The Pat McAfee Show | Thursday August 5th, 2021

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at forward slash the pat mcavee show watching along i can't thank you enough because today is a day we've been dreaming about for a long time ever since we seen the tampa bay buccaneers in the tampa bay buccaneer stadium defeat patrick mahomes in no offensive line in the super bowl we've been waiting we've been yearning we've been hoping we've been learning about everything that could potentially happen this upcoming fall and today is the day where nfl football will be played on a high school football field it was a long long road to get here filled with all types of both from within the sport and outside of the sport there's a lot of teams that got better a lot of teams perceived to have gotten worse but now we will get a chance to see players that'll probably not be in the nfl play in an nfl game tonight and i think that is a cause for celebration boxing cables here at boston connor at ty schmidt tone digs in here early the hammer dom boys will be in with gumpy in the next hour and going forward it's a beautiful day it's a magical day because tonight when the steelers and cowboys step onto that football field in canton ohio and dave baker he's looking on from the side in a beautiful sport coat in a suit it's probably gonna be 200 degrees with steelers fans packing that place at tonight we're going to get a chance to get a taste of something that's magical something that carries us through our entire existence something that makes us feel better than we feel any other time of the year football will be in the air nfl football is right around the corner and tonight we're going to get at least 10 to 12 good plays of football and that is what 10 to 12 more good plays of football than we had when yesterday left um to join us to chat with us there is no other human we'd rather have um is he on what's that that to talk to us about it let's get to it ladies and gentlemen joining us now is a man who's a two-time two-time super bowl champion just one time winner of the walter payton man of the year award what a loser ladies and gentlemen chris long how are you man yeah i'm good i did win the community service award once i did a lot of good stuff off the field there guys yeah you're a hero i mean he didn't win it twice you didn't win twice he only won it once uh he could have went back to back but you didn't he must uh let off a little bit but everything you did in the communities you played for and other communities is honorable i want to let you know as somebody that watched on from outside you're a cool dude i want to let you know now let's talk about your forehead right there win bet congratulations i'm covering my forehead i reached for a hat i swear this is the classic like hey yeah i just picked the t-shirt on top of the you know in the top of the drawer it really is win bet dude i'm sorry i'm not trying to just plug my employer here but uh okay so the nice hat you know when somebody sends you a free hat and it actually fits you gotta wear it well they're your employer they're also paying you to wear but the free hat is also i'm down with a free hat as well and listen i don't know who i'm trying to kid either fanduel is sitting right over my shoulder every single day oh yeah they are yeah they're not my employer but let's talk about it so you're full time with win bet is that how that whole thing worked out what they pick up the green light pod and everything else you're going to be creating stuff all season for them yeah so basically the nice thing is i signed with blue wire um what's that than those guys shout out to them what's that what's that basically they house a lot of podcasts and and essentially it's a platform so got it nice thing is i can kind of be myself kind of keep doing the show how we want to do it you know how important autonomy is and how important you know creative control is and they they they're like we believe in you we're going to give you the reins and then win bets running their stuff through them and so do a lot of gambling stuff through win bat and win bets like new and exciting so uh good chance to do what i love which is piss money away uh betting on football games hey listen with your big brain you're gonna win money on football i don't know about that no listen you know what it's gonna be though chris and this happened with me after i retired i have a lot of italian friends always have and they've been degenerates with shady bookies for a long long time i literally stayed out of it because i didn't want to be the pete rose right we were kind of told there's literally posters everywhere like hey don't be pete rose like don't do it you know what i mean and now listen i think pete rose maybe is in a comeback trail and everything like that he's supposed to come on the show last week he cancelled 20 minutes beforehand but pete rose don't that sounds about it let me back up for a second here that sounds like something maybe pete rose would do no offense to peter no bingo it was per it was almost better than him coming on the show yeah i was like oh pete rose poor pete rose but like that was forced on a lot of us and i assume through you as well especially with your dad's legacy and then as soon as i retired i started dabbling in it and i was like starting to get confident comfortable i started making some real money and football gambling i'm like how are you doing keep it moving fanduel starts happening we go it's when you start betting on you don't know in that yeah hey chris that's going to happen listen you're going to get into basketball you'll be like i feel it i know this is going to and that's where that is going to go i'm actually i think i have the opposite problem stuff i know i up royally so like you know we think we know football really well right so you got to bet the entire board i got dude i'm the worst i got like five teasers out there i have like five parlays and then the three bets i win are just negated by all that i do on the side but i do it for the thrill i don't like i have enough money like you have enough money no you'll learn chris you'll learn you'll learn you will no i know a lot of old guys who never did no no but you're smarter than those guys listen and and the italians have even caught on to it so even if the biggest degenerates can do it now unless you just want to give money back which i don't think you want to do you'll learn like okay i'm not going to pull the trigger on every single game because there is a lot of good looking lines out there oh yeah oh too many tonight hey oh steve oh yeah we've been in the hall of fame yeah i bet me over i'm betting you over tonight 32 and a half points i just think there's going to be some freak touchdowns have you played in the hall of fame game what are your thoughts on preseason football as a whole chris okay first who's playing tonight so i can bet the game still hopefully check out on this yeah us too steelers cowboys no dac no ben mason rudolph starting for the steal it's gonna be chaos out there i'd love to bet this game okay uh one time i had to play in the hall of fame game it was um we were gonna play i think the browns and when i saw it uh on our schedule the spring before i just about cried yeah like like just think about having to do a fifth preseason game like six days before you report or after your report like that's like just jumping off a third-story balcony like you know you just hit the ground dude like it's just like there's no time to get ready for that so i think you know it's a really awesome thing you know that that they bring all the hall of famers back my pops gets to go he just got on a plane today uh to go back and he loves that you know he sees sees all those guys that he respected as a kid you know like his heroes are wearing the same jacket he is and they all hang out and they really respect the event and then to see him on the field is really cool but the the active football part of it is tough terrible and i got lucky uh we had a lockout do you remember that the lockout year oh yeah so that was the year we were supposed to do the hall of fame game and i was like if this lockout could just end but right after the hall of fame game that would be great and that's exactly what happened chris you and i both i think and we didn't have to play a hall of fame game that year we played in at the year the field wasn't good enough for us to play on you remember that so we were both scheduled to play in a hall of fame game guess what neither of us did look at him hey paul read dot jeff hey yeah look at us who would have thought huh who would have thought come on man that's some good fortune right there so uh listen preseason as a whole i do think there's value in shortening it um you know i can remember when you know something like ocu manure teresa's acl in pre-season you know it's just such a waste of uh of certain dudes to go out there and get hurt and also it's really hard to get in a rhythm you know how like first game you don't play a lot if you're starter second game you you play a little bit more third game you play a lot and then the fourth game you know you coast i'd rather just do two games get it over with play me 30 snaps and let's like just rip the band-aid off you know if we just did two and we moved on the thing that really wears on you is the practice as much as anything so if you're doing another week of practice you know um preparing for that game it can really wear you down and uh i think it's really hard you don't glean a lot from preseason every year there's a guy who has like five sacks in preseason and everybody's like oh he's gonna be an all-pro i had one sack in pre-season i had 70 in my career so it really just doesn't matter i mean i hate to say that it matters for the it matters for the guys fighting for a roster hold on so this is what i'm gonna get into chris because like the lions i think they were undefeated in the preseason the year they want oh and 16 or whatever right and the colts here have always had bad preseasons because the team wasn't very deep but the starters were incredible and they didn't want to risk anything like that you were going to say like the the roster spot i think there should be maybe a game or two games that you play in a position that would have to get into rhythm a little bit more you said two games would be good and then there should just be an advertised bubble game like hey this is a bubble game we have no idea if these guys are going to be on our team or one of the other 31 teams or maybe or maybe selling insurance like hey this is we have no idea what's going to happen and just like kind of note it that way as opposed to because remember they're selling tickets to these things in like season ticket orders have to buy the tickets for the preseason games and tonight we'll watch i told the boys first drive we'll be excited nfl football is back and then i i don't even know if i'll make it to second quarter before going oh this is terrible football it's not the player's fault it's like six days you're in there and i try to be listen i get it a lot of my good buddies and probably yours too were guys who were scrapping for spots yes i respect that like shout out to guys like darren bates and special teams guys who you know came to leave without the same opportunities that high draft picks did sorry let me move this camera but um you know like it's just for for an older guy or for a starter literally the best part is when you're taken out of the game and you reach down in your sock for that tin of dip or that bag of peanuts get on the bench and you hang out the second half and you just watch football like that's my favorite part so in a sense i kind of get why you all like to watch football it's a lot of fun it was different but everything else you're just nervous you get hurt one time after i was coming off an injury jeff fisher had me in there in like the fourth quarter of the third game like i was ir the year before so he was like trying to see if i was back i wasn't and i i made a big play and i'm getting up and i'm like i'm cheering and all this and people like man you were really fired up and i was like nah i was i was cussing out coach i didn't want to be in that thing so you know that's pre-season man you just gotta you put your head down and get through it so tonight actually my sources are telling me that there's a chance that a certain kicker would not be kicking for a certain team wow due to a hall of fame game injury that had happened to that same team's kicker who was very good just a few years back uh swish him towards acl i think trying to make attack when he said unfortunately squeeze him squeeze him towards acl in a hall of fame game kicker trying to make a tackle he's out then they have scoby in there he misses every kick for something oh it's not scoby yeah scoby had a bad game scoby had a bad run with the steelers down in jacksonville he's great oh you don't like hey what you got beef with scopes no i'm just laughing because like you know so much about the kicking game and i'm like yeah scoby oh chris all right listen go to hell all right you know you just listened off some special teamers but i have some inside information happening on tonight's game so the over might be in jeopardy it always has been the over might be in jeopardy i'm not hearing people i'll around at bed unders people are always like life's too short to bed underneath i'm like this seems perfect life seems perfect to bed unders yeah you seem like a miserable person i mean right over here right over here you say it yourself early in camp see ball get ball defense has the dc exactly exactly because i've watched hunters better's in there so that's good yeah so i've watched you know a lot of football pre-season football i think that is something that a lot of punters kickers and snappers like now granny you have to take advantage of that opportunity but i've been very lucky to be like front row to watch basically every aspect of nfl football now yeah pre-season is a nightmare for me okay pre-seasons i'm going out there in fourth quarter with three mcdonald's workers blocking on the right side of the punting okay i mean it is it is a little bit nightmare but early in training camp and you tell me if i'm accurate in my observation it's always see ball get ball defense kills early kills early in unless the offense is a veteran group that's been around for a long time it feels like defense does run the show early is that because the scheme doesn't really matter as much on the defensive side you just kind of gotta run around and just find the ball and go full speed it doesn't matter what happens well i think a lot of times early in camp like something you know you alluded to something being more complex like offensive blocking schemes are more protections are more complex than you know we've got a nine a seven a three and a shade like or we have two nines and we're going or like hey maybe you've got a blitzer in the b gap and we've been drilling that little thing all day but on the other side they're learning like seven iterations of protection and you know there's more like throwing and catching the football hand-offs like stuff like that false starts the snap count like early in training camp i do think that the defense kind of naturally sets the tone um and then when i think you get to that first preseason game if you ask like position players i feel like at least in my experience that the offense was always good for going on some long-ass drive like the beginning of because you're so tired oh yeah like there's no way to get in football shape unless you play like real football and that's the g that's the catch 22 of shortening the preseason is like i don't care how long or how tough your camp was i don't care many up downs you're doing which i'm totally cool with over there down ups by the way the media called him down up it was awesome it was awesome on the ability of these coaches without seeing a coach again but like i just think you're going to be gassed that first preseason drive yeah like some of the most tired i've ever been has been that drive where every third down we're running basic because you don't want to show anything right so offenses are kind of converting uh you're tired they're they're not having to run to the football like you you know what i mean yeah so it's funny the first day of camp i think the defense owns it the first preseason game at least i felt like we gave up a lot of big drives in the beginning and then also those second third fourth quarters especially in this first game and for the steelers cowboys these first two games you know those are all the young guys and those guys have no i they're dead tired too they're doing like 60 70 play some guys on the defensive side they're playing a lot of special teams and especially and they're supposed to block for me by the way and they've never they've never done that in their entire life and they have no idea it's a lot easier to block a punt by the way than to block for a pun for me pre-season yeah yeah pre-season was get me the out of here i just i hope to survive but i don't know i want to say this though pat like i i i was pretty i mean i i didn't fear a lot of stuff on the field you can't to play uh but if i had to block a punt i'd be kind of afraid of your foot thank you thank you that means a lot there's a guy named brahman you know brahman you know brahman brian brayman yeah oh brian bremen's an absolute psycho hey is his head not this large dude bro the guy is the guy is a legend if you could hear his super bowl speech before we went out to play the patriots like i don't remember much about what he said but it was definitely like we were gonna we were playing call of duty not like not going to play a football game but he's just insane bro he was like a special teams demon he was he was a terrorist for the brand okay that's what he was he was the first ever terrorist for the brand he he is he's this big white dude his head is massive he's his long hair he's got a 40 pack i think and he's yeah he's built like you know the the you know it's like an upside down a down to the waist you know what i mean like that's a cool thing i'm built like a rectangle as hard as i work as much as i cut weight yeah he's feel like an upside down a he looks like he's stepped off of a motorcycle and he just runs out on the field like and blocks decapitates people yeah and blocks punts he had a string there i think of like two to three straight years where he either got a deflection tried to break my leg or block the plan it was like before the game two i think we were cut yeah here's him breaking my leg by the way no penalty was called here you see i do end up kicking that thing like 33 yards i think my leg wraps around his leg though but he was so nice that he actually conformed around my knee that he actually was like a little brace fit oh nice oh yeah yeah that was nice to him yeah it was very nice of him to do that he did say immediately upon us both being on the ground that it did hurt and asked me if i was okay and i said yeah and then i look at the ref and there's no flag i'm like are we kidding right now are we even kidding right now but yeah i mean guys guys that look like they're in biker gangs can have compassion too he was the man hey he was he was the man i wish i could have heard that speech i mean yeah well it's out there i think it's out there on like uh and stuff so all right i'll check it out um can we can we talk about the state of the nfl media can we do that you just you're just i'm sure we can all right good good are we a part of that am i a part of that yeah see that's kind of a battle that i'm having right now because i remember hearing media people say you know the media is doing blah blah blah and i'm like well you're in the media and we're i guess you and i are pretty large parts of the media now on the internet at least and it's very lucky to do so so whenever we point fingers at other members of media i think we kind of sound like uh you know non-self-aware douches but i would like to say that i think the media covering things there's a lot of people forgetting about what football is like and they i think they're trying to paint like a fairy tale world of what football is and people have been in football like should be able to say no that's not what it's like at all for instance motor city dan campbell up there him saying that he loved seeing his two young guys get after it and everybody's like this guy is amazing now that comes after the knee biting and everything like that that is been dan campbell and being his own self but like fights have football is a physical sport it's a violent sport a hundred degrees people running that's gonna happen the people in the giants now push-ups i would never do in a million years but the fans like joe judge has lost a team because there's a fight and danny dime shouldn't be in there it's like no this is what happens like hey this is what happens in football i feel like a lot of people have forgot that though whenever they get on a microphone what's that all about chris well listen and you know i know you're not doing it either we're not painting with a broad brush or anything i mean like i don't know it's just there's a general when it comes to things like that everybody likes to sound smart and say like we're above that we don't fight anymore this is neanderthal football this coach is a neanderthal you know this is archaic um the problem is i think a lot of that commentary goes on on twitter where like 95 percent of people didn't play and that's no offense like i think media members can do a great job without having played i agree this is broad brush stuff this is brought one painting with a brush some of our best media members who are the most insightful didn't play you know like bill barnwell my dog shout them out like you know um guys like that bill didn't play he knows like so much about the game it's just there's guys and girls who you know look at things and they're like i'm afraid to not overreact to this sound bite from dan campbell because florio who i like you know misquotes him or you know somebody takes a quote out of context or we all agree that this guy was a terrible hire because he does think like a terrible hire it's detroit the guy came out of nowhere so a lot of people are thinking like what are they doing but like for instance dan campbell there's been this narrative that he's going to fail because he's a heart oh and i don't even think people know what a heart oh is in the nfl hardos don't smile hardo's don't talk to the media hardos don't joke with their players hardos don't share you know i mean dan has done all those things and i think like if you want to know if players are going to like a coach or not ask a player how about that you know and players that i've talked to really like the guy i'm not saying he's going to be a great coach i have no idea but he would be a perfect example of the way we've kind of like we've kind of stigmatized this football guy thing to the point that like if we even sniff it automatically the guy's going to suck if he wins games people are going to be obsessed with his shtick or whatever it is oh yeah i buy his schtick because i think he's authentic now can he coach we'll see i don't know but he's a perfect example of everybody kind of piling on and i know people didn't like the hire and listen the rooney rule thing it's been really rough you know for black coaches watching and this guy and many other guys seem like we're coming out of nowhere like out of the woodwork where'd they find this guy but he's coached under sean payton um you know he he he's got experience he's he's dealt with both sides of the locker room and guys love him and you know what if detroit wants to make that call maybe they're going to be hitting the reset button in a year or two but it's not like the last 15 coaches have worked out very well for them outside jim caldwell well i agree and they ran him out of town because he wasn't good enough i mean we're good now not good enough get him the he doesn't smile either the guy i love jim caldwell but he's awesome i don't know how many coaches wanted the detroit job like i know in i assume the common thought is everybody who's coaching wants to be a head coach in the nfl i agree but i think now at this point we're seeing a lot of players take a little bit less money to stay in good positions i think you're seeing a lot of good coaches potentially change their strategy on where they want to go how they want to go because of what chris just said how in one year they might be firing you your whole family and moving everything like that so i'm not saying that there wasn't other coaches that were maybe more qualified to get to lion's job i i assume that there definitely was but i think dan campbell is like the perfect person for the lion's job i'm not sure that was a very desirable position for anybody he's bought in completely and i found that very deep uh of you saying like people don't even know hardo's in the football world because i think immediately when i look at him i'm like okay this is a meathead but then whenever you listen to him speak it's like oh it's a deep thinking beathard he's a compassionate meatball yeah and lighting and meatballs me too i think like listen like the guy gets people now i don't know if he's gonna get like building an offense around jared goff i don't know if he's gonna put his coaches in the right position i'll tell you what he has done that staff that they um that they kind of put together is like the coolest staff in the history of football like these dudes are all ballers and they're all cool you know my man deuce is up there from philly uh you know brad's up there antoine randall and they're just cool and he did a great job of assembling his staff now it's going to be his job to manage the situation and if he can't he won't be that long but you know give the guy a chance maybe he's not the that you think he is because you're afraid to to retweet something that you think is a little caveman-ish like that's his style hey listen caveman has won a lot of football games yeah i mean every day it has a lot of football games go ahead you know what here's the other thing a lot of people people don't even like the heart oh thing like some of the media's favorite people are hard os and they don't even know it like that's the thing like the media doesn't and i'm including myself in this if i was looking at the nba or something and i didn't play and i was like well i think this guy looks like kind of a dick or this guy looks like he's cool or this guy's humble like we don't really know we weren't around these guys we weren't in locker rooms and you can know a lot about the game of football without having that kind of sixth sense about people and teammates and what players are into or not into i think a lot of times there's a disconnect between the the media at large and what like players think i would say like i think that is a very very true statement and if he has success you know what every other owner is going to be looking for as soon as he has success hey we need a big deep thinking meathead i need i need two two black eyes man and what do you say i i need two black mike black two shots two two shots in each blackout the only thing i don't like about dan campbell in the entire world and by the way there's no like dan campbell trend because god only made one dan campbell you can't go like after he succeeds if he does you can't be like where are the other day there's just one uh but it's unfortunate that he's an addict because i found that out as a caffeine addict that illicit drug that you're all hooked on he's drinking 100 ounces a day that's in the morning that's in the morning i think we're talking about the level of addiction that you are referring to is alarming but hey hey by the way a lot of caffeine addicts have won a lot of games no doubt no doubt i used to be one yeah i'm just i have to comment because life is better without it well it depends on if they win or lose i'll tell you what that's the only thing that's going to depend upon whether or not life is good over there we're talking to chris long two-time super bowl champion only one time walter payne man that's a shame that's a real shame go ahead connor yeah chris pat alluded to the push-ups joe judge was making players do and joe looney actually retired the second that he heard that he had to do it uh when you were in new england you were already an established vet in the league was there ever a time where he kind of made players do laps or you know do push-ups and everyone was like hey bill come on man no i think i think honestly like i didn't think new england's camp was that crazy like that hard you know i think every every organization runs camp differently every coach and lord knows i had seven coaches in in uh saint louis alone so i mean i got i it ran the gambit my toughest camp was like pre-cba q a's with steve spagnola so like after that it was like after the cba that we were talking about earlier like it was all downhill so even when i got to england i was just like man i wish y'all had more windows in the facility that was my biggest complaint like like it's like it's like a compound but you know some of my favorite coaches made me do up downs greg williams one of my favorite coaches i know again the media don't like greg williams some players might not like him some players will go walk through hell for him so you're wondering um he used to make us do 40 up downs so you practice the whole summer for having to do 40 up downs before team periods and then when we get to camp we'd get to 25 and he blew the whistle you know it's like a big joke like so it's basically you practice it all summer and then you didn't even have to pass it if it looked like you were in shape the take the head off the rest of the snake will die guy was making you guys do 40 up downs before team periods are you serious listen we had a we had a group that was we were we were hell on wheels so we didn't mind doing it but also like i said like it was like hey do 25 i'm gonna blow the whistle i will say this with the joe judge thing i don't mind push-ups um and i love that looney uh retired because i think that's great whenever anybody has the balls to walk out of a facility i think you're a legend like like monta davis like all-time legend for just because you know how coaches always say if you don't want to be here leave i love the guy that's like okay you said it you said it man because that is the classic go ahead matt pat sorry no i was gonna say that's a classic quote and then there's always the people that the new coaches started saying hey if you're falling asleep in a meeting just stand up it won't be a problem and then somebody stands up like shut the down leave if you don't want to be here leave and then you're like you go from standing to leaving um but i i look at it like i'm fine with doing that to the players but i i don't get to making the coaches jog thing and i know like players don't often advocate for coaches but they do work really hard and if i was an assistant coach and my coach made me run i would probably not be an assistant coach for long i think that it might have happened last year with the uh italian offensive line coach and and by the way the players star no colombo colombo and joe judge allegedly got into a fist fight allegedly last year with that is not how that went i mean joe's a big guy joe could probably hold his mom but columbo was not only big but he's in a metal band so i didn't know that that does change the odds yeah mightily more into his favor because i think he's also six foot like ten than like a six one guy i'm six one what you would okay so you'd rather fight colombo than me is that yeah that was a compliment somehow hey i've been in the oculus chris i've been in the office yeah yeah go ahead chris i wanted to ask you about uh kind of your position so tj watt bud dupreeh played together forever they were great compliment to each other what happens when one of those guys they leave and now you don't have the guy on the other side like how do you guys deal with that it's funny yeah it's true i mean like me and robert quinn got to rush together you know years where he was doing 19 on like a bad team like guy's a mutant but i mean that was great but the guy that really makes a difference i think both those guys will be fine i do think bud's a really great all-around player i hope that tennessee does enough to accentuate all the good things he does and i hope they don't just say like we're just going to evaluate you on if you get 10 sacks because that's not exactly always who he is um i do think an inside rusher helps more than you know an end on the other side um i think so because and one thing is when you have two different rushes it's really nice to have two rushers that have different styles you know there's a few examples of that around the league but because then you can run high low you know one guy can go speed one guy can go power you don't want to both be it's going speed at nine yards and run into each other it looks like a shitty car crash yeah so it's good to have varying styles but more than anything i think it's the inside guys because they make the tackle kind of peer down at them they make the tackle tighten and leave a hand in there if you're playing next to fletcher cox you know that's going to change things if you're playing next to aaron donald which one of my biggest regrets is i got hurt when he got drafted oh like you know like um you can run naturals off those guys like so if fletcher cox gets off the ball which he always does if he beats your old ass off the ball then you just go around him if he goes to power and this is why it's nice to have an experienced rusher next to a guy inside like everything's an option and if you're looking inside your periphery sees that massive dude in the b gap raising hell and you can kind of adjust off that person and also you can work a lot with that person pre-snap but a lot of his natural stuff so i think the inside guy makes more of a difference than the guy on the other side of you steelers need to bring back casey hampton if they want tj watson there i completely forgot he picked up an offensive lineman who is very good going to be in the hall of fame okay that that that offensive lineman is going to be in hall of fame only going into like his third year at this point fourth year who was it clinton nelson i mean there was there was oh you're talking about quentin nelson yeah i mean shoeing for the hall of fame shoe in for the hall of fame maybe greatest guard of all time when it's all said and done there's obviously maybe i don't know this might be a little indie thing going on here but i do think he's the real deal i remember when he pulled in philly the first time i ever played the colts with him on and you know a lot of times on those counter plays i just set my feet and kind of like just shoulder a guy who's pulling i took five hop steps and i was on the hash i was like what the is this guy his head thighs of steve hutchinson there's only one guy with a head the size of steve hutchinson's i've ever played other than steve hutchinson it was quinn nelson hey he's gonna get uh broken off here as he deserves but as cam what cam was able to do to him just on one particular play it affected our season forever oh yeah i remember that i remember that and like cam and to it i mean two it's been a guy who's been massively underrated um and they do a lot of different stuff there so it's like you know they can be multiple um those guys can move around they can play different roles i really i think tj's gonna be fine i think bud's gonna be fine as long as tennessee uses him correctly all right ty's got this last question we can't thank you enough for your time here chris you're the man what do you guys think you got uh you got a guitar you got an unplugged situation yeah i don't play a guitar but that's i'm not trying to be a douche but it's signed by chris stapleton so that's the guy that did that justin timberlake man hey y'all need to get some steel drivers going on here you know steel drivers absolutely that's chris stapleton's old bluegrass band everybody just listen and go bless yourself hey shout out shout out chris stapleton in a bluegrass band that he's got he what he do he wrote um he wrote a bunch of songs from people for a long time what they say you're not attractive enough to be the country musician so he had to write songs for everybody and then he came out and he was better than everybody i guess country music executives don't like printing money because this guy this guy is like one of the greatest voices of like the modern era and he's got he can play five different kinds of music yeah he's awesome uh go ahead ty chris were you as surprised as a lot of the media and some former players that uh hit aaron rodgers teammates didn't bar him from returning to the packers locker room like did that ever happen in uh one of your off seasons where like a guy maybe had like a messy contract situation and you basically told him like hey it we don't we don't want you back here you're not coming in the locker room i was shocked that they didn't bar the door i mean nothing nothing says i want to win a super bowl more than like locking aaron rodgers out of the building so like yeah i just i just um it's funny like and you know this pat but you sat around locker rooms when dudes are like sitting out like the third corner will be like dude i'm trying to get my money and dudes will be like get your money hey get it you know like the third corner okay so and usually the third corner thinks he's worth more than he is uh no offense to nickels i think nickels are actually more realistic than just the corner um they're gonna get mad that you lump them in with corners though because now nickel's its own position i mean they're you're gonna get you're gonna piss people off no matter what you just said right there so yeah no i'm sorry i i respect the out of the position it's just corner have to be confident is all i'm saying so a lot of times they're gonna be like you know i'm worth 10 million and dudes are like go get your money like i say that to say when aaron rodgers quite possibly you know if we have the goat and best ever conversation i like the way some people have framed that with with brady's the goat rogers might be the best ever um like the guy that just makes you go wow um you know i think when you have a guy like that on your team don't you want to win a super bowl don't you want him back in the building i mean bhaktiari bought him a golf cart like how's that seem to be going like seems like everybody's pretty happy to have him back um and you know i think the guy who's really on the hot seat in green bay you kind of want to be randall cobb but you kind of don't want to be random tough you don't play well this year they're going to be like yo we fought the trojan war over randall cobb they fought a war over randall cobb you know how cool and terrifying it is to be randall cobb listen i i don't think that is the uh exact way to describe the situation but randall is the he is the picture of like aaron being like yeah this is the first of many and if i think randall's gonna play well but you're 100 i think our first thoughts were like all right randall got a ball out yeah hey this is going to have to be yeah he does yeah and you know like you and i were talking offline pat but like you talk about oh this isn't some people have said it's not a championship locker room or something yes you know that it's maybe it's not like maybe the the chemistry's messed up no i think the chemistry in the locker room is fine i think the chemistry between upstairs in the locker room ain't great there and i think that what aaron did and this was really good of him as he was laying out the situation she went to bat for players in the past i mean that's the kind of guy he is where he thinks about his teammates and you know you could see that most of the grumblings in the off season were like dissatisfaction with upstairs whether it was you know zadaria smith who's an absolute dog and you should never let him leave the building um you know i mean golly it's like past rush porn that's awesome um but like zadaria smith those guys that were kind of bitching they weren't bitching about aaron rodgers like guys can play for the name on the back of the the jersey and by that i mean like all your teammates names i don't mean like everybody makes it an a or b thing either you play for the name on the back of your jersey or you play for the name on the front of it no you can play for your teammates too and i think what you're gonna have there even if they're pissed at you know i still am afraid to say his name guten um you know even if you're pissed at brian g you know like we don't say that we're playing for aaron rodgers and zadaria smith and all those guys i mean you're playing for each other so i think that team's going to be close hey trent dilfer described it as a bunker mentality and i think that is such a great way to describe that and i think the locker room by the way after watching what aaron's doing for different reasons like for me and for you i think you're a guy that you love that just walks out of the building somebody that is looking right at their boss who's up and saying you like i have a lot of respect for that like that is something and guys are gonna have respect for what he's saying for former players guys are gonna have a lot of respect for maybe their futures like jordan love is watching this potentially going like hey thank you so like if i end up being the player that i was traded up in the first round to be maybe my life will be different here as well i i think the team will love it even more i'm happy you do we have to get you out of here i can't thank you enough man you're the best of course man um sorry about the billboards no you get your money dude hey get your money dude oh yeah money yeah get your money yeah make your money yeah get your money dude do what you got to do ladies and gentlemen only one time come on only one time how many years how many years were you in the league eleven uh ten times he did not win brutal only one that's bad it's really bad only once was he the walter payton man of the year but but hey great host of the green light pod two-time super bowl championship very deep thinker well spoken only one walt's paid man of the year one time ladies and gentlemen chris long oh y'all hey chris thank you man he was out he does have something to do we had we we overstayed we we did the whole thing yeah he's a very busy guy very i mean is he not insanely busy out there what just happened we just have a full glitch right there yeah i don't know what just happened cyber attack is everything all right are we getting attacked you know while that conversation was happening there was a lot of text messages going off in my uh phone you got and i i gave a little pixie there wow we're towards the end of it what the hell is going on in the nfl right now uh there is huh we have some breaking news yeah well first of all thanks to chris by the way i hope you guys thank you there there has been a lot of activity in the group text for people that weren't in the conversation i literally looked down but was like five minutes ago six minutes ago and there is what happened this has to be a big deal i got good news and bad news for you i'm always ahead let's go with the good news good news your old friend alberto riveron is retiring from the nfl let's go hey hey hey hey whoa whoa whoa whoa we don't know him as a person correct correct hey ow hell of a run dude hey congrats thank you al thank you for everything you did okay for the game and your service there's a couple things you did that i didn't necessarily enjoy a lot of things uh but after learning more information about what you were being told to do versus what my expectations were vastly different thanks for everything it's a shame man it's a real shame the game will miss you mr will ron thanks for everything good news all right we got to get to a break i don't want to hear the bad okay no that was like good we're going right into a break great conversation with chris long now we go right into a break what happened your better friend walt anderson is replacing him oh no so they went with somebody older than alberto rivera hot like hey what what walt and i have actual beef all right walt and i tried to ruin my life in the london game okay walt did he got enough sides on me when my cadence was not offsides at all we should have been able to go for two actually from the one-yard line on an extra point for the 15 that vinatari actually had to kick a 38-yard extra point instead of a 33-yard extra point because my cadence hurt hurt okay and they had a d tackle that was very large okay and he was doing damage and he you know he was over he jumps off sides flag gets called all of a sudden there's a ref meeting happening okay and uh matt overturner long snapper actually pokes his little ear into the ref meeting all the other refs say uh false start no 90 whatever blah blah blah walt looks at him looks me and goes i'm calling it on number one false start kicking team number one oh no whatever it is five yard penalty so now vina terry's mad at me okay he's pissed off me i hate walt at this point then i have to uh be reminded that walt didn't let us use any of the broken footballs in london either uh he actually had us kick brand new footballs because the broken footballs he threw to the side and did something else with so walt and i have personal beef but let's just assume he can't be worse than what has been happening in there but there is a chance that this was not a good hire there is a chance that the reviews that we've all questioned on twitter and you know twitter never comes together for anything you know never on the same side of things there is a lot of times when these reviews happen and people are challenging things that the entire internet even the team that'll get screwed over from a a penalty being overturned all on the same side and somehow the messaging that came out of alberto riveron's review command center was the complete opposite of that everybody's like what are we doing then you got the people why are we challenging it's taking more time daddy yada yada it's bad for the game why are we doing technology why using technology i'm like let's make the game right let's utilize technology we got 4k cameras 8k cameras they moved at what 7 000 frames a second or 8 000 frames a second let's utilize that for the good and i thought there was a chance that maybe the technology was too advanced for the people that were maybe looking at it sure it took a long time now we do have the uh hawkeye review system and it's not just television producers deciding what uh replays the review system or people are allowed to look at which is mind-boggling that that's been happening for so long we just learned of that what is it it's the um it's the uh synchronized uh synchronized motion motion education ah whatever it is they're gonna be able to see all the clips of the play on one particular screen so review should get better you would think it would have got better they would have used new technology maybe one with somebody who could probably be able to utilize it in a very efficient quick fashion and also maybe has you know bright eye bushy tail younger eyes in this whole thing make this thing speed up quicker instead to get the oldest ref that was ever on the field and uh a guy that i had personal beef with which let's not make this all about me i'm sure there's a lot of people that have beef with walt but uh he has to do better than what it has been hopefully the nfl will allow it to work well on the bright side if it doesn't at least we got a guy to you know aim the vitriol got him this is billions and billions of dollars how is that now walt has been around a game a long time okay contributions for decades and decades very thankful for that okay very thankful for anybody that especially at that position where nobody likes you right nobody likes you i appreciate it but i think towards the end everybody said okay we don't want waldo on the field and then now they're like you know what let's put walt in charge of heavy what are we doing walter might be a maestro with that xbox controller and that's why they're bringing them in all right let's get to a break four minutes we're back some phone calls maybe another chatter jesus i mean we took one step pretty forward into the future of the game yeah you know and then just like what is this one this is the uh salsa tango or the waltz uh where you go one step forward and then immediately we just want to tango tango okay i think you yeah right that's what we did so normally everyone's hot but you're doing it pretty well watch it boom river runs out we're going waltz it i watched into the tango into a situation that i honestly could have never seen coming we're back in four minutes cheers the nfl is implementing the hawkeye replay system which has the smart technology which is synchronized multi-angle replay technology which allows the ref to view all of the shots and angles of a certain play at the same damn time as opposed to what they've been doing all along which is tv producers deciding what replays they see when are you kidding me unbelievable now we know a lot about these tv producers okay i couldn't see joey josh's chestnut eat his 76th hot dog all right on 4th of july to break his own record because of a production we've seen a lot of other rather terrible decisions made in television in broadcasting of games made those same people now i'm learning were the people that were deciding what angles the 95 year old refs in the nfl were getting to see this is absurd thankful that the xfl who had the hawkeye smart technology synchronized multi-angle replay technology either created invented or used from other places like tennis has this i believe i like that we're expediting the replay system i like that we're getting up with the times replay should be an asset to the nfl as opposed to what it is which seems to be a burden the the past interference replay thing because of how terrible they botched the execution of that it probably would never be brought up or you know thought about again because fans will be able to say oh remember when they did that last time i was like no remember how they executed that last time the replay system is run by people who have you know not a lot of experience with maybe quick slow-mo uh fast-forward maybe just content being in their face all day every day i like that we're making this better it's better for the game it's better for everybody there's a lot of money on the line let's not let the opportunity pass where we can utilize technology to make sure the right gets done let's just do it in a much more efficient fashion i've always felt that way aj well it's much more efficient but it also it makes me question like how did we go this long to where a tv producer is controlling what replays what angles you're going to see like for the referee like that that kind of blows my mind when you think about it i read it yesterday and almost i almost axled my pants yeah i didn't because i'm an adult but you get it i don't know i bet you you have in the last five years no i haven't but i had there was that one time when i thought it was going to be a sound and it was actually actually a little close it's different story yeah but i mean it was it wasn't a full axle i don't know yeah no sharding is not stepping in it well i have a little thumb for the goddamn good of the show but speaking of that i was quite alarmed whenever i read that that tv purdue i'm like the same people that are making a lot of the decisions that we get a chance to witness every single week are the same people that are deciding whether or not a play that i have a lot of money riding on potentially is overturned or not i am not about that [Music] do [Music] do [Music] this is the pat mcafee show on siriusxm mad dog sports radio we thank you for taking the time to seek out the small regional show that streams internationally here's pat and the boys welcome back it's a great day to be an nfl family of nfl football tonight on a high school football field with guys and maybe coaching high school football this upcoming season and uh walt anderson is now a georgia replay the more and more i think about it like the more and more i am i mean i am i mean i am i'm more a bit flustered on how this happened crushing kick to the gut sack it is kick right to the gut second replay system this is an andrew luck situation which retires right in the middle of preseason what what's what's riveron doing yeah did he get forced out did walt force a mat like do we have a potential what's going on up there or did walt or was riveron not able to work the xbox controller that could be it and then all panic happened before tonight's game because what if there's a review tonight it's going to be walt's first night here on the job i would assume so so so is hawkeye technologies being introduced into the nfl in its 102nd season 101st 102nd 102nd 102nd season and what they we need somebody who's close enough to the age of the nfl to run this newest technology that's possible out there yeah the plan uh-huh what's blandino doing dean blandino they're they're all raking checks in from the networks yeah digs that's what happens all the good refs hey even paisan yeah no no no yeah jeans western pennsylvania that guy all these tv networks they're paying triple quadruple the amount of money that the nfl is paying the refs and these refs that love officiating i mean gene was doing baseball basketball yeah he just loved reffing and then i assume cbs was like hey here's uh five times what you're making you don't have to do it you don't have to travel at all we just need you to talk gene's like are yin's paying them on money huh i guess i'll come around there but that they they started plucking all the good refs out of the league and then there's no real funnel system in there and maybe that's why wallet has to do this particular job because they don't have enough people to potentially run it and all the good people are getting paid by the networks to to judge the bad ones and then you always hear the good refs in the in the booth sticking up for the bad reps on the field because the good refs in the booth know that the bad refs are on the field because the good reps are all getting paid in the booth that's right everybody wants to get good on the field so he can get paid in the booth good luck out there walt we appreciate it aj hawks on the other side hour two and six minutes cheers late in the game had a you know they wouldn't show up because uh i played for the packers but um i had a pretty pretty sweet uh no looker um i did devonte on the last drive that uh i'd kind of set up for a few plays because darius is so athletic side to side he loves reading your eyes and i just kind of came back and looked left and then looked outside him on the right and threw him behind him too i'm so thankful patrick mahomes brought that into the nfl now yeah yeah good for him yeah i know it's none of us [Laughter] you know i will say this you know a guy who probably doesn't get anywhere near the credit right we're doing like that all the time uh he wears number nine and plays in detroit okay that dude what he does with the ball it's impressive it's really really impressive and i you know i know dan orlowski will highlight some stuff from time to time sure because they play together and they're good friends uh which he should but that dude is throwing crazy no lookers all the time like uh annie can throw from any arm angle like i don't think he gets you know maybe it's detroit maybe it's you know based on you know they haven't uh you know they stay scott lost 20 to nothing to the panthers they just lost 20 to nothing to the panther i mean i know i know but he didn't you know they had they had some guys out there [Music] i just saw a picture of you getting out of i think a 757 that is from jim irsay what was that and have you ever been in that plane before i i thought it was like a team plane to fly all of the indianapolis colts uh literally i mean it's got the logo on it uh pat and uh it was awesome but that's just jim pat i had a wonderful 14 years there it's obviously the team that i wanted to play for always i i understood the the decision he had to make and no hard feelings and for him to send his plane to fly me and my son down here uh it was a great great gesture a lot of room for me and marshall we were throwing the football [Laughter] pretty uh pretty uh pretty cool experience pretty cool father-son weekend by the way as he's moving from event event right now you are the best dude where are you headed right now i'm going to the game i'm going to the game i got lynch i got fannika i got these guys in the background boys are you congratulations [Applause] congratulations boys all right peyton oh hey there he is marshall i hope you enjoyed that plane pal hey last thing here um you talking to tom brady you becoming friends with him it was interesting to watch oh yeah take the photo [Laughter] all right we will wrap this up well i'll tell you pat i don't think anybody can do what tom has done look i know how hard it was for me to get on the same page with my receivers learn a new system learn new coaches but i had a full off-season i was injured i was rehabbing the fact that tom has done this and a coveted pandemic offseason no time to meet with his receivers he met with his coaches illegally by breaking into byron so besides that uh it's been incredible what he's been able to accomplish and uh he deserves all the credit his leadership is what put the bucks in this game today and uh i have great respect for him because i know how hard it is but he deserves all the credit hey how did you know red 18 was coming pat i mean i can't tell you how much i appreciate you telling that story and and just growing the legend that was about the 18th time i tried it going into that and you know when it doesn't hit you just keep walking nobody ever really tells you about it so when it hit i was as surprised as you were and uh the reaction from some of the some of the good old folks there in the casino that night was pretty special well i appreciate you doing that you made me and those folks in the casino a bunch of money congrats on the hall of fame nod thank you for spending time enjoy yourself at the game peyton pat thanks pal i appreciate you the the sheriff hall of famer peyton manning [Applause] first things first 50 yards trash can drop into the bucket accuracy contest apple apple seiko [Music] see how easy it is to catch now with the boys [Music] all right so you can throw the out of it and catch it i think the xfl ball gets a big pass by the way i hit some bombs with it as well [Music] todd [Laughter] [Music] the pat mcafee show there'll be no rules for our guests for us for the things we can talk about speaking his mind i've never had a problem expressing my opinions or my thoughts or anything like that while being relatable i haven't had that manufactured fake ass celebrity that a lot of people have whenever they go on those big networks i've had a chance to really build my crew build my following build my audience and ridiculous what am i supposed to do so i'm supposed to look at something that i can definitely afford and say is that what i'm supposed to do the pat mcafee show starts in three three two one welcome back to that show thursday august 5th 2021 years after zero there's nfl teams playing football on a high school field tonight let's be excited hour two has the hammered down boys in their entirety in here welcome into the studio gumpy how'd we do last night two and three i knew it i wasn't hyping it up too much that's why we said enjoy it what happens but and the first couple times we talked about his heater you know i wanted to i wanted to put it out there like hey we're potentially and we kind of just kind of moved right by it right yesterday i got a little bit arrogant you know i got a little bit cocky i i we started hammering we're like hey this hey it was hard 18 and four in his last 22. and we were making these all public bets by the way this isn't like a posting afterwards he's calling it how it is i thought it was potentially going to happen but i want to let you know what happened last night isn't gumpy i don't know just because there was one little hurdle in a run that has been majestic doesn't mean you're gonna get on the other side of that thing and finish strong you're about to get back into that heater that you were once on for five six months straight bud don't you worry about last night gumpy we'll bounce back tonight and then we got footy starting this weekend i mean let's go hey speaking of footy hey hey messi ain't going in barcelona hey the messy situation's getting messy i guess it's further than it's ever been a part on these negotiations i was told by our soccer expert gumpy he was a free agent to become a barcelona at a uh like 60 percent reduced salary after winning the uh covid uh gold cup down there and now he's not going back you said the entire league was pitching him money to keep him there what's going on is he pissed off at the entire country it turns out when you ask an entire league to pay a guy's salary to play for just one team might not work out that way oh so the rest of the teams were saying we're not going to help you pay for the best player beat the out of us and we'll pay you for it okay so hold on because that's why we were so surprised by soccer doing that we're like wow people are paying to keep the superstar in the league now that was just all one big foo games that's not real feels as if soccer is awesome there's so many dramatics wow yeah i was just like you know everything's the world cup basically the story lines behind it's like baseball here i mean it is soccer is fascinating to see how you guys get like hook line and it into that thing all the way if he's available the chicago fire need to give messi 500 million dollars right now let's go hey diner at kanye's house oh all right oh yeah atlanta united you know right that's right yeah with uh you also have martinez oh guys who is it a goal scorer and by i talked to him yeah and he doesn't speak much english so it had to go through a translator uh but i made him i mean laughed a couple times nice there you go it was an interview for sea geek out there i went out there because he became the main ticketer for mls and uh we got there and everybody i was talking to for sea geek uh none of them spoke english wow so it was hey i spoke to four or five different translators and then tim howard came through at the end of the day full uniform on stop by just to talk to me he said it was very nice for him he probably said that to everybody but uh he was awesome he laughed he whistled he had a lot of energy and i feel like we played bop it you know great game bop it is a great way to yeah you can't speak the same language like let's go ahead and get everybody kind of gets it he was electrifying he's player now kanye's living in his stadium they're shooting up lights like the pope has been uh decided upon or whatever donda might be coming out soon but get messy on the atlanta united they'll be filling up that sphincter stadium like yes kanye's house if you don't have to pay the transfer i'm not sure if you do if there's no transfer fee another team could just pay messy absurd well that's what we're saying the portland timbers yeah exactly the seattle sounders by the way crew maybe hey there's a stadium toronto fc oh could you imagine when messi's playing in the mls we're winning the copa the concave and the europes and the world cup oh my god the soccer community's gonna throw a fit shout out you're being an mls expert josef martinez scored two goals yesterday for atlanta united you know it hey you should see him play bop it dude did he play with his feet or his hands i don't remember he was i think somebody did use their who else there's uh um yeah mohammed um i think the guy for seattle was i said cinnamon dempsey no quintups he was not he was like the mvp of the league i think it was pretty interesting these translators too did not deliver my questions in the fashion that i it actually turned into me question and then their delivery yeah yeah i need a little bit more energy whenever you ask that question and then all of a sudden the person now is understanding what i'm saying so they're we had quite an interesting thing but uh we're soccer experts and america's about to be the greatest that's awesome i can't believe messi's gonna be in the mls let's go it's great just like wayne rooney yeah just like david beckham ibrahimovic just like all the greats have done messi's coming to the mls christian is probably not far behind i mean say hello to the new world power and soccer that's us uh speaking of soccer expert out of ohio ladies and gentlemen aj hawk aj nice shirt now we know why what's up i do appreciate the fact that you go hey actually first off i forgot i didn't mean to cut you off but congratulations walt anderson 68 years young 68 is the new 25 the dude is gonna kill it congrats to walt and his family i hope uh riveron gets a good gig maybe with a network afterwards so good luck walt i can't wait to see you in action hopefully tonight hey thank you aj good boy aj you're a hero man thank you you're a hero for that you're a good us steward of the game you know what i mean you were you're very nice to say things like that especially to somebody that has committed five decades of their life to nfl football which walt anderson has done i mean it is fascinating how this man has committed so much of his time to the game and to the league to make it what it is and we appreciate walt for that i mean don't we yeah yeah thank you walt we appreciate walt for that but i think there is still time for walt to look commish right in the eyes and say hey i ain't the right guy to do this you know what i mean i i think walt could potentially say and maybe maybe walt's tryout audition like robert griffin the thirds was better than they've ever seen before now that would mean he would have to be better than alberto riveron which is going to be tough that's going to be tough to do but also blandino back there i think pereira you know so maybe they love what walt is potentially going to be but aj this is a bad decision especially on hall of fame game day like what do we even how does this happen how does this happen aj you came in here pandering obviously to walt anderson's family which i'm assuming he's a good guy me over but i'm assuming he's a good guy okay i bet that's the case how is this the decision that is made aj well okay give me some other options who else would you want to have this gig you any x player well this is just like though any time a coach gets hired to be a head coach somewhere and i was like oh terrible job like all right will you please tell me who i should hire or if you're saying hey you need to fire this coach yeah maybe but can you give me a list of candidates that will be better than this person hey here we go here's an empty sheet of paper all right this is a better candidate i i wish they would have just kept like a a a three-man like a maybe a rotating thing it's just what now walt's gonna be great okay he has seen every situation he remembers back when the nfl you know players were working on the side not just full-time he's been around a long time okay i i think he came in the league in 96 i don't know if guys had side gigs back then well i don't believe you it felt more like 76 with the way he was calling games in the 2000s okay so i just think there had to have any x player how come there isn't like x players for instance should be the ones that they are putting a pipeline into officiating for there's there's already an issue with x players going potentially broke or post football insurance situation like what life is after the league i don't know why that isn't something and now granted refs are not going to be happy to hear that because there's people that commit their lives to high school officiating and and peewee officiating to get college officiating get to a big conference and get to the nfl i understand that there is a pipeline but i don't fully understand why we're not just teaching x players that are maybe in their 40s 30s guys that maybe love the game are great at the game but can't do anything like let's just let's get them in there and especially in a position that technology is going to be used why wouldn't you want somebody that is much more comfortable with the technology in a position where you're going to have to utilize technology for a large portion of your job i just maybe waltz maybe walt's driving you know no look maybe he's he went from t9 into the full keyboard in a beautiful fashion and he's on he maybe he's a big time gamer and everything like that but i think that's a big part of the job and i just don't i don't know man i mean maybe so like if let's say that the nfl pr team puts out a video of walt on his twitch stream tonight playing against billy too does that make you feel better much better 100 much better because there's a lot of other things get on it you know they're watching they should get on it then get get out in front of this thing get people on walt's side then you know there's other things that that person has to do other than just the reviews right you know what i mean there's a lot of other things and what will probably be great at that because what does the job entail do we know like everything that is that is in the job description so you know every week there's that position uh penalty of uh how do they describe it what is it what they're enforcing the uh point of emphasis point of emphasis there it is so every week there's the point of emphasis i think the standard protocols of games i i think they have to are they scheduling as well i'm not here i'm saying short or the right i mean what all do they i'm not 100 sure if it's just review things if walt was brought in just to review things we're all going to see exactly how he does i guess yeah we're all going to see exactly how it does and we're all probably going to say everyone i guess everybody else but now we got that new hawkeye technology aj hawkeye we got that new hawkeye technology i think if it's anything like what the xfl had where they had what seemed to be gamers utilizing it who also knew football there's probably some madden players that exactly like you could teach them the rules that they could maybe even zoom in have you ever seen these gamer for instance we had faxento in here all right his name is bryce faccento right that's his name he's a coach right now for a call of duty team he was a professional call of duty player him utilizing the call of duty player with his two thumbs it looked like he was an actual human he hit running jumping cutting he was jumping over people's heads stabbing him then zooming in somehow and getting a replay of that and then backing out of it then throwing their gun maybe maybe even kicking him while he walks by and then he was just off and running i tried to do the thing it's like a herky jerky thing it's just there has to be somebody better to handle the brand new technology than well i might be wrong i hope i'm wrong because i am in favor of challenges and review systems but it feels like we're going to continue just to this up every single year and it might be because commissioner doesn't want reviews to happen anymore so maybe it's like hey let's make them so bad and so terrible that people don't want to do it so we can go back old school maybe that's the case i'm not harming short i don't get this at all that'd be a great way to speed up the game but if it's not a player what about a coach like can a former coach not go in there and at least give out they can't work technology have you ever seen a coach try to turn a computer no not even not even worth the technology just sit next to him and be like okay hey that's what i assume yeah like when pat said former players i would assume they'd have them as like consultants like in the room like hey and walk and say hey what do you guys see in here what do you think and you bounce ideas off each other yeah so perry i think he was a coach at one point and now he is in it as well so coaches are represented in there refs are represented in there but players aren't represented in there and i don't understand how or why that is the case um but i just oh for instance i feel like i'm super positive about refs by like i just want them to be treated like everybody else they are a massive part of the game i actually think they should have pro bowl votes yeah i i i think ref should have pro bowl votes they're on the field they're in the game but they are such a big part of the game like we have to make sure that they're good like like it is i got a lot of respect i can never do it but let's just all right let's move along thanks that was wait did you like that you like doing 15 minutes there i was trying to talk to you about something else and you said i was trying to i was trying to move on from it you just kept going because i know it triggered sure hey how are you by the way did you watch these sons of throwing those 16 pound rocks last night hey so somebody all of a sudden gets on the bandwagon huh after you just trash them on the air drinking whoa i see you under them what did you and nick text each other last night and say hey what's up same take on this thing because nick sent me a text immediately i saw you tweet something uh cronwell's going down oh he's killing the whatever you talking about it's crazy i was like oh okay yeah of course because the guys win the gold now pat's on the side listen ryan krauser is a powerhouse all right krazer throws this rock further than anybody in the history of throwing this rock this rock has been thrown for thousands of years there's a texas cowboy who looks like he just got out of a professional wrestling match after throwing these things he was taking the tape off greatest of all time most explosive human of all time i was pumped for him and kovacs i believe him and kovacs to americans gold and silver how you doing keep it moving while i was watching it though they're tanks these dudes oh yeah these dudes are tanks and they're the olympic testing thing right what's that usada or whatever they can't be on i don't know how these dudes are as explosive as they are without taking anything they look like they're power lifters olympic lifters they're obviously very explosive i just don't understand why nobody told krauser hey get in a three-point stance go tackle the goddamn quarterback you know i don't i don't know how this is what this guy krauser i think he gets his hands on you you're i mean he's oh yeah very athletic too he's spinning around i'm like how is this guy not a tackle especially in texas what happened i appreciate that he's he's got to have great feet you know like a lot of times you saw you see a big dude when someone thinks oh that guy could be a starting tackle and he has awful feet and can't walk you know this guy has great feet already so that's one of the biggest things do you see him spinning yesterday he never he never gets a penalty either they say he gets better and better every single throw and then to keep up with him all these other i still do not completely understand why shaw puts a thing all right i'm just going to say it watching it last night when krauser stepped in there it was electrifying okay and when kovacs got in there it was awesome looking at these yoked guys and being how are you doing that without taking any sauce i mean there are zero zoo out there you remember do you remember marion jones oh yeah the sprinter but her husband at the time ex-husband now he was a shot putter he ended up getting busted too she got busted for a big ped scandal but that he did later but he is you want to talk about a tank the dude is impressed he's listed at six seven three twenty is chrysler chrysler and there's and i'm looking at his wikipedia there is no mention of football anywhere in his life so maybe he and by the way congrats krauser i mean greatest of all time grace of all time oh he comes from a family of throwers yeah i think his grandpa was in there as well they talked about it and i have hey greatest of all time the chrysler family all right and kovacs i believe what it broke some record too before trouser broke four or five of them himself in consecutive throws he broke records i guess this guy a big old covet cowboy hat on the american flag he looked like he literally looked like a guy getting out of like a fight or a football game afterwards and he lost his hat on his first one broke the olympic record through it further than anybody else wild hats on his face i mean it's unbelievable but i have no idea how nobody had this guy line up with his left foot a little bit further back than his right foot and then just hey just all we need you to do is just get to a spot and then use the he's the most explosive person the olympic sport of being explosive has ever seen he had to have been able to put those hands on oh yeah i i just but i should invite him to camp like i think a head coach the nfl should invite him to camp i think it all did did he really well no not really but i think bill's in the works him and ernie are thinking about bringing him in hey there was a time there in the nfl colts in particular where they were scout no stone left unturned basically for an athlete if we could potentially teach them a couple things maybe they can be a contributor on our team it might be a two to three year process like that was something that was being talked about in our locker room i don't know about other where other places we had a i think a shot putter from new zealand or australia that came in for a workout warmed up so long was dead tired by the time the workout started and the workout is just like they're trying to kill you in those workouts it's just like a conditioning test basically so he didn't work out but can we get krauser on the line bengals should call krazzer right now now for allegedly joey burroughs knows comfortable he'll get there though everybody's kind of turned her back on joey burrows ability don't forget he is an absolute stud he will find it but i enjoyed watching that last night also i mean our four by one team i mean man hey they said it was going to be a problem going into the race they said the exchange passing that baton around for the american team has been a little bit of an achilles heel and everybody else seemed to have that thing perfect but we had a little a little bad exchange in there we didn't carter lewis jumped out didn't carl lewis give a hot take away it's good to get carl's opinion on it oh carl's uh he's like a straight you know by the book well carl carl is a a firestore right every time he does anything what is i mean i can't even i know he has no than that one of the worst national anthems of all time yeah man oh that's him yeah okay so that's what i remember the name from i mean he won he was terrible he won nine olympic gold yes he was also she's a stud so let's i mean let's not just remember him for singing maybe right what'd he say she basically said they were no better than an aau team well they weren't geez is hey you team sleeping on cardboard box beds carl and also somebody i read somebody's uh somebody put a comment on some instagram post that basically said the u.s team got there late maybe like with only five days before they didn't have time to actually settle in they're jet lag still yeah that's basically that's what the comment came from and it was from an olympian i don't know which i don't know what olympian it was so i don't remember if it was the sprinters or if you go in at different times but you're all there at the opening ceremony how does that work out i'm 100 sure but you know the olympics have not lost their fastball just know that title after watching last night skateboarding was incredible too you you said you were loving the skateboard no no i didn't i did you know flip on kaiser for a little bit but uh yeah i am burned out on the olympics we still got the finals in basketball which again you can't watch it so it doesn't matter and then uh you know baseball we do have a gold medal opportunity so i'm still kind of hanging around but i'm just about done okay so last night's coverage of krauser was also happening at the same time as some running events were and krauser was about to go but the race like the moment we're we're all we're just forced to watch a race in the after moment to like see like what the times were they cut away because they thought krauser was going to be up and then krauser wasn't up actually he was just kind of walking around and then they had to go back to the thing i think that was the type of thing that potentially hit people have been judging mbc for in like the gold medal game like that will be tough to find that'll be a tough game to find but just like we said whenever we lost to nigeria and australia early hey the boys are going to figure it out yeah all right uh papa fitz is going to get them running a little motion weave little operation how you doing keep it moving we'll play this game we're going to win a gold medal we're back all right kevin durant and dame said our generation is going to win everybody's talking about our generation that ain't going to happen we're going to win this thing but we ain't going to be able to watch it oh handball have you seen one game on television no no only replays how come here i saw i saw the girl from ohio won the gold in the pole vault though yeah i didn't see that northeast from northeast ohio i saw gonzo tweeted at her to congratulate oh no oh man so show them that that's why they didn't show it anymore so she was celebrating and she was pumped up and then she looked at her mentions yeah exactly and then all of a sudden there was a lot of a lot of attacks at gonzo in there probably you're with gonzo i bet your guns are probably starting to follow up dm like hey sorry about how toxic the celebration did you i didn't know i thought they would like you because you won gold but i apparently oh hey i waited to talk about this until you got on i was excited for this and also chris long we had a great long conversation with him earlier but the um do you see jimmy graham jimmy graham i believe shares the same opinion that a lot of people have uh that maybe two people that are on the screen have that he hates the flba jimmy graham's like hey this is a this is a shitty operation whatever you guys got going seems like you're not really looking out for all the players just some of the players a lot of the decisions seem to be a bit selfish you're making deals that don't make any sense for anybody except for yourselves and some players have seen the head of this at four different events and one day at super in four different suits that had to have cost a few thousand dollars what the is going on over there so there are some people that view that that way jimmy graham now with the vaccination protocol situation puts out a tweet that is basically the nflpa's memo to either the nfl or to all the players it is wild what's going on behind the scenes right now we knew the vaccination um protocols were going to be a massive ordeal with how a locker room operates there are many different ideas many different views there are people that are very firm in their stance and a lot of things because guess what they've had a lot of success being stubborn in their ways and thinking the way they do for whatever reason or however they think the way they do and once i heard the stats that it was 27 teams were above 90 percent and then eight teams were above 95 or something like that and the 85 whatever the case was i thought oh this is all getting figured out jimmy graham said i was basically forced into getting the vaccine now i'm just confused and the entire memo says that kovid can only uh be spread to a couple people where this delta variant can go to nine people and it's like well then what did we learn about covet 19 that we don't know about delta delta plus lambda or any other one that is potentially going to join the fraternity party that's happening this is going to be a situation aj i think it's going to continue to be a situation especially what's going on in minnesota with uh zimmer saying something and then harrison smith saying something about how kirk cousins is going they cam newton said it's two pers there's personal stuff here there's a lot of big names and there's going to be this is going to continue this is going to continue aj i mean yeah it's only going to get magnified i feel like didn't we talk yesterday on the show or a couple days ago about if you're vaccinated you get tested once a week other people it's more now didn't they already switch that and saying they're doing daily testing now for vaccinated players so the nfl pa is asking for it because the nfl pa has to take the stance of health and safety is priority do you think the vaccinated players want to be tested every day well no no no that's why that is that is kind of what jimmy graham was originally alluding to i think he said i feel like i'm being punished even more now i did what they told me to do and now that fines are bigger now i'm being forced into doing more things it's harder this year than it was last year how is that even a thing whenever we're in a different time but i don't know enough to know if we are in a different diameter because there's a lot of we're going to get treaded on cheddar back on sometime not just tread or too i fear aj the things that are making its way into my timeline should not be doing what it's doing no no no no nope mr mystery we're going back no why do you think i sat here and tried to pump the brakes when you guys probably for the last eight months you were traveling around the globe [Music] lewis hey aj here's your championship belt no no hey here's your championship belt for being such a hero aj yeah we'll ship it in there won't work yeah i put this in and overnight he needs it i wish i could get this to you right now now that you're the champion of pandering pal i mean you want to cancel you want them to wear what flags you don't want them to tackle each other too aj said the hall of fame no basically this guy's been traveling around the country for the last 12 months while we've all been bunker dom well that's because we got the bunker mentality yeah yeah that doesn't but i think what jimmy graham was saying was that don't change anything this doesn't even mean anything the hell did we do that lost it's fastball oh man just wants to fly well jimmy does take to disguise and i don't know if he smokes dope or not but he does fly actual planes and and the thing about uh jimmy wait what's what's the dope part about well you take that i take the disguise in a different fashion than you and jimmy graham do you know yeah you know when you're not flying the plane of course more like a hot air balloon no i'm talking i'm in the sky a lot more than you ever are dude all right captain aj pilot i helicopter and does his aerobatics no i'm just saying there's two different ways there's two different ways to take the disguise it gets sky high yeah you know what i mean you guys chew that oh you guys choose like the oh i can die and there's a lot of pressure and i can get sick doing this and who knows what's going to happen i just sit on my couch and take off basically which one uh all day everybody sure you fly ty goes to space though there's that third way you can do it yeah bomb gardener right outside the atmosphere boom which one does mitt choose oh don't worry about it lives in the space station yeah he's actually an astronaut yeah he doesn't choose yeah some people are some people fly planes you know and they can kind of get around you know like some people uh a little bit of a prop plane just kind of at night and then go to bed you know then there's obviously the smaller planes that you can kind of get on that do have a a jet and everything okay we're having a good time and then you get to the hawkers the falcons you go up the whole thing boeing and do the commercial and then you become a astronaut yeah that is just whenever you're you're just in a completely different planet than everybody else but you need those astronauts you know why because they're they're pushing the boundary a little bit right yeah they are that's right oh i did not know your lungs or brain could handle that particular amount of cannabis at one time yeah yeah i'm taking off going to mars dude where's elon that's mitt and that's uh we need some of we do we need some of this he said i hope he doesn't change he will he's gonna have to i think no man if mick comes down from space i don't know if we'll ever see the same myth that we do today you know right now he's kind of he's in neil armstrong yeah space yeah yeah yeah sure yeah so he's in like there he is yeah see i think he's i think he's gonna have to get the bomb garner yeah yeah of course okay at some point but at least get down to where the billionaires were come on i mean let's get down to the billionaires and then we need to get down to bomb gardner and then you can live right there hey because you're close to being passed out and falling out of something anyway you can see them on fridays for hammered down when everyone else is kind of like you know like you're in florida and mitt's like oh i can do whatever i want he's basically the rover that's going around mars just oh yeah right you can't you can't ask him any questions or else his brain will explode and then it's a completely different person all right let's get back on track with jimmy graham though he he is voicing an opinion i think that a lot of players are probably going to voice at this point and a lot of players that were don't you think a lot of players that were not huge fans of getting the vaccine obviously and then they're like okay well no i understand the situation i'm gonna get it and now you're changing the rules and protocols they're probably thinking like all right man what's next i could see somebody being so pissed off that is in the league walking into a team meeting having your coach in the nfl tell you you have to get vaccinated okay like hey i'm having it okay you need you to get vaccinated so that's the nfl telling you then you go home and you open an email and the nflpa is like hey also good news you're getting tested every single day still 6 a.m that's what we want because we're looking out for your health and safety and that player is like so the nfl is me and in their eyes by the way in their eyes i'm not saying the nfl is forcing me to do something and the nfl pa is forcing me now to do something that i did something to not have to do that is kind of uh there are these people even speaking for me because i'm a part of the association i'm a part of the union as well they seem to not be speaking for me who are they speaking for and uh at adam hodge says uh adam hodge says jimmy graham is vaccinated he's frustrated with the nfl being frustrated that he might still have to get tested every day and find if he misses one he's talking right now about the years of miscommunication with the nfl pa i'm about to go into week 17 playing for free too okay so i don't know what that means exactly that means he's yeah i i don't know what that he was saying he's gonna get fined so much that he's playing for free i thought it was because the extra game no it's just because he he didn't get a bump in salary but he added an extra game that's what it is oh oh like everybody else oh yeah 17th game yeah he was very in his thing he was talking about how there was no real conversation about the 17th game being added he talked about that which is a great first i sounds like remember that vote was only what 51 49 or 50 points something to 50 point something there's going to be it's going to become something i i just got to keep an eye on it i mean they're going to try to make this thing not be loud but if you've got some big ass named players that on a monday after the game are saying i'm not going in for a 6 am test all right and then they find them and then that player maybe misses the next day because that player might have a little bit of uh hey you in them which some players do have then they're going to find him again then what's going to happen a press conference is probably going to happen hey you just got fined blah blah blah yeah this is not good then the flp i mean it's there's a chance that the vaccination thing could become a full in the oh oh this is going to become something this is going to become something big now that the nflpa is potentially pushing against a lot of the players that are pissed off about what the nfl is doing oh no aj it might all happen huh it might all go down here but with the pa doing it like they can everything is going to be it's they're going to say this is for health and safety of course we didn't know about this delta variant and whatever else could come so they're going to test you every day so that's how they can i guess sit behind whatever decision they make because they have to sit on the side of health and safety so the nfl almost like this is once again taking those pills looking up on the ceiling seeing the chess board yeah okay roger goodell says uh yeah we'll push the vaccination all right that we won't have to do anything else and then also if the nflpa stands for anything that they say they do they will also they'll be the ones that'll say well we also need this this this we don't have to be the people that say that that'll make the nflpa do that and and roger goodell is tripping on those pills that uh beth harmon beth harmon was on he he saw the whole thing go and he ran the open sicilian and now the nfl vaccination thing is not what the players hate now the players are mad about what's happening with their own union i'm sure the negotiation next time around will be just as clean as they always have been yeah clean sleep for gadell i mean per usual and hopefully that does happen where some players saying you on a tuesday because that's great fodder but can you imagine the victory lap cole beasley's taking in buffalo right now are you kidding me he's probably walking around like what did i say didn't what he put out of like a oh a few no well and then on the first day of training camp he read a prepared statement yeah does he have a disc tape as well yeah he put out a couple of uh diss tracks on uh vaccinations i think he hit one more serious oh yeah i didn't believe it either by the way this is one of those things that i thought you toxic folks were trying to force me into listening to and then i listened to it i'm like well cole actually he went to work here on this yeah he he i mean it's not necessarily a message that everybody's gonna love there's gonna be a lot of people that are not happy about this but he invested in this and then mark cuban uh he also got involved in it and now cole i mean now we got zimmer kirk cousins and harrison smith on differing pages for this uh other places you know there's entire situations popping off and washing i mean it's just kid rock chimed in i don't know he did he said if the vaccine was the worst thing i've ever put in my body i probably would not have got it so i can't argue thank you bob so he did get it so he watched he watched mark slayers yeah yeah so he's telling people he went and got a couple big franks all beef franks some of that hungry relish mustard ketchup diet coke because i put on a few pounds stink i just don't trust it i've done my research really oh my god i have not watched it as scarlet you have to you have to my favorite movie right now okay so people you know hold on we put out the photo of me on that uh down on the thing and i said what what did they force me to watch they forced me to do this i don't like watching people jump off the high dive into like i don't you know what i mean like i i don't it's i've never enjoyed it it's something where physical injuries now in this entire world like i just get uncomfortable i think it's called tack i'm not 100 sure i was in class one time they said that i'm not sure if it's right where you feel like almost uncomfortable for somebody else or something like that and that was kind of how that whole thing yeah that's the photo right there so i'm watching the beginning of it and i'm like oh stink like fully committed though because he even hit like and in case you missed it post oh yeah after he had already been into war or whatever with everybody that was going completely against him which this is that world there is people that are like that uh and there are people that obviously this is going to continue to go for however long this is going to continue to go but i watched it in there man stink hey he went to work in there yeah i mean he jumped into that war he jumped into that war at least with some well thought out uh good i respect him being all in don't you like he was like hey let me just i'll just make something maybe middle middle of the road right you know no he said no i'm going to edit this i'm going to play multiple characters like it was impressive he was sitting on the toilet at one point i did see a lot of his thigh yeah oh yeah thank you you think he was really dumping oh yeah probably it's good yeah he's a method actor poops like five times a day with that chili too my research uh yeah yeah my buddy uh spencer habner i played with in green bay always like things like that he's like oh it makes my face warm and now like it makes sense to me like watching things that make you feel uncomfortable for the person i do a lot of i mean you did it to me down there in orlando with the first five minutes of us being around each other with that one video just secondhand embarrassment yeah that that might be checked but it's not embarrassment always it's i mean kind of i guess yeah but it's not embarrassment it's just like uncomfortable like cool you can't do it like watching dad get hurt it's like those type of injuries can't that always yeah i can't watch those but that's a different feeling that one's like a sick to my stomach true when i'm watching like uh which i don't like watching either i'm not like somebody that enjoys watching the uh like people get up yeah i'm not like the golf cart running people over uh people had there i could not watch it like oh my god is that an achilles they're busting out right there just i feel i feel like i feel the pain there's people in my life that don't obviously and they're the ones that forced me to watch stuff and aj followed suit immediately upon us yeah meeting each other i just was shocked i'm shocked at the sheltered life that you have lived that's all that's all i i got my blinders sean listen i got my blinders on all day every day just trying to whoop how we living oh you're outside of it off all right that's kind of just how it is you know what i mean yeah hey good hey we need everybody we need we need all all different kinds of uh opinions and and brains out there well see now that's an entire conversation in and of itself and i think that's that's something that uh me and chris long talked about a little bit people voicing their opinions about the league that i was very lucky to play in and witness and you obviously be a legend in and chris super bowl champion walter payton man of the year one year just watching people talk about the sport and how it happens and how it works and the business side in the league has been fascinating so what i'm saying is i'm not sure we need all types of opinions out there i think some that are just not right shouldn't be voiced but then who's who's i is it right or wrong and then that's an entire another conversation yeah keep going man well that's why i keep the explore this one keep going with it well that's the issue is that this is what i do normally so then i have to just keep the blind spot binders on it just get it yeah get out of it don't even start diving in there but the world right now there's a lot of that there should be a split i mean there should be there's the cable media and then there's the internet media two completely different things but under the same umbrella kind of like that olympic explanation with the justifications or whatever whatever the hell it's called the um disciplines yeah all right let's talk about some other stuff going on in the nfl before we have to get to a break two hours straight where we go 40 plus minutes without a break in the hour terrible radio just let everybody know that that's football that's football i think it's good i think you're right it's probably it's not the dumb analytics and how they tell you when you should break and all that to keep people around but i think people that are invested in the show like they are they like it like you're not going to just jump out of a conversation because it's time to go to break our stats say average watch time 41 minutes i have no idea why but i appreciate the out of you i don't know if you're at the beginning of your 41 minutes or the end of it right now if you're towards the end of it i understand you got sick of me talking too much i apologize we'll be back tomorrow probably doing the same thing but serious listeners we're uh doing the best of tomorrow yeah okay yep youtube best stuff tomorrow youtube will be live come on over seriously so tech was an issue tech was an issue aj i guess last week we because i have to get on a plane you know to head to wherever smackdown is which um this week's down in tampa bay we still have i believe we still have a lease on a house down there but antonio brown is living in it right now okay so you can't stop by or don't can yeah don't try to because he wins the lcd dicks at you if you uh okay he's a different man now he's come way way way out of that point of his life he thinks don't be a steelers fan and you know future results no no previous performance predicts i think it's something that's something in there that's some corporate something there really prepare you're preparing to fail pat they have like uh yeah it's prepared anyways he is in our house that we were in down there all right in the uh in the beach house and he was posting of him in the house while we still had the lease that we weren't allowed to get out of even though we needed to get out of so i believe the person that owns that house is getting two payments there so since we paid for it we said well we're gonna stop down for at least a day or two this upcoming month we were told we're not allowed to do it so i'm sure if we had some lawyers we could get in there but abs gonna love that house it is a beautiful house i'm pumped for him he posted on the internet of him working out in our pool it looks much cleaner than whenever we are down there new chemicals we see what's going on but i think we should i think we should look at this as a positive super bowl champion touchdown catcher antonio brown whole lot of money man who has you know at this point high standards on things same house as us i forgot my nail clippers in there he's found them probably i left uh did we leave a tv in here too that was taped to the goddamn no no yeah we we yeah we got that we got that place hey my bathroom had no uh i wonder antonio brown i wonder if he put on curtains or whatever my bathroom had uh no curtains oh yeah and we got in late the first time we were there flipped on the lights you know go to the bathroom i'm just looking out there's an entire town basically right there oh my god all right so had to hang towels up on that probably wasn't nice for the neighborhood but i enjoyed it good good luck to antonio brown with that house let's talk a little bit here about urban meyer announcing winners and losers during drills and special teams to everybody how do you feel about it this is changing the culture down there accountability let's go ahead and celebrate the wins and also allow people to understand who lost here although film might say something different happened might later yeah maybe maybe you're not able to tell who's the winner and who's the loser in some drills but what are your thoughts on this public announcement of success uh i think it's all right i think keeps everybody definitely dialed in on their toes all practice you know like when you if you know you have eight gassers after practice the whole practice it could be two and a half hours long it doesn't matter it's in the back of your mind you're always like all right yeah sure i just got done with inside run ten straight reps but i know we're running gases at the very end i feel like with this looming at all times where urban can just stop practice and do one-on-ones and then they announce that winners are losers like it keeps everybody on their toes so i don't know how they can are they going to make a rule that they can't do this because they they banned doing like oklahoma drill is it like this a way around it i think it it's it i think i saw a punt or a kick protection drill where it was uh somebody running it was like a one-on-one blocking drill like a lane drill i think yeah tebow was doing that yeah if i read it right and by the way that is a very difficult drill to get around professional athletes so the blocker should because of the constraints on the space that you have the blocker should win but there's a lot of times in film you watch and it's like oh you held the out of that person right there and it's actually like in the game there there would be actually uh no return 10 yard penalty from the where the ball was spotted and everything like that that was my biggest thing it was like they got to be very sure of themselves to just be announcing winners on the field there because that's a chaotic it's probably a pretty chaotic situation but i like these boosts in the atmosphere you know a celebration happening there's gonna be some players that hate it obviously there's gonna be some players that like it just like joe judge there's gonna be players who say i i ain't for the shit's here like i ain't doing this and there's gonna be some people that buy all the way in that's kind of like every single team there's gonna be plenty of players that don't like it but you're gonna wanna win you don't wanna be announced as a loser especially multiple times over and over what if you're just getting known as the guy that keeps getting beat in these one-on-ones and every media reporter and fan that has a phone with internet on it which is everywhere aj hawk just lost his third straight one-on-one you know in the announcement and it could be the thing where we would go into the film and we realized like no the dude was holding me the whole time and that and you get to film like hey my bad age actually you're three and oh not oh and three oh cool okay yeah we'll tell all the media people yeah but it's just to lighten the atmosphere i assume can bring that competitive edge we're gonna live on the edge that urban's trying to institute down there maybe it'll work who knows maybe joe judge will work maybe it won't maybe zimmer and kirk cousins will throw hands at each other who knows yes we're back in four minutes with more pat mcafee show thursday august 5th they just ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha he tried to kick each other they jumped right in the way of the propellers of a boat oh yeah yeah it gold medal i've been training my whole life for this there isn't another one of these for how many years three more years give me your outgo did you see simone's spin on the the beam and a couple tata toss oh we're going to win it all the guy that won from china his shoulders were full boulders he was the only one that looked like oh there's a jack olympic weightlifter right there but as those swimmers are sitting on that thing like this or whatever yeah if they train their entire lives to make that moment and then as it's waiting they just accidentally boom out disqualified yeah the commentators in all the sports i think okay we're good oh yeah not great you gotta explain to me what the going on this is the road games dude i watch judo okay i watch the abe family oh yeah sister and brother out of japan win back to back judo championships i have no idea how anybody scores in judo all right it was 0-0 and it went into a golden score situation and somehow she got a point she won she pinned her the whole celebration thing happened it was great then her brother comes out and he's going against somebody and he's just throwing them i don't know how they're getting points i have no clue what's going on he wins didn't smile one time he won it was just like yep this is what i do but handball is always one that we watch the world watches and goes how is this not massive in america it's high intensity it's high scoring there's incredible athletic plays both offensively and defensively there's big time you know acrobatic jumps and it's a great game well you're telling me that if lamar jackson patrick mahomes matthew stafford aaron rodgers josh allen josh allen rush russell wilson dak prescott you're telling me of the greatest athlete throwers that we have in the nfl were to put a team together they would win the olympics at handball never would have guessed that i will say this about the golf tournament watch out for the south koreans they dropped out of the open the british open because if they win the golf tournament or medal in the golf tournament they don't have to do military service for the next two years so i'm betting on them what is what is that are you kidding me has the rest of the golf world heard about this and maybe looked out for their friends that's what i was thinking hey let's let them out let's let them get a medal hey dude if it's a gimme gun just do a little rim job they're good guys do you like them though penalty go to war pack sorry bub how come r3 on three team is not the professor hot sauce it may be uh but a lot of people are blaming popovich and now there's rumors that popovich is actually trying to put in hey this is how we're going to win an international allegedly now who knows what i know i don't know anything it did look like they were running good fundamental basketball offense though on the other teams that i've watched it's not asked like how or why any of these sports or sports okay let's choose let's just watch them and enjoy them we're watching people who have dedicated their entire lives to a workout to a an event an activity 5 a.m wake-ups 4 a.m wake-ups ice tubs hot tubs hours blisters blood sweat tears dedication commitment missing of events for these things that we don't fully understand or see how or why they would do it and i just want us to appreciate the people that have done it and they're great [Music] welcome back welcome back to the pat mcavee show thursday august 5th today's sponsor is an investing app where you can buy stocks follow investors and share ideas i joined public and you can see my portfolio if you search for pat mcafee in the app here's why public is the best place to invest you can follow other users portfolios including myself shaq whoa tony hawk thousands more the app is free and you can start with as little as one dollar you can buy slicings or portions of a stock versus full shares they don't sell your data or information to third parties or market makers like those other stupid investments you get a free slice of stock when you go to public dot com forward slash pat mcfee to download the public app get started today and make sure to follow me on there and see who i think is an alien running a company who's probably going to always yell leo leo leodilly in the end it's not investment advice i'm just telling you what you can do is follow me as i follow aliens hopefully to the promised land in the stock market this is not investment advice valid for u.s residents 18 plus subject to account approval see public dot com forward slash disclosures this is once again non-investment advice okay once again make sure you go to to get free stock slice and let's go ahead and make some money ah down here with our friends in public with our big brains welcome back to the show only have a couple minutes left here before hour one wraps up um there's a lot of interesting things going on let's let's run the bases real quick around the nfc north let's go to green bay wisconsin aaron rodgers just threw a ball 55 yards into a bucket that is the size i think of a basketball hoop it was unbelievable it was something that from the angle that they shot it at on their social media it looks like he's throwing it 95 yards in this whole tire thing takes a good pass set slings it up into the air and the equipment manager right next door says are you kidding me the people of green bay lose their mind as did the internet this is another incredible throw seen by aaron rodgers on the internet the last one was at lake tahoe where he threw it 175 yards to a drunk man who dropped it on a pontoon boat aj aaron's playing great football is this off season gone the same way his last offseason with his training and everything like that or has he just kind of dialed in i mean it seems like he's dialed in mentally physically i've seen him do that a bunch of times it's so tough to make that throw it you're right it's basically the size of maybe a little bigger than a basketball hoop it was great to see you mentioned the manager tim odey was the guy there who's always there catching it he knows what to lay off like it's this one's going in also once it came out of the net odie fires that thing back too ody's got a gun on him and wears gloves you see i think he is that a knee brace he has down around his ankle give the knee a break yeah he's had a lot of injuries over the years there he's been there a while well odie he's been a packer for 30 years at this point yeah he's been there done that scene everything it's like the equipment managers for the indianapolis colts when they bounce around training camp our guy frog has caught passes from peyton manning andrew luck matt hasselbeck charlie whitehurst uh at this point carson wentz like they are there and they're at the combine too so anybody that's ever been to the combine there's the backbone of the teams are around for so much longer than the players are but they're good folks out there aaron's ballin though is he have you talked to him is he happy to be at training camp he said he was all in to uh james jones does that seem to be the case any updates over there i don't have any updates for you no this guy saw him all the video and photos that show you yeah you might want to be scared of the packers this year aaron seems to be smiling a lot having a lot of fun and then as you see in this clip it seems to be pretty accurate too i saw i saw him and kurt benkert and jordan love having a good conversation a couple laughs in the middle of practice he's been dancing around laughing he's talking to goody there's a picture of he and goody talking says they're working on the relationship why huh aaron said that aaron's bigger man than i am they should have gotten a fake fight out there they knew people were watching they should have gotten a fake fight started rolling on the ground bro give us a joe judge one time yes please come on dude that'd be awesome just throw hands horrified what if they lock up what if they oh all right head rock all right we'll fly all right you throw me off i come back i'll slap you right in the mouth what if that's gonna be hard it's gonna be hard hey no sell it though all right you're making so i'm gonna smell you hey just know so hard and then we'll kind of see what happens there it'll probably be a little bit of a scrum and it'll wrap up and then we'll go our separate ways then we'll do a press conference after ha ha ha we did it that whole thing that'd be a blast that would be awesome i don't know how far away they are from that you got to have a lot of trust in each other to do that because what if aaron comes off the ropes after the headlock after guilty throws him and he actually crow hops right hook breaks his nose yeah we i thought it was hurt that was the plan mr q hour three on the other side aj we're gonna go to the five hour energy phone lines what are you expecting to hear from somebody on the phone oh man some unbelievable questions hopefully they're they're out there and they're itching and waiting and mit is just dialing them up one eight three three four mcafee you can get on the five hour energy phone line hour three is in six minutes we'll see you then [Music] how are you i'm roman a men's health brand that can dance very well and make you the best you possible are you suffering from male pattern baldness we've got something for that herpes see ya premature ejaculation job no more coming too quick allergies as well and that's not all we have clinically tested supplements for everything including erectile dysfunction come on bye bye get forward slash pat be the best you possible he walks all the way up oh oh oh holy this is not the one that i saw oh good oh my god can we go back to the beginning please listen go back to the beginning this guy pause pause pause pause pause pause that guy was sitting one section over and this blue polo shirt wearing son of a who's here with his friend by the way right here they're just having a good old day at the ballpark old buddy in the glasses back here oh this has been fun look at this guy up here with the and the wife is maybe the the wife and the guy up there they're kind of intrigued to see what's going on padres guys said hey listen i've been locked in my house for 13 months i'm gonna come to a ball game and you're gonna say dumb i don't think so pal he walks over what 45 yards casually eyes ready to go not fist ready to go though just outside no calm what you got problem pal people smiling down here they know something's about to happen we got a camera out we'd like to see the alternate angle from this particular person but what a moment here we beat covid we are back old buddy here needs to watch out for right hooks buckled what he said what and then he gets tackled by everybody else back pedals everybody watches this happen what a mo jeez what he says what dude what what damn oh my what was said by who hey as we get back into society let's remember [Music] people will punch you in the [Music] mouth i was on a team that was very bad at football we almost were completely defeated until dan orlowski showed up and got two big wins we ended up almost losing the luck pick because dan orlovsky um everybody thinks they're going to get fired every player thinks they're going to get cut every coach thinks it's not they're going to get fired they try to pawn blame off on other uh positional groups if it's linebackers like we did our job d-line can't do anything can't stop there's a lot of that chatter but it's a miserable existence i mean it's just the way it is that's why you have to have so much respect for a player like joe thomas who played a perennial all-pro career in a situation that was so negative and so terrible i think if joe thomas got a chance in his knees let him experience a winning organization i couldn't even fathom what joe thomas would have thought i mean life is just much better whenever you win when you win food tastes better drinks taste better sex feels better everything is better when you win winning cures all they say that's not just in the building and for a football team that's in your life everything is just better when you win and when you lose especially when you're talking about some of the most competitive humans on earth it is a nightmare you got a lot of people trying to jump off the ship you have a lot of people trying to figure it out and whenever you're in a situation like that it's just a full-blown nightmare for everybody you gotta think when you get to the nfl let's assume that the humans that make to the nfl have had a lot of success through their lives high school football probably one good player a guy who's going to make the nfl can lead a team to success in college if you have a couple good players that can make the nfl and make it to the dolphins even though the dolphins think you're still going to make the nfl let's assume that team has had success so then you get to a completely unsuccessful operation a completely defeated operation and then it's like man this is a whole new life for us i never forget i had a coach special teams coach um i won't say his name because this is a terrible thing to say as a coach we lost the game we lost the game it was it was back in the first regime we're a good team we lost the game and everybody was moping you know like people were not happy that we lost the game the next day he was you guys just haven't lost enough that's what he said everybody looked at him i was like hey yeah yeah no crap what are you talking about dude yeah this is a winningest decade in nfl history here yeah you haven't lost enough it's like you've lost too much maybe are you just comfortable at this point and that's whenever it can get a little scary whenever people are just comfortable just getting their asses kicked every week that could be a problem that's when the culture is probably a lost cause that's when the locker room's too worried about playing dice or playing uh boo-ray or some anything else like that when that starts happening after losses then you know you're in a bad spot and i would assume that's not happening at the dolphins especially under ryan fitzpatrick's watch but maybe it is i don't know but that that is a miserable existence i i am not a fan of that [Music] the pat mcafee show there will be no rules for our guests for us for the things we can talk about speaking his mind i've never had a problem expressing my opinions or my thoughts or anything like that while being relatable i haven't had that manufactured fake ass celebrity that a lot of people have whenever they go on those big networks i've had a chance to really build my crew build my following build my audience and ridiculous what am i supposed to do so i'm supposed to look at something that i can definitely afford and say is that what i'm supposed to do the pat mcafee show starts in three three two one welcome back to that show hour three on this thursday august 5th with a college football champion and a super bowl champion aj hawk begins right now aj did we learn anything during the break that needs to be talked about here to lead off hour three uh absolutely not i don't know if there's a leading question or what but no i did not learn anything okay we did we did learn something so earlier in the show when gumpy our footy handicap handicapping aficionado uh our soccer die hard fan came in here and there was a little bit of a ripple of a news that once we were told that leo messi was going back to barcelona it was a done deal and the rest of the league was going to pay for it we were actually lied to because today it was leaked earlier that leo messi's situation has gotten super messy oh no somehow some way now barcelona has confirmed messi who has been a member of the barcelona soccer club since he was 13 years old 21 years at this place god yeah it was a fish it made official old messi will not continue at barcelona after just a couple weeks ago we were told that he was going to be at barcelona he was only becoming a free agent to resign with barcelona and here we are best player on earth alongside cristiano ronaldo uh is potentially coming to the mls and this is something that we need not you know underestimate the impact this will have on the soccer world as we win the concave cup in the gold cup and then we're going to win the world cup and the europe's cup in the the the australian cup and the champions the the super league cup when we win all this it's going to be tough for the rest of the world to continue to talk down upon us about not understanding a beautiful game messi's coming to the mls is that what was confirmed today whenever it said he's leaving barcelona our soccer expert at blackout in the city anything is a possibility at this point after you left barcelona uh fabrizio romano has updated his tweet about a messy situation with an emoji red alarm like a hockey goal was scored hashtag messy official statement despite having reached an agreement between bartha and leo messi and with the clear intention of both parties to sign a new contract today it would not be possible to formalize due to economic and structural obstacles parenthesis spanish la liga regulations oh my god the entire league is kicking leo messi out of spain this is unbelievable we will not do that in the united states whenever he's a part of the mls but they had an agreement in principle it sounds like and then day of it was no longer the same as it once was like it was pawn stars leo's at what's that mean for barcelona what's that mean for the soccer community as a whole will barcelona have to fold completely now that they lose the best player that they've ever had is this an aaron rodgers and green bay packers like leo messi and barcelona situation is that what's going on right now over there gumpy please enlighten us how the best player on earth is no longer going to be at the organization he has been with since he was 13 years old for 21 straight years barcelona debt is approaching 1 billion dollars whoa that's why the super league was being created to get them in real madrid out of debt they can't pay messi doesn't want to stay messy ronaldo gone la liga now is a farmer's league it stinks oh wow wow how do you get that much debt messi is going to go to psg really really with him they got the most money him and neymar loved playing together at barcelona it makes too much sense unless and i hope this doesn't happen man city his old coach guardiola from barcelona that could happen as well so leo's not going from barcelona to the portland timbers what stop it what about play what soccer talk hey this is big deal in the sports club come on thursday august 5th aj how long have you been how long have you been pronouncing it i get i assume that's the proper how do you pronounce pronunciation right yeah of course unless you want to be an i've been there for years now dude yeah sorry i'm cultured okay i usually just don't you normally don't use it 14 times per sentence though what we don't normally talk about bartholomew listen i have people normally i just can't even do the list what are you talking about he's what he taught me it's barcelona i've been to barcelona i've been to barcelona too by the way that trump yeah oh my god did you go to a barcelona game have you ever been to barcelona i didn't get to go to bartolona game but i did get to see the church right the middle of downtown down there they've been in construction for like 200 300 years it is beautiful yeah have you ever been to barcelona i i have uh no i've never been there but i did i do know a group of guys that watched a guy get married in a place where george washington was okay so that is cool i would like to say that that is cool because we are the group of guys that did that and ty is the guy that got married yeah depending upon what part of america you're in in the language that is spoken there but in spain it's bartholomew yeah yeah yeah that's what we're trying to run always is there any chance he's coming to miami beckham's new team oh she's an leo's of that team oh i don't know kansas city pat mahomes has a stake in the kansas city team right he does casey is very similar to bartholomew hey and leo with that dog that he has that he juggles over in his backyard the barbecue that dog could eat in kansas city come on leo come on over forget barthelona forget barcelona forget all the euros forget them all come on over to the mls the best league in town come on how much would the mls have to pay him per year so beckham was getting what like a million dollars a day there for like four years or something like that yeah it was every second he was making a certain amount of money i remember when his first deal was signed out of manchester united over to uh the la galaxy or whatever in the the the entire mls i think they leveraged all of their cash like what you were going to say about la liga for messi they all chipped in for that because he was gonna you know he was the biggest star on earth at the time not just in soccer but in life i think as well and uh he came over and i'll tell you what i did watch some galaxy hey when he was taking a free kick i was like hey let me watch this guy bend it like himself yeah how did he how did he play honestly like did he dominate yes early he did very very well he was scoring from midfield everything that he was get brought over for he was a big leg he was a great free kick taker incredibly attractive he played an electrifying style of soccer and when he was on the ball normally it was a goal scoring opportunity so he was like the guy and people did watch it was big for the mls ibrahimovic i would say is that the exact same had a similar effect and now our league will never ever ever be the mls will never ever ever be able to sniff the nfl no okay and i i don't think that should be held against the mls at all by the way because no other sport no other sport in america can well and just wait until roger goodell does his little hey you guys are going to learn about football at a young age here and you're going to become fans of our sport instead of your sport yep that's going to start happening i think as the years continue to go i'm not saying soccer will ever lose its world love but i think american football is going to continue to grow and i think that like the nfl sees that after signing a 110 billion dollar deal already they see oh there's an entire hemisphere we haven't even really tapped into yet i i assume that'll continue to go so maybe the nfl will be in a situation over there and they are currently in that over there with their champions premier league and everything like that in our viewership but the mls will always be that over here but we get a couple stars over here i mean thierry or re came over and scored a bunch of goals how come rude van nistle roy never came over to the mls that's kind of rude no what's that all about kind of before his time though yeah you know what i mean he was mls was still kind of like whoa before watch out before beckham pre beckham mls yeah roy could have been uh could have been to beckham by the way oh he does just hang out and score goals all right afraid of uh rude was afraid of lexi lawless yeah well lexi wallace did play a very physical style of soccer he was not scared to throw his weight around back here you know back in the day they have the greatest like penalty kicks it was like from like half field yeah you got a breakaway yeah my favorite thing i think first ever game for the mls was on primetime television they came out for the coin toss i think tony muyola said you wanna flip for it and get a backflip i think so that's awesome if i do recall how are we not the premier league in the world if that shit's going on i mean i will say i scored on terminal as like a seven or eight year old so that might have been okay yeah that makes more sense at the cons hot dog uh soccer camp uh-huh i got a free t-shirt too great photo for scoring on him good photo you we have seen the photo yeah uh i think everybody got a t-shirt okay i think i still have a pair of shorts i was signed by a bunch of people at that thing jay you're at this thing too i think so or maybe you were and i just have it some for some reason i have a pair of shorts that have a bunch of autographs on them no maybe yeah maybe we're in two different groups framed on your wallet no it is not jay tony if we have tony muriel assigned umbro shorts dude we need those things stat okay i'll see if i can find him again oh could you imagine a new studio with miloli umbrella shorts mls hall of fame is going to be calling for those things too yeah absolutely just some white umbrellas no i think they're black yellow like gold yellow oh autographs run by nah i don't remember the shorts at all but i do remember umbro shorts with the white umbrella just like the most basic thing they had a little split on the side of course the copa mundial shoes i mean those were the soccer days back in the day before the mls was the premier league in the world that's right if we get leo messi how come somebody can't make a run can we not just sell a couple teams and just get to go get leo messi over here i think he'll do two years at psg and then probably when he was gonna sign with man city because they're connected to there's zero chance of anybody in the mls signing leo messi right now but when he was gonna sign with man city there was a deal connected with new york city fc he'd do two years at man city and then go to new york city two years after that because they're they're together so the subject of him coming to the mls has already been broached before we just automatically assumed it was gonna happen yeah i think in two years him and cristiano come together same team go to miami give him a team let them just start their own team they have enough money by far yeah yeah but yeah and then just get a loan out or whatever don't be jackie moon exactly he's made a billion dollars on the field get the funk out of my face get the out of my face get the funk out of my face get the out of my face if you don't like my music you don't have to use it is all what if that's leo messi next year jackie moon in the mls why wouldn't he who stands down who says no not us who says no hey do do stars have to flop like does messi have to flop okay see now you're taking a shot at all of soccer and i messed up no no i'm saying i i equate it to like football when the defense has been on the field for 12 plays and a d-line and someone's like hey man go down coach wants you to go down and you know oh hamstring cramp or something and everyone gets a rest that's what i assume it is i think matt hasselbeck called it something when we were doing thursday night football crab or i forget what the name of it was it was the first time i had heard it in the football world do you guys just have a standard name for hey you need to fake like you're getting a cramp right now each team hd coordinator usually has like a term that they'll and usually designate somebody to to to go down i've seen it practiced before by the way i think you've seen it in practice no not in practice i've seen somebody practice what they were gonna do if it had to happen in the world practice it yeah yeah yeah in the locker room and i think that is how it was decided on who would do it actually this guy get him an academy award he makes it really smooth he doesn't even look like it's fake almost it's unbelievable i mean people are going to be suspicious when it happens but i think he's our best seller i think that guy's our absolute best seller ninja so i got it i got and they uh the full ah there's been a couple i mean there is you just can't get up and sprint up to the sideline once you finally get up yeah there's that happens in soccer i feel like a lot right that's like kind of your sports thing yeah it does happen from time to time does messi do that or no no messi usually gets hacked pretty bad because he's deaking around everybody is he quiet yeah yeah talk no doesn't feel like it but like he just won that coat but like that was the last thing he needed to do so maybe he's like it i'm done here i'm done here mls oh yeah anywhere here we go how how old is he 34. 34. yeah he's been there since he was 13. he's young that seems very young i'm 34 years old i'll tell you what i was playing a lot of soccer growing up imagine if i accidentally just ran into the message tournament or something like that oh that guy's much better than all of us here this is a good time that happened to uh freddie adoue showed up at one tournament my age did he punk you yeah well also oh yeah i mean he he uh i mean we we had a guy named mitch miner from upper st claire he was a big kid it was you know because at those ages when you're growing everybody's different sizes you know everybody's coming through different things and there's potential growth spurts that mo people we had a kid named mitch i think his name was he was a big kid big kid for our age but when freddie and duke came to town and we had to play against him we put mitch on freddie and do and it was like a uh that was an adult fight between those two i mean they were they were battling it out but he he would he was talking while shooting against us it was like god damn this guy is much better than everybody here people are saying that he wasn't necessarily our age i don't know the whole thing but yeah that that messy and uh accidentally running he's always been the best 13 years old he started with barcelona yeah he's been unbelievable forever when did he go um to the adult team was he like one of those teams 16 or 17. yeah 16 years old dude playing pros even going to school over there they just do the soccer so in soccer they do academy so you play for the team as an academy and you do your schooling at barcelona as well yeah i heard about that we got a chance to see the manchester united youth team was in a tournament we played in and talked to a couple of them over there and they talk about their schedule like they wake up uh we do conditioning we do soccer then we do class then we do lunch then we do soccer i think it's like it's kind of how it is why they dominate that's why golfers dominate that grow up in that system too in other countries yeah a little john though i think this uh john daly's kid and i don't know i think everybody knows this there are schools that are just like specialized i think it's img amg img academy down in florida kind of has that going on with all the sports where you just go in there and it's all ball or all whatever all day and then class like hey let's get you a ged basically but we're here to make money in the sports world i didn't get paid to do the class boom i'm getting paid to do the football fascinating also in europe i learned this from cesaro because i told cesaro that i didn't need to know anything about the olympics i know everything you know where is he from switzerland and he also i think he does all of the exercises that are in the olympics and he watches the show i think every once in a while or see some clips of us talking about the olympics and he goes he actually told me that we have to we have to talk about the olympics he basically pulled me aside he's like hey we have to i it felt like cesaro was like you you you sound like an idiot when you're speaking about that as he was delivering that to me and by the way me and sorry i think a pretty good relationship i'm a big fan of cesaro he is a very nice dude he is very cool so as he said that to me i kind of sensed the tone even though different part of the world english is not his first language i sense the tony who talks so i let him know i don't need to know anything from you all right so i started out a little bit of a thing we got into that whole thing the way and he was explaining to me all the things and i was very thankful for all the information and he did so you know sports are not at your school so you go to school and then you go join clubs so if when you're in school you do like uh shot putting in class and if you like it they tell you where the local club is and then they do these other workouts and these other things and he's out of speed walking or whatever the hell it is and it's not associated with that so you have to go to a club he said these clubs have like elementary school age people in for some things or junior high high school and all the way up to like 40 year olds that are still playing whatever sport it is like there's a there's club like soccer teams for like seniors i think it's called at some age they have they have the stadium they have lights they play at night and it's just like something they go to practice one thing and they've potentially been in that club their entire life and it's just like it's their job like if you're 40 doing that is that your profession no it's like a hobby of theirs like they just kind of like they just like there's always a men's league and your club will still play against the clubs that you played against whenever you were a kid and it's like cool yeah it is i agree i was like because i'm trying to buy uh trying to find pickup games of it's impossible to do you join these clubs it's like yeah we got stadiums we got refs we got leagues we got everything i'm like you gotta pay obviously but that's like a very cool thing for sport i think going forward that's what uh bjorn was talking about in germany when he was playing football in germany he would go to school and then like the only way to play football is you'd have to join a club with like all the kids from your county or whatever and i said awesome by the way i we i wish we picked up some clubs it'd be nice to go play some soccer yeah i'd love to imagine if we had a game like 7 30 tonight oh my god so much i asked cesaro i was like can i just move into your town and join your club he was like yeah yeah i was like all right sounds good i might do that for a year i guess i'm going to switch over i don't know how old i'm going to be and i can stay in shape but man it would be cool to join a club and be in uh i want to be on the ping pong team i don't know if they got that yeah i like to be on the the soccer team as well i think they have a full like lobby it's like an entire thing pick up like pickleball or something like that you know let's do a full year just competing against the entire switzerland country yeah start an oculus league i'm sure i'm one of those clubs oh yeah and i'm definitely doing shot football i'm pretty explosive uh-huh do they have shot put clubs for sure they do now because me and krazer are moving in hey he's unbelievable aj have you ever done the shot put i know i never did i ran track in first grade and i just did the running event and i would like to let kovacs know like hey probably unbelievable as well this is just like muhammad who's right behind sydney mclaughlin they both would have beat the world record but only one will get remembered for it because it happened in the same race they just so happened to be from the same state hey ty the only yeah i told you i still got it yeah i told you i saw that one that was great you know i mean where i need more of that less of the oh i can't find the goddamn events all right listen all right that's nbc not the athletes let's remember that we got to get to a break but we have to make an announcement we are announcing a winner you remember that bird dogs contest aj oh of course i do we're supposed to announce it yesterday but ran out of time on a serious show to do so yeah so i said i'm gonna do this tomorrow because i might be a serious listener that's one of them ladies and gentlemen the big winner of the giveaway from two weeks ago five free pairs of bird dogs ladies and gentlemen winning enough bird dogs to get you through your entire week to do zero laundry no underwear live your life in your best fashion shorts that work in the corporate setting in the weight room in the house on the show on the dock in the pool in a lake you get it everywhere the winner is joe weiner from ohio wow joey aj's burner j-o-e [Music] w-e-h-n-e-r joe wiener bird dogs will be sending you an email quick reminder bird dogs are great shorts ever worn perfect for the beach golf literally doing anything you can dress them up you can dress them down they're so comfortable uh you can now pre-order bird dog's newest product joggers with built-in underwear on their site these are going to go fast they probably are by the way through this office if i had to guess zito's probably ordered like five pairs already right now diggs is going to get on there quick and i might get into a jogger's winner this way are awesome i've never really been able to get into them uh because the cavs just you know what i mean of course restricted you know what i mean aj a little tight yeah it doesn't match with your crystalia tank top i don't even that cut how it's cut at the bottom he would always talk about like oh this is sweet i mean what is wrong what are you doing you're a real shot off prick aren't you come on scumbag how dare you saw that prick hey that's good hey you are unbelievable jack grubbish going to man city can you believe this that's jackie that's jackie bill that's jackie big cows hi can you go to who's promo code pat's ball boom you get a free bird dogs whistle tip football along with your pair of bird dogs the footballs are running out so get them while you can they are a must-have for your life that's promo code pat's ball to win one of those and congrats to joe weiner all right check out the shorts the pants and now the bird dogs joggers you will not take these things off you have an incredible talent i want to say it's not good all right it's not great that what you have but it is unbelievable the way you operate i won't let you know that you know i'm happy what do you i see things that i'm sorry i have good recall on certain things something doesn't trigger my mind it's incredible the certain things that you do have great recall on yeah we gotta get to a break we will hit the five-hour energy phone lines on the other side that's how we're going to wrap up this third hour congrats to leo messi and the mls getting the best player on earth yes this is awesome uh there's some kirk cousins stuff we're going to have to talk about as well there is a lot going on may have said and i'm not talking about in football or in lake minnetonka i'm talking about i watched a uh i watched one of their one of their beat reporters or writers do like a two-minute overview of what kirk said in his presser like standing in wherever they're practicing it was yeah it's gonna be i don't know kirk is in for a battle he is dug in huh yeah well i think it is gonna be uncomfortable to speak about because just like i talked about earlier with uh stink anytime somebody just goes ahead and knows what they're diving into i get uncomfortable but hey more power everybody out there do whatever the you want to do but let's make sure we can live life as well 225 here 220 6 now we'll see you at 2 30. this is the pat mcafee show here on siriusxm channel 18 mad dog switch right i think i've realized this year with the conversations you do seem to be a rather normal human which is very interesting right i assume for a lot of people to hear aj said no you're not a normal human but because all the stories about you before this year to be honest a lot of people the way they believed is you were the smug king almost is what the thing about it and then getting a chance to chat with you it's like well that's not the case at all how is that like something you have to focus on i assume it gets hard whenever you're hanging out with you know scott's staff is hanging aaron rodgers jerseys up in his goddamn office that has to be pretty weird well look i think that's interesting interesting thing to talk about i think a lot of times uh you know people have said things about me and it's been the same few people and that's been kind of the prevailing story or thing that's reflected on um i think for me you know i talked a lot about the work i did on myself it was nice and it wasn't intentional like i didn't sign the show to have like and you guys know we've talked about this off off there but there wasn't like some agenda doing this it was like talk to pat and aj every week yeah sounds pretty awesome but has been by the way that sounds amazing but what it's allowed me to do is i think silence saw the douchebags out there who were you know talking for me and making themselves more relevant by using my name or you know running with stories that were not really based in any type of fact and look i've grown as a person uh you know i've said things and done things that i wish i'd handled a little better but this was a great natural authentic like whatever whether it was 15 minutes of the stadium or 45 minutes to just like and have a conversation if you're a friend of mine if you know me i think this is about as normal as interaction you're going to see from me it's not a lot of bs you're not going to hear cliches and garbage i'm gonna you know shoot from the hip mostly tell you as much as i feel comfortable telling i feel like i've been as honest as i could be i've told you guys a lot of fun stuff it's fun for me because then i don't have to like maybe rehash it on a wednesday or people get to see a different side of you that maybe they didn't even know was there or didn't think was there and it's been it's been fun for me whatever they have i've appreciated every single week we've done these and like i said the best part is there was no agenda there was no plan i mean even us like we didn't know we were going to go like 10 minutes or 15 minutes or an hour like we just started talking right and then this this came out and it's been a lot of fun [Music] assume raj had to walk in there and do a full you know what i mean hey i'm we're coming we're bringing a big sports stooge thing over here is that okay yep deal perfect let's get some tea let's get the out of here how do you think that went between roger mclean you think she liked them yeah yeah i bet she liked them she probably knows a lot like what if she's sitting there and then all of a sudden sex so what about the sean watson situation what about the sean watson situation what about the sean watson situation spot on accident get that one out of the way what if she's really dialed in this is the pat mcafee show on siriusxm mad dog sports radio we thank you for taking the time to seek out this small regional show that streams internationally here's pat and the boys welcome back to that show a quick correction his name was not adam hodge okay he wasn't it was adam hoagy better really yeah he has to understand that i've seen that name spelled that way and it's pronounced hajj and there is other pronunciations in this room but adam hoagy was the man who gave us the information earlier we have to talk about what's going on with kirk cousins because i think kirk cousins isn't going to be the only one that we're going to have to talk about when it comes to this particular conversation piece which is old uncle kovet and all the protocols that are coming with the fraternity of covet coming into town delta delta plus lambda beta i believe also in alpha i believe uh uh you know tango no that's a different like that's a different phonetic language or whatever it is that's the pilot stuff we're talking about greeks whatever the case uh kurt cousins had a press conference today and this comes after a little bit of a interesting situation with mike zimmer yesterday saying that kirk cousins doesn't believe in protocols then harrison smith comes in afterwards and says kirk cousins is abiding by all the protocols or something like that this comes after a four-day miss of kirk cousins because of a close contact that is happening for the unvaccinated players the quarterback for the team was not able to be a training camp because of the protocols that have been put into place for vaccinated and non-vaccinated players and the the close contact in the testing was allegedly going to be much different for the vaccinated players than the unvaccinated or non-vaccinated players but now the nfl pa is saying no no no everybody's getting tested the exact same this is a big deal kirk cousins spoke about it today to basically defend himself kevin seifert seifert seifert uh is in minnesota he says kirk cousin said today he is at peace with his vaccination decision and pledged to be vigilant with protocols for unvaccinated players no sign he is reconsidering um despite there we go thank you missing four practices as a high risk close contact cousin said the issue with his exposure to kell and monde was that the qb room was too small actually i am checking with the nfl to see if that could be the case vikings quarterbacks have changed meeting rooms and cousin thinks that has eliminated that particular risk cousin said he has thought about surrounding himself with plexiglass in the quarterback room he was asked why he would go to such lengths when a vaccine would be far more effective and efficient he said the decision is personal and private that's the same exact answer that cam newton gave i wonder if there is a group text message or email that is currently happening with some of the players in the league with their opinions on this thing this is going to continue to go especially with the media every question now from the media maybe that isn't just a football maybe even just the football reporters every journalist is just going to ask about this because this is what the entire world is speaking about now it is coming all the way full circle back into the nfl with both sides being pissed off and that's the world right now it's insane it's an insane time to be alive aj we just gotta power through i guess yeah i mean i i have no idea what it looks like for the rest of the season i mean it's going to continue and people feel super strong on all sides like i don't know for kirk okay that dude is fighting an uphill battle no question about it but man he is dug in i guess and let's see like you did can he go the whole season you think and not get vaccinated he said i was thinking about building my own penalty box yeah i'll put plexiglass up i asked him if i hey can i get some plexiglass they told me it was all down there in that wintergreen ship they couldn't get it to me i couldn't i couldn't build i couldn't build the plex glass because they couldn't get the logistics right on the back end to give me that thing i was willing to do that why do you want to do all that that's private i am personal all right i'm at peace with my decision if he's gonna do this 140 tests now that might be similar for the vaccinated players as well if what the nflpa is pushing the nfl accepts and the nfl seems like they might accept that even though it's probably very pricey to test everybody so will the nfl do it even though the nflpa wants it who knows but what about week 10 week week eight even week nine week ten just like six am tests if you miss it it's a fifty thousand dollar fine close contact just in case you have to run test i mean there is they're gonna make it impossible not to but it sounds like kirk cousins and probably others by the way probably others are all the way like nah i am leaving probably definitely i mean there's definitely others we know that we just don't know who it is like other people i guess why did why is kirk i guess why did they continue to ask him about it because he was out and then because he he would let it be known that he wasn't going to get vaccinated if i die yeah i die that's what kirk cousins said last year whenever this whole thing came about then he got covered mispracticed the head coach is pissed off yeah so now it's going to be a thing regardless and there's a lot of reasons there kirk's going to have to fight that i think every single scrum media scrum he has what are you going to say i was going to say yeah hit the that die die and then him missing what however much practice if you start the season doesn't help it would be great if we had all our players zimmer thinking maybe he may be the most frustrated person on the planet right now like mike zimmer isn't known to be like a super over-the-top rick rosie guy he is a football dude who loves football and is respected by people in football but man like when he says he's just frustrated with everybody can you imagine that like hopefully this year doesn't deal with all this he might just walk away after the season like all right man i never i never planned on for coaching through anything like this this is like you know the veteran players are being told they're gonna have to run a couple hundreds and do push-ups as well and they're i'm out of here i'm not doing it zimmer like man there is four political wars happening at all times in our locker room right now there is zimmer old school guy i assume a lot of people are going to feel that way too about it but the great teams will be able to get through it somehow some way we'll be able to find out and that's why i think i was asked on college game day i think they said should there be an asterisk next to whoever wins the national championship this year because it's a different year there's no crowds blah blah blah that whole thing and i said i think it is the asterisk should read if it can explain everything that the teams had to go through to play games and what everybody had to do and the where the world was at the time i think everybody will agree that the asterisk actually will say this might have been the hardest national championship to go get and that is something that we are getting a chance to see how entire buildings operate how efficient they are because everybody is laid out with this similar same exact set of shitty circumstances and now we have to see how everybody can deal with it everything's rosy it's easy to potentially get by and put some maybe band-aids on some things but whenever it's a tough and there's adversity you find really what organization what team is really the best so i think it's it's going to be tough to navigate these situations especially when there's one quarterback that is like yeah completely cool with it that's not really what i take a stand for who's good and then there's potentially others and obviously kirk is potentially one of those even though the per the answer is private and personal that's a massive swing of who's good and who's not in football if the quarterback's on the same page as the rest of the team it is it's an insane insane thing to think about the competitive advantage it is or disadvantage having to deal with that but everybody's getting in the same boat i guess and you just got to get lucky with who has what yeah i mean yeah any head coach like you know they all they care about is football and they're dealing with so much non-football conversations every single day i bet it's driving a lot of them crazy which we're seeing some in their press conferences that they let it be known how frustrated they are with what's been going on aj i know we've been having a great conversation here but whenever i went out during a break there i saw a couple of the other sports shows doing something we got to do a little bit more of this um the packers are the greatest threat to the bucks this year in the nfc oh you don't agree whoa which way am i looking at you is this yeah huh i'm not doing it um okay sure oh you you're just saying you're the dallas cowboys the dallas cowboys for me and now they got back back they got not hitting my pick yet i have thought about it though but i have not made my super bowl prediction oh so you don't think that the packers are the biggest threat to the tampa bay buccaneers in the nfc is that is that what you're saying you say you haven't you haven't figured it out you haven't found out yet did you see aaron rodgers throw the ball 55 yards into a goddamn bucket today he's all the way back the team's all the way in bunker mentality trent delphi said it you're saying dallas cowboys or you say you don't know yet well i mean you can call me bias or a homer or whatever but i think it's common knowledge that the packers are the biggest threat to the tampa bay box wow that is that is about that's not how the game works she's not allowed to say that yeah that's not that's not sports tv dude you're not allowed what are you doing i'm sorry all right next time i'll play mine say the rams say the rams uh carolina panthers are going to surprise him funny you say that because the carolina panthers have allegedly expressed interest in deshaun watson as have the philadelphia eagles allegedly depending upon whose sources are saying what right we heard ian rappaport say that even though there is a litany of things going on off the field that are much more serious and real life for desean watson the trade conversations on the football field have still been happening he said teams are still interested we said who who who and then the carolina panthers allegedly came out and said we would still be interested although we're keeping an eye on the off the field situation obviously everybody should be including the nfl and i don't understand how that whole thing is going on and then there was mixed reports philadelphia eagles are interested they're not interested jalen hurts quarterback is flacco swinging that thing what do they got going on in philadelphia we don't know we don't know aj that is something that's very fascinating i mean i forgot about flacco i think a lot of people did didn't they not flacco though footsteps he can play man like people like to hate on him now flacco can put it together hey he's got swag too he was on a podcast one time yeah uh-huh it was a very cool appearance it was he crushed it kind of just dropped in and it was like oh yeah super bowl winning quarterback right there yeah we saw it 100 million dollars and at this point he just wants to play football again he was thrown in there the jets operation they had some footage of him from eagles camp earlier and he was you know per usual still spinning it in practice he looked good he looked pretty good when he was coming out delaware he threw that thing 77 580 yards and that was before the days of the lasers being hooked up to your elbow so you can find out if it's perfectly in tune with your hip to really maximize velocity he's probably only gotten stronger and better i think that one night in denver he threw what 95 yards oh yep safeties couldn't judge it yeah quarterback on the indianapolis colts who said he can throw the ball a hundred yards in the air i saw that i mean if he says he can throw a hundred don't you think he could at least throw 90. he's not saying that for no reason he knows there's cameras everywhere and he is at a football camp where there will be football's and fields on a regular basis with teammates who will say bet that is something we are going to see i've seen like wide receivers guys that are freak athletes go like 80 85 yards like with a run up a crow hop and everything and it's like holy you've seen like patrick mahomes and josh allen throw the ball or whatever and it's you've seen guys with one knee at the at the 50 who's that uh jamarcus russell throwing it through the up there's incredible arm strength around the world not just in the nfl starting quarterbacks but there's a lot of quarterbacks ex-quarterbacks that have incredible arm down and can throw the ball far a hundred yards saying that out loud is this the strongest arm in the history and he's what fourth string for the coats let's get a javelin in this guy yes let's get a javelin in this guy's hands do you know if there's any legit real footage out there of somebody throwing a football 100 yards without you know a jet engine behind him pushing the ball yeah mike vick threw the uh the original uh tip football out of that stadium at one time yeah i thought it was dell was close that one time at ucla yeah when he took the sprint and run up and throw at least 90. by the way odell beckham jr i saw him kick like a 50-yard field goal with a spinning ball at the rope yeah ridiculous i think tebow can throw 100. i think i've seen videos of him have we taken a break yet yeah yeah no seeing tebow throwing you know that was gonna be the time there is no way that we can i mean that we have to get off the air with this tebow selena what is that how is that slander i said i i'm pretty sure i have seen footage of him throwing the ball a hundred no you know what you're doing you know what you're doing you're up there thousand today let's go to the five-hour energy phone line 6-2 on his one-on-ones yesterday did they announce that or did film tell us that whoever wrote about it said that so who knows but that's what they announced i guess that he was two and two so it's probably 4-0 and urban's chief of staff who was grading the the battle probably just you know didn't want to look like he was a homer towards tebow so is that who it is the chief of staff do we know who's making the announcement i thought it was potentially urban meyer himself going oh tebow wins again yeah i bet i bet the chief of staff probably sits right by everybody announced it over the loudspeaker urban probably tells me all right that's timmy i mean judging who wins a rep in some of those things is a very difficult thing this is just like okay happy we got to this point actually who did i talk to from pittsburgh steelers twitter last night uh alex cazora alex quizora he does great work in pittsburgh i think uh diggs said he has a lot of respect for him i just learned of him yesterday he was keeping tally of presley harvin and jordan berry's punts at steelers camp with their hang times and everything like that and i i wanted to thank him for his coverage of that because that is a real punter competition happening right now that is a real thing happening in camp that i do care about because i like both guys i like guys both guys a lot presley is an absolute bomber could change the game jordan barry has one of the biggest legs i've ever seen live but he can't get consistent so then i started looking at he was giving hang times and average hang times and everything like that and i was like okay like doing a stopwatch is not easy i'm not good at it like i don't even trust myself enough yeah do you trust that's what i'm saying do you trust his watch that's well a lot of people told me including diggs like hey this is a good guy or whatever but i don't even think i have a good stopwatch because a tenth of a second is the difference between like all pro and potentially not in the league on a regular like that is a in are you hitting it are you guessing when the ball is hitting the foot or your eyes potentially a little bit slower than when actual contact is maybe a tenth of a second which could completely change everything i mean it is it is a very aggressive thing to go out there and say hey i in the kicking world for somebody that is in the kicking world for somebody to go out and say like oh i had an average on my clock it's like did you watch the film did you go back and see that or is this just your one time take and then the next rep happens because that is that is massive information you're doing this guy he's committed to it he said he was good i have a lot of respect for it but those are that's a very i stink at it i i can't even do it i i i got better once i moved to the pointer finger a little bit sure you know i moved a little bit better before because you have a you got like the pulse in your thumb that's why you got to use the pointer yeah he was using a thumb by the way every use a thumb every good stopwatcher i've ever seen is a is a pointer finger user so i don't even know if he knew how big of a conversation piece that is potentially some of this is probably being done on an iphone too i would imagine when they're timing things like i'm not saying he doesn't hit other people around the league which is like i don't even have enough trust in me to pronounce other people's hang times you know what i mean like i'm normally pretty good i can eyeball perk you know what i mean i can normally i can normally give a pretty good guesstimation within like a two-tenths normally i don't know i haven't been around it's a good hang time honestly i don't even know what a good hang time is nfl so then there's an entire another conversation okay like never mind didn't mean to ask yeah yeah so like is presley trying to hang it or is this a potential a little bit more of an angle like there's so much that goes on there i just i'm happy to hear all all we should be looking for though is who was more consistent who wasn't more consistent who was less consistent and if his thumb is always the same i guess we can say like okay on this particular watch this is it so it is a good piece of information i am not sure i've never been around him on the stopwatch i'm not even sure if he is the greatest but these are things you should be thinking about whenever you're watching a punter whenever you're in training camp is like who's just more consistent that is the only thing that matters yeah i follow him because he's the most detailed twitter account to follow watching all these practices all the time and like you said i have no idea how skilled he is with the stopwatch but if he's doing it for both punters same yeah what don't look at the times maybe just see what the times are you know what i'm saying kind of what you just said yeah you you can see who's having bigger barrels yes yeah you know who's having bigger bows but like he put out there that he averaged 448 or something like that which isn't a bad ball isn't a bad ball but if that's a 4 5 8 that is a much different that is a much different day than a 4-4 you know what i mean like there is just especially whenever you're watching like these swim events and everything like that how things are just like so close for hang times especially whenever you're talking about like 10 to 15 of them that is there's a lot there's a lot of i mean there's a lot of movement in a very small amount of time so i just i have a lot of faith and respect for that person doing all that but when i saw the numbers i'm like okay is this accurate or not i don't know i'm not 100 sure but it is the same i guess so were there yardages on it or is he just doing the times so yardages too you know like who cares because what if it's pooches yeah you know i mean there's just there's all there like there's different punting situations that they're going to go through and practice yeah bingo and maybe presley doesn't hit as high as a ball as jordan even though the things are saying he doesn't but he might hit a consistent ball nine times out of ten to a spot that he wants to hit i mean there's just there's so much into it i think so like just uh hey hopefully he is timing their get off as well because that's a big part big deal and he actually told me hey going against a rush on pads with some fans in the stands tomorrow so that's when it really matters and he's 100 right 100 100 right so i got faith and trust in a guy but i wonder if like jordan or president you're like this guy is screwing me on two tenths of a second and other punters are looking at this thinking i'm hitting only four fours i'm hitting four six four seven what's this guy is that the kind of thing though like where if you're in the know like you know all you guys kind of know what's going on and if you see something like that like you you probably see a lot of numbers get thrown out there that you know you have this same kind of reaction to right like if you're looking at it and it's just like okay well this guy you know but let's say some blogger though you know who is very invested in the team or football or whatever he will take that piece of information from somebody who by the way i don't know i i have to reiterate this i like this guy i like what he's doing i appreciate he was doing i don't know how stop much is but then that becomes a baseline for somebody who read that tweet on what normally happens and it's like is this the proper baseline i'm 100 sure if this guy even knows what the he's doing he's using his thumb not saying it can't be right but that's just through my experience every good i've seen a lot of good finger pointers right now and you gotta anticipate the hit and the lane i mean there is a lot into it let's move along let's get to the five-hour energy phone line shall we yeah presley's probably gonna win that job to fight against it seems as if he had another good day today as well he's a bomber find out tonight hey jordan barry one of the biggest punts i've ever seen in my entire life i've seen it right there in practice aaron warm ups holy and danny smith goes if that'll happen every time it'd be great let's go to uh let's go to josh in albany what's going on josh on the five rng phone line go to use promo code mcafee to receive 10 off your order what's going on josh hey what's going on happy hall of fame thursday boys how are we living hey big time football tonight happy hall of fame thursday to you too sir what do you want to talk about i got two takes which would you like walt anderson or aaron rodgers well yeah well i'm gonna say uh i work in i.t and when you roll out a new system the first thing you do is give it to the oldest person in the building you're gonna break it away you can't even imagine okay so this is like yeah this is like a test like okay what can go wrong with our new thing let's do that okay josh thank you for that i didn't even think about that you're in the business thanks for calling in and allowing us a little peek into your brain and your world what's the second one about aaron rodgers now oh so i have a theory on why we saw him come back to training camp a big smile on his face and it's not good news uh jeopardy just announced that they're in advanced uh negotiations with mike richards to be the full-time host for the permanent gig i'm kidding that probably paid a factor okay great great call there obviously the walt anderson stuff we've talked about ad nauseum today we'll have to see how it goes tonight in his first rollout with brand new technology as one of the oldest people uh the jeopardy news though i think this is how i read this because this guy was the executive producer of the show for the last three years i think whenever trebek was the host right he came in whenever they couldn't find a celebrity due to covert protocols and hosted the show he was very very very good he was uh clean he kept it moving he was just composed it was good hosting you know what i mean aaron also said he and mike richards got along very very well because he was the guy in his ear and helping him out mike richards is doing this until aaron retires that's kind of what i was thinking i mean i think at any point if they get the opportunity to get aaron to do the full-time gig like they're going to do it probably congrats to this guy by the way from behind the camera to hosting him doing it very smooth and he's part of the jeopardy family and i assume all the hosts enjoyed him and there was probably a conversation around a couple tables just going hey why don't you do it yeah hey you were pretty good man weren't you man for the job i mean literally is nothing that you haven't seen at this point yeah you know everything that could happen you know the flow how it's supposed to be the show was good with trebek and you at the helm go in there and then when aaron retires after going to maybe the pittsburgh steelers or something like that go back let's not start that already yeah yeah you're right let's enjoy the season and then and then we can maybe could you imagine he goes to pittsburgh by the way if i've imagined it have you really oh yeah yeah i think he and tom would be a nice little duo oh tomlin talking for aaron by the way oh my pittsburgh by the way with aaron coming in there come on in this towel right here yeah there we go here we go here we go [Music] ty's got the best arm movement well times watched it a lot because he is actually brett michael's fan right yeah big time brad michaels fans guys have that up so bad i almost can't remember the original cadence well i think we just did it yeah now we're talking about it that was it we just did it let's go let's go similar to the john bond champ hey oh nothing i'm from the town with the great football team [Music] go on and get them stealers let's go they would love aaron rodgers over there holy but i think this isn't a season where aaron and goutikun's become friends and the entire thing goes on in harmony forever ain't that right that'd be great aj there was a picture of him and gutie talking you said what happened in that conversation did he do a caption that did they caption that and what would your caption be i mean it was during practice so i'm sure they're probably talking who knows what they're talking about honestly i wonder did gowdy go up to him did aaron find duty how did it work that's a great question i don't know we're going to have to learn a little bit more behind the image let's go to mike in connecticut on the 5 hour energy phone line mike what's going on dude okay what's going on guys hey how's it going mike nice to hear you're high as a kite today yeah dude so exactly but uh college football the sec has been just gobbling up teams what should the big ten do and my thoughts notre dame in west virginia bring them into the big ten okay so he wants notre dame and west virginia in the big ten what is going to happen is there just going to be sec big ten football when it's all said and done here in a couple years when everything just kind of dissipates what are you hearing over there in ohio i'm not hearing much but like i i like that i like notre dame west virginia big ten that seems to make sense to me well the big ten would love that nbc deal every single saturday night that notre dame has i would assume west virginia's gonna bring a little hey we're gonna bring a little savage to big ten i don't know if you guys can handle that you're you're hoity toity we're taking a year off stuff get out of town yeah yeah you was one guy no no it was the entire committee no well you remember kirk's dogs yeah hey guess what we'll play in a goddamn parking lot tomorrow with covid all over everything we don't give a all right we wanted to go from the get-go they wouldn't let us kirk's boys are ready i do remember ryan day getting out there and uh and saying hey we won't play football we don't know what the this guy's talking about yeah thanks made an announcement but it was a lot of those other schools though that are also a part of the big ten i'm not sure that they're gonna be pumped about west virginia getting in there we're gonna bring it oh no no i forgot we're no longer that west virginia anymore we're uh harvard of western harvard true smile fit right in yeah acc also super academia all right oh yeah that's why gordon gee turned that whole thing around and said hey listen somebody has to attend a class here at some point he was at ohio state that's a good message from the president hey somebody's gonna have to go to school all right i feel like i'm doing more damage to west virginia it's harvard now what are you talking about turning around my day was much different but we're still a supportive and loyal bunch out there big ten or the acc would be a dream come true aj six minutes till chris mad dog do anything for the people i know russo loves thursdays they're usually his best show so keep on keep listening come on right back to russo [Music] nailed it nailed it [Music] don't be coming to me with five seconds i can see your brain doing every time come on back i can see it in your little brain it is it's right there and i could see it up there you nailed it hey i don't know hey that last caller was in good shape mike mike was real high dude he had a good thought yeah he's probably up with mitt in that space station yeah he might maybe he's a bomb gardener and maybe the billionaires i'm not sure where he is but he might be rover out there like mid on a friday but the um the point stands though what is going to happen i mean nobody really cares nfl football's tonight yeah oh yeah that's going to look very different this would be like three big conferences right probably pac-12 or the pac-20 and then the big ten and then yeah i guess it's an sec acc it'll be four of them you think you think big 12 is going to sell big and pick up the pack you don't think it's going to be the biggest 24. it's also five years away it could be literally anything at this point yeah because with nil too who knows who's going to be going where um let's transition here to jason garrett being fed up with everybody's did you see this call me coach yeah this comes after dion sanders walked out of a zoom press conference where uh you don't call nick saban nick okay call me coach and then the guy goes okay dion all right well off i love you i absolutely love that by the way you know i mean in that moment you know probably just you're at somebody's press conference it's not yours right so just probably do the thing this is just like whenever you know some media members at some press conference think that it's actually like like for them or whatever you know and that has happened in the past not everybody were i don't want to broad brush paint okay this i'm not saying this but there has been these types of situations in the past dion walks off jason garrett do he and dion have a relationship you think with that cowboys history i'd assume i am sure dion was around plenty of times i know dion had a giant house somewhere in texas i don't know if it was close to where the cowboys are i think it was in dallas area if i remember him fishing on the back of that thing yeah i mean he had an absolute monster and also he uh there were some reds highlights of him he went three for three in one night with a dong shot i mean stole a couple bases he was gliding oh yeah gliding around what an absolute stunt he can do by the way whatever the hell he wants to do in a sports world if he says call me coach i think we should be like alright he's earned whatever the hell he wants at this point but jason garrett said um you know how you talk to your little nerd friends that uh do surgeries on you and stuff you call them doc all right in this particular world when i got this whistle and i got the clipboard i'm coach over here all right let's not mess around here media people he said you they called him jason you call me coach around here joe judge's hard edge is wearing off on jason garrett we're not clapping and smiling anymore hell no you call me coach you get the out of here all right and that's what i like about jason garrett he's coming around he's going to be back in the head coaching seat soon yeah he's taking a stand i like that but the question is do they call joe judge coach or do they call him joe i think they call him the judge jury in execution oh listen if he's a coach you call him it's a mouthful yeah that's just classic you say coach like but don't you think pat yeah it takes his dad yeah yeah his coach it's who who's calling him that though i i am sure there are a lot of players that call him jason okay jason what do i do on this one but he has a real he has a tight relationship with those guys so they can coaches usually don't care what you call them hey don't bring me till you know me dude all right okay yeah no that's how we do it the players aren't calling pat leonard didn't coach coach pat leonard said jason garrett just told us call him coach as he walked off the podium he said good to see you guys we said good to see you in person jason we said good to see you coach that's how we do it oh yeah pat leonard said let me go ahead and try my luck this is jim rome and uh chris chris chris but i do but a long segment you think the writers are starting to turn towards the jets and making them kind of the city or the football team for new york and kind of putting down the giants i appreciate you doing that strictly because bob sala did answer this whole thing about what and how joe judge handled the team yesterday and it was a pretty good quote and it was a direct shot at the new york giants uh operation uh how does robert salah feel about disciplining players with laps or push-ups he's not a big fan for me it's more about creating accountability with self rather than forcing accountability these players are grown men he's not the only one by the way that has said a very similar thing about the joe judge situation but uh bob sullivan's not one of the players so in everybody else's eyes especially if you're a giants fan this shouldn't matter but i like that bob solo is just like this ain't what this is about similar media companies probably covering both sides by the way here uh brand new guys trying to earn their keep in the time i love it i think this is great like why not we we should be like people that are giants fans usually hate the jets and jets hate the giants so yeah let's create this whole rivalry deal where hey who's the best team here and have the coaches go back and forth in the media i'm sure they get along great behind closed doors but yeah why not i think i appreciate coach bob sala a lot by the way because then he come out and say something about uh zach wilson two in the hold out something happened bob said something didn't he ah i thought you reached it i thought coach said something like hey he needs you here like yeah he doesn't like being called bob either well yeah that's what i'm saying but if i was to talk to him i'd say hey coach is there any chance i can call you bob sala boom yeah and if he says no i go all right coach here we go he looks healthy he does he looks very good and every player has come out and said they love him right pretty much every player that's ever played is like hey we love this guy now will that be enough to turn around the new york jets we'll see we shall see it's a tough division you like zach wilson or not you think he's going to be good i do like zach wilson i didn't watch enough of him in college i think to like predict where he's going to be in car i i thought sam donald coming out of college looked great i really did like i thought he i don't think he could turn around in carolina but okay i mean judging quarterbacks come on man like it's you could have a lot of pieces around you well not only that it's also how do you know if a quarterback's going to be a guy you don't you literally you can guess i guess but i have no idea how you actually find out if somebody how do you know the person is going to watch more film and study harder than everybody how do you know that they're going to be a good lead how do you know that they're going to be well liked how do you know they're going to stay how do you know any of that i guess you there's indicators and you try to interview them or whatever but there's been so many misses on quarterbacks it is going to be very difficult especially in new york and hopefully zach wilson is somebody that breaks through for that organization because since mark sanchez has been on her center running in the centers there hasn't been a lot of winning over here and you mentioned too like the stats that come out of training camp burst like kind of misleading because you uh what what two aj yeah the twos and the ones hey so this was something i thought of yesterday whenever cam newton threw two picks i guess in the same period and then immediately afterwards mack threw a pic as well and i said well there's a very good chance that they're just repeating plays for the ones and the twos and the threes and there's a chance that one of the particular plays against one particular defense is not something that they're going to continue to carry into the next day or whatever chris long talked about how earlier schematically on things on the offensive side there's some days where they look bad early and the our defense can kind of move around or whatever but does that happen everywhere same place right and i remember people getting chewed out like oh what a hero you renew exactly what play was coming on play three of this series or whatever and jump that whole thing does that happen everywhere oh yeah i think that uh absolutely happens but especially this early in camp yeah you're going to repeat a lot of the plays because they have a chunk of plays they're going to install for that day and they're going to work on them so they may come out a different order but most likely the ones twos and threes are going to see the same kind of play yeah and what we're saying is when the ones are on the field going against the ones if you're smart by the way something you know if you're smart and you're a two or three you watch every player okay this is when i'm gonna cheat and get a pick and try to make the team bingo that is exactly what i was referring to because there's been a couple vets special teams vets you know guys that have been around and grinding to get through like year four year five somehow but they're on the defensive side of the ball and they might be running with the threes or the twos in training camp trying to have they have to prove that they can at least be a serviceable defensive player if they're going to keep them on the roster with their salary for a special teamer and everything like that and you see some of those safeties that are are in there and they're just watching the first two series and they're like all right play three we're running a quick hour out there that's going to be a pick six for sure first two plays just kind of go back pedal kind of stay out of the way run to the ball and then that third play that has been with the ones and it has been run with the twos there's a good chance that's coming with the threes on the third play the break on the ball immediately and uh media people probably great sense of the player or whatever and everybody else in film is like okay you knew the play way to go that is an entire that's why these stats that come out with who's throwing with the ones and who's throwing with the twos and install stewarts it's very hard to take any of it that seriously because they're everybody's gonna look much differently one week from now two weeks from now three weeks from now but i can understand how we get excited immediately upon seeing any completion especially when you know to your point about how we had any anything since february when you start seeing any sort of football stats it's like oh my god we are so back 15 and 19 or something like that cam's like four of eight or something we have no idea we really have no idea how they're doing though it's called practice for a reason because you're gonna practice things you're gonna work on things and guess what ninety percent of them might probably aren't going to work but the only way you know is if you try and practice against your guys on your own team and there is a chance listen to this in practice when things are getting installed it's gonna blow some minds there's a chance that somebody does something wrong what every single play yeah i'm talking about oh yeah like maybe the wide receiver that was being targeted actually just completely you know just completely ran the wrong way oh they don't up yeah and then in the nfl the defensive back just picks that thing off and it's like oh pick for the quarterback i saw jalen you see joe and ramsey had a pick to like 100 yard pick to the house and practice the place went crazy that's good news because normally the defense is getting dunked on in practice and the fans are cheering you know that is that everyone wants to yeah everyone no one wants the defense to win in practice especially ever in training camp i remember there was one camp where luck i think was just opening it up to t y and it was like three to four in one night or whatever place was going bonkers and uh i think me and vinnie looked at each other like man our defense stuff oh hey we are going to get killed here huh we got to figure this out they'll figure it out to figure it out i mean these fans are very happy wait until this games are 49.49 i mean that is the interesting thing of training camp everybody loves the offense just wacos you defensive folks have to understand that did you get to listen to chris long talk at all do you know chris long i mean i i know him somewhat well like not you know i don't i don't see him in person ever but yeah he went to bat heavy for uh mcdc he did actually i saw that part when he talked about the typical nfl heart oh i thought that was it got me thinking about him like you're right man it's true like heartos don't they don't communicate and talk and are fun with the media and do all that they're just usually kind of miserable yeah forced to do press they do it for four minutes five minutes say nothing go in football let me put my big old dip in i'm gonna eat and everybody can get the out of the way and i'm gonna watch film drop cards dirty diet cokes why i'm sitting up here and dips spit all over the place as he was saying that by the way just like you i was like valid very very valid and i didn't know people are calling him a heart oh by the way i thought he was just meathead is that the same thing no no in my eyes the meathead and heart are two very different much different okay cool i'm happy we're on the same picture very different hardo usually means like douche yeah yeah i was called a douche i think by somebody last week chris long today himself called himself a douche and you actually said hey i don't want to sound like a douche here oh a non-self-aware yes i'm talking about the media and i am a douche i mean i understand it i understand it but like probably that's the case i mean it depends there's there's been a lot of times you know at one point i thought the name of the book was probably gonna be from douche to okay you know what i mean yeah that's going to happen i guess in your life but i hadn't been called a douche in a long time in person it was it was pretty comical but when did you start hearing it was falling off a little bit yeah yeah it has fallen off i think maybe that's why i was like well i'm trying to think like i don't remember as a young kid people throwing around calling them douchebags right i feel like that i don't know when that came along it's like the last 15 20 years i think yeah it's but it's already ran its course too i think yeah it has it was what's the what are you gonna replace it with cuck no i think shimp replaced it for the younger generation yeah all right well i think shimp is different completely terrible things i'm saying you can't well you tried to turn the show into a cup show when i wasn't in studio the one time the first time you hosted here you didn't have a suit on you tried to turn it into a full show yeah you did i remember i was you yeah i was on vacation on the first day of the day dr phil we're cucking all over the place you're not helping see a great shirt by the way thank you hey there their song in the arena yeah it hits very hard like it is a very oops it's a very good song i think everyone gets out who's got your favorite on the roster now besides roman who's what who's got your favorite entrance song right now besides roman i mean roman song isn't it besides hey roman had that one song for somebody obviously roman had that one song for so long okay and it was early in my time at smackdown when he debuted the new song and as soon as it came on i almost said something i was almost like this is new and cold they told me like uh like basically like hey ladies let this thing eat or whatever and the internet at first was like why'd they change the song it's terrible and literally as soon as i heard i was like i don't think that's an accurate description of what i'm hearing that thing goes hamski how about that big animated thing they have of yeah oh that's so sweet what is that thing 700 feet tall yeah that thing is so you i don't know what is it i know who your favorite is what's that song yeah who tamina is good you see her she did a samoan drop to put away uh uh pewdiepie on monday night i think i started on the internet pewdiepie the youtuber yeah he was there no shout out he put us on their thing that hey shout out you guys made like a bazillion dollars and it's crushed youtube got canceled for a while didn't he know who's i think he was on youtube since he was like 12 years old though i think yeah i was wondering how aj was and then he got cancelled aj has a list of everyone who's been canceled and why yeah so you can bring it up in the conversation yeah just ask like oh what happened i didn't hear it yeah oh look at your tank top i don't know what he did that's the only reason i was made aware of pewdiepie because he got cancelled i said oh what's going on who's this person but i don't know about any of that all i know is i guess my face going like that or something on smackdown was a yeah something a pretty big deal i guess on the internet cesaro's got a good intro as well i like his how does it sound it's like it goes hard it's like boom boom boom it's sweet obviously obviously i don't know what to do nakamura's theme song was literally has been my ringtone since i heard it okay so how long has he had it like how long he's been around so when he came into the wwe i don't know he was uh i think he was obviously big in japan and i don't know how many other indies and everything he was massive name though because whenever he came to wwe and debuted the internet wrestling community want bananas obviously and i think he went right in with aj styles i think he had in a run with or i don't remember how he came in but they debuted with a violinist in this thing and [Music] and i was like god this is awesome and the entire place was singing it and it was it was bigger than any match he got into was the the entrance it was just it was like fondango whenever he came around and man it's a shame he's out of the game no dirty dango is back by the way i think he's wrestling still yeah dirty dang i don't know i i saw him promoting something i think he's doing some events which is good but so i've always loved it then he became a bad guy and the song was too good the fans kept singing with him and they didn't want him to be sang along with they wanted him to be a bad guy so they put a rap over top of it and it absolutely ruined the song like it absolutely ruined the song so when it was brought back with boobs like i was genuinely excited and then now it's become an entire thing where i almost pass out loses my mind every time yeah but it is still my alarm clock i mean it is still my alarm clock has been for a long time i i that one that one goes pretty ham but romans like ours what is cena's doing what does this sound like well there's uh what the horns say you know what i mean paul heyman paul heyman nailed it yeah yeah paul heyman did it live on tv actually can connor like hum it for me or something uh yeah sure no no not gonna let that happen let's go to the phones hey what are you gonna kick adam pulling the math again yeah you know it's been one year yeah happy one year thank you yeah it's been one year since i kicked the soul out of a scumbag's body that was pretty cool man you kind of see it in the video i got to watch it back today you kind of see his soul like it was almost in how high you know and how high when he was ivory yeah like as i as i kicked him i actually saw his little scumbag and then uh obviously i get i was a special guest that night in the middle of my honeymoon i go and i was told that we were gonna make it right then that whole thing unfolds and then triple h is trying to shove me through a wall by the way yeah okay trying to shove me through well it's like what what type of place is this you know and i still have those questions to this day i think 99.999999999 of people would have sued for the way i was treated in the physical assault and i probably still trying to you could have yeah and should have yeah still with your colitis situation with that injury you got a neck injury out of it yeah hurt my neck like hell andrew colitis yeah my stomach was messed up i had diarrhea for a week after that it's gonna be hard to put a price tag on that isn't adam cole yeah that guy stinks yeah he's up right what's that he's up he's up for a new deal well a hopefully he doesn't get one you know loser he probably should be much better without him hey that's a big time that's a big time conversation piece on the internet right now by the way i hate the guy he hates guts hey i think he's the absolute worst but get him out that'll be big whatever happens with that scumbag he is i mean i hate to do it but the reason why i hate him so much because you know he's on tv i have to watch the guy yeah well hopefully they send him to new tokyo so we don't have to see him in it that's new japan have a little respect please that is pretty funny i mean tony tony come what are you doing hey i'm actually kind of impressed that you even had it close you know i'm actually for me that's actually spot off that's what i'm saying that's what i'm saying you you knew new was in there you had seen it from the tokyo dome potentially knows where it is where cena is now well no he is not he does not wrestle in japan he's on a friday night smackdown i believe oh yeah and monday night raw it's a summer cena and he's also in a mask dressed up as the peacemaker hasn't taken the costume oh i got okay i saw this hey so today i was in my basement my my eight-year-old son had two kids spend the night and my youtube they come down er in the morning and on youtube i see the thumbnail of cena dressed up at like the premiere right he's doing interviews and the first thing the lady asked him like hey is it true you've had this costume on for the last three weeks or something and then cena went into his whole bit and all this stuff and it was just amazing like i it looked like his co he got the costume at walmart kind of too well okay so you're going after the costume department where there are grammys no no no i'm not going after anybody i'm just saying entertainment by the boys though the boys came walking down and they're like is that john cena what's he wearing and then he sat there and stared at him bro listen i appreciate the fact that he is promoting out of this character okay i guess it's getting its own thing on hbo like i'm very excited for him to have that happen you know and i'm happy that he's buying in all the way it was difficult to listen to him give serious answers about sports and life in that costume on first take but hey suicide squad is coming out tomorrow oh yeah it's good marketing i think it's good marketing and people say that movie's really good by the way getting great reviews i assume he crushes it than that sly stallone uh-huh oh he's going over the avengers margot robbie margot robbie stallone's the shark so he's just uh voice actor will smith was in it the first one now he's not in this one he'll probably make a return in the third one like fast and furious obviously oh yeah smart is uh is vin diesel on this he's not no huh so shooting a different what's that all about it's only got time for fast family yeah what happens in suicide squad they kill people yeah pretty much they're a bunch of criminals together for a team anti-heroes i believe they call them there it is could you imagine just getting your ass kicked by john cena in that costume that's going to be tough no thanks that's happening i think in suicide squad oh yeah overseen and crushes it and by the way john cena could beat the hell out of me with that caution without that costume whatever the case is i'm just saying it's got to be tough to watch i might feel that uncomfortable thing oh yeah like why are you doing it you see seeing a normal now he's got that whole costume on he's probably gonna kill you what are you even doing well in his mind he looks good so it's not like he has any thought of that or losing once again his sister was adopted from china i've been to shanghai i've seen the great wall and he does speak mandarin boom niihau that's hello how are you that's thank you i know that wow i think i know to that extent uh-huh but you did translate han to show for me yes so every time you say han han han is so so so like yes it is yeah how do you say information all right in the same way that we've been to barcelona you i have been to china multiple cities and by the way i've been to japan and i heard mike tarico say ohio something which means good morning in japanese and you remember yeah don't say ohio in the afternoon that you look like jackass well i'm an american in japan dressed the way i am i always look like a chat i don't say ohio ever because that state stinks hell yeah oh whoa oh h i'm so offended oh i owe to you z oh you dude he didn't mean it he was mocking you too i wasn't mocking i would never moxie no zeke was mocking you that's fine he can mock me i will not mock him he's a good guy mocking mockingbird is a good guy thanks guys he's good he's great he's very good at his job he is good at his job yeah mm-hmm he is han impressive as a person isn't it true it really is let's go to the phones you're telling me cena has two blockbuster movies out like within yeah a month of each other yeah and he's traveling around the country for the wwe what we're saying is he is impressive he's not the lead role in anything though and but he is also han han han han driven to get there though true uh-huh that's fine he is the lead in vacation friends coming out soon though too hey let's can we please not unders you know sell john cena's movies have all been good oh yeah so far ferdinand him and peyton manning are it'll bring you to tears oh it's their voice actors yes uh still acting okay maybe the hardest form of thespian out there john cena he was also in that one with amy schumer he was getting that cena was very good in that bingo he was also in that one where he was a dad he ends up uh anal bong and something blockers oh yeah that actually did like that yeah well he he was butt chugging beers or what yeah yeah he was forcing it for his daughter or something i mean he was a hero i think i don't remember the entire story but it was a good movie everything in the marine obviously yeah there's a firehouse movie where he's a fireman and they adopt someone i'm pretty sure i don't want to i don't want you to turn this into what you normally do i'm being serious john cena john c did he just all he did during kobe was film blockbuster movies like this dude he works more than seacrest well he does okay because it's hustle loyalty respect that's what i'm saying [Music] he still does the deal with fingers oh yeah it's okay yeah okay yeah some people don't think that what do you mean you're talking about the guys that shoot threes yeah oh yeah mellow and they do this yeah people like a three-pointer three-pointer yeah well i'm also thinking maybe he's doing a dog in a pot in a parking lot yeah oh yeah did you see lebron you see lebron super pissed if people are calling his team old i did see that he responded to everybody's negative energy telling him to keep that remember listen braun braun and the boys are going to go win another title we all know it frank vogel is going to have that those stallions running out there yeah the the the management of the bodies next year for them might have to look a little bit different but who says that there isn't some body guru out in la they can't figure that thing out completely they might be able to play until they're 50. that team's gonna win and if you don't think so you're wrong maybe after football season russ russ will let lebron use his body guru so i i hope so but the um i uh there's five of them the for russ the the all the smoke interview with carmelo anthony i saw a clip the other day that was very fascinating so back when mello and braun were coming out of high school they only knew each other from like slam some magazine there's the only way you knew about anybody because there's no internet back then there's no nothing really so the only way they really knew was by other people's rankings and pictures and melo i think the year before he got to oh okay okay okay a year before he got there saint x or whatever had played against them and braun was there and they beat him or whatever so i think mello said his mindset from seeing him on a magazine was like i want to meet i want to play against this guy like i want to play against guy because mello was a guy braun was a guy those were the the you know they were the two he said the night before they played each other for the first time he and mello or he and lebron sat down and like talked for like four or five hours and they realized like they're the only really people that can relate to each other similar backgrounds they've been like best friends basically since high school before they even played against each other melo said the way he explained it to all the smoke and now them being on the same team melo had a resurgence too after everybody said he wasn't good then he goes and starts balling out again he has not won right now has not won i mean this could be a very very very good story for braun and melo but there's a lot of people that follow basketball all the time say you're too damn old ain't gonna be able to keep up with brooklyn or anybody else out there i disagree mostly because space jam stunk so look for lebron to have a bounce back a revenge body a big time year because the lakers did not win last year also the east is going to be very good so whoever comes out of that's gonna be you know worn to pieces so lebron will be waiting with the boys all right let's go to uh mustard over here in columbus ohio on the five-hour energy phone line mustard what's going on dude hey how you doing pat the boys aj the man mustard what's on your mom pal how you doing good hey i heard you had a wiener winner there joe joe weiner yeah joe weiner he's my cousin man really mustard's cousin's joe weiner i never would have gone i i thought it would be that neon green relish maybe that would be mustard you know what i mean i do relish the name let's go to dustin in orlando donner on the five hour energy phone line what's going on dust find that guy oh no way what's up pat hey what are we doing hey let's go dustin it's great to have you here can't wait yeah let's go football's back tonight shout out stealers hey we go stairs here we go piss you know the name yes yeah hey nfl football is back yeah officially yeah it is all the way back what's going on dustin all right so i know it's crazy it's going to be a crazy hypothetical but what if you know mason comes out he flings it on the cowgirls and you know with the coach you know in need of a cube maybe something crazy like that hey dustin don't be trying to send us mason rudolph pal no you have we got enough problems already out here you hear me need an extra washing machine back in the facility well when i heard when i heard they needed what did he say about edmonics right when i heard they needed a washing machine down in memphis i had to pull the trigger oh man let's go to one in illinois thank you jackie hey what if rudolph just goes out and slings it tonight have we thought about that he did against brown's in that one game last night really crossed my mind big bad hot seat yeah oh look out nonetheless have you i've never puked you before been punched in your jejunum let me punch my hamstring let's go to one in illinois what's going on with that movie oh so many top notch oh yeah the semi-pro i think i went and watched it in the theater twice and that was at a time where yeah i think it was in college maybe there's no i mean it was what a homer and then you know the issue was what had happened after that was uh will put out that one movie where they were uh spies or detectives oh yeah a couple years ago that was tough that was tough but let's not forget semi-pro yeah masterpiece circa 2009 what do you want to talk about juan in illinois on the five hour energy phone lines fiverr energy dot com you sprung cute mcv get ten percent off everything even their original summer flavors that have a delightful aftertaste what do you want to talk about i just wanted to know how good it felt kicking adam cole in the mouth i know i know aj was probably bummed because he's a good guy he's a great guy shut up god damn it aj this is why the show was never going to win any and me you're right juan let him know anything other any other thought you have about him too please let it out now one i mean hey i i i i i oh bro let's not let okay one bobble at the end judge the entire great backdoor breaking ball knees big time was ready for him he was not ready blind side block on him all over himself yeah i know but one came in i mean he was wow wow three for four not a bad day yeah you're only as good as your last cut that's what they say juan bumbled that call like my bets last night once again once again that was not actual gumpy saying though although it did look like him and sound like i forgot my hat today oh no once again that is not actually gumpy we do not want to have a misrepresentation the blue check mark is down here not back here even though it sounds exactly like it looks like him it does look exactly like him too dumpy impersonation is what the highest form of flattery is right that's right i don't know who's doing it back there but they're nailing it yeah hey dan campbell impersonations are coming for uh uh full circle frank caliendo really how was it was it good yeah he put it out there last night ty we need you obviously to continue to do that if motor city dan campbell has any success at all detroit as a city might have a resurgence as a whole you know 100 there might be people you know moving to the city as opposed to you know like why people's asking that question frank's was good yeah frank is caliendo dude he hasn't lost listen i did not know this was going to happen okay the one i saw let's pull it up the one i saw i haven't seen it man come on this is a show right this is a visual show this is on youtube only all right let's get to uh this is let's get to about a 20 and a half hour break okay so you still standing by carl lewis over there wait what what'd you say he's still standing by carl olympic hero dude standing by him i mean i'm not standing anywhere near him and carl lewis has a bunch of gold medals that's all i know does he still because gumpy found out some information during a commercial break where i think they might have took those are you trying to nacho carl lewis hey listen allegations that he still has them all right hammer dines in 15 minutes or so we gotta get out so we're not gonna get to see this clip i'm gonna find out it's on the internet is billion people seeing it i'll send it to you dude it's good you'll love it it's good you're the worst liar is this guy doing you can't be trusted you know that who you with anything yeah you're a woman you're a dude what does this mean dude i just all i'm trying to do how do you slam frank kellyander we did what the hell this is unbelievable frank callie and a friend of the show friendship you need to relax with everything you're doing right now i love frank that's what i want to see stop doing what you can do go find it i love frank too i saw it as soon as you put it out there because i got notifications on the guy that's how big of a fan boom boom so don't you try to turn that in for me i knew you were a big frank fan i'm just saying how you were presenting it was like you didn't like it i did not present it that way that no he said what are you talking about that was the first thing he said he said it was good see now listen you're getting laid and you too cowboy benedict arnold on the tv curious if there was two if i saw the wrong one all right we're out of here you guys are always trying to cause problems oh ridiculous you insulted him a little bit a little bit you cross the line a little bit you know no let me get a drink all right i'll see you guys menoana aj you're great big giveaway tomorrow oh yeah and by the way we're going live tomorrow at 11. you're talking about the giveaway for the basketball tournament right because we already have that in the works yeah we are hell yeah who won i actually pulled it up yesterday i can't remember but they did win i would assume somebody won yeah yeah somebody did no no someone swooped in and won with the correct team and scored whatever no holy so what do they get five thousand dollars and maybe a bitcoin if they want the overall i don't know maybe basketball tournament man they use the um scoring rule race to 69. no no i race to 69. it's a race to eight points at higher than the highest score at the first time out post four minute uh commercial tv world said that seriously wow i don't think jason elam who is a legendary kicker is a part of it it's actually a ball state professor named something elim dr elam he did some math they use it in the all-star game they use it in a basketball tournament so whenever the tv timeout happens the first one after the four minute break whenever it is you add eight points to the highest score and then you race to get to that score both teams do in this particular case basketball tournament the highest score the bayheim army was at 61 points at that time out put eight on there it was a race to 69 and there was a a dagger hit and it really you know it was exciting obviously because a million dollars on the line oh yeah if you hear that as i mean yeah kind of takes away the buzzer breeder but i guess it makes the game a little bit quicker and more effective is what they say i don't know healing still a good moment a million bucks yeah so if you're winning if you're winning it at the time out you get magically get eight points added to your score no no the race ends at eight points plus that whatever first to hit that november talking about well you play you play with timed you would just try to score the most points yeah well they shut off the time at that time out and then it's just the leading scorer leading team has to get eight more points and then whoever else is behind has to catch up and then score that eight points so whoever gets there quick i think it's supposed to yeah actually inside the nba all-star game how they've been doing it oh yeah i watched that in an entire day i'm sure you said 195-193 exactly all right i'll see you everybody tomorrow 11 a.m eastern daylight time we'll be live here aj what time you're gonna join us is that one o'clock noon yeah probably one yeah i got something until 12. you're sure join us whenever we'll be lucky to do it wait till you see these guests oh baby incredible and then i'm heading down to tampa bay herman of bolts back to back stanley cup champs go go go go go go go go go jack it up with a b i'm going well actually i can't get into the house because hey b's in there but hey he needs to go to win another super bowl i'm just flying in hey hopefully you think there's a chance a b like opens a drawer looking for his toothbrush and he finds ty's jake laser wig just sitting there and you're very confused no it's here dude no what are you talking about we did bring that back but there are other things that are probably in some drawers somewhere in that house yeah yeah i think it's all going to rhyme with uh marijuana there's probably going to be that's where he looks he might be filming one of his movies there too come on hey by the way for our time down in tampa shout out to dalton dude i don't know if you'll see this don't shout out but shout out to you thank you dawg thank you did the boys need me this is what dalton said the first week we were down there and dalton stepped up to a point and he did it we needed him too they did need him yeah big time hey dawn i'm landing like 3 30 need your doubt i'm joking we don't need that we are doing it legally i have my card but of course early we did not so we had to utilize somebody big fan of the show legend dalton is a legend without doubting a lot of things don't probably happen in that first couple weeks no that's right could you imagine the draft without dalton that's seven hour affair yeah oh my word love you dawg thank you dope 15 minutes from now hammer don fortnite sharon down we're back tomorrow 11 a.m we're going to give eastern we're going to give away some money we're going to announce the winner for the basketball tournament we're going to have a great feel good friday and hopefully wrap up this beautiful week we will not be having a serious show so i don't know if you normally watch serious and then watch us on youtube as or listen on serious and watch on youtube we will not be having a serious show because some tech thing happened last week that made it almost impossible for us to start an hour before and then launch it at noon i almost crashed the whole guys so is anybody what's going to be on air 12-3 on series tomorrow so it's gonna be a best of the week and then they are scheduling somebody else for next friday and then once football season that ain't happening anymore you know i mean once football season we ain't doing it no more we're going live live long long hopping on a plane hopefully that'll be ready to go and getting out oh yeah we'll see if it works i guess thank you football season even those words yeah it's here good work bro tomorrow will at least be able to speak about a football activity yes it has been aj and you're just so you know calm cool collected and toxic that you probably don't even do this but like there was numerous times this past offseason where i've gotten in the shower in the morning and been like the am i gonna talk about with the boys for three and a half hours oh i think that monday after the draft it was like oh we are staring down a hard time in our viewers and listeners why ever or however they listen we have to give them a show still there was a lot of times where i was very worried about what we were going to do we somehow forged the river there was some times where we lost it all we lost it all out there on the yukon trail there was a couple shows that were not fantastic but now at least we can you know allude to football happening yes and i am very very grateful for the nfl happening tonight i mean i think everybody feels that way every show has to deal with that stuff i sometimes i like it i like when there's not a whole lot to talk about well me too and sometimes we get into the conversation we start to we start going you know and i think that is when we potentially do get a chance to shine against some other people when there is nothing to talk about whenever things happen we all have the same stuff to talk about so you just kind of got to go and whatever but there has been a couple shows where we had no real no target that we were aiming at and we just started going yeah those days are going to happen every offseason i'm excited for those but i'll tell you what sitting down in this chair as that five minute thing counts down and i'm looking down at the paper and there's this bunch of that does not matter at all it is quite an interesting feeling ever since yeah but guess what they're the sailors beats cowboys or not here we go oh yeah oh yeah is that a new offense that's going to be in the in the nfl this year what is mason rudolph potentially going to become a starter in the nfl is dewey haskins all the way back are you kidding me the car thing i don't know how many watermelons he smashed the boys are flying around that's without that prescott wait until healthy decks out there did i watch seven hall of famers give speeches last night on thursday football oh my god we are back we are back thank god for tonight aj i will see you tomorrow whenever you can join us to everybody watching we're starting at 11 tomorrow live right here forward slash the pat mcafee show big guest big conversations big giveaways hopefully we'll see you then cheers you
Channel: The Pat McAfee Show
Views: 222,687
Rating: 4.8640132 out of 5
Keywords: pat mcafee, podcast, sports, nfl, ncaa, football, for the brand, punter, kicker, pat mcafee show, american football, nfl news, pat mcafee clips, pat mcafee reacts, pat mcafee highlights, pat mcafee live, pat mcafee show live, pat mcafee podcast, the pat mcafee show
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 223min 15sec (13395 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 05 2021
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