The PAINFUL Deaths Of Henry VIII's Six Wives - History Documentary

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he is Remembered in history for being the most brutal and notorious King that England has ever had Henry the ap's kingdom when he died in 1547 was completely changed and he would make a number of brutal changes that resulted in the suffering of so many but the chudah king is most famously known for his Six Wives Six Women of incredibly different backgrounds who are united in their marriage to the most Savage monarch of them all these Six Women all had miserable marriages and their lives would be ended in many different ways some more brutal than others but all equally tragic these are the painful deaths of Henry VII's Six Wives now Catherine of Aragon today is mostly famous for the fact she was the first wife of Henry the however she was much more than just Queen consort she was a remarkable woman who helped to lead the English army when her husband was away she was a woman wronged by her husband Henry VII's wandering eye and Obsession to have a male air ultimately led to her downfall and she's a figure whom many feel rather sorry for after Katherine's death the people of England were plunged into a mourning for the woman they deemed to be the rightful Queen and legitimate Queen and she was greatly respected by the population today we look at the real cause of death of Catherine of aragan remember to support our Channel Please Subscribe throughout her life Katherine of aragan was a well-respected and revered member of the chudah aristocracy her first marriage to Prince Arthur was shortlived however she is mostly remembered for her marriage to Henry VII marrying the notorious Monarch in 1509 Henry initially greatly respected the Spanish princess in the early years of their marriage were considered happy with a royal couple having a daughter who would later go on to become Queen Mary the first who has also been known in history as Bloody Mary however by 1525 the king had developed a strong infatuation with another woman at court that would rip England apart and begin one of the most significant changes ever brought to the country country due to his obsession with anbin Henry was forced to look for a way out of his first marriage the pope refused to an know the marriage between the Sovereign and Catherine of aragan and for this Henry decided to break from Rome assuming Supremacy over the Church of England with this in 1533 it was then declared that the marriage between Catherine and Henry was invalid with being declared unlawful as Catherine had previously been married to Henry's brother now before the king's second marri marriage to amberin Catherine lived in many different palaces where she lived out the rest of her life she regularly referred to herself as England's only rightful Queen and her servants continued to call her this she had been given the title The Dowager Princess of Wales but this was nothing for the once great Catherine her final home was kimbolton castle and she was eventually transferred here keeping herself in one room and living a rather simple life here she was banned from being her daughter Mary and was also banned from communicating with her in December of 1535 Catherine made her will realizing that her death was soon on the horizon and she wrote to her ex-husband the king one final time she stated my most dear Lord King and husband the hour of my death now drawing on the tender love I owe you forth me my case being such to commend myself to you and to put in remembrance with a few words of the health and Safeguard of your soul which you ought to prefer before all worldly matters for the rest I commend unto you our daughter Mary beseeching you to be a good father unto her for all my other servants I solicit the wages du them and a year more lest they be unprovided for lastly I make this voul that mine eyes desire you above all things on the 13th of December 1535 Eustace chapy wrote that Catherine had recovered and is now well but then on the 29th of December Catherine's doctor sent an Urgent Message to chape alerting him to the fact that she had a serious relapse and that he should immediately seek permission from the King to visit Catherine at kimbolton Castle and chapw did not waste any time Henry gave chapw permission but did not give Mary Catherine's daughter permission Mary was not allowed to see her mother on her deathbed you see Catherine and Mary had such a close bond in Mary's early years but Catherine was forced to spend her final days without the company of the one she loved most but Catherine did get a small release for her best friend Maria Des Selenas had gone to Great length to be by her side she had disguised herself and had fabricated a story about having fallen off a horse and claimed to be in desperate need of a place in which to recover the charade seemed to work because the steward allowed her in and then she proceeded directly to Catherine's chamber Eustace chap we then arrived to see Catherine but by this point she was very ill and had great difficulty in sitting up and she hadn't eaten or slept in days complaining of a terrible pain in her stomach another sad point is that whilst Katherine was on her deathbed Henry VII insisted there were several witnesses present to the conversations held between Catherine and ustus chapy this was to ensure there was no plots made against him Eustace chapy then visited Catherine every afternoon for the next 4 days initially it seemed that Catherine's Health was improving she was now able to hold down her food and then on the fourth day chap we felt it was safe for him to return to London but then on the 6th of January things took a turn for the worse and Catherine's condition deteriorated there is a letter that Catherine wrote to Henry VII and this is what she penned my most dear Lord King and husband the hour of my death now approaching I cannot choose but out of the love I bear you to advise you of your Soul's Health which you ought to prefer before all considerations of the world or flesh whatsoever for which yet you have cast me into many calamities and yourself into many troubles but I forgive you all and pray God to do so likewise for the rest I commend unto you Mary our daughter beseeching you to be a good father to her I must entreat you to also look after my maids and give them a marriage which is not much there being but three and to all my other servants a Year's pay beside their due lest otherwise they should go unprovided for until they find new employment lastly I want only one true thing to make this vou that in this life mine eyes desire you alone may God protect you death now had a firm grip upon Catherine and the bishop of LOF administered extreme unction prayer had been Catherine's companion all her life and now in her final moments it was her only consolation and then on the 7th of January at approximately 2:00 Catherine of arogan Soul departed this Earth and she left all of her troubles behind the once Spanish Queen had now died and sadly Henry's Court was now celebrating Eric IES claimed that the news of Katherine's death was greeted at the court by an outburst of relief and enthusiasm for the berin marriage and this seems rather plausible considering that Queen Anne berin was pregnant with the air to the chudah throne Henry however upon hearing the news of the death of Catherine cried God be praised but we are free from all suspicion of war and anbin was overjoyed and rewarded the messenger who brought the news to grenage with a handsome present because For the First Time In Her Reign Anne Belin was now the one and only Queen of England upon hearing of his former wife's death Henry VII distastefully celebrated her passing and according to eus chape wore yellow garments garishly beaming about the somber news this move was seen as rather vulgar but some have interpreted it as possibly being the king wearing the Spanish color of morning but what cannot be disputed is the fact that the king made a great show of his daughter Elizabeth and did celebrate with his courtiers a rumor even went around court at the time that Catherine was poisoned by an or Henry Henry ordered that Catherine should be buried with Pomp and ceremony however it wasn't as a sign of respect he deemed she should be buried as a dowager princess making the point that he regarded that she was never legally his wife is considered today that the black growth that was found on Catherine's heart was cancer however to some it was evidence of poison her internal organs were removed during the embal process to W off Decay and possibly were buried in separate vessels with Catherine's body all they could have been placed in different locations it was said that her body was opened they took out her bowels which were confined and buried solemnly in the chapel of St James's Palace her heart being separately enclosed in a coffin covered with purple velvet bound with silver this was common at the time people's internal organs being buried in different places for example the heart being placed in a different place to the body Catherine's EMB Bing process then continued with her torso being stuffed with herbs and straw preserving spices and salts would then have been rubbed onto her body before it was wrapped in a waxed linen cloth this wrapped the former Queen up like a mummy and she was then placed inside a coffin but her body was not left alone the body was left guarded and surrounded by candles for days with her former ladies in Waiting offering final moments of companionship surrounding the coffing were four large golden standards and Crimson banners with the arms of England and Spain Catherine's body was placed in a coffin and the hearse was then taken to peterb Cathedral and the funeral then took place the Hearst rested inside the cathedral for 3 days with it being surrounded by a thousand burning candles shortly before her coffin was interred into the floor below a final Mass was said and Catherine of aragan was finally laid to rest inside the floor of Peterburg Cathedral it would seem that Henry did not want to create an exuberant tomb for her and it was never very elaborate however unlike many churches in England her tomb was left during the dissolution of the monasteries as was peterb Cathedral today visitors still flock to see Catherine of aran's Tomb and it is surrounded at all times with flowers and pomegranates Catherine's demise as Queen of England is a sad one and one that is dominated by one of history's most brutal and notorious Kings questing greatly after a male Heir and with his eye being caught by a younger woman who herself fell harshly From Grace Catherine of aragan is remembered as a woman of strong morals of faith and of modesty of which she was greatly respected for during the chuda period today's question was what did Catherine of aragan really die from maybe she was poisoned by Anne or by Henry or maybe she just died of old age with being 50 viewed as elderly back in the Judah era or maybe she did dive something a little bit more Sinister could the black around her heart really mean that she had cancer on the 19th of May 1536 Just 4 days after the trial where Anne was convicted of adultery incest and treason she was condemned to die it took just 17 days from her arrest for her to be put to death she went from Queen to Outcast but will Anne get her last minute minute reprieve at 2: a.m. on the 19th of May the yman warders are patrolling the Tower of London and inside Anne's Apartments nobody is asleep it is said that Anne was surprising in her behavior she was almost cheery and laughing with her ladies the Constable of the tower described Ann's mood as swinging between Despair and hope I have seen many men and also women at executed and all they have been in great sorrow to my knowledge this lady has much joy and pleasure in death does Anne still think that Henry will save her or has she accepted her fate just 3 years ago Anne's marriage had been arranged by Thomas Cromwell but Anne however had failed to give Henry a son and Anne and Cromwell were at loggerheads Thomas Cromwell now now needs Anne out of the way all five men that were accused with Anne were executed on Tower Hill an however is to now be the first person to be officially executed in a private execution in the tower so a scaffold needed building and quickly but why was there such a rush the answer to that is Cromwell he didn't want to give the king a chance to change his mind in just hours he hoped to be rid of Anne she had failed to give him a son and he needed a male heir to continue the chudah dynasty Henry now had his eyes set on Jane Seymour Jane was Anne's former lady in waiting and she was next in line she would replace her and give the king A New Hope and Cromwell is The Mastermind behind it all his next challenge was to ensure that Anne's daughter Elizabeth will never be Queen Henry also felt that a divorce would not suffice and Cromwell needed to make sure that the marriage was annuled therefore nothing could get in the way of a future male Heir 3 days previous Cromwell had persuaded Kar the Archbishop of Canterbury to write off the marriage cramner said on the basis of some true just and legitimate causes recently brought to our attention the marriage was now void and has always been so which makes Anne's daughter henceforth as we know Elizabeth a bastard this is another blow for the devastated Anne her Legacy is destroyed and Elizabeth now has no chance to claim the throne but Thomas krer was a firm supporter of an as he was her personal Confessor if she had done anything wrong she would have confessed as she was deeply religious and although he en knowed the marriage he is astounded at the charges he is shocked and distraught cramner even told Henry that he was amazed for he never had a better opinion of women cramner desperately hoped that the king would change his mind but then Alexandra Alice a close friend arrived by boat to Kar in an agitated State he said he had had a nightmare and he told CRNA in much detail it was revealed to me whether I was asleep or awake I know not the Queen's neck after her head had been cut off and this so plainly that I could count the nerves veins and the arteries krna saw this as a premonition and he looked up to the sky and declared she who has been the Queen of England will today become a queen in heaven CRNA is then utterly overcome with grief and time is running out and Anne is now just six hours from execution at dawn Anne was in her apartments and she is with her chaplain receiving her final communion but something you may not know is that this is a repeat of what happened the day before when Anne was supposed to be executed it had been postponed not once but twice one theory is that Cromwell was worried that there would be protests at the tower in support of Anne people began to mutter against the guilty verdict and Cromwell needed time to have them removed from the tower before the execution Anne must have felt mentally tortured it is said that hope is harder to deal with than despair I can only imagine that Anne still had feelings that the king would change his mind and save her come 500 a.m. and an is still in her apartments and she was preparing to face the world for the last time her ladies in Waiting are distraught as they assist Anne with getting dressed Anne had carefully selected each item of her clothing to send a message to those watching her execution she wore a red curtle or underdress if you like wearing a red underdress or pett coat was normal for those of the lower class and it is thought that Anne wore red to appear humble Anne was educated in France and her French flamboyant and colorfully Rich clothing is something that she was famed for but Anne chose a much more subdued outer gown she wore black and gray the colors of piety and sobriety it is thought that Anne was trying to come across as Meek something that she was not known to be historians believe that by and dressing down she was using the last of her Armory to try and get out of the situation and save herself from Death Anne had been convicted of treason which is punishable by death but the jury did not mention the method of execution you see a queen of England had never been before been sentenced to death so this was new territory in the National Archives lies a document that provides an insight into how the decision was made in this 500y old book is a record of the execution warrant for Anne berin and this warrant sets out how she was to die a woman under the treason act would have been burned and a man would have been hung drawn and quartered but the document reveals that for an Henry had chosen an alternative method of execution we moved by pity not wishing the lady an to be burned direct the Constable of the tower that on the green within the Tower of London the said Anne shall have her head cut from her body Henry then ordered a sword instead of an axe because a blunt axe could take multiple blows to decapitate a person and a sword was Swift however when Anne is informed of Henry's decision she shows her dark sense of humor Anne puts her hands around her neck and says it will be a swift death for I have just a little neck the instructions for an's execution were sent to the tower just the day before and this gave the Constable of the tower Sir William Kingston little time to prepare the document shows the unprecedented nature of it all for Anberlin was the first queen of England to be executed and they needed to get it right but this document also left an instruction manual for any future wife of Henry VII beheading by sword is actually a French method of execution Henry summoned an expert swordsman from Santa May in France The Swordsman had been at the tower just 24 hours previous and he would shortly have the daunting task of being the first man to execute an English Queen however what is interesting is the time frames it would have taken at least 3 days to travel from London to DOA across the sea to Cal and then a bit further to Santa mer and then it would have taken a further 3 days for The Swordsman to travel back that's a minimum of 6 days what this means is of The Swordsman must have been summoned before the trial had reached a verdict just 5 days previous no matter what Anne said or did her fate had been sealed Anne's execution was meant to be a private Affair to a preserve her modesty and dignity and B prevent anyone from rescuing her therefore the public were ordered to leave the tower but unfortunately the gates had been accidentally left unlocked and crowds were gathering in the anticipation of the execution a question I find myself asking is why would a person come to watch another person's execution I put this down to society's fascination with the Grim and morbid aspects of the world Anne's uncle was present as was the king's illegitimate son Henry Fitzroy was Fitzroy There To Remind Anne that Henry was in fact able to Father a son then the architect Thomas Cromwell appeared he was about to witness the concluding part of his plan and everything was now in place for the execution of an berin Sir William Kingston then headed to the Queen's Apartments to summon Anne and her time was running out Anne is dressed and waiting to be called the Constable of the tower is responsible for making sure that an's execution goes to plan and with the time approaching he headed over to collect her when Kingston arrives at an's door I can only imagine what Anne must have been feeling on one hand it's what she has been dreading all along perhaps she is still hoping that against the odds Kingston has come with a message from Henry to say that he has come to his senses and she will be saved but those hopes are soon shattered because Kingston then told her to make ready for her execution Anne replied calmly acquit yourself of your charge for I have long been prepared Anne was so extraordinarily ready to meet her fate and it is certainly a testament to her character Ambassador chapi remarked that Anne was braver than a lion words never more true than on the last day of her life Henry however was at his Palace in whiteall and there was no sign that he was change his mind he had been dressed by his gentleman and was listening out for the firing of cannons a signal that Anne was dead and he was free to remarry Anne was then led by Sir William Kingston from the sanctuary of her apartments and through Cold Harbor gate and and then onto the scaffold on the other side of the White Tower where she was to be executed Anne was accompanied by her four ladies in Waiting an's story had come full circle for the last time she was here was just three years ago for her coronation an was then met by A procession of 200 yman of the King's Guard followed by the officers of the Tower and her chaplain she is then escorted around the corner to the scaffold which she then sees for the first time the crowd is silent as she walks through them and people then comment that she has never looked more beautiful with time running out an is looking around hoping for a royal pardon but it does not come and then spots familiar faces in the crowds of the men who raised her to become Queen her uncle and Thomas Cromwell there to witness the destruction of her power and influence Kingston then helps Anne up the steps to the scaffold and she then turns to her ladies who were sobbing and she Comforts them an then sees the Executioner he looks apprehensive at what he is about to do but Anne does not see the sword for it is hidden beneath the straw on the scaffold and this was done has not to alarm her Anne then asks Kingston for permission to speak it is said that an did not look like someone who was about to be executed Witnesses said that she was smiling and then with a cheerful countenance she turned and addressed the crowds good Christian people I am come hither to die for according to the law and by the law I am judged to die and therefore I will speak nothing against it I come hither to accuse no man nor speak anything of that whereof I am accused and condemned to die but I pray God Save the King and send him long to Reign Over You for a gentler nor a more merciful Prince was there never and to me he was ever a good a gentle and Sovereign Lord and if any person will meddle of my cour I require them to judge the best and thus I take my leave of the world and of you all and I heartedly desire you all to pray for me oh Lord have mercy on me to God I condemn my soul as Anne spoke her words reduced many in the crowd to tears It is believed that an's words were to try and get the king to look kindly on those she left behind especially their daughter Elizabeth Anne was then invited to confess the truth but Anne replied I know I shall have no pardon for they shall know no more from me and then maintained her innocence right to the very end The Swordsman then took off his shoes an act that meant Anne would not hear him approach Anne then removed her headdress and her ladies handed her a linen cap she then tucked her hair inside so it would not get in the way of the sword then at 9:00 a.m. the Executioner stepped forwards and knelt before Anne he begged her for forgiveness for what he was about to do and he then asked an to kneel and say her prayers the crowd then fell to their knees Anne repeated several times to Jesu Christ I commend my soul lord Jesu receive my soul then with anbin knelt down on the scaffold the Executioner picked up his sword an's eyes were blindfolded and she said Jesu have pity on my soul The Swordsman then signals to an assistant who makes a noise to distract Anne and then the Executioner whose hands were trembling with distress swings his sword twice over his head to gain momentum and then with one swift swing he severs Anne's head Anne's head then fell to the straw on the scaffold horrified eyewitnesses claimed they could see her lips still moving in silent prayer people began to weep and the Queen of England was now dead one of an's ladies then bravely picked up her head and covered it with a linen cloth the other three ladies distressed but refused to let any man touch her so they picked up her body and together They Carried Anne away at 9:05 cannons then fire and announced that the Queen of England was dead Henry heard the Cannons and took no time to mourn his loss instead he immediately made his way to the waiting Jane Seymour at the Tower of London Anne's body was then laid to rest but not in a coffin instead Anne's body is placed into an arrow chest which was taken from the tower's Weaponry but why did Anne not have a proper coffin was it simply due to the lack of time or was it down to another reason William Kingston Constable of the tower was responsible for making all the arrangements but did he like Anne believed that Henry would not really go through with it Anne's body was then taken to the tower Chapel where it was stripped of all of her jewelry and expensive yet blood stained clothes incredibly an's clothes and jewels were then to be passed by Henry to his new wife Anne's replacement Jane Seymour then at midday just three hours after an's execution she is buried in the chancel next to her brother George almost 500 years after her death an is still remembered and on the anniversary of her death a bouquet of red roses is left on her grave a reminder that she is still in the hearts and minds of those she is remembered by Thomas Cromwell had pulled off a massive coup in executing Anne he had not not only eliminated the Queen of England but all of her faction as well Cromwell then went on to be the second most powerful man in England but no one is safe in the chuda court and in a twist of fate he fell from Henry's favor and four years later Thomas Cromwell met the axe but an's already sad story gets worse after her execution Henry and Tomas Cromwell tried to erase her from living history all of her letters portraits initials and emblems were destroyed and removed but no matter how they tried there was one thing they could not remove even though Anne was Queen for only 3 years she left England with one of its greatest legacies just 22 years later against all the odds her daughter became Queen Elizabeth the and she ruled for 44 years and Elizabeth never forgot her mother she wore a ring with a great Secret inside this ring was two portraits on one side was an berin and the other Elizabeth a tiny yet intricate Devotion to her mother a ring that was only taken off on the deathbed of Elizabeth and the ring was made from mother of pearl an illustration of her love for her mother when you strip back all of the lies and rumors that have surrounded Anne for the past 500 years you see how groundless the claims were and you realize that Anne was courageous and brave throughout the scariest part of her life Henry then just 11 days after the execution of Anne married Jane's Seymour and Cromwell after an's execution declared that just 12 days before her death he had feigned an illness and retired from court to plot her downfall it took just one month for him to bring down the Queen of England Henry VII is most remembered in history for The Six Wives that he had and many historians believe that the wife he loved the most was Jane Seymour his third wife this is because she gave the notorious chudah King exactly what he wanted in the form of a child and a male Heir who would succeed him as the king of England but James Seymour would tragically not live to see the day that her son became King Edward v 6 as within day days of giving birth inside of Hampton Court Palace she was taken seriously ill she would never leave the confines of the palace and she would succumb to a childbed related illness which would cut short the life of Henry VII thirdd wife but what is the story around the horrific death of King Henry VII's third wife Jane Seymour would become the Mistress of King Henry VII and she was a lady in waiting to ask Belin the king's second wife but the pair would flirt and would give each other gifts and she captivated the king with her beauty following Anne Bin's death Jane Seymour became the queen and married Henry VII but she would then full pregnant it's mostly accepted and believed that Jane Seymour died from complications caused by her giving birth to the Future King Edward v 6 at the time inside of chuda England giving birth to a child was very dangerous and had many different risks and it was very common for women to experience serious symptoms and conditions following giving birth to a child regarding the birth of king Edward v 6 Nicholas Saunder a Catholic writer stated that Jane Seymour was in severe labor in a difficult childbirth all her limbs were stretched for the purpose of making a passage for the child or as others stated having the womb cut before she was dead so that the child ready to be born might be taken out the travail of the queen being very difficult the King was asked which of the two lives was to be spared he answered the boys because he could easily provide himself with other wives there was some form of belief that Jane Seymour may have been cut open to give birth or may have had a cesarian section however there is no concrete evidence alluding to this there was no historical record of this procedure being carried out before the 1580s and Jane would have been given the best care and the best midwives and doctors throughout England to look after her if Jane had a procedure such as this to give birth to Edward v 6 then it's believed that her death would have been horrific and brutal and cesarians today still have a significant form of risk but there was some more evidence that stated that Jane Seymour gave birth in a different way in 1643 Sir Richard Baker claimed that Jane had been experiencing labor pains for six or more and that she would beg with doctors to have the baby cut out of her to stop her suffering there have also been many others who have claimed that Jane suffered from peral fever or that she had sustained an infection which was caused by giving birth to Edward there were no doctor records which have survived that specific illness and problems that she was afflicted with but it was said that Jane seore went into labor in the afternoon of the 9th of October 1537 and it was around 2 a.m. on the 12th of October when Edward was born meaning her labor went on officially for around 3 days she had signed letters announcing the birth of her son but then on the 15th of October she was sitting up in bed in her Chambers in Hampton Court Palace and she had a number of visitors and guests who gave her the best wishes following the birth many of these had visited her whilst they attended the christening of her son but the fact she had visitors meant that this could have ruled out a cesarian section and she would have needed a long time to recover and take time to heal but four days after the birth of Edward Jane Seymour would become rather ill and sick her priest and doctors stated that her symptoms were a natural LAX by reason whereof she began to lighten and become more cheerful and as it appeared to mend and so continued till towards night all this night she had been very sick Jane did recover and got a little better the next day but there were no other accounts of her health declining until the 19th of October Jame was said on this day to be unweld yet again and she got sicker over the weekend and by the following Monday it was clear that she was in a very dangerous place and that her health was grave on Tuesday Henry VII her husband was summoned to her bed inside of Hampton Court and she would sit with her husband and he prayed with her and stayed with her for some time but to the Royal doctors it was clear that she would not make it and that she was dying she managed to live a little longer but at 2: a.m. on the 24th of October 1537 Jane Seymour died inside the same rooms that she gave birth to the successor many people attributed the Queen's death to the fault of them that were about her and suffered her to take great cold and to eat things which she fancy in her sickness called for the account that holds this report is only written documentation in existence about Jane's illness and disease the claims that she had violent food poisoning and stomach problems and it also said she had a great cold that led to her dying from a high fever this was common as it is today and after giving birth Jane who was vulnerable would have been more susceptible to poor health and catching illness one other thing to consider is that Jane Seymour may have suffered with sepsis or blood poisoning as Alison wear and four other doctors have stated that they are skeptical about the fever causing Jane's death they said as Jane was stated to have been hosting guests following the christening and eating food it is unlikely that she developed postnatal fever from this and she may have had an embolism or suffered with dehydration that weakened her heart Hampton Court was a place where Jane Seymour had spent a lot of time but following her death Henry VII her husband would leave to Windsor to mourn on the 1st of November he declared that Jane should be quickly buried inside of St George's Chaple in Windsor and she was buried on the 12th of November the court were ordered to wear morning clothes and Henry VII wore purple as everyone around him wore black the king left the planning of the funeral to others and the Duke of Norfolk carried these out and Jane's body was taken from Hampton Court to Windsor Castle and the King did not attend end but James Seymour was the first queen of England since Elizabeth of York to die not being disgraced the same protocol was used for Elizabeth's funeral and Jane Seymour had a huge procession and there were 200 masses ordered to be sung for her soul her body was embalmed and her heart and entrails were removed and it's believed that these are buried under the high altar inside of Hampton Court Palace she was dressed in a r of gold with jewels and her crown was placed on her head and she laid in state inside her Chambers for days but during the funeral her stepdaughter Mary was the chief mourner and she rode on horseback she was followed by 29 mourners one for every year of Jane's life and an effigy of the queen was also on the procession and the crowds looked on in Silence the procession got to Windsor days before and they were met at the entrance of the chapel before James coffin was taken into the church and was met at the altar by Thomas cranmer the Archbishop of Canter prayers were said as the body lay in state throughout the night Mary kept a vigil beside it and the following day Mass was sung on the 12th of November a huge funeral ceremony took place and Jane Seymour was laid to rest where she received full honors of a queen in a vault beneath the GED chapel and her two brother Brothers Edward and Thomas were there as her coffin was lowered into the Vault the Queen's staff broke their staves of office and threw them into the grave to show their service ending for the next six hours the bells of London toed out a mass Was Heard 2 days later at St Paul's Cathedral and this signaled the end of the funeral services for the queen but Henry VII would choose to in his own death be buried alongside Jane Seymour his third wife many believe this is because he loved her the most but the marriage was tragically cut short and it's likely that if Jame would have survived then she would have been the last of the king's wives but Jane Seymour would be planned to be buried with Henry in a huge and ornate tomb but this would never be made still today 500 years later Jane Seymour and Henry VII are buried inside of a vault next to each other an of cleaves is said to have been the luckiest wife of King Henry VII for she would not lose her head inside of the confines of the Tower of London but she was a woman who was ridiculed for her looks by the grotesque and large chuda King who was significantly older than her Henry VII of course is remembered for his Six Wives and his marriage to Anne was nothing short of a sham as the marriage would be quickly annuled but it cost the English King a significant amount of money as Anne was a German princess and she could not be dealt with quietly and she was given a huge amount of property and land including the childhood home of Henry's executed second wife she would outlive the rest of Henry's wives including Katherine par the king's Sixth and final wife but she died at the age of 41 inside of Chelsea Manor but what is the story of her death the life of an of cleaves was rather unnotable until she would be approached to marry for the English king she was raised in an affluent German royal family and the family hoped that she would marry a wealthy European Prince but no one would have guessed that she would marry the English King Henry VII following the death of his third wife Jane Seymour sent Hans haline his Royal painter across to Germany and Europe to paint many women who would become his next wife Hine was told to make the images as accurate as he could and he came to Duren to paint the portraits of Anne and her sister Amalia these were both considered possible matches for Henry VII and the King chose an's painting and by March of 1539 marriage negotiations were being played out between the cleeves family and the English Royal household Thomas Cromwell was placed in charge of overseeing the marriage negotiations and the King's Chief advisor would sign a marriage treaty on Henry's behalf the king paid a doy of 100,000 florens to Anne's brother but she was not the king's normal type Henry wanted a woman who valued education and culture but Anne was not this she was very important but she was not the best educated and she preferred practical skills such as needle work and she was skilled at playing cards she could only read and write in German but she was calm and gentle and the French Ambassador said of her that she was tall and slim but of middling beauty and a very assured and Resolute countenance it is considered that an of cleaves was rather attractive and that she had Fair hair and a nice face a chronicler at the time said that her hair hanging down which was fair yellow and long she was appareled after the English fashion with a French Hood which she set forth her beauty and good Visage that every creature rejoined to behold her but claimed that she looked a lot older than she was and on New Year's Day 1530 Henry VII met with her in private he followed the fashionable courtly love tradition and he entered a room where she was staying in Disguise us to chapi the Imperial Ambassador then explained what happened saying next Henry so went up into the chamber where the said lady Anne was looking out of a window to see the ball baiting which was going on in the courtyard and suddenly he embraced and kissed her and showed her a token which the king had sent for her New Year's gift and she being a bashed and not knowing who it was thanked him and so spoke with her but she regarded him little but always looked out the window and when the king saw that she took so little notice of his coming he went into another chamber and took off his cloak and came in again in a coat of purple velvet and when the Lords and knights saw his grace they did him reverence this was not good and the first encounter and meeting was a disaster as an of cleaves did not recognize her future husband and she certainly did not know that Henry was the king she was hoping to be married to a younger and more attractive King but Henry was at this point not that Henry was hugely disappointed and also very embarrassed and it was by the standards of the 16th century a catfishing but Henry and Anne would meet officially near to grenage Park which a huge reception took place at but the king had been put off marriage but it was too late and Henry had to go through with it despite him tasking Cromwell to try and find him a loophole he felt that he had not been bowled over by an of caves' appearance and beauty and this would be the reason that he would not allegedly consumate his marriage with her Cromwell struggled to find a loophole and a way out for Henry and he would ultimately pay the price and would lose his head for this but the king had to marry an of cleaves on the 6th of January 1540 and this took place inside the Palace of Placentia the couple's wedding night did not go well and they did not sleep together either in the following month Anne would state of her husband that when he comes to bed he kisseth me and he taketh me by the hand and bth me good night sweetheart and in the morning he kisseth me and bth farewell darling but an would quickly be forced out of the Royal Court after around 6 months of marriage she was told Henry was reconsidering his position and consent was given to anol the marriage as it was a complete disaster the annulment went through on the 12th of July 1540 but this would cost the king very heavily now following the enement in the settlement an of cleaves was given a huge amount of property land and manners including hea castle where ambering grew up throughout his final years Henry VII and Anne did grow close and they became good friends and she was said to have been the king's beloved sister and she often came to court and Henry did value her company but following the execution of his fifth wife Katherine Howard there were many people who said that Henry VII should remarry an of cleaves but this never happened and he instead turned his attention to Catherine par a woman Anne did not like in the Years following Anne remained very comfortable and then following Henry's death and his son's death during Mary the first Reign she would send her congratulations to Mary with regards to her marriage to Philip of Spain she also took part in Mary's coronation and this was one of the last public appearances she made she did fall from favor slightly during Mary's reign as many believed she was linked to the Wyatt Rebellion due to the closeness she had with Elizabeth the or princess Elizabeth as she was at the time she she was then forced to live a quiet Life in Her households but she never left England this is where an of C's story became rather tragic she would long to return home to her homelands and family but she never managed to do this and she was very homesick she missed her sister and her other family members however by the July of 1557 it was clear that an of cleaves was very ill she had been ill for months and could not get out of bed and with this it was the den time to draft her will she said in this that all of the money she had should go to the members of her household and her servants including her ladies Grooms and gentleman of the house she wanted them to receive her wealth and to benefit from her death and she named every single member of the household by name and she asked for the queen to make sure that these people were comfortable following her death her jewelry was given to her family but she left rings and other jewels to her stepdaughters Queen Mary the and Princess Elizabeth inside of Chelsea old Manor alone and missing home on the 16th of July 1557 an of cleaves died it's relieved that for months she had been fighting cancer but despite dying in obscurity she was given a large funeral as she was after all briefly a queen consort of England it was said of her funeral that the third day of August my lady an of cleaves sometime wife to Henry VII came from Chelsea to be buried in Westminster with all the children of Westminster and many priests and clerks and the monks of Westminster and my Lord Bishop of London and my Lord Abbot of Westminster rode together many of the prominent politicians of the time attended and there were 100 torches burning being carried by her servants the procession was huge and large and she was then taken into Westminster Abby her coffin was then taken to her tomb and she was interred with a cloth of gold laed over her following this the officers of her household broke their staves of office and threw them into the tomb the most horrific part of an of Cave's death was the fact she was a young woman who was thousands of miles from home she'd been brought over to a foreign country to marry a man she had never met and a man who was brutal grotesque and evil the match between Henry VII and Anne was poor but Anne was forced to remain in England due to the properties she held and the settlement that she received following their failed marriage but she is considered lucky as by the standards of Henry VII's wives she managed to keep her head and she did accumulate a significant amount of wealth but I'm sure an of cleaves would have traded this to go back home and to marry someone who she genuinely loved now the obvious answer to the question what killed Catherine Howard is that she lost her head in a meeting with The Executioner's axe but putting the obvious aside how would a young teenage woman end up losing her head at the behest of the king Catherine had a scarred childhood she was subjected to loss and was forced to grow up before her time Catherine lost her mother when she was around 10 years old and her father sent her to live with her step-grandmother it was here in the home of Agnes The Duchess of Norfolk that Catherine's fate was sealed for within the decade Catherine would have been groomed by a multitude of men married to a man who was more than double her age and severely obese and had a temper and then lost her head at the hands of that same man the king Katherine Howard was born to an upper class family between 1518 and 1524 but the exact date is unknown her childhood up until the age of around 10 had not been recorded in the history books but what we do know is that when she was around 10 or 12 her mother passed away this meant that Catherine was then moved to live with her step-grandmother The Dowager duess of norfol Agnes now Agnes is what we would call a distant Guardian she was not protective over her charge and Catherine was left to do as she pleased but she was merely a child and a child is easily exploited the time that Catherine spent in the care of her grandmother shaped her for the rest of her life life orbe it a short one there has been a question debated within the historian Circle and that question is whether Catherine Howard knew what she was doing when she had a sexual relationship with men other than Henry VII who later became her husband but something we do know is that the decisions of Catherine and those around her when it came to intimate relationships are ultimately the ink used to sign the death warrant for the young girl when she was around 30 years of age a man named Henry manx had intercourse with her Catherine and the other charges in the house of Agnes were often left to entertain male admirers unsupervised however Henry manx was not just some male admirer he was actually Catherine's music teacher and he made advances towards Catherine it is unclear if those advances were reciprocated or not but that should not matter Henry manx today would have been in a position of trust and his advances would have been breaking the law for Catherine was just a child and Henry a grown man this relationship with Henry manx taught her a lot in the terms of bedroom Antics and when she married Henry VII it is said that he was amazed at her skills but again this was not something that should have been celebrated next Catherine was introduced to a man called Francis darum he was entertained by Catherine and her friends in the House Of The Duchess and Catherine went on to have sexual relations with him as well in the 1500s gossip was rif and The Virginity of an upper class girl was considered an important asset that should be protected until marriage reputations could be ruined and a young girl's prospects destroyed Agnes The Dowager Duchess of Norfolk failed in her duty to protect Catherine and Catherine's childhood would come back to haunt her when she married the king of England now Catherine did manage to keep keep her past under wraps for the time and Henry showered her with gifts and he indulged her Catherine was certainly subjected to her marital duty but we Henry away from Court more often than not Catherine found comfort in the arms of another man Thomas Co pepper it is unknown if the relationship went beyond the Realms of just friendship but this is the relationship that ultimately sealed Catherine's fate it is said that Henry would have forgiven Catherine for her premar activities but the fact that Co pepper confessed and Catherine's Dirty Laundry was AED for the world to see made his thoughts of Mercy turned to rage and poor Catherine did not stand a chance love letters were found between Catherine and Thomas and in one he referred to her as his little sweet fool It is believed that the meetings between Catherine and Thomas were made possible with the help of Jane bin or rashford if you like she had arranged secret meetings between between the pair and it's also thought that these meetings went on for months and no one suspected a thing it was only when word reached the Archbishop of Canterbury Thomas cranmer of Katherine's situation and her behavior whilst in her step-grandmother household that Catherine's world came tumbling down what is interesting is that Thomas granma never approved of the marriage between Catherine and Henry not because he disliked Catherine but because her grandfather Thomas Howard was a strong opponent of his cranmer was informed by a man called John lassel that his sister Mary Hall used to work in the household of Catherine when she was just a teenager and that Catherine had fornicated with Henry manx Francis daram and Thomas C pepper Thomas cranmer must have seen this as an opportunity to discredit any supporter of Katherine and with Katherine out of the way he could then suggest the name of a bride who like amberin would favor religious reform during cranmer's investigation he spoke with Mary Hall the woman who worked in Catherine's household as a teenager and she told him about Catherine's relationship with manx in 1536 she said that she had gone to see manx to warn him of his behavior and he had told her the following hold thy peace woman I know her well enough my designs are of a dishonest kind and from the Liberties the young lady has allowed me I doubt not of being able to elect my purpose she hath said to me that I shall have her maiden head though it be painful to her not doubting but I will be good to her Hereafter Mary then claimed that for a hundred nights or more Francis darham had crept into the lady's dormatory and climbed dressed in a dubé and hose into Catherine's bed Catherine was then questioned about Thomas Co pepper CRNA told her that he had heard a rumor that they were romantically involved D and were about to marry Catherine replied what should you trouble me where thereabouts for you know I will not have you and if you heard such report you know more than I cramner was searching for someone who had committed adultery with the queen and Thomas Co pepper was to be arrested and questioned Catherine also confessed about her relationship with Henry manx my sorrow I can by no writing express nevertheless I trust your most benign nature will have some respect unto my youth my ignorance my frailness my humble confession of my faults and plain Declaration of the same referring me wholly unto your Grace's pity and mercy first at the flattering and fair persecutions of Manx being but a young girl I suffered him at sunry times to handle and touch the secret parts of my body which never became me with honesty to permit nor him to require crma thought these confessions would please Henry but they did not Henry wanted more time to think about the situation and ordered that Katherine be moved and that the three men sent to the Tower of London to be questioned Catherine was held at Sion Abbey for the duration of her imprisonment whilst Henry stayed at Hampton Court Henry saw Catherine for the last time the day she was arrested when Henry MX was questioned he admitted he had been employed by The Duchess Agnes to teach Catherine music and singing and admitting having tried to seduce her when The Duchess discovered them kissing she had beaten them both and commanded that they should never be alone together again this had not deterred manx and on other occasions she had agreed he might caress her private parts in his words he had felt more than was convenient however he told his interrogators upon his damnation and most extreme punishment of his body he never knew her carnally then over the next couple of weeks a trial for Thomas C pepper and Francis daram took place and both were subsequently executed at tyburn Henry manx incredibly was lucky to escape this fate the privy Council felt that he had committed no crime and released him Thomas C pepper though was beheaded and Francis deum was hung drawn and quartered as customary for the time both men then had their heads placed onto spikes and displayed at London Bridge as a warning to the citizens of London that treason especially against the King was no laughing matter it is believed that Catherine was aware of these executions and the fear she must have felt knowing deep down that she must be next what is sad is that whilst Catherine was imprisoned a new law was passed a law that made it treason for Queen consort not to disclose her sexual history to the king within the first 20 days of marriage as well as to commit adultery against her royal husband this law was called The Royal Ascent by commission act in 1541 this act then meant there was no need for a trial and the evidence was stacked against the helpless Catherine Howard who was then sentenced to death a sad matter of the fact is that Henry did not show Catherine the same Mercy he did with his second wife for Anin had spent the last of her days with a small amount of comfort but Catherine suffered in ways that even today brings a tear to the eyes of those investigating her life shortly before the day of her execution Catherine arrived at the Tower of London via traitor's gate and she was led to her prison cell the following morning Catherine would learn that her execution was scheduled for 700 a.m. on Monday the 13th of Fe Monday the 13th of February 1542 and that she had just three more days to live the night before her execution Catherine Howard was told to dispose of her soul and prepare for death she was to die at 9:00 the next morning that same night Catherine spent hours praying she is also thought to have practiced placing her head onto the block and according to eustus chapi Catherine requested that the block be brought to her so that she might know how to place herself her request was granted and the block brought into her chamber then on the morning of February 13th Catherine woke early and made her way out of the apartment she was imprisoned in and towards the scaffold that had been erected for her execution it is said that as Catherine approached she was terrified and pale she was was so petrified of what was coming next so much so that she needed help climbing the stairs once on the scaffold Catherine was so weak she could hardly speak but she said that she had merited a hundred deaths for so offending the king who had so graciously treated her it is also said that she then asked all the Christian people to take regard unto her worthy and just punishment with death for her offenses against God and heedlessly from her her youth upwards in breaking all of his Commandments and also against the king's Royal Majesty very dangerously there is a rumor throughout history that states the following when Katherine was on the scaffold she said I die a queen but I would rather die the wife of Co pepper Catherine was so weak that she struggled to speak the fear had taken over her the Executioner then gave Catherine a blindfold which she then placed over her eyes then as Catherine had practiced the night before she knelt down and placed her head onto the block there was a large crowd there to witness her death and as the Executioner raised the extremely sharp axe they gasped then with one swift Blow The Executioner struck Catherine's neck and removed her head from her body it was at this point that the Executioner picked up Catherine's head by her hair and removed the mindfold he held her head up to the crowd and showed her lifeless face and proclaimed God Save the King Catherine was then taken by her ladies after being covered with a black cloak to the Chapel of St Peter ADV vinula where she was then laid to rest another sad fact is that when the Lords of the council came to collect Catherine from Sion Abbey to be taken to the Tower of London Catherine allegedly panicked and screamed as they manhand L her into the barge that would then escort her to the tower the boat passed under London Bridge where the heads of both C pepper and darum were impaled and Catherine must have been absolutely petrified another sad fact is that after Catherine's Howard body was placed into the ground her body still wrapped in the black cloak a large quantity of quick lime or lie was poured over her lifeless corpse there is speculation as to why it does not appear to be for hygienic or odor reasons Catherine's grave is the only in the chapel to have had this horrendous substance used leading to the sad matter that someone wanted nothing of poor Catherine Howard to remain after Catherine's execution the day was not over for Catherine Howard's lady in waiting Jane bin or lady rashford if you like was next Jane had confessed to help helping facilitate the meetings between Catherine and Thomas Co pepper Katherine Howard was only around the age of 18 when she was killed she had risen to Queen of England in such a short time and after only a year and a half she was executed for treasonous adultery her fall from grace is a very sad and disturbing story for she was just a young girl that had been used and abused whilst in the care of her step-grandmother and then placed into the employ of Henry VII where her life choices led her down a very dangerous path Catherine had been remembered in history as being the fifth wife to Henry but she should be remembered for being brave and courageous and facing her demons on her last day on this Earth so the obvious answer to the question what was the real cause of death for Katherine Howard is the fact that she had her head brutally taken off of her shoulders but if we delve deeper into the events that surrounded the execution and that of her life we learned that Catherine was a porn in the chess game of others lives and it was her past that was used against her Henry can't have been a kind man to the young girl he was known to have a Stern mouth and Catherine must have felt she needed a release to help her cope with the life she found herself in Thomas Coler no matter his involvement with Catherine was that release for her and although Catherine's pass and present caught up to her she died at the behest of a man whose Public Image meant more he changed the law to end a young girl's life legally so that he could then move on to the next poor soul Catherine Howard was sexually abused and exploited she was let down by her guardian and men who would take advantage of her they were given free access to her in an unsupervised manner Henry manx for instance was in a position of trust as her music teacher and he used Catherine's naivity to his Advantage but Henry manx was just the beginning for Catherine the start of a horrendous Journey that would end with Catherine paying the highest price many May blame Catherine's Fate on her actions leading up to the point of her death but maybe if we just stop and look at the facts we can see that Katherine Howard was a victim who like many others died at the behest of the Tyrant King and his advisers [Music] Henry VII is most infamously remembered today for the fact he had six wives and he was a king whose final years were ruthless he would execute two of his wives turn on his closest friends and he was known for his temper and short fuse but the king also became huge and grotesque and his final wife Katherine par is remembered today day as a woman who was a Survivor the king's Health had been in Decline for a number of years following his jousting accident and he was at the point where he was being carried around most of the time by courtiers and he did very little walking of his own but Catherine par is believed by many to be a woman who nursed the king but she did not necessarily do this and she even came close to losing her own head at one point however Catherine par would following the King's death get remarried rather quickly and she will then full pregnant for the first time in her life this resulted however in her death and following this she was buried nearby to the bed Chambers where she passed away but Katherine PA's treatment in her death was brutal and her tomb was opened a number of times Katherine PA's religious beliefs and ideas were considered very radical at the time and her beliefs were against the king in many respects and some people people believed that she was poisoning the mind of the king to make more strongly Protestant changes to the church but inside of Hampton Court Palace on the 12th of July 1543 she married Henry VII and she was then made the first queen of England who was also appointed as the queen of Ireland she remained as the queen until Henry the ape's death and she would act also as a regent whilst the King was in France but she was involved in the education of the princess Elizabeth the future Elizabeth I following the King's death she fell in love again with Thomas Seymour the first Baron Seymour of sley who came stiffing around as soon as the king had died Catherine and Seymour had a history together and Seymour was power obsessed and he saw marrying Catherine as an opportunity to get more power and closer to the throne he thought he would never get permission to marry the deceased King's widow from the new King Edward v 6 or the Regency Council which was was established a rule on behalf of the boy King who was Henry VII's son but Seymour and Catherine married in secret and this was kept quiet for some time before the information came to light and then there was a huge Scandal Catherine was seen as shameful and Edward I 6th was not happy but Catherine then encountered conflict with her brother-in-law Edward Seymour Katherine par despite never having been pregnant before or having any children felt pregnant with the child of Thomas Seymour and this was a huge surprise at the time Juda child birth was considered very risky and dangerous for any woman and Catherine was slightly older at the time this meant that any complication and consequences could have been fatal and Catherine at the time was living at Sudley castle and whilst here she helped to educate the successor of Edward v 6 Lady Jane gray the nine-day queen but inside inside of her bed Chambers Katherine par would give birth to a girl on the 30th of August 1548 and she would never really recover from this and on the 5th of September she would then pass away days after giving birth following her death Thomas Seymour deserted the castle and her funeral was arranged and it became the first fully Protestant funeral to occur in England the chief mourner was Lady Jane gray and the remains of Catherine were prepared and embalmed inside of her bed chamber and they were then taken to be buried inside of St Mary's Chapel in the grounds of sley Castle where she died for Catherine a huge and ornate tomb was made for her and this was placed in the north side of the chapel and on it an effigy of Catherine was on top and at the base was a Latin inscription but over the next few centuries the Queen's remains would be disturbed and messed around with to a huge extent in 1642 the tomb of Henry the8's six wife was destroyed during the English Civil War roundhead soldiers of parliament's army arrived and they smashed up the chapel and they attacked Katherine PA's tomb and desecrated the monument but the body of Catherine was Disturbed and the grave was shattered and it was said that there is in the castle a goodly fair church here they dug up the graves and Disturbed the ashes of the death they break down The Monuments but Sudley Castle was then attacked by Parliament and the chapel roof was demolished and for 200 years Katherine PA's burial site was forgotten about but in 1782 many people were looking to see new castles and SES and a group of ladies arrived at sley to find the tomb of Catherine par they found a block of alabaster marble from the Tomb in the north wall and some local men then dug beneath it and two feet under the stone they found the lead coffin of Henry VII's 6 wife they opened the coffin and they found the Queen's body tightly wrapped in sear cloth and the women then cut this away and they saw the face of the queen for the first time in 200 years but as her corpse was exposed to the fresh air for the first time in centuries the color in her eyes turned a different shade and they lost their light the women then asked the men to reberry her body and to place it in the coffin but then a local farmer found out about this and he wanted to see the body of the queen himself it was said in the summer of the Year 1782 the Earth in which Queen K par lay interred was removed and at the depth of about 2 ft or very little more a leaden coffin or coffin was found quite whole Mr Lucas had the Curiosity to rip up the top of the coffin expecting to discover within it only the bones of the deceased but to his great surprise found the whole body wrapped in six or seven sear cloth linen entire and uncorrupted his unwarranted curiosity led him to make an incision through the sear cloth which covered one of the arms of the corpses the Flesh of which was at the time white and moist he made an incision and uncovered one of the arms and he said the flesh was white and moist and he also cut off a few locks of the Queen's hair as well a some material from the cloth and her dress which she was buried in in 1783 just a year later the steward of the castle then directed for the grave to be opened again to see the Queen's remains and it was said that the body had begun to Decay quickly it was also noted that shoes were on the feet which were very small and that the Queen's proportions were extremely delicate and that her hair was gold four years later the coffin of Katherine par was opened again and the local priest was curious to see her body he found that the head of the queen had totally decayed and that teeth had fallen out of her mouth and this must have been very scary to see but he also found that the arms and her hand had turned brown and then he recorded a sketch of her body but yet again her coffin would be open more times 6 years later a group of drunk vandals entered the chapel and they took the body of Katherine par out of the coffin and messed with it and some even danced with the corpse they then dumped this in a pile and left and removed some of the teeth and one man allegedly stabbed an iron bar through the Torso of the former Queen before it was buried back in the ground upside down but then a local priest wanted to give the queen a proper burial that he believed that she deserved in 1817 the chapel was renovated and the coffin of Katherine par was found upside down and the body was now just a pile of bones with a small bit of Flesh and hair on it but then she was placed inside of a stone vault and tomb for the final time she was given a new coffin and this was also placed in the new Tomb on this coffin shows an effigy of Queen Catherine with her hands tightly clasped together and she has laid to rest still in this manner today what happened to the remains of Katherine par was shocking and her coffin was opened a number of times throughout the centuries after her death but she was considered the lucky one of Henry VI ap's wives who survived the brutality of the king however in her death she was not fortunate as what happened to her after was horrific inside of the small Chapel in the confines of sley Castle thank you for watching and to support please subscribe to her remarkable history thank [Music] you
Channel: Her Remarkable History
Views: 64,655
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Keywords: Henry VIII six wives, henry viii wives, henry viii 6 wives, 6 wives of henry viii, the six wives of henry viii, deaths of henry viiis wives, death henry viii, death henry viii wives, deaths of henry viii wives, catherine of aragon, catherine of aragon death, anne boleyn death, anne boleyn, jane seymour, jane seymour death, anne of cleves, anne of cleves death, catherine howard, catherine howard death, henry viii, henry viii tudor, catherine parr, henry viii wife death
Id: UQ5mTgbrmls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 42sec (4842 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2023
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