The Olivet Discourse #221- 1 Thessalonians 4 and the Trumpet

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hey good morning everyone happy Monday morning to you and welcome back to morning musings my name is dawn Kate Preston I am the president of preterist Research Institute of Ardmore Oklahoma and I hope that you had a safe weekend I hope that you are observing all of the social distancing protocols I hope that you are taking caution to make sure that you sanitize everything as we are in the midst of this awful awful pandemic called the corona virus or covin 19 you know the the death rate continues to grow we knew that it would we had been warned that it would by the medical authorities the medical authorities the very top people in the world have told us that since America had taken precautionary steps at a very very early time in regard to travel restrictions that the spread of the virus here in America and would be slowed compared to other countries many of whom especially in Europe have no travel bans no travel restrictions they have open borders and we are seeing right now for instance in Germany they're beginning to see the infection rate climb toward the rates that they are in Italy which is experiencing just a horrific death rate over there now there are some really negative things that we can see as of the last few days New York City is experiencing a horrific death rate I heard one report that said one death every hour I'm not sure that's accurate but it's one one report that I read and there are even somewhat conflicting reports this morning according to whoops well I lost it hit the wrong button there just the other day I looked and it said there were three hundred and fifteen thousand four hundred and forty-two confirm cases before I identify read that number correctly confirm cases and so either way we know it's bad but once again if we use wisdom if we follow the protocols if we keep ourselves isolated as it were then there's no reason in the world that we cannot get through this we have a fantastic medical infrastructure in America we have as I've stated before some of the best research researchers the best facilities the best technology the most comprehensive knowledge of any country in the world and there's a great deal of comfort to be found in that President Trump told us yesterday that beginning tomorrow New York City will begin administering this dis malaria drug that has shown from Mendes promise and potential now as he said will at work we do not know yet but it has shown promise and so what we can do we can all humble ourselves before the Lord go to him in constant prayer and do what is expected of us do what is asked of us to number one not get infected or number two not to spread infection and so I hope that you will take these things to heart I hope that you will do what is right what is necessary do not lose do not lose your humanity do not lose your sense of decorum do not lose your sense of respect for other people and their rights and their needs okay don't go to Walmart and fight over toilet tissue it's amazing what some people are doing alright we to return to our topic of study and that is the Olivet discourse we have been examining Matthew chapter 24 verse 31 in which jesus said the Son of Man will send forth his angels with a shout with the sound of the grey trumpet and they shall gather together the elect from one end of heaven to another we've examined the motif of the sounding of the trumpet and I've shared with you that it's taken directly from the book of Isaiah Isaiah 27 which is a resurrection text and thus when Jesus said that Isaiah 27 13 would be fulfilled that's the time of the resurrection and I've shared with you how Paul in 1st Corinthians 15 verse 52 reiterates that prophecy reiterates that echo of Isaiah 27 13 and he does so in the context of the fulfillment of Israel's Festo calendar listen let me say this again as my good friend Doug Wilkinson said in an email exchange to me after I had gone over several things in regard to the Jewish feast days he responded and said the more I studied the feast days no more I am convinced that the Jewish feast days are the rosetta stone of eschatology and I told him hey I'm gonna steal that because I believe that is absolutely dead on spot on what what that means is when Poland first Corinthians chapter 15 said posited the resurrection as the fulfillment of quote the law when he posited it as the fulfillment of the harvest in the context of the Jewish feast days he uses festival language here folks any Jew reading Paul's language in 1st Corinthians 15 would know he's talking about the fulfillment of Sukkot what that means is as I shared with you in a previous video then until Israel's festival calendar that is until the law of Moses is fulfilled there is no resurrection resurrection would be when all of God's own covenant promises made to Old Covenant Israel would be fulfilled and thus if you say the resurrection has not occurred if you say they the great trumpet has not sounded then you are saying the law of Moses Israel's festal calendar is still in effect now let's apply that to first Thessalonians chapter 4 in 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 verse 13 and following Paul said brethren this I say to you by the word of the Lord that we who are alive and remain shall not precede those who are asleep and he made the prediction verse 16 the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the Archangel and with the sound of the trumpet and the dead in Christ shall rise first well guess what that's the same resurrection as in first Corinthians 15 but the resurrection of 1st Corinthians 15 is in fulfillment of Israel's Vestal calendar and not only that we need to notice something very quickly here in 1st Thessalonians chapter 1 9 and 10 Paul spoke to the Thessalonians and he says you yourselves declare concerning us what manner of entry we head unto you how you turn from idle to serve the true and the Living God and to wait for his son from heaven whom he raised from the dead even Jesus who delivers us from the wrath that is coming now ask yourself the question where did Paul get the idea of the coming wrath well he said in Romans chapter 5 verse 9 having been justified by faith we shall also be delivered from the wrath that is coming well where did he get that concept of the coming wrath he got it from John the Baptizer who was none other than Elijah Elijah John the Baptizer according to Jesus himself said Matthew chapter 3 verse 7 speaking of the Pharisees and the Sadducees and the scribes who came out to be him to be baptized said who has warned you to flee from the wrath that is about to come now look you can go to the word biblical commentary you can go to Davies and Ellison a wd Davies Dale Ellison jr. and their great commentary you can go you can go to many many critical commentators and they tell you that the force of John's language there that John was saying who warned you from the wrath that is about to come that John was preaching imminent judgment so here is John as Elijah preaching the coming of imminent wrath ok from John the Baptizer until Paul's writing and Romans until Paul's writing in Thessalonians and Thessalonians was written first we just don't have an arranged that way in our Bibles so from the preaching of John warning about imminent wrath that was coming unto Thessalonians under Romans that wrath had not yet fallen and look I know people that are going to scoff at that well that's not about that's not imminent well it was evidently to John it was evidently to the Holy Spirit who inspired him to say that and let's not forget the wrath that John preached was so imminent that he said of Jesus the ax is already at the root does that indicate three or four or five thousand years passage does it indicate hundreds of years his winnowing Fork that's Christ his winnowing fork is already in his hand does that indicate a 2000 year delay before the time of the harvest no it is specious in the extreme to deny the imminence of the wrath that is to come but again from John's message of Matthew chapter 3 and verse 7 until Thessalonians until Romans that wrath had not yet come but Paul knew is about to come he knew is going to be in his generation and so completely in compliance with 1st Corinthians chapter 15 that is that the resurrection would be in fulfillment of God's old covenant promises made to Old Covenant Israel found in her feast days and the resurrection to be the fulfillment of God's old covenant promises in the law Paul promises that this sounding of the great trumpet would be at the time of the wrath that was about to come well guess what it was only approximately 20 or 21 years from the writing of Dessel onehans until the arrival of that wrath and the fulfillment of Matthew 24:31 in which Jesus predicted the coming of wrath judgment the Sun being darkened the moon turning to blood the stars of heaven falling from the sky being shaken which he said would be in his generation that must define the wrath that is coming out of time for today hey don't do not forget our March 3 book special how is this possible the elements shall melt with fervent heat like father like son own clouds of glory in the book like father like son I have a study more in depth of the sounding of the trumpet if you both these books separately they would cost you $60 for the month of Marche rest of this month 2020 this is for us orders only I can't make this offer for overseas or out of country offers or orders but total delivered price $40 go to my website Donghae Preston comm Bible prophecy calm there's a tab right up at the top you can order the books $40 total price and if you're out of country and you need to reduce price hey you can use PDFs contact me and I'll help you on that alright thanks for joining me for this morning's morning musings we've got more pardon me we've got more of course so I'll see you on the flip side
Channel: MrDonPreston
Views: 893
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Matthew 24, Sound of a Trump, last Trumpet, Olivet Discourse, Isaiah 27:13, Every eye shall see him, Last Days, last Day, last hour, End of the age, Great Apostasy, Zechariah, Age without end, Birth Pains of Messiah, Revelation, Resurrection, End of time, Time of the end, Second Coming, Day of the Lord, Daniel 12, Don K. Preston, Preston’s Morning Musings
Id: efeYg-4qvsQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2020
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