The Outsiders Behind the Scenes & Bloopers

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now i'd like to say a few words about the rumble tonight what's going on we started out under on the track that's the first punch and then you had you had all the rain these four kids it was so cold when we would turn off the rain machines you could just see the steam coming off of tom and patrick and all those kids beams that came down one was black that actually hit ralph the other one was a beam that had flames on it we haven't changed the day yes are we just as young as we are france explained that he wrote this is what i always wanted no pressure all right no money well it only was made possible because i got lucky with the the resorts and the wine company otherwise i'd be doing what's going on with the resorts where you're very successful yeah i'd be doing movies of the week you know like me don't say it like that i treated him like i treated everybody else was with you know at the time was a bit sort of cocky and sassy and someone's got to do them and they can't all be friends i wasn't uh intimidated by his work because i didn't know of his work and i i know he liked that a lot wow this was your car what happened to it it's been it hasn't been maintained it's been attacked look at this car i mean what 17-year-old brad is allowed to drive i have been maintained better than this car there's no doubt about hello we did that every friday uh when we shot drinking great wine getting to resurrect all friendships you need strawberries somebody told a uh a crew member looked at foods for the talent and this was wrong and then lathe went over to the table and ralph said hey leif that's for the talent and that's when they watch them snap the photos that's what the poster is oh my lord i remember you he said leave that food it's for the talent that's my favorite in the movie i love what he he's just so out there he went for it i get you a hangout a hideout a hangout that means i find you a teepee a tent a fort i got you a fort hey everybody i'm not sitting in that chair the searches at least you got the what's that thing on ponyboy's neck it's the question i always got when they cut out oh they because now they're gonna know now they're gonna know they're gonna see kid everything's new dawn ralph you killed that killed that that was just unbelievable man it was uh a nostalgic ride you know if you're all gonna have to jump you after this i remember moments that i shared with diane lane after seeing the movie that i never really remember before she would recall things that i'd said to her and and of course i would deny him because you know at 14 i had the biggest crush you could have on on a young girl and i never wanted to know that but i'm sure she did the night we shot here was freezing cold and when tommy says man i'm freezing he really meant it huh yeah every once in a while it still plays at this theater actually the actors rob and tommy were very close during the movie shoot too that was a rough night shoot because matt had the little gunshot squibs taped his bare skin since he left the hospital with just a jacket on and when those squibs went off it hurt i think matt did a great job as dallas we went out on the streets of tulsa and go to you know a drug store and we'd shoplift and we'd do all the stuff and we'd get in trouble and francis was there the whole time filming videotape it was a very new thing which was you know not in a great part of the neighborhood and i don't remember it having heat um he wanted us to cook a meal together and i don't cook tommy howell doesn't cook and swayze doesn't cook so that was a disaster and he and susie hinton sat on that couch and we were in character for hours and hours and hours on end and finally we were sort of looking at each other the actors going is this ever gonna end francis was eager for me to spend the night in jail which i wasn't of course so interested in doing but like yeah you know maybe dallas because he's he's been in the reformatory you should go spend the night in jail i was like okay francis why don't you go spend the night in jail he i mean i spent time in character sleeping out at night in the cold wrapped in newspaper and walking on a piece of blue tarp that would then turn into a park or wherever we were the best part that came out of that was the fact that we were able to draw upon personal experiences with each other as actors and then when we would refer to moments on film we could recall that experience for real i believe you should work very sensually with actors actors like it in the early stages of rehearsal usually i have a whole table full of props because they just want to go up and get some then when you see it if you like it you encourage it oh the fire is on in the rehearsal process you're ready to put on the show there would be scheduled sort of gaming and uh competition between the socials and and the greasers every weekend we would have these rival uh matches via football soccer basketball there was a lot of competition we wouldn't dare and i remember one afternoon we were gonna play flag football match the doorbell rang and somebody was standing there with some brand new sweats drawstring gray sweats with canvas converse and a t-shirt that said greasers on it and they handed me a really lovely plastic binder for my script and it had the outsiders and my name on it so we all scramble off to the park and and we go up and we've got our gray sweats on our t-shirts on and we look over and here come the gang of socials all in their beautifully colored button-down snap sweat jumpsuits and their leather high-top sneakers and their leather-bound script covers with their names on them and i remember that just eating at us and we kicked the holy hell out of them that day me being a social him being a gracer can relate to this very much so because the greasers got less per diem than associates and got better i think the uh associate's got better hotel room that's hardly the case [Music] okay and it was exactly like that and he's a young boy and he's still learning it was good it was healthy it was very healthy to exercise that ability good friends today really i love this kids there were times when it got almost a little over the top like it was like hey whoa you know you guys you guys really are actors you know you don't hate each other we spent like three nights shooting that scene and i got deathly ill though it wasn't the actual dunking that was rough it was building up to it i mean there there was some grabbing and some a bit of a fight going on and struggling and francis didn't want it to look easy he wanted us to look like we were getting away and and i didn't make it easy on lake you know i mean i tried very hard and and francis came up to me and said do not let him put you in that water period my struggling consisted of a few blows to leave here and there but they got me in and uh in the long run you know they dumped me pretty good and leif life got even with me
Channel: DoItForJawnee
Views: 358,122
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Id: HNNrsPpLwAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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