The Only Weapon You Need in Season 2...

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oh Midas is here what ascendant Midas you've heard right I'm back purple drum gun baby let's go I accept nothing but the best I like that bro you look like me you're me some people are crazy I'm crazy today I'm doing drum gun only that means I can only use the brand new drum gun which is good but it's not like over overpowered you know it's not like the best thing since sliced bread or something so it's definitely going to be really really hard plus it's not a shotgun plus all that good stuff okay solo Doos did I get it I did not get it okay that is rough may I could just jump in the water here am I good I think I'm chilling come on give me the new drum gun got a shotgun not a drum gun come on drum gun bro okay I'm smart about it don't worry I think I can find on floor loot I believe just build a little bit jum gun no down bad absolutely down bad well let's keep on scouring the Earth trying to find a drum gun somewhere at least oh this chest right here I feel it that is an SMG okay very much not a drum gun just want to confirm there POA flow Berry are we moving drum guns aren't necessarily rare I'm just not getting lucky you know that's the difference in all this oh drum gun oh drum gun where will you be oh drum gun oh drum gun my friend ooe what I want is a drum gun want to have fun with my drum Gun there's a guy here oh shoot I'm close off the hole there more people this guy has a chain trying to hit me with his chain oh I don't like that stop using your chain give me that drum gun no over here there's nothing I am getting very unfortunate luck let me tell you wait Chad saying you could buy one on the boat I'm going this is actually good coms no this is great coms let's just drive Offroad yeah typical path here smush this thing now I might not need to pay for anything on the boat cuz I'm I don't know I'm I'm feeling like I was going to find it there but I didn't find it there which is unfortunate okay and we in it we zooming we got an NPC up here oh rare chest you no it's going to be in the rare chest trust me on this one no it is most definitely not in the rare chest we're going up we're going all the way up who is here oh Midas is here what ascendant Midas you've heard right I'm back purple drum gun baby let's go I accept nothing but the best I like that bro you look like me you're me you're literally me we're we're the same person we're each other all right I like that we're chilling what's on here oh we got a mighty service station I'm going to use Rift thank you very much oh I'm in and out like the burgers baby I'm going to Grim gate no wait I'm going to go do Hades first well I'm going go with lemon Hades first we're coming in hot baby oh wait oh big jump where you at oh every day I'll be awesome give me that give me all that loot I'm here to take down Hades what is all these builds y'all really fall like that he that statue down what you want call whoever you need call whoever you need bro call whoever you need oh I'm locked on I'm locking in I'm locking on oh shoot that guy's got like a drummy oh oh oh okay okay he's mad no don't whip me don't whip me don't with me got him shees give me that oh [Music] no wait where's my drum gun edit let me free I'm so hurt yeah I got to think quick where can I get heals or where can I get out of here please don't die I can drop this I'm moving now oh I'm moving oh they ain't never seen me move like this oh they ain't never seen me move like this let me tell you touch my toes in the water touch my tippies oh my gosh I'm chilling I'm so chilling that guy thought he had me he never had me there he is oh what you want oh man my accuracy is accurate is accurate give me that give me all that oh my gosh now I got my shotgun drum gun okay this one has a laser grip it has a drum mag I'm chilling this is more of like I don't know let's consider this my AR so I got an AR and I got a hipfire machine looks like they're trying to take down the Wolves I really don't feel like doing all the work so I'm just going to let him do it come in later when he's about to take out the boss that's one I'll swoop in there we go come on do some work somebody has the exact same idea ow good try bro holy smokes good try oh shoot oh the drummy go dummy holy smokes you had that Mythic though you had that Mythic on you bro you had that thing on you bro ain't nothing compared to that drummy I tell you that drummy go dummy don't be flying at me like a bird oh Golden Bird a a girl I'm going to grab this chicken this golden Mythic chicken ride him to battle oh he's making some some interesting noises okay you're getting in the car with me come on all right oh wanted to put me as a passenger what the heck all right you're free bro Go Do Your Own Thing boost baby oh my gosh through the pit we're moving we are moving I feel like we're in pretty good shape right now I'm seeing a lot of builds though it's making me a little nervous but but we're going to work it out there's somebody at the gas station I think I'm pretty sure I just saw someone I might be wrong though you need better headphones all right I'm actually looking out for you I think you should get better headphones okay somebody has oh shoot oh shoot my kidney really you should come fight me I'm not in the bush I'm not in the bush I'm not in the bush stop thinking that jump at me do yeah do something crazy yeah do something crazy fly me what how does my bullet not leak through are you kidding me okay that's that's part one that's part one you see I may have lost the first match of drum gun only but that just means that I'm coming back stronger and better than ever before this guy wants to land near me he's going to feel the Wrath of midas's drum gun baby yeah except nothing but the best I love that I get a little motivation just a little motivation as I go I need to break down I need to get some more chest dude give me this I need I need some Shield though I I need some Shield thank you thank you very much there we go there we go I'm Feeling Good Feeling Good misunderstood I'm feeling good all right now we just need to get our medallions and we're going to be chilling what the heck where's the uh it's not through here is it this is this is I broke a hole in the ship the ship is now going to sink it is all over okay I see like 18 chests it's going crazy over there oh you see this guy come on bro what you got on me what you got on me bro I'm flying to the Moon I'm flying to the moon this guy's hiding why is he doing that what the freak trying to bait me out oh I think he's stream sniping bro he dropped me a crown he tried to be friendly I don't like that I'm trying to do this challenge bro trying to make it a challenge trying to make it challenging oh shoot never mind well for every good stream sniper there's a bad stream sniper it's the duality of stream sniping wow duality of D bro you just got bodied and I got some slurp barrels to boat mhm give me that what's in here some more Miniatures easy we've got a um I don't know this this is a building of some sort looking pretty prestigious it's one down what you got bro what you doing over here a you ain't doing much so you ain't doing much okay I've got a lot of loot is this Tommy Gun no is this Tommy Gun no I'm having like slight difficulty finding Tommy Gun is there somebody in here there's a house he's got 22 Crown wins congratulations congratulations I've got a tough Journey very tough journey in my way which would be made a lot easier if I found another drum gun hear some rumbling oh they're probably fighting the boss I just thought about oh they have a drum gun I can hear it are they shooting Hades oh no they're on like stage it's okay look so when we go creepy crawly oh okay that guy was kind of struggling with the uh the NPCs oh he did not have a drone gun either I'm tripping this thing sounds like it's constantly Running on Empty I'm going to be honest well don't mind me I'm just going to swoop in actually I think there's somebody up there what you doing oh shoot he's a bird what are you doing you did all the wrong things I actually love when people become a bird oh that gu it's going berserk over there oh shoot I'm blinking around doing my own thing can't see anything there's a there's a brick in my way okay seems fair what are you going to do use your Hades thing through the window okay you can just shoot me that hurts too easy it was never hard it was always easy give me that now I can go ahead and get uh some siphon back when I eliminate people still would love to find another drummy I'll make do what does he use he uses AR ammo which is kind of rough to come by sometimes I just found some o I got a hops yeah I got a hops something down here no something down here layers on layers like a freaking onion okay I didn't mean to do all that yeah I got a lot of heals at the very least we're in heal City like I'm talking bare minimum feeling good though I'm feeling good did somebody get uh nobody got Grim gate either okay I'm going to need the mobility from the the blink to do some real work I think I kind of rhymed I'm going to need the mobility from the blink to do some work I think ah this is pre-opened huh nobody fought this dude dud I think a guy's right here what the heck are you doing he have like elastic band around his controller just rubbing against the wall what was he doing I I ain't judging okay you do what you got to do he's trying to farm XP or something maybe it's a new tactic can I break this too or cuz I already f one oh no we're chilling who let the dogs out I did oh they drop ammo that's nice oh they all drop ammo makes sense cuz they don't want people like oh I had no ammo I died the wolves are too hard this guy's going literally beast mode on me oh no oh no okay I mean that's just I think he's exploiting there you go that'll do pig that'll do let pop the big okay eight alms we're looking nice we're looking spicy we got the blinks I can blink all I want and fun fact for if you drop it and pick it up you get an extra free blink instead of waiting for the cool down just one though I think wait can you keep doing it you can only do for the first one okay that makes sense yeah I don't have that much AR ammo I take it back I need to find some AR ammo pretty bad maybe one of these guys will have it I mean oh okay okay we're getting a little wild with it oh you think oh oh you think I'm think I'm one of those is it how we're doing it what is up with these people Peak shotting me oh there's another dude he's blinking now to be honest with you I'm going to need to do a little bit of uh finesse here cuz uh I don't think I can take them both out with how much ammo I have it's got to be a trade here bro you are not leaving with that Lambo let me tell you it was stuck it was stuck when I left it you get back here I don't have a lot of ammo what is that hit like I just got full scammed that hurt have you realized yet sir that I am not using uh proper weapon you realize that oh down they go oh my gosh I'm actually nuts I just turned on him he really didn't think I would stand up for myself you got to always stand up for yourself okay even if you're using drum gun only stand up for yourself when the going gets rough I get going you understand I'm moving now we still got the people with Medallion so the battle is not won yet it's only just begun I need find some Mobility though me another flow Berry Fizz that' be nice oh he's got he's got Zeus got multiple hostiles on me stop shooting me in the back bro why you so weird who shoot somebody in the back everybody but you know what I'm trying to say uh you you this is a bad unfortunate tile to be H oh you're not flying away from me I feel like you're going to try oh my gosh oh my gosh I'm him give me both of those I am literally him he thought I wasn't that guy I'm that guy he literally thought I was not that guy but I am that guy I'm fast as freak Goku yeah come on bro give me that give me that flow Berry Fizz thank you oh I am stacked now I am utterly stacked they call me himothy Jr Jacobs me let me throw a Little Fizz on myself got to get moving that's one that's two don't forget I got that siphon rolling I got that siphon going crazy dude oh what is this huh Midas vending machine oh why is it all gold and Mythic looking and then has a ranger pistol purple and a blue drum gun that's I'm just sticking with this one the one drum Gun Challenge I like the look of it well sorry I like the sound of it I also like the look of it if you really think about it could potentially make sense potentially speaking okay we are chilling we got this two people left oh my gosh there's golden eggs I'm going to suck them into my inventory oh give me that oh my gosh 633 gold from those I'm stacking cash you don't want this you want that full piece no you don't full piec this guy doesn't even know what's going on oh let's go baby drum gun only as mest you love to see it the brand new drum gun is is off the hook holy smokes
Channel: Typical Gamer
Views: 594,873
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HVzMFh2Szbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 32sec (1172 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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