The ONLY Thing to MASTER as an Android Developer (And Why 99% FAIL!)

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programming the art of making our ideas come into reality building things crafted just from Pure brain power building things that will change our world forever and isn't that why you started coding for me it is however 2023 was the year of AI layoffs and budget cuts developers lost themselves in worrying about robots taking over the workplace about them being the next one thrown out of the company or just about getting cut down in salary and not being able to cover their Rising expenses anymore there's a rising fear among programmers that things will turn out worse in 2024 but that is only if we let them you can't control what happens in the world but you can control how you react to What happens in the world it's only you who is responsible for turning this around to your advantage every second you waste worrying about what could be is a second you could invest in moving further in the direction you want to go let's find our passion for coding again let's remember why we really started going this path the tech industry is growing by 6% each year you are here just at the right time all you need to realize is that it's you who is at the steering wheel of your career so turn it into the right direction don't lose yourself in the rat race of staying up to date as a developer but then completely oversee that it all starts with the essentials it starts with what really matters for any kind of app the industry needs and while you have to learn and work for this you absolutely don't have to overwork yourself you just have to learn the right things right you also don't waste time thinking about the right roof towels before even knowing how to build the foundation of a house so also don't waste time thinking about which framework or library is the best before being able to build solid functioning software focus on the essentials nothing more if you become Master at that top companies will welcome you with open arms
Channel: Philipp Lackner
Views: 20,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5VdDZ5No7SI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 46sec (106 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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