"The Other Internet" Creepypasta

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there have been rumors circling about the network for some time now but I believe that I am the first to properly investigate them I'm certainly the first to share my findings I'm not going to shove this stuff down your throat and blow it out of proportion nor am I going to tell you everything that I saw I shall not respond to any messages regarding the matter but I will leave instructions to those of you who are motivated enough to replicate my trip I don't know if you've ever been to North Wales lots of mountains and valleys and very few large towns mostly rural communities out there I visited a friend up in Bangor a few times so I knew the way to the coast from there it was a matter of heading south into the foothills of Mount Snowdon it took a while to find the old research building it's been abandoned for years and so the address wasn't on my sat-nav but a couple of locals out on a hike pointed me in the right direction if you plan on heading out there I'd advise asking around it's easy to get lost out in those country roads sure enough there was the sign that I read about the original words Gweneth climate research centre just visible through the fading cloak of black paint which had been sprayed across the sign in their place had simply been dobbed and passing this charming exterior I turned up a narrow path where the hedges grew tall and tangled with weeds I'm not talking narrow like oh it's going to be awkward if I meet another vehicle coming the other way I'm talking grit your teeth the entire way because you can hear the brushes scraping the size of your ears narrow the road surface turned to gravel and then angled up sharply my tires span the inners creats painfully and it quickly became apparent that it wasn't going to make it up i reversed down the short distance that I'd managed thin part shrugging on my laptop bag and pocketing my dad's mag lights it was a fairly grey morning and I had no idea what state the building's lighting would be in but in my jacket I headed up the hill the front door was not locked but I set out to check the perimeter it was pretty much as described in the original online post windows boarded no visible telephone or power lines feeding into the building an exterior shell which was covered mostly entirely with graffiti tags no vehicles were in sight and the CCTV cameras just hung limp and dead in their cages good enough for me the interior was dark as I had anticipated I flicked on the Maglite and let it play over grimy walls and a dusty floor odd that it should seem so undisturbed one would think that it would be a squatters heaven or at the very least littered with used needles and condom wrappers as most other abandoned buildings tend to be the graffiti was still present but it seemed more hesitance it was spaced out and faulted the further down the hallway I went it finally petered out a few feet from the reception desk the local teenagers had obviously lost their nerve I found the fuse box behind the desk and flipped a few of the switches experimentally nothing happened whether the fuses are all blown or there was no power at all I did not know but I definitely did not have the capacity to fix it the email that I had received on the matter specifically stated not to worry about the electricity supply but and called me a coward if you like given a choice between functioning lights and creeping around a dark isolated building on my own I'd rather the former after climbing the bare stairwell to the next floor I was able to stow my light the windows here were not boarded up and great cones of sunlight had crept through the empty frames the only creepy thing about this place was how tidy it was yea thick let have dust coated everything and what few furnishings were left had been piled up in the corners of the room but there was literally no sign of human disturbance the sort of place an urban explorer would kill to stumble across no doubt I actually felt almost unwelcome there the closest example I can think of is when you walked into class really late back in school everyone turns to look at you and you feel weirdly unwelcome yeah well I was getting that same feeling in my stomach when I found the room it was pretty much as the email described a big open plan office layout with marks in the floor and ceiling where the cubicles had once been and a great reef of office chairs tangled together in one corner there was only one desk in the room pushed against the far wall as I approached it I noted that unlike the rest of the building it was completely devoid of dust I pulled her laptop out my bag and set it down it was a cheap piece of crap mm model which I bought a mine for about 30 pounds reformatted and installed only the basic functions onto it was specifically for that exertion I was not going to gamble my personal machine on an interesting story I'd read on the Internet once booted up I produced the network cable it was an old gray one the kind you attribute with screechie dial-up tones and parents complaining about your hugging the phone lines one end slotted into the back of the machine and I looped the other behind the desk crouched beneath it and felt my way along the flaky plaster until my hand brushed the port my probing fingers discovered a cable already attached which I unhooked and replaced with my own when I stood up I noticed that the cable that I held in my hand was torn as though the other half had been yanked away so abruptly that the plaster geta ruptured and the wires inside snapped I still have it around my office somewhere actually nothing happened no icons popped up announcing that I had successfully connected to the network and the little signal strength symbol in the bottom right of the screen insisted that I was not online puzzled I checked the printout of the email no mention of this perhaps the power being off was an issue contrary to the given directions I called up the command window and tried sending a pink a pink by the way is the kind of echoed message that the computer can send out to test the connection it bounces back or receives a response from other machines and servers in the same network as you to my surprise I received two or three automated responses I was on line alright the next given step was the internet my homepage was set to Google but strangely the program spent a good few minutes just on a blank white screen before I was redirected to a different search engine it was similar to Google in its minimalism empty background with a central text bar but the address was WWE at search com in place of the Google text logo there was a simple sketch style picture of a strike face soldier holding a British flag in one hand a u.s. in the other the word simple for Dallas was scratched into his helmet I tried YouTube but the page briefly for our forward before redirecting me to Patriot search website once more my mouth felt dry as I clicked the search option and headed to the BBC News website this it seemed was still online as I skim the news headlines any doubts that I had quickly vanished second American Civil War grows in size and intensity US troops redeployed from Afghanistan Egypt and Turkey to defend home soil France Spain left reeling after terrorists detonate a thermonuclear device on their borders police in Texas circulate CCTV images of men believed responsible for the kidnap and murder of over 50 women since 2008 handgun ban set to become law across America after last week's White House shooting spree the US and Britain to allow Australia and Canada to join the Patriot alliance UK terrorists continue to murder in border towns demand Scottish independence German theoretical physicists arrested by US agents accused of treason research and alternate universes and interdimensional travel amongst confiscated items i sat back fumbled a cigarette in my mouth and lit it I had no idea precisely what it was I just stumbled across I still don't know but it was huge some kind of alternate reality news from the future it seems too big to be a trick anyway as the email had told me this network this other internet was an overlap between our world and another one I went back to the Patriot search website I began punching in anything that came to mind Olympics Facebook human rights acts police powers current world map slowly surely a picture began to form a picture of the world beyond my laptop and the little umbilical cord which was the cable I was a blind man feeling his way through a cave bit by bit the more I read the more fearful I became a lot of bad stuff had happened I have neither the time nor patience to list everything here you can't expect me to describe an entire separate historical timeline but I'll leave you with a few examples police in the United States and the UK were gradually being phased out and the Army was taking their place from what I gathered the only crimes that were properly investigated were treason and fraud leaving all kinds of depraved killers and perverts free to do as they pleased some had even gained the fan followings I stumbled across one website dedicated to someone called the dockyard butcher I had an image and a video gallery in the sidebar and the things I saw made me feel queasy the world was overcrowded but not like ours I make no exaggeration London was ringed by shanty town slums the sort of place you wouldn't expect to find outside a third world country there was so much to take in that I'm probably forgetting half of it as a type-o and something had happened to New York City there were plenty of records about it dating back to the late 90s but then they just stopped like it never existed I couldn't find it on any of the maps no discussion on any public forms about it either I'm not sure if it's an isolated example or one of many places to officially stop existing but if anyone decides to look for themselves then it's something interesting to investigate I really recommend that you don't though a shrill bleep startled me I left the command drive open after testing my connection it was notifying me of an echo ping I reopened the window and sure enough I had been pinged moments later a second ping popped up on the feed a different source though the IP was listed beside the notification as far as we know that building is the only one with a connection to the network meaning that they hadn't come from this side as I tried to grasp what was happening the third ping appeared something clicked inside my head and I felt my stomach turn I had grasped blindly into the unknown and now the unknown was grasping back people from this other world had felt my clumsy investigations and were in turn investigating us that was when my laptop went crazy the mouse stopped responding to my usage in fact the pointer disappeared completely from the screen the internet browser instantly froze up and then forward me to another web site a blank white screen which loaded almost instantaneously a file began to load itself onto the machine its icon a pale pupil devoid eyeball and its name a blank space though I wasn't hugely worried about the well-being of their laptop the idea that something from this other place was pushing his way into my reality was strangely horrifying I left to my feet and just as the downer reached the 75% mark I yanked free the cable from the wall a squeal of static emerged from the computer speakers and the download bar quivered frozen on screen I dropped my cigarette in the rush so I sat back lit another one and stared at suck it on the wall scratched and slightly deformed due to my rather rough exit from the world that lay beyond it I have no idea what that I program was for and I didn't try to find out I took the laptop apart there and then and then carefully grounded each piece below my heel all that's left of its inner workings is a scattering of green plastic shards and bent metal as for what the future holds for the old climate research building I have no clue Gweneth council have been talking about demolishing it down for years and perhaps one day they'll pull their fingers out and get around to it I'll be honest when it's nothing but rubble and ashes I won't be mourning its loss until that time the socket a little window into the unknown is still there if you desperately want to investigate I can't stop you still it's plain to see that whatever world the network represents is a cruel and malicious shadow of our own just the word of warning to any other would-be Pioneers however if they try to make contact ignore them and if they try to get through deny them scientists believe that should alternate universes exist then it would be almost impossible to know Li transfer physical objects from one to the other then again though data is simply electrical impulses energy that such a force should be exchangeable between two realities simply paves way for other far less desirable visitors I believe that whatever possibilities the network holds for us are outweighed by the risk because what lies across the veil is not some monster or demon but a humanity turned cold and hateful I know how we think and it knows we'll come back if all hasn't dissuaded you from exploring them please please be careful and don't let them in you
Channel: CreepsMcPasta
Views: 626,022
Rating: 4.9027529 out of 5
Keywords: creepy pasta, creepypasta, horror, narration, scary, reading, narrator, creepsmcpasta, mrcreepypasta, someordinarygamers, creepypastajr, haunted gaming, creepymcpasta, jumpscare, dramatic reading, audio book, audiobook, Jeff the Killer, slenderman, the rake, masky, hoodie, Ben Drowned, spooky, short, Short Film (Film Genre), The Internet (Media Genre), Survival Horror (Media Genre), Hypertext Transfer Protocol (Internet Protocol), Film (Film), deep web, Deep Web (Website Category)
Id: QESMgHxo6Ww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 41sec (1061 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 06 2014
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