The PERFECT DAY on Disney's Private Island -- Castaway Cay

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it's time for the perfect day on Disney's Private Island Disney's Castaway key or simply Castaway key is a private island in the Bahamas which serves as an exclusive port for the Disney Cruise Line ships it is located near Great Abaco Island and was formerly known as gordak Kei most guests going on Bahamian or Caribbean cruises can expect to stop here at Castaway Key almost every Cruise goes to this island and only one ship docks at a time so it won't be overly crowded it's totally private for Disney Cruise Line guests and is staffed with people from the ship this is pretty wild today they're like doing like testing or maintenance on the lifeboats so they actually have a light like one of the Disney Fantasy lifeboats is in the water right now is that wild I've like never seen a Lifeboat in the water now there's no doubt that every member of your family has a different idea of the best day ever in Paradise So today we're going to show you all of the different activities food and Disney fun that you can find on c key so you and your family will know how to spend your time when you're there so we are still at the room today we just got the allshore call so we're about to head that way but c key big day Excursion you got to make sure you have everything you need uh this is the tote bag that we are bringing what have we packed Cassie um we've got some sunscreen sunscreens in various forms I got an extra cover up we have phone covers that way our phones don't get wet we have a wet bag that came with this bag we have our passport this is so important you need your passport I don't think you can get off the ship without it yeah it's a passport or any sort of uh government ID we have our key to the world card every person in your party needs a key to the world card even an infant to get off the ship we're going to have charger a charger as well which I still need to unplug but we will have a phone charger as well because if you're on the island all day and you're using your devices they might tie this next part of the video is very very important it's essential it's essential you cannot get off the ship without doing this first exactly there are a couple of things you really need to make sure you have with you for the disembarkation process okay so so maybe you don't need this to get off the ship but we do can't get off the ship without our Cofe ship without our coffee um so we have stopped by one of the specialty Coffee locations here on the Disney Fantasy here at thisy Cafe a lot of beverages are included with your Disney Cruise like soda and juice and standard Joffrey's coffee but if you want especially coffee like ice coffee C Brew lattes they have a few locations do on the ship including Vista Cafe right here um those do come in an extra fee so you will be paying for your coffee as usual we have done that every single day you going get a punch card you know we filled up two Punch Cards we did fill up two Punch Cards um basically if you buy five coffees you get your next one free so it's a pretty good deal um it's a pretty it's it's a pretty good deal if bad with your money if if you drink so much if you like are crazy about having specialty coffee um but Vista Cafe is where we've mostly been grabbing it because it's right off the lobby so it's a very central location um and we're going to have these real quick and then head on to Casta key we're both drinking The speculo Latte which is a fall exclusive um I'm wondering if they can make it for you other times though some some of the ingredients yeah I don't know cuz it's using the speculo syrup you could always ask if they have the speculo syrup it is very very good like the coffee is prey high quality I'm pretty sure it's just Joffrey's like blend um and then on top of that you've got the delicious like speculo syrup so it tastes like those little cookies and then with cream and these like crunchy chocolate Pearl things it's definitely on the sweeter end so probably not for everybody but if you're someone who goes to Starbucks and gets like that super sugary sweet vanilla sweet con cold brew with like extra vanilla syrup like this is probably more your speed but I will say I can't drink like super super sweet coffees and I've enjoyed this more it's more of a vacation coffee for sure you know vacation coffe vation coffee you heard of it you get it okay okay so we're about to disembark the ship we are on the first deck the lowest deck on the ship this deck is where you'll find the tender lobbies AKA where you will disembark for any port uh visits it can depend on the day and your location what gangways they open so go ahead and listen to the morning announcements to make sure you know that they're open today there's gangway forward after and midship so we could pick any staircase to come down um I'm not going to show the actual security process just because it is a security process um but you do have to like put your stuff through like metal detection just the standard what you would expect like going to a concert venue um there are a few very important things to know every guest is required to show uh their key to the world card as an our assistant Cruise director has been saying from the baby to the Grammy um you also will need that's your room key also um even if you have a Disney band plus you do need that key to the world card you also will need a photo ID if you're above 18 years of age so that you can show that that on your way back on the ship to Bahamian Port Authorities now depending when you get off the ship there might be a line to get through but I've never waited particularly long to get off the ship and just like that we have made it on to cway key um and look there's Stitch over there with his leay and Chi deer out in their Cast Away key outfits hi guys a thank you I love your outfit a can you take a picture you guys look ready for some fun in the sun yeah now once you arrive outside as our assistant Cruise director an did stress you need to have a towel getter this is one person in your party whose job it is to get the towels the only place to get towels on cway key is right when you get off the ship if you do not get towels there are not towels Elsewhere on the island you'll have to come back over here and more than one person in your party can grab towels it was just her advice to designate a responsible person and we have decided that between Quincy and I I am the responsible person I'm the cool one and her Darth Vader C she's done it it's pretty hard to miss towels there are cast members offering them up you do not have to take any towels off the ship as they will provide them down here but only right here literally like at the would you call this like a pier I don't think it's technically a pier I don't think it's technically a the ship is docked here so I guess it's a dock there are uh three ways to get around the island you can walk uh you can run or you can tram is what they keep saying to us U my personal preference is the tram because the island is pretty darn big and uh even the tram rides are pretty long now there can be weights for the tram uh depending on when you are trying to take it especially right around when it's all a Shore time and all a board time but we are headed on to the Island the island is pretty big and since it's only people from your ship on the island uh it's it's pretty much par Paradise so we have a lot of fun to see today uh food to eat drinks to drink sun to avoid water to swim in fish underwater statues we should get hats like that and we can all match I wish we just dress so much better than I know oh yeah Sun we will will sunny outside you too okay yeah all right so as you can see uh characters abound we've already seen chipale stitched on and Captain Jack Sparrow there will be photographers from the ship these photos will go to uh shutters on board you can buy photos individually as digital downloads or prints or you can buy packages of digital downloads and or prints um it's a little pricey but also cast members are happy to take photos with your devices as well we usually do a little bit of both so we have the option to buy if we decide to later but then if we decide not to we still have the pictures on our phones cway key will also provide one of the best views of the outside of your cruise ship that you can get as you can see it's pretty amazing so when you get to Casta Wei I highly recommend taking some photos some fa pictures with the ship in the background um we always do so as you enter you'll see some notes about the island um as well as a couple of different locations this is marg's barges which is one of the places that you might set off for a port Excursion here here is the general layout of Castaway Key you can see the ship there on the right and then the island is mostly uh sort of here on the beach of of course and then down on the side this is going to be the more like family Centric area you've got private Cabanas over here we'll talk about those the observation tower up there um and then this strip over here is Serenity Bay the adults only section so we've got a lot to see as you can probably tell uh lots of little secrets to find so let's go let's go find some secrets so the first like big thing you'll come across when you arrive on Castaway key is the tram stop in most cases I will choose to walk over a tram cuz it's a little faster but this is a long walk it is very hot here in the Bahamas in the summer I'm wearing a Darth Vader cosplay so I'm sweating so we we will probably wait here for the tram to head over to the main part of the island to answer the question I'm dressed like Darth Vader because my skin is very sensitive to the so I just wear a whole it's it's a swimsuit and a cover up it just looks like I'm dressed like kylo red I like it there's also life jackets on the islands for little kids but if you want sand toys anything like that you will need to bring them off the ship Cassie was telling me this morning that my aunt Kelly used to send us like a little bucket of stuff before our CR to get us excited and um she didn't send me one this time so that's weirdy yeah what was that about [Music] [Music] I want to learn about this three explorers set sale at the scattered out islands of the Bahamas in search of Fame and Fortune and those explorers mild map and Emma Yeah we actually found a cast key skeletal remains of a giant whale that's the secret of Youth visitors can see the original structures built by the explorers and take part in many of the same Pleasures our Casto enjoyed years AO go that's cute one thing about like Disney destinations is that they tend to have back stories which I appreciate now parents I know what you're thinking I don't want to get off the ship they have the kids clubs where I can drop my kids off for several hours well don't you worry they've got one on the island too that was your big joke it wasn't a joke it was like a I thought it was a clever leaden she she said she was like wait until they see this next clip I got the best intro for this area well I think that was pretty compelling uh this is Scuttle Cove this is where you'll find youth activities here on cway key just like the oceaneers club and lab on board is for ages 3 to 12 and you can drop off your kiddos check them in and they will be taken care of supervised um as they have their own Island Fun and maybe you go to Serenity Bay that's where we're going super easy to just do drop off and pick up so if your kiddo needs you buzz you you can come get them so amazing actually that you can just like not worry about your kids it's amazing I mean that's just something that like obviously I think it's easy to take for granted especially when you don't have kids but to be able to drop off your kid and not have to worry that they're in good hands and they're safe and that they can reach you if they need to that's really something special and it's something that's really amazing about um Disney Cruise Line's youth offerings especially since they have them for so many different age groups this is where I go all right have fun Bud if I get scared can I call you you can call me if you need me but remember the other kids aren't scary and neither are the counselors I'm scary yeah no let that's not I bite no biting one thing about Castaway key that you have to keep in mind is that it might look beautiful it might look relaxing and stunning it is a ruse for you to do cardio the amount of cardio that I have done on Castaway Key like for the amount of time that I've been here it's like it's like 50% of the time I've been on c key I've been doing cardio in my life it's kind of like Disney World where you should probably like you know stretch a little before yeah cardio key um Castaway key is even Wilder in the Disney cuz like sure there's a lot of opportunity to do a lot of walking but there's also opportunity to bike snorkel swim Aqua trike hold yourself on a tube I don't know if parasailing engages any muscles but like fear fear your fear will be exercised if you parasal I know that I was really caught off guard when I was like really tired after biking and then had to go snorkeling last time the snorkeling is rough the SN snorkeling you're like oh how relaxing and fun of course Castaway key is going to have the Necessities you've got a first aid Booth you've got restrooms and you can also find a lot of merchandise so if there's anything you forgot on the ship like sunscreen they have Beach supplies that you can buy here now of course that's going to come with the Disney premium you know how it is but uh there's also some cway key exclusive merchandise and that yes merchandise exclusive to Castaway Key you can't get it on the ship you leave the island no longer an option if it says Castaway Key you can only get an uncast away key and there's some pretty cute merchandise look at this that's so cute that would look really good on you I like want to take a nap in that oh wow i' love this too $78 but it's like it's more it's bigger than a typical loung F I would actually I do not like loung FES and I would carry this so I guess I do if you do decide to go shopping when you are on cway key you want one of those souvenirs the great news is you don't have to worry about carrying it around the island with you all day if you would like they will send anything you purchase to your state room to be waiting for you when you get back on the ship I whiches Mak it a whole lot easier to want to buy all right we are on the first of the two family beaches on the island um as you can see there are plenty of chairs umbrellas uh for lounging we are going to take a quick dip because it is so so hot outside and we've got cardio to do since we are on cardio key you know I do have a good excuse for why we're not doing the 5K what's the good excuse for why we're not doing the 5K before we on this Cru I asked the Disney food Vlog followers on Instagram what we should do on castleway key and one of the options was run the 5K and they did not pick it oh well if the Disney food blog readers didn't pick it then we can't do the five key so like it's not our fault I want to run the five listen all your's audience if you guys wanted to see the 5 key you the five key listen all your audience if you wanted to see the 5K you need to take it up with the dfb audience it's their fault let's get into it the water's so beautiful lots of families out here having fun and playing with water toys and stuff um I hope y'all can swim you we're going to dunk you hold your breath good job good breath control all right the water felt really good actually once we got used to it and then now that I'm out of the water I missed the water I missed the water cuz it is it is really blazing hot out what month is it late September um it's like still really hot in the Bahamas which I think it stays pretty warm year round we are headed to our next destination though uh moving on from family beach 1 to uh do another little activity now if you are tired of sitting on the beach there's a lot of like picnic table seating um and once lunch starts that's going to be a great place to eat lunch runs from 11:30 to 2: and there are three locations on the island where you can have lunch there's cookies one cookies 2 and serenity Bay barbecue cookies one and cookies 2 uh well all three of them are buffets cookies one and cookies 2 serve exactly the same stuff and S Bay barbecue is over in the adults only area it also serves similar selections but a little bit elevated grabbing snacks and things works the same way on the island as it does on the cruise ship so a lot of stuff is included like the fruit here on this Fruit Stand there's unlimited soft serve just like on the ship um and of course your lunch is all included and you can just go up and grab it there are a few things that aren't included though like the smoothies and frozen drinks um just like on the ship if you want to get those you can charge it straight to your room I'm sure we will try out a couple specialty things today just so you can see what might be worth it we both have absolute favorites you can only get on Castaway key that we look forward to every time we're here and it sucks it's like the least accessible Disney drink ever literally in the middle of the ocean but for now it is soft Ser time they've got strawberry I will be getting strawberry I think I'm going to get just plain vanilla oh my gosh look you have a cute one of mine the first time I've ever had a cute look how ugly mine is it's the same soft serve as on the ship not quite as many flavors but they've got chocolate vanilla and swirl of that and then strawberry banana and swirl of that I'm at the simultaneous worst and best part of the ice cream cone worst cuz you kind of have to use your teeth but best cuz it's the ice cream and The Cone combined it's a hard life uh they do have this fun Pavilion called into shade game so if you need to get some shade you're not bored we should play checkers later because we can't see that in Disney World okay listen you're the one who doesn't go to Tom Slayer Island you not to tell everyone I'm very ashamed though we are continuing along the family beach uh as you can see there are so so many chairs the further you get into the island the more likely you are to be able to find a quieter spot uh even on the family beaches for your family to spread out do pay attention to what the water is designated as some areas are designated as swimming areas some areas are designated exclusively at snorkling areas some areas you can't do either cuz there might be boat traffic um so just keep an eye on that now cway key is not going to be the most authentic of experiences in the Bahamas however you can get some like Bahamian merchandise arts and crafts and things like that which is pretty cool um much of the staff might be from the Bahamas just obviously this isn't going to be the same as traveling to an actual Bahamian country you're on a Disney island so it's like a theme park Island um but there is some Bahamas souvenir if you want to take home something to show the other country you went to all right now it was really like under a 10-minute walk to the next tram stop once I get into the island I don't take the tram as often ex Ste over to Serenity Bay cuz that is pretty far um but the next tram stop is right here um as we've walked along the first family beach for a bit uh we are actually headed to the first part of our Port excursions today so Cassie's actually doing two different ones and I'm doing one port Excursion but the first thing we're going to do is our bike rental this is part of the cway key getaway package that includes bike rental tube rental and snorkel gear rental so you can float snorkel and bike around Castaway Key now you don't have to get a package to be able to do those things in fact you can pay for them all individually but the package is cheaper than paying for all three individually so if you want to do all three you should get the package I am actually using the extreme cway key getaway package which also includes a stingray experience which I'm very excited about cuz I think I'll get to pet stingrays and I think it's going to make me feel like a little kid again I'm very excited about it they so jealous yes the dfb followers have sent Cassie on the glass bottom boat glass bottom boat so she will be doing a glass bottom boat tour this afternoon the Stingrays the getaway package With The Stingrays includes all the stuff from the cway key getaway package the glass bottom boat does not so she has the gas glass bottom boat package as well as the cway key getaway package the price difference from just the stingray experience up to the um extreme getaway is really not that big of a jump so I do think it's probably a good deal however if you are purchasing think for multiple people it can add up also the stingray experience sold out but the extreme getaway package did not so that was also kind of a loophole to still get to do the sting rays without having without it with it being so out that's pretty cool yeah the the um the biggest thing that I like out of the getaway package is the two renle because floating in the ocean all right so we are about to do our bike rental but I'm going to talk about some other cardio before we do our cardio uh this is the 5K start so one very big c key tradition is the cway key 5K now it used to be that you if you were going to do the 5K you could register on the ship and you would actually get off of the ship on the cway key before everybody else and you would get to run the island what was still mostly empty only those doing the 5K would be on here since the uh pandemic they haven't been doing that instead the 5 ke is at your leisure uh basically you just come here you check in at the bike rentals um you register with a cast member and then you can run the 5K at your leisure the route is marked with with signs and at the end you get your medal so you do get a medal for doing the 5K it is complimentary to do the 5K so just completing it is how you get a free metal um and there's actually a lot of fun merchandise you can grab like car magnets or hats and things if you have completed the cway key 5K so if you're a runner I think that one would be really really fun all right now if you do run that 5K and finish it you get this metal no it's not actually metal it's plastic um again everything's complimentary but this is actually a super cute little souvenir I know that when Emma and Fry bucket were're here earlier this year PR booket did run the 5K so I think it can be really fun and it's also obviously incredibly Scenic Ford Excursions are linked to your room so you do not have to like have anything with you um especially for the easier ones like the bike rental um instead we literally just get to come to the bike rental Hut and they will check that we have the port Excursion that includes bike rental they will check out our 1hour bike rental that's part of that Castaway Key getaway package and then we had to come pick out our bikes and go around the island and it's a th000 million degrees and I'm sure this going to be like I'm going to be really sweaty after but that's okay cuz the ocean's right over there all right we're grabbing our bike they told us which ones they recommend for our height which is these teal bikes and we're going to do the bike trail uh he described the whole bike trail to us and technically our bike rental is for 1 hour um but as Wilmar put it it's on goofy time so there's really no rush for us to get the bikes back I love goofy time goofy time is my favorite so he said just take your time enjoy um if it's a busier day on the island they might uh be a little more strict to that 1 hour time limit but the cast members will be sure to let you [Music] know so the bike trails are um relatively flat and they're like kind of a mix of shade and Sun but with the breeze it feels pretty nice I actually do really recommend what we did this morning where if you're going to go on a bike ride jump in the water first and get a little get a little wet so that then when you get on the bike the breeze does a little more work than it would otherwise be prepared for it to not be super relaxed and or easy as an adult the bike ride is super super um relaxing and chill like we really enjoyed riding bikes last time as a kid I have very painful memories of us not getting very far having trouble with the little bikes it was a whole thing so maybe checking your kids to the kids club and bike without them unless they're really great at biking and we'll get tired I'm very pro helmet and I'm having a crisis that I'm not wearing one at this time cuz like what if I go in the brush wear your helmet kids and grownups also wear a helmet no don't wear a hat is not a replacement for a helmet silly goose we have made our way to the observation tower this is I've actually never been over here I like somehow missed this yeah I've never been over here either I've biked on caway key every time I've come here and have never made it to the observation tower so this is like a fun New little experience um it's a pretty cute little like three-story Tower and apparently it has pretty good views so we're going to head up to the top the view is really amazing out here you can see all the way back over to the cruise ship which looks just like so huge in the distance over there um and you can see pretty much the edges of the whole island so caway key is a private island there's nothing else on this island but Disney's stuff and most of Disney's stuff is pretty confined to this Coast over here once you get out of that Coast it's like just beautiful Green Island Wildlife um we can hear like bugs and birds we saw those crazy lizards um you can see all the way out to the ocean and basically all the way to another Island over there it's just really really cool to see and I think the bike ride is probably the best way to experience the natural elements of this island um and get this View you can also walk here but it's kind of a long walk the bike ride was very quick to get out to the tower the walk would be long and I agree with Cassie that a kid's bike ride might be a lot harder but this is also something that I think a lot of maybe older kids would think is really really cool so if you can if you can get them out here okay we are on the bike path that is just off to the side of the very end of the island and Wilmar told us he's the entertainment cast member who R Us our bikes that this is his favorite part of the bike path cuz it's shady and a lot calmer there's not a lot going on and he says that there's some really beautiful amazing views of the water at the end of it so we're going to check it out we also did pass by a couple of the private Cabanas that are over here on Serenity Bay you can rent private Cabanas on the family beaches and on Serenity Bay and there are private beaches exclusive to the cabana's guests the Cabas are beautiful full spaces you get can get bikes at them I saw a couple of the Cabanas have people who are biking in and out of them it's just a great place to rest relax very private space a very expensive space and one that does sell out so if you're thinking about doing a cabana rental consider doing that uh booking that in advance of your trip get some water me too don't look at me right now my hair is plastered to my forehead with sweat thank you okay we've each had four cups of water um woo we've experienced more of cardio key but uh we have arrived to this no again again we have arrived at the very edge of the island um this is definitely the more remote part there isn't anything out here like to access except for this little Overlook at the end of Serenity Bay um you can literally see like crab tracks in the sand it's so clear today yeah I can see another Island over there and you can see all the way to seren Bay which is where I think we deserve a float after that this bike ride me too on this bike ride I've heard regular noises of panic from Cassie most of the time it's because her hat has blown off but she's just having a bit of a traumatic time on the bike ride do you want me to talk about the animals no I don't want you to talk about the animals now the Cabas over here are not just guest like Cabanas for the day they also have the massage Cabanas over here so you can go and get a massage on CI that's something you can book through C Spa but Beach massage sounds pretty amazing in fact I feel like we goofed cuz this is supposed to be a perfect day and we're not getting a beach massage that's not on our perfect for perfect day really weird actually I'm going to use the daughter's room okay have fun thanks um so we have made it here to Serenity Bay this is the adult beach only uh and this is where you can relax away from the kiddos while there at Scuttle Cove um it's a little bit quieter there's often live music on the beach um there's a whole bar the restaurant has a couple elevated offerings and talk about Serenity you know it's just beautiful over here uh we are going to spend some time here to grab some lunch maybe check out the bar before we head back for some more excitement uh but we think after our bike ride we need a little bit of rest you now you can walk to sity Bay it is a long walk so I recommend taking the tram if you are heading over here um now in our instance since our bike rental is on goofy time uh we could just bike right over here and uh that was very quick a little easier than waiting on the tram I would say um and we can just bike back or there's even a bike rental location Open over here today that might not always be the case but if that bike rental location is open we can drop off our bikes here and then instead take the tram back if you do have any rentals that you want to cash in on Serenity Bay you're going to have to winds sock cut which is where you will find bike rentals although that's not always the case you can also find Beach Wheelchairs and this is where you'll get your Tu rentals if you are renting a tube we just picked up our tubes you can have these all day but whenever you're done you can just bring them back you can also do a flat mat if you would prefer that but we're two girls we're we're we've got you'll find us at the tube singing karaoke and you'll find us in the tube at Serenity bag oh she's got jokes [Music] the the snorkling is fun you're not going to see like Dr a ton of tropical fish or like reefs there are some tropical fish but there's no reefs or anything it's mostly Disney has sunk like Hidden Treasures for you to find including a very huge Prince Eric statue um Allah The Little Mermaid which is very cool to see it takes you like 10 minutes to swim out it does it literally takes 10 minutes to swim out too I did it and then I I had to swim 10 minutes back it was horrible I was really bad at the snorkeling I was having a difficult time breathing AJ is like a beast at the snorkeling she that's her hidden talent Cassie we have to get we have to get out of the water this is my perfect day no it's it's everybody's perfect day and and everybody's hungry this video is not called class perfect day no it's called It's called The Perfect Day on c key are you sure yeah I'm pretty sure can you double check I'm yeah I named it so lunch is served from 11:30 a.m. to 2: p.m. on CY key they'll remind you of this a bunch and yet you might still forget it time flies when you're in a tropical Paradise time we have made our way to Serenity Bay barbecue this is the the adults only side of the Island restaurant so it's got pretty much the same offerings as cookies and cookies too but uh a little bit fancier in the past I have felt like the food on the island isn't quite as good as the food on the ship but when you're hungry when you're in the sun resting in the Bahamas drinking a delicious cocktail you might not mind the main event at the grill is going to be things like hot dogs hamburgers rib I steak corn on the cob they've got vertisserie chicken think I'm going to do a hot dog feels like aot hot dog day they do have a real like fire grill out here so your hot dog is going to be actually grilled um which is awesome I'm interested here there's like siki and garlic aoli is that weird to put on a hot dog can you stop me that's what I thought all right so we have gotten our food Cassie got a burger and like is that a muffin it's a brownie okay a brownie chocolate muff some cantaloup and some chips I went for the pasta salad the sweet corn salad and a hot dog that I did put Garlic aoli on cuz I really love garlic aoli it's a testament that you can really make of your lunch what you want to if you want to have a very very weird meal you can like I said the food here isn't going to be anything I it's not as good as the food on the ship typically but you're hungry and it's outside barbecue food which is kind of what you really want on a really fun outside day like today um I'm going to try my garlic hot dog now it's the last thing I'm not going to review the minute made Maybe the aoli and the hot dog is delicious I will say these hot dogs are so good they're like the super Snappy outside grilled hot dog you can taste it there on the fire grill I really want to taste but you put aoli all over it I'm just not sure that that's my I'm not sure that that's my speed so something really fun is that the cast members from the ship actually come out to c key with you so our servers are actually around here somewhere I know jamas is on is is at this barbecue right now but we haven't seen him hopefully we will I didn't even add any lettuce or tomato or anything because I am 6 years old actually so we're going to try it honestly that's like the perfect Backyard Burger you know whenever you go to a pool party as a kid and someone's dad's whipping up stuff on the grill and you eat that really juicy cheeseburger that's not the most amazing burger in the world but you're so hungry you just swam a bunch of laps around the pool and you were playing mermaids and so it's just like the most filling Sav thing ever I was wondering when you were going to stop tape painting the picture how did you know you were just playing mermaids and you were the princess mermaid whose dad was con train and your power was to control and you just snorted water you did a back flip off the diving board hit your head and then NE there's water up your nose and you're crying a little bit and um and then whenever you were sing on the side of the pool your swimsuit starts to like stick to the side of the pool so then it gets those little like like cloth fuzzies and then you eat a burger that's this burger she's trying to give me her aoli hot dog it's really good something of Quincy's inv own invention I think you'd like it so I can eat it you're not going to eat it I'm showing them my amazing um so I can eat my condiment well there's a condiment my amazing like naked burger no veggies I'm in it just Vibes yeah you can eat your little aoli freak of nature hot dog probably is good honestly she was like I'm not going to review my lemonade and then she took a sip and it was the most like tar sour face I've ever seen she puckered her lips it's it's regular minute lemonade but I think they maybe have like extra mix pumping into it or something cuz it is aggressive you have aoli teeth all right we are done with our lunch uh I think a a big tip is probably not to fill up too much when you're eating on CY key especially if you eat like midday and still have activities later we're just about back to return our bikes we don't have to do anything we literally just said give them a wave when we drop the bikes off otherwise we're good all right we've made it to the tram to head to uh more of our excursions today she's going to mares bares I'm going to the stingray Hut we're splitting up there are commas in uh the serenity Bay Area there's also the family commas they start at around $399 for the day at Serenity Bay Beach and that can go all the way up to a maximum cost of almost uh $1,300 for the grand family beach Cabana that has 16 guests capacity this is where we part be safe you be don't let them sing you don't let the boat break new fear unlocked once again if you're continuing on to your Disney CR please remain on board all right budy all right Cassie uh did let the tfv audience choose her Excursion today they chose the glass bottom boat so she will be doing the glass bottom boat Adventure while I head to cway Rays Stingray Adventure uh cway ray stingray Adventure is a part of the extreme getaway package uh like Cassie mentioned earlier you can get it separately but you can also uh get it as part of the package for not that much more so our tube our bike was included in that as well as um our snorkel gear this beach closest to the ship is like like the Excursion Beach you can see a lot of the fun uh Port Adventures you can book like the aquat trike uh there are people kaying and canoeing this little Lagoon here on the side is going to be where the stingray Adventure is um and he's checking out this Hut that says cway Rays Stingray [Music] Adventure [Music] so this might look this might look like a little oatmeal snack but it is not for us it is in fact for the fishes cuz when you do this you get to feed the fishes [Music] okay an animal specialist just came and told us about the experience he gave us the safety tips how to walk so we don't accidentally step on the sting ray how to protect the food we're feeding them from the fish and the birds that also want the food we're feeding them and they also shared that all of the Stingrays that are trained on this island to eat off the Mickey dinner plates do not have barbs so barbs um on a stingr like a fingernail they can trim them painlessly and they do so so they actually just train these uh just trimmed these Stingray barbs two weeks ago uh takes three to four years to grow back or months I don't know I'm not trimming Stingray barbs but uh we're going to go feed some stingrays uh he also said these are the only stingrays in the world that know how to eat off a dinner plate okay [Music] is okay uh I'm in the middle of the uh Stingray experience we got to feed the Stingrays with like shrimp and fish in our hands um and they came right up and you could pet them and they would like suck it up like a vacuum it literally sounded like a vacuum and then after you're done feeding them you get to snorkel with them so let's go see some Sting [Music] rings [Music] I look really crazy but that was so cool um you feed the Stingrays and then you snorkel with the sting rays and um it's just so it's so crazy you like get to pet them and while we were feeding them they were like coming up on my feet and I could feel them and everything um it was really really cool I'm going to go uh find a bathroom and then hopefully find Cassie um and try to fix this so you don't have to look at it we'll talk more about stingrays sometimes I see comments on our YouTube videos very sweet comments they're like how's your makeup stay on how do you guys look so Flawless and after a long theme park day the answer typically is we the camera's doing us some favors and luck I'm not pulling it off today Cast Away key my makeup is not surviving it um but I am now strolling uh I don't know where I'm strolling but that's the beauty of vacation isn't it I know we talked a little bit about kids earlier but uh there is Hideout as well which is teens only now this isn't like the kids where you check your teen in just like on the boat teens can kind of opt in to go doing activities there they're in the Navigator so if you're uh a teen or a tween you can try your navigator to see what the edge and vibe activities are um on land which is pretty darn cool there was also a character dance party that we wanted to do earlier but I believe we were biking during it and our Wi-Fi isn't really working on the island our service isn't working so our like Navigator updates aren't coming as often as we'd like I am headed to uh hopefully find Cassie uh at one of our later afternoon must now you're all a short time and you all aboard time can very this morning all short time was 8:30 a.m. um now on our perfect day we didn't quite make it out that early just because it was a little little too early and the thing about a cruise the thing about a tropical island is that you're not rope dropping you don't have to get there right at the start in fact if you wait a second you can get your coffee and you can miss those lines of people trying to get to the island but if you get up early you might get the best chair so it's kind of up to you um and the all of shore time today is 4:45 p.m. uh it's about 3 right now and you'll notice the Island's already a lot quieter what a lot of people do is they come out they get all their islanding done early and then they're kind of tired or they're doing their excursions in the afternoon and the beaches the family beaches get a whole lot quieter there's definitely like pros and cons to when you get out here if you're going to snorkel on Castaway Key we're also passing by the snorkeling beach now um our getaway package does include the snorkel gear rental uh however I got all snorkled out with the Rays and uh though there are some some cool pluses to doing the regular snorkeling and the snorkeling Lagoon it's not as cool as having the sting rays under you when it comes to the Rays I absolutely think that was worth it I think that next time I cruise for fine I will for sure begining the extreme getaway package again because getting to feed the Rays is like so stinking special and then on top of that um you get to snorkel with them and you get a full hour to have this experience so I think the snorkeling time was like 30 to 40 minutes of snorkeling with the sting rays just I mean that was just spectacular I think like doing that the bike and the tube definitely makes that worth it to me in the meantime I have made it out to Pelican Point Overlook uh this is a pretty hype spot for everybody because not only so we have the very cool cway key slide that yes anyone can slide down not just kids we also have my favorite attraction on C wayi heads up bar this bar is like out over the water the vibe is just perfect on top of that the drinks so I'm gonna wait for Cassie here this is where we said we'd meet and hopefully she remembers that and if not well bad news for our perfect day they are closing up the heads up bar a little earlier than usual but no problem cuz there are other bars that stay open later so let's go find one one of the bars that stays open the latest is ConEd out so luckily I'm going to be able to have my tropical beach [Music] dream all right I got the con cooler this is a pineapple orange guava juice uh rum Frozen Concoction it is my favorite Frozen drink of all time I literally think about this all the time I tried to make it at home I can't pull it off something about it [Music] here ah they really just they really just put something in this my actual Perfect Day might be just the stingray experience floating in serinity Bay and drinking too many of these but I would like to do it with Cassie and we have no way of contacting each other and she has my ID to show to the bamian authorities to get back on the ship so a mistake not to make is giving your friend your ID to show the Bohemian authorities to get back on the ship she's returned the bar is closed yeah I tried to send you a message but I couldn't I couldn't send you a message yeah I thought we about to go any oh go ahead they Clos in 5 here so you just made it now all of board time is 4:45 it's about 3:45 so that's about in about an hour now you'll notice the Island's pretty much empty most people have started to head back and that's because you cannot be late for All Aboard time that's like the most important thing in the world so a lot of people just play it safe and go a little early we are are going to play it safe um is and by that I mean we're going to make sure we get on the boat but we are just headed into the water uh for a little bit of a last hrah we've got our drinks Cassie went with the Uka um which is a virgin panina Cola with caramel and then she also went for the uh something Sunset Castaway Sunset I'm just holding this to someone else they watch okay they're both for me um I have a second call cooler maybe it's fine she took a long time okay this is work you that's like I like want that to be a meme but it would make no sense to anyone but me like you holding a drink in each CH going like it's I'm working I'm working I give me the I'm working here face yeah that's what I want thank you okay a great way to know that you make it on the boat is when you hear the boat's horn which sounds like when you wish up on a star if you hear that that signals the last tram so that that's when you want to start heading very quickly towards the ship if you hear that when you're not on the ship you're be on be on the ship be scared yeah so our goal is to get is to be at least close to the ship by the time we hear that but we have time to sit in the ocean still and we're not the only ones so don't judge us uh if you like this video if you wish you were sitting right there next to Cassie go ahead and like And subscribe and now go watch our perfect day on the Disney Fantasy we'll see you there I always say you're really obnoxious don't I kind of say like AJ would it's time for the perfect day on Disney I didn't know we were doing it together I thought it was my line no it's my line okay start oh it's your line yeah you don't have to say you can just be excited unless you want to do it together how about I take this one so it's time for the perfect day on Disney's private island that was really good so thank you sorry let's try it together I'll be I'll be excited this time ready mhm 1 2 3
Views: 31,412
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Disney World, Disney Parks, Disney Travel, Disney Trip, Disney planning, disney vacation, disney vlog, disney vlogger, disney video, Disney tips, orlando vacation, universal orlando, universal studios, islands of adventure
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 57sec (2817 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2023
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