The Parable of The Ten Virgins - Part 3

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[Music] Church grab your Bibles tonight and turn as you know now to Matthew chapter 25 Matthew chapter 25 the parable of the 10 virgins the parable of the 10 virgins and as I said this is becoming a little bit of a series within a series and it's better that we get everything out of it than run over some very important points and in our study we've come to now this 10th Parable and Matthew chapter 25 it's the 13 verses that make up of this Parable and if you're taking notes tonight and I'm going to continue to mention this I already have mentioned it but it is a parable regarding expectancy don't forget that expectancy urgency about a very particular and specific topic and that is the coming of the Lord the return of Jesus Christ the Bible teaches Jesus Christ will return and only a fool would not believe that if you think about it how can you assume for a moment that Jesus is not going to return When first of all his first coming was announced before he was ever born in Bethlehem and he came Jesus is not a myth contrary to Billboards that are springing up across America Jesus is not a myth he was actually not only a historical person who lived you guys know in this church that he was none other than God according to the Bible who revealed himself to mankind by visiting us in human skin it was the plan of God and so this very serious issue about Christ returning is something something that we better pay close attention to the Bible is replete with challenges and alerts to us being ready Matthew 251 we'll read it again then the Kingdom of Heaven shall be likened un 10 virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom now five of them were wise and five were foolish those who were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them but the wise took oil in their vessels with the lamps or their lamps but while the bridegroom was delayed they all slumbered and slept and at midnight a cry Was Heard behold the bridegroom is coming go out to meet him then all those Ro Rose virgins arose and trimmed their lamps and the foolish said to the wise give us some of your oil for our lamps have gone out but the wise answered saying no lest there should not be enough for us and you but go rather to those who sell and buy for yourselves that wild while they went to buy the bridegroom came and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding and the door was shut afterward verse 11 says the other virgins came also saying Lord Lord open to us notice they got his title right huh but he answered and said to them assuredly I say to you I don't know you and here it is watch therefore for you do not know neither the day nor the hour in which the son of man is coming in our first previous studies regarding this remember our first point regarding the parable of the 10 virgins was found in Verses 1-5 and it's very important and that is as we challenge one another regarding this know what you believe remember that if you're here tonight for the first time you got to write that down you better know what you believe you say well I'm not a Christian well what do you believe in you better know it in fact I'm very confident in saying this you better better know whatever it is you believe because my challenge to you is kind of bold whatever you adhere to if it's not Christianity you better study it to its full end know everything about it because I believe if you do you'll find out that is absolutely bankrupt and unable to save you it won't handle your sins it won't handle eternity it won't handle guilt it won't have any power but listen for the Christian we looked at how much we need to know what we believe because we have not followed these cunningly devised fables of others it's the very word of God and we saw that the whole push to this was for us to understand that the oil symbolized the person and the work of the Holy Spirit and that they all started out with Enlightenment Jesus said that he gives light to every person that comes into the world that's believer and nonbeliever remember this it's what you do with what God gives you God gives a person life God gives a person light of understanding and if you abuse that and if you reject that and if you invest that responsibility in other areas you're taking a gift given to you by God and you're prostituting it into areas that he never intended it to be used in that's why by the way false worship is mentioned in Scripture as spiritual adultery against God it's a very serious thing so you want to know what you believe and you want to be making sure as we saw that you are acquainted well and understand the person of the Holy Spirit now I know it seems like about a year ago already but we were just here last Wednesday night and I was completely pleasantly surprised on how things went when I gave opportunity for those who were really hungering and and thirsting and Desiring to serve the Lord and to yield their lives to his service I honestly thought that we would be laying hands on an anointing with oil about 50 people I thought we can handle 50 people and it turns out about 250 people got up and came forward and and God moved and I'm already hearing how there's been these uh experiences from some of you where you for the first time in your life you said that's it I'm done with my life Holy Spirit take possession of me and Use Me to Your Glory I want to be used for the service of God and God has promised to fill and come upon you aresh with the power of His Holy Spirit and that's vitally important so church tonight we pick it up looking at act upon what you believe that's part two of our message tonight verses 6-10 will you mark it down Mark that down act upon what you believe know what you believe God is giving you the Bible know it he's giving the opportunity to pray you can ask him so then act upon it act upon what you believe verses 6-10 it begins this way Jesus says and at midnight a cry Was Heard and behold the bridegroom is coming go out to meet him then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps and the foolish said to the wise give us some of your oil can you imagine the Panic they must have been in I assume they're in a panic I don't know but they say give us some of your oil for our lamps are going out but the wise answered and said no lest there should not be enough for us and you but go rather to those who sell and to buy for yourselves verse 10 and while they went to bite he it the bridegroom came and those who were ready notice that ready went in with him to the wedding and the door was shut I want to ask some questions to I think Enlighten this act upon what you believe as a Christian this is a big deal this is a big deal what do you know what do you believe now Church listen let me just play with you don't answer don't yell don't jump up do you believe the Bible is the word of God if you say yes then you just gave me the fuel to come at you and say prove it do you understand what I'm saying every Christian should be able to rightfully defend why they believe the Bible is the word of God you can't this is not an answer well my pastor said it it's the word of go that's not an answer well my grandmother told me I read a book and it said that the Bible is the word of God you can't that's not an answer you need to know how to answer that challenge and if you read your Bible the Holy Spirit who's in you we learned that last week will bring up the answer in that very hour when you don't think you know what to say the holy spirit will speak into your heart and you'll know exactly what to say next question question uh is Jesus really going to come back for the church is that really going to happen uh yeah you can't say because your denomination or your church or I read all the Left Behind series and I know Jesus is coming back hey that's not an answer if you claim to know something you only know it if you can defend it regurgitate is not knowing something look you're looking at a guy who cheated all the way through school I don't mind saying so um it's kind of like today this is the did you were you outside at all today it was just a beautiful day and I I was studying all day outside in my backyard and it's a perfect day and the breeze is blowing and the sky is blue and it's everything's fantastic and I was reminded today about how good God is because I could not pay attention going through school to anybody or anything because I have major add and I loved looking out the window all the time I got I got in trouble all the time for looking out the window and today I was studying and looking out the window or looking outside but one of the fun things is that it's not so much now that I'm over 55 but um it used to be where I could just um take a snapshot of something as it were I could just I'd be you know the teacher would be saying something and I would just like and I'd get it and then go goof off and I would never study but when it came time to take the test I would just spit up the answers and I would Ace it I'm the I'm the person that all the students hated because I was always goofing off but I'd Ace it but if you asked me 10 days later what the answer was I couldn't tell you that's not learning ladies and gentlemen regurgitation of a verse doesn't mean you know it right regurgitation of a Doctrine unless you can explain it you don't know it so listen before you can act on what you believe you got to know it and that's why in this church we give a great am amount of time and effort to teaching the Bible Bible study so here's what we want to ask what made them all virgins we learn from the end of the parable that apparently five are saved and five are not saved five go into glory and five do not so what made them virgins this is important are you listening everybody is the fact that they all believed the bridegroom was coming now they differed in when the bridegroom would come but they all would agreed look Church listen were they not all there did they not all respond to an invitation of some sorts to be there did they not all bring lamps to some degree did they not all have some level of oil did they not all group together did they not all even sleep and Slumber together in fact were they not all together when the announcement was made the bridegroom's coming the only problem is only five were ready so what do we what do we know by this is it a is this a parable about losing your salvation no it's a paril about terrible about five being ready because they were saved five not ready because they were not saved it's very important you understand that and the issue is the believer is going to be looking for the coming of his Lord it is part of the fiber and the DNA of who you are now being born again okay I have my dad's ears and I have my dad's nose okay I have my mom's chin in my mom's eyes where did that come from their DNA I bear the the representation of my Earthly uh parents line but when you're born again born of the spirit you have a new or a spiritual DNA and there are things that though we can be white black Rich poor skinny not skinny Russian americ doesn't matter in the whole world the body of Christ there is this unifying factor of the Holy Spirit at work within the church and no matter what our background is there are things that we have this thing called coia It's The Fellowship of God's people It's Supernatural you can meet somebody who's a Christian for the first time and within two minutes there's a gel it's awesome but we need to act upon what we believe as Believers and we need to make sure that we understand that so the question is what made them all virgins I'll just say that they were they were were involved in the expectancy to some degree or another and there's people by the way who attend church there's people who attend this church and they they don't like they don't like partying they don't like drinking they don't like carousing uh they're they're conservative in their views they've they're they're they always they've always gone to church and they come to church every Sunday um they like being around Christian people but their commitment to Christianity only goes so far as listen as it's convenient and what do I mean by that there are people who will follow Jesus Christ up until the point someone persecutes them for being a Christian and then they they give up or they get sick or they get cancer or they or they lose their job and you'll know these people because they turn on God they turn on him the very one that they love they they love they turn on him and they blame him for their dilemmas they wind up now because now the fair weather faith has been shaken and so now they turn and they blame him for all the world's ills or their family ills or whatever is going on and listen this is a very serious thing and I kind of analyzed this just a bit and if it ministers to to great but um these five begin to number one loosen up their grip on God they get a little bit what we used to call in the 70s sloppy agapy they just start to take God for granted that's where it begins the second thing is is that they begin to allow things into their lives that they shouldn't allow they begin to allow things into their lives that they didn't allow in before but what's worse than that even they begin to justify why they allow certain things into their lives now that they didn't before the third thing is that they begin to get selective about Bible doctrines and scriptures that apply to them they seem to what we would call Hobby Horse certain issues they stick to one area this is my thing or they they grab something and they make it their Crusade they begin to isolate themselves from the full counsel of God I've noticed over the years the four thing is that they begin to compromise then slip away into eventual apostasy that is the departure from the faith a Believer cannot a Believer cannot commit apostasy only the fake or the false Believers can by the way when I say Believers let's make something very clear here in another Parable we'll look at it in the future Jesus says regarding certain certain uh people who receive the word of God Jesus says listen these are they who believe for a while you say oh my gosh you can lose your salvation can't you no no he said these are they who believe for a while their belief stays only in the area of belief look you're in the United States of America and you may have a California driver's license but you may not believe in America you're not you're not a real American unless you believe in what America is you can be sitting in a church and own a Bible and for a season you can believe but you never put your belief into the realm of Faith you never put your weight Upon Jesus and eventually things of the world will sift you out it's a sobering thing five they were never true followers because as I said they never had a real challenged confirmed Faith look you're not want to hear this but you know what really makes your faith and my faith real real to us God knows all things have you ever had a really tough season in Life or a tough life have you ever had a tough day or a tough month or a tough relationship and you're a Christian have you noticed no matter what it is you might hate it you might despise it you might be stressed and freaking out about it but have you noticed leaving Jesus regarding it never crosses your mind have you noticed that it's Lord you know Peter said it to whom shall we go you alone have the words of eternal life that's a great word where we going to go the real believer says where am I going to go job said it this way right though he slay me yet shall I trust him naked I've come naked I'll go blessed be the name of the Lord there's no other place to go the The Believer who has faith in God says look if this is the end of the road I'm at the end of the road with God unless he opens up a highway or a freeway I've got nowhere else to go a person who only has belief but not faith gives up on God and trials and difficulties are the very things that confirm to us individually our faith that's why we go through it you may be battling cancer that is your firey trial to see well and deep within you Faith your faith becomes real maybe the person next to you is not going through cancer but they're going through tremendous difficulties in life you know I don't know for whatever this is worth uh you want to get your faith confirmed you want to and look I'm not talking about come forward and we'll confirm your faith not who cares that's impossible you want your faith confirmed get involved in Ministry you'll get your spiritual teeth knocked out and then you go man that hurt and you get up and then you get hit again and I'm not talking about physically getting hit that would almost be easier it's all the stabbing emotionally or spiritually or mentally that goes on but listen for every Christian your Faith's going to get hit why God why are you doing this when you calm down and listen to the Lord he's saying I am perfecting your faith listen sir listen uh young lady this is happening to you not because I'm out of control you need this regarding the w witness and the ministry that I had ordained for you before you ever came into this world will you let me be your God in and through it as I always have been your God and that's when you say yes Lord to whom shall I go you alone have the words of eternal life and listen confirming our faith I kind of I was in an hry mood today I guess when I wrote this down because this is what I wrote our sons and our daughters know the truth about our proclamation of faith our husbands and our wives know the truth about our proclamation of Faith what if God decided to base our entrance into heaven I'm only making this up right now so calm down what if God decided to base our entrance into heaven on what others say about us better still what if God allowed our wives or our husbands our sons or our daughters to answer that issue in our place can you imagine okay Jack uh come forward your kids and your wife are going to evaluate if you go into the kingdom or not based upon your witness to them and your witness in life to them did you they're going to ask did he exhibit the lordship of Jesus Christ in his life and imagine their answer being given and it determines your Eternal destination there'd be a lot of husbands shaping up real quick we laugh at that but you know what it's going to be more intense than that wow well what made the foolish foolish they were not deliberate they were not intentional about being ready they kind of went to the whole party kind of low on gas right they just had enough oil to get to the party they didn't have enough to be prepared remember that says the bridegroom was delayed they couldn't endure they couldn't make it all the way through something else apparently if that happens in our lives becomes a greater priority than Jesus I want to do this instead of obey Jesus I want to have this in my life instead of honoring Jesus I want to have this satisfaction instead of obeying Christ or the word of God the next question I wanted to ask these five virgins is why didn't they have enough oil well they weren't expecting his delay the invitation was good and acceptable to them listen so long as he came quickly well what makes you think that because they only had so much oil they went expecting him to come on their timing friends listen Christian if you haven't learned this yet hear this tonight God literally pays no attention to our timing I have tried to counsel him on this issue many times and not only does he not pay attention to our timing he doesn't pay attention to our counsel he doesn't he doesn't operate like that isn't it amazing it's amazing how he is could it have been that they went to the invitation they were not prepared they didn't take enough oil they expected this thing to be a wham bam let's get out of here thing because convenience drove them I'll do this as long as it's convenient in Matthew 24:10 there it says and then many will be offended Jesus is speaking about the last days and will betray one another and they will hate one another sounds like today then many false prophets will arise or rise up and deceive many and because of lawlessness will abound the love of many will grow cold but he who endures to the end shall be saved that means you keep your focus on Jesus young people tonight you keep your focus on Jesus well I've been hurt by so many people no kidding join the club what does that have to do with keeping your eyes on Jesus in fact the more people offend you the more people hurt you you better focus on Jesus like a laser more so what makes someone ready how can we make sure that we're not in this group of five who are unwise it's simple remember the holy spirit is a representation of or I should say the oil is the representation of the holy spirit in this and so I would say that every one of us present tonight be seeking as we looked at last week the empowerment of the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit to lead us and to guide us this is an amazing couple of verses jot this down I have seen this happen in my life in your life I have seen it happen and it's probably the sweetest when it happens in a new believer's life a brand new Christian listen to this how can a brand new Christian who doesn't they don't even know where to find John 3:16 yet they know because you know this is what happens you give your heart to Christ and Satan you're now on the radar because he lost your soul but he wants to sterilize you because new Believers are so so energetic about Jesus they're awesome you always want to hang around new Believers old believers who are crusty now let me when I say old Believers there's old Believers in this church that are I was with an 87 yearold believer yesterday who goes out witnessing and this is what she does wherever she's at she was at the restaurant she was at the Taylor and she went the the Taylor man she told me was from India and she said uh you're not from here are you now look when you're 87 years old you can start conversations like that you're not from here are you no where are you from India India what kind of religion do you hold to there uh Hindu uh she said I'm a Christian and he goes I know about Christianity she goes yeah what do you know about it she she goes what do you know about it and he goes you guys believe in three Gods she goes no you're wrong no he goes no father son Holy Spirit she goes that's one God that's one God you don't know what you're talking about because she goes listen here's what I I ask people every time I talk to people I ask them this question where are you going to go when you die and they got a little bit of a talk and then it was very cute because he went up to her and he said I have never talked this much about religion in my life isn't that sweet 87 year old Christian woman who's out there sharing Jesus Christ amen that's the old kind of believer I want to be around but a new believer is like lit up about that I just met Jesus well listen to this verse 1 John chapter 2:20 1 John 2:20 but you have an anointing you got to Circle that from the Holy One and you know all things you know that is all things God will speak to you when you need them he'll bring up the word of God to you verse 21 I have not written to you because you do not know the truth but because you know it and that no lie is of the truth a new believer and an old believer the Holy Spirit the Holy One has this anointing upon the Christian the Christian discerns situations the Christian can discern Doctrine or when someone's speaking it is amazing when you're talking to somebody and they're talking about some spiritual issue or something like that and you don't know them and they're well you know I want to introduce you to this thing and you're just going inside you look normal on the outside but inside it's whoop whoop whoop All These Warnings and bells and Wilsons are going off fraud false prophet false teacher weirdo I don't know something's wrong and I've seen new Believers go through this it's amazing the holy spirit's saying come here little kiddo we're g to we're going to get away from this guy it's amazing the Holy Spirit does that 1 John 2 2:26 these things I write to you concerning those who try to deceive you but the anointing which you have receed from him abides in you and you do not need that anyone teach you but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things and is true and it is not a lie and just as it has taught you you will abide in him boom wow every Christian filled with the spirit of God upon them and in them a real believer has got this Supernatural discom meter when things come into their life and I believe that's a great argument for you the real Christian about not having to worry about running out of oil the holy spirit will make sure that you get your filling the holy spirit will also prepare us and alert us to things that are happening with discernment or things that are about to happen which is amazing words of knowledge and words of Prophecy in 2 Timothy chapter 2:3 it says you therefore must endure hardships as a good soldier of Jesus Christ no one engaged in Warfare entangles himself in the Affairs of this life that he may please him who enlist him as a soldier as a Christian listen Church everybody we need to uh we need to make sure that we're not buddying up to the system system this world system the Bible says we're in a war and we're like soldiers and as Paul tells Timothy don't entangle yourself in the things of this world as you're going off the battle you ever see soldiers go off the battle with their pull pinball machine with them you see them going off to battle with pots and pans tied to their ankles they don't go off they don't jump out of an airplane into a war zone with their bowling ball case around their they don't do that we need to be very very alert and very very sensitive in this day and age light touch on this world I wrote this down for application three things God is telling me maybe God is telling all of us and this this age in which we're living and we're living an amazing time ladies and gentlemen I mean look again what's happening in Egypt is out we Egypt's been out of control but it's just gone nuts Syria what's the latest a number I stopped counting now last I checked uh Bashar Assad has killed 55,000 of his own people it's up to 90,000 now 90 over a 100,000 close to 100,000 people his own people syrians in the last 21 months that's a lot of people once to too many world's coming unhinged things are crazy so what do we do so I'm thinking this I need to make sure that I only get involved in things that build up my faith say man that's legalistic well you can call it whatever you want but I'm going to heaven you can call it whatever you want I don't want to leak any oil well man I can be ready I can be ready sleeping with bubbles I can be ready to meet Jesus doing coke I can be ready for Jesus what no you can't you can't live like that the spirit of God won't let you live like that he won't do it no man don't judge me I'm not judging you stand up I'll hit you with this right here this this is judging you I'm not judging you this turns around and judges me this is the book that says Jack walk circumspectly in this life see I'm I don't I'm not I don't have the right anymore to tell me what I'm going to do hey Jack what do you want to do today whatever I want to do okay let's do it listen Jesus Christ is my Lord now he tells me what to do when I get up in the morning I'm supposed to say Jesus what do you want me to do so I want to be evaluated I look around the world sin like man this crazy Lord what do you want me to do Jack I don't want you to get involved in things that doesn't build up your faith okay number two do an honest self-evaluation of what I claim to believe three am I willing to yield myself to more and more of what God wants to do in my life Point number three tonight in our study verses 11 to 12 the parable of the 10 virgins heed what you believe verse 11 says afterward the other virgins came also saying Lord Lord open to us but he answered and said to them assuredly I say to you I do not know you can you imagine heed what you believe see what is it what is heed um lay uh lay hold of it with your ears I told you guys this a long time ago but it comes to my mind again I can see the picture how many times seven times in the Book of Revelation to the churches Jesus says let him who has ears to hear hear what the spirit is saying to the churches right seven times and years ago maybe you remember this they were doing all this uh DNA work and all this stuff and they took a rat they took a lab rat and they genetic Ally engineered a human ear they grew a human engineer they implanted the data into the back of the Rat and turned into like a little bump and it got bigger and bigger and it was a perfect they farmed a perfect human ear on the back of a rat and you could probably look it up this is 20 30 years ago perfect human ear you could cut it off and put it on someone's ear and that's maybe that's what they did with it I don't know but that rat had the biggest human ear possible but the rat couldn't hear any better and if you took that ear look at listen Ross perau anybody remember Ross perau right that guy had a set of ears but could he hear any better just because you have ears doesn't mean you're hearing there has to be a will attached to those ears and that will has got to be a willingness to to hear it's very important so listen to this Matthew 22:14 because this comes to my mind how is it that these very ones who were invited were unknown to the bridegroom I mean if I was right in the story I would say hey open up open up to us open up to us and the bridegroom says I don't even know who you are I would have kind of said uh who sent you an invitation anyway I don't even know you guys what made you think you could come to this party isn't that funny how'd they even get there well Matthew 22:14 says for many are called but few are chosen the word implies the invitation for salvation goes out to everyone but few are chosen God In His Infinite knowledge knows those who based upon his forn knowledge who will accept him but the invitation goes out to the world in this case the answer is the invitation went out to all the people within the realm Luke 88:18 listen to this this is key Luke 88:18 therefore Jesus says take heed how you hear for whoever has to him more will be given are you willing to hear him you're going to get more and whoever does not have even what he seems to have will be taken away from him you're going to lose your ear if you're willing to listen to Jesus if you're willing to follow God your life is going to be blessed with more opportunity and with more faith if you don't want to hear from him but you can come in and at a church all night long all day long but if you're not willing to hear him what you have listen you're going to slowly Drift Away into apostasy you hung out with Christians but you were never a Christian Mark 4 24 then Jesus said to them take heed what you hear notice take heed how you hear Mark 4:24 take heed what you hear with the same measure you use it will be measured to you and to you who hear more will be given there are people in spiritual context that are violating that verse they're not being careful what they hear and they are in the name of Christianity ruining people's lives and that's a trag thing they're ruining their own life Matthew 7:13 you guys okay you're very quiet tonight Matthew 7:13 says enter in by the narrow gate for wide is the gate and Broad is the way that leads to destruction and there are many who go in by it because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life and there are few who find it do you realize how Politically Incorrect Jesus's words are right here do you realize he's in trouble the California state supreme court would Su him for this look at that are you looking at that wow Jesus said it's really narrow the pathway into heaven look it doesn't mean it's impossible and it and it doesn't mean it's your effort that get you there you understand that don't misread that don't think Jesus is saying all right here's a deal if you can run a 100 yard dash under three seconds if you can do 4,000 push-ups in a minute if you and then you can come in it's a really tough Gauntlet but do your best is that what he's saying here's the narrow way Jesus did it all you keep your eyes on him you trust him completely you don't go to the left or the right you follow him you set your eyes on him and you go all the way through life with him with every look they're shooting water cannons at you they're throwing dead cats at you and rting potatoes and and you just stay focused you just stay focused stay fixed on him number four watch what you believe watch with what you believe I should say watch with what you believe verse 13 watch therefore for you know neither the day nor the hour wow in which the son of man is coming I love this Jesus doesn't debate the fact that he's returning it's not even a question I love it Jesus says I'm coming back you don't know the day of the hour that's awesome drives us crazy right with all these smart devices um sorry it's not on here I don't know why it's not here I mean I would have been there if it was on here you know the you know you know how wrong these things are remember how you used to have a life before you had one of these my home phone's been broken for three days it's awesome Verizon the thing messed up I don't know what I didn't care oh we're sorry your phone's not working I don't care three days peace then they came out to didn't fix it I said thanks a lot think of that for a moment Jesus says you don't know the day or the hour I wish we had time to get into this don't think you will not know the times or the seasons the Bible commands you will know that isn't that amazing the Bible says you will know the times and the seasons of his return but you won't know the day or the hour I like that what does that mean that means as Believers we're going to sense knowing our Bibles looking at the word World scene the culture the chair the church and the condition it's in in the world you're going to start feeling or thinking things like you know what this this is uh something's something's coming and it's going to be big like what I don't know but something's coming and I just I just feel like really focusing on the finish line right now wow it's pretty amazing when you hear 13y olds talk like that I've never heard young people talk like that in my life that's awesome okay so let's push to the end of this verse 13 for those in and out of the church there's that 800 PB gorilla that's always in the room and that's the biblical Doctrine regarding the return of Jesus Christ he is coming back people want to say no he's not you can yak about it all you want he say he's coming back it's undebatable people will argue about it they'll argue with each other or they'll argue over it but he's coming back Revelation 3:10 we're going to go really quick across the finish line here we go Revelation 3:10 Jesus says because you have kept my command listen to this to persevere hang in there don't quit I also will keep you from the hour of trial what what trial it's the one which shall come upon what the whole world why to test those dwell on the earth behold I am coming quickly hold fast what you have that no one may take your crown he said I'm going to spare you from that moment that the wrath of God's going to be revealed on the face of the Earth I'll deliver you from that time Luke 21:29 we're almost done Luke 21:29 then he spoke to them a parable look at the Fig Tree and all the trees when they are are already budding you see and know for yourselves that summer notice summer is not a day or an hour it's a season is near so you also when you see these things happening the word means beginning to happen know that the kingdom of God is near assuredly I say to you this generation what generation the generation that sees an event something's going to happen we don't know what it is but something's going to happen that is is going to start off a tick of time a chronology Chronos of time something's going to happen boom that when Jesus says behold I come quickly you say how how can that apply it's been 2,000 years since he said that that's because that's not what he said he said when these things begin to happen then I'm coming very quickly it won't be long so that's why we're supposed to be watching you must be watching something's going to happen will you identify it will you recognize it when it happens what will it be I don't know could it be a war will it be something in Israel will it be some of I don't know some and they may have a point might say it was the birth of the nation Israel that's it could be I don't know I don't know but this I know I am commanded to be watching and when I know of this event the holy spirit's going to say that's it get ready well when what day what hour you'll never know that but the times and the seasons you're going to know it so Jack get ready be watching man that pumps me up just thinking about it he said well what if you die of old age thinking like that then I will have died ready okay it's a good way to live you know but that 800lb guilla is Christ is coming back there's churches that reject the fact that Jesus is is coming back and that big 800lb grill is going to fall on their head it's amazing okay we're still in Luke 21 though friends we are um he verse 33 Heaven and Earth will pass away but my words will by no means pass away but take heed to yourselves lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing that's just going out to party let's find a party drunkenness the cares of the life and that day come upon you unexpectedly for it will come upon as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth ladies and gentlemen you do not dwell on the face of the whole earth your citizenship is in heaven and you've been seated in the heavenlies says the book of Ephesians chapter 1 you don't live here you are passing through here this Earth's not your home but the Earth dwellers are going to get it look at verse 36 watch therefore and pray always that you may be counted worthy that is faith in Christ to escape all these things wow you Christians you just want to escape all the bad stuff Hallelujah Jesus said pray that you escape all these things that will come to pass and stand before the son of man it's an awesome declaration it means that while we're standing before our savior the son of man all literal hell is breaking loose on Earth that ain't a bad thing to miss last final verse are you ready let's stand for this last final verse I love this verse it's my favorite verse in the Bible don't raise your hand but you ever go through any doubt pain sorrow especially the things I don't know um I hate going through unexplainable uh spiritual depression it's called oppression in spiritual jargon uh you ever have that anybody it's just so I just feel so dark heavy like well like what I don't know it's just a really you pray and you know you're talking with God and stuff but it just feels like there's a dark cloud around you and you said oh man you know what this verse is so encouraging if you you are experiencing some form of setback of any kind and you're just wondering man I'm just I'm I don't know if I'm going to make it listen to this verse it's Jude 1:24 now to him to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding Joy did you hear that lift your hands must I tell you everything well if you're not a Christian don't lift your hands right now Lord we pray tonight to you in the name of Jesus Christ we come based upon his righteousness alone we have none we lift our hands in prayer as commanded in your word that we ought to do this this and we pray this prayer for ourselves and for one another tonight that we ask you Lord to do that which we are unable to do for ourselves Lord that you'd keep us from stumbling and father you would do that abiding work in our hearts hearts and in our lives that would cause us Lord to stand before you to arrive to be presented before you absolutely faultless that we would not hinder you in your work that father you would have your absolute control over our lives our minds our hands our feet what we say what we allow in our lives dear Lord Jesus we dedicate Our Lives to you tonight we ask you to make us ready if there's some area of Our Lives that's not ready Lord remove it if we don't want to give that up we can ask you this will you make us willing all of us can pray that will you make us willing to give it up will you take it away from us Lord will you pull any extract anything from this world that made its way into our lives Roots Vines veins of things unwanted by you and Lord tonight as a people we ask you to make us ready fill us up to overflowing and Lord when the call comes forth May our lamps be burning bright Lord we worship you now in spirit and in truth as we bless you in this song of worship in Jesus [Music] name
Channel: Real Life with Jack Hibbs
Views: 46,277
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jack Hibbs, Calvary Chapel Chino Hills, Real Life, purpose, truth, faithfulness, responsibility
Id: 0VnHbNdBNZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 56sec (3176 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 04 2013
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