The Origin of the Scarlet Witch

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greetings true believers and welcome to another uncanny episode of a history of the marvel universe today's tale begins decades ago when the knights of wundergore came to the balkan nation of serbia i discussed their origin in detail in the previous video but in short the knights of wundergore were humanoid animal warriors designed and bred by a radical geneticist known as the high evolutionary he had come seeking children with great genetic potential to study and experiment on frightened and desperate a local priest revealed the location of a pair of siblings he suspected would satisfy the high evolutionary the children of a local witch by the name of natalya maximoth and so the high evolutionary abducted the twins wanda and pietro and brought them back to his citadel on wondergore mountain in the neighboring nation of transia natalya of course followed seeking to reclaim her children however in the ensuing battle on mint wendigore the scarlet witch found her magical powers waning and she was defeated by the knights of wondergore this is likely because as we detailed previously this mountain was also the resting place for the demonic elder god kathon who had been imprisoned there centuries prior and while the details surrounding natalya maximoff's death are unknown it supposedly happened shortly thereafter at the hands of the twins unnamed father it's also supposedly around this time that a romani woman named magda came to wondergore seeking refuge magda was a holocaust survivor who as a young woman escaped from auschwitz with the help of her childhood love max eisenhurt after fleeing from the nazis max changed his name to eric lyncher to disguise his heritage and he and magda later married and had a daughter named anya the family settled in a city in the ukraine where erica attempted to make a living working construction a greedy foreman attempted to shortchange him but in his anger eric subconsciously used his mutant control over metal while threatening the man into relinquishing the money he was owed and then upon returning home eric found the inn his family was staying in had caught fire fully utilizing his latent mutant ability to manipulate magnetic fields for the first time eric formed a protective shield around himself and his wife to save magna from the blazing inferno however before he could go back inside to retrieve his child eric was attacked by officers at the behest of the corrupt foreman savagely beaten he begged the men to help his daughter but when anya screamed her final scream eric lashed out with his mutant power killing everyone around him except magda this display of power and rage terrified his wife who fled eventually coming to the high evolutionary citadel on mount windagor she was taken in and looked after by the matronly cow woman bova magna was supposedly pregnant when she arrived at wundigor but the fate of her unborn child if any is unknown as bova presented the maximoff twins to magna as if they were her own while this is unconfirmed i would postulate that perhaps magda's natural trial did not survive to term and that bova attempted to assuage her grief by hiding this from her it was also that same night that the high evolutionary and the knights of wondergore fought to prevent the resurrection of the ancient demon cathon while the circumstances of that battle are explained in more detail in my video on the high evolutionary the important point here is that upon his defeat kathan reached out and imbued the baby wanda maximoth with great magical potential intending to one day use her as a means to resurrect himself and not long after this magda feared what might happen if her husband were to discover their children and it seemed she sacrificed herself disappearing into the snowy waste and so the two children were left with the high evolutionary to continue to be the subject of his genetic experimentation soon after the high evolutionary intended to release the children and sought a suitable couple to raise them he first attempted this by inviting into his citadel the american couple of robert and madeline frank who were staying at the neighboring village this was no ordinary couple as in their younger days they fought evil as the world war ii era superheroes the whizzer and miss america madeleine was staying in transient during her pregnancy and so the evolutionary intended to have her sedated during the delivery and for all three children to be presented as if they were her own however this was her second pregnancy and early in her first before she knew she was pregnant she was exposed to a dangerous amount of radiation while preventing a nuclear reactor from melting down this caused robert and madeline's first child to be born misshapen and radioactive madeleine was told that her child did not survive but in reality he was sealed away and eventually returned as the radioactive monster known as nuklo it seems likely that the radioactive birth left the former miss america with permanent damage as her second child delivered by bova on one dagor mountain was completely stillborn furthermore the difficult pregnancy proved more than she could bear and although bova presented pietro to her as if he were her own child madeleine joyce frank passed away shortly thereafter and the world lost one of its earliest heroes this by the way is why i suspect something similar happened when magda came to wondergore we know that bova has the capacity to lie to someone in an attempt to protect them from that kind of pain because she's known to have done so at least once the twins were then presented to robert frank however the death of his wife was more than he could bear and with his super speed he ran off in a fit of rage and anguish this does leave one wondering if the presence of a speedster on one degor mountain is somehow related to the later development of pietro maximoff's own super speed abilities while we cannot rule out simple coincidence it is not beyond the realm of possibility to think that perhaps the high evolutionary at some point harvested genetic material from the former whizzer to use in his experimentation in either event bovis suggested that perhaps it was best if the two twins were raised among their own kind the high evolutionary agreed and discovered living members of the maxima family to deliver the babies to natalya's brother jango and his wife maria had recently lost twins of their own and so they were the perfect candidates to raise wanda and pietro and so the twins had a safe and happy upbringing among the gentle gypsy tribe raised by their aunt and uncle believing they were their parents when she was very young wanda caught the attention of a powerful european witch's coven who sensed her great potential one member of this coven was maria rusoff the wife of gregor russoff who bore the werewolf's curse for those who watched my previous video on the high evolutionary this gregor is most likely the son of the gregor rusoff discussed there also in this coven was margali zardos fans of the channel may remember her as the mother of amanda sefton the second magic and the former caretaker of kurt wagner the x-man known as nightcrawler finally was lilia the gypsy queen who had recently gained possession of a powerful artifact called the serpent's crown however the magic of the crown was tied to the elder god set brother of kethon kathon feared that wanda might fall under his brother's sway which would interfere with his own plans for the girl and so while the witches brought wanda to castle rusoff to offer to train her cathon manipulated his servant taboo as well as a follower of set named dambala into attacking the coven during the ensuing battle when the witches were endangered wanda instinctively used her probability altering hex powers for the first time activating the genetic potential instilled within her by the high evolutionary this disrupted the magical spells the others had employed and freed the gypsy queen from the influence of the serpent crown cathon then spoke through wanda and the other witches and commanded that the young girl would belong to no coven fearing the might of the elder god the coven agreed not to take wanda in however margoli zardo still believed that wanda would need guidance and training and suggested that if she was not able to find her again wanda should seek out an american witch named harkness and so wanda returned to her family and began honing her science spawned ability her most natural power was her ability to cast probability altering hexes however she had little control over these and they often yield an unpredictable results meanwhile her brother began to develop powers of his own namely the ability to move at superhuman speed however things grew financially difficult for the maximoff family as django's work as a toy maker was less than profitable and prejudices against the roma people made finding other work nearly impossible begrudgingly jango was forced to steal food to feed his family however his crime did not go unnoticed and a mob of angry villagers followed him back to his caravan jango was forced to watch as his wagon was set fire with his wife inside maria maximoff was badly burned and presumed dead django maximoff was badly beaten and knocked out and while wanda and pietro escaped they believed their family was dead and the trauma of that night caused their childhood memories to become clouded for a time they wandered living off the land and relying only on each other then one day the twins were approached by a man named professor charles xavier the leader of the x-men the genetic meddling of the high evolutionary had made wanda and pietro appear to be mutants like the x-men and so professor x had come to offer them a place at his school an offer they refused not long after this the twins came upon a small girl endangered by a falling rock in order to rescue the child wanda used her hex power to cause a sturdy tree to fall over and prevent the boulder from reaching the child however her feet was witnessed by the superstitious locals and an angry mob soon formed furthermore wanda's attempts to defend herself resulted in the nearby village catching fire however the twins were miraculously saved when the villagers weapons were pulled away by a powerful magnetic force eric lyncher magda's former husband having adopted the costumed identity of magneto had arrived to rescue the twins brought back to his home base asteroid m the two siblings felt indebted to their savior and so pietro took the name quicksilver while his sister like her biological mother before her became known as the scarlet witch and the two siblings became members of magneto's first brotherhood of evil mutants under magneto's command the brotherhood battled the x-men several times although wanda and pietro lacked magneto's ruthlessness and ferocity they quickly grew weary of mutants fighting each other and turned their backs on both the x-men and the brotherhood they returned to europe going into hiding for some time but wanda resented living as a fugitive then one day they learned that the prestigious american superhero team the avengers had welcomed the former criminal turned vigilante hawkeye into their roster seeking a similar opportunity for themselves the twins decided to contact the avengers while they did not want to involve themselves in the battles between mutants and humans the idea of using their powers to do good without being defined or judged by their genetics or heritage appealed greatly to pietro and so after the two were interviewed and vetted by tony stark himself quicksilver and the scarlet witch were officially inducted into earth's mightiest heroes since then wanda maximoth has often been a part of the avengers ever-changing lineup during her time with the team she slowly grew close to her synthezoid teammate the vision and a romance blossomed between them it was also during these years that wanda met a true witch by the name of agatha herkness this was in fact the american witch that the european coven had mentioned when wanda was a child and agatha harkness offered to tutor wanda in the ways of magic as a result wanda learned to better control her seemingly mutant hex power developing it into a unique form of reality altering sorcery known as chaos magic things were going well for the scarlet witch and when the vision asked for her hand in marriage wanda agreed then one day wanda and her brother suddenly collapsed their very souls having been pulled from their bodies and the culprit responsible for stealing their souls was none other than the uncle who raised them jango maximoth you see after witnessing what he believed to be the death of his entire family django became a vagrant eventually settling in russia then when news reports came out about the scarlet witch and quicksilver being welcomed into the avengers he realized they were his own children however in his old age django maximoff's adult brain had confused wanda and pietro for ana and mateo his deceased biological children and he'd convinced himself they were one in the same in addition while it was his sister natalia that was the original scarlet witch django had some magical tricks of his own and used enchanted wood from the trees of mount windagor to carve out dolls of the scarlet witch and her brother using these dolls the old mystic trapped the souls of his adopted children in a mad attempt to prevent them from leaving him again of course it wasn't long before the vision and the other avengers tracked jango down and destroyed the mystic talisman he'd used in the ritual returning wanda and pietro souls to their own bodies despite all this the twins felt sympathy for their former father figure and still had many questions about their own past you see by this point wanda had spoken with the elderly robert frank formerly the hero known as the whizzer and come to believe that he and miss america were their biological parents wishing to play kate django and learn more about their past the twins decided to return to transia with their former adopted father however one night during this european sabbatical wanda was confronted by a 6th century mystic known as modrid modra took wanda to the peak of mount windegor where the fortress of the high evolutionary once stood before he and the new men left the earth however while modrid was once a force for good he had been corrupted by the darkhold and become a servant for cathodon that night on one dagor mountain moderate the mystic betrayed and struck down the scarlet witch leaving her vulnerable for his dark master this allowed kathan to enact the plan he set into motion when his mystic power touched wanda as an infant and the elder god escaped his mountain prison by possessing the scarlet witch while all this was happening quicksilver noticed his sister's absence and rushed out to search for her however upon running up the slopes of mount windigor pietro crashed into a mystical barrier and tumbled down the side of the mountain fortunately he was recovered and nursed back to health by none other than bova who had chosen to stay behind when the high evolutionary and the knights of wondergore took to the stars bova explained everything she knew about pietro and wanda's origin although for unknown reason she continued to claim that the twins were indeed magda's biological children after this quicksilver was able to call in the other avengers for help but even the combined powers of earth's mightiest heroes appeared to be little match against a being as ancient and powerful as k'thon however with his daughter's life on the line django maximoff pulled wanda's soul free from her body placing it in the enchanted doll once again quicksilver then attempted to use the doll to restore wanda to normal while he did not have the training or the power to accomplish this alone the combined will of the avengers were able to swap wanda and the demon souls with the once powerful demon trapped within a harmless doll pietro tossed the figure into the snow swept wastes of mount wondagor then with her body and powers restored the scarlet witch used her magically enhanced power to cause the peak to collapse burying the doll in a literal mountain of rubble and a trapping cathode beneath mount wondagor once again unfortunately possibly because he no longer possessed the talisman he'd previously used pulling wanda's soul into the doll had been too much for django maximoff's heart to bear and he died saving his adopted daughter furthermore while the twins now believed that their mother was a romani woman named magda they were left with the question of who their true father was a question that was seemingly answered after magneto came to wondergoer seeking answers about what became of his former wife magda when bova told him the same lie she perpetuated for two decades perhaps even coming to believe it herself magneto came to believe that wanda and pietro were the children of himself and magda a belief that when revealed came to complicate their relationship over the following years however in more recent years the truth was revealed when it was discovered that wanda and pietro bore no blood relation to magneto they have also since learned the truth that their powers were the result of the high evolutionaries genetic tampering wanda has even spoken with the spirit of her true mother natalia maximoth and while the identity of her father remains a mystery natalia's ghost has said that it was wanda's father who is responsible for her death but the meaning of those words is yet to be revealed and there is as always more to tell such as the tale of wanda and vision's children but perhaps that's a story for another time but thank you so much for watching this video if you enjoyed it please leave a like share the video and subscribe for more marvelous content be sure to leave a comment letting me know what marvel hero or villain you want to hear about next and as always the issues referenced in this video are listed in the description below if you would like to read them for yourself as well as links to other places you can find me so until next time true believers excelsior
Channel: MerryMarvelite
Views: 113,319
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Id: JPN-cPaq-9Y
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Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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