The perfect fishing trip doesn't exis... 🎣🍺🀠

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[Music] we'll so far traveled 500 kilometers today still got a little way to go before i pull up stumps for the day but i've just pulled over at the side of the road here because it's time to get dinner on so i can be cooking while i keep driving okay so this little oven i've got is 12 volt so i can plug it in while we're driving so that beef strog needs to slow cook and hopefully it'll be nice and tender by the time we set up camp beautiful [Music] we're now officially on the carpenter highway heading due east we've got dinner slow cooking and the 12-volt oven in the back right next to the icy cold beers in the fridge we've got just over an hour before we get to the spot where i want to roll out the swag for the night i want to get there before the sun goes down because i think we'll get some pretty spectacular drone shots [Music] [Applause] so [Music] okay we're just about to run out of light so i've got to make this quick obviously made it before sunset got the drone up which was cool uh sun is completely set now just the last of the ambient light but over here this is camp for the night got the old swag pumped up the air mattress got dinner cooked over here beef strog so yeah eating like a king got a few cold beers and then um yeah jump in the sack and have a very comfortable night's [Music] sleep [Music] yes we do get cold here in the northern territory it would have to be it would have to be like 10 degrees right now it is so cold just keeping it simple this morning got me wheat bix for breakfast got my pot of water on having some coffee just wait for that sun to come up god damn it would you take a look at that oh man still at the moon up there too big full moon last night it was a concern weird stuff usually happens on full moons out here in the middle of nowhere 100 kilometers in any direction to the nearest civilization and i was by myself go tell you it's a different experience any noise that you hear during the night you're like what was that a pack of dingos or a buffalo or look i survived watch the camp spot all packed up let's hit the road well welcome to part one of the gulf the gulf obviously being the gulf of carpentaria down near where i used to live it's been over a year since i've been down for a trip so i've been looking forward to this one we're going to do some fishing around the islands in the river of the creeks and a few bits and pieces in between so i've got just a couple of hours left before i get there and i just hope the rest of the crew is out of bed and as excited as i am [Music] just looking over to ash's house over there and i don't see any movement i'm gonna head straight down to bullfrogs place i reckon there's a very good chance that's where they'll be just going there well that's a life members only well lucky i'm a life member so ash and bullfrog have been down here since early this morning i just needed to follow the smoke signals oh there's the boys just recently the boys have been perfecting the beef brisket in the smoker stallion froggy it takes all day to cook so it's a great excuse to knock back a few beers and make some plans for the coming week it is cooking slowly we can confirm we say good day to a few familiar faces who pop in you all remember brett the emperor of north ireland we'll be heading out there later in this trip i'll live in the drone mate yeah it's all good totally all can poorly mate what are you doing the brisket is still very slow cooking away which is exactly what it's meant to be doing and what's our plans for the next few hours mate oh my god is it midday so now it's time to talk hardware we've got ash's big boat five o'clock somewhere already in the water we'll be loading her up in a couple of days time to head out to the islands then on the right we've got a little tiny bullfrog just bought recently he suggests i take it for a spin it's stable as what is this what is this sorcery [Music] six times six that's the amount of times i almost died [Music] it's so flighty man this is dangerous froggy you're gonna die it's a bit twitchy though it's a bit twitchy though oh my god [Music] we've got time to quickly check how the smoke is going and i would say looking exactly on schedule oh perfect mate but there's still one boat missing it's the punt and that's the boat we plan on taking barrow fishing in the morning so ash and i head over to his house to launch the punt and park her out the front of bullfrogs overnight but it currently has some battery issues we'll need to sort them out before our first little trip out tomorrow morning so our first little trip out tomorrow morning is going to be in the punt this big bad boy here ashley elizabeth just struggling a little bit with his nuts all right what do we need here don't tell steve we nicked the battery out of his car thanks steve so we're going to get it in the water now ready for the big journey tomorrow a.m ash has just repowered the punt with a 50 horsepower outboard the new yammy is unbelievable oh the new yummy is unbelievable as you'd expect i'm recording these voiceovers at home a week after i got back from this trip and it's really weird to watch because this is the moment i met the mad mullet for the first time how's it going it feels like i've known him forever that's mullet you're going to be seeing a lot more of him throughout this series he's one of the professional crabbers that work this area which also includes alex that i've known for a long time it's almost coming up okay you drove past me yeah yeah yeah we just launched it time to steam back to frog's hollow and rest this brisket we've just been upstream a few houses rusted up a few more punters got the brisket resting away in the smoker and now it's time just to relax yes awesome way to end a2 slow cooked brisket on the smoker with some homemade coleslaw i sound like a all right that's day two done and dusted let's get forward to day three where we're packing the punt for our day out up the creek barramundi fishing [Music] [Applause] [Music] well our plan this morning is to start off slow we are going to go fishing but we're going to uh just do a bit of a breakfast trip just go up a little creek we know up here and i have a few flicks maybe a bit of a troll for barra [Music] i've got some good news and some bad news the bad news is we need to wait a couple of hours for enough water to get the boat up over the rocks the good news well i'm not sure you could get a nicer spot [Music] all we've got to do now is get some bait and throw a line in while we cook breakfast woohoo barramundi lollies yes a little bit of breakfast on the menu i think it's bacon and eggs ready to go [Music] look at this yes thanks mate yes once a little bit more water comes in we'll be pushing this boat up through the rock bar and there's some very big reasons hanging around that proves this isn't the best idea we've ever come up with this is where the adventure truly begins if we can make it across we'll be fishing in water that sees no more than a handful of boats per year so this here is the track we're taking and it's just the first of four sections that we'll have to get out of the boat and push through there's no room for mucking around here we know that several crocodiles live at this rock bar but we're really lucky today that the water is crystal clear so we can see what's in front of us and behind us [Laughter] we're gonna have to go to the right of this one you're in the left left yep yep i can't really see no yeah we got left is it over here we're gonna we have to jump out here we make it to the final obstacle and celebrate the win well i suggest we have a beer in the shade yeah good call good call finally it's time to do some fishing oh he's on better that's a rat man still can you look at the color of that yes ash that's unbelievable a spot we haven't been to in two years he always said it always produces and then like your third cast that's it mate still got it still got it i'll get you to hold him up in a second well that's what we came here for barramundi not quite the size we wanted but still nice fish all the same oh nice beautiful they're there unreal we'll put him back and try and get another one sounds good mate see here bras well this one seems a little bit bigger hasn't jumped yet it's a tiny barrel hooked around a snag wow oh god oh i think i think you would have seen it on camera so there's three from three oh what yeah all right so ash has been using a vibe i've just converted whoa big shark eating the bearer oh what oh another shark what oh no in the up in the middle of the fresh water what okay that was two bull sharks that just smashed archer's little rat bearer just too exciting to be lying down okay that was crazy so if we hook up to a good bar i'll get it in the boat real quick oh it could be a shark it's a barra it's a barrier it just came to the top like a barrel wood i haven't seen it yet but it felt like barra i think it's not bad on the vibe too eh yeah i just converted quick change of lure and straight it's a mirror it's about a nice barrier too nice yeah please stop me filming nice filming yes you got the side one you guys are legends nice barramundi so watch out for those sharks hey he probably just wretched and grabbed that barrel oh yeah a big shark behind him big shark behind him oh yeah get off him we're just going to real big um oh he's only just hooked yeah yeah oh i was trying to grab him i got the leader unorthodox but it's in the boat yes thanks ash getting me [Music] yes unreal look at that that is so good 65 yeah yeah 63. you bloody river nice work mate oh hey so silver oh how good is that well we reckon we just had a little discussion off camera and we decided that the bull sharks will almost certainly eat this guy if we release him so we're going to keep him into a bit of a cook up maybe tomorrow boys what do you reckon absolutely mate yes just makes the whole thing worthwhile pushing through the rock bar and that's right yeah yeah we definitely have our towel between our legs if we went back with nothing interesting just for for information that so you caught your fish your little that tiny barra yeah sharks came and ate it two seconds later i still hooked up to a decent barrier yeah so it's not as if the sharks have scared them off or the smell or the oh yep yep yes get mine out of the way come on ash it doesn't really feel like a barrel but it could be x bar really yeah little barrel yes upgrade very violently that's how well it was hooked let me let me grab you for you last one mate can we just quickly chuck him back yep stand up mate and send it give him a chance give him a half a chance against these sharks he's already swung away pretty quick there you go had that camera rolling for the hook up oh nice he's cut me there the gill raker see a flat spot yeah so it's actually sliced it like shaved a piece of my skin off well it's good to be back in gulf country it's been a big couple of days but it all becomes worthwhile when you actually get some fish this is still just the start of the trip this is the end of part one we have a lot planned for the next few days and we look forward to seeing you in the next video how's that not too bad too bad [Music] if you're new around here and enjoyed part one then you know what to do hit that subscribe button and make sure you don't miss out on part two we get to do some blue water fishing and visit the crabbers for a night at their camp and then we head out to the islands for a couple of nights i can't wait to share it with you [Music] [Music] in part one of the series i drove a thousand kilometers from darwin to king ashby in the gulf of carpentaria i caught up with ash and bullfrog and spent about 10 hours watching this brisket cooking the smoker after getting my sea legs the next day we headed upstream in the punt and bush bashed our way up over a rock bar to our favorite fishing spot now that we're all caught up we joined part two mid-morning on day four packing the essentials into the boat that the rum is it yeah coconut i picked from my front yard at home we'll see you later on oh my gosh i think it is well well the plan for this afternoon is to head down the river down to the davies channel gonna go visit the crabbers maybe spend the night there cook up big feed and do some fishing hopefully some night fishing righty boat's free we're good to go boys [Music] so okay well we've reached our destination for today all right so there's a few crabber shacks down here in the davis channel professional crabbers that go out crabbing for a living no one home at the moment obviously working we're uh come to visit let's maybe unload some stuff and then go for a look out the front yep let's do it mate where can froggy copy that oh look at this a few tarps on the roof fridge and freezers comfortable place to sleep look at that little kitchen and everything well that's the full tour of the whole place so where we sleep so that's my swag so where are we sleeping down the back in the bedroom oh it only got me in the face [Laughter] oh you got the hook i walked up too look at this [Music] man from down there and saying oh my god brand new sheets brand new quilt look at it he's full committed [Laughter] to the campaign you're a father teresa mate well you see the hospital box oh yes oh man i'll get the drone up later on when the sun's setting and you'll see how ridiculous this is where we're camping tonight soon after we've made ourselves at home alex and muller arrive back at camp after working their crab pots for the day we get to check out that catch a little later on but for now i jump in with alex there's a massive broker that hangs around every time he washes his boat out here man we've already made ourselves at home yeah he's all right i'm now on the crab boat old mad mullet over there he's just arrived home hey hey jesse there's this big groper that is quite friendly that comes in real close we've seen him a few times oh man he must be six feet i'm six foot three okay this camera goes underwater we're gonna try and get him in close and hopefully get some good footage dude [Music] mullet had a small shark that drowned in one of his crab pots today he came up with a plan to lure the groper in by tying a rope around the shark and the other end around his wrist [Music] back the tail of that god dragged me in the water and that was the last we saw of the grover for the day that was a great idea putting that thing on a rope wouldn't it yeah [Music] mullet gives us a behind the scenes tour of the crab shack starting with the crab room [Applause] stacked up nice and neat ready for market yeah right so so you'll take them in town this sunday and then they'll be live crabs in in restaurants in melbourne yeah two days later or something yep then like tuesday or wednesday that's it unreal yeah next he takes us out the back for a history lesson you take a picture of heaps of those cockle shells up here there are big piles of shells that are all concentrated in one area this was obviously a spot that was chosen to sit and have a feed by generations of indigenous people there's a name for these ash what is it cockles yeah but like a pile of these i'm sure there's like a middens shell middens can be found in coastal locations across australia they're not uncommon but it's certainly not something you see every day a thousand years ago indigenous people were here and they sat here eating the meat out of these shells there's a few of those at all what do you call them like those cone shells and that here too yeah long one longest ones yeah yeah yeah big mud what'd you call it them mindy wobber mindy wobber yeah they live in the mud at high time the tide comes in they feed off all the mud and that yeah you'll find them everywhere in the mangroves once you look for them once you find one you'll see it heaps every time yeah wow yeah massive like big muscle yeah good feed for them we head back into camp it's a two-course dinner tonight mullet is getting the fire started to cook some crab on the camp oven later on while alex is creating a feast of pork and rice in the kitchen what's going on cheffy pork dude pork night sick i'm sick of eating bloody fish and crab eh that smells incredible where did you actually learn to cook my mommy yeah righty-o you call for mullet you know you said mum gave me marriage i rocked my mouth for about seven years and that was my nickname going through see mum your mum gave you the nickname mullet or just the haircut gave me the haircut you know like yeah that's what i told alex like if i shave and i rock the melody again oh i'll shoot it you know it'd be like a big one you may be like a bum sapping down here i can tell by my voice that i've already had way too much beer so better get that drone up for a look around before we head back down to the boats for some fishing and crabs [Music] alex just saying i hope it's catfish what do you got all right another chord oh you're bad as far as the crate goes an awesome cod a heaps of people would keep that oh yeah nothing wrong with that i good mate black spot cod nice little fish eye hell yeah not bad considering a beer buddy doing nothing basically that's unbelievable okay so you caught that and here we are at camp yep four frogs are sitting there drinking beer these boys are both working their asses off yes mullet taunt up crab alex over there turn up crabs and actually absolutely smashing it with the cod off the back of the boat oh man i have not even had one cast and he's already hooked up to another one what do we got oh you're joking no is that one bigger that's a little bit bigger there's a gold spot it's a different species living the dream ash has been absolutely slaying the cod since we got here he even started insisting we call him the godfather black spot i used to sorry fading light you know yeah yeah fading light understandable another black spot two and two casts bloody beautiful yes man they are incredibly looking fish he smashed it he did smash it nice little cod ashley ash is flicking lures over this side of the boat on his boat and then i'm standing in uh mullet's boat [Laughter] and then alex is over there doing a wee on his boat he is processing crabs though wait do you see the footage of how fast he can time it was really interesting seeing how much work was involved for these professional crabbers physically catching the crabs is just half the job they need to be measured tested tied and sorted well what do i mean by tested in this time lapse you can see alex throwing the odd crab off the side these are the crabs that are empty a little later on mullet's going to explain more about that one [Music] [Music] a little while later i was talking some nonsense to the camera when ash i mean the godfather hooks on to the biggest fish of the day yep oh ash is on look at that i was filming too oh good oh no you got no hope of keeping that hold up you turned him that's the biggest bend in that rod i've seen today that's a nice fish you get a whole prop 1a new one wow head shag oh it could be a mirror here [Laughter] ash come on play man hold up hold up yes no i thought it could have been a good barra but oh nice god if you're this far into the video i'd love you to hit that thumbs up button if this fish isn't worth a like then i'm not sure what is and quick side topic this isn't even the biggest cod that he catches on the trip but you're gonna have to wait till part three or four for that one not wanting to be out fished in his own front yard mullet takes a break from tying crabs and shows us how easy it is to catch a barramundi the bad trimby [Laughter] [Music] yeah please jesse he's back yep isn't that oh you are kidding me are ya oh yeah man that's unreal man and look at this the moon's just popped up just over there like a true professional mullet celebrates his catch in the classiest way he knows how i look at that [Laughter] that's him what a good boy thank you very much i ain't give him a scratch hey so this crab here right we just grabbed around the well and we put him upside down here you can see there's a six pack underneath there you press on one you press on two if that's no good you know if it's soft he's no good but that crab there has to go back into the wild it's empty so what did you categorize this is that called a b grade or is it like a seal that's pretty much empty that's no good we can't keep that because if you leave him in your basket for three or four days he dies because he doesn't have enough energy enough meat to store in there he's used up all his energy looking for food all through the rock bar or sandbar or wherever he comes from you know yeah wow so what's the plan what do you do with him right now with him right we say good night have a good swimming we'll see you next time it's gone oh that's unbelievable it's about 10 pm so we're all pretty keen for a feed so mult's going to put on a few crabs tonight mullet's going to put on a few crabs tonight we're just going to boil a few crabs we caught privacy today so i'm just going to put them into a fresh water so i'm going to steam them for about nine minutes with a couple good claws here now even alex gave us a bit of a sponsor tonight too so i'll just put them into the hot fresh water watch out there and i'll tuck them in nice and neat you know i put my lid on top here and i'll probably give them about at least nine minutes and yeah we're enjoying nine minutes you reckon yep not even that probably cause there is a fair economy of the crabs in there so i've got to stir them up so yeah that should be good this is sponsored from alex hey alex's remote crabbing some nice nippers here so now we just took them out of the water i just drained the water so now i'm gonna go and put them in the freezer for about to say five to ten minutes and chill down to each of the shell and yeah then we'll indulge we'll see how they go you'll be beauty yo have a look who wants beer i'm gonna give you a little sneak preview of part three if you enjoyed part one and two there's a really good chance you're gonna love part three we start off with some fishing and some sheltered water around the islands before making our way out to waibi fishing wilderness lodge on north island we spend a couple of nights out there with the whole crew you know what to do hit that subscribe button so you don't miss out on part three [Music] in the previous episode of the series we spent a night with professional crabbers alex and mullet we did some night fishing catching some cod and barramundi then feasted on some mud crab for dinner we joined part three of the series early in the morning about to head out fishing in some windy conditions [Music] good bunny alright we're gonna poke out the front and see what the others like maybe see if we can catch a fish or the boys have got a bit of work to do and we'll catch up with them later on this afternoon you're gonna have to put up with some annoying wind noise in this little fishing session for me it wouldn't be a trip to the golf unless it was blowing 30 knots well for me it wouldn't be a trip to the golf unless it was blowing 30 knots as per usual ash the skipper is just sounding around looking for a good spot with a nice looking bottom i'm going to drop some vapes down and pretty much straight away ash hooks up to a nice blue threadfin salmon i'm getting hits again yep ash is on little baby something that's all good what is it oh good nice so we got two types of salmon here that's the blue threadfin and we also get so we get two types of salmon here we get the blue thread what i was trying to say is we catch blue threads being salmon and king threadfin salmon in this area oh a little bit bigger santa mate a little bit bigger yeah oh hell yeah taste bigger not a bad feed you hungry but oh i've got the puniest little fish in the world oh my god what a little legend all right let's get him back oh that feels better that feels better he's zipping around blue salmon yeah blue salmon froggy yes froggy nice what do we got here new species grunter here's the little baby grunter another species off the list that must be five or six species we've got so far [Music] trickle triple or gums not very good though we've got the fat fish tea leaf trevally and a baby tricky snapper far out we're in the nursery i reckon we should move up to another spot and see if we can find some bigger fish we have one last stop on the way home when i hook up to the fish of the day oh my god yeah don't eat good goldie left for me seriously we're out of the nursery we've pulled up here within eight seconds i had first drop man that is a nice goldie that is one of the best eating fish you'll find eh the best part of the trip so far we might see an appearance of the pina colada tonight back from our quick little morning fishing adventure down here at the crabber shacks um just finished packing up our stuff pretty much all sorted out just refueling the boat here and we're going to head over to north island out to waibee fishing and wilderness lodge you've seen us out there before we're going to spend a couple of nights out there and it is just freaking beautiful out there can't wait to show you now why eb lodge has its name because it's located on waibee point on north island it's important that we acknowledge the traditional owners of this land and pay our respects to the elders past and present recently waivi was visited by linda and stephanie who are owners out here at waibi and have a special connection to it they were very proud of what brett has achieved here and happy that this special place is in good oh hands [Music] so still got a few more of the boys coming uh three more boats should be rocking up soon soon just heard on the radio we've got a few more boys rocking up shortly so keep an eye out for them should have some nice cold drink ready for so [Music] tropical island paradise sipping cocktails golden sands the golden sands of weeby is that them boys coming down the river now yeah it looks like it i think so you know what time it is it's time to get the drone up for the boys arrival i'll also throw in some shots i got earlier in the day to give you an idea of how spectacular this place is [Music] [Music] so now that everyone's arrived we have a chance to unwind and make plans for fishing tomorrow i get put in charge of slicing the steak for dinner marble score six to seven all right so we've got a little bit left over here we're gonna save that for tomorrow night we've got some good-sized steaks come off it which we're going to enjoy we've got some little vegetarian ones as [Music] well question what do you get when you mix together a group of blokes after midnight that have been drinking all day on a secluded island i'll tell you what you get the first annual golf arm wrestling championship [Music] i've got about two hours of footage of arm wrestling so i'm just going to give you the short version from what i can tell from the footage there remain two blokes undefeated on the night the two heavyweights me and ash so why anyway at who knows what time we start winding down ready for a big day tomorrow coming soon in part four of the series we braved some rough conditions but still managed to land some great fish then we head back into town to meet up with the crabbers again we cook up some of our catch then spend the evening celebrating a great week in the gulf [Music] previously in part three of the series we had a short fishing session before heading out to a remote island in the gulf we settled in with a few drinks while we waited for the rest of the boys to arrive as usual it ended up a really late night [Music] surprisingly there aren't too many saw heads this morning we plan on fishing outside this morning so we head down to the beach to see if we can get some live mullet to use for bait [Music] check this out that's where that crocodile was sitting up on the sand maybe last night wow he's not a monster but he's not small either you can even see where it's left lines here from his scales there are a couple of boys over here at the moment just casting for bait this little bay here is usually full of mullet what's he got there oh shovel no shark i think did you get there mate little shovel knight there yeah also got it in the cast now yeah yeah they've made my little bit that's crazy it's like translucent lashes absolutely yeah oh yeah i see a little sparkly yeah man brett is making a few improvements around camp here at yaby fishing and wilderness lodge all the boys pitch in and help unload the barge some building supplies and even a new stove that's the rebuild your trailer oh we just did did you well that's all the work done now it's time to play as i'm getting the vip treatment here i'm going on the crab boat with mullet so froggy's looking after you with a toy all the boys are all fired up these boys are going fishing we're doing a bit of refereeing over here right i'll catch up with you guys in in 10 minutes we've got some rusty old crab pots here i've baited them up we're just going to go quickly drop them in the water the professional crabbers in the region have a long list of strict rules that they operate by since i'm using mullet's boat it's probably important to quickly mention that these aren't mullet's pots they're ash's crab pots he leaves them out here at yeb to use when he comes out to visit oh i'm good for now freddie i need one because i'm working the pots today we've written my name and phone number on the floats later on in the episode i'm going to show you some footage of mullet working his pots when we head back into camp we're going to go over here [Music] thanks for being here [Music] we anchor up mullet's boat at camp then climb into ash's big boat five o'clock somewhere so we can go fishing crab boat done its job for the morning now the boys going for a fish i get asked about this boat a fair bit in the comments section ash has a fishing charter business called nt coastal fishing charters and five o'clock somewhere is the flagship vessel it's somewhere around the nine meter mark in length and is powered with twin 115 horsepower yammies if you want to go fishing with ash on this boat i'll put some more info in the description for you to check out certainly bloody windy but we're doing our first drop a little spot out here in the middle of the gulf oh three k's offshore pad nostra rig on the bottom see here we go got the squid bait oh it's got a little tap yeah guy [Laughter] oh there were a few little guys around but it wasn't long before froggy hooks up to the best fish of the entire trip bullfrog doesn't do a whole heap of fishing so when he gets a good one the boys get pretty excited [Music] oh oh yes oh [Music] the fancy camera i'm using for this shot really struggled with the wind noise so i'm sorry for the excessive voiceovers in this episode so far for some people this will be the fish of a lifetime but not for froggy he has a knack of catching big golden snapper holy crap he's taking drag i think mullet's on over there too i'll stay with say with ash for the time being oh god look at the size of him though he's got a big mouth man i don't know if these will fit over oh done there you go released oh no so this fish is suffering from something called barotrauma he's been plucked up from water that's about 12 meters deep which has a lot of pressure when he gets to the surface there is less pressure and gases in his body expand so he's basically blown up like a balloon a fish that's not able to swim down by itself will most likely die so we pull the anchor up to go grab it spun i didn't get it on camera but as ash reached down with the gaff to hook the big cod it managed to string a few big kicks together and disappeared back down to the depths the boys on the other boat have had a good start to the day too mullet shows off bullfrog's big golden snapper and in response the other fellas hold up an impressive red emperor that gangsta dan had caught [Applause] measure we're gonna imagine when we get back the water is fairly choppy so we decide to not anchor up again and go find some bird's work [Music] the boys have been hearing all morning about how i want to catch a tuna today oh right i'll get cece oh that felt okay yep another hit yeah on on gone back on back on oh yes that's a good one oh it won't take me a little minute to get him in all right we're on top of him yep okay [Music] haha [Music] tuna oh chase him in the boat was it a little white was it yeah yeah oh man there's little balls of muscle hey so you wanted to catch a tuna you've been off the train all morning birds working you can see the birds at the distance there they were hitting the water now mikey just chucked out this little vibe and yeah we're hooked up you might see some color in a minute yeah we will i reckon oh yeah you get the mixed bag today long tail nice one now you bring them in closer oh nice fish you got underwater this thing yeah you put underwater you're underwater yes and we've bled him too quickly man i wanted to clean up oh my mouth's so dry yeah man i really wanted that toon all right awesome thanks mate all right well look at that he'll probably still catch a fish yes he wanted today he won the tuna so it's a long tail tuna pretty good on the chew i really wanted to get one was i bought a couple of ingredients for a marinade but that fish there man they're just a solid ball of muscle you probably saw the real screaming and yeah they're good fun to catch oh they take it out here [Music] with the weather not comfortable to be outside in we decide to head back into aibi and check the crab pots on our way in all right we're back close to home here back to where we dropped the crab pots this morning but it doesn't feel heavy oh no crab man car crash no crab man just leave this one in the boat yeah stack him no crap no crap so none of the pots had anything in them nothing mullet suggests we drop them in a lot closer to the mangroves and let them soak overnight after such a massive night last night things were a lot quieter this evening i'm pretty sure i was asleep before the sun had set the final shot of the day i found when looking through my footage was of the welcoming committee when we arrived back in the boat for the day all right all the boys hooking in for the big pack up now uh yesterday when we checked the crab pots for a little sneaky peak on the way back in um they were all empty not one crab not even a little one so we ended up moving them all in closer to the mangroves and there was a big low tide overnight and it's come in a heap and hopefully with that movement we might actually find some crabs this morning so as we head out we're going to check the pots on our way home all packed up mate all packed up mate ready to roll i've got some good news yep full frog house that carton of toys are nice in there beautiful okay we have movement it's pretty pretty sweet set up brett bringing all our gear down on the trailer alex he's going to just paddle out check those crab pots for us yeah i'm right [Music] all right we're at the mad mullet's boat rain here we're jumping in and we're gonna go check these pods [Music] very light nothing all right not the best start hold the first part and we got nothing oh we got crab big buck and female all right so all i've done now is went around the back flippers here over the left one [Music] do you guys come out during the night and put that in the pot we have nothing come on i got a good feeling about this one oh fish just jumped out of it oh we got one two we got two yeah man another two down to the list oh nutty oh we got at least one one one uh back little buck there we go it's not too good but don't worry about the chuck back yeah roger hard sound right but yeah he's pretty much like 65 i reckon that's all right yeah there you go a little tub of crab not bad considering it's not really much work we'll just go throw the pots out yesterday morning on our way out fishing went out caught a few fish and this morning just as we're leaving just went and picked them all up got a good feed is going to stay in convoy with us for the first little bit so thanks thanks for letting us utilize your crab boat to do those spots certainly a good couple of nights here out on the island yeah hey ash and those pots up there if there was customers of weeby that saw this video and one of you throw some crab pots in i can use them no drums sweet yeah you gotta put your name and phone number and that's it really on the float yeah that's uh nt rules thanks mate i forgot to say goodbye to brett nate as usual your amazingness has been a pleasure to be with copy that signing off ruby out the trip home from wyoming lodge on north island back to camp at king ash bay is about 75 kilometers so we usually take it fairly easy on the trip and do it in about two hours but today we're stopping about halfway back because i want to show you some footage of mullet working his crab hots no point using the audio from this section because it sounds like this i might add it was also really hard to video these professional crabbers only have one speed flat out even when mullet stops to check a crab pot you'll see he never takes the boat out of gear the pot is emptied of crabs rebated and thrown back into the water before i know what's going on with the camera zoomed right up on a really good day he'll get two or three keepers per pot this surprised me a little in my head i'd imagine they would have pots overflowing with crab like you see on the deadliest catch but it couldn't be further from the truth these mud crabbers work really hard for each and every crab [Applause] [Music] there we go we pull up inside the creek out of the wind and mullet gives me a lesson on how to tie a mud crab he makes it look so easy now don't go anywhere because we still have plenty left in this episode but i just thought i'd quickly tell you that although this episode part 4 is the big finale i'm actually going to be making a part five as well there's loads of bits and pieces from throughout the trip that i've left out and i'm going to put them all into part five oh just a grey knot ready not yet round real tight yeah and hold your foot on top of the string like that yeah so go back up top your face oh yeah you're doing another one pull it down tight okay yep and that's him that's how you tie a crab up looks like he's uh secured yeah he is okay should be what five minutes how long has that camera backing on for four for just over four minutes i don't know boom boom boom boom goes down like three mil and every single spot on his six-pack yeah that back one's okay but now that one there if you cracked him open tried eating him there'd be nothing in there you'd find tourists would get a crab like that and think they're gonna think that's gonna feed two people but the reality is there's no meat in him alright wicked man thanks for showing me to do that yeah awesome really cut the string of throw mother wow see you later buddy all right say all right ah yes well there it is i'm sweet home about 90 unpacked just got a couple esques to bring up now right our boys just sitting here enjoying a few beers i'm gonna get some of the fish we caught out of the esky i'm gonna fill them up put the old gopro on the head and you should be able to see what i'm up to also goldie this one we got oh lost track of time two afternoons ago chopped up that golden snapper into little pieces we're gonna batter it today we are not going fancy we literally have an instant batter from the shop [Music] [Music] oh yeah karate that's good come on you bastard yeah okay there it is oh yeah we'll quickly grab a fillet off this tuna i saw a friend on facebook do a soy and maple marinade so i thought i'd give that a crack i've never filtered a tuna before and it's heaps different not bad for a first effort yeah big roll bones down here i'll have to get rid of i might even actually slice down there and then skin i'm not sure this is so different to like the usual sort of riffs reef species and and barra just so different i would almost peel the skin off interesting so these are my two bits here this is all one fillet that i've trimmed up i'm actually going to cut sideways into like little steaks i'm going to make them a bear that thick thanks froggy got me the plates that's the that's the size of the steaks so i want a good marinade to go into more surface area to marinate i can feel bones man far out there you go that's uh that's fairly impressive looking meat isn't it impressive looking assistant over here as well just brought me a fresh beer thanks froggy teamwork mate thanks mate all i want to do is literally grab soy and maple mix it together with the fish mix it through then put it in the fridge and let it sit that's got to marinade overnight you'll see this cooked up for us by the crabbers later on in this episode as day 6 comes to an end i send the drone up at frog's hollow so you can see the mighty macarthur river at king ash bay fishing club and the surrounding area from the air [Music] be the first of the day you're going in big breakfast adventure the boys have got me on the big quacker this is the utility vehicle we've got the barbecue on the front esky on the back bullfrog's going to be on the big dr 650 his bike and then she's got the big grizz yamaha grizzly looks like the boys are good to go it's don the crab truck today he's uh heading down the boat ramp meet all the crabs down there we might go visit him a bit later on see how that catch was for the week [Music] sorry pulling up for our first beer in the morning nice little spot i might even get the drone up here just to show you how ridiculous this country is out here [Applause] [Applause] [Music] nah man she ran like a dream mate yeah it's a crack is good yeah cheers man there's just hundreds and hundreds of these big ant mounds around this area there's the boys around the barbecue enjoying a beer i think bullfrog's got bacon and eggs for us so it should be a good way to get the day started that's how we do it [Music] sensational job froggy [Music] yes that's how we do boys oh froggy's coming in [Music] buddy beautiful put the lid on yeah is that that's unreal there you go mate froggy's got some barbecue sauce over here he does [Music] just finished breakfast gonna head down to the boat ramp catch up with the crabbers down there see them loading up their catch for the week oh that's cold be on there mad mullet just unloaded um uncle's crabs here he done well this week sea crabbers it's sunday's your big light day coming to town i know the crabs [Laughter] make sure crocodile doesn't it you hey hey you okay you've been swimming you've been swimming you're wet how are you man oh living the dream mate good to see you big boy [Laughter] hey come down and have a beer with your team one [Laughter] as you can probably tell this is a well-oiled machine they take turns as each boat comes in to load their crab and all the other boys pitch in to help the boat ramp at king ash bay is a big two-lane ramp so people can still get their boats in and out of the water on the other side of the truck for the short amount of time that the crabs are being loaded mad mullet's up next yeah so mullet's catch for the week all crated up this little sneaky peak there little wet bags there there you go all live crab tied up nice and moist i've survived the plane ride all the way down to melbourne here come on good to see ya oh living the dream mate is there a particular order or just go up there yep give me a job mike so crab goes on bait comes off for this week oh here comes brett oh gosh hey join me still alive oh that's good take it around let's take it out backwards [Music] so that's all the work done for the day as the truck starts its big journey to darwin the only question left now is who can get back to camp the fastest so we spend the whole afternoon with the crabbers it starts out all about the food what this one oh it smells amazing and we put ginger garlic remember that barramundi mullet caught three nights ago what what do you even call that what is that it's a big mess it's a steamer it's just the biggest one i've ever seen big steamers oh no that's the tuna if you think that'll go with it then yeah you're in charge you're in charge the food just keeps coming and coming from all directions red dog and this one pops oh what that one oh wow wow i'm so glad i didn't cook that that looks amazing [Laughter] i've eaten honey oh my god so that maple is like caramelised on the outside wow so good i'm so good for you yeah any good tuna there the other day oh thank you very much oh sensational great it's pretty good barbecue dark barbecue duck all all the grabber only the okay oh good oh look at this i'm getting looked after i've got the whole hind quarter here that is freaking beautiful thank you so much thank oh man what do you think they're aj living the dream mate yeah i'm thinking now that we've finished feasting on some incredible food things start to get a bit steamy [Music] uh [Music] [Music] hey this series has been the biggest i've ever taken on on the trip i took seven cameras and came home with almost 800 gigabytes of footage in over 1 300 individual video files i've got a 1 000 kilometer drive back to darwin so i've got some time to thank the people that made this series possible ash and katie without you two there would be no series anyone watching that's planning a trip to king ashby can help me repay them by checking out nt coastal fishing charters and the king ash bay lodge tell them mikey sent ya big thanks to bullfrog for ensuring i had an ice cold beer in my hand every second of the trip if you see him around camp at king ashby ask him if you can try some of his homemade beef jerky just stay clear of batch number three eve and brett the emperor of north ireland from waibi fishing and wilderness lodge thank you for having us out on the island it's such a magical place all of the crabbers your hospitality is just amazing especially alex and matt mullet who has spent a lot of time with this trip and thanks to everyone else involved along the way including gangsta dan and the bubbler brothers damo and jack well i've driven nine hours so far today which is exciting because that means there's only an hour till i get home and the reason i'm so excited is i get to see my family the biggest thank you has to go to my wife jazzy with the help of some amazing grandparents jazz stayed home looking after two babies while i went off on the trip of a lifetime so this was the big finale but i've still got enough footage from throughout the trip to make a small part five so keep an eye out for that one [Music] part five if you haven't seen parts one to four of my series in the golf don't watch this one yet start with part one and you'll end up here in about an hour and a half and i promise the title of this video will make sense a little bit later so what we're doing in this episode is checking out some extra bits and pieces that didn't make it into the series for one reason or another we'll also have a look at some of my favorite parts of the series so let's start strong by checking out the fish of the day for each fishing trip we did throughout the series our first time fishing in the series was way upstream chasing barrow the fish of the day award goes to me with this nice barrier big oh yeah oh he's only just hooked yeah yeah oh i was trying to grab him i got the leader unorthodox but it's in the boat yes unreal look at that the following day ash began his transformation into the cold father the fish of the day that day was this big fat cotty court oh nice god yes the next morning we poked outside the mouth of the river we caught so many small fish that morning but just in time i saved the day with this golden snapper good goldie man that is a nice goldie that is one of the best eating fish you'll find once we got out to the islands the chance to catch impressive fish increases and bullfrog delivered not only the fish of the day but the fish of the trip oh god while we're still out at the island i thought i'd show you this clip of the boys casting for bait on this morning the mullet were really hard to find but we came across some in the mouth of this tiny creek don't go in that corner there just laying in there 100 yeah he squiggled his way over yeah that's that's it's spot right there the problem is a big crocodile lives here ah don't even do it just one ah leave it alone just one time that's it if um he put the drone up here yesterday you could see him sitting here this is the exact spot we're standing at the afternoon before when i had the drone up yeah yeah oh man i wouldn't get any closer to that yeah just have your throw and get the [Music] no harm done today but look this could have been a whole heap worse if that croc had been laying there in the water who knows what would have happened up next we're going to rewind a little back to the start of the trip as we were finishing cooking up breakfast at a rock bar we noticed a bird that seemed to be struggling over on the riverbank ash managed to pick him up and we named him ralph we come across this little guy he was just struggling along the bank here and ash has been able to pretty much just walk up and pick it up at first he seemed to have a damaged left wing but after ash put him back on the ground he seemed to have movement back in that wing he seemed very happy to have a drink of fresh water yeah he drank that he's 100 drink that yeah he's keen for it not exactly sure what's wrong with the little guy so i've left him a little tub of fresh water and see what the situation is when we come past on the way home all right we're on our way back now and we can't see ralphie the bird i have a little theory that his wing may have been dislocated and when ash picked him up it popped back into place he's well and truly gone that's the happy ending i'm going with anyway okay so let's get back to fishing on our final day of fishing after i caught that tuna the weather was pretty bad ash actually took us up a tiny creaky nose where we could get out of the wind but to fish there we needed to get some bait first big mullet oh he got a couple fish there was a barry just big diamond scale mullet they're called what do you call them tiger mullet well we just had to get out of that wind so we found a little tiny creek up here you can see the tops of the mangroves still moving so it's plenty windy out there but in here it's nice and calm we've managed to get some um some mullet some live bait and uh just got a few lines out we're gonna chill here for a while [Music] nice jack oh come on yes see if we can get my bait back as well and it's in the boat yeah man this trip is just insane another species to add to the list mangrove jack i reckon we'll let him fight another day off he goes now let's talk drone shots this is the most i've ever used a drone for a video and i've got some of my favorite footage of the trip using the drone here's my top 10 favorite drone shots for the trip [Music] [Music] while we're talking about the drone there's one more shot that i need to show you so i'm standing next to the mad mullet showing him how easy it is to fly the drone and he asked me a question about the obstacle avoidance sensors so i say oh yeah check this out it won't let me fly forward if it's going to hit something so i pushed forward on the controller and unfortunately for porkoya i forgot that i had the drone in sport mode sport mode turns all the sensors off it sliced his arm up pretty good but he was actually more worried about the drone than his arm it was pretty embarrassing so that's probably a good spot to end the video thanks heaps for watching and i look forward to seeing you in the next video you
Channel: Mikey Cunningham
Views: 139,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fishing, nt, northern territory, fishing australia
Id: KEJpoiamltE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 9sec (5649 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 26 2020
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