The Participants: The Men of the Wannsee Conference

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and the conference is still perceived as the decision-making conference the conspiracy as a famous film is named which led to the genocide of the European Jews when you take a closer look at the Vans a conference and the participants you get an idea that the Vans a conference is about communication it's a conference about communication between the top buddies of the German administration which were involved in the Holocaust and it shows how the Holocaust has been a venture which was organized according to modern principles of division of labor division of responsibility involving the whole state apparatus of Nazi Germany and this is what we are doing what we are trying to do in this book we are looking at the men who were behind the state apparatus and we're trying to see whether there are commonalities whether there are certain features which destined them to become perpetrators to become the people who met and juanzi and conspired you have some pictures here this is the house when it was built in 1914 1915 it's a lake site in the southwest of Berlin and it served as a guest house of the main security office of the Reich since 1940 and was used for various purposes by the police and security apparatus of the certai so we know that policemen would stay in the house among them people who were directly involved in the mass killing which had started in the east since summer 1941 since the invasion of the Soviet Union after the war took a long time before the history of this house was acknowledged you have some pictures here which shows you that the house in the 1950s has been used as a recreation home for youngsters from the inner city of Berlin and it took until the Eichmann trial before in 1965 the Holocaust survivor Joseph Wolfe who had moved from Poland to Berlin and made it his mission to educate the Germans about the role of different professions in the Holocaust actually started an initiative to convert this house into a documentation center this initiative didn't bear fruit in the beginning years of work took his life in 1974 because he was frustrated by the unwillingness of post-war German society to actually acknowledge the Holocaust and they took until 1992 two years after East and West Germany had been reunited before the house of demands a conference opened as a memorial and as a documentation Center for the Holocaust actually being the first Holocaust Memorial Centre in Germany so this shows you this is a long story today we do educational work with different groups reaching from what was policemen we work with judges we work with doctors so this ranges to two or Levitz there's a little brochure you can find at the entrance which explains the activities we do your one important aspect which you were so yeah when when looking at the participants of the vans a conference one thing immediately jumps to the eye the majority of the 15 men who met in vans on the 20th of January 1942 were trained lawyers this is not untypical because the higher echelon of the civil service in Germany were traditionally recruited from the legal profession in legal matters especially the question of definition to define who was to become a victim of the Holocaust who was to be defined as a Jew was a legal matter which was dealt with by Nazi Germany in the form of laws which started to be adopted after 1933 this is a chart here of the Nuremberg Laws which were adopted on the 15th of September 1935 at the party convention of freedom as it was called in Nuremberg and here you get an idea how the german population had been classified into so-called full jews anybody was three Jewish grandparents no matter whether he or she considered herself or himself Jewish was considered a full Jew according to the Nuremberg Laws then you have two categories of so-called mixed people of second and first degree and you have the so-called German blooded people and here below you can see already what this meant there's a direct repercussions on who could marry whom so for example people who were the general rule was that so-called German blooded people were not longer allowed to marry with Jewish Germans but there were also measures taken in order to prevent marriages between a different group of mixed people this played a central role at the van's a conference when it came to the question who should be included in the genocide of the Jews the question was always whether also the mixed people should be included who had not been ostracized to the same degree from majority society in Germany as the so-called full Jews had been this is also another example of one of the perpetrators this is mayhem Stuckart who was the representative of the Ministry of Interior the person who played a central role in the elaboration of the Nuremberg Laws and also wrote a legal commentary on the Nuremberg Laws so you can see this was mainstreamed into the way how the legal profession was working and below schnockered you see Hans Marija glocca who also had a very interesting post-war career he became a DA now as chief of staff in 1951 and ironically he was also the person who played a central role in the negotiation of the Luxembourg Treaty of 1952 in which Germany for the first time paid reparations to to Israel so there's a weird phenomenon that globe as one of sockets aides participated in the elaboration of the Nuremberg legislation participated in the preparation of the conferences which followed the Vanda conference but continued his career after the war in the West German administration when we speak about solving the Jewish Question as the Nazis termed it the initial policy idea was to drive Jews out of Germany this is a cartoon from the New York Times from 1938 summer 1938 you see a Rising Sun here this is the eve your conference was a big refugee conference which was held in the French city of if you're bothering the leg of Geneva and you see this person there's non-aryan as it's marked here sitting in the middle was a sign telling him to go after Germany had annexed neighboring Austria in March 1938 the sparked a big refugee crisis the problem was really where to go to there were very few places where Jewish refugees from Germany and Austria were still welcomed where they were still accepted and you have here a document which tells nicely into the Eichmann exhibition again this is a document from October 1938 where item and is boasting about the number of people has been driving out of Austria every day 350 people every day this is important because in 1938 we see a shift while before it was a matter of the internal administration to deal with Jewish matters to legislate on Jewish matters in 1938 it became a matter of the police Jews were regarded as a security issue and migration was a police matter what we see here is the continuation of this this is a an order from Goering this is Santa hydrogen it's based on an order from Goering from the 30th of January 1939 on the creation of a central agency for Jewish emigration so until the beginning of the war and the 1st of September 1939 the official policy of solving the Jewish Question remained to drive Jews out of Germany and to to centralize the powers for this in the hands of the police and the security apparatus there's another document here which shows the development in autumn 1939 this is from the 27th of September 1939 an internal memo from the police apparatus from the ICEA has helped and which contains here the sort of main programs Jews as fast as possible to the cities Jews as fast as possible from Germany to Poland the remaining 30,000 gypsies also to Poland and systematic deportation of Jews from the German areas in fried wagons in cattle wagons this is another step but this is all happening before the van's a conference yeah just to to give you a bit of context of the van's a conference this is a picture from Bobby yeah Bobby ours today a suburb of Kiev you can go there if you take the Metro in Kiev it will take you to Bobby yeah and Bobby are was a place of a major massacre where 33 thousand people were murdered Jewish people from Kiev and surroundings here you can see how their belongings sorted this is a report from the 1st of December 1941 so this is approximately 6 weeks before the runs a conference which is an account of the Einsatzgruppen killing Jews in in Lithuania in Calais and this is also a document from the 31st of January 1942 so just 10 days after the Vans icon French which which gives an overview about the mass killing of Jews in Estonia Latvia Lithuania Vienna Russia and Russia you see the coffins here and in Estonia it is written you didn't fry and you will find the same words in the minutes of the vans a conference which were written at the same time so we have a situation where the genocide the Holocaust had already started the first invitation to the Vans a conference was initially sent out an end of November 9 41 and the vanthu conference was to be held on the 9th of December 1941 but it was then postponed the big question is always how was the decision taken to murder Europe's Jews this is a quote from Hitler's book Mein Kampf yeah where he already speaks about gassing Jews in 1925 and this is the speech which Hitler gave on the 30th of January 1939 in which he professes that another world war will lead to the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe and these documents which we have here which don't look particularly interesting are documents which today would be a printout from an Outlook calendar these are documents from him less official agenda what his secretary prepared for him on the different appointments which he had we can read here there's a meeting at 4 o'clock was the rice and cow lighter the political leaders and Himmler notes in his spidery handwriting here you didn't forget Jewish Question fuga the leader Hitler and then he puts belief at parties on and out so Haughton to be exterminated as partisans the date is important this is the 12th of December 1941 just one day before on the 11th of December the Kingdom of Italy and Germany had declared war on the United States so the war had become a world war Hitler's prophecy yeah what had been referred to by many Nazi leaders at this time therefore had materialized in their eyes and we have to assume that this is the point where the way how the so-called final solution was to be dealt was took another step of radicalization we also have to know that by this time there were already 600,000 people being shot in Central and in Europe so we are at a time where the Holocaust had started and it had so far been largely limited to Jews in Eastern Europe the ones a conference opened the way to extending it to the entire European continent this is the invitation to the runs a conference and this is the chief organiser reinhard heydrich and her hide which was the auxiliary head of the police after Himmler and this is iseman who was his desk officer for Jewish affairs and we had been charged to send the invitations for the Vans a conference and he can read the new date with the 20th of January at 12 o'clock at noon the onesy conference was to be followed by a working breakfast I will skip this to save some time Heydrich based himself on an on a letter by Goering which is already going back to the 31st of July 1941 in which he is charged to take preparations to solve the Jewish Question in the German sphere of influence and his task to take the necessary coordination with other central agencies and these are the minutes of the conference and here you see the participants of the conference which are listed here in which Christopher will present to you now this is the letter with which the minutes of the conference were sent to the participants and in which another conference a follow-up conference is announced which would deal with the matter of mixed people I think I will stop it here and we'll hand over to Christophe who will now get into presenting [Applause] sorry as to the participants of the Bungie conference I remember very clearly when I started working in the memorial as a what you might refer to as young student doing guided tours that in the room where we presented the Vanda conference we had scarce information on the participants on of the Bungie conference on some of the board's presenting the participants actually pictures were missing so even after four years of preparing the exhibition which I was then to see like some of the photographs were still missing and there was really like little information on some of the people which has got something to do with the fact that that a German society would not really deal with not only the Holocaust as such but especially with the perpetrators because the perpetrators don't forget was to living in the eighties in the middle of society in Germany but of course had something to do with the fact too that historians really did not believe in biographies anymore because biographies as Marc Grossman writes in the book we are presenting now was really something which dealt with now with the big people with you know and that was something like Germans wouldn't want to accept anymore that the leaders or something made the difference and then of course it had something to do with the perception that there was either like those yeah these evil geniuses like high-touch would be represented as an evil geniuses or like those rather numb witted Shriner wound calling people from the SS who would just follow orders and in between you at nothing like nothing of interest so that's that's the extreme pictures a lot of people fall off and that is presented to in in the films made of the monthly conference because if there's two films the wonder conference won a german film which is rather pace and peaceful and I think it's a fair description of him but it only really if you look at it it only really gets two characters and the characters are hydrogen Iseman the others are stefarr SH they are not really important they say their word but that's it and the same here with the film conspiracy when you see Kenneth Branagh he's actually I mean he's he's hi Jess but I always think he's Richard heard a second sorry like he's really doing it yeah he's doing the Shakespeare really and and and then you see okay I when he's you know he's there he's presented but the others are missing like kind of the man you see here in the middle this man he used to be he is to represent he had Klopfer and he's here in the film is presented as as a fat blob in a way sorry to say that but you could see that in a party uniform where if you see the real Club form he's none of that he's you know he's he's sorry to say he's a slender alright looking a man who wouldn't have worn that uniform you would have worn an SS uniform so you know you see they are really not interested in those characters because they yeah it's evil genius or nothing in between so and that's where the book comes in in a way like like Chris and I we have been both working in this house for a very long time for the students and now he's the director and I had turned on to do something but we always ask ourselves like what are there must be more than than that more more of a storyline behind those men even of their men of the second rank of the third rank and so first we look at the workplace this and if you look here you see what I think is interesting you've got the traditional center of German administration and the village Plaza and you can see that quite a few of the workplaces of the participants of the van der conference are indeed in the old center of power of Berlin but you can see that a new center is evolving and it's that it's there that's where the offices were after foreign ministry and this is Eichmann's office and so there's there's a shift you in in the sentence shift of communication shift of power happening so the old imperial Weimar Republic power center is gradually moving and if you have a look at the workplaces you see a Martin Luther I'm sorry that he's called Martin Luther did describe in our book by by Christopher browning we were very proud that Christa browning who was here like three days ago actually agreed to write an article on on on Martin Luther on and yeah that's that's that's his weapons you see and the bureaucrats weapons which is basically the pen and the telephone and we didn't know that picture really beforehand the other photo found basically by the author of the part on Langer who was a mass murder who was flown in into the conference in order to tell the state servants that the murdering of Jews of Germany had started and he had done it and that photo shows him and I think that's a rather spooky photo because he's in the woods car open and that you don't know where he just you know where he just came from and what he just done but I mean knowing what he did ie mass murder all the time it's fairly obvious so there is one point we made to sorry pressing too often so to describe the workplaces where they were whom they met in working what they actually did whilst doing that and why they're invited to the conference and the other thing we thought would be interesting is to see is that really a group those 50 participants were they a group like as in have they met before you know would they meet later and forms something like a corporate identity and they weren't they were just meeting for this meeting was a one-off in a way but we could see that they like some of them had met before quite often and this is one of the meeting places this is what Germans refer to as be armed so it's a beer evening where you yeah it's an informal evening and this is an informal evening of the rise Ministry of the Interior so home office and whom can you see you can see hydration here and then you can see stuck out there so and they both would meet again then six years later in vans II and by the by this is Himmler and you can see that he's not really drinking his beer so that's one time he they met that's another time they met a picture found by by Chris that's a meeting of the police academy in 1937 again you can see stuck out here you can see Heydrich there you can see best there sorry best there like so they are all kind of their meetings of the people who then become the participants of the Banzi conference and then there and then there's this photograph Robert Garrett who wrote the piece on on hydrogen used and for his article and this is Heydrich and this is Hermann Goering who was as you will know the second man in the state and its rulings birthday and it's the 12th of January 1942 so eight days before the conference and this photograph just shows that they met 80 days before the conference and it's important because googling gave him kind of the orders to go ahead and murder so in that it's important and of course that he would just say happy birthday in a way but we but we can all guess what they would have said to what they would have talked about to namely the the upcoming conference another meeting this is again Hermann Goering this is the Berlin Cathedral and you can see him here that's Irish Norman Irish Norman Norman about whom I wrote in in the book he's standing doing this this doing the salute and he is so to speak googling secretary and ask Goering secretary taking part in the conference so there's official half official meetings and then we went a step further thought okay what can we learn what s about these people are what other structures and that's what we found after comparing all the the articles sent to us it's that the average age is 42 so that makes him kind of youngish for being in second in charge of the state they're mainly Protestant mainly from Prussia not surprising in Berlin 10 out of 15 had gone to university Chris already remarked of them and eight of them had a doctor's degree so you see really a a group of skilled skilled murderers of skilled perpetrators what we found that was quite important is that there's actually generation wise there's two generations there's this first generation that they are the ones who fought in the trenches of the First World War that's quite a few of them and four of them actually became prisoners of war which is an outstanding number and then there's the other group roughly half of the group and they are then not those who fought in the First World War but what the Germans referred to as the kicks you cannot attack the youth generation which Mischa revered historian from humored University once called the uncompromising generation they are the ones who who see the war but they are too late to join it and then go for all the turbulences of inflation hyperinflation and that radicalizes them so we've got those two groups meeting with the war fighting that the war fighters and then the new and they are more radical than the old ones we find that quite a few of them like three of them have were members of the high stack so they were MPs actually and Kritzinger was was sitting on the on the bench for for the government and you will find that they met like in the in various other forms too so that gives you a rough description of what this yeah but those participants of the ones of conference what they were about the other thing then we looked at we try to look at is what do we know about the private life now since all of them actually are from the second ranks day it's very difficult to find a lot of private lives we still tried and what you can find out is something you just checked the address book and then then you can at least check where they live and here you got Berlin this is actually where this is where the Vantage where Banzi is and what you can see is that most of them actually lived in the rich southwest of Berlin and a few in the old rich west of Berlin so they're living in the fashionable parts not in the east which is generally was generally in the 1930s 40s a lot lot poorer and the poorest suburbs that's what you can see you can see that they have had family lives I'm showing you a photograph of I admire now who's on top of the list of the bungee Conference because he's the head of the administration the Nazi administration of a whole cow ie whole district so he was in their party hierarchies the highest ranking and you can see him with his two daughters and that's another photograph we found in the fire and that's key had Klopfer presented as a big blob in the conspiracy film and okay you can see that he's bit shorter his wife has to kind of edge and bend her knees a bit but for the rest a fairly inconspicuous person and I think that's that's what we found is that that that Christopher Browning's description of the police battalions as being ordinary man is what we found to those participant of the van der conference they were ordinary man which makes the fact that they became ordinary murderers even more difficult to bear of course because it means it could be us could be me in any case and not those strange hypnotic evil geniuses on the the ordinary side of ordinary and skilled side of being and I took the Klopfer to be the last picture and last slide to show because Klopfer is the last one to die Klopfer died in 1987 without ever having been properly put to justice but upon the fact that his wife then put a no bitchery into the paper which read and I can quote that out of my head he led a happy life yeah he can do that - yeah he led a happy life to the well-being of mankind and that became then a scandal then the paper in room where he died the print of that but before that he just was a I respected citizen of his hometown of womb which takes you to the fact that most of participants of the onesy conference were not put to justice for having participated in the Mansi conference iseman might be one exception ruler we found our Engel OSA in writing on on him found bula was the second-in-command in Poland occupied Poland and he was actually interrogated by polish court really in depth about the banzer conference in 1946-47 which is actually the first time this conference came up and one of the reasons why he was then hung in Poland was having participated in the conference the others either died in the wall gate got very little sentences or yeah lived having happy ever after which then kind of refers to the fact that Chris has remarked on that the memorial of the house of the Bandit conference was only not opened in 1992 before that it was kind of impossible because the perpetrators were in the middle of German society and that is something the book which is on sale I have to remark that remind you you want to sell after all it's all about - thank you very much for your attention what we do now would stand here together in our answer all the questions and I we can't sit anymore no I mean what we have there is the is the minutes of the conference which were the official minutes which were redacted by out of Ajman and who actually went up the ladder through height wish and these minutes have been distributed to the participants but also to the offices which didn't participate for example gabbard's state secretary Leopold Goethe only died in 1992 should have been at the conference but didn't come we don't know why he had these minutes and we find him double-d's diary also a quote I think from the 11th of March 1942 where he refers to the it doesn't explicitly refer to the minutes but he makes a quote which suggests that he had been reading the minutes so but there's just one copy which was found in 1947 in March 1947 by the team of Hobart kempner by Betty neuter in the files of the Foreign Office we have to assume that the other copies he might have seen there were 30 copies have been destroyed in order to destroy evidence in the late months of 1944 and the fact that this one copy has survived is due to the fact that Martin Luther himself fell into disgrace in summer 1943 he was arrested was taken to saxon housing concentration camp as personal prisoner of the fever and didn't have the time to destroy his files and this led to the vector that's just one thing I need to add the the minute played a big role in the last of the Nuremberg trials live ahem stars and trial against an spawn white shaker the father of our former president was a secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and in this case of the version of what was discussed at the what is so particular about the Venza conference is that it is the only document which really gives an idea about the geographic dimensions of what the Nazis were planning for you can see this here on page 6 of the minutes eleven million people from the entire European continent they wouldn't limit themselves to countries which were occupied by Germany or which were German allies but they would also include neutral countries they would include Turkey they would include Switzerland Portugal on this list and they speak about this as a sort of comprehensive solution that this was like a master plan for something which wasn't even close to being realizable at the time when the conference took place but which was the planning for the future so to say there's another question I wanted to ask i'm spielberger from new york I wanted to ask I recall maybe in the early 70s or so and my memories a little jarred there was a sitcom that came on television after school for about a half an hour and it's it's I recall correctly they had on soldiers uniforms that remind me of the uniforms here from the SS and I wanted to know if you have knowledge of that if it was removed because of criticism we had to become historians serious and all that well there there seems to be historical significance because the postponing of the conference seems to be directly linked to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on the 7th of December 1941 we find a note on the invitation letter in the files of the Foreign Office which says there has been a phone call from hydrogen bonding the conference so I think there was the general assumption that the conditions for solving the Jewish questions were changing fundamentally that no consideration no regard had to be taken any more towards the United States which was still a sort of uncertain candidate at this time in Hitler's eyes we also know that the situation had changed dramatically at the Eastern Front on the 5th of December 1941 the Soviets started their first counter-offensive at Smolensk which took the Germans by surprise the Germans were very badly prepared for a winter war Hitler's belief was that there would be a blitzkrieg and that he would have Christmas parade and Moscow on Christmas 1941 and this didn't materialize and you find traces of this also in the minutes of the conference they refer to the winter crisis yeah but they're still very optimistic that this will be solved and the second question about the people invited not not turning up one has been mentioned by Chris already that's the state minister for proper other that's the second in charge ministry for propaganda good her who was invited but didn't show up because the ministry for propaganda to cut it very short didn't want to talk to the central security office anymore you know that so they were at odds and yeah so hydrogen has to invite him to kind of you know and it's clear that he wouldn't come and he actually if I remember right he he made sure that he was in Hitler's headquarters that day so he had a proper excuse the other one who didn't he was invited not turning up it's the head of all police in the what was referred to as general government so say so to speak Poland and he wouldn't turn up for for private more private reasons to the others and that's the main that was the big news they came the other invited came which was very important to hide it because hadn't the others or turned up he would have made a very poor show the German the Holocaust is very closely linked to the so called resettlement policy or the ethnic cleansing policy and in central Eastern Europe and I felt awake I felt was the commander of the Fox torch emitters Timothy this was a sort of agency for population transfer if we can put it euphemistic early thank you three hundred forty two thousand three hundred forty two thousand a significant number as you know many of those jews Bukovina from Bessarabia were shipped into Nazi occupied Ukraine before the Wannsee conference many perished including my namesakes grandparents etc aunts uncles in in in that winter of 1941 and my question is as the Wannsee conference was originally scheduled a bit earlier as you mentioned and the plans for it were even before then how much of the killing of those people which is actually documented upstairs as you walk into the Eichmann exhibit there's a whole panel on Transnistria which is the area that I'm speaking of to my surprise it's given a lot of attention on that very when you're walking on the left it's like it's right there and so my question is how much of that was planned these people were not shot you mentioned about people in in Estonia you know you Dan Ryan with bullets these people were killed by you know mostly by disease how much of that was planned as part of the final solution I mean with the Holocaust in what is today Moldavia what is was very much conducted almost in an autonomous way by the Romanians at this time the Romania is a very particular case because the the Romanian Jean de Marie is autonomously killing Jews in southern Ukraine in the areas occupied by Romanian forces Romania was one of the allies which attacked the Soviet Union together with Germany but when it came to the actual deportation of Romanian Jews marshal Antonescu became more reluctant this is an interesting phenomenon which you can also observe in other countries the French are quite happy extraditing German Austrian Polish refugees or stateless Jews but when it comes to Jews with French nationality prior to World War one they become much more reluctant you have similar phenomena in in other occupied countries I would try it more general answer and that is that of course statistics always lie they can't ever be correct and of course the more you go into details the more incorrect they become just take the number of Jews in the Netherlands that number for example includes those people who are who have got one Jewish grandparent which is not you know not according to the stand that they were discussing so in that he either made a mistake by putting the larger number in they were registered by the Dutch authorities or he thought that in the conference he would kind of managed to convince the others to to go and murder them to difficult thing is is France occupied territory seven hundred thousand might you know so like hey we really sometimes don't know and of course he's trying to be as one who made this this is trying to be very clever showing his point I know everything six eight four I mean why are they were talking it's clicking down because they are murdering so that sorry it's it's you know we tend to believe because it's written on paper that's true well there are some I mean the the participants are diverse yeah you've seen there were some who joined the Nazi Party in the 1920s Heisler joins in 1925 already stuck at home I know best worked in a Jewish law firm in Wiesbaden they're actually pictures where you can see him embracing with the two partners probably had a love affair was the was the daughter of one of the partners to whom he helped to write her doctor's degree so and of course after the war he would claim to have had nothing against Jews but you will also find this an account that one of his co-workers challenged him on the mass shooting of Jews from Berlin in Riga on the 29th of November 1941 and in his response to to Bernhard Lucinda this was the co-worker Stuckart officially justifies the Holocaust the mass killing of Jews by saying it's the Jews who brought us the war millions of German soldiers will still die and you know that for every one of these soldiers the Jews are to blame and then he says a very remarkable phrases as and even if if the Jew is not to be blamed individually it's a sort of historical necessity that we take these harsh measures now so this sort of racial anti-semitic thinking seems to have been [Music] pervasive among the participants and it's also quite typical for this war use generation Krista was talking about those who studied in the 1920s at German universities it was the German student League who made the first attempt to introduce an Aryan clause trying to exclude Jewish co students from being members of the student League something which in the 20s was only stopped by the Prussian Ministry of Education and Culture by by intervening so this shows you that this was a very important element the the racial anti-semitism going to sides of the a so first the Republican Christian I'm first thank you very much both of you for the work you've done and are doing I'm curious if there has been an attempt is has there been outreach to surviving family members of these men to say did your father ever talk about this at home what he did did he ever change his views on what he did I've done this in Stoker's case quite interesting there was two sons I could actually spot very different one had to become a lawyer like his father working in Wiesbaden doing bank law member of the Lions Club very successful professional history the other one had become a sociologist was living in a commune it was different women in courts back and they didn't talk to each other I became the sort of intermediate between the two which was a very weird experience those were struggling was their father I have to give them justice that both didn't really get to know their father very much because the father was traveling a lot he was going all over Europe during the war and then he went into custody in May 1945 became one of the witnesses and the Nuremberg trial and was kept in the prison in first endowed and in Nuremberg and he died in in 53 so they they didn't have much chance to get to know their father but both were really struggling with the legacy of such a father and it's me how you struggle with it and hope and that's actually a son of village bottom cut singer who was trying to in a way whitewash his father and we thought we should have one example of that in there yeah it was very opposed to putting up a picture of his father in the in the van Sevilla because he didn't want his father to be depicted as a criminal basically that's he always said my father and this was the sort of common defense many used was trying to prevent worse of course you can ask what can be preventing worse in the light of we promised one more question and of course why it's signing on what doing we take an answer of course one does I do I'm sorry one does is wrong I do I see and I see this recurrence of nationalism and xenophobia strikes me with fear but you can see - in the case of Germany's that in those parts where the learning about the Nazi dictatorship has been going on for longer I in West Germany the support for those populist is smaller so in that I see a certain slight chance for societies so education does do these things and we above educators so we believe in that anyway yeah but I want you to I mean I honestly want to yeah I mean it's not a real answer I know but it's this I would be much more critical I would say biopolitics is back on the agenda you will see this in many parts especially in the central Eastern Europe the question of how society deals with migration who is us and who is then has has become much more important for for populist policymaking not just in Europe it has become an issue which I'm very worried about thank you very much
Channel: Museum of Jewish Heritage
Views: 66,474
Rating: 4.47541 out of 5
Keywords: Holocaust Education, Wannsee Conference, The Men of the Wannsee Conference, The Final Solution, Museum of Jewish Heritage, A Living Memorial to the Holocaust, The Participants, Dr. Hans-Christian Jasch, Dr. Christoph Kreutzmüller, Memorial of the Wannsee Conference in Berlin, Jewish Museum Berlin
Id: jSNHb6BSzTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 24sec (3384 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2017
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