The Pit Stop AS8 E06 šŸ | Bianca Del Rio & Peppermint Unlock Icon Status! | RuPaulā€™s Drag Race AS8

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we had friends that had been on the show and I've said this before I knew many many of my friends that have been on the show that are not that talented that actually came across successful Manila and what's fascinating is what it's what made me want to do the show jiggly and I realized that that's our girls but she agreed with me you got that on camera yeah sure this is my goal in life thinking peppermint to be as mean as she is in real life okay hi it's Bianca Del Rio and I'd like to welcome you back to the pit stop where we discuss all things RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars eight and today joining me is a superstar from many seasons ago on drag race but she's also been my friend for many many many many many many years she goes by the name of peppermint and I often say her name is peppermint but she leaves a horrible taste in my mouth welcome The Fabulous Miss peppermint I'm feeling so good I'm happy to be here with you this is the first time we've done anything on camera it well legally yes the first time two queens one cup such Precision you had to just Circle that cup with your turd now now I say it is wild and most people don't know this because we are from different seasons of drag race but I have known you technically since 2005. almost 20 years almost 20 years yeah no one knows that story because we really haven't told them so this is our first moment on camera together to catch up and talk about and of course drag race I dig it you dig it all right [Music] [Laughter] [Music] do you remember how we first met I actually do the very first time we met girl I don't what did I do what did I do I don't remember what club it was it was somewhere in Midtown we were both very good friends with Daniel nardicio legendary promoter in New York City yes and we were all at this event it was some kind of like cocktail event it wasn't like a regular bargain okay people that wouldn't usually be there but from all aspects of nightlife were there okay so I was there and Daniel was like oh my girl Bianca's coming up so you know she just got here she just moved here right after the hurricane yes and you know come meet Bianca and so you came through and like a poochie outfit kind of you know and your hair was like really you had this huge hair on and all I could see like from across the room was your eyeliner this [Ā __Ā ] got a lot of eyeliner and that's what I remember I was like oh okay hey girl that's what you remember that was a long that was a long time a long time it's crazy I cannot believe it's been all those years when I got to New York Miss peppermint was working at every damn Club every night but actually she was just working one night but she'd get there so late it was the next night but it was it was the thing we would go see you you worked at Barracuda you worked at therapy where were the other clubs uh Barracuda therapy I worked at pieces I worked at a splash that was like my first one for those of you don't know Splash would have naked men in the showers stage had a drain girl classy it probably wasn't water going down that stranger the bottom of the drain it was just lady Bunny's mouth oh my God bunny used to okay this is too much I used to work at the tunnel with bunny in the 90s I've met bunny because I went up to her DJ booth and I was able to place her because I knew she had a reputation and I knew her before I went to see her she had an ad in the back of probably Village Voice for the newspaper in New York city so in the back of that it said come visit DJ lady bunny wait hold on a minute how was [Ā __Ā ] spelled the DJ with the BJ many times and I was like what is it I love New York wait the DJ with the BJ's it's like so cringy but like okay that was brilliant yeah it's catchy and probably in very small parentheses it said teeth are optional I'm the DJ with the BJ oh God the visual alone is making me oh Lord and speaking of things that make me sick have you been keeping up with this season of dragon I have been keeping a very close eye there's some girls that I really do like on this season good absolutely and some girls that I'm rooting for and some you know I'm I am happy I'll just say right now I'm happy to see some season 9 representation well you've got Alexis and James who are on your season yeah how do you think they're doing so far they're doing better than I mean listen what are you about to say doing better than I thought peppermint I was primarily speaking about James oh okay okay well you didn't see much yeah James on our first season James went home first right and we didn't get a chance to really see what she could do I mean she's really talented Queen very much so so talented and her hair business is taken off so it's just really great to have people like really grow and Bloom people after the show yes James was safe for the first few couple of episodes and then kind of rose to the top with snatch game Jennifer Coolidge which was great and then here we are with this campy cartoony John carpet moment I thought for sure it's a Pirelli and look what happened I know but we'll get to that okay yeah yeah we'll get to that in a minute and then your sister Alexis who you could [Ā __Ā ] with obviously you've known Alexis from the city theater is her thing we're all aware yeah I'm really hopeful for the rest of the season I think she hasn't really had the opportunity to set herself aside separate from her reputation from season nine yeah so far so are you ready to dive into this Miss peppermint girl I didn't think I was ready after snatch game yeah I'm ready I actually love a musical I do too really really good and increasingly over the seasons whether it's Original season or All-Stars they've gotten better they have gotten better and this particular episode they're going to be singing oh girl so let's dive into this now last week after the snatch Game of Love Heidi shockingly decided to quit the competition and walk away now how hard of a decision is that to make would you have walked away you know I I don't know that I would have walked away in that moment it's a pressure cooker yeah the pressure can become overwhelming yeah and it was really heartbreaking for me is that I was enjoying her this season she was really doing well she came across polish and she was delivering some really fabulous performances so as I've said before we love you Heidi we miss you it's a really sad thing is that last week nobody went home that makes me angry I hate it when they keep people get rid of them now as you saw candy was concerned primarily that Heidi was planting seeds that candy was going to Target Jimbo does it even matter if candy was I mean at the end of the day no because you're going to end up betraying some somebody's going to get betrayed on well somebody's gonna get their feelings butt hurt yes I actually do enjoy it when there's an alliance I really do well so that's what I was mostly upset about I wanted to make sure that the alliance could actually continue well this is the problem I have and we know this because we're kind of oneshadowing at this moment is that candy is mad that she said something about Jimbo whatever whatever even that's the case but then this episode candy doesn't go by track record when she eliminates somebody how'd it work candy Muse see that's some shady that's true so it's like rules of rules until she decides to change them so it sounds like if you were on All Stars you would be involved in an alliance I would try to be I mean hopefully somebody would want to be you know I think people would have a hard time getting rid of you because you're very nice but don't think the nice see I wouldn't allowance but I would not have an alliance with you because I don't trust nice no but see Beyonce I don't trust listen Linda listen people didn't even know that we were friends that is the best type of Alliance but we [Ā __Ā ] it up now I know it is interested erase it just scratch the first part we don't know nothing about BJ's and a DJ we don't know any of that we never met she didn't see my eyeliner Jimbo has her third win do you think that the other gals are considering Jimbo a real threat now I mean how could you not that's what I'm saying you have to yeah he's definitely she's she's a the literal definition of a threat in a competition the person that's the the front runner what do you think Jimbo's feeling I mean because one little slip they could send that [Ā __Ā ] home yeah I mean she now knows the target's on her back all eyes are on her and so I think she's beginning to display some paranoia you know which is always lovely for television paranoia is great and yeah so in a weird turn of events we actually see Jimbo being a human and Jimbo is upset that she's lost three lip syncs yeah yeah isn't that kind of crazy it is I mean listen I I get it but it isn't really a good look for the person who's the front runner to break down in tears when other people are going home and just not even getting feedback we come from the seasons where you lip sync when you were bad so it was kind of like you're saving grace your final moment so here it's kind of this weird thing you do great in the challenge but if you don't really lip sync well so I would just say shut the [Ā __Ā ] up and keep your feelings to yourself [Ā __Ā ] in the eyes of the other girls the person who wins three challenges and then breaks down or has some type of an emotional break yeah isn't doing themselves any favors in the eyes of the other Challengers so it sounds like you hate Jimbo I think that's what you just said I think it's what you please comment below she hates Jimbo oh my God yes yes still trying to recover from valentina's people [Laughter] people you mean Mexican people no [Ā __Ā ] racist racist I can say that I'm Hispanic okay now no not Mexican people I'm talking about fans of drag race oh my God you need a disclaimer before Bianca's show talk about my wide eyeliner again so we see the lipsticks and Kahana realizes that everyone voted to send her home how do you think Kahana is feeling since if Heidi hadn't quit her ass would have been packing I mean I think she feels relieved she does yeah that no one but that that moment of relief came at the last episode when ruse said nobody's going home right so now that she's seeing all her name her name on all the lipsticks I mean she can't be mad she can't be mad no she knows yes I think that it's it's just bubbling right under the surface that she's starting to buckle a little bit yeah uh but I also think hey here's an opportunity here it's clear you can turn it around you can try to form an alliance with somebody yeah you know there's options that open up of course so do you think this track record thing is a great way to vote in the beginning yeah I mean what else do you have to go on in the first few but what if you start hating a [Ā __Ā ] do you just go I mean eventually personal feelings are going to come into it people are going to get into arguments people are going to have vendettas people who didn't win and thought that they should have yeah they're going to start gunning for the people who did yeah yeah and so all that's going to come into play it's almost unavoidable got you now when the Queens walk in the next day they notice that all of the pictures are RuPaul have been replaced with photos of Joan Crawford and Faye Dunaway as Joan Crawford so first of all are you a fan of Joan Crawford I am a fan of what if I had to say it it's Faye Dunaway well just there's this thing that just it in queer pop culture it really does feel like you know Faye did Joan better than Joan did Joan that's what it feels like you know well Source material was obviously great oh the book is amazing I mean come on yeah the book was amazing and what's fascinating I don't know if you know that's a little bit of trivia that actually the movie Mommy Dearest was directed by Frank Perry who is Katy Perry's Uncle random trivia for a thousand gosh I know a lot now I like Katy Perry so much no you don't ruin tears and announces that for the Maxi challenge this week the Queens will be performing in Joan the unauthorized musical now do you like this idea for a roosical yes I do too I love it I do too I can't believe that this well I'm just it's it couldn't come soon enough I think I'm surprised it hasn't happened before yeah I know exactly what you're thinking right now because on top of that we have a Grace Jones Runway not of a thousand gray Stones so it's like where's it been where has it been all these years agreed agreed yes and Grace is a fashion icon oh but as you see in all the parts being distributed which part do you think you would have taken it's difficult because the ones that are the most iconic are also paired with the odd musical Choice yeah yeah so I think realistically I would have probably connected with the most maybe have been like the Vogue which uh Pierce yeah yeah exactly actually the uh no more wire hangers is I was not sure how that was gonna turn out so you would have chosen I would have chosen no more wire hangers or no more why hangers yeah based on the music okay you just pick one please I would have chosen to be the hanger that's not even a Joan I would have been the hangout oh because it's a lot different when you're looking on the paper all they had to do with it was the paper and they didn't know that they were going to get to come out with a huge what no it's a drag show so somebody's gonna come out with a wire hanger but I didn't know that they were gonna have these great big wire hangers um if you are still watching she's no longer peppermint she's sour candy it's just a good opportunity to say that Reproductive Rights yes are under attack by the same people who are attacking drag oh agreed and it's really important that we go ahead register to vote and do everything you can to support these communities because they are under attack agreed but Mildred Pierce Mildred Pierce and also I do recall that on season nine you performed in a musical with Alexis Michelle the Kardashian musical do you have any memories of that yeah it was I mean it was a good scary time um I really enjoyed doing the musical but I really was not happy about my Choice my role that were you given the role I had to give out the rolls okay you were distributed I was Distributing the roles to the girls and nobody was happy nobody wanted I was like you know how that is of course oh my gosh somebody was really upset about the role they got and so I was like fine I'll be oh and Nina wanted everybody wanted something I ended up having to do Britney Spears which I can see it okay uh yeah uh so whatever I did I did my best and I did a good job I think so next we see the Queens picking the parts and in a weird turn of events we got candy and Jessica Wilde who want the same part so they decide to audition to choose who gets it what did you think of that I think it's more fair than having a pick honestly it is more fair than having a pig and it's more entertainment before the show let's do it all right well talk to me honestly though as an actress and singer yourself would you have cast either one of them are these real Opals those flowers started out white it's just my breath you know what I based on what I know about them yes uh I probably would have had a hard time figuring out who where who to cast and what oh but again I mean they they killed it we see the Queens record vocals with Leland do you like it when we hear the Queens sing the musical verses when they lip sync it themselves what well first next we see the Queens record vocals with Leland so my question to you is do you like it when we actually hear the queen sing the musical verses or do you prefer it when they lip sync it it really does depend on the material for instance when they did Moulin Rouge I thought it worked really great to have the singers uh you know pre-recorded voices correct this for some reason since a lot of people don't know that much about Joan Crawford it actually works out better yeah because you can kind of create something and I think it worked really well and and it gave these girls a chance to show something that we never get to see them do right and it was very surprising I just hope this doesn't encourage them to create more music because we don't need that so out of the group who has got the best vocals so far I think people reacted well to uh Alexis and candy candy was a surprise of it all and also la la Reid la la ri was like on yeah absolutely I was like you said pleasantly surprised yes I was as well now a really important question I have to ask you does Jessica Wilde want the ax or the ass I mean all she had to do was wear her Grace Jones outfit with the modifications to tell us she was communicating all the way down the runway she won the ass that would have been the thing maybe that would have made Mommy Dearest a hit bring me the yeah oh my gosh it's every gays absolute fantasy it's true and maybe when she was in that guard she needed a little ass little ass wouldn't mind her feel better she wouldn't have been so mad I mean did you see those dancers speaking of dancers how was it to see Adam shankman there oh my gosh legendary choreographer yes I mean also the perfect person to bring in for a camptastic musical for sure uh he knows it he knows it all right peppermint let's talk Joan the unauthorized brusical so out of all of the performances out of all the Jones that were presented who stood out for you look there was a plenty to choose from and they all did a great job yeah it was lala candy [Music] and Jessica good those are three yeah all right I will say exactly the same because I can't remember anyone else but you all did a great job no one was terrible no and sometimes there is there is but I am going to give an honorable mention to Kahana because I thought she was gonna struggle but [Ā __Ā ] she was dancing she had a very wordy part and she executed it beautifully I thought she was great this really I do think that this gave her some Redemption for this for the season not according to the judges whatever who do you think struggled the most we both agree there was really nobody it wasn't clear to me yeah no no I mean they were little things that would have tweak tweak tweak but overall I thought it was very entertaining I thought it was great and if we haven't mentioned it yet the dancers lordy Lord girl answers yes next we get the runway and the category is night of a thousand Grace Jones yes this is what we want to see yeah yes yes we'd love to see Grace Jones Fashions on white people but it is what it is are you a Grace Jones fans absolutely who is it I mean come on she has done it all fashion music career for sure of course she has had sex with pretty much everyone and her quote tell me this quote tell me the quote is what sold me she said and I can't I don't know word for word but this not a quote well it's almost a quote every man should be penetrated sexually at least once in their life and I agree why are you looking at me lovingly as you say that you're my sister ah you heard it here she wants me she wants me so since this is the theme which iconic Grace look look would you have done I actually did a Grace Jones look uh with the fabulous Mona foot wrestling piece oh good time yeah and so mine was uh from um James Bond oh yes yes yes I mean she's just so iconic I you can't say enough great things about Grace Jones no no it's like emotional here we go we're gonna talk run away looks Miss peppermint yes we first have Kahana mantrice her body looks fantastic she did a good job on the reference aha something about this I think she's kind of Las vegasified it show girled it a little bit so it's kind of Grace Jones full half flamenco dance yeah yeah so from further away it looks like a regular showgirl outfit yeah you know agreed agreed which looks great she looks beautiful but it doesn't say Grace Jones to me so it sounds like you hate it it doesn't say Grace Jones to me unless I have the picture right next to each other next up James Mansfield well this I just don't understand why she would have chosen this look it's not my favorite Grace Jones look let's start with the hood I think proportionally for a drag face it could be a little more exaggerated it could be more exaggerated I don't think it works that well on her with her face or her bone structure I don't understand and I don't know because I didn't see the back of Grace Jones's outfit why there is a hole in the back of the hood I never walk away from a hole in the back but in this situation I'm like come on now it just seems like she ran out of time I think it's it's just kind of disjointed and it was probably one of my least favorite looks from James and for the night of a thousand Grace Jones Moving On we have candy Muse this [Ā __Ā ] nailed this she really did a great job with it this episode candy just took it a notch up you know this outfit is spectacular and adding the little K to the top of it is always great and as all my gay friends say it's not fun till the K gets there by the way if you like them [Laughter] next up Miss Jessica why the park 100 I I'll say that she took some liberties with the outfit that I wouldn't expect necessarily covering so much of herself is a little bit different than a choice that Grace would have made and as we see the picture Grace was sleeveless in this and you could see her shoulders this purple is like the definition of Royal purple it is gorgeous well made and good color on her good color on her I thought it was I thought it was a great look Jessica he's doing good [Ā __Ā ] we love you next up Miss la la ri we thought okay she looks the most like Grace Jones she does she's got the best in real life as Grace Jones she's got the bone structure to be Grace Jones the look is basically a replica of Grace Jones and the judges didn't like it they it was the one that was the most Grace Jonesy exactly she fit the bill she understood the assignment she did and she answered the brief it was what they asked for it is and I'm just mad that the judges didn't like it next up we have Alexis Michelle oh the Hat fabulous it's so well made this this is a really well made look it's beautifully done uh it's a great look the only hard thing about it on the runway is that it's it's layers of black which you don't really get to see much but obviously she wore lots of black I think it's a great look for Alexis Michelle I'm in the fan club currently but I could leave it and finally we have Jimbo this does feel like the least suited you know it just I I it was the furthest for me to travel to get to oh Grace Jones I was expecting Jimbo to kind of do a little push to it yeah which didn't happen which look everything can't be winners everything cannot be winners just like peppermint everything can't be a winner but it's also odd to see Jimbo without the tits you know without the breastplates you've seen so much of it and she sells that oh way girl she even put the titties on her ass they are in every episode so this was kind of like where's the kids wear your titties but I thought you know what it's a good look it wasn't offensive but it wasn't oh my God that's Grace Jones so out of all the looks who had your favorite look favorite look favorite look did I say look the look but look is it the look it's got to be the look and I'm only asking you because you know fashion but look do you know fashion is it fashion look look let's hear it I'd say honestly the the my favorite look on this Runway now look now look no just look at it look look the best look look the best Vision which I think was the best a combination of the best choice and also the best execution so the best look is the best look is candy I agree I agree she was my favorite look now who was your least favorite look James now after the judge's critiques we found out the winner this week is candy Muse do you agree that her performance was the best out of the group I mean we're splitting hairs here we're definitely splitting hairs and based on this for this for this week the challenge and the runway it's candy it's candy candy world about candy very huge honorable mention to Kahana Who Came From The Bottom literally yeah and uh and Lala Now sadly in the bottom once again is Kahana and James do you agree honestly yeah there's a good argument for them being in the bottom so basically it's like you know the challenge was pretty good and then In This Moment The Runway does count you know the runway has taken them to that point yeah next we find out that the lip sync assassin is angeria from season 14. she looks fabulous she looks amazing she looks fabulous she's just got this this air and this energy that is wonderful to be around in person yeah and she is you've never said that about me she is a classic Queen and she's a classy Queen you've gone to classes [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] now candy and interior lip sync too I'm not perfect I'm perfect for you by Grace Jones what did you think of the lip sync it was a really good lip sync yeah it was I was excited by it and I knew who's gonna take it who's gonna cause usually you're like it's her it's her it was like neck and neck for like nine wait wait you said neck and neck you know Candy don't have one performances were equal 90 of the way I thought they both did great but RuPaul had decided it was Miss Candy Muse you agree I do yeah I do I actually do there you go she gave it to us so yeah we agree we agree Miss Candy you did goodness candy Ben candy reveals her lipstick and shockingly she has chosen to eliminate James and I did not expect that based on everything that we've been seeing well because as I said Miss Candy was which basically translates to I'm all about going by track records But Here In This Moment Kahana has been in the bottom many times she only won one challenge I thought okay she's gonna do the right thing because she's all about I'm gonna tell you to your face I'm gonna say whatever I'm gonna do what I do and hear this [Ā __Ā ] goes changing the rules do you think this is going to come back to bite her in the ass based on what she had said for her own like reputation potentially but Kahana really saved herself she did really safe she did she did she did she did so do you think that candy is being strategic not yet I don't think she's being strategic yet okay all right you just thought let me just get James out of the way I think so all right peppermint I ask everyone who was here as of right now who do you think is gonna take the crown for Rupaul's Drag Race All Stars eight based on what we've seen so far in the competition I believe I just said that I'm going to continue to root for my two season nine sisters no matter what okay rooting is different than just tell me who to win oh gosh it's so difficult no it ain't [Ā __Ā ] pick one all right look give me top three I'll be diplomatic I'll admit that you welcome so far based on the the scores Jimbo for sure okay Alexis is a really strong performer and that is that's something that she's gonna be her drag is great and she's a strong performer so Alexis Jimbo and oh Alexis and Jimbo are my top two oh interesting what well peppermint it's been lovely to see you again after all of these years and I know you're not just here with me in Los Angeles just for this you were also here for a fabulous show where I had the opportunity to get to see the other night Kudos and amazing but why don't you tell the children where they can see you and get tickets everyone you are all invited to watch me and a fabulous cast performing in a transparent musical which is based on and inspired by the hit Amazon TV show uh we're playing at the Mark Taper Forum which is in downtown Los Angeles the entire month of June uh we close on June 25th you can get tickets at uh it's a fabulous cast it's about transness it's about Community it's just a really great show and I think in a time when trans folks in the lgbtq plus community and drag is being attacked you get to see a show with trans folks and drag queens and everybody in it um so come out and see us ah peppermint it's wonderful to see you here and I gotta say I am amazed and happy by all of your success from getting a bj in the DC to Broadway to the Los Angeles theater saying you have done it all and we hope we hope to one day maybe see you on a future All-Star possibly possibly possibly all right get one look look I want to look at you on it I do and thank you for watching me here at the pit stop and make sure you join me next week where we recap yet another episode of RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars eight see you then bye bye look look look look look we didn't even mention that RuPaul looked like the genie from a lab [Music]
Channel: RuPaul's Drag Race
Views: 411,993
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vh1, rupaul, rupaul's drag race, drag race
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 34sec (1894 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2023
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