The Pastry Battlers - Documentary

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everyone loves the sweet things in life but what most people don't know is that beyond the usual cakes and desserts pastry chefs also build sophisticated artistic sculptures out of sugar and chocolate to display their creativity it's more than just food pastry is an art form and one that requires a highly developed set of technical skills and just like athletes pastry chefs from all over the world compete to showcase their skills and to achieve excellence the most prestigious of all pastry competitions is the Coupe de Mond de la patisserie often referred to as the pastry Olympics every two years the best pastry chefs from around the world compete in Lyon France but the coveted title of world champion competing is a holiday from lower I mean you have to just push yourself to the limit it's a test of your emotions your nose your physical capability to put in the hours and be creative at the same time the idea is you know just stay focused and calm as much as you can try not to lose it treat it like it's just another day at work although Australia has regularly participated at the coop Demond it's never really reached the top tier of competition most commonly these leaders are european usually the french but a group of extraordinary young pastry chefs from down under are determined to change all that and approve that Australia has what it takes to succeed at the highest level we always see as one of the weak country in the world and even internationally lots of chefs still looking down as Australia as a one of the weak country it's a mission unaccomplished you know I still really want to experience a win an international win so it's something that I haven't achieved yet and I would really want to experience [Music] France it's a nation famous for love for beauty renowned for its gastronomy no net of course is the patisserie at a French I based the best day I believe was sleeping the new trends in it's like when we were in Leon went all the equipment pastry shops there was grandmother's with their kids in there spending $60 on cakes what doesn't happen is cookie dough people don't be the education and that's the difference and that's why fans the best but unfortunately after said they are I have to say not just baby food the culture of foreign France was so impressive Francis I like to say the food capital of the world [Music] unlike France historically Australia was not known for pastry work simpler people like their cream buns I hate them when it comes to the asylum College history but the gap between Australia and France is a very big rich you look at the culture of make a French person you know baguette you know the bread and the chocolates it's very much part of a French you know we don't have that in the Australian Open Elysee going surfing or playing cricket you know it's part of our object so there is a very big gap however Australia's culinary scene has changed dramatically over the course of the past decade really in the last ten years and we are in many ways provide a decent level food and are better than a lot of the other countries I think I Australia has a talent kosher chef it's just meta to get them together get them who the training [Music] the process of finally Australia's best young pastry chefs starts here in team manager Danielle's Test Kitchen in Sydney I think my role is crucial but it's a big bigger job it takes a lot of my time if you want to do well basically the commitment is a huge together with pastry teacher and team coach Dean Gibson they have a dream it's to form a team that will represent Australia at the world pastry cup I want to be on the podium and I guess I'm experiencing it through others now in my own professional competing career I haven't had a win come close a few times but today they might see some young up-and-coming chefs to compete for one of the four spots available on the Australian pastry team the dream yeah it's just gonna be a great experience what we're looking at here with these six people that we're looking at today is that we're offering all the training and we're looking at instilling all the chocolate skills and sugar skills and all that so we're really looking for people who are really organized in the Congress as a French person it's like everything's like the top leader in France marketing and I thought I will never opportunity as a French in France to be to compete but beam Australia a lot more chance participate but there is never Olivia in a base routine if us we are looking at skills for me as team captain looking at dedication I'm looking how they work how they move around if they're a person that can be trained where am I going Mike really we're really looking at having our group for people out of the six can be formed into a machine I wanna I'm Alice I'm filling up with a meeting when I think this year the judges don't want to take any chances with team selection and with good reason in 2010 Dean Gibson Adriana zumba and Jan Yale formed a team to go to the Asian pastry cup but unfortunately they failed to qualify for the world competition lucky on a day and hey I'm Dean put up a great piece and we're only 50 points out of gantter to the world cup you know and I didn't get my piece quite finished on the day so you know if I think of I had another half an hour 40 minutes I think my just got they be never know you never know we missed out by a small margin or when Maxwell Smart said missed by that much which was you know in a way it was it was very disappointing but you know we gave it our best shot at that pan we only have three months the pan is too short for us to do any pre selection and also enough not enough time for training this time Dean and John are determined us in an extremely well prepared team to Singapore it's now time for the judges to taste the candidates cakes this is nice fight good chocolate fight up I think I read being said I'm not sure mmm glazes Schmidlapp the judges now have to mark each cake to select the four best candidates John think Justin's got to be in there I think Andres gonna be in there as this person is and I think it's you can't have Leticia yeah and put it yeah don't make it seem maybe it was her interview give her a call yeah okay okay I think I don't - zina she's too strong no I think I'm you know what I see now I think we'll take her see this is the backup on that one mistake a week should never have is there's a team member that were wrong who wouldn't listen to anybody at all good that person is yeah yes girl if that happens then you destroyed the team so welcome to our first team pastry Australia me a few weeks later after selecting the four candidates the team organizes their first meetings and training sessions we want to start with the chocolate the members composing the team are Justin you my family we originally from Taiwan and we emigrated to Australia about ten years ago five years ago when I was starting you and I was working a part-time job in a cake factory I just feel like I'd like doing this so I quit you need John rally I was a roof tiler and a plumber my brother was doing in a pastry at the time he was finished in early mornings I don't know go to the beach for a surf and I should get into that visit you know profession so I did that was it like the artistic side of things I was always into art and all that stuff pastry I think so not sure Andrea wreaths I was extremely happy it was a bit of a relief actually to know that like okay well this is the level that they expect and so I must be on the right you know on the right direction besides competing for a place in the final team and we are also just opened her own bakery I think they're gonna work really in parallel with each other that I'll be able to run the shop and obviously take the time to train and particular Wagner actually had called me at night and I thought I wouldn't get any chance because I used little bit of different flavors like unusual flavors facility choose some spices big hot spices but I might gain called me you got selected I said how they would there is happy it's a bigger task Ernie for what we're going to do and like things said the journey it's a long journey from here and in fact we start a couple months ago preparing the house seems I really think offers here and everybody had fashion that's why we're here and everybody really put a lot of contribution none of us gets paid and when we all try to do something for Australia pastry industry and it's in that spirit that ship Danica has for a singer a pastry teacher specializing in sugar has come all the way from Canberra to train the team members and share his knowledge the skill level is not what I'm mostly interested in it's just that we've got to have the enthusiasm and the passion skill level you can always build up and there's no limit to it but the passion if people don't have the passion and the love and the time to do it it's no use you know you can show them all the things under the Sun but you never get anywhere but a few weeks later Andrea announces that Shane needs to quit the team training while running a new business is simply proved too challenging to replace her the managers invite Adrienne Pagano to join them give my pressure John he said he was going up the Newcastle worker daenam Tuesdays and I myself see if I can jump in how Watson's got Ian's that just don't want to pay the best I possibly can then go to the Asian qualifiers and say I go there as well [Music] now that the teams complete they can start thinking seriously about a theme for the Asian pastry cup they invited competition veteran Doron goossens pastry chef for the Dutch royal family for a week of training for the competition in Singapore the team will be required to prepare for the jury 16 plated desserts and two chocolate cakes but the reason for Jerome's presence is to help them with the to show pieces they will also have to build one in sugar and one in chocolate these sculptures which are used to display the cake and plated dessert help to showcase the chef's technical and artistic skills but even though the showpiece is take the most time it's the flavor that gets the most points so the boys are asked to start thinking about some ideas for a showpiece design centered around Australian culture what you think about their he drawing a lot of things about Olympic Games Olympic Olympics I'm happy with that too but sharks shark and surf go together after drawing several designs that Geron they get to work Geron shows them how to make silicon molds in which they will be able to pour chocolate or sugar to make their showpieces oh yeah show your hand off okay but not out just out okay yep pastry involves a whole lot more than people might imagine sometimes even DIY skills [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let's go again [Music] after learning a lot from Jerome the team has to prepare for a couple of events at which that will create showpieces in front of an audience we know that for us to be competitive we have to work very hard alcohol for the team is to win in Singapore we want to come back to Australia next year as champions our goal for coupe des moines is a realistic one we want to make the top seven [Applause] [Music] the chocolate show goes to plan but at a dinner that night with the team sponsors John lets off some steam and ruffles a few feathers I think it's all passion what I do is passion and love so they can't handle it that way well I might take it a different different way you know I may drink a little but swearing it's all passion it means you have passionate about something you know not swear better get angry yeah I get angry a lot but it smells you know I'm actually serious about it I'm not gonna just sit by and just let happen when I'm not supposed to and if I'm not happy with it I'm gonna say something it's not about the individual we are talking you know it's not that Penny's single energy it's exactly when I tell them something these two other ones out of their way to do it [Music] it's three months since Iran's been here we've done fuck-all house-painting trainings not helping as well and christmas is coming up I would never clue what I'm doing not have a clue and then I'm Nathan now just the white distribution can't go here mmm oh now because this is the front front pin after much discussion the team managers have decided that John and Vedika won't be going to Singapore both body Korea and John will be in a some sort of support role I don't want John to you know I don't want to crush that guy's Kree you know like he's got such a big future he's just got some things that a lot of young men and women deal with and I'm sure you'll come back foreign or pistols blazing Adrian won't be part of the team either as Justin has been chosen as the chocolate competitor I think that when they asked me to be in the team they already had their mind set on Justin being chocolate person so which is fine like I mean wasn't entertaining begin with but just be good if they could tell me that straight up that was a tough decision and though I'm very dedicated and they'd sacrificed a fair bit but you know for us to win in Singapore we have to do that if we're just going to go to Singapore and and come fifth again then we shouldn't we could've just stayed with the current system that we had [Music] first of all welcome sorry Dean and John have decided they need a more maturely and experienced chief to lead the team it's automatically from kickoff you're the team captain for yeah taint the team pastry Australia even though I'm still doing the same job yeah the focus now is on the two guys who compete in Singapore all of us are the fuzzy ones in now we're very happy yeah Andres Anderson is currently the head pastry teacher at renowned culinary school look caught onblur in Sydney there was a dynamic there that wasn't working a change needed to be made I was given an offer to do that and I thought about it I didn't say yes straightaway but at the same time I knew I could do it so I just said well look you know I've been offered it why not take it yeah I'm happy Ted chef Andre he was my teacher and he organized me my first competition we kept in contact during the two years so we are we are very close we know each other very well and as chef Andres teachers he he knows how to communicate to people who doesn't speak I knew Justin working with him as a student and I always said to him from the first time he produced the shared piece in one of our classes that like you know you have an extraordinary talent even though they're on the same team some things will never change for me you always be my teacher Andre help Justin to develop his competitive streak I just like the competition I think if I'm not doing competition I was always like very playing computer games so I just like I want to have a dream go before I start my own business I'm confident that we can get something down mm-hmm today and then we just we just we just stick to it it can't be something like I said before can't be something that's too complex now that the team going to Singapore has been decided it's becoming urgent to lock in the designs for the show pieces which have to represent Australia it's decided that the chocolate piece will show New Year's Eve fireworks over the harbor bridge in Opera House while the sugar piece will celebrate Australia's ocean life I want to unlock this piece in yeah so this legend on he say you're not then worried and saying what do you think of this or should I do that it's like that's this is what we're doing yeah I'm you just gotta keep on and the first piece it might look like and then we do it again and again Andre is under a lot of pressure as the competition is only four months away so bang my head against the wall for three weekends good already and I know there's a good say but it's no different to my experience as well if we get to Singapore and and hopefully you get to experience I'll call it been in the zone and it's where you've done something over and over and over like you've done so many times that when you compete you'll enjoy you know you'll walk out of there go on wow that's once-in-a-lifetime I'm glad you know I take that off my bucket list I want to get a kid to wander that's what I would really be a man for being no stranger to competition himself Dean knows what it's like to be in the zone in a space where you can predict what you're going to do next it's a very cool feeling it's like the closest thing to being on drugs how to explain but people who compete they'll know that being in the zone is a powerful pretty powerful thing Dean was my boss to be able to compete with him in a competition was a real honor he's such a passionate guy he's a driver I don't know it's no unlike human in Australia other than gene probably Dean is a million miles an hour that's the best way I can describe him you know he incredibly passionate about what he does incredibly professional in his approach to things the hardest thing with him is to actually pin him down on things because his brain never stops it's only four months until the competition when Andre is still struggling with this sugar showpiece it's bit of an effort at the moment yes just a frustrating place to be right now but the best part of Persons it's been the biggest rival us I guess Andre joining us only yeah consider only less than two months and it's not so easy we just don't have it yeah we just don't have it is where she should be so I feel like a mom is back at day one in some respects the chocolate worker we are quite comfortable I think by another three months time and there will be an improvement again and we work it there Tom Chuck yeah he's well we actually I said to him this morning I think he got the inspiration for the showpiece from his hair so if you look at his hair you can see this similarities with the firework but thought Chuck's doing good he's got smiles so he's all good Dean has had problems of his own his demanding role has started to conflict with his family life with my own family with Cara you know Kylie broke her arm which is paint insane because that was it happen on New Year's Day at 1:30 a.m. not only broken but had to have surgery on her arm as well it's been very complex trying to fit family you know my family come first but some people would probably question that how I've been able to juggle those two things so yeah it's been a difficult week but you know we're not giving you my going for goal as they say it's the Australian Way isn't it sure there [Music] an or Ajira a renowned chef who helped Dean and Adriana Zumba prepare for the Asian Cup in 2010 is back to train the team and he organized the team his work with Jan and myself before he also is one of the very few people who can do sugar and chocolate but also very strong with tasting so really he covers all our bases I think this time I mean with respect to the previous team arriving this time the preparations far better a greater more organized especially because Dean brings us his experience from competing in the last time so you can see the difference should I just pour hot annal is a veteran of the industry and he knows the challenges the team will face on competition day you're fierce you see a lot of people before the competition two months three months out they'll decide they don't want to do it because it's it's taxing it's tedious it's too much or creativity becomes difficult under stressful conditions and then as you get closer to the events you'll see a lot more people drop out and then the stress is actually when you're there at the event tour you'll see people making silly mistakes or not being able to focus or you know rolling down and just breaking down and crying or sitting down and saying I can't go through this you know just just giving up [Music] as the weeks fly the team learns new skills and goes through trials and tribulations [Music] make sure you have more chocolate this breakages [Music] it's better for it right now that when it is too bright land run and the autistic showpieces start to home [Music] [Applause] I'm a bit nervous I haven't trained this weekend like I have in the past weekends but I think we've done all the hard yards and the showpiece is the thing although the cake does have a significant score the showpiece is the thing that takes all the time so you've really got to think that through so that you can expedite that and it doesn't matter what what how well it is or how good it tastes you still got to do it on the day okay quiet and relaxed now I told the thing and I'm dry jesting as well it's you know don't think it too much now really it's not much we can do just get there on the day put the best out that's all we can do [Music] but I believe that fewer judging a competition and you don't like strawberry you cannot have a the guy who do the strawberry pages because you don't like from if you are not their church I like strawberry I don't like story you how dare you judge me the guy's been professional in what it went me so after landing in Singapore the participating teams are welcomed by the organizers and briefed about the competition you don't likes to refine but you cannot just like heal the guy because you know it the briefing is followed by the opening ceremony the Asian pastry cup has officially started put your hands together as we welcome out Australia [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't kill while go at media tools may have had a pregnant by wrong Gabrielle person is a living pastry legend and the founder of the world pastry cup and he's traveled especially from France to this occasion if victory goodness Australia's him already proved a horse agree revolution kill squad to repeat a tea party ship nothing you dish on sushi beyond convivial technique a family I would really very limited with lebanner said favor in making it's a function meeting Gabrielle pious on that was great and we're all here because of him so that this Cup has really evolved because of what he established in my own only way back to the hotel the team exchanged their first impressions I only had to watch our setup to know that we're serious we are organizing we are yes the desert this work do you know the showpiece contribute but really the strong cake in the strong sir Gabrielle Ison said in the beginning it's all about flavor it's all about flavor [Music] it's the first day of competition the Australians get to watch the first round of teams compete while Dean fulfills these obligations as a judge all teams have eight hours to make sixteen plated desserts to chocolate cakes or entre maize one chocolate showpiece and one sugar showpiece at the end they must bring them carefully and display them artistically [Applause] [Applause] Alisha's they're sugar chocolate showpiece okay good job chefs finally sample the host nation and Australia's main competition bring out their showpiece a little bit of a duck I mean the curtain [Music] okay congratulations good job team Singapore you have a break for tomorrow we release our stress for the whole past three months just released well so a PC or the stress come out everybody looks amazing in very great shows of tomorrow the first man competition is over and the team has to hurry up to celebrate to change so that everything is ready for the morning [Music] Whitestone he's ready he's ready to rock and roll the thing is everybody will be watching the Australians tomorrow I think like I did at Singapore today to try and find little mistakes but if we're really clean and all work in our favor I think organized methodical no mistakes take on time desert on time and a chance a really good chance I think we are in a very good spot there may be one or two already yeah Singapore is still gonna be tough to beat I mean what they did today there's peace are the sugar pieces are standing after short night's sleep the time has arrived for the Australian team to face the news park really desperate definitely just past the hole I shall go you can't leave ultimate razor to Justin doubtless don't forget we're gonna start at 6:36 with New Zealand if you have any program you you porous seekers you get there okay you can get in [Music] [Music] Justin's wife Erin has come along to support the team last night after we went back to hotel he's alright but preparation was a bit stressful I just hope that they can do the best that I would be okay [Music] okay guys good luck and the team is now in for eight hours of competition there's no lunch break no toilet breaks you see even a few minutes could make all the difference [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm a bit nervous the cakes a little bit late and the blast breeze is a bit more powerful than we anticipated and also the airflow in that kitchen with what Justin had been doing all these cocoa butter painting and that's not crystallizing and that's a big concern to be on the podium there can't be any mistakes the gentleman that's a process of getting everything right I can tell you incident happened to the best team in the world in 1991 friends will be a show business in 2003 Canada group both services in 2009 Spain who became the world champion in 2011 broke both so pissed it off and in two years later the world won something so you see it can happen to the best team in the world don't think you're good you've been training for a long time today you know just for my judges head on and do my job which I'm here to do and welcome Howard Dixon from Australia [Applause] [Music] with the clock ticking the team starts to feel the pressure [Music] hours passed like minutes for the contestants and it's already time to send the desserts for judging the team is about to send their dessert it's a revisited version of one of Australia's favourite cakes the raspberry lamington it has lights marshmellow lighting parfait coconut nougatine raspberry jelly so we break open the marshmallow inside is a beautiful Cooley's that raspberry in there as well nice surprise gorgeous presentation very nice in 20 minutes about 20 minutes behind it's best dessert we have to have the but we have to finish Medical and to finish pieces and then we can relax it's then time to send the team's chocolate cake which includes chocolate mousse a teeny calamansi sago jelly chocolate sponge and it's all on a crunchy macadamia praline base with a risk taken by the team to include sago because for the first time fine it's a big reward the cake seems to place several people from the organizing committee but to get the points the judges have to like it too and in this competition it's all about the flavor that round the team can now focus on fishing their showpieces even though they don't bring as many points as the cake in desserts these gravity-defying pieces take the longest and the most skills to achieve they're also extremely fragile and one false move can spell disaster okay hands off and with their showpiece is still not finished the Australian team starts feeling the pressure so that again [Music] as is so often the case in these competitions not everything goes to plan while the sri lankan team set up their buffet disaster strikes and Justin breaks the main firework for this chocolate showpiece it's just an ugly ugly ugly and that to see thing make a passageway in there just to design they got me minutes to recover in this crucial mistake there the explosion you have to have that explosion on there custom just build that we built that up that flower in the middle don't worry I've been to one of the top so Andre is gonna set the face you just do the best you can do in that twenty minutes make a move realities Irishman transsexual Jesus you will do candy decorations some more good recovery now it's time for Andre to carry his sugar showpiece to the display table [Music] Oh John chefs and with only seconds remaining on the clock Justin appears to carry his revenge shut this something that is deserve ready to go on Andre is a black market because never so many packs now two years of hard training comes down this month [Music] [Music] [Applause] let's see - now breathe [Music] [Applause] [Music] the Australian teams fate is sealed and there's nothing to do except wait the award ceremony just our very Kristen we've been dystrophies Oh the first thing we stand next to Vince and Buddha Tara and Gabrielle then the second team 13 14 15 16 Justin said if we get to lay on do we start shining tomorrow [Applause] finally the eyghon pastry cup champions are enhanced with the top three qualified for the coupe Du Monde in Lyon France [Applause] ladies and gentlemen for the silver [Music] Monisha [Applause] [Music] ladies and gentlemen the cold fries the first position goes to Boston area [Music] that was awesome it was a reward for a lot of hard work he's very proud of you know a two competitors Justin and Marc Andre yeah it's awesome it's the best I mean we went there to win and we won [Music] so we are the first not only the first Australian team but the first team in the history of the Asian pastry cup to beat Singapore it showed you how sweet that was I mean it was a great experience to do that nobody expected Australia to come in and beat them the outcome was fantastic because I know I had problems with the cake and Justin had problems with the showpiece so you never know until they announce it the fact that we won first place overall that was for me like a complete vindication of all our efforts and fulfilled the all the commitment in time and money that people had invested in us because there's a huge pressure to put on yourself when you do something like that so the team has realized their dream they not only qualified to keep the moment but be the strong Singaporean team on your own turf everything's like like a dream still for me and never saw I can represent Australia to compete the other top ship in the world because there are the tops some I just a person who likes to make pastry they've not taken that relax it won't be long before they'll have to resume training the World Cup in France is only eight months away and I have to match standards that are much higher than those in Singapore your recovery I always call them in fact I think it worked better for I've seen in the fact that I don't really know how strong guy we just stop okay sugar chicken I think on the way home I kind of thought oh man there's like nine more months said this now at least and I can see like I took my family on a holiday recently I could see the whole family's a little bit burnt out it's a huge commitment it's not just the individual it's not just the team it's everybody else in your life around you and yeah now we're going to a competitions twice as big as the one we just came from and the the people are very serious over there and very very serious about it I think I now obviously in Leon it's a different game again because we have not only Andre doing the sugar Justin doing the chocolate now we need a third person to do ice carving Barry Jones who so if I hold the role of team trainer has put up his hands with a hard task of ice carving which is never done before you know welcome aboard officially I was really happy we could eight months which it's good but saying that eight months goes very quick the things back to work it's hard to get back into it took me long time to come back after a very intensive competition I couldn't image we are we already preparing for the World Cup yes we've got some new ideas and we want to have a go with those but what I'm very quickly learning is like because we're trying new shapes and new techniques with the sugar and it's just like starting from the very beginning again we want something refreshing something new something out of left field same with the taste we want something a slightly newer taste yeah and that neva showpiece you know something and why do you go to Europe to buy your cars your clothes your everything because it's sheep and that's what they want with the showpiece its shoes expectations in France because everyone wants to see new things Alzheimer's yes it's pretty much trying to discern who's new different you know and then that's what I say get good marks in the day speed dancing payments out and having a night in social block of ice egg once the world comes you do ice but you know ice to do my best and that's all I can do it [Music] the team want only the best international trainers and Julian Alvarez who's in the Spanish team who won the coop them on in 2011 who's flown all the way from Paris to train them we have to he is wise beyond his years somebody's only 28 he's very sweet he's a teacher he's not just the pastry chef and a real professional like he he knows not only the craft but how to work with different personalities within the craft in my opinion he's the real deal the team decided to run a few flavor ideas past Julian the other idea via blackberry in the liquor shop we tasted [Music] [Music] licorice but what do you think about the licorice it's it's and finally they suggest something but Julian is intrigued by we had thought Julian about there is another desert that is very Australian and it's called pavlova and a pavlova is a meringue it's got a very crisp shell very soft internal texture but a pebble Oprah is a very Australian Pavlo ice cream it's very good because you have very texture and called crunchy so adjusting it's all right it's hip-hop it's now time to assess the showpieces [Music] things you get the really beginning and you should just improve the species and that start all fresh and we really learn something new that you have that knowledge already that you believe that knowledge and that those techniques and you should just improve it I agree it's not it's a beautiful piece I love this it's very beautiful but it's not good enough for coupe de mon his recommendations are that we we continue working on that piece and getting it better and better are you okay you're right yeah I mean what what's your opinion what would you tell me were what you say because that Joe Marasco in the camera the case I'm doing no the time is already very tight you know you're okay though I get really bad you're upset RI great others I think if we have requested for this I think that the change it to many people's it's the seamless piece or in I've been working on this piece one year and then let's show if I can still improve a lot to come soon you'll be a better place to shop for I think after the assessment is time to get to work on the new ideas [Music] three reason with some vodka due to Moscow thank you which who are using semantic salmon more a metalloid virtually leap wonky for alia who was used among believe yeah I won't steal the idea I don't work here anymore so you have more like that Jurong Dusen's pastry chef for the royal family of holland is back to you bury a few basics in ice carving sorry wants to do a shot ice Kavya is not really what people imagine when they think of pastry but a good place fish it must have many different skills sit here right now is huge amount of thesis paper office who's got to get on with it practice so we can do the best right as hard weekend you find me I think it's real you don't be more sour than just a lot more salad like yeah it's the favorites okay no the night scene there's lots of strong bond with I think that we need or something is missing that crumble is missing something that's gonna give you some tourism I I tell ya on competition day I'm gonna be so happy [Music] from this experience of Singapore I know pretty much we are where we need to be right now and I know Justin's where he needs to be he's got a few more things with the desert Berry is where he needs to be with the frozen Ultraman he's I think he's all sweet with that with the molds and everything in the flavors and I know his big concern is just getting the ice right things working through really hard and he in also he's training in Australian bloody summer I don't know why Scarlett I have a one design which I'm doing as many times as I can to get as good as I can so I'm not ice Carver of such anyone think about doing it twice I know physically I'm not a mentally I'm out no limits like I came in here yesterday I was just I was just so exhausted I wouldn't say it's taking a huge toll on the family but I haven't been around for the family and that means Lisa's got to pick up a lot of the loose ends we want to just do well we just just want to share what we're capable of top seven is our other goal and Yun said if we win he's taking us to Mars so don't ask me how I do that yep you think yeah yeah that's not normal I figured that dessert now it's good the only issue now that's a new ice cream cake seems to have any of the development a glace it's not right the cake a base is not like a rise in this absolu it's a I think it's a technique based then you've got to challenge the injury that's where it's Julie's question recipe yeah in order to help solve the ice cream issues they list john crowd from town moon to help out I definitely have a problem this is what happened last one say yeah I like literally quest yeah [Applause] [Music] fully explicitly written kappa serve the cake at minus a it has to be big problem if you don't so we have been the problem is the each really well at minus 16 17 17 cell a whole cake 1 do not mean john that but i schooling its to monster but all the experts tell us - 8 - 8 I don't know what to think I know you're an expert so I'll go with you gut feeling on the brighter side the decision to use pavlova is working out definitely it's ending up in the ice cream in their view I think for the showpieces we're all good you know like the chocolate piece it's good sugar piece is good ice piece Berry's going to be doing more training in France but it's really the degustation now that we just have to we have to fix those small things you know it is all about taste and and we know that's where we could be lethal when it comes to the tasting component and we can be as competitive as France and Belgium and Italy however after the three table trials all we've still got a bit of work to do [Music] better make it work we're gonna make it work it's the last time the team is able to practice in real time before Hedley they simply have to get it right Barry has to complete his ice carvings before he can run the others in the kitchen [Music] the only thing is the place I think the baseness the more I think maybe the nuts or need to be more finer and more even across the whole the whole base so maybe fine-tuning after finishing his ice sculpture Barry can help Justin with the plated dessert [Music] right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] I'm on that I don't think we can improve on that it's pretty perfect the our ice piece I think will got two days with Europe in Leon I think there'll be a massive improvement for Barry and I think you'll be more motivated I think a pretty good pretty good overall I think if we can put up like that in France I think I'm but we could continually do that for another year you know so enough [Music] less than 10 days until departure and it's time for the team to pack this 750 kilos of equipment to ship two fronts [Music] can we have a meeting before she let go then just discuss anything else we need build we cannot let the ice-cream random amount running you can your money coming in from our comics my phone and everything yeah I'll tell you that now I'll be here for one hour only to wake up and I'm going there's no way I'm not because I promised them so I honestly believe John that you overthinking me because you are out of all these car if there was only once really perfect all right nothing how you going to cut to the limit the size 3 car just rely on your eye to get the size we had a pretty intense meeting the hardest thing for me has been dealing with people it's not so much the sugar or the chocolate or the ice it's just really trying to keep a group of people functioning it it's been a challenge it's a big machine I think that possibly we just build it too big basically what I thought is I don't care what gets thrown at me now I'm gonna complete this mission it's like I just yeah I just want to finish it yeah because we're so close we've got ten days or something eleven days you know for myself I know when we get to Francis if somebody's super exciting he'll be work like I know and I I'm on that plane coming back from domakr we will be will forget for the you know the hard stuff [Music] the time has arrived in the team is now in France in a little village called a seizure an hour's drive from Lyon it's the heart of winter here and the team members have to adapt to these new conditions before the competition which is only a few days away they're staying at the ENS P a renowned pastry school founded by chef legends Alain Ducasse and Eve Torres and we're chefs from all over the world come to perfect their skills the boys arrived the day before and they're still exhausted from the 30 just give me the last person you need to work [Applause] the team finally wakes up the died after refreshed ready to start train we only have to train hard then you're in easy baby you always have these people philosophical no team wins in New York it's not winning their country yeah [Music] [Music] you know what that's your best one pretty massive a computer very informal specialist be probably the Australian team soon pick the interest of the local French press and even get a special visit from world pastry cup founder okay Molly oh thank you thank you so much [Applause] [Music] the time has come for the Australian team to leave the comfort of the castle pack the van and head to Leon [Music] but on a tight schedule they do manage a stop on the way at a famous patisserie run by a previous world champion [Music] Barry's the only one that hasn't been now hasn't been season yet no tomatoes it's not something that he can your experience selling food he's gonna be like the wrong when he gets in [Music] arriving at sirrah the team quickly see familiar faces yeah very good I heard that you're all fit sit then Morvan fit Hey very stylish Hey okay so once you have your jacket go on the VIP which have the picture taken of each team [Music] it's the first day of competition even though the teams not competing today they are attending the CD other competitive the other teams have been working for several hours and a few countries are already standing out from the pack [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] with day one of the competition over the tea master hurry and set up that gets you for the morning [Music] so please for the stance tokens over mate talking is over dude that was time too talk the talk what will be will be [Music] it's 5:30 a.m. and d-day and the time has come for the team to compete at the coupe d'amour [Music] [Music] all the booths equipment and ingredients are rigorously inspected by members of the committee a lot of them are sporting the blue white red color a sign that they're nos or best craftsmen of France okay now CLC Annapurna platform when the official will be hanged after to benefit it's 6:30 a.m. and the competition officially starts [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] very you want to shave the bottom of it and tell them which side you wanna [Applause] supposedly committee could be model she can hear a demon on the minsang comedy resist it did play a blue Hawaiian paparazzo security Agua say almost beyond the peak of the reputation or who the parties fear with a higher capacity bloopy you panic you do the body speak either a coup Shakti or the shoes the shoes anti-santa awaken good vision China has an excellent reputation in ice carving and berries neither threatens to be a formidable opponent [Music] [Music] I think this is genius but the styrofoam piece underneath this is smart as Hank I already a victory its correspond to Barry but Doron is never too far away [Music] no we're gonna pay the price I'm not talking about me [Music] nine o'clock arrives in the public is let in the competition area [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's nine-thirty [Music] [Music] [Applause] with the clock ticking Barry must take his I speaks to the freezer and assembler [Music] after completing the ice face berry rushes back to help to the place reserved [Music] yeah I think Atalissa better than what I would be Andre and Justin are ready to send a great barrier crunch to the judges it's a chocolate cake with chocolate mousse and ganache macadamia praline base raspberry jelly and citrus crema [Music] it's then time the Australian team force in deaf frozen desert the one they had the most problems with the lifesaver [Music] it's a passion fruit an apricot sorbet with vanilla gelato rhubarb sorbet Italian meringue ginger semifreddo strawberry and rhubarb coulis and finally there's only one dish left us into the judges before Andre and Justin can fully concentrate on the showpieces passion fruit vanilla pavlova with frozen light yogurt and exotic fruits and with only one hour remaining the boys have to finish this short pieces [Music] [Music] the much fancy Belgian team gets into trouble while the rest of the countries bring out their fun showpieces [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] and with only minutes to spare Andre brings out his sugar showpiece [Applause] on this opinion what is in this fantastic it's beautiful it's absolutely started finally Justin brings out his chocolate circles don't forget to take [Applause] [Applause] okay good good [Applause] one I'll take a photo I'll take a photo of you [Music] oh yeah REME users hero is someone planned on of them they give me a new trade official Authority [Music] [Music] as expected the French team put up a show-stopping show please represent either 24 Hours of LeMans car race confirming their status of hi contenders of first place [Music] [Applause] really I think France will he again definitely like you know their plan to very well pin hometown it's now the other country can match that [Applause] [Music] [Music] at the beginning I knew you will be hot but I didn't know I will it's this hot I think small and forties / weeks that we put into this turning I mean this once a lifetime you have to do so I think it's okay for me the outcome really everyone's talking about top 10 top 7 top 5 you know I just want to be able to give him a high five at the end and say you did your best job and that's great in the story that's it and three just to say you tried too hard it's only best it's been a great journey it's been a really really good journey it hasn't been a sacrifice it's just been really stressful because you do get tired it's good I don't say this a sacrifice but I do know there's a lip there is a time frame that I've got to put a stop to it yeah [Music] [Applause] any of the sister midnight that's off [Music] [Applause] [Applause] and with [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's another level the team is exhausted but they can now relax a little at the gala dinner but learn that they placed seventh which was their goal even if they would have preferred something a little after being there today we're good enough to be food we're so close speed six and six are so close to us I just came into the competition but this little novel idea of competing and seeing where it would think as that's good and then we got top seven which is also what we wanted and now really I really appreciate what that means really fully and how hard it is to get it you know what am I gonna do with my so certainly slave is hard the agenda yeah look at mission accomplished definitely I mean we you know the mission was always to come seventh that was the best we could do we couldn't have changed anything everything that went wrong we were able to rectify and yeah I'm really proud of what we've achieved compete against the world and yeah I thought we gave it a really red hot car [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Pastry Battlers Documentary
Views: 152,995
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pastry, patisserie, coupe du monde de la patisserie, world pastry cup, asian pastry cup, team pastry australia, australia, sydney, France, lyon, singapore, chocolate, sugar, CMPatisserie
Id: JYoov-SiXfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 27sec (5487 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 23 2019
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