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foreign oh that was horrible hello and welcome back to cinema rules my name is Tom and behind the camera we've got our connoisseur film Sean and today is his choice unfortunately yes it is my choice Tom uh are we going to sequel are we going foreign well I did like your uh Choice last last time uh The Grudge but I didn't think we would go for a foreign film but this film does remind me of a foreign film that we recently watched called The Orphanage I have no idea if it will be exact it will be the same but it's called is it orphan no oh thank God I mean I haven't seen that just the uh the others uh I have I haven't seen it I don't know whether you've seen it before um but it's got a good rating so I wanna I wanna check it out the others I have seen it before I watched this when I was about eight years old and it absolutely terrified really morbidly terrifying me as a kid I always I remember it being like one of the first horrifying films I watched but then I watched it again a few years ago and obviously Eddie didn't have that effect on me so okay but but I remember it being really tense I remember it being like tension like overload yeah Nicole Kidman isn't it yeah Nicole Kidman yeah so I I haven't seen it I thought I'd I'd pick it because I I always got the um it mixed up between the strangers and the others but I know the others is probably more paranormal the others yeah I won't I won't spoil it for you if you don't know what it is but let's go let's go let's dive in who directs this I'm not too sure it must be like 2005 or something like that yeah yeah wise have a look 2001 it's earlier than I remembered I must have watched it when I was really young um this is Alejandro um Amana bar I can't well thesis then I haven't heard of that um while at War Danielle regression Agora I haven't heard any of his other ones but yeah no I remember the others I'm intrigued let's go let's go let's go Jersey [Music] up Jesus Christ that's my reaction when my alarm goes after six in the morning every day not work new workers then for the house this is a bit of an up type yeah she's like the the lady of the house isn't she like you could sleep in the shed around the back the shed as you see the housework has been rather neglected since the servants you've got this massive house and you're like 18 bedrooms the [ __ ] does he say the service disappeared they just left yeah yeah stop making like these like gestures you're gonna spoil it before so it happens I've got to be like ah before it happens yeah you're gonna be like oh God no and I'll be like Oh I'm expecting something now don't do that foreign [Music] ghosts why are they doing this that's [ __ ] it's [ __ ] they're half sleep look how pale they are they're they're dead Tom a very serious yeah photo sensitive and they must never be exposed to any light much stronger than this it's interesting you're right that is a real condition you know yeah yes eventually should I leave you the others said they wouldn't but they did the others name drop what happened [Music] nothing happened my children sometimes have strange she's crazy she's a Nutter she's absolutely she's a mental case I can tell I can 100 tell I have no idea what's gonna happen in this film what's the conflict hurts for this kid man yeah did you hear the crying yeah oh that's creepy that crying is creepy oh for [ __ ] sake I should lock it behind her did they just not think hauntings were a thing back in the day they just just lived in this massive mansion and was like oh this doesn't look haunted was that not a thing is it like zombies like oh they didn't know what zombies aren't real mate they are oh my God oh my God what the [ __ ] [Music] he's got breathing yeah go full on badass oh what was it the door closing behind her I bet they're little Pixies like walking around as well they're gonna what take the curtains down that's the number of times I've seen them I've seen the young woman the most 14. 14. oh the [ __ ] sake man that was rough that was wrong trying to find the old picture of your woman please don't just don't [ __ ] like the idea of just seeing the woman in an old picture oh did you know that in Victorian times it was a craze to take pictures of dead people really and they were dead yeah are they all dead in that photo to remember to have a Memento of what they were like when dead uh it was a bunch of laughs Book of the Dead I'll [ __ ] burn them then burn them burn them all that is [ __ ] that is horrible why are all these kids dead in these photos how do they die what would be weird is if in that booklet she found a picture of her kids sleeping her kids yeah shows I keep saying she'll just be like I hate these like period [ __ ] hauntings man something about it I hate it I hate the fact that it just stops it just stops why is it just stopped off the door why does it just stop it's gonna close on my hand please man please please stop [ __ ] it up he's looking for a cemetery what are you gonna do though like what can you do dig them up and just double tap them bury them again with no shotgun women face shotgun them in the face to double tap classic Zombieland rule what are they planning which [Music] uh why are they covering that up what are their plans to Summer to summon everything but we just need the Mystery Machine to come rolling up in there oh scope foreign no the fog's lying to her gross who is that that's a it's requested oh yeah no it's lying it's lying to her what the this is a general like uneasiness to this family it's sorrow as well it's a little bit like the sorrow that you got in in the orphanage I bet people came back from war like just completely changed yeah the trauma and the pizza completely yeah the horror she looks like she knows him oh no she looks annoyed is he is he real is he who he says he is oh that was a yes um so she's completely forgotten about the haunting yeah she's expecting it to be like normal she's blinded by a wife yeah yeah be patient then Daddy oh he's he's gonna do something stupid and he he's gonna blow his brains out she's she's reverted back later she will see them sooner or later everything will be different me there are going to be some big surprises the [ __ ] are you talking about they were gonna die what what are they planning I don't think he knows where he is are they talking about the husband now yeah because he's come back from the war yeah it's all spaced out he's just a shell of a person isn't he creepy [Music] who did she just look at the others it's gonna be someone else it's gonna be like the nun isn't it it's gonna be the old woman oh oh what have you done with my daughter are you mad I am your daughter that's creepy I've left her with her father oh no that's going to do like a suicide pack thing with the kids and he I'm just thinking that the worst thing to ever happen to us no she'd like to let a mask slip a little bit there didn't she oh Mike she's R to you she's Auntie you yeah throne throne foreign he's dead he's not there he's a ghost you think he's a ghost I just came back to say goodbye to my wife and children yeah he's dead Dover talking about you're not going do you hear me you left us once already you can't go she's going through grief it's a story about grief isn't it and he's dead she's going through it in her mind because when she was standing there there was the mirror of the wardrobe it wasn't on him intentionally I think because he's not there no no because your theory then doesn't it nah and then he just Fades away yeah Yoda and if I Strikes Back yeah he's gone he was never there was a vision it was an imagination the imagery she's trapped yeah she's imprisoned in this in this loose what the [ __ ] what the window is wide open look oh yeah the curtains yeah it was day [Music] Madness you're not hideously scarred on the phone oh Mr Tuttle I was just on the point of calling you did you know that someone has taken all the curtains so nonchalantly Blaster and Kimmy Kimmy now [ __ ] a doodle ghost and never come back we'd better go and uncover the gravestones what is going on with those three I'm going to the woods so I'm like the third floor what's she doing why not what if the ghost jumps out they're gonna die and she's gonna see them but they're going to be ghosts and she doesn't even realize since you'll find their bodies I don't know thinking of the worst scenario again wait [Music] there's three it's gonna be the it's gonna be them December 1891 yes they're dead I knew it oh [ __ ] [ __ ] and that's why they were coming up the gravestones because they didn't want to see their own gravestones they're dead it's terrifying yeah oh it's horrible so start here [ __ ] me [ __ ] off Jesus Christ oh that was horrible oh that was horrible if I tell her oh my God they're dead oh my God did you get it yeah The Intruders uh something about a pillow too the incident with the husband [Music] and went mad smothered her two children and then shot herself that's quite enough think of our son there's nothing wrong with Victor yes there is he has nightmares you kept drawing the curtains open because he was scared oh my God we will leave tomorrow morning thank God for that they're the others aren't they yeah are the others are the others what a great choice and that's mad [ __ ] you know so did you find that her husband was dead from the wall yeah maybe she woke up from the nightmare but in reality it was really it was her she was she she woke up as a ghost that's crazy she ever spoke but I couldn't tell you that before now that's so devastatingly so sorrowful that's oh it's heartbreaking so smart to do something like this where the Paranormal Activity is actually the living people that are living yeah they're a different perspective it's great isn't it oh wow I feel like even though this is still a modern film it's still before it's time and away because before a lot of the modern apparents that we got amazing it's not really good right Sean there we go just be honest did you know no of the twists that's the one thing about this film that I feel like when you've seen the others the thing about the film is they're the Ghosts no so yeah so the only thing I knew who said something about are they dead at one point yeah so I I said I so when watching the film you know the bit of her in the dress and and it's the old woman's face um that I recall like in terms of like I've seen it maybe in a trailer yeah or something like that like I recognize that but in terms of the twist no idea but I knew going into it I knew it was going to be something like the orphanage where the where it had this massive twist so I was trying to at all times trying to work it out the windows needed to be closed and they were really pale I was like the kids are dead and she doesn't know it but technically if you think about it that is correct she killed the kids but didn't know that she killed the kids like horrific horrible twist as well isn't it so like the guy the the father maybe what happened is the father died in the war and she couldn't deal with the grief and they killed her kids in herself because of it because she wanted to be with everyone you said at one point it's all about grief isn't it which it kind of is it's like the limbo of grief yeah um but also coming coming to terms with what she had done which in the in itself is another layer of Greek like and I do get you see the real world and it's all sunny at the end and that and they realize but there's no end to their limbo they're still dead I I guess they have the love and they're still in limbo but they've at least they've accepted it and they can go on without you know the stress and yeah and now they can get some really like fun terrorizing them yeah no yeah but I mean it's kind of like a I I see it I I think Nicole Kidman probably wanted to do it because she can show off her acting chops in it can't she yeah she's pretty much a one-woman show despite the yeah you've got the other characters no it's true she was the most emotive uh character in there and she had she almost had to carry it you know the kids are there but the kids are they did well as well they did well but they they weren't carrying the the momentum of the film it was always her so she she definitely did well even though I do think that some of her acting shops can be a little bit over dramatic but I think I think that suits the almost also suits the time period in which you're saying the accent and the yeah I just feel like it's a bit of a bit more of a um I can see this being a play yeah yeah I could see it being a stage play as well yeah you wouldn't need many characters would you no so and it's all set in one in one location so I thought it was a really good I wonder who wrote it as well yeah the tension and suspense was crafted like really well you didn't get like you jump scares there wasn't a there was the odd bit where there was a painting in the background or something like that but there was wasn't like massive like it was it was like the unsettling uneasiness of it yeah and when you had that Seance reveal at the end slowly kind of the color seeped back into frame and yeah it was revealed I I've always known it because I watched it when I was really young as I said but like I wish I could I think people would have worked it would work out but I wish I could see it blind I'm so glad I didn't get the the uh the twist spoiled for me that was brilliant um what do you think of the film overall there if you were to rate it those to rate it out of 10. you know I was always intrigued I was always invested I was always asking questions and the first hour of the film like flew by because it is a slow burn but for me it flew by that you don't notice it and and that's really when a film can do that and keep you keep pulling you along yeah it's it's intriguing with you you know especially when the dad came into the picture then you were like question even further you were like is he really there is it what what is going on so I I really liked it so I'm gonna rate it I'm gonna rate it an 8 out of 10. wow yeah that's a good rate yeah that is a really good rating now I think it's really good as well I'm gonna give it a 7.5 yeah um I don't know there's something about the film I mean it feels isolating that's not a bad thing because that's the intention isn't it it's so it's like the orphanage it really fills you with a real sense of somber with a real somber tone yeah but I'm gonna give it a 7.5 I think it's really good yeah is it is it better than the orphanage I don't think so do not no because I remember you watching the orphanage and you were a bit um not bored but I think you it it wasn't pulling you along as much as this I can't remember what I gave the orphanage I can't remember either no I probably gave the orphanage but but for me I guess the one thing about the orphanage is that I didn't know the twins that was coming yeah and so that almost for a while that like bumps you up a bit yeah oh my God yeah if I didn't know this then I'd probably be saying the same as you yeah upon the first video yeah but it's like again I've seen it but this will be the third time now so you might be more than that because I've seen it I saw it quite a lot as a kid today yeah well let us know what you guys think do do you agree with our rating 7.5 and 8 out of 10. what was your reaction to the the massive review it was just as soon as they entered the room and there was a single team I was like yeah straight away did you see it coming that's what I wanted yeah did you see it coming but don't lie and yeah you did okay like I've made predictions but they were just wild accusations that didn't really have any Solid Ground to them uh but they happen to be in the same vain as the as the twist but I didn't I didn't see it coming still um but yeah if you want to watch the full length reaction along with us the link in the description for the patreon pages down below you obviously see scenes uh in there that weren't on the YouTube edit so go check that out but let's know what to watch next yes any film that's horror I'm excited I've got a few a few minutes I was running out of ideas but now I've got some sleeve cards yeah definitely so thank you for watching and we'll see you in the next video cheers foreign [Music]
Channel: Cinema Rules
Views: 57,743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movie Reaction, Film Reaction, Reaction, React, Reacting, Movie Review, Film Review, First Time Watching, Movie Commentary, Commentary, Commentate, Film Commentary, Cinema Rules, Cinema, Reaction channel, Reaction channels, fun reaction channel, Movie lovers, best reaction channel, The others, The others movie reaction, The others ending reaction, The others twist reaction, Horror, Horror movie, Horror movie reaction
Id: Ieh66V1zyNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 20sec (1700 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 25 2022
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