. Kitty Hawks heavy side now let's move on to an electric Marvel that's been making waves in the aeronautical world the kitty heavy side this electric vertical takeoff and Landing also known as EV tall aircraft is the brainchild of Kitty Hawk a company headed by Sebastian throne and co-founded by none other than Google's Larry Page the heavy side is quite the site with its reverse sweep wing and cute little Canard also it's got eight tilting props to provide liftoff in a vectored Thrust design the heavy side can hit a speed of 180 miles per hour and cover a distance of 100 miles on just one electric charge did we mention it's remote controlled plus safety features include a ballistic parachute and redundant flight systems in 2021 the U.S Air Force even granted its military airworthiness approval a green signal for participating in the agility Prime program the heavy side isn't named after some heavy rock band but after all of our heavicide a self-taught English scientist who made significant contributions to electromagnetism and telegraphy also this aircraft is so quiet that it produces a mere 35 decibels of noise at 1500 feet above the ground it's perfect for both urban and rural settings thanks to its ability to take off and land on 30 feet by 30 feet unpaved surfaces and talk about hardiness it's been tested in diverse weather conditions from rain and snow to fog and wind number 12. cavarite X5 next up is the cavarite X5 another exciting electric vertical takeoff and Landing vehicle aircraft designed by Horizon aircraft a Canadian company acquired by Astro Aerospace the cavarite X5 is a hybrid electric vehicle quite a shape shifter that can function as a drone a helicopter or a plane depending on the flight mode it boasts 16 ducted fans tucked away in the wings and tail for vertical takeoff and Landing for horizontal thrust you'll find a single propeller at the rear enabling it to fly at high speeds and cover long distances like a plane on a single battery charge it clocks in at 275 miles per hour with a range of 310 miles the cavarite X5 is quite the host too comfortably accommodating five people One Pilot being the pilot with a payload capacity of 800 pounds measuring 50.3 feet in wingspan 38 feet in length and 9.2 feet in height this aircraft is a substantial presence despite its size it manages an impressive maximum takeoff weight of 3 600 pounds and an empty weight of 2200 pounds it made its debut in 2019 and completed its first flight test in 2020. the plan is to make the cavarite X5 ready for commercial use by 2024. this hybrid vehicle targets applications such as disaster relief Emergency Medical Services cargo transport and air taxi services it's definitely one to watch out for in the future of Aviation number 11. Joby Electric flight let's Dive Right into another epic innovation in aviation the Joby electric flight this one comes from Joby Aviation a Santa Cruz based company that started in 2009 under the vision of founder Joe Ben beavert picture this a Sleek four-seater aircraft that can take off and land vertically thanks to six tilting propellers with one single electric charge this impressive bird can fly 150 miles at a breezy speed of 200 miles per hour it's a dream come true what's more the Joby electric flight can be remotely controlled either from the ground or while airborne and this beauty comes equipped with a ballistic parachute and redundant flight systems for Peace of Mind during your sky-bound journey in February 2021 the U.S Air Force gave joby's Innovation the nod granting it military airworthiness approval it's also expecting to gain FAA part 23 type certification by 2023. this electric aircraft is the epitome of a silent flyer producing only 38 decibels of noise at 500 feet that's a hundred times quieter than your average helicopter plus it's flexible comfortably landing on a 30 by 30 feet surface be it paved or unpaved another cool fact it's partnered with Uber to operate as part of the Uber Air Taxi Network so who's ready to call their first air taxi number 10. Moog shorefly let's take a look at the Moog surefly a two-seater hybrid electric vertical takeoff and Landing vehicle aircraft that's the perfect personal chopper for a range of applications initially designed by Workhorse group an American truck manufacturer the project was later purchased by Moog Inc a flight control specialist for a cool five million dollars the Moog shorefly is a powerful piece of tech boasting a dual generator fuel piston engine that powers its eight electric fixed pitch propellers set in four coaxial pairs this means even if the engine fails the backup battery system can keep the aircraft going for five minutes plenty of time for a safe landing it has an emergency ballistic parachute system ready to deploy in case of a sudden Landing this hybrid vehicle can zip through the sky at a maximum speed of 86 miles per hour and travel a range of 75 miles on a single tank of fuel physically it's a substantial presence in the sky with a wingspan of 35 feet a length of 19 feet and a height of 8 feet it took its first flight in April of 2018 hovering four feet above the ground for 10 seconds and in September 2 2021 the Moog shorefly joined the U.S Air Force's agility Prime initiative demonstrating its potential for military use in Personnel recovery Logistics and Special Operations so it's not just an electric vertical takeoff and Landing vehicle aircraft but also a military-grade machine number nine Klein vision air car meet the Klein vision air car a vision turned into reality by Stefan Klein a Slovak designer and professor and his company this stunning piece of engineering is a dual mode vehicle that can operate as a sports coupe on the road and a light aircraft in the air talk about having the best of both worlds at the heart of This Magnificent machine is a 1.6 liter BMW engine that gives power to the rear wheels on the road and the rear propeller in the air the genius is in its folding Wing design that can morph from car to aircraft in Just 2 minutes and 15 seconds all at the push of a button to ensure a smooth and safe journey the air car also boasts a self-piloting system that uses sensors and cameras to assist with navigation and landing on the road this stunner can reach a maximum speed of 124 miles per hour and an impressive 186 miles per hour in the air it also has a solid range offering 621 miles on the road and 466 miles in the air on a single tank of fuel the Klein vision air car took its first flight in October of 2020 and even completed its first Intercity flight between Nitra and Bratislava airports in June 2021. now all it needs is approval as a road vehicle and it'll truly be the ultimate Road and Sky Transformer number eight lilium jet now we have another breathtaking Aviation Marvel the lilium jet the brainchild of lilium gmbh a German company founded by four engineers and doctoral students from the Technical University of Munich the lilium jet is a seven-seater Wonder with 36 tilting ducted fans that allow for vertical takeoff and Landing it can fly up to 155 miles at a speed of 171 miles per hour on a single electric charge and like our earlier friends this aircraft also features remote flying capability with control possible by a pilot on the ground or in the air it is also equipped with features such as a ballistic parachute and redundant flight systems in 2020 the lilium Jet got the nod from Esa receiving a cria-01 certification basis which sets the certification requirements for its type certification a really cool feature of this electric vertical takeoff and Landing vehicle aircraft is that it's designed to be 10 times quieter than a helicopter so while you're zooming at 171 miles per hour you're only making about 60 decibels of noise at 300 meters above the ground it's also super flexible and can take off and land on a 30 by 30 feet surface whether paved or unpaved plus the lilium jet is a weather Warrior having been tested in various conditions like rain snow fog and wind ever since its inaugural flight in 2017 this electric vertical takeoff and Landing vehicle aircraft has flown more than a hundred test flights number seven Jetson one Jetson Arrow a company founded by Swedish entrepreneur and engineer Robert Alstrom brings us the Jetson one a personal electric aerial vehicle that redefines personal transport this single-seater flying Wonder comes equipped with eight sets of electric motors and rotors making it capable of vertical takeoff and Landing fancy a quick Dash to the grocery store the Jetson one can zip through the air at 63 miles per hour for up to 20 minutes on a single electric charge and to make things more exciting it offers remote flying capability meaning you can control it from the ground or while you're in the air but it's not just about fun and speed Jetson one takes safety seriously it's packed with features like a ballistic parachute a redundant battery propulsion system a lighter sensor Driven Auto Landing system and a race car inspired space frame safety cell design oh and did we mention it's classified as an ultralight aircraft under U.S part 103 rules that means no pilot license or registration is needed this flying Beast is designed to be user friendly with only 50 percent of the aircraft pre-assembled it's like your do-it-yourself project but instead of a bookshelf you get a flying machine plus it's compact able to land in a 10 by 10 feet space and measuring under three feet in width with folded rotors perfect for City living number six variolift Airship from personal flying machines let's switch gears to something a bit different airships variolift airships PLC a British company has come up with the variolift Airship an all-aluminum Airship that aims to make heavy lifting a breeze what sets this air ship apart is its unique design allowing it to carry a variety of cargo in different configurations from 50 to a whopping 3 000 metric tons depending on the model and it's not just about heavy lifting this Airship can take off and land vertically meaning no airport infrastructure or ground crew needed plus by adjusting its buoyancy units it can hover indefinitely without consuming any energy as for navigation it's equipped with a self-piloting system using sensors and cameras it can fly autonomously or be remotely controlled from the ground energy wise the variolift Airship harnesses the power of the sun with a solar panel system covering its top surface but don't worry it has a backup conventional fuel source just in case the stats are impressive too a maximum speed of 100 miles per hour a range of 6 000 miles on a single battery charge and dimensions of 328 feet in wingspan 492 feet in length and 98 feet in height for the 250-ton model launched in 2019 it completed its first flight test in 2020 and is expected to be commercially ready by 2023. now it's time for today's subscriber pick one of our subscribers shared this image with us and it has us wanting for more info he was on his training to become a private pilot when he saw this beauty off in the distance it was not for visitors so he couldn't get more info about it since the engineers there were tight-lipped but that's where you come in what is this stunning flying vehicle do you think it's from the future or is this going to be our future answers await remember to comment down below number five jaunt aviation's cartercopter picture this you're soaring above the traffic cruising through the skies in a high-speed efficient and eco-friendly aircraft well thanks to jaunt aviation's cartercopter this dream could soon become a reality this radical electric vertical takeoff and Landing vehicle aircraft takes inspiration from The Carter copter technology demonstrator Carter Aviation Technologies a texas-based Trailblazer in aviation originally developed this gyroplane hybrid mastering the concept of mu negative where the rotor's tip speed equals the aircraft's forward speed think of it as having the rotor act as a wing which reduces drag and lets the aircraft fly faster than regular Choppers pretty neat huh jaunt air Mobility based in Dallas saw the potential of this design and acquired it in 2019 birthing the jaunt Journey it is aiming for an all-electric four-person Uber efficient version of the cartercopter that's perfect for zipping around urban areas imagine reaching speeds up to 171 miles per hour covering distances of 8120 miles and doing all that with a noise level of just 50 decibels during the cruise the jaunt Journey has already caught Uber's eye Landing a spot in their future Air Taxi lineup they're planning to have a demo version Airborne by 2023 aiming for certification by 2026. to spice things up they're partnering with india-based L and T technology Services setting up an r d facility in Montreal Canada as for their Target customers Brazil South America and Italy are on the radar number four Porsche Boeing flying taxi a brainchild of a collaboration between Porsche the German luxury car brand and Boeing an American Aerospace giant along with its subsidiary Aurora flight Sciences Porsche Boeing flying taxi plans to redefine Urban Air Travel the vision is for a Runway free flying vehicle powered purely by electricity zero emission and designed to fly autonomously yes you heard that right a pilot-free flying taxi this futuristic project is still in its early days with no official launch date just yet but both Porsche and Boeing have hinted at prototype vehicle tests in the near future given that a poor study projects Urban Air travel to take off post-2025 the Porsche Boeing flying taxi could be a game changer in reducing City traffic congestion and pollution while still under development we can only speculate about the possible features a futuristic design that mirrors a sports car with wings and propellers a roomy and comfortable cabin for up to four passengers a quiet yet high performance propulsion system that can hit speeds up to 250 kilometers per hour and state-of-the-art navigation and communication systems for avoiding collisions and optimizing routes the bar for safety and reliability is high meeting the standards of both the aviation and Automotive Industries so sit tight with the expertise and Innovation prowess of Porsche and Boeing the Porsche Boeing flying taxi could be a high performance answer to our Urban Air Travel dreams number three pop-up next pop-up next is an ambitious project that combines The Genius of Audi Airbus and ital Design This unmanned flying electric vehicle is a glimpse into the future of transportation that first blew people's minds at the Geneva Motor Show in 2018. the pop-up next is a brilliant piece of engineering with three separate components the air module is a drone that flies all on its own is powered by eight propellers and is capable of lifting and moving a passenger pod the ground module is basically a self-driving car cruising around with the passenger pod attached then there's the passenger pod a detachable cabin designed to house two passengers what's the Grand Vision for the pop-up next think of a dynamic shared and adaptable transport solution that fits right into bustling City Life utilizing the best of both Aviation and Automotive Worlds the goal is to make this system autonomous and Intermodal connecting seamlessly with other transport modes like trains or buses then there's the proposed system an eco-friendly high performance unit powered by Electric batteries expected to hit speeds of up to 120 kilometers per hour on roads and 108 kilometers per hour in the air did you know Airbus has already dabbled in flying cars with other vertical takeoff and Landing Vehicles like the vahana and the city Airbus under their belt and Audi they teamed up with Marvel Studios to create a fictional flying car for Avengers end game number 2. DeLorean Aerospace dr7 just when you thought flying cars were only for Marty McFly in the back to the future movies DeLorean Aerospace decided to make the fantasy a reality that's right remember the DeLorean dmc-12 car that flew through time now we have the dr7 a brainchild of Paul DeLorean nephew of the famed car designer John DeLorean and guess what it doesn't just drive it flies now let's delve into the nitty-gritty details it is a Sleek aerodynamic look of an F1 race car the dr7 is built with a monocoque composite body a stall resistant Canard and a fuselage that acts as an airfoil fitting two passengers though it sounds Grand the Dr R7 is designed to be practical it's 6 meters long with a wingspan of 5.6 meters but the wings can fold reducing the width to 2.3 meters so it can easily fit into your home garage under the hood or Wings in this case is an ingenious propulsion system two counter-rotating fans capable of tilting three to sixty degrees generate thrust for liftoff cruising and Landing these fans are powered by electric motors that draw energy from batteries stowed away in the wings so you might be wondering how does it steer that's the beauty of it by varying the thrust the fans control Direction eliminating the need for a Rudder as for performance the dr7 is no slouch it boasts a cruising speed of 241 kilometers per hour and a top speed of 389 kilometers per hour covering a range of 193 kilometers one of the coolest things about this vehicle its Cruise mode is super quiet hitting just 55 decibels ensuring a comfortable and peaceful ride for passengers and bystanders while the price tag may still seem Hefty ranging from twenty five hundred thousand dollars to three hundred thousand dollars it's actually more affordable compared to other flying car models and in case you're wondering the dr7 isn't just a concept the company has already tested a one out of three scale proof of concept model and plans to fly a full-sized prototype very soon number one a louder airspeeder rev up for a thrilling leap into the future with a lot of Aeronautics a Lauda airspeeder a brainchild of the Visionary entrepreneur Matt Pearson this Aussie company plans to bring sci-fi to reality with a global electric flying racing series airspeeder by 2022 think of airspeeder as a Formula One car that sprouted Wings a vertical takeoff and Landing vehicle that can zip into the sky without a Runway reaching a blistering speed of 250 kilometers per hour with AI and Big Data optimizing routes it's not just fast it's smart and safe although the airspeeder's official launch date isn't set yet allowed as working on the airspeeder MK4 prototype this Speed Demon promises to go from zero to 100 kilometers per hour in 2.3 seconds fly 20 minutes per battery and zoom up to 60 meters off the ground this next-gen racer is not just fast but safe too thanks to its proposed safety management system and host of sensors alauda is ambitious for the airspeeder's features eyeing a durable carbon fiber frame a quick swap modular battery system and a virtual skytrak system to create adrenaline pumping aerial courses Ready or Not the future of racing is here and it's high-flying thanks for watching and we'll see you in the next one
Channel: The Ultimate Discovery
Views: 148,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: discovery, unexplained, mysterious, top 10, top 15, space, universe, science, techology, mystery, facts, interesting, discovery channel, discovery plus, scientists discovery, aliens, ufo, terrifying discoveries, top, they discovered, invention, future, galaxy, james webb, elon musk, business, entertainment, Ultimate Discovery, airplanes, future of flying
Id: YqzoitiQ800
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 58sec (1918 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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