The Perfect Efficient Settlement - How to Make It - Fallout 4 Settlements

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hello there ladies and gentlemen this is your neighborhood friendly oxhorn and welcome to a truly efficient settlement build the point of this video is to show you how to build a settlement that is completely self- sustaining that generates the maximum number of caps the maximum number of food the maximum number of fertilizer and scrap possible based on vanilla in-game mechanics this build does not use any mods and so it can be replicated on consoles now um this is not a beautiful settlement I didn't do it with any decorations it's not meant to be beautiful the entire point is that it's it's efficient it is the best way to build a settlement to give you Max Resources with the lowest cost and I have found that the key to an efficient settlement is to have 24 settlers if you watch my previous settlement builds you know that I like to have 36 settlers but but I came up with that number based on my own character's personal Charisma limit not based on an efficient settlement after running the numbers and doing the math I've discovered that an efficient settlement has 24 settlers and I'll go through all of the different uh the different uh uh resources right now so I have 24 crops and the reason I have these in multiples of six is because each settler can Farm only up to six food each person now I don't mean six individual crops I mean six Foods so it would be it would be six mute fruit plants or 12 carrot plants depending on how much food the plant generates since each settler can Farm up to six food it would be a waste to have a settlement with less than 24 people because you'd uh you wouldn't be maximizing the efficiency of that of each farmer so 24 people divided by six is four so you have four settlers assigned for food to food production that leaves 20 different settlers that you can assign to a variety of different tasks so I've built this strange contraption that I know is ugly it's not designed to be pretty or beautiful but it's basically an elevated platform for all of my bars I have 11 different bars each bar generates 40 happiness but the way happiness works is happiness is divided by your total number of settlers so each bar produces 40 happiness divided by 24 four in this case so to get the maximum number of happiness you have to have a whole lot of bars so having these 11 bars brings my happiness up to like 98 point something now to get that final couple of points of happiness I have gorillas gorillas are the pets that give you the most happiness in the game uh let me pop open the workshop here and you can see exactly they also happen to produce the most defense of any other pet in the game I believe the junkyard dogs only give you eight defense whereas the gorillas give you 10 so they give you the most happiness of any other pet and the most defense of any other pet making them the most efficient uh pet to have now there is a glitch with the gorilla cage and that is that once you catch a gorilla the animation of the cage doesn't actually close the door you can still tell when you've caught a gorilla because it'll start to spark you'll see some sparks flying but the door will still be open so once you see the Sparks start to fly open the cage anyway and what'll happen is the door will close and then it'll open and the gorilla will come out so just another Bethesda glitch with Wasteland Workshop uh but it does work you can get gorillas and they offer the most defense and the most happiness so uh with the gorillas and my 11 bars that brings me up to exactly 100 happiness now the nice thing about the gorillas is they incredibly efficient on defense as well I just showed you that each one gives you 10 defense so since I only need 24 defense to get my maximum happiness bonus from defense all I had to do was plop down one machine gun turret to bring me to 25 defense um this was the closest and most efficient way I could get to 24 now if you get attacked you're going to want to have more defense than this no doubt but it when speaking truly about efficiency from a happiness perspective all you need is 24 defense so the most efficient way to go about it is two gorillas and one small machine gun turret I experimented with uh putting this entire settlement into one encased enclosure so I put this concrete wall around it but I don't like walls and I never build walls with any of my settlements because enemies can just ignore walls walls are not they don't they just don't function well enemies can teleport through them some enemy spawn points are actually inside walls and even after I built this wall when I when this settlement got attacked the death claws just teleported inside the walls so this is a failed experiment and this goes this reinforces my idea that walls are actually a waste when it comes to settlement building if you want to truly Defend Your settlement from Attack Just overwhelm the enemies with fire power vaporize them before they can even move and that way your settlement is truly defended I created this uh elevated house so I created this platform here and it's got this house here with 12 beds in it and then you go on up the platform and here's the second house with 12 beds in it and settlers do actually use it they'll climb up the stairs and they'll sleep so it does actually work so uh you don't have to build a settlement this way I'm not suggesting that you make something as Compact and orwellian as this settlement but this is is just a demonstration on how to make the the the most efficient perfect settlement now let's talk a little bit about brammen so I have three brammen they're over here and brammen generate fertilizer but their fertilizer production is kept to three each day and each Brahman can only generate one so it doesn't make any sense to have more than three Brahman per settlement um Brahman also increase the efficiency of your food production so having more bra a Brahman will increase more food but the way the Game Works you're actually restricted on the amount of food scrap and fertilizer that is stored in your Workshop if your settlement generates more than that your settlers actually stop working so the remaining nine settlers I have assigned to these Scavenging stations and uh there's no daily cap that I know of on how much scrap settlers can produce but there is a cap on how much that you can store in your Workshop so one of the keys to an efficient sub sement like this is you need to go back to your Workshop every few days and empty it that's the only way that your settlement will continue to produce resources for you if you don't empty it then after a few days Your settlement will stop producing scrap food fertilizer and water once you get to a certain point within your Workshop now caps are different there's no cap limit inside your Workshop but there is a 50 cap limit each day so these bars complete with the happiness bonus from having 100 happiness generate exactly 50 caps a day many will come to me and say well oxhorn I don't like having bars in my settlements I don't like having you know 11 12 13 17 bars in my settlements and that's fine you know there are many settlements I have built where I don't have all of these bars but when we're talking about an efficient settlement bars are going to be the most efficient shop because they not only generate happiness but they also generate a lot of caps um I experimented uh with having a a bunch of weapon shops here because the tier 3 weapon shop produces the most caps in the game of all other shops but they don't produce any happiness but I found that in order to get the happiness that I needed from my bars I simultaneously met my daily cap production limit with 11 bars so there was no need to have armor merchants or weapon Merchants now there is a mod that you can find on the ne Nexus for PC users that you can install to remove the Workshop uh resource cap restriction if you install that mod then there's no maintenance required you can set it and forget it Your settlement will continue to produce resources you don't have to come back and empty your Workshop ever again um but uh that mod is only available to PC users right now I hope it'll be available to console users in the future um but the way the Bas vanilla game works is you are capped from many resources so you will have to empty out your settlement every other day or so this is my settlement happiness calculator I created this free tool for you all to use and with this calculator you can calculate your own settlements happiness and resource production and uh this is free for anyone to use so I created this using results from my own video experiments and from data that had been decompiled from The Fallout 4 game by other Gamers and all of that data is available online I link to it in this document so the way this works is these green cells right here can be filled out by you and you can put in any numbers you want so let's say I had 24 settlers but I only had 15 beds our happiness would be down to 92.5 now I updated this calculator recently over here in column H this gives you all sorts of good stuff including uh the Caps produced per store with all of the subtotals down here so based on um let me put this back I've got 24 settlers 24 food this is the settlement that I just produced 24 of every single resource 11 large bars two gorillas three Brahman and 10 assigned or nine I should be nine nine settlers assigned to Scavenging stations equals 100 happiness 18 scrap produced each day 50 caps produced each day three fertilizer and 10 extra bonus food produced each day I have found that these are the maximum number of resources that you can produce with an efficient settlement yes you can have more settlers at your settlement and have a whole bunch more bars to get your happiness up to 100 but the daily ingame caps kind of restrict the amount of the amount of resources you could have each day so here are the storage caps here in red your Workshop is limited to the following and this number is going to be different for each player based on their total settler population and their happiness but with a settlement of 24 and a happiness of 100 my settlement is capped to 34 food 11 water 220 scrap and 10 fertilizer once these numbers are reached in my workshop all of my settlers stop producing resources even if they are not the ones to originally produce them let's say I go and I get a bunch of scrap and I dump it in my workshop if if just the sheer number of individual scrap items goes beyond 220 my Scavenging stations stop producing scrap app so this is why I said earlier that you should empty your Workshop of all resources as often as possible so that your settlement will continue to produce resources now in addition to your Workshop storage having a cap you're also capped on daily production so if you look in this uh this light green section right here I share with you the two production caps that we have been able to find in the game code the first is on fertilizer you're capped at three fertilizer each each day and the second is on caps you're capped on 50 caps per day so it doesn't make any sense to have a settlement with 50 people each assigned to a workshop because the most caps that settlement will ever be able to create is 50 so to make an efficient settlement you have only the shops necessary to reach this 50 number and then after that assign your settlers to something else like scavenge there's no production cap on scrap so you could theoretically have an almost unlimited amount of scrap produced each day but there is a storage cap on scrap and the storage cap is based on your settlement happiness and your settlement population so even if I had uh you know 300 scrap being produced each day after one day I would hit my storage cap and then that would be it as it is based on this setup I'm producing 18 scrap a day I'm getting my 50 caps produced each day I'm getting my fertilizer produced each day so for this setup you would want to visit your settlement every day and empty the workshop because you've already hit your fertilizer cap if you're not concerned with fertilizer then you would want to visit your settlement every 3 days to empty everything in it because on the third day you'll hit your food production cap now scrap is a different story I only have 18 scrap being produced so it's going to be quite some time before I hit my scrap storage cap but the reason that I list this as an efficient settlement is because in order to generate more scrap I would need way more settlers assigned to my settlement but that would dilute the total number of Happiness which would in turn limit the amount of scrap that I produce because the amount of scrap you produce is magnified by Your settlement happiness so to get the best out of it you need a 100 happiness but to get a 100 happiness you're going to need more bars so as your settlement population increases because you want to get more Scrappers you're going to have to assign half of them at least to bars which is going to mean that you need to get even more settlers and this kind of grows exponentially to the point where you have a settlement with 100 to 150 settlers half of which are assigned to bars just so that you can get enough happiness to get to 100 happiness and the rest assigned to scrap so that you can meet your storage cap in your Workshop which of course is just not really efficient so as far as I'm concerned the best way to get an efficient settlement is to have 24 settlers because that meets at least two of these daily caps your your caps cap your fertilizer cap and your onethird of the way on on your way to your food cap and the only cap that you're not even close to getting each day is your scrap cap now you could have a uh settlement just with scavengers to produce scrap for you but I'll show you what that does so let's say you've got 24 settlers but you have zero large bars and you put all of them into Scavenging so let's put 20 here because we have to have four going to food you see that our Target happiness goes all the way down to 81.7 and that that affects our scrap production now it does go up to 33 even though we added 10 more SC scavengers to production we only gained 15 additional scrap produced each day that's less than half of what we have we were at 18 scrap produced each day so the happiness of the settlement actually goes towards improving your scrap production now if you wanted to have a settlement that was dedicated just to producing scrap and you didn't care about happiness you could have as many settlers as you wanted uh with all of them assigned to producing scrap and you wouldn't have a daily budget limit and you'd become you'd come that much closer to getting your scrap limit which as you can see by this calculation is 220 and that would mean that you'd have to go back and visit your settlement every day or every other day to empty it of scrap so that it can continue to produce scrap so there you go a couple different ways of going about this you can try to maximize your happiness as I did to give you the maximum scrap production which means that it's going to take a while for you to hit your scrap storage cap or you could forget about happiness and just dump all of your users into scrap production ignoring your happiness which is going to level out at around 80 or 81 or so and it's going to give you more scrap which is going to get you closer to hitting your scrap cap or you could avoid all of this and install the mod that removes your Workshop resource cap limit and then you don't have to worry about it you can just set it and forget it your settlements will continue to produce all of the resources forever so there you go ladies and gentlemen there's a neat little video for you I'm on a completely different character which is why I have my Country Crossing settlement free and uh I I kind of wanted to just see what does a truly efficient settlement look like and this is what it looks like 24 people with 24 food water and defense with 24 beds you get 100 happiness two gorillas three Brahman and maximum caps fertilizer and extra food production if every single settlement that you had was like this you would be maximizing the total number of resources that you could ever possibly produce with the settlement infrastructure that Fallout 4 has so there you go I hope this was useful I have links in the description of this video to mods that you can use to uncap your resource budget and to other documents that you can take a look at to confirm my results or to run your own experiments please check out my settlement happiness calculator which has all of these calculations inside of it so that you can run your own calculations to build your own efficient settlements Please Subscribe for more followup for content and thank you so much for watching
Channel: Oxhorn
Views: 1,063,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oxhorn, fallout 4, settlements, settlement build
Id: drOXzBDl8lM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 27sec (1047 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 18 2016
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