Köydeki Yaşlı Çiftin Çileli Hayatı | Belgesel

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Gentarla/Düzköy Şalpazarı Trabzon/Turkey The Ordeal Life of the Old Couple in the Village Let me put this one underneath and the other one on top. Come son, come come come! His mother's biggest, his mother's biggest. I love this very much, auntie. I love him very much. Our most beautiful views are in the plateaus. So-called, from mules to goats and cows , it has been this way since our grandfather. At home, the old lady and I try to do it all. Everything grows old, but the heart does not grow old. Everything grows old, the heart does not grow old. I have been a shepherd for 50 years. I went to the military and came back, I had 20 months of military service. So I came to the plateau again. I came to the plateau two and three times, on leave. Again, I was never left without a plateau. There is such a tradition from our ancestors. Let's face it, the family has dispersed and passed away. I am herding these sheep you see alone. I manage on my own. We don't have anything else, you see. But if you ask; Are you doing this job out of necessity or can't you make ends meet? I am making ends meet, thank God, I am retired. I will never be comfortable unless my pet is comfortable. If their diapers were wet, I couldn't drink tea or eat. They will be comfortable, I will put them in their places in the evening. Lamb time will begin soon. I can't sleep at night yet. You will wake up at night and breastfeed. This is not a job that can be done with one person. But since my skills are a little high, I naturally deal with this job and because I understand their language . 10 people cannot do what I do . That's why they call me Ataturk, do you understand? So not every shepherd can raise the dog I raised. It is very difficult to train them well. For example, here the sheep produces a lamb and starts eating the lamb while licking its mate. If you throw a dead lamb in front of a dog, if it eats it, it will also eat the live lamb. If there is no chicken at your door, he will eat your neighbor's chicken. Then he gets into a fight with someone else's dog. These are all problems. I have always raised dogs myself. I raised all the dogs with me myself. I have never brought any dog ​​raised by someone else and tied it to the door. I raised them all myself. For example, let me point this out now. There are some dogs that are 10 years old and do not understand any signs. My name is Nurullah BEKTAŞ. I have been a military personnel for approximately 8-10 years. Our life started in the village. Most likely, our lives will end in the village again. So, I did not go into the profession voluntarily. My father and I sometimes got angry and sometimes fought, but we went back and forth and sat around the same table again. When we opened our eyes, there was already a sheep, and when we close our eyes, there will probably be sheep again. Even though my father said that you should not continue this business, eventually there would be a sheep at this door again. Even if it's just one, it's okay. I didn't go voluntarily, but the body left, the mind remained. We will probably stay here again. So, whenever I get the chance, I try to come and help my mother and father. As much as I can within the means. Even though it is not my own job, I come as much as possible. Even though we fight over the animal, we still gather around the animal. Around the sheep. Thank God, we have eaten so far and are full. Thank God, we did not need anyone. May God not make anyone dependent on you. Thank God for you. I don't understand anything from this life, my son. From anger, from work, from trouble. I don't know markets, I don't know holidays, I don't know weddings. I came from my job, went to my job. I came from my job, went to my job. I was just like you saw today. If I fall behind even a little bit on a job, I can't get it right. I can't fix my routine yet. It's been 42 or 43 years since I came here. I haven't lived a day. I have never experienced a day like the day young people experience today. I didn't think I would see today, I didn't think I would live today either. I am alone, but thank God I am comfortable. You have seen the situation of the shepherd. You listened to his situation. This is what we're dealing with, what can we do, son? Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. May God grant us to die in health and peace. We need wood in the Black Sea region like bread and water. Where is the cloth? Our sponge... I wonder what he did to peel those pumpkins? -He put it in the oven. Is it cooked? -Yes. -No, it's imminent, it's not cooked. I was going to say eat it if it's cooked. Should I open it? It is not easy to find bean soup in the middle of winter . I got quite sick. Something like evening and dressing gown is about to be finished. Sometimes I say to my friends: "I will sell this sheep." Those who know me also say: "You do not sell sheep, you cannot sell them." "You can only sell the sheep when the head of the shroud is knotted." he would say to me. Anyone who deals with this job cannot easily leave it and stays away from society. It will now be about a month since I came from the plateau. I couldn't go to my mother's father's grave. Calculate accordingly. Can't a person go to a grave? The neighborhood you see did not have a road. In 1990, 1980 and 1975, we used to carry hay bales on our backs. If you want to divide it, it does not divide. We used to carry hay bales from Şalpazarı . It would snow and we would carry hay bales. Can hay bales be carried from here to there? We would carry it. I am happier with the President now than before . Habit. Tomorrow night the same thing will happen again. Now, if you have two cows , you can have fun and feed them. You sit down, oh. I'll take the meadow from above. We are old, we are old, oh my son. We were old, we were old. My name was Neriman KANDEMİR when I was at my father's house. Then I came here and his surname changed to BEKTAŞ. We came here, there are goods and properties. There is a mother-in-law. I had a sister-in-law at home. I was just a kid, I didn't understand anything. When we were at my father's house, we had 3-4 cows. I took care of them. I would go to school and come back, I didn't know anything else. I came here and fell into the animals. They didn't call me a child. They expected everything from me. My mother-in-law takes care of the animals, my mother-in-law takes care of me and the cows. They got old, things were left to us. The children are young, they go to school. Some got married and left, some went to other places. That's how we came to these situations. According to the old people, we did not suffer. According to their mothers-in-law and their mothers-in-law. In our opinion, young people today do not suffer. I feel sorry for my daughters. As long as I'm in my right mind, I feel sorry for my daughters. Especially the older one. Another pain. God and I know what I suffered with him . His rights will neither be paid nor his sufferings forgotten. He suffered every difficulty. Nothing happens to the boy, he stays at his father's house. The girls go to the stranger's house and start a new life. You demolish the old building and build a new one, just like that. I feel very sorry for the girls. I feel sorry for foreigners too. They don't know anything. They pass by. What do you think, most of the work remains. Everything depends on power. New people do not work like old people. New people cannot do in a year what the old people did in a day. Buy and eat from the grocery store. Wash your laundry in the machine. Throw the dishes into the machine. They also die from hardship and cruelty. Package soup. Diapering. We used to wash the child's diaper by hand every day. O you mountains! There are neither those who come and go, nor those who do not come, nor those who do not see. O you mountains! When will luck come again? You have sent many of them off, I hope you will send us off too. May God grant us all happy deaths. I constantly think about what I experienced in the past, I think about old lives. We have so many lives. We have a lot of lives. We wouldn't live, we wouldn't, we wouldn't go. Why did I need to go through this ordeal, this trouble, this difficulty? What did you suffer for? There was no need. Because of what? It's always because of the children. Don't be crushed, don't be crushed, don't be crushed. Because of our children. If they know my value to humanity, I have made it great for them . If they don't know, God knows what I will do. 🎵 I'm in trouble, I'm in trouble, but ask me where I'm from🎵 🎵 The leaves have bloomed and I'm wounded again🎵 🎵 If I say my mother, I don't have a mother, if I say my father, I don't have a father🎵 🎵 I fell off the road, no one is holding my arms under me🎵 Come! Come! Come! Come! Don't go yet. One, two, three, four five, six, seven, eight nine, ten, eleven, twelve thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen. The shepherd came and was hungry. May it be morning, may it be good.
Channel: Turgut Bayraktar Belgeselleri
Views: 3,174,666
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Keywords: yerli belgesel, yeni belgesel, köye göç, belgesel izle, belgesel öneri, hayat hikayesi, Natural life, highland and village life, حياة المرتفعات والقرية, горная и деревенская жизнь, life in nature, snow documentary, couple in love, verliebtes Pärchen, زوجين في الحب, yeşil hayat, life story, Lebensgeschichte, alte Geschichten, to live together, kemençe, 4kvideo, village, belgesel trt, karadeniz kadını
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 10sec (2110 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2023
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