The Overwatch 2 Killer - An Honest Marvel Rivals Review

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I spent 10 hours as a professional video game coach playing the Marvel Rivals Alpha and trying to decide if it was any good this is what you need to know now first off is this the OverWatch 2 killer I've been seeing that a lot recently from a lot of different content creators discussing it whether it's good whether it's bad I'm going to give you both sides of the issue as best as I possibly can things that I think OverWatch 2 does better things I think Marvel Rivals did better and more importantly here how actually maybe in some ways that that comparison is fundamentally flawed we'll get to that in a little one first off bias alert I am a professional OverWatch 2 coach I enjoy OverWatch and I enjoy OverWatch 2 so there's a little bit of survivorship bias that the type of person that's still playing OverWatch 2 nowadays is somebody that's going to be enjoying some of those aspects that keep them in OverWatch 2 and maybe not enjoying some of the more unique aspects of Marvel Rivals that are different from OverWatch 2 so just keep that in mind it is a hero shooter it does have abilities and there are tank DPS and support no matter what they may call it and Marvel Rivals But ultimately there's so many things that make Marvel Rivals unique not just in terms of the field but the overall structure of the game that I think think it is a disservice to both OverWatch and more importantly to Marvel Rivals to always make that comparison we just need to ask ourselves is the game fun if the game is fun then that's really all that matters and it is 6v6 like OverWatch one but there's no real tank Synergy there's no roll lock tanks are often slow and awkward and right now there's no immediate tank Busters at least the strongest Heroes right now are not tank Busters and so it's hard to really decide exactly how this tank game feels in terms of the 6v6 versus OverWatch one OverWatch 2 just because it's 6v6 doesn't just mean that it's an OverWatch one clone different fan bases just because it's a hero shoo with abilities doesn't mean that this is going to be yet again the game that's going to kill OverWatch one or OverWatch 2 I've been hearing that one way too many times with Apex valerant and so on ultimately OverWatch 2's hero cast and polish is going to appeal to certain people and people that don't like OverWatch 2 may like Marvel Rivals for different reasons it's apples the oranges really one thing that Marvel does have going for them is they have the opportunity to learn from OverWatch 2's mistakes and they have a pretty strong title behind it you see what's made OverWatch 2 so successful is they've been able to essentially develop a brand of characters and heroes that are recognizable and really pop culture all over the world and Marvel Rivals already has that going for them because everybody knows Marvel heroes and they have a huge fan base behind it however they'll have to prove either they have great gameplay or more appealing personality because as of right now both feel a little bit dry one thing that OverWatch has going forward is that the passion of the developers in the art hero design sound design music everything it's just almost Irreplaceable for the fans of that genre and it's the best in firstperson shooter gaming period in my opinion this game even with a lot more polish is unlikely to top OverWatch in that aspect so it desperately needs competitive integrity and engaging kits something that's been overwatched to use Achilles heel for quite a long time let's also talk about Esports ification of the scene I think right now we like to think back of the good old days of the great games that we used to play but if you actually look at those games under the microscope a lot of those games were not very well balanced laggy broken and even in OverWatch one state the initial launch of the game might have been really fun but it was really really crappy in terms of balance it was just fun unique and fresh and frankly any game that wants to do successful needs to make sure that it is fun and it is unique so Marvel's challenge needs to be is it balanced no it needs to be is it fun is it enjoyable and balance does help with that but it's by far not the most important aspect if Marvel Rivals is going to be successful it's going to need to be a fun and fresh new experience not necessarily just a balanced one and finally maybe this one's a bit more personal but I do think I speak for a lot of people that I'm just tired of Marvel Marvel's been dominating our culture for the last 15 plus years and while there were many moments where it was actually really great a lot of great TV shows and a lot of great movies especially in the last four or five even six years I feel like the quality has really diminished to the point to where I'm just not interested in Marvel TV shows or movies anymore I'm not interested in the characters and I'm just not even interested in the comics anymore and now while there are going to be a lot of Die Hard Marvel fans for a game to be successful at least initially it does need to appeal outside of its Niche and Marvel's characters while initially may have been a strong point for other people may not be as much of a strong point as it would have been s or 8 years ago people are tired of Marvel and hopefully this isn't necessarily the Achilles heal that prevents this game from doing well let's move on to Major gameplay issues things that are fundamentally systemically wrong or right with the game I'm going break these down to three categories number one fine mostly fine not as big of an issue maybe overrated number two annoying and number three fundamentally flaw need to be addressed need to be fixed moving forward keep in mind that this game is an alpha so a lot of these issues are not big problems it's expected when a game is in Alpha however that's part of the reason why in Alpha is here is for people to give feedback on what this game needs this is what it needs so in terms of issues that are mostly fine I actually think the third person wasn't too bad it was a lot of the major critiques of people watching the game was like oh the third person looks awful the third person looks awful but the more that I played the game the less that I even noticed that it was third person I didn't even realize that I was in third person after playing for a couple of hours and that's as good of a compliment as I can give it I've never really been a big third person fan even back in the start Battlefront days I felt like it was a little bit too inyour face but this game actually did it pretty fluidly and it felt first person in a third person environment now would this game do well in first person I don't really know I haven't put a lot of thought into the third person versus first person arguments I think first person has a little bit less visual clutter in terms of the character model but it does mean that you have your weapons on screen I think as it is Marvel rivals in third person is actually mostly fine and for people that played the game it's probably not going to be as big of an issue as you think movement fluidity buggy wall climbs clunky abilities I think in general this game has a lot of Mobility going for it which is great I love Mobility I think it's good game design however it didn't always work fluidly this is something that's going to need to be cleaned up through the alpha and beta stages especially with the amount of kits that have different types of Mobility I think another thing that people we're talking about is sometimes the maps are super super big and I think this is a really good thing part of the reason why the 6v6 works so well you see one of the problems in OverWatch one is that a lot of the maps were very congested which meant a lot of Choke sustain spam a lot of crappy stuff like that in the 6v6 environment but I actually think in the Marvel Rivals Maps a lot of the maps are more open which allows the 6v6 to work a lot better and as of now we don't have sniper characters that are going to punish that open space and make it really cancer in the opposite direction so as of now I think the map design was okay with one exception I think there's a little bit too many choke points in certain points so sometimes we'll go from a more open space a lot of cover a lot of high grounds into a very very tight congested area I think those extremes can be a little bit too over the top and maybe some more Nuance on how that's approached would be really good I think one of the initial things that was interesting as well is that in the King of the Hill rounds basically multiple capture points I don't know what it's called Marvel Rivals you're allowed to carry your old charge over from the previous round I think this brings in an interesting gameplay Dynamic that doesn't happen in OverWatch and I think that that's actually not a bad thing it does add a layer of complexity and skill where let's say that this round is just a loss cause not committing ultimates to a round that you've probably already lost and saving it for the next fight to win the next round and then if the enemy team knows that you have those ultimates then they have to counterplay around that I think it's a level of gameplay complexity that I actually think could be different is definitely different from OverWatch 2 uh but I think it's worth keeping in the game now let's talk about the annoying thing so I think one thing here that everyone is talking about is a destructible environment I'm going to be honest with you guys it just feels gimmicky I think in an Esports world I don't think this is going to be a good thing I think this is going to be more of an annoyance especially considering those things rebuild and in the Casual world it's also annoying there's if you're competitive about it it feels gimmicky if you're not competitive about it it still feels gimmicky I understand the appeal from like creating a trailer or wow you can control your environment but it's one of those things like uh it's like one of those RPGs where you have to eat or sleep or drink it's like one of those things like if it's super super realistic it actually gets to the point where you don't want it to be that realistic because it just becomes obnoxious and I think this is one of those things that really I don't think it's going to go away sadly I think if it's too much of their brand right now but I've honestly did not find a single time War destructible environment was really a fun aspect of the gameplay and I found many times when it was really annoying to play with or against another little detail here coming from a competitive side of thing there's a lot of really powerful ultimates in this game in terms of area of effect big explosions big massive death balls a lot of OverWatch ultimates are similar but one of the things that make OverWatch ultimates different is that you don't always have to use them on big groups of enemies and in a firsters shooter environment especially as players mature and get better people tend to spread out take more off angles take more space and a lot of the OverWatch ultimates do pretty well solo Ting or controlling space but I feel a lot of the Marvel rivals ultimates are pretty bad even using in a 1V one I think some of them will lose a lot of value if you don't exactly get the value that you want and there's a lot of just big explosion ultimates I think they're going to need to a careful look at their ultimate design moving forward and make sure that not everything is an AOE explosion ultimate because I think that actually scales uh pretty poorly and I also don't think it's as interesting of a gameplay mechanic I think the explosion mechanics are really fun with certain ultimates but if everyone has an AO explosion ultimates it just is a giant mess on your screen you have no idea what's going on and it just it's not the most interesting gameplay mechanic I find some of the more interesting gameplay mechanics in OverWatch 2 in terms of ultimates are some of the more Niche ultimates like Dragon Blade pulse bomb even something like a Primal Rage which is not an AOE explosion ultimate it's just a playmaking ultimate I think they need to do more Heroes that have ultimates like that uh one other detail quality of life devil is the chambering abilities buffering your abilities essentially if ability is uncooled down you holding down the button doesn't mean that you use it when it comes off of cool down this is something that OverWatch has it needs to be put in this game huge quality of Life problem in addition of quality of life problems no crouching is a huge problem it makes it really hard to lower yourself while flying uh it also means that you can't hide as easily you can't you don't necessarily need to be quiet I understand the whole like lack of Silence approach but crouching in general is just a firsters shooter quality of life thing I don't know why it's not Marvel Rivals there's a delay while pressing tab to pull up your scoreboard I think the tutorial was also severely lacking this game didn't really provide a lot of super inform good information outside of one character very very similar to the OverWatch tutorial which is also pretty bad uh and in general the game was just extremely loud at all times I would turn on the game and it was about 30% louder than everything else on my computer to the point where it was actually hurt my ears the first time I played the game that needs to be something that they mix better moving forward it's especially bad in the environment of like 12 people screaming at all times we'll get to that one in a little bit speaking of which let's get to the very very serious fundamental problems of the game number one is the voice acting I've just found to be terrible it's not just the actors themselves I know that some of these actors are actually really great voice actors when it comes to the scene Beyond Marvels they've done a lot of other great games and great characters but it just the lines weren't good the direction wasn't good the acting itself wasn't good the spamming of those voice lines was beyond obnoxious and then just in general going back to that Marvel fatigue the quirky banter just wasn't done now I have hated a lot of OverWatch one and OverWatch 2 voice lines over the days uh but I think that OverWatch has done those voice lines a lot better with a lot more character and a lot more personal at least with most of the cast and it felt like Marvel just every character was just so obnoxious almost without exception and it just felt a lot of times that the voice acting was done on a much more budget it felt like somebody said it sounds like they're doing an English dub of themselves um as the best way of describing it it just felt like it didn't feel nearly as polished and I don't know that that's something that's necessarily going to be better moving forward past the alpha moving on to the gameplay I think the cool cool Downs of certain characters let's address the elephant in the room uh the poor from Doctor Strange just one of the many examples of cool Downs that are extremely long and extremely broken I just don't think it's a good game design to have cooldowns that are unbelievably long and unbelievably broken you're essentially just giving them a second ultimate and I don't think that's a very good game design I think generally most games need to have cool Downs that are anywhere from the 2 to 3 second to the 15 to 20 second maximum coold down range and then diminish the power for those cool on or increase the power of those cool on accordingly it's not fun going oh I didn't have that cool down in that instance so I lost or we lost or I did have that cool down in that instance that we won long long cooling mechanics don't work in first person shooters it's too fast tempo and too repetitive with a respawn mechanic of a game mode to you not have aspects of your kit in two or three fights in a row that's like insanity it just doesn't work in this game mode it might work in in mobas and and things where there's like more constant action where there's not immediate death but you can't have three minute cool Downs in a first person shooter it just it's fundamentally even if you make that cool down really really strong it just leads to a lot of gimmicks I think that there's also too few synergies in this game I think one of the criticisms of OverWatch one or OverWatch 2 is that it's moved to a 5v5 environment and that oh this is 6v6 back all again it's not even close to OverWatch 166 because there is no tank synergies whatsoever in fact we'll get to the tanks in the issue but the tanks overall don't really feel very active a lot of the tanks just kind of exist and so there's not very many synergies and even though they have those Synergy systems in place they're often tricky to get they're weird they're specific and as it is there weren't a lot of abilities whether it was the tank or support cast that directly enabled people in the same way that the OverWatch one double tank pocketing bubbling and so on I think this is something they're going need to keep an eye on synergies can be broken synergies can be weak but they'll need to keep an eye on this and make sure they're incorporating this to motivate players to introduce synergies in the gameplay without mandating it it's a tricky balance one of the quality of Life thing that OverWatch 2 has done really well with is the heal passive out of combat after 5 Seconds you start to heal yourself up very very slowly this is something that I did not realize how badly I missed it until I played Marvel Rivals and I realized oh my gosh I actually have to run around and grab Health packs the entire time whenever I'm taking an angle without the support actually super super annoying needs to be incorporated in the game as soon as possible it is a great gameplay mechanic to have it needs to be in the game um another thing as well which everyone's talking about this really goes without saying but it has to be it the the game is horribly optimized I have a fairly decent machine 4070 I stream this a lot I play OverWatch in relatively High settings no big problem I was dropping frames like insane when I was streaming this my video camera was lagging I heard all my settings on in the game set to the max like absolute bottom as low as I possibly can heck I couldn't even launch OBS I couldn't even change SC there was so many optimization computer issues I couldn't alt Tab out of um my thing I couldn't game capture an OBS it's not just the optimization just in general the game is just not optimized for anything right now so unless you're running literally a superhero computer you're going to have a really hard time playing this game and that's going to be very important to fix that considering the amount of reach that this game needs to have they need to optimize this game significantly and moving along with that part of the reason why the optimization was so bad because the visual clutter was just as bad as OverWatch one penny Parker's uh spiderwebs the Buffs the AOE ultimates I mean it it got out of control and it wasn't just the fact that there's too two two more characters in OverWatch 2 there was so much visual clutter with so little communication at the same point in time I think that plus the audio clutter let this to be a really a sensory overload and and not in a good way I think overall the sustain of the game was weird I felt like that there were a lot of characters that had like okay maybe Balan sustain but then some characters in some situations where the sustain felt like way over the top it was weird sustain like sometimes you can't kill anybody through that ultimate or you can't kill anybody through that single pocket but then that healing is not all that good and then if Loki has a heel stack it's really broken but if it was it was weird I didn't feel like I played enough to get a perfect read on the sustain but they need to keep a very careful of look on the quality of life of that sustain when single Target healing is too strong and just in general I think the support category they going need to keep a careful look at as well as the tanks I feel like a lot of the tanks were very slow um and didn't do a whole lot I think that and surprisingly the tank and support category in first person shooters uh is just really hard to balance and they're going to need to keep an eye on that it's not just an over watch problem finally this one's really important I think it's very hard to know when and where you're being shot at the overall Visual and sound design can be very confusing and overwhelming I think that this is something that is partly just novelty to the game but I think one thing that OverWatch does really well and we will make a comparison to OverWatch in this category is it does communicate exactly when you're low where you're low who's shooting you what what range they're shooting you what type of weapon it it just communicates these things and sometimes it communicates them so well you don't even realize that you're receiving that information and I think that this game was missing a lot of that very confusing visually the audio was confusing we we've said this a bunch of times but I I cannot clarify much how important that this is for a good game experience finally let's talk about hero balance this is going to be the one where I'm going to have the briefest thoughts because I don't think I played the game enough I played every character for about an hour I would say maybe not quite an hour just to get a general impression of the character I'm not a pro by any means so this is just somebody who has a good background in game design and hero design and coaching those characters but take these with a grain of salt we'll talk about the tanks first Doctor Strange I didn't get to use my e as much my explosive Aura around me as much because it felt like it was hard to reach people it felt strange to have no pun intended a character with a good consistent range weapon that also has an ability that punishes people to get too close I found myself sometimes struggling to be able to use that ability with the ranges that people were playing on me I did enjoy the mechanic The Shield Dynamic was really fun the character felt really really strong and when I was able to use my release of my energy around it was very fun to use I will say that in general that tanks with range and tanks with Mobility would Strange's flight shockingly tanks need some form of poke or Mobility to work and I think that strange really did both of those things maybe the shield spam could be a little bit broken although I did like the animation cancel but overall I think Doctor Strange was the most fun I had playing tank moving on to Hulk I I just really hated Hulk I think the jump just copy Winston guys from OverWatch 2 just the charge mechanic was just awful it feels weird to jump in there and then sit and look and look and then be able to jump out felt really really awful there wasn't really any impact of me landing on targets the utility felt a little bit weird and out of character for Hulk uh felt hard to reach stuff I I just think that this character had a lot of issues that did not have fun playing Hulk and and I love Winston and OverWatch too moving on to Groot The Voice lines I just the voice is goes without saying just please care be careful with the voice spam it's it's awful uh group very slow no real poke range whatsoever so he's just a Brute Force hold space and shield himself up he's basically double shield in OverWatch 2 but by himself uh his wall play is obviously very powerful I will say that the play in terms of the Dynamics of walls that heal you walls that damage you damage the enemy team you didn't really feel the impact of what you were doing with that there wasn't really any visceral oh this is the healing wall I'm feeling it right this is the damage wall I can feel I'm doing extra you just it just you didn't really feel it and I also think that it's just in general if you don't feel like what you're doing is working then it can lead to these weird feedback loops so I think Groot was a a powerful tank but overall a really boring tank Magneto felt like a weaker version of strange I like the bubble I think the primary fire was a little bit tricky I really like this the combo sword thing I forget who that was with maybe Scarlet Witch the whole sword thing was really really fun to use when I could use it but again just another really slow tank lacked consistent mitigation with the coold down on his shield and the mobility wasn't particularly great either Magneto was fun but honestly not that impactful just felt like a much worse version of Doctor Strange as I said Penny Parker honestly just felt like a really crappy design felt like a destructible uh create Builder tank very defense focused it felt almost impossible to take space with her because you had to like go in and then drop your stuff but then you had no way to tank mitigate it basically was just an AA denial tank which is doesn't really work in capture points as easily and doesn't work on attack and even in defense feels rather gimmicky there's no real way to take space uh the the mitigation is weak the mobility is also kind of weak although there was the grapple kind of sort of mechanic the bungee mechanic which was kind of cool uh the utility was super gimmicky I think Penny Parker was honestly just a significantly worse Diva with some of the most gimmicky things I I've never seen a tank as gimmicky as Penny Parker and I did not enjoy playing her and I did not find her very effective in 90% of situations moving on to support here rocket no real critiques there pretty fun resz was a bit weird and maybe a bit broken again the destructible concept of res is a bit strange uh especially considering the fact that it gave armor packs so it's like you wanted to put it totally out of the fight but then it gave armor packs that people want to use in the fight and the armor packs are only like 25 health so there's a lot of tweaking that needs to be done with rocket but overall I think more Mobility the weapon felt interesting the heals were interesting as well thought it was okay Loki I feel like was pretty fun I do have a hard it's hard to read Loki right now it's weird to have a support with an invisible mechanic and then a backside mechanic which look kind of weak it's honestly hard to say there's a lot of questions about basically healbot stacking with his copies I tried my best to place my copies on like off angles and be able to teleport around and use it as a defensive and an enabler of offensive plays but that might not even be good it might be better to just throw your copies in the back line and just heal he stack heal stack heal stack and I'm concerned if that's the case they're going to want to keep an eye on Loki moving forward mantis fine fluid aim felt a little bit awkward especially with a movement acceleration the crit system can feel difficult to make it work because she's basically totally Reliant off of getting crits for her uh for her ability to get the heal blossoms back or whatever those things are I think that maybe having a system where instead of you have to crit you do have to hit shots instead might feel a little bit work might feel a little bit better I like the way that utility felt in terms of indirect helping and managing a bunch of cooldowns felt like a better version of mercy and overwatched one however I will say one thing I didn't like is you didn't always have cleared feedback on exactly what you're doing so if you pocketed or damage boost somebody you wouldn't really get feedback that you were doing the right thing so kind of tricky with mantis and I also felt she was a just a much more inferior version of Luna I think Luna was fun the movement felt really unpack full the the skating thing was really just super Niche especially you you can't use it while you're shooting last I checked um but she seems pretty strong the ult was really silly the animation of the ultimate is just beyond goofy um but my only real concern with Luna is the healbot I I wonder that if as much utility as she has is she just going to basically Resort just to being a healbot throwing out of sleep every now and then um I'm a little concerned about that her ultimate was super super super strong as well so that's something you need to keep an eye on but I think Luna was a relatively interesting support to play finally finishing with DPS I really liked hella uh obviously she's busted basically can twap anybody felt like a little bit of a clunky lack of control with a crow uh I think the ult is horrible and slow and confusing I feels like the ultimate of sucking yourself into the sky and just launching bombs it was very disorienting it was very awkward it was very slow it was very loud it's the perfect example of an AOE ultimate done wrong even Iron Man ultimate um and Scarlet wit while being annoying uh felt kind of fun uh hell I just just wasn't just it just felt goofy it just felt goofy I I just did not and I don't think a single time I enjoyed playing versus a hell ultimate or even using Hollow ultimate there's so many better AOE ultimates in this game um maybe also to top heavy of a hero design felt like basically her entire kit revolve around two tapping and then flying away where some of the other aspects of her utility just were really not that useful something to keep in mind Star-Lord I really like Star-Lord probably the most fun I had playing any of the characters Mobility is fun who would have thought the Dodge mechanic was cool I think the flight was interesting but probably lasted way too long and the cool down was a little too long would prefer a slightly lower cool down and a probably a significantly shorter duration just to balance things out give you more option Ops it does feel a little bit rough to have your entire ultimate shut down by Doctor Strange with just shielding your entire ult however it's probably just as well because your ultimate is probably a little bit too strong so I'm going to keep an eye on there but I actually really did enjoy playing Star-Lord sword lady uh I think this is Magic uh fun maybe she's bad but I I kind of found the combo mechanics pretty fun I think the demon mechanic of summing the demon thing was a little bit weird range issues with whether the Demon's going to be effective or not I also think summoning uh spamming summons can be a bit of a weird balanc mechanic that might be something that's like nobody wants to shoot a demon midf fight I don't think I think also forcing a Teleport directional feels a bit clunky like sometimes I just want to teleport and just stand still right with my shift to be able to use one of those abilities but I'm actually forced to move forward and I don't like that mechanic as fluidity as much as possible but I but I did enjoy playing her a lot even though she wasn't super great Iron Man was the worst I I so bad the mobility I the first time I pressed his flight I literally laughed out loud because I could not believe how slow that he was moving I thought it was I was just misunderstanding the abil know he actually moves that slow uh the weapon swap was awkward the beam doesn't really do that much more DPS than just shooting which is strange mechanic to have uh the Rockets are terrible they're impossible to hit they're even more impossible to hit when you're flying it's just total chaos there's just nothing really redeemable about Iron Man um I think a lot of the flying characters have a lot of the same problems where they're they're weirdly spammy they're easy to shoot especially with all the hit scan characters that are in this game and they just don't work they just don't work I think flying characters in OverWatch are also partly problematic but there's at least some more flight control and Iron Man has absolutely nothing going from him he's one of those bad characters that also felt unfun to play as well and that's really like two that's two red strikes right there Spider-Man fun the swing mechanics felt a little bit awkward like shortening the web I kept clonking into walls I kept expecting it to function like wrecking ball and it really wasn't so that's something to keep an eye on but I feel like part of it was just a skill issue feels hard to grasp and awkward for sure but I think there's a lot of fun in there and especially with some quality of life changes I think this character will be really high skill ceiling maybe a little bit broken in the right hands but you know if you if you're good at Spider-Man if you're good at a high Mobility character you should be able to do good things and I think that that's part of partly a skill issue Scarlet Witch intuitive simple kind of boring I think this character is going to be something to keep an eye on she definitely feels like Moira from OverWatch one and OverWatch 2 in all the wrong ways the ability to just fly away quickly the easy to aim primary fire not my favorite character to play or play versus but more of a skill check character but we don't really like skill check characters at least I don't black panther one of those not that great characters but was actually fairly fun to play with a couple of critiques I think the combos were fun Mobility is fun Dash distance seems hard with melee like how far you dash can be hard for a Melee character I think that needs to be something you can control a little bit easier um I think the cool down and dash is the big one right having such a long cool down and your entire kit revolves around that if you mess up you're screwed which is you know that's part of the skill play but I think that they could get away with lowering the cool down on that or at least buffing the damage because man that thing does no damage actually you like to combo like every single ability to do something that a Spider-Man can do significantly easier or Punisher can do 10 times easier I think there's too much of his kit that revolves around that cool it reminds me a little bit of like power punch with doomfist where way too much of his revolved around power punch and not enough around slam and what ends up happening is there's no real Choice everything that black panther does is around that one cool down I do think that he's a higher skilled character but I think that unlike Spider-Man War there's like a lot of different order of operations that you can do with black panther it's pretty much the same thing it's finding a javelin or your e and then shifting and then sh doing this and and I think that that's part of the the where the character is not just lacking in terms of strength but he's actually lacking in depth in terms of cealing he's hard to play pick up but once you pick him up there's not as much depth I think moving on to Neymar uh don't even get me started this character sucks I think maybe even worse than Iron Man he's not as bad as Iron Man but he's way more boring uh somehow I think you just throw stuff you throw a turret and then your defensive ability of going in the air but not being able to do anything and not heal yourself and then there's no D it's just may ice block but significantly less interesting I I played this character once and I had such little fun that I finished the round and I it was we oned the second round and I was done I did not want to pick the it was just the worst the least fun I had playing the entire game even Iron Man was was better so really and again another AOE ultimate that just does damage it's just there's just nothing very particularly interesting about his kit whatsoever big fail for me uh storm I I found her fairly fun she didn't really sell me initially her primary fire feels a little bit awkward at first she's also very slow for a speed character which is odd the flight control again is a major problem as well uh it's a little bit also unclear on what lightning does there's not a lot of feedback does it do more damage than your primary fire it can't head shot but is it AOE does is like what's the point of lightning outside of just spamming more damage I found that that was not super clear either uh but I think storm is something that could be tweaked uh and then once they fix some of those quality of life issues and maybe clarify exactly what to be doing I think overall that she has a lot more potential than some of the other characters that I didn't like as much Punisher fun he's easy he just you shotgun you shoot the turret setup idea is annoying I think that's a really really gimmicky part where you have that shield in the front where you can't be shot as much I think that's just not a good game mechanic it's going to be like Noob stomper tank Busters nonsense the grapple mechanic as well is a bit of a weird thing uh I think one of the things that OverWatch 2 did well or OverWatch one did well with Widowmaker is that she's one of the more fluid grapple mechanics in the game whereas Punisher just seems like an archaic like Call of Duty style reposition tool it's fine I don't really have any major complaints it just doesn't feel as polished so in conclusion I think this game is missing a lot in terms of the balance side obviously extremely topheavy but my major complaint about this game is I feeling it's extremely topheavy in terms of fun you see it's totally fine to have an imbalanced game it's totally fine for a character like Hela to be broken in the right hands and characters like Iron Man are not that good but the real complaint is that Hela I found fun to play and Iron Man I didn't characters like storm that maybe are not that strong but are still fun to play Black Panther and so on I think those are things that are okay for right now and can be fixed in the future but the major complaint is that the number of characters tank DPS and support that I just didn't enjoy playing all that much and even in OverWatch one while there were definitely a lot of cheese characters initially at the launch characters that were kind of corny kind of easy not a lot of skill involved at least they were fun to play junkrat Road Hog Bastion even situation can be good gimmick fun every now and then but there were way too many characters in Marvel Rivals right now that even if given the opportunity to just play for silliness I would never touch in fact there's really only half a dozen characters that I would consistently consider playing over and over again maybe your experience is different but that to me was the biggest concern with Marvel Rivals finally I do have my concerns about net EAS as a company their monetization principles the passion they'll put into the game compared to a lot of the other firstperson Shooters titles we'll have to wait and see biggest thing that I can tell you is that if you get the opportunity to play the Marvel Rivals beta I highly recommend that you do it I definitely think that I don't know that I will be playing this game moving forward I think I've pretty much put my time in and I'm going to be moving on to other games but I was definitely worth my time to at least try I had a lot of fun games I enjoyed playing the different characters and even though there were a lot of aspects that were frustrating it was at least good honest casual fun and really what more could you want in the game let me know what you guys think in the comments and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Spilo
Views: 41,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: marvel rivals vs ow2, ow2, spiderman, hulk, hela, rivals tips, marvel tips, marvel rivals guide, marvel rivals highlights, punisher, storm, groot, starlord, loki, black panther, dr strange, magneto, scarlet witch, tips, guide, new game, marvel rivals review, marvel rivals balance
Id: OQ90IfIF6lM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 0sec (1860 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2024
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