The Past Unmasked - FInal Boss Fight Walkthrough - No Deaths - Crash Bandicoot 4 [4k]

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hey everyone sue john decades here back with another guide for crash four this time i'm going to take you through the past unmasked which is the cortex final boss fight starting off there's going to be a yellow tile that pops up that has a sort of uh sonar effect that comes out of it you want to jump over the sonar and then you can either butt slam on it or you can just bounce on it three times you only need one butt slam after you break all of the yellow pulsing tiles an assistant will come out with a big bazooka actually reminds me of the wampa bazooka from crash three you gotta spin them or slide them and then you'll move to the next phase which is lonnie lowly's phase okay you wanna jump over the blue tiles otherwise you will fall through and die the tiles that pop up with these pulsing lasers uh they will never phase in and out so you can just keep bouncing on them regardless of where uh the phasing tiles are an assistant will come out once again lonnie lilly goes away and then cortex will start attacking himself with some lasers you want to jump over the red ones and duck under the blue ones this is the opposite from every other laser in the game um you know when it came to cortex's uh first boss fight as well as engine you have to duck under the red ones jump over the others but it's the opposite here the pattern here is random so you just want to keep jumping and ducking and then you will pick up the gravity mask you'll turn upside down and then you just have to do the same thing while upside down so we're going to jump in and slide under these then we're going to jump twice and duck under this slide under if you feel comfortable okay same thing don't be afraid to move left and right to give yourself some more room you don't have to stand in one place okay after a little while the yellow tiles will come back up and you got to kill the emitters and then come back over here kill this one and then after that an assistant will show up so you just want to pay attention to the reticle on the floor or the ceiling this way you don't get hit now it's time for the time mask and then right away you want to start moving to the right and the tiles will drop behind you very quickly once you reach about halfway in the top row the emitters will come back so you want to just do a sliding double jump over here break this one wait for a path of tiles to come back jump over any yellow emissions and do a sliding double jump over here and then break the laser and then an assistant will pop up opposite to where you are so just come on over be very careful because time does affect the assistant so they will be moving fast and then slow okay now it's time for arcano once a condo is equipped cortex's vehicle will start spinning four emitters will come up along with some lasers the lasers are below the emitters so don't feel like you have to jump whenever the lasers come around while you're bouncing on the emitters you do not have to okay after you break the fourth one you're gonna have to sweep or spin uh four assistants while avoiding the lasers so you got to do this very quickly and very carefully so once you sweep away the first one three more will spawn all together so you want to carefully take all four out and then that is it that is the boss fight and depending on your completion percentage you will get a different ending whether it's below 100 100 or 106 and that's it if you have any questions please feel free to leave a comment i'll do my best to help you out if you're looking for more guides for crash four please subscribe to the channel so you get a little new guides go live don't forget to follow me on twitter and on twitch and as always i'll see johnny cage thanks so much for watching and i'll see you next time bye-bye must have taken a hit to the old temporal lobe but a fallen foe can only mean one thing it came to blows and i won my new general's first order
Channel: SweetJohnnyCage - Narrated Guides & Walkthroughs
Views: 2,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sweet, johnny, cage, sweetjohnnycage, guide, walkthrough, tutorial, help, step by step, narrated, strategy, crash, bandicoot, it's about time, crash 4, ps4, xbox one, boxes, crates, gems, flashback tape, tapes, vhs, n. sanity trophy, deathless, no deaths, perfect, the past unmasked, cortex, final, boss, fight, encounter, phase, gravity, time, akano, spin, lasler, assistant
Id: zwcQD60KNA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 56sec (236 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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