The ONLY Problem With Summit 11

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[Applause] want to see a five god senior tour no one of us will be dead there's no way we all live to sixty what's up blaming oh somehow mute king will live the longest and then die at a freak airplane accident at the age of 129. hbox might actually give himself a heart attack one day you know i feel bad for is hbox is kids imagine hbox your daddy shows up like your softball game and you hit a [ __ ] home run you're just like oh not again dad [ __ ] losing it in the crowd it's like that not again that would have been a good skit they should make it like they should could be a funny hbox who in the house could have played a funny hbox like son moki oh monkey be kind of funny yeah i'm kind of mad that i feel like they didn't do enough skits anyone else feel that way or do they usually do that much and we're just greedy really felt like there wasn't that many i'm sure they had reasons and i'm not mad at them but it felt like there wasn't enough skits the skits were good though i thought they were all good they were good no no they were good i thought they would do more like olympic themes i don't they didn't do like any that kind of thing i guess i got sued or whatever the yingling one's probably like a top fiver what are you doing that one's really good a little bit good at mario kart he's actually not that bad at double dash as bad as you think he'd be w was really good too [Music] but that had slime and lud that's like cheating because like [ __ ] love's a professional actor so that doesn't count to me the skits are good because you have smashers acting in them you know what i mean like that's what makes them like gives them their charm [Music] oh you love the magi magic oh [ __ ] gang was good you know what no the skits are really good i just wish there was like one or two more and i'm gonna say it because we're all thinking it and we wish mango just got a little more air time i said it i said it we were all thinking it where is the mango in these skits i'm just gonna say who we're all thinking they never used me that much i don't know why i mean i guess it makes sense they want to like showcase like other players and i think that's fine but they never use me use the people give the people what they want they gotta do if i go for my birthday they gotta do a mango birthday skit it's like me i don't know somehow it's like it's me through the years or something they gotta give me like a super sick birthday skit you know what i mean they didn't use zayn either i mean i guess from their point of view like sure they want to like use other people and like give them a shot but you also got to give the people what they want yeah pup didn't have anything where's club did you not stream since summit club i think plup missed us he was so even when he lost he wasn't like mad or anything [ __ ] good he wasn't mad he was just like happy i think okay i was there at summit obviously yours truly the champ but like nobody was that sad when they lost it was just like me and cody nobody else was sad and i think it's because like there wasn't a sad vibe in the air and i think it was just because it felt like i think people were just happy to be there zane was only sad for like 15 minutes he was fine he talked to me pretty fast after [Music] zayn is like i don't know like how he does it but he like takes losses so [ __ ] well even like he's lost so many heartbreakers and that guy's just like i don't know like doesn't it's crazy [Music] no zane's a god man zane's a god at taking losses i'm pretty good about it but even i like to be emo for like an hour or two depending on the loss i like my little emo time although i guess i mean granted i guess if you lose like a game 10 last stock situation it's just like yeah you were so close but it's also like [ __ ] i just i lost one stock it's just like i don't know i know it's easy for me to say because i won the tournament but i really think had i lost let's pretend let's go back to game 10. let's go back to game 10 let's say zayn takes my last talk let's just flip it i think i'm not too upset i'm just like [ __ ] man i i i know it's like hindsight but i would have just been like [ __ ] man i mean i've lost close ones before and i'm not too mad i don't think i would have been that mad i would have been like [ __ ] like oh it's so close but i've been like all right i would have gave myself an nt i've been like ah it was a [ __ ] heroic try i know it's hindsight but i think i would have taken it fine yeah see like genesis 3 like look at me on the stage after i wasn't mad it was just like sometimes you just try and you just come up a little short it's not too bad like okay i'm way more mad i'm way more mad if i get three owed than if i lose a game 10 30 i'm like what a [ __ ] waste of my life but you lose a close game 10 like after the craziest losers run you're just like ah what can you do you're just like uh am i going anything other than summit uh honestly i'm probably going to low tide hopefully i might just go to low tide and summit not because i won and i want to be a [ __ ] and like i don't give a [ __ ] about my rank um you guys know that about me i go to [ __ ] tournaments i've never just skipped the tournament unless i had a really good reason but it's just like i don't know i want a little break i feel like since quarantine i haven't had like a break i have streamed so much in the last like you know i don't know and i like you know december and that stuff that's like my off season that's when i watch football and you know drunk december the whole it works i mean i'm not gonna not go to janice mainstage is during um eagles broncos in denver and i really wanted to go and i already had kind of made plans but we'll see we'll see nothing a sub goal can't help and nothing of some goal can't fix if armada entered mainstage would you go okay that's strike two and that was the sub also no i'd be terrified i'm gonna sit that one out i'm gonna let zayn handle that i want no piece of that people are always like what if adam charged you to first attend tomorrow i'll be like i'm not playing it oh [ __ ] no that's too much on the line okay that's strike two and a half we'll see though i'm definitely not going to rip tight i've said a million times but i'll probably go to low tide main stage is 5050 if i don't have to qualify for it i there's no way i enter if i do have to qualify then i probably don't go because i'm mad that i don't i have to qualify and then i just skip summit the question is if someone wants to play a hardball they lose more than i do i'm in the driver's seat here i just won my summit i i can never go to a summit again i'm good i busted my summon nut i'm happy viewership will drop hard i think people would still watch it it would just there'd be something in the air that's lacking sleepy jimmy thanks jimmy there'd be a sadness in the air only because i'm one of three players who's been to every summit me axe club just imagine someone without x or pup they just they're just part of it you know but none of that i don't invite me and don't auto invite zane i feel like that's dumb too what i should do is more commentary at summit but i usually like the newer guys like lsd because i feel like that's kind of how you get your name out there and it's like everyone [ __ ] knows me i don't have to i don't have to do [ __ ] so i usually my philosophy is like i kind of want the other guys to like get on the mic and hopefully you know talk and [ __ ] i'm calling him lsd for at least uh 10 weeks before i get used to it that's on him can't [ __ ] change your name all willy nilly if you do you should have called himself like l at least johnny went to s2j peepee went to ppmd he can't just hit me with a drastic ass change like that what the [ __ ] and expect me to just adjust when i met you as so and so [Music] it's gonna take a while to get used to [Music] you
Channel: Mang0 - Cloud 9
Views: 31,701
Rating: 4.9817352 out of 5
Keywords: mango, mang0, c9 mango c9 Mang0, Melee, SmashBros, Smash, Nintendo, Esports, Cloud 9, C9, SSBM, Ludwig, Valorant, Falco, Fox, Ultimate, Tourney, Zain
Id: 4iiaaU0U2xY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 47sec (587 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 02 2021
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