"The Part of the Deep Web That We Aren't Supposed to See" Part 1

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tonight we have the first in a short series of stories entitled the part of the deep web that we weren't supposed to see by mister elbow I'll assume you all know about the Deep Web well what you've heard is true it's not a great place while some people are there to score weed or firearms or even out of sheer curiosity others well they're obviously not up to any kind but I'm not here to talk about those sickos I'm here to talk about what lies beyond that point the more cryptic and unexplainable part of the internet the part that nobody's really supposed to see there was an infographic that crumped up a while ago not sure when the 8th levels of the internet maybe you've seen it as interesting as it once it's complete bunk I'm sorry but polymeric fairy gold derivation means nothing and the prime onch system I guess somebody's a fan of Warhammer no there's no quantum mechanics involved here however that doesn't mean it was an easy place to find now I'm not going to begin to tell you how to get there it's unlikely that you'd be able to even if I did I'm not Tooting my own horn here I just have a life outside of that I was warned of course everybody told me I wasn't going to like what they saw that I wouldn't even understand it now I'm passing off them warning to you don't try to look for this there's no official name for this place or at least I haven't seen one there were rumors however these ranged from an Illuminati chatroom to a virtual holding cell for an experimental AI gone wrong in reality it's all awkward after a long and painful process of breaking down firewalls encryption solving bizarre philosophical riddles and following hidden links I was finally directed to a blank page with one line of text and a text box underneath quit queries Latin for what do you think I remember feeling surprised but in retrospect I didn't know what I was expecting I'll admit husband stumped here partly because I don't know the answer to that question I had no objective I just wanted to see if I could do it I tried some generic answers at first I typed in the truth and enlightenment you know matrix shent nothing happened I tried a bunch of answers but none of them weren't I was getting really frustrated at this point maybe this was a gag page maybe I really hadn't figured anything out here only I tried something off the wall not sure how this came to me or why I thought it would work but I typed in what also seeks me now that I think about it this thing might have been an AI to my surprise the page went blank like fully blank I waited about five minutes and I was directed to what looked like a forum no not even that it was more basic just like a list of links over a brownish yellow background the links themselves were indiscernible just seemingly random sentences of characters symbols and letters a lot of them I had never seen before it almost looked like an alien language obviously just a code I didn't understand at this point expectations were off the wall each link was a shot in the dark I clicked the first one and loaded up to a live feed of what seemed to be the Paris catacombs I watched for a while but it was ultimately uneventful I moved on to the next link it was a shaky video in a dark setting but I could make out men in tactical gear they were in a house opening doors and sweeping each room eventually they kicked one down to reveal a creature tall and humanoid with scaly skin it was gnawing on a dismembered arm they tried to shoot a tent but it escaped out the window the video stopped there well I was floored what the hell was this it all looked too real to be unreleased film footage I was officially intrigued maybe this was worth the months of headaches and bloodshot eyes after all I couldn't stop now I started working down the list of links with each click everything got more and more bizarre more disturbing I stumbled upon a document called the Paragon project detailing trials of human experimentation and would lead to superhuman levels of strength and durability it was apparent success looked official too there were essays on space-time anomalies glitches in reality and apparent pictures of alternate dimensions there were detailed explanations regarding area 51 the Bermuda Triangle assassinations disappearances and the true nature of the Holy Grail one of the more upsetting ones was a document referring to a world ending bomb a nuke that's 720 thousand times stronger than the one that dropped on Hiroshima I don't want to know why we would need that I found contingency plans for different kinds of apocalypses nuclear winter biological weapons viral outbreak some more peculiar ones were the Marianas Trench abnormality the bluntly labelled strange man on the 15th floor and one simply referred to as blackout recovered logs of skinwalker hunting expeditions 9-1-1 transcriptions from residents of a town in texas that went missing in 1977 and even the journals that belong to the people in the jail at love pass incident they didn't go insane because in the snow I spent hours on there looking through pages and pages of things I felt I wasn't supposed to sing I came across a trailer to a silent film made back in 1910 one that apparently made people claw their eyes out after watching that nearly derailed the whole industry there was a live stream of a hooded man sitting in front of a camera head crouched down he eventually lifted his hand even though he had no mouth a deep guttural hello came through my speakers somehow I knew it came from him I didn't stick around for that there are obscure sense of step-by-step guides that involved things like cutting off your own limbs and sewing on a corpses performing religious incantations in the middle of the Siberian forest and going into coordinates that apparently housed captive fallen angels it was unclear what any of these were supposed to achieve there was also a twenty second long clip entitled a futility of the Living I didn't want you and swen I realized there was no way even the highest form of organized government had full control over this one of the scariest things about this whole experience was that I didn't find an end to the list no matter how far I scroll down I think I had a meltdown and passed out eventually because I woke up on my floor in the middle of the night I looked up a computer screen to see a looped helicopter footage of a massive crab-like creature depart a coastal island I clicked off event I just sat there for the longest time I couldn't comprehend what I was seeing I don't think I really wanted to now I'm not really sure why I kept going my brain was screaming for me to take my computer out to the lawn and smash it to pieces but I didn't I noticed something I hadn't before a small message from the bottom left-hand corner of the screen I don't know if it's always been there or not it was hard to read so I had to squint more Latin translated into are you satisfied there are two options underneath it yes and no no I knew the inserts of this question hell no I wasn't satisfied I was horrified scared for life but I should have clicked the nurse if I just clicked on yes it would have taken me out of that godforsaken place back to comfort and sanity even right now I can't tell you why I clicked on no but once I did the page seemed to refresh it was still the same basic set on except there were only four links this time there were no recognizable numbers or characters hell it didn't look like anything that could have come from this world just a collection of extremely crude symbols that didn't give off any sense of pattern or direction I clicked on the first link after about 20 seconds I slammed my computer shut I can't describe to you what I saw all I know is that I wasn't supposed to see it nobody should ever see something like this it's not only that it didn't make any sense I can't tell you why it didn't I couldn't begin to grasp the images I was seen it wasn't graphic or anything not like that I just couldn't recognize anything I could make out things moving but not in a way any creature on earth has ever moved before call us that I'd never seen before just thinking about it gives me a splitting headache this is my best attempt at visualizing it we have three dimensions here on earth we can move forwards backwards left right 27.4 degrees southwest etc these things weren't restricted to that I can't explain it any further all I know is that I didn't want to watch one more second I don't think I would have been able to I left my room for the first time in a while I was planning to leave my house I needed fresh air to take a walk or something hello I was thinking about running a marathon and the night just to get my mind of that for a few hours I was putting on my jacket when I heard a knock at the door I stopped dead in my tracks obviously I wasn't opening up about a minute and five more set of knocks came before somebody spoke up open up we know what you're dead but were not here to hurt you we just want to talk the tone wasn't threatening eventually I obliged I opened up my door to - tall slim men in suits they smiled at me can we come in I still don't know how they found me I thought for sure I was off the grid we sat down on the couch I guess I was just waiting for the answers at this point one of them looked at me and said what were you looking for as unknown but I'm not going back I responded he smelled again like this is what he wanted to hear the other one piped on who do you work for his tone was a bit more aggressive I just shook my hand look I didn't know what I was getting into I wasn't looking for anything they just stared at me for all well I'm not gonna tell anyone trust me they finally responded they're not worried about that and doubt anyone would believe you another smile somehow made felt genuine we just wanted to know what your priorities were in retrospect that was a very strange question and just it was a favor before we leave i perked up give us the device he used to access end I didn't ask any questions I ran upstairs and basically tossed my laptop at them they both smoked at me one last time before heading to the door just as they were about to leave one of them turned back I don't think you need to be told but don't try this again and don't show anyone else how to get there reader will know I didn't ask who they were I'm not sure I would have wanted to know it's been a week now I don't go on the internet so much anymore after this I'm going to try and forget to try and not think about it anymore I've started having horrific nightmares I've been seeing a therapist for them but I don't think it's helping anyways I'm not going to let this consume the rest of my life the thing is I'm afraid this might not be possible there are some things we aren't supposed to know about probably for our own safety and sanity don't try to seek them out it's better that way however it might be a bit too late for me [Music]
Channel: NaturesTemper
Views: 60,377
Rating: 4.9137168 out of 5
Keywords: Horror (Film Genre), Demon (Character Species), predators, creepy, pasta, spooky, story, haunted, monster, myuuji, my, dead, reddit, no, sleep, nosleep, narration, naturestemper, natures, temper, creature, reality, Creepypasta, real, life, ghost, twist, shadows, wolf, incompetech, weird, suggested, reading, being, demon, ASMR, British accent, national, park, service, forestry
Id: bpqSD83x-nk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2017
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