The Other Side Of The Sea | ATTACK ON TITAN | Reaction 4x1

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okay I all right all right stupid show I love it so much it's so [Music] good I'm scared this is the last season we have 30 episodes left that's it no I'm going to cry I feel like all of our questions won't be answered in 30 episodes they will be or won't be won't be like I'm not ready for it to end I know we still have quite ways but still but still the other side of the sea oh no are we going to get the he's got a band arm band are those bullets brother writing names down oh my gosh oh my gosh what is this firefight we're in h interesting the Elan unit is in the the front mm Go for years what is this music what is going on the sword is that b wait no uh what is happening warri your candidates they're all kids what is going on oh my gosh was that Riner oh I can't tell it looked it looked like older it looked older yeah rer okay the tone of this is already so different and there's like new cool music that we haven't heard before yeah so I I we don't know what time period this is right no it didn't say anything I feel like it's before rer was the Titan yeah because maybe not that might probably was Riner in there huh yeah I don't know I couldn't tell cuz I'm also thinking like um those two little ones look like bird Hol and Riner yeah but that wasn't their names I know but maybe there's like a renaming ser ceremony exactly that's why I'm like what is I don't know okay no we're crazy stupid let's just watch 458 o o it's it's like their own war going on on the continent [Music] [Music] railroad it's crazy how much more modern this is yeah like all the tech that they have jaw and cart that what is that who are we fighting right now yeah it could be born to someone in Paradise okay n years ago N9 years after wait so Aaron would be gone no no not yet I'm sick I don't like that they're calling it the motherland no it's very like you know they're so scared are you kidding me got to lock it this is sick yellow must mean warrior candidate yeah how much longer does zap yeah [Music] okay she that's what he wants [Music] no she's good oh my goodness this is crazy what in the heck this is freaking me out that's like oh no there's brainwashing going on obviously she's so manipulative I don't like oh dang it worked oh my goodness oh no that's a dirty mhm oh my gosh not good you oh my gosh what is this lion what is that this is one is this the one we haven't seen wait what's going on was this was this air he reminds me of airs yeah yeah it is Riner oh my gosh my gosh he looks so much older and mature yeah wait how long do they have how long has it been okay so N9 years since we lost Annie it said and so N9 years since they attacked I think okay which means so Aaron only has four more years yeah oh my gosh we no I'm not ready I'm not okay for this right now okay let's read this her hilos I was revived as a formidable military power what the heck so there's like other nations yeah that we're or not we Marley is trying to conquer basically they're trying to conquer the freaking world with their Titans they've got to be close though who knows about Zeke but at least Riner like they have somebody picked out for him yeah to replace him so it's got to be coming up this time oh my gosh I'm sick okay what are you at oh wow all the elans this is horrible boom this one is scary ooh Che out the railroad oh that's the weird backpack yeah oh no he has armor oh no that's insane did you see what he was saying in the background like you El are basically supposed to be my meat Shield yeah okay so even they wow wow this music though no way are what the freak okay wait we Troopers no why do they look like that what is this wait were they all injected they all look dead I'm disturbed so I feel like they were all injected and they don't turn until they're like is that freaking rer yes and that's Zeke okay he can just turn them that's how he did that before right with a scream my what are these flying Titans right now H I'm so sick like those were all people like why am I so like why like I'm so I'm just mad it's horrifying I'm just really mad right [Music] now it's just kind of crazy like I'm so mad I'm just sick I know it's just a show but oh my God ooh more walls his voice I can't help but think Riner is so cool oh he's back wow oh shoot this is insane [Music] he is really cool I this no like the music and animation I'm sorry this is so what is happening [Applause] oh it's so epic it is I'm sorry I was just it's like no I get it it is really cool though it's very confusing I just want to know why they're fighting for yeah Marley like I mean the one made it seem like made it seem like they have to fight in order to release their people from the internment Zone yeah I I just my heart just say seeing him yeah no he's going to throw he's going to pitch will it [Music] though oh wait what what happened they returned fire oh my God this is crazy oh my gosh Riner is Riner okay oh holy cow his throwing is giving me PTSD though what what the freak just happened is he dead did rer just die I think he did nothing about where's our people why does this look like Kenny what's [Music] happening so the Beast Titan are you okay yeah I just really hate Marley like I genuinely hate them like seeing all those people just like dropped out of the plane like that and they already looked like dead and they like their feet were tied like what heck is happening that was so sickening I'm sorry I don't know why that made me so upset it's really like so angry and they're fighting for them they're fighting for those people that are doing that to them to anybody yeah I'm not it's not clicking like why they're choosing to fight for them I know they said like they're they're mad right they're upset or whatever with the people on Paradise mhm but does that justify killing all of your people like I don't I mean there's got to be more to the story yeah and I'm sure we'll find out but still it's really upsetting especially seeing them like that the so Zeke said that war that four-year War started because they lost mhm do you know what that means no I don't know how it correlates to starting a war yeah on the continent right well kind of because they said that they were fighting for resources like on the continent and they needed the resources like on Paradise probably that's probably what it was something like that or I wonder if news that they lost I wonder if it's because news got out that they lost the female in Colossal Titan and so people are like oh now's our chance yeah maybe yeah it's been four years like where's Aaron in our crew so if riner's dead what does that mean it's going to go to some random person random El I bet you it's going to be in the walls too or on Paradise is what she we should start calling it yeah not in the walls on Paradise and then it was interesting even the opposite side that we were fighting had that disdain for the alans yeah it's really like maddening mhm it's sick that um Gabby chick I have a feeling she's going to inherit a Titan because she's obviously really good at Warfare yeah and she's a child mhm and I'm just like scared of her already like she seems like she's going to be a very formidable foe yeah I'm scared of her I'm very scared of her she seems crazy I wasn't expecting so much War like that was straight War I wonder if Zeke's scream can turn pure Titans not into Titans anymore too like turn them back yeah cuz that would give me some hope that would give me some happiness well season 4 already balling my eyes out the first episode this is not going to be good oh no [Music] what [Music]
Channel: Haylo & Kiss
Views: 91,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AOT, Season 4, Episode 1, Reiner, Marley, MAPPA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 16sec (1096 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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