The Other Half of Pentecost by B.H. Clendennen

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i'm going to read this morning in matthew chapter 3 verses 11 and 12. this whole meeting we've we've been talking about the holy spirit because he is the answer to everything when god gave us the holy spirit he gave us himself that is the life of god the life of this body is in the blood the life of the church is in the holy spirit he is the spirit of life and in that life is everything that god is if i learn to walk in the spirit if i always am sensitive to the holy ghost then there'll never be anything that i won't have the answer to but this holy ghost works both directions he will bring death to that which would destroy and bring life to that which needs life we've been talking about him as a wind of god and i'm going to read here i just called this message the other half of pentecost nobody ever talks about this side much we're always on this other side the other half matthew 3 11 i indeed baptize you with water under repentance but he that cometh after me is mightier than i whose shoes i am not worthy to bear he shall baptize you with the holy ghost and with fire whose fan is in his hand and he will thoroughly purge his floor gather his wheat into the garner but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire all of that's the word of god the same holy ghost that dictated the other dictated that twelfth verse the same it's all the word of god we like to make it kind of a smorgasbord we go through we pick we choose what we like but it's all the word of god you cannot ever take it out of its context and the greatest commentary on the new testament is the old testament and the greatest commentary on the new uh on the oldest anew the bible is a book of itself 66 books the total library of god not saying there isn't a lot of good helps but i'm saying that all that's necessary is here if we have this holy spirit and here it's been a feeling of many people christians that we're about to experience a real revival of holiness people that love god now those folks on the outer fringes of things that have played their little games with it all along and tried to manipulate god this may not have been with them but i can tell you with those that know god there is this sense that there is going to be a revival of holiness not just believe it we know it has to happen there has to be what the song said a coming back where black is black white is white where there's absolutes in this thing that there's no suggestions whatsoever in the bible god never asked any favors of anybody he just simply tells us what to do it's not a democracy it is a military in a democracy you have a choice and you're right in in the service you don't have any such choice i never one time i was four years in the marine corps from 1942 right at the first of 42 at pearl harbor until 46 i was in the in the marine corps they never asked me one time if i'd like to go on a hike nobody ever said that to me nobody ever come around and want to know if i thought we're serving breakfast too early no no they just told you we'll be going today this is the way it'll be there was no possibility of a choice and there is no choice here you are not your own you have been bought with a price you do what he tells you or you're wrong that's the whole of the bible but somehow we've come to believe we can manipulate god that we can work our way around some of these thoughts of god and as a result a church today has lost a real communication with god but there is a belief that we're moving back there is a knowledge we must move back we've certainly experienced an outpouring of the holy spirit now nobody can doubt that there's been a movement of god i believe we're we're just getting ready for what's really going to happen but there has been a boob there's been a stir among people of all persuasions it's been sometimes the wrong people it's been an imitation it's been distorted but we've seen god's spirit outpoured across lines into places you never dreamed that even talk about it but i believe that we've come to a place we're going to experience the second half of that pentecost we've been watching the outpouring we've been watching people of all persuasions that have become interested at least in this pentecostal experience talking in tongues has become a very popular thing they used to call us devils now they become one of us they are talking in tongues they made the holy ghost nothing on earth but a prayer language i was in vietnam as a missionary for seven years from 1968 to 1975 saw pentecost come to that world as far as i could see for the first time i i preached for nearly two years and nobody filled with the holy ghost hundreds of people saved but nobody filled with the holy ghost took a man out there with me one time and i let him preach the second night he got up and began to talk about to preach about speaking in tongues and i set him down he's never forgiven me i said look they don't they don't need tongues they need the holy ghost they've been in a war 25 years you can play those games in america you get the holy ghost you get tongues i bought these shoes the tongue come with them you don't have to bargain around about a tongue in a pair of shoes amen like the glorified body you don't have to pray about that at all you make the rapture you'll come up with one of them don't worry about it if you make the rapture you'll get the glorified body if you get the baptism you'll get the tongues no needing preaching around trying to teach people how to talk in tongues but we've witnessed all of this but the second half of pentecost is about to come if we believe in the outpouring we must believe in the rest of this promise if you believe in verse 11 then you've got to believe in verse 12 there have to both go together right after the promise of the outpouring comes the promise of the clenching what is happening today is god's doing and it ought to make our hearts rejoice instead of being sad we ought to be happy the bible is being fulfilled the cleansing the purging the washing of all that's not god today is the work of god we're witnessing the second half of this pentecostal message god is cleaning the mess up god knows and i know that it's time it has to be there has to be a persian our lord is going to rid his true church of all that is false and corrupt we cannot dodge the issue god will probe his church because when god looks at his church all that he sees in that church is christ now you and i may believe that god is going to tolerate something in there other than christ but it's not so in the final analysis there'll be nothing but christ what we are seeing is a long suffering of god but i can tell you that's coming to an end we're witnessing a judgment again in the house of god he's a purging that floor today he's dealing with that in that body that is not right now in our text john the baptist foretells what christ will do to the harvest gathered by the holy ghost when that net is pulled in we have the story every kind of a fish is in that net when you throw it out you pull in a little bit of everything you have to deal with it it has to be worked on we're seeing it the holy ghost is not going to allow that to just be put into the garner he is going to blow upon the church he is going to come he's not going to allow that harvest just to be put into that garner the way it is he's going to blow up on the church not just to baptize but to cleanse it to purge it of all of that that's been brought into that harvest that's not of god the voice that's not of god has gained the ascendancy it's like the homosexual he's got a louder voice and righteous people have today but that's not always going to be so that real church is going to have a voice in this earth and you're going to discover that the outpouring of the holy ghost today is not so much a revival of national revival as it is open in the eyes of the elect to make you know that most of what's going on is an apostasy and not a revival how we need to know that people plattering around with things uh it i you know i've been like a illegitimate child at a family reunion for 30 years i preached for brother mayo in atlanta georgia one of the great pentecostal men he and i were great friends and he told me one time he said brother clinton and god ought to took me out here 20 years ago why do you say that i just don't fit into this i said that's the reason you hear somebody has to be here that don't fit somebody has to stand in the middle of this stream and let the waves break over them and say this is the way not where you're at something has gone wrong this is the story the message that's happening today i told you how what's the winner that wheat in india old-fashioned i'd wheat piled upon a canvas and a man one man with a shovel would throw it high into the air two others with a fan blowing it that shaft would blow away and the wheat fall back over and over again cleansing that wheat ready to put it in the barn but if chaff had to be deal with god's word said of jesus his fan is in his hand that fan is the holy ghost it's blowing up on that harvest today it is working on it no one no one can deny the effects of the harvest today nobody he's used the spirit as a comforter and as a baptizer but today he's going to use that same holy ghost as a separator he who is truth is gonna make us know what is truth again we've been so confused the psychologist has come all truth is god's truth and we've listened to that false and phony come all of this stuff i told you about the one said we've made them feel too guilty what a tragedy that we have this this has always been i i never got involved in a lot of that council people that want to be saved but if you preach the whole truth in this pulpit you won't have to spend your time back there in a room somewhere talking to people about stuff i remember one evening just getting ready to go home i always we'd eat breakfast i'd go to that church stay home or stay at the church in there we'd go early to the prayer meeting then about five o'clock in the evening wife and i would eat well things right i'm fixing to leave here come two elderly people in we've got to talk to you they've been around a long time i said uh it you've got problems yes we must talk and i can tell he's all bowed down and she's coming in we sit down he got his head tucked and i said what's the problem we're going i'm leaving him i said what did you tell me she said i'm leaving him i said why are you leaving him i'm in love with another man i jumped straight up i said my god you old enough to be dead i thought that's exactly the words i don't i said you got grandkids that are grown and now you're full of lust i was an old comey of that love business to me i said if you think i'm going to sit in this desk and talk to you you're crazy i said if you want to pray i'll get in that altar i'll call that wife we'll stay that way in the morning till you straighten up but i am not going to let my dinner get cold and talk to anybody about such foolishness i'm not gonna waste my time here amen you you know what's going on well she just wouldn't listen and and she left him you know about two months his shoulders are straight and he's a walking and she's wanting to come back and he said do i have to pastor i had to sit around talk with people about that what you see there the bible doesn't require that of anybody amen no he doesn't require that we're we're talking about truth when that truth is presented when we stand for the truth if we don't then there's going to be things gathered in that harvest and the holy spirit's not going to put that in the garner amen he said he's going to burn up all of that that's not god that is a happening today many of us i believe are feeling all of us are feeling the breeze of that cleansing and the church as a whole all of us have allowed things i'm not talking now with most of us not adultery it's those little things the wrong attachments the wrong affections the wrong attitudes things have come god is dealing with those things because he wants to rid us of whatever is not christ let us not be deceived jesus has been watching that harvest he knows that not everyone who cries lord lord is going to be in that raptured church he knows that you may have been fooled by it but he's never been fooled there are those in the harvest who must be exposed for what they are the ananiasis the sapphires they must be exposed god is not going to play any games with them the time has come that which is not true is going to be exposed for what it is it's a painful process our loss of the true evangelist has been the greatest loss of the church i believe that all we have is itinerant preachers today running around trying to promote some program they don't have no burden for the church it's been a long time since you've been able to really find an evangelist with a message with a burden the bible said he gave some evangelists for the perfection of saints and to find of the body of christ paul told timothy do the work of an evangelist exhort reprove rebuke for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine i was three years as an evangelist from 1953 to 56 traveled uh i thought i'd never get out of south texas one church to another and i knew what an evangelist was i just been in a while my whole thing i told that pastor when i got there all i want you to do is give me a key to the church i want a key i made a pledge to god from six o'clock till 12 o'clock i stayed in that altar to find out what's going on here if they need a revival then something's wrong it's like a doctor he probe around on you he ever hits a place that hurts he's going to hit it again because he knows he's found the trouble now real evangelists will probe with that word when that church groans he knows he's found the problem but you're hard to discover that kind of an evangelist today one little weep over that church and pray until god can reveal to him what's wrong and if there is such evangelist 90 of the pastors wouldn't let him preach because he goes exposing those tares they get upset and it's sad that about 85 percent of the pentecostal church is tares made up of folks that never been birthed of god it's the truth they're just convicted just convicted most amounts as far as ever got when you're really convicted you see sin like god sees sin but you still love it you know you person really convicted of god had sinner set there and god convicts him in that conviction you see sin like god sees it you see it ought to be sent to hell but you still love it amen you still love it and so we bring them in they're not born just convicted so all the while you've got to keep a lot of hot water or pray them through every day amen every time they come to church they've got to get saved they're always doing what they know isn't right but when a man is born again he doesn't just see sin for what it is he feels about sin like god does he hates sin and until you hate sin you can't ever leave it alone and we've got the church full of that because we've we've just brought them to a place sometime not even that but filled up the church with folks that have been convicted of sin but never birthed of god and when the real gospel is preached then there's trouble i can tell you all it would take to break up a conference on evangelism in america is a man to preach the word of god that's all that'll tear it up billy grahams anybody else's just go there and preach the word of god and you'll tear the whole mess up because they're not they've got all kinds of programs how to reach the lost jesus said if i be lifted up i'll draw up to me why do you need anything a friend of mine was dying laying in the hospital dying he had a disease and they've done about ready to cover him up laying there in that bed jesus come in touched him and he was instantly made whole amen instantly made whole well he got out of the hospital and a man gave him a book and said you read this how to stay well oh he said you take that book back i found out how to stay well he said go and sin no more hallelujah the truth the truth makes free he said i know i don't buy your book amen that's all just a lot of propaganda just go and sin no more live for god walk with god that's what the holy spirit is saying all the time we've lost the evangelist and if he comes most places won't let him preach i've been placed preaching brother the whole time i'm preaching and pulling on my coattail i could tell they're so afraid that you're gonna find some terror out there that needs to be saved and all the while you feel it tugging at that coattail up to this point though jesus has allowed the wheat and the tares to grow together he's allowed it but listen he's allowed that mingle harvest to accumulate on that floor it's been broadly and brought in but he'll soon do what the scripture said he's going to purge that you can mark it if the rapture took place this morning amen the those bloated statistics would be cut down so much that the preacher never recognized his church if the rapture took place amen those bloated statistics that we have all of that would be so distorted and changed we wouldn't recognize our own churches i told you about the all-night prayer meeting 40 people out of 400 god said you're looking at the rapture out of this one can't get them to a prayer meeting ain't no chance at all on god's earth getting a man into a rapture just in no way that's ever going to happen but he's going to purge it his wintering fork is about to be plunged in to every group of believers living waters temple in beaumont wherever that fork is about to be plunged in to that body of believers as sure as there's a god in heaven there in virginia brother he's going to plunge that fork into it you mark it down no matter how you may protect it you're not going to protect it it's his church it's not yours it's his and he's going to remove that shaft and he's about ready to plunge that fork in we've been in an outpouring there's coming and uprooting whether we like it or not hudson taylor had planted those churches across china god had used him then come that storm to shake everything that can be shaken at all earthquake like this one it was going both ways spiritually in china he wrote alice's sister and he said alice everything seems to be fluid i don't know whether there'll be a church left when he gets through but he said alice it's his and if he's through i am too so you can expect the chicken the fork is coming the whirlings the compromisers are going to be purged they're going to be perched all is prosperity hocus pocus amen is going to be purged i know god gives to those that give because they give to him he said it is he that gives you power to get wealth that his covenant may be established paul comes along and tells me that how the power to get wealth is he if it gives seed to the sower multiplies that which he sows that's the power but the only reason is that this gospel may be preached not for you to have some kind of a big automobile or a bigger house or to or to boast about what you have he is going to rid the church of all of that i had one of those uh prosperity preachers wanting to send me to hell because i wouldn't believe that jesus was a rich man while he's here on his earth or said he wore designer clothes lived in the best hotels i said to him you know the biggest shock to you is gonna be if you make that rapture is it 90 of that bride never had running water never knew what electricity was never owned a jackass much less a cadillac don't talk about i'm i'm god don't mind you having things but if things get you you're out if they get you you're through if that's what drives you then you don't know anything about god amen whether he gives and don't gives doesn't matter a nickel's worth it is what he wants that is all going to be dealt with in this hour all of that's going to be brought out for what it is there'll be a final day of separation of sheep and goats a clear line of demarcation is coming now you can believe it you're going to know who's god and who's not god you're going to know who belongs to him and who doesn't belong to him i was a boy you know i had to deal a little bit with those sheep and goats and i've never understood why that a man really that knows god couldn't tell the difference between a goat and a sheep you know they're radically different amen but we've got them all mingled through the church today and the goats treated just like the sheep you know you take an old goat put him in with sheep you fill a trough up with food i don't go to come along and he'll butt every sheep away from that trough he'll eat till he looks like he's going to explode then he'll get up in the trough and walk around keep them out and sister you go out there with a stick and run that goat out of there and when he leaves you scrape the paint off the barn on the way out you met that goat haven't you a man preaching one time not sitting on that front seat locked in on him he's telling about this i said i met him brother i met him but i'll tell you one thing there god's going to make a difference we're going to know who's who we're going to know what's what the persian of this harvest comes before it's gathered into the barn according to peter chapter 4 verse 17 judgment must begin at the house of god that persian is going to take place before that rapture because god is only going to take out of here that which is right that which is his it's like the devil you know what mark of the beast i've heard it preached i've heard it preached a hundred ways i know there's going to be a brand but i can tell you that isn't a mark that brand isn't a mark down texas you won't get with two years for killing a child but i i'll kill a murdering somebody but if you steal cows man they'll hang you if you get somebody every man brands his own he puts that brand on that cow and that means it's his now the devil is never going to brand the child of god he is only going to brand his own and so today he's making him his own and the mark of that beast is the nature of the devil that's what it is selfishness that's the mark of the beast that's the people the church is full of them the law of the jungle is self-preservation you let you let a wild animal give birth to a litter of little ones if she's hungry she'll eat her on i've watched the church do that paul said that bite and devour one another i mean just eat up one another that selfish selfishness and lawlessness are convertible terms amen that is the mark of the beast but the mark of christ is the nature of the lord jesus christ paul said examine yourself whether christ is in you not i can't look in there to see i can't look in duke's heart to see if christ is in her how do you know it's what comes out love joy peace meekness temperance faith if christ is in there everything else is being purged judgment on everything that's not that you know i've traveled this nation i've watched with astonishment the gathering over the last years i really have i knew most of it wasn't real but i've watched with astonishment the gathering amen i was here you know about in the 1970s i was on channel 9 channel 30 and channel 40 in los angeles all three i was in there in a rally and was having a rally in los angeles and and paul crouch asked me just had one station in 40 i didn't know nobody just buying time on the station one would be on that praise the lord i don't know it may have been 1972 or three but i went in there and i never heard of praise the lord myself and i got in and sat down first question he asked me brother clinton and what do you think will be the part of the pope in his last days i said no question he's a false prophet oh los angeles come alive brother i'm telling you every phone lit up we never took none of them though just hold all the calls amen when they pull us back and said there's some of them ready to shoot you others said thank god somebody said something amen i've been invited back there very many times i'm just saying we we live in a time all of that has to be dealt with what's real we watched this mixture of neo-pentecostalism and romanism and called it a revival amen people saying talk in tongues while i say the rosary one man wrote and said the catholic said it made the rosary more real i said that wasn't a holy ghost then all of that has to be dealt with and it's going to be dealt with whether we want it to be dealt with or not it's coming down this truth this end time i've traveled the call was come together in the name of jesus be gathered in love they did not come they come from rather every walk of life all religious groups the love was all encompassing amen that is all you dare not speak out against the false even the love if he spoke in tongues and hugged one another brother everything was wonderful and you dare not say anything about it i mean it was i watched it the gathering the gathering was everywhere i was in a meeting i was talking to a catholic priest they'd spent a hour plattering over him and winds up sitting right by me and i asked him i said you believe that mary is co-eco with jesus cory yes yes you you believe in transubstantiation oh i do do you believe that that you really receive god with that wafer yes do you pray to the dead yes i said they've lied to you you're not saved and i thought they're going to throw me out of that said i had no love i said i'm the only human this house loves him amen here a man is lost and you're going to tell him he's all right you call that love if i went to a doctor and had a cancer he told me nothing's wrong with him when i'm dying you believe i'm gonna try to find that doctor and find out if he lied to me or just didn't know what he's doing this this is what i'm saying i've watched it gathered from everywhere the harvest reached into hollywood nashville politics amen it was endless they were coming from everywhere no one can deny the effects of the harvest that net was a pulling of men amen of every walk every walk but that harvest doesn't just lay there untouched waiting to be stored are you listening to me it doesn't just lay there there's chaff all through that harvest the chap cannot will not be allowed to remain with the harvest the owner of that harvest is going to come and he's going to separate the real from the make believe as sure as there's a god in heaven there's going to be a separation of that facade and that which is real there's coming there's coming the separation of the real from the phony you know i was going to preach on the christian home and i began to an uh a new testament home i called it i began to search the scriptures and was shocked to find so little said about it out of 156 verses in the book of ephesians paul only had about five or six about the home same was true in the other but then i discovered that everything he said about the church he said about that home amen that the church isn't somewhere i go it's what i am it isn't just somewhere i go on a sunday the church is what i am and i begin then to deal with it from that aspect the home one thing if you go to church it's another thing for you to take that church to your house and as i began to deal with that i found the real mark of it in final was faith hope and love those are the mark of a real church of the maturity of the church and it's a mark of the home and i began to ask the question probe through that congregation i said what about your children do are they inspired you are what do they feel do they know your faith is it something you talk about but when the earth begins to rattle and shake how do they feel now or are they can they come to you and believe now how about how about hope or they gain how about love this is a whole test of things in our homes in our lives it's one thing to put on a reverend on the front of your name and get up there with some kind of a hollywood look amen and carry on with all of this stuff have the eye pounder smile and talk about a god but i can get if you go to that house you'll probably find out what's going on talk to that wife talk to them children have a look at it when it's not all up there with all of this showmanship i believe the pastor he talked about hypocrites it said in a stage actor a stage actor performance on the stage there's so much of that in religion today men talking about god that know nothing about it you know the baptist had this guy bob harrington you you he he was going on television everywhere i had at that time was on television all over and we had a mobile one of the first ones we had all of our television on a bus and so he called and wanted us to film him some of the places where he was and my son run that in those days and he filmed him the first time with governor wallace in alabama and he come back to me and i said what do you think about it he said dad i want to tell you he's a salesman he can talk about religion but he don't have an ounce of it he knew it then for all that expose him said he he i've never seen a more phony human in my life that was his exact words to me my son we never did any more filming amen i didn't want them cameras looking at that amen you know i just you gotta keep it sanctified but i i can tell you folks there's so much of that there's so much of that all of this amen all of this stuff going out of business all the time if you don't help me i'm gonna have shut it down ought to shut it down amen folks talking about all this prosperity you know well if you why why are you bothering me about my money if you all you got to do speak to your pocketbook and all of these things why write many letters about it amen just you know if but all of this is i'm telling you god is going to expose it for what it is and the sooner the better folks i said the sooner the better that the thing comes we're moving toward the coming of the lord and everybody that says lord lord is not going to be a part of that rapture church it's going to be a frightening moment when that trumpet sounds and you and i are god out here it's moving so rapidly chapel not be allowed to remain there's plenty that's unreal look at elijah at carmel the whole challenge is that there's a mixture jezebel has caused that nation to become mixed politically and spiritually they're marion intermarion and now baal and religion is all mixed up now you that mixture didn't hurt baal but it destroyed judaism that mixture doesn't hurt the false but it destroys totally destroys christianity and the whole challenge up there is if baal is god then get with him but if god is god then serve god but you cannot serve both of them it has to be that distinction that mixture has to be dealt with you know the story but 2 000 years later either that woman come back to life or it's more than a woman involved she showed up in the church of thyrotyra jezebel you suffer that woman jezebel what's he talking about you suffer that mixture and if you don't get out of that bed i'm going to cast you into tribulation that just says if you don't get rid of that mixture that truth that false that flesh that spirit if you don't get rid of the mixture you're going to wind up in the tribulation that's what god said said you're in that bed with her that mixture is in that church and unless you straighten it out i'm going to cast you into tribulation jezebel is a system it's a mixture of the true and the false the flesh and the real if he uh or hebrews 5 14 said the mark of maturity they that be of full age are able to discern between good and evil by reason of the exercising of those senses now you know before i was ever saved i knew adultery was wrong i knew getting drunk was wrong i knew i cheated and was wrong i didn't have to have the holy ghost or nothing to tell me that there was built in me so he's not talking here in ephesians 5 14 about those things discerning between good and evil it is to discern what's flesh and what spirit to know who's operating is that god or is that just a fleshly or demonic you have three spirits your spirit the devil's spirit and god's spirit and you have to be able to know which is which if you're gonna have god operating and he said it's a mark of maturity a people to know that to be able to discern what's going on i watch people oh and all his legs stretch in time we're talking about last night that's that's that's awfulest thing you know just talking about stretching legs fellow won't teach me how to do that after that encounter i said teach me how to open my blind eye you know don't don't tell me discern a man had a short leg you know just take that shoe off watch like walking on a railroad track discern i've got to lay something out of man's head he don't know it's short now you know i mean just half inch gone half inch but you had them running around pulling on legs amen one one one one one first time i've ever seen it he said god shows me you got one leg short or another i said no no no he didn't show you no say no no my legs shorter now they both same length amen fit guns the same time see they both hit the floor right there all of that foolishness i didn't tend this to be funny all of this all of this has got to be dealt with though how many people how many people get up and for a half an hour somebody here the lord shows me got a pain in your body somewhere since i was 40 i have had i can tell you that amen it's been there just take time to look for it you may have lived with it long enough that you're not painting any mind but it's there you know it's there all i can tell let me tell you something god does nothing without a purpose and if you put that down in your notebook you won't have any more trouble god does nothing says nothing without a purpose if god showed me that there was something wrong with our brother here he was sick then the proof of that would be whether it's god or not if he's healed god don't tour with emotions of people he's not going to take time show me you've got heart trouble without healing you first place if i got a stomach ache i know i got a stomachache i don't need nobody to tell me i've got it god only does that to heal that's all i was preaching one morning you know and i was a hundred mile an hour i mean i'm coming down that middle aisle brother i'm a preacher and there was folks come that morning never been there before man and his wife said about middle ways only they reversed instead of the man on the outside the woman's on the outside i didn't know who they were never saw him before but i was a preacher and i got near to him i stopped and i said you're gonna live and not die and just kept preaching and i wondered while i'm preaching why did i say that to that woman you know why did i say that but i got through preaching had a great service went the back door people leaving the front door and this woman come out still a crying she went to weeping the minute i said that and when i was at the door she'd come by she said brother clinton i'm from houston i watched you on the television over there and said the doctor come into that hospital on a friday and stole me and my husband there was no hope for me to live that if i lived 30 days i would certainly be live long and he declared i could and said i began to eat but i told my husband if you'll take me to that church we watch there in beaumont texas god will heal me and that's what she said i never saw her for six months she had gained at least 50 pounds wasn't too happy about that but totally well i mean totally well that but god god never does something like that unless it's a miracle under a tent in lafayette louisiana i was preaching until the lady brought her husband he was blind led him across the platform had big black leather patches over his eye and when a laid hands on him i was gonna say jesus heal him instead i said you'll see in the morning oh lord i said why did i say that why did i say such a thing you'll see in the morning i don't even know what's wrong with the guy you know i've never seen him in my life well i he just said didn't sleep much at night you know the devil devil torment your mind i've told that man he's going to see in the morning if he don't see he's going to be there and he's going to say he's a liar you know but the next night i'm on that platform full service i'm watching everything coming on that parking lot sitting there watching i saw that shovel and make that turn brother do cat man drive in that car i breathe good oh he's driving that car devil said he wasn't blind in the first place that's what he told me he's always he's always john wesley said he's going to morning service this fellow coming down that road he's a shout and head and point and he said man why are you so happy he said 40 years i was in the church the devil told me it's saved i saved last night and he told me it wasn't but see that's always the way i worried all night that he wouldn't be able to see then he made the turn devil said he never was blind anyway but i felt figured i'd find that out so i called him up up there after it got started and he said two years ago he said i'm an engineer in the oil field i have to keep that mud right dealing with acid said acid explosion and it hit my eyes and said when i come across here last night i couldn't have a transplant because it's so scarred my inside i had not one eyeball in this head oh i said i'm glad to know that he said i you told me i'd see you this morning said when i woke up and said the first thing i'd do is put them patches wind wind would drive me crazy any air get in there i said i began to reach it said while i'm reaching i saw curtains in my bedroom he had two new brown eyes i didn't heal him i doubted that he was i'm just telling you that god doesn't play games and when you're in there all of this stuff if god chose anything god needs to do something he doesn't play with human emotions god deals with people all of that has got to be shown to be what it is amen all of it there there's plenty unreal what must go all line all stealing all adultery fornication gossip hatred everything that offends jesus said has got to be moved out of this kingdom that harvest is laying there it's been gathered in folks you can look they're all over they've talked in tongues they've done it all but that fork is about to be plunged into there that chap is going to be shown that that isn't all harvest the holiness revival is on the way i can tell you here this morning a holiness revival the holy ghost is about to rebuke first the corruption second the compromise we'll witness a new kind of a convert we must have a new kind of a converse god must have a representation on this earth it's it's a terrible tragedy to see people that call themselves christians acting like they're acting we've got sipping saints and every other kind of a thing just anything goes for christian living today it is it is a tragedy of the 20th century but a new kind of a convert is about to emerge i can tell you a people born again truly with a love for god that walk for god that love god love people but hate seeing like god hate sin our children face an age listen when a hatred for god will equal noah's day you mark it down there we face a time they want to use god but you will begin to preach the gospel and you'll discover you'll discover that they only want to use him he becomes their stepping stone to self-actualization you hear you come serve god he'll make you rich well the flesh wants to be rich amen they'll take scriptures out of context delight yourself in the lord and he'll give you the desire of your heart and they make that some kind of a big automobile or something but if you delight yourself in god all you want is what god wants there's a man in our town oh he was in that brother he was in that he had a big business one christmas eve my little granddaughter wasn't about five years old and i i hadn't got her i've been traveling got her nothing so i was down in that store on christmas eve trying to find something for that granddaughter of mine and i run into this man no he said brother clinton and god give me a rolls royce for christmas i said he gave you a rolls royce yes i said who did he use to give it to you oh you are the seniority what do you mean i mean i don't think god brought it down here somebody he had to use somebody to give it to you oh he said i said no noah you bought it you bought it i said i don't have a hundred thousand dollars and if it did it wouldn't but i said you bought it why are you saying god give it to you oh he is angry i said why would god give you a rolls royce when his missionaries don't even have a bicycle why in the name of heaven would god do such a thing pet around on the flesh do you see all of this but folks will jump around and shout i was in the meeting one time my wife she gets god where she hated to go with me i was in there and this fellow's up and he said my faith give me a jet airplane what does yours give you i said it delivered me from the vanity of one one life isn't that life is people souls but all of that i can tell you we're facing a day our children have faced a day when the hatred for god if jesus doesn't come will be equal to no homosexuals will roam those streets and rape men you mark that down in your bible it's a move in today to that point amen you can't say a lot today everywhere even the police can't tell you what they know but it's a common assurance there's a god when sin abounds o grace does much more about the greatest evidence of the holy spirit is a holy life that's the evidence god after going through that whole 12th chapter of the book of corinthians talking about those gifts the next line says i show you a more excellent way and all he was saying is god is much more interested in character than he is charismatic he's more interested in what you are than what you do he wants you to be holy and that's the greatest evidence of the holy ghost the greatest ever he said when we walk in the spirit will not fulfill the lust of the flesh john 16 8 says when we walk in the spirit we walk above sin and nothing has produced such a specimen of christianity like an old-fashioned baptism of the holy ghost true baptism of the holy ghost all of this stuff's supposed to be the holy ghost leaves people living like the devil amen trying to use god still believe in the phony i i i preached about six years ago the last time full gospel businessmen's international in uh washington dc pat robertson was preached on thursday night all robbers preached on friday and i i preached on a saturday night preached a couple of days sir but i was in having lunch with two couples one was presbyterian other than biscuit my wife and i had heard me preach in the morning they were like oh this is the only question this place is me [Music] [Applause] but the holy ghost is going to reveal all this the elect of god will not be deceived if you were possible it wouldn't be but the elected god will not be deceived that's what he said they're not going to be [Applause] if i'm wrong [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that harvest is about to be tested grave desire for truth is a definite evidence a desire just for one moment no matter whether just choices to preach in kentucky then the [Applause] [Music] wednesday [Music] [Music] i don't need you to pump i sit down and listen to me i'm just telling you that the real test of this holy ghost isn't a desire for truth to know the truth john 16 13 says he that's the older will guide you to go off and he is the spirit and jesus he said he should let jesus know john 16 15 the holy ghost who produces love and faith the love of god shut it off in the heart by the holy ghost faith is the gift of the fruit of the holy spirit and when you walk in the spirit then it's the true living life you can believe this what we've seen is only the sense is that he's there to be involved he's i'm dealing with the ministry dealing with the ministry all of this stuff again you just pastor all this stuff has been frozen he said i'm dealing but i am giving that body i'm going to in give night the air is going to come and purging the second half of any cost is as much as possible as the first time that hearts smaller [Music] [Music] are you hearing the word that's me god's talking to me i'm going to judge myself i want god you never know yourself [Applause] you can never judge yourself until you [Music] lose [Music] [Music] let situations [Music] found his wife [Music] is you [Music] just just [Music] i just want to be a christian
Views: 1,684
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Revival, Character Of God, Free Sermons, Video Sermons, Jesus Christ, What Is The Gospel, SermonIndex, What Is The Truth, B.H. Clendennen
Id: KkC71ndgNuk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 30sec (3630 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 03 2021
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