The Orphle Bandits - Morphle Dinosaurs, TRex | Cartoons for Kids | My Magic Pet Morphle

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hi I'm Mila and my magic pet more Vulcan morph into anything let's go I told you we'd always catch you if you do mean things Bandits yeah thanks Mila and morphle if only we had our own morphing magic pet we could cause more trouble in the city look it's awful can you get us out of here [Music] oh no my cars how did you get out of jail not in my city God oh no it's officer freeze oh quick or full morph into something big T-Rex I thought you'd be scarier a monkey hey give back my camera come and get it [Music] those Bandits use the robot to do this a robot hmm we'll catch the mechanic Joe did the bandits have a scary T-rex dinosaur a dinosaur and a robot how strange we'll catch them officer freeze [Music] those mean bandits in their naughty monkey put my camera up there let's find those mean Bandits morphle a robot a dinosaur and a monkey I think those Bandits have Orville with them we'll catch them April Oh No It's Milan morphle quick or full morph into something big morph into a T-Rex too that's not big enough too [Music] I don't feel so good or full stop that okay [Music] oh for tired now I told you we'd always catch you if you do mean things Bandits oh [Music] every day is a magical day with a magic pet [Music] Look morphle test tubes help the Christmas present Bandits use my time machine to steal a T-Rex from the past [Music] we are no longer the Christmas present Bandits now we are the dino Bandits Marvel we're into a police car foreign [Music] no this is our city [Music] laughs [Music] well boys welcome back to my city [Music] look more full the T-Rex hurt his knee Marvel morph into an ambulance a big dinosaur ambulance foreign [Music] foreign T-Rex [Music] huh ah Milan Marvel it seems that I have the flu and I'm unable to do my work can we help you Mr Jones well these vehicles need to be delivered to their owners quickly [Music] I had this list everybody uh oh all the names of the vehicle's owners are smudged but I think we can still figure it out more full morph into a big red truck [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] police officer freeze but we are in a hurry [Music] hmm [Music] it doesn't seem right but I think it says that we should drop off the police car here [Music] oh [Music] sorry oops I didn't see you there foreign this is impossible not so fast [Music] I think we made a mistake morphle more into a police car too [Music] foreign s and bring the vehicles to the right owners hmm I think this tractor belongs to Farmer Bob [Music] and the candy cream truck must belong to the ice cream man [Music] [Applause] yes oh hey Milan morphle how did it go everything has been delivered Mr Joe oh great was the list of any help well [Music] so tired [Applause] no play [Applause] [Music] ball ing [Music] [Applause] [Music] no paint walls [Music] over trouble huh that's awful [Music] oh man [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right no [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] double up no funny please [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] together okay foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's finished with my latest invention you will be able to morph just like awful cool [Music] now you can't catch me [Music] try and catch me now [Music] ah yeah great idea morphle let's play dinosaur [Music] I know which dinosaur I want to be the biggest of them all wow the Argentina Taurus [Music] look at my giant tail oh [Music] no the invention broke now we can't more back into my [Music] into months you're right I have to go back to Professor Rasheed but I'm so big I can't get past those trees more full morph into a crane [Music] oh no [Music] morph into a giant robot [Music] wow I'm so sorry Professor Rasheed I broke your invention and now I can't morph anymore that's all right I'll have it fixed in no time [Music] you can have this back Professor Rashid from now on I'll leave the morphing up to morphle hello Daddy we're back hi Milan more fun you're so dirty what did you do well well first we saw a lady who asked us to help her find the Hat she had lost she lost my hat can you help me find it more for more into a search dog and looked everywhere for the Hat [Music] yeah the lady was really happy when more full-founded and then we saw mechanic Joe morphle I need your help my tow truck broke down [Music] and into a triceratops [Music] and a robot [Music] [Applause] thank you morphle couldn't you have towed the car oh [Music] yeah I left my drill on top of the building [Music] [Music] the building site was really muddy thank you morphle [Music] you did great morphle but now you really need to take a bath my foreign morphle come back [Music] come on morphle it's just a bath Murph [Music] oh I gotcha oh [Music] where is he now [Music] there you are come on Marvel it's just a bath gotcha [Music] no more for no one the best I'll help Daddy [Music] well at least morphle is in the bath as well [Music] what now you like it laughs [Music] there it is the most awesome roller coaster ever it has blue awesome terms and it goes really high [Music] the only problem is you gotta be this tall to ride it [Music] hmm I might know a certain Professor who could help us with that this will change you into a grown-up but are you sure you want to do this Mila absolutely well then here it goes [Music] [Music] Mila is that you oh no I'm Mila's aunt wow you look so similar anyways you're tall enough enjoy the ride [Music] how was it it was awesome and now that I'm grown up I can do anything I want grown up come morphle [Music] to ride the dolphin me me me me I do I'm sorry Miss but you are way too big to ride this dolphin ah [Music] let's pretend to be a teacher morphle I'm Sorry Miss but you're not allowed inside I'm Mila's Aunt ah I heard you were in town nice to meet you but Mila isn't here and I have to get back to class now goodbye being an adult is starting to become very boring this is a children's playground Miss I'm going to have to find you oh I'm sorry but I cannot pay this I don't have any money then I suggest you get a job [Music] thank you foreign are you sure you want to be a little kid again I've never been so short in my life [Music] [Applause] Mila Mila have you heard heard what they're building another roller coaster this time it's gonna be even bigger that's nice don't you want to become big again to ride it no way being a grown-up was not as much fun as I thought I'm going to enjoy being a little kid for as long as I can tag you're right oh get back here [Music] um yes uh thank you Jolly fat more ice cream hey [Music] hey [Music] morphle morph into a bulldozer so we can clear away all this ice cream [Music] the Jolly fan is making so much ice cream I don't know what to do with it all yeah yeah not healthy for more [Music] full we should go out and find a human companion for the Jolly fan [Music] okay Jolly fat show Geraldo what you can do [Music] thank you [Music] so what do you say do you want to be the Jolly fans human companion no no no no no no no this isn't too easy the geraldo's gelatos is not just some ice cream a factory I am an artist oh [Music] fire over there [Music] [Applause] but firefighter Gervin is running out of water [Music] people still can't morph because he ate too much ice cream [Music] Jolly fan use your ice cream to put out the fire [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow maybe firefighter Gervin can be the Jolly fence new human companion that was amazing you're a real hero a hero it would take me days to clean up this mess oh I think Mr vendor Boos is right [Music] sorry that we couldn't find a fit human companion for you but don't worry you will always have a place here at the magic pet store [Music] hello hello hi there I'm looking for a magic pet to cheer up the kids at the Children's Hospital what do you know [Music] more more into a helicopter [Music] bye bye jellyfish [Music] oh no you've beaten me Mr action with Lisa action superhero I wish I was a real superhero superhero you're more full episodes [Music] [Applause] wow thank you morphle [Music] back for you [Music] oh there she is don't worry Bella it's just me and more full [Music] oh you found her thank you so much Mila the superhero stop it please [Music] thank you Mila [Music] yeah [Music] we still need to stop the ice cream truck more full [Music] foreign [Music] truck thank you so much Mila the superhero mention it sir that's what superheroes do look [Applause] [Music] one more time yon okay Stein [Music] another way you want but we're stuck [Music] it is so happy yeah oh thank you Mila the superhero superheroes help people but do you know what they do as well no what do they do they put bandits in jail [Music] hi everybody are you ready to come travel back in time with us we're going to visit the age of the dinosaurs dinosaurs there are all sorts of different dinosaurs and we are going to study them all [Music] here we are the age of dinosaurs look [Music] oh no those are Velociraptors Velociraptors are small but dangerous dinos whoa tumbling test tubes that was close thank you morphle [Music] morphle morph into a gallon minus wow [Music] a gallon minus is one of the fastest dinosaurs there is great morphle foreign oh no we need to save that egg morphle morph into a Pteranodon [Music] oh foreign [Music] it doesn't look like an Argentinosaurus egg no look there's an Argentinosaurus a CE right there oh a Triceratops Triceratops had three big sharp horns oh that's so cute but look those eggs are different from the egg we have so this egg isn't a Triceratops egg interesting [Music] wow a real Pteranodon trying to chase us away from her eggs [Music] and look those Pteranodon eggs don't look like the one we have let's fly away quickly foreign those are ankylosauruses they can use the end of their tails to hit really hard [Music] but look at that eggshell it's different from ours as well foreign [Music] huh how can there be crocodiles in the time of the dinosaurs crocodiles are a really old species and already existed in the time of the dinosaurs well but look even the crocodile eggs look different from ours oh I don't think we're ever going to find the mother of this egg foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] is way bigger than a T-Rex foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] cake the spinosaurus is the mother of this egg [Music] you that was close good thinking Mila [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right oh no I'm horrible morph into a T-Rex too [Applause] wow oh my phone is scared don't worry morphle I think it's almost time for brother time to zap us back to our own time laughs [Music] where's that yeah thank you brother time using your magic pet Powers we went to the past and saw lots of dinosaurs thank you did you hear that Yarn yeah they saw a lot of dinosaurs yes and they had a lot of fun this means we can go to the past as well oh good ideas time and in the past we can gather dinosaurs to create our own Dino Army whoa I always wanted to be a general Stein what's that oh no stop it Bandit we need to follow them morphle thank you uh oh I can't see them anymore my phone cannot true I know more full morph into a search dog [Music] look yarn they are so cute and little they will be the first members of our Dino Army I don't think they want to join us Time come on guys it's gonna be great oh no oh no these are in trouble morph into a Gallimimus so we can catch up with them yeah [Music] now morph into a T-Rex to scare the Velociraptors away [Music] Beyond it the age of the dinosaurs is very dangerous it really is Stein I guess you're wrong oh no a Pteranodon has taken the bandits more full morph into a pterodactyl [Music] I can't fly oh oh oh oh morph into a Triceratops so you can pin down its tail [Music] thank you yeah thank you oh it's time behind you hello [Music] and velociraptors can't you morph into something [Music] oh no I have an idea morphle morph into a big Argentinosaurus foreign [Music] [Music] I love you Marvel [Music] now we only have to wait until brother times hourglass runs out of sand and we will be sent back to our own time look [Music] we're back yeah [Music] maybe the dino Army wasn't such a good plan after all Mila more full look at this new toy I got huh foreign [Music] [Music] laughs [Music] foreign morph into a dinosaur superhero [Music] [Applause] [Music] there now you can't do any more damage no wait this is not how it's supposed to happen [Music] great work Mila and morphle let's get them all together so I can zap them back into prehistoric times quickly pick up the Triceratops morphle [Music] foreign [Music] oh a waffle [Music] quick to the lab we need to find out where he went [Music] there he is tumbling test tubes hang on Mortal [Music] that should do it [Music] I'm so glad you're okay [Music] congratulations you have won this big baby plush toy wow [Music] more for more [Music] more oh [Applause] [Music] okay big baby let's have a big Tea Party [Music] hmm a Mimi can you bring this baby plush to life [Music] hello Builder Lawrence hi there can anemi help me at the building site all right we'll be back soon [Music] [Music] no giant baby tell the box is not a toy [Music] you [Music] maybe he wants something to eat [Music] um let's bring him back to a NeNe more full morph into a bouncing ball [Music] foreign morph into a kite [Music] come on [Music] oh no [Music] more into a dump truck more full [Music] there Twinkle Twinkle Little Star you did it morphle [Music] and Mimi can you please turn the baby plush normal again [Music] oh please hurry and Mimi [Music] ah there's a crocodile in my apples oh no [Music] you get the award for me foreign let's water this beautiful garden of our Sparky hmm wait a second this isn't a garden hose it's a snake [Music] Leah now the scary animal Bandits we steal scary animals and release them in the city but it's time I thought we were released the Tiger [Music] foreign oh no we need to help them morphle morphle more for no can't help tiger scary the tiger is scary for me too more full it is very dangerous cut you don't need to be afraid of the tiger because you can morph into something big so the tiger is scared of you instead I know just what would scare a tiger look a big T-Rex [Music] um of course but you should still do it because if we do something a lot you won't be scared anymore [Music] yay now let's scare all the other animals out of the city purple [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] these scary animals are making sure everyone in the city stays inside so that we can execute our real plan yeah we are actually the fruit Bandits an apple a day keeps the doctor away so if we eat all the fruit in the city we don't ever have to go to the doctor again and the doctor is really scary we need to stop them morph into a big crocodile [Music] yeah a big dangerous cry divide Bandits you don't need to steal all that fruit I used to be scared of the doctor but I went anyway and now I'm not scared of the doctor at all because if you do something a lot you won't be scared anymore really hello there you are please follow me inside he is not scary at all Stein [Music] oh it looks great morphle but it's missing a tail the rush half tail and I don't remember what a pterodactyl looks like we should go back in time to study the dinosaurs brother time can you zap us to the age of the dinosaurs foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] morph into a photographasaurus [Music] we love picture cool look more full pterodactyls [Music] look it has a long beak and great wings and helicopter blades [Music] foreign well that was a strange dinosaur yeah look more full a T-Rex a T-Rex is really big and it has large teeth and roller skates foreign [Music] do that before well let's find some other dinosaurs morphle [Music] look more full argentinosauruses yes more full they are very big and have really long necks [Music] look Marvel it will stretch its neck to reach that leaf [Music] what's it doing [Music] foreign something doesn't feel right let's follow that Argentinosaurus [Music] foreign the pterodactyl with helicopter blades the T-Rex on roller skates don't worry because of you we've got some great pictures [Music] do you want to see them [Music] look more full there are dinosaurs everywhere oh Mila and Waffle what do you think of our new dinosaur park dinosaur park yes Professor Rasheed and I have transported these dinosaurs to our time because everybody likes dinosaurs am I right little buddy you bet isn't this dangerous nonsense these are harmless they don't eat people well that's good now this T-Rex on the other hand [Music] this doesn't seem very safe don't worry this is the strongest cage in the world just don't touch this lever it controls the door see oh the lever is stuck [Music] and everybody run quickly more full morph into a T-Rex as well foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] two of the dinosaurs have escaped into the city if you bring them here I can send them back to the past as well all right let's go morphle morph into a helicopter [Music] [Music] please stop this is not a tree hmm it must be hungry I think we can lure it with a snack more into a robot pick up that tree more fool foreign [Music] [Music] huh something is happening outside the park [Music] move over buddy [Music] oh he's strong but not as strong as you Marvel morph into a bulldozer hey you [Music] now scoop him up more full [Music] thank you thank you Mila and more for without you we would have been in quite a pickle outstanding work means what to do with the park it looks a little boring without dinosaurs well how about you organize a picnic hmm yes a picnic with Dinosaurs Mr mirror can you show us what's happening in the mirror world I most certainly can Mila foreign [Music] [Music] put him back inside me that's awful in the mirror world everything is the opposite of what it's like in our world and since morphle is very friendly I am afraid that awful will want to do nothing but bad things good thinking we can't have more full running around in the city creating a mess come Marvel let's play with chroma for a while foreign [Music] how are you today oh nice hello what are you doing [Music] more fall you can't just leave me here [Music] foreign [Music] 's looking for you morphle there you are you awful now get me back down from here [Music] thanks but I don't appreciate these kind of shenanigans it was you who put me on the roof in the first place but morphle was inside with us the whole time no he put me on the roof and he was laughing about it like this [Music] oh no that sounds like awful Mr meemer show us the mirror world please [Music] oh no Orville has escaped oh dear we need to find him you guys [Music] [Applause] [Music] my car what are you doing morphle are you building something hey what's the deal here this isn't Fun more fool [Music] there you are this joke has lasted long enough put everything back please morphle we must be getting close morph into a race car [Music] s back on the ground but if that's more full who's that [Music] uh who's winning and who's the real morphle we need to make sure Orville can't pretend to be more full anymore caroma paint or hold me [Music] hold up morphle let's help Troy and April down first [Music] I hope we have seen the last of Orville [Applause] [Music] I would love to have the chance to photograph our real live Tyrannosaurus [Music] morphle morphed into a time machine [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] a herd of Gallimimus wow [Music] [Music] [Music] there's something in the bushes [Music] thank you ankylosauruses [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey my camera [Music] there he is [Music] foreign [Music] this is my chance [Music] ah my camera [Music] foreign [Music] Robo freeze has four settings of lenient strict and very strict you should never turn this dial to very strict what not Professor no problem let's see what Robo freeze can do you seem like good kids huh now let's see if he can stop crime with the bandits causing so much trouble I could use some help with my police work mindful morph into a police car perfect [Music] be sure to Leisure dog oh sorry officer have a good day young lady oh well thank you [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] be careful not to kick the ball into the flowers [Music] not in my city you get a ticket [Music] oh my balls something's wrong Robo freeze must have been turned to very strict look whoa you get ticket for walking on grass I wasn't even walking on the grass you were going to what we have to turn the dial down yeah [Music] [Music] oh go after it morphle [Music] no no there it is trying again more full [Music] yes unacceptable this has to stop but how I have an idea we need Robo freeze to come to us more into a megaphone [Music] I'm about to step on the grass stop you're getting a ticket no more full [Applause] [Music] here you did it Milan morphle [Music] oh no maybe two Peter phrases are too much [Music] you should just stop doing mean things [Music] uh if only we had our own morphle Luke Stein hey awful I have an idea [Music] [Music] a monkey give me back my camera [Applause] oh [Music] boy isn't this great yeah [Music] what how did you get out of jail not in my city oh no it's almost a freeze no problem awful morph into a dinosaur [Music] T-Rex oh no you would be a bigger dinosaur though [Music] what is all of that oh no [Music] close a bit better [Applause] [Music] morph into a helicopter foreign [Music] the bandits and their monkey put the camera up there and ran away the bandits escaped with the monkey we need to go after them morphle [Music] oh those Bandits used a crane to do this they had a headache well [Music] oh the bandits and they have orfle with them stop it Bandits oh it's Mila and more full but we have off morph into something big [Music] couldn't we have some seats or something [Music] whoa you morphed so fast we nearly fell off be careful [Music] can't you go faster [Music] our space is way too small yeah give us more room awful [Music] [Applause] Brothers [Music] that's what you get for being mean all the Time Bandits [Music] thanks for carrying all my books more full uh-huh more full great I need your help swiper bug swiped my glasses and hid them in its Pet house [Music] my glasses oh [Music] I'm sorry morphle hmm I wish we could do everything morphle can do so he take a break wait a minute Mila that's a great idea this is glitter pug it can transform humans into magic pets for a whole day wow oh can you turn us into more full wow [Music] Mila morph into a monkey now that we can morph ourselves you can take all the rest you need morphle [Music] I'll morph into a rocket now how do I fly do you see that Stein if we steal glitter pug we could be bended morphles I can morph myself Mila morph into a race car [Music] this is so cool whoa whoa but not easy [Music] how do I stop I need to go faster [Music] whoa huh we'll never catch the bandits like this let's morph into a robot Daddy coming up oh a robot wow no morphle we've got this you were tired of doing everything alone remember [Music] thank you you can't run anymore Bandits we don't have to glitter pug transform us too we're not more full Stein no but your magic pets oh no run [Music] we saved glitter pug sounds good it's rocket time [Music] [Applause] Martha morph into a race car look guys I have a real race car hmm I have a race car too where is it right here [Music] [Applause] [Music] I have a race car too [Music] but look there's a tree blocking the road more full morph into a kangaroo my car could just jump over it no it can't cars can't just jump over stuff well mine can because it could grow robot legs [Music] wow my car could grow unicorn wings [Music] whoa watch out it's lava purple morph into a rocket ship my robot race car a Super Booster Rockets my unicorn race car has a magic horn it can make magic portals [Music] let's see how you can keep up with this rocket ships can go really really fast Hey where's Sarah and Troy let's go back morphle [Applause] hey guys why didn't you keep on Marvel is way too fast for us hmm you know what why don't you guys join me inside more for the rocket ship we can share [Music] thank you catch the ball more full [Music] oh wow that was fast now throw it back ah don't you want to play catch more for uh more for no one to play touch okay do you want to draw something [Music] so what do you want to do [Music] you want to play hide and seek maybe okay start counting yes [Music] morphle do you maybe want to hear a story [Music] as the boy walked up to the house the door opened on its own and he heard a scary voice you're hard to please today morphle hmm [Music] huh hmm look more full look out [Music] sorry let's build a sand castle morphle [Music] huh where are you going morphle [Music] hey thanks oh let's go somewhere else [Music] look at how much fun they're having more full [Music] hey morphle that's not nice of you huh the popicorn the delicious popcorn [Music] did you have breakfast this morning it's time you didn't eat anything [Music] did that help morphle are you feeling better now that you've eaten [Music] I'm the strongest superhero I can easily lift up this car awful Let's help him out [Music] I'm a superhero too and I Can Fly [Music] help help but he only wants to play he won't bite okay is that thing out of here [Music] leave that woman alone Mister whatever [Music] thank you very much superheroes who can I thank for this what are your names [Music] um we can't tell you we are the masked superheroes and we have secret identities please give back those Awards but I never got any awards in high school oh yeah now I am officially the number one ballet dancer laughs [Music] okay okay here are the awards back no no you can keep that one it says best at getting caught we are Champion Stein yeah we are standing here with the people that saved all the cities Awards we have one question for you who are you we can't tell you we are the masked superheroes and we have secrets on Troy I'm April [Music] who it sure is hot today that's a great idea morphle how about you get us some ice cream from the ice cream truck over there [Music] don't forget to buy me one okay Daddy [Applause] is leaving go after it morphle morph into an ice cream race car [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the bridge is opening [Music] that was fun [Music] hey kids would you like some ice cream yes please great I have a chocolate ice cream vanilla a strawberry a jalapeno a concrete raw onion mayonnaise and I'll have vanilla chocolate and the raw onion for Daddy I'm sure he'll like that yeah really this is the first time I ever sold that flavor I thank you so much hmm now let's get back to Daddy before his ice cream melts [Music] through them morphle [Music] [Music] [Applause] we've lost him yarn oh oh no you didn't huh oh no [Music] you could really use some ice cream now we're back Daddy great ice cream Mountain oh no I really wanted that ice cream oh oh no no one real real daddy hello we're back again another raw onion ice cream please wow this isn't the second raw onion ice cream I've ever sold back to Daddy morphle quickly yeah this is the best day of my life oh damn it this is how I treat now y'all it is ours is that my ice cream sorry sir we didn't mean to give it back yeah thank you Mila and morphle the ice cream did not melt at all foreign raw onion flavor oops [Music] oh no more full morph into a superhero [Music] [Applause] [Music] phew thank you more for the superhero wow I saw superheroes [Music] oh no we need to catch him [Music] [Applause] thank you morphle [Music] oh Camp no not in my sick let's bring the tiger back to the zoo okay [Applause] oh shoot [Music] [Applause] oh no quickly morphle get the tiger out of there foreign [Music] [Applause] wow would you look at that the media [Music] now the mutual is heading towards the city oh no stop the meteor morphle thank you [Music] good job more full you stop the meteor you're a real superhero morphle [Music] let us go nah we need you for our trap to catch morphle help oh no we need to help them [Music] hmm [Music] or full stop it's a trap we've caught you Marvel wait that isn't Marvel it's awful here's more full [Music] thank you Artful can you bring officer freeze here to arrest the bandits what are you the bandits thank you awful thank you for saving us orfull you're a real superhero [Music] I'm wonderful let's pull a prank on Daddy oh yeah morph into me [Music] great now put on these clothes you look exactly like me yeah okay let's prank Daddy [Music] oh oh it's you Mila I didn't see you come down the stairs that's because I'm still up here but ah then you must be more full yeah foreign do you and Morpho want to play um [Music] great let's go Troy didn't see it was more full hi Mila what game shall we play Mila you're always so good at thinking up fun games yeah Dad okay Mila you're it what [Music] whoa [Music] okay wow now you only need to tag Sarah but where is she um I'm in the tree I don't think I can get down anymore oh [Music] [Applause] wait a second you're not Mila he's your Marvel oh okay thank you me morphle well well it seems awful Isn't with you uh-oh which dying isn't that morph without Marvel we can tease you all we want you're so small let me go you can't do anything foreign [Music] did that ball come from [Music] ouch what's happening let's get the waste time yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's me looking back leave us alone you pranked them good morple I'm so bored without Marvel let's find him huh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] let's go [Music] out it's more for help a policeman then a policeman free Mila [Music] this isn't even a real ticket hmm I really wouldn't want to stay here for a long time [Music] should I say get out of my front yard what are you doing here Morpher what what are you doing you're very mean to Buddies because you're you can't just take people to jail more food [Music] [Applause] [Music] what that was pretty funny [Music] oh man [Music] [Music] oh that's great oh where have all my tires gone what a ticket for lettering [Music] foreign [Music] kids these days that's great just great [Music] that was great and you'll always remember to stay out of jail huh more full [Music] you're now in jail no I was never in jail police officer freeze gave me a tour of the station to boost the chair what oh no you can't just take people to jail morphle [Music] I had a great time with our little red skin [Music] oh I think Kenneth is going to need a doctor morph into an ambulance morphle awesome [Music] we're going to take you to the hospital zookeeper Kenneth oh thank you Mila [Music] oh dear it looks like you made quite the tumble better come with me [Music] thank you oh [Music] I think this sandwich has gone bad [Music] are you okay Mr Mayor well I felt better oh that's not good take him to the doctor as well more full morph into an ambulance again [Music] Kenneth needs a lot of rest so no monkey business while driving ready foreign let me guess Green With Envy Bad Sandwich come on in I'll fix you right up [Music] everybody hide one two three four five six seven eight nine ten I found you that was easy I I can't help it I'm all itchy hmm Marvel I think you need to morph into an ambulance again okay [Music] and from now on please be more careful about spoiled food [Music] foreign [Music] what a busy day it's really itchy I'll bet looks like you're having an allergic reaction follow me I have some cream for that [Music] [Applause] are you okay morphle hmm [Music] looks like our little helper could use a hand himself [Music] hi Marple oh how are you feeling myself feel okay I do [Music] poor morphle it seems you're still sick you need lots of rest to get better don't worry morphle Daddy I take care of you hi Mila hi April can you and Marvel come out to play I do want to play but Marvel is sick and I said I would take care of him no morphle you need to rest to get better or full [Music] you can go and play Milo I'll take care of morphle thanks Daddy get lots of rest more full now then morphle how about I read you a story [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] 10 outside foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm afraid of mice [Music] go away you mean tiger go [Music] bless you all [Music] feel my lucky Reed came in handy once again [Music] Mila you're here [Music] huh [Music] [Applause] Mina more food [Music] what are you doing outside but you're sick you need to rest let's go home morphle I'll stay with you [Music] for now sick that's great morphle uh oh [Music] ha ha I'm a scary pirate give me all your Treasures I'm a big dinosaur I'm not scared of pirates wow you guys have great costumes oh what is your costume Mila I have a magic t-shirt it's more cool wow morphle let's fly [Music] lift up the dress-up box [Music] extra arms oh no [Music] two Bandits were just here they stole all my clothes [Music] worry Daddy we have more than enough clothes in our dress-up box now let's see how should we dress up Daddy [Music] you look beautiful Daddy foreign [Music] oh no it's the chain of office Bandits now they're stealing the police officer's clothes we're no longer the chain of office Bandits now we're the fashion Bandits we will steal all of the city's clothes beware [Music] you're right we should give the police officer a costume too [Music] here Mr police officer excellent now after the fashion Bandits we must stop him from stealing all the clothes [Music] there they are foreign [Music] [Music] where are they I'll catch them this time here you go Mr Mayor we have a costume for you too thank you Mila now you have to stop those Bandits the city needs you there's one I'll catch him [Music] it's up to us morphle use your wings foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] use your strong arms Marvel use your wings [Music] now let's get back to the others [Music] well done Mila and morphle you caught the bandits and now everyone can get back their clothes the mayor should give you a medal now where is that mayor [Music] foreign [Music] yes little girl this is the yearly dog agility course your pet can join too oh let's compete morphle [Music] oh come on Sammy you can win this race hey Builder Lawrence what's wrong my little Sammy doesn't want to do this race anymore because the big dogs are being mean to her poor Sammy [Music] good job Barky [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's it morphle let's play with Sammy so she doesn't think you are scary anymore foreign [Music] hey guys that was our ball can we have it back [Music] is it well Finders Keepers if you really want to have it back then why don't you try taking it [Music] more more into a T-Rex ah [Music] wow are all doggies ready five we are late morphles but there's still a chance Sammy can win [Music] two one [Music] go [Music] laughs good job Barky oh no give them a dose of their own medicine [Music] hooray you did it laughs [Music] the award goes to this little one who beat the biggest of participants [Music] thank you morphle it's great you will always help everyone you can [Music] please come back down Mr pauses ah more for can you help me Mr positive stuck in the tree and I miss holding him in my arms will bring us together again [Music] I didn't mean together like this if you two hadn't stolen my police car you would be in jail already we don't mind yeah [Music] morphle oh it's great you're here can you help me bring these Bandits to the police station [Music] oh no what Marvel wait for me all right to police station bye he didn't put us in Jail's time yeah let's run away [Music] oh hey morphle can you help me lift these crates they're really heavy [Music] oh no morphle not all the way to the roof laughs there you are more fun what happened your red friend put me in the tree and ran away that can't be right but I thought that no do no I know what I saw [Music] Marvel where did you leave the bandits we haven't seen the bandits I saw you taking them to the station morphle uh we'll catch the bandits again morphle morph into a robot [Music] foreign the joke has gone on long enough morphle please put the crates back down again morphle was with me all day daddy but he looked like morphle and was red like Morphin apart from those green spots of course green spots of course it's awful we need to stop him more fool [Music] hi morphle can you help me make some room here look look for has painted himself red oh no let's clean him up more full morph into a fire truck [Music] careful morphle that's not more food it's awful now you won't be able to fool anyone anymore or full thank you real morphle be back [Music] Mila morphle I've made you some lemonade eat [Music] ing whoa oops oh um I'll clean it up later I really want to finish reading my book oh [Music] I didn't break your Tower oh you ruined my drawing morphle no no no how about YouTube go and do something else yeah sure [Music] Mr action is here to stop you miss action um sure I have built a machine that will make everyone fall asleep oh no Misha action stop you so exciting [Music] let's get this out of the way okay now where was I you haven't done Mr action with the help of here has the chest gone [Music] did you take away the chat Harper no take a chest I did not break your silly building you know what I'm going to play without you yeah [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I don't know what to draw Martha would think of something [Music] that was a great book foreign [Music] I shouldn't have gotten so mad at you for breaking the crayon on my drawing huh oh that was more full I did that by accident what oh did you also break Marvel's block tower um yeah and take the toys away um uh probably [Music] [Applause] [Music] sorry I did all those things you two and I'm sorry I caused you to fight can I stay your friend as well of course dad [Music] hey Mila and morphle the two of you have got a call [Applause] oh who is it [Music] the ice cream man I haven't found a new yummy flavor of ice cream but I'm on the other side of the world I there's only a little bit left don't worry Mr ice cream man welcome to you it's awful if he gets to the ice cream man first he will eat all the ice cream [Music] was that another morphle [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh no my car how will I catch criminals without my police car we need to help police officer freeze get his car back Mortal [Music] ah thank you Milan huh [Music] I don't think orfield knows what's fastest on the water but I do morph into a speedboat [Music] bye-bye [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you are yeah thanks morphle [Applause] [Music] we're at the jungle now morph into a monkey [Music] a race car isn't fast in the jungle or full foreign [Music] Marvel oh no it's awful sounds like or forgot there first [Music] you were into all over my eyes to cream we're too late morphle don't worry I only acted like he ate all the ice cream so he would go away better some more than enough ice cream for you you Mr a monkey and even for me thank you Mr ice cream man look here my latest invention can turn humans into teddy bears [Music] I'm so soft [Music] oh isn't this great [Music] buy me land morphle now then to turn myself back oh no without hands I can't use the zapper [Music] did you hear that you're on yeah and I love teddy bears quiet yawn [Music] tumbling test tubes [Music] bandage and they have the teddy bear zapper [Music] yes what is happening [Music] we need to stop them more full morph into a super fast cheetah huh no I can't hold on without hands can you hold me with your tail great let's go whoa foreign [Music] [Applause] how about you carry me for a bit [Music] [Music] not in my city [Music] foreign [Music] how about we turn you into a teddy bear as well [Music] great the ray only works on humans laughs [Music] oh no now I'm a teddy bear oh you're such a cute teddy bear great now we can zap everyone back again mixing with the officer freeze huh that's better but not for YouTube Oh at least I'll have a soft cuddly teddy bear with me in jail [Music] who celebrate the National Day of Dinosaurs Professor Rasheed has helped the city to organize a special dinosaur Ray peace wow that's so cool let's join two more four more into a T-Rex [Music] but wait we have another contestant the winner of the race gets this beautiful award [Music] is everybody ready three two one go [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] now let's win this race [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] look ladies and gentlemen we have a winner [Music] foreign [Music] not in my city congratulations to the winners we didn't win more full but at least we have a fair winner laughs [Music] thank you oh no not my beautiful hat [Music] no Leela it's terrible I was just walking around in our beautiful city thinking mayoral false when someone drove by and stole my hat don't worry Mr Mayor we're on the job more full morph into a search dog [Applause] [Music] hold it right there I saw who took that it was you morpha all right what's going on here if there you are you Thief give me back my dog are you saying morphle stole from you colorful would never do that yes he would I just bought a birthday cake when morphle drove by and grabbed it from my hands are you all sure it was more full yes well well morphle a criminal not in my city I'm going to have to take you to the police station morphle no please he didn't do anything looks like they're gone you can come out now you on they all think Marvels know their stuff oh this must be our best plan yet yeah let's do some more you know don't worry morphle I will prove you're innocent no give me back my apples [Music] so the bandits took all the stuff I can't believe it morphle took all my apples don't worry sir we've already caught morphle but it happened just now outstanding police work if I say so myself you can't go around blaming everything on the bandits bye bye now oh [Music] I'm at it the Bandit stole everything but no one wants to believe me [Music] but I can't do it without you morphle my fault [Music] catch but I have an idea [Music] give me back my tools Marvel sounds like trouble go down mortal [Music] don't worry Joe we're on it what another morphle [Music] Mr Marvel we almost held them she's too fast time she's going to catch us we'll see about that [Music] no no no no no slow down mortal [Music] not so fast now are you Marvel turn around quickly huh again [Music] [Applause] we've done it more full [Music] quiet Jordan how did you get out of jail morphle trying to hide all your stolen loot I see that's not more full those there's a bandit hey wait a minute this isn't morphle that's what I've been telling you all along all right already caught us uh oh I might have made a slight mistake I'm very sorry I doubted you morphle of course you're not a criminal and in light of your outstanding police work I'll make you honorary police officers [Music] it was fun pretending to be more full right Stein it sure was morph into a plane yawn no you morph into a car Stein [Music] into an excavator [Music] foreign water balloon beach Castle competition is about to start kids against parents start building your sand castles now [Music] the castles are done now get out your water balloons [Music] our Castle is great we are going to win yeah they're just little kids [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] that was amazing foreign s win this award [Music] congratulations kids you won fair and square let's play in the castle some more [Music] can I hold the award now Marvel [Music] look pirate Phil it's a treasure so so we are Pirates Pirate film and what do pirates love that's right Treasures but they have a giant sand castle pirate Maurice [Music] yes we a water balloon Cannon foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] oh no we ran out of water balloons we need to find more water balloons more people dig a hole for me to sneak out foreign [Music] if you keep fixing the castle I'll go get the water balloons [Music] daddy we need more water balloons the Pirates won our award oh [Music] we don't have any more water balloons but we can fill up these with water yeah or this [Music] the treasure is almost ours huh thank you [Music] I'm refill fire the water cannon [Music] hey Mila look at me I I can't see you daddy look up [Music] that's so cool [Music] silly Daddy Let Me Go orphan Our Father too isn't this great no it isn't oh I have an idea let's have a race what that would be fun okay the first one to reach the Mountaintop wins Ready set go [Music] ah stop it wow they're so fast they're racing to the Mountaintop I've got an award for that let's go [Music] [Applause] you cut him off [Music] oh that's pretty clever [Music] well done morphle I've never felt so strong [Music] I think I know a shortcut go that way morphle foreign [Music] that was great [Music] [Applause] there's the mount foreign [Music] oh no you won't [Music] I think it's a tie [Music] don't worry Mila a good award guy always has two Awards with him [Music] that was great morphle [Music] I guess that was pretty fun [Music] what morphle there is snow outside of Daddy's magic pet store that's strange [Music] now you can push the snow away [Music] ah hi Mila and morphle thank you for getting rid of the snow is made by atmo a new magic pet it can control the weather but uh it's a bit naughty oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] and he's making a storm we need to find it before its Mischief gets out of hand [Music] oh no [Music] I think it went that way let's go [Music] [Music] the path is blocked foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign oh no watch out thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] thank you that move you need to stop the storm must not be able to hear me through the storm [Music] oh no come home [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] I know you like playing with the weather but that was dangerous [Music] hmm I have an idea [Music] here atmo can use his weather powers to help out [Music] but there's only two of us and so many toys [Music] [Applause] wow two morphles together [Music] Things become so much easier if you work together but how did we end up with all these toys and with two morphles because of Doubler [Music] its magic power is that it can create copies of anything [Music] hmm who could that be good day sir we are actual real boy scouts and we sell cookies that looks great mmm I think I would like some cookies Mila Murphy the Bandit stole Doppler but they're way too far what could we use to catch them not fast enough morphle morph into a super fast car [Music] oh no run where have they gone I'm sure they went this way huh look more full they're behind us now how did they get there we caught you now oh doubler isn't with them morphle where did you take doubler maybe he's with the instrument that is or the feather Bandits foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] magic pet without us having to be their human companion and with doubler in there we can copy ourselves [Music] [Applause] [Music] Wheels we don't want to be the real Bandits we will be oh yeah we the more food Bandits have stolen Marvel great let's morph him into a bulldozer so it's easier to steal the wheels of cars no morph him into tweezers so it's easier to pluck feathers you're silly you're silly no you are [Music] oh so many Marvels Morpher morph into a bulldozer morph into tweezers morphle isn't doing anything of course not because we haven't put him in the Bandit mobile yet don't do that if you take out doubler there will only be two of us again we escape we'll have a pen what do we move no more fun to have a plan no not the fast enough foreign [Music] yes but there are so many Bandits if they all work together there's nothing we can do [Music] really then I think we just might have a chance more for one morph into a T-Rex [Music] morph into a robot one for three morph into a big fan now we're together to blow the feathers away [Music] oh no [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're friends who will ramps doubler Bandits we need more feathers no we need more Wheels double the wheels that's a dumb idea you're a dumb idea no we need Wheels feathers [Applause] um so I guess now we free Doubler [Music] bye other more bowls no no no no that is not what we should do yeah it is more full morph into a big robot to catch them huh what oh no and then there were four morphles and four of the bandits and it was really exciting wow that sounds really scary no scary but the bandits didn't work together one more one more fool again [Music] hey John Justin I'm glad you are the band at this stage when the others disappeared oh me too Stein good night yawn good night Stein
Channel: Morphle TV
Views: 2,016,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: videos for kids, kids videos, my magic pet morphle, orphle, morphle vs orphle, mila and morphle, mila, kid show, kids stories, superhero, super hero, kids vehicles, vehicles for kids, cartoon, fun, magic, hero, animals, dinosaur, dinosaurs for kids, trucks, ice cream, morphle tv, morphle, kids adventures, morphle adventures, morphle episodes, morphle dinosaurs, morphle t rex, morphle and mila, morfol, morfo, morphol, cartoons for kids, morphle cartoon, kids cartoon
Id: YKH7jdE6iJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 180min 3sec (10803 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 28 2022
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