The Oldest Light In The Universe Reveals The Secrets Of Its Birth

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One of the things that fascinates me the most  about astronomy, is the scale of the Universe.   Everything we can see in the night sky, with the  help of some of the most powerful telescopes ever   built, is literally billions of years old and  outside of our own galaxy, it's so millions and   billions of light years away. The term light  here in and of itself is pretty mindblowing;   space is so huge that even light, the fastest  thing we know of, needs an incredibly long time   to cross the enormous distances between sources  of light, be that stars or galaxies. In our own   stellar neighborhood, the light emitted by the  Sun takes 4 years to reach the nearest star,   Proxima Centauri. Collective light from all  the stars that make up our Milky Way takes   2 and a half million years to reach Andromeda,  the closest galaxy to ours within the so-called   Local Group of galaxies. If right now there was  an intelligent species looking at our galaxy and   they somehow had equipment powerful enough to  find our tiny planet orbiting our small Sun,   embedded in one spiral arm of the Milky Way among  millions of other stars, they would look at a   green and vibrant planet full of living being,s  but humanity's distant ancestors have just barely   begun to straighten their backs and look out  over the tall grass of the African continent.  We can't possibly imagine these kinds of  distances. We can work with months and years   and decades but anything over a hundred years  old already starts to feel vague and far away   from us. Our brains simply didn't evolve to  truly understand anything that is longer than   a human lifetime and even a human lifetime is  barely a blip, and even the entire history of   our species which goes back some 300,000 years,  merely the blink of an eye compared to cosmic   time scales. Everything you see is in the past  because the speed of light is finite. Even the   photons bouncing of the mirror take a moment,  albeit extremely short, to cross the distance   between the glass and your eyes. Looking up at  the night sky with the naked eye, most photons   coming from the stars have been traveling for at  least a few thousand years. If you're lucky and   you're in a truly dark area, and you can spot  the very faint little blob that is the visible   light of Andromeda for the unaided eye, those  photons have crossed a cold and empty part of   space for 2 and half 2 million years. That's for  sure something to consider when stargazing, that   this light left Andromeda when not a single human  had ever existed and the oldest human species   were most likely not capable of pondering those  tiny lights dotting the curtain of the night.  Thanks to powerful machines such as the Hubble  Space Telescope and the James Webb Space Telescope   we can capture light from objects that formed  just a few million years after the Big Bang,   the origin of the Universe, 13.8 billion years  ago. The Hubble Deep Field images are famous for   causing a bit of a revolution in astronomy, since  they were the first to reveal the distant past   of the Universe and teach scientists many things  about that time. The telescope itself is already   an incredible feat of science and engineering a  few centuries in the making. Galileo Galilei, who   was the first to build telescopes for astronomical  observations, could never have imagined people   in the 20th century building a telescope the  size of a bus and then putting that thing in   an orbit around the Earth by means of enormous  and powerful rockets. Let's also keep in mind   that modern digital imaging and computing makes  an image like the Hubble Deep Field possible. The   telescope fixed its gaze on a small, seemingly  empty patch in the sky for 10 days in 1995,   with a total exposure time of over a 100 hours,  allowing in plenty of light from when Universe   was still young. The result is nothing short of  astonishing. Almost all the galaxies you can see   in this image are at least 12 billion years old  and so the photons captured by Hubble have been   traveling through space for that long. There's no  telling what these galaxies are like right now,   we can only see them as they were when their  light left on its journey into the depths of   time and space. We can't really wait another  billion years and recapture a Deep Field to see   how these galaxies have evolved over time. All  we can really do is take these snapshots of the   Universe's past and compare that to what we see  in the Universe today and that's how scientists   can try and piece together how the Universe  grew and evolved. Hubble is still a great   telescope for observations in the visible and  ultraviolet range of the electromagnetic spectrum,   all the wavelengths of light and how much energy  they have, but the much more advanced James web   Space Telescope was specifically built to capture  light in the infrared range, low energy light that   has been coursing through the Universe since  the time the very first galaxies formed. Light   in all its wavelengths, from extremely high energy  gamma rays down to low energy deep infrared waves,   is how we can study the Universe and how we can  know how stars and galaxies form and evolve. The   kind of Holy Grail of the ancient past of the  Cosmos is finding the oldest starlight that   still travels space. Ancient photons forged in the  hearts of collapsing clouds of hydrogen and helium   atoms, that were formed in the primordial rage of  the infant Universe, shortly after the Big Bang.   At this time, James Webb has not yet confirmed any  light coming from the first stars and scientists   suspect not a single one still exists in the  nearby Universe. By studying our Sun and other   nearby stars, we have a pretty good idea of  how they form and evolve in the current age   of the Universe. Gravity pulls clouds of mainly  hydrogen and helium together until the pressure   and temperature at the center become so intensely  high that nuclear fusion of hydrogen into helium   begins and so the star begins to shine. Most stars  in the current Universe are on the smaller side,   so-call yellow dwarfs like our Sun, but the  majority of all stars are the even smaller   and rather dim red dwarfs. Even the biggest red  dwarfs have a luminosity of only about 10% that   of the Sun and so not a single one is visible  from Earth with the naked eye. They're too far   away and don't shine bright at all. Most stars  visible in the night sky are the much bigger and   brighter stars, blue and red giants many times  heavier than the Sun, but all things considered,   massive bright stars are quite uncommon even  though they do stand out the most. The mass of   a star matters for its longevity: low mass stars  can last for trillions of years, while the most   massive stars burn through their fuel in only a  few million years. The higher pressure in their   cords caused by their huge mass makes that they  burn their fuel at a higher rate. Live fast,   die young, is their motto. In the universe as we  know it today, clouds of gas that birth stars are   still mostly made up of hydrogen and helium  but they are laced with all sorts of heavier   elements like oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, silicon,  iron, copper, gold, in short heavy elements that   are the building blocks of all stars, planets,  and life as we know it. Hydrogen and helium,   and tiny amounts of lithium formed right after the  Big Bang because these atoms are the simplest. A   hydrogen atom is just one electron circling  one proton, so it's obvious to see why this   element is the most abundant in the Universe.  And a helium atom consists of two electrons   circling a core of two protons and two neutrons,  and sometimes two protons and one neutron. Every   other element that we can find stars today, in  the gas and dust in deep space, in every planet,   comet, and asteroid, and every living being on  Earth was forged by nuclear fusion under the   immense temperature and pressure in cores of stars  that no longer exist. At the end of their lives,   they blew their outer layers away spreading, these  precious elements all around. The heaviest stars   exploded in a supernova, leaving behind remnants  that literally warp spacetime itself: black holes   and neutron stars. Collisions of neutron stars are  so violent they're the reason elements like gold   and platinum exist. Temperature and pressure in  stars never gets to the point gold can be formed.   This can only happen on the rare occasion  two neutron stars collide, usually because   they're already orbiting each other since they  formed as baby stars. In the entire Milky Way,   out of all the 100 billion stars, scientists  estimate there's only about 10 neutron star   binaries destined for a collision at some point.  If you happen to have any gold jewelry, know that   this shiny metal only exists because extremely  dense and heavy stellar corpses smashed into each   other sometimes during the past 12 billion years.  Now this is in the current Universe, in our own   galaxy which is easiest to study in detail. Most  stars that exist in Milky Way are younger stars,   so-called Population I stars like our Sun, which  contains between 2 and 3% heavier elements or   metals, keeping in mind that in astronomy  any element heavier than hydrogen andhelium   is considered a metal. So stars with a higher  metallicity are younger because they contain quite   a lot more metals than the older Population II  stars which generally have a metallicity of only   0.1%. These stars formed at a time when metals  were still rare because not enough stars had   exploded yet to spread these heavy elements across  space. Population II stars are extremely old   and were born back when the Milky Way was still  forming, 13 billion years ago, and some of them   or even older than that. One of the oldest stars  known and a likely candidate to be the oldest star   we've ever found is HD 140283, also known as the  Methuselah Star. It's only about 200 light years   away from Earth and that makes it a good subject  to study Population II stars. Older estimates of   its age put it at almost 16 billion years old  but that would make it older than Universe and   that's not possible. More recent studies put  its age at about 14.46 billion years with an   error margin of about 800 million years, so that  could make it as "young" as 13.6 billion years.   It must have formed fairly shortly after the  Big Bang but since it does contain some metals,   it's not one of the first stars, but it may be one  of the first of the second generation that still   roams the Milky Way. Stars don't exactly come  with a birth certificate so one thing scientists   can do to determine the age of a star is study the  spectrum of the light that's coming from the star,   or any source of light in in the Universe. Dark  lines in a spectrum of a star are all associated   with a certain element. These are called  Fraunhofer lines and they're caused by certain   elements absorbing some of the stars' radiation  at these specific wavelengths. Certain elements   absorbing certain wavelengths of light can be  reproduced in a lab and so that's how scientists   know, and that's also how the element helium was  discovered in 1868, when scientists found a line   in the spectrum of the Sun that they couldn't  associate with any known element at that time.  Astronomers also study the intensity and  brightness of light coming from a star and   they use the combined light captured by several  telescopes set up in an array to get more detailed   imaging of a star or any object in space that  emits electromagnetic radiation. Now even then   you still end up with an error margin, but still,  close enough. As it is, Population III stars, the   very first stars to ever exist in the Universe,  remain shrouded in mystery. One of the Webb   telescope's main objectives is finding evidence  of these stars and the telescope's sharp gaze   can peer so far back into the Universe's past, it  may have already found them. In 2015, the Hubble   Space Telescope detected the at that time youngest  and most distant galaxy ever found. Webb has now   found galaxies even further away but it has also  been used to study this one dubbed GN- z11 in more   detail. Astronomers measure large distances by  determining the red shift of an object. Red shift   is a phenomenon caused by the expansion of the  Universe. Every distant object we can see appears   to be moving away from us because it's light is  stretched out to longer, redder wavelengths as   it travels through expanding space to reach our  telescopes. GN- z11 is a surprisingly bright,   infant galaxy and its light reaches us from 13.4  billion years in the past, when Universe was only   430 million years old. Because the Universe  expands, this galaxy is at a proper distance   of about 32 billion light years. Studies using  Webb data have shown that this galaxy's unexpected   brightness may be caused by the luminous accretion  disc of a supermassive black hole at its center,   making it the farthest active supermassive black  hole spotted to date. Another discovery was a   gaseous clump of helium in the halo surrounding  GN- z11, and this clump appears to be pristine   without any heavier elements polluting it.  And so this cloud may be where clean gas has   collapsed and formed population III stars. The  helium in the clump glows because something is   producing huge amounts of ultraviolet light.  The amount of high energy radiation required   to ionize all that gas is about 600,000 solar  masses worth of stars shining with a combined   luminosity of 20 trillion times that of the Sun.  The source of all this light may be coming from   some of the first stars that have ever existed and  so this clump of helium may be leftover material   of those stars' formation. Still, actually finding  some of the first stars is much like looking for a   needle in a cosmic haystack. The Webb telescope  has proved to be vital to find ancient objects   and these observations teach us that galaxies  started to form earlier than scientists had   expected and they seem to contain fewer metals  than anticipated. Just to be clear this doesn't   mean that everything scientists have been saying  about the origin of the Universe is wrong. It's   just like with sensitive instruments like the  Webb telescope, they can gather better data and   make better estimates of what the early Universe  was like. No other telescope that came before Webb   has been powerful enough to capture the ancient  photons coming from the first galaxies to have   ever existed, so it's actually not surprising that  there are a few surprises. In fact this is awesome   for scientists. When unexpected discoveries  are made that means that they can get to do   more science. That being said, the scientific  theory on the origin of the Universe and stars   and galaxies is pretty solid so it would take  something completely new and different in order   for scientists to have to completely rework  the theory. For now, more data still needs to   be gathered and more observations made because  there are still a lot of uncertainties when it   comes to those early days of existence. Cosmology  is the study of the observable Universe's origin,   the origins of stars, galaxies, and other  large structures, what the ultimate fate   of the Universe is, and how it all works, and  while there are still unanswered questions,   all the data and evidence collected and studied  so far do point at the Big Bang theory being the   most likely explanation for observed phenomena  including the abundance of light elements such as   hydrogen and helium in the Universe, the size of  the Universe, and the cosmic microwave background   radiation. Now by doing a lot of complicated math,  doing experiments, and running computer models,   scientists know that hydrogen and helium were the  only elements formed right after the Big Bang,   with such tiny amounts of lithium that you can  pretty much ignore these atoms anyway. And so   they can make an educated guess on what the first  stars would have been like, and they were quite   different from stars that we can study nearby  in time and space. Aside from traces of lithium,   they contained no metals at all, and while  astronomers are quite certain what these stars   were made of, they're not so certain of their  size. They may have been extremely massive,   bigger than any star we know of today. Some of  the most massive stars in the nearby Universe   are found in the Tarantula Nebula in the Large  Magellanic Cloud, and they contain up to 220   times the mass of our Sun. The first stars may  have contained 300 up to a 1000 times the mass of   the Sun. One reason scientists believe Population  III stars were so huge is because massive stars   live shorter lives and since we haven't found any  metal-free smaller stars so far, it's reasonable   to say the first stars were likely absolutely  gigantic. More evidence pointing in this direction   comes from simulations of large clouds of hydrogen  and helium, plus the gravitational influence of   dark matter and how these clouds could cool and  collapse to form stars just a 100 million years   after the Big Bang. They were probably extremely  hot and bright as well. A star a 100 times the   mass of the Sun for example would have a surface  temperature of around 100,000 Kelvin and shine   with the energy of 1 million Suns, mostly in the  ultraviolet range of the electromagnetic spectrum.   If the first stars truly were these extremely hot  and luminous behemoths, not a single one would   have existed for very long. Even a star only 60  times the mass of the Sun doesn't last much longer   than about a million years. We can imagine beacons  of searing light setting surrounding clouds of gas   ablaze for only a few hundred thousand years, to  then burn out, explode, or collapse. Maybe that's   exactly what we're looking at in the halo of GN-  z11. Huge metal free stars may see a different end   than stars containing metals. We can observe and  study nearby supernova remnants, neutron stars,   and black holes, but the unique properties of  extremely massive Population III stars make that   they may have exploded in a strange and rare type  of supernova called a pair-instability supernova.   Inside a stellar core, the outward pressure of  nuclear fusion pushes against the inward pull of   gravity, making it all even out and stable. The  nuclear fusion inside the cores of super massive   stars produces a lot of extremely energetic  gamma rays under the enormous pressure of their   mass. These gamma rays interacting with atomic  nuclei can form pairs of opposite particles,   in this case specifically electron and positron  pairs with opposite charges. This process reduces   the amount of gamma radiation because the energy  goes into forming these particle pairs and so this   causes a partial collapse, since less energy  in the core makes that the crush of gravity   can win momentarily, and increase pressure on the  core. When an electron and a positron meet, they   annihilate each other, and this produces energy in  the form of gamma rays again, so the pressure in   the core rises even more and energy production  increases even more and this causes a runaway   process that results in a supernova that leaves no  stellar remnant behind. No neutron star, no black   hole, just the stars' material that gets blown out  into space. And this can only happen in extremely   massive stars with virtually no metallicity like  Population III stars. The very biggest metal free   stars could even have collapsed directly into  a black hole without exploding at all, with all   of their mass contained in the black hole, and so  these stars would not have contributed any matter   to form any new stars. These black holes may  have been the seeds of these supermassive ones   we find at the centers of galaxies today. This is  what physics and computer models can tell us and   if we're very lucky, we might catch a glimpse  of some of the first stars have ever existed,   but even with a very sensitive instrument like  the Webb telescope it would be very difficult   to see individual stars that far back in time  and space. The ancient galaxies Webb has found   so far likely contain first generation stars  but even these baby galaxies contain hundreds   of thousands to millions of stars, each had  different points in their life cycle. Today,   Population I and II stars exist at the same time  and in the distant past some of the first stars   existed alongside the next generation of stars,  formed from metallic dust scattered throughout   young galaxies by the first supernova explosions. Now maybe you've wondered why stars and galaxies   exist in first place, why matter in the Universe  has clumped together and formed things like stars   and atoms, for that matter. According  to our current understanding of physics,   just after the Big Bang the young Universe went  from a quadrillion degrees in that first moment,   down to only 10 billion degrees within the first  second, and during this time the established   laws of physics may not have applied. Gravity,  the electromagnetic and strong and weak forces   emerged at this point and would dictate how  everything in the Universe works and interacts   with each other. Physicists suspect the Universe  inflated exponentially for a brief moment between   10 to the minus 36 and 10 to the minus 32 seconds  after the Big Bang, and yes that's over 30 zeros   after the point. The inflation theory explains  the origin of the large scale structure of the   Universe with all its clusters and superclusters  of galaxies. Quantum fluctuations, tiny ripples   in the Universe at this early stage are believed  to be the bases of these structures that would   form much later. These smallest seeds would become  overdensities that would in time make that matter   could clump together and become the foundations  of the first galaxies, and later clusters and   superclusters, and galactic walls. If these  fluctuations didn't happen there would be nothing   in the Universe except an thinning, homogeneous  mist of hydrogen and helium atoms. Thanks to   gravity however, the fluctuations became gathering  points where huge clouds of gas would collect,   contract, and eventually light up. 3 minutes after  the Big Bang, the first hydrogen atoms formed,   and the first helium atoms formed through nuclear  fusion in the intense heat of the infant Universe.   After 20 minutes, the Universe was no longer hot  enough for nuclear fusion so nothing more than   helium and small amounts of lithium were fused out  of hydrogen, but it was still too hot for neutral   atoms, so it contained a dense foggy plasma of  negatively charged electrons, neutral neutrinos,   and positive atomic nuclei. Essentially, a hot  soup of particles bouncing off each other for the   next 377,000 years. When the Universe cooled  down to just a few thousand degrees Kelvin,   something amazing happened: it was finally cold  enough for the existing atoms to capture the free   electrons. Their charge then became neutral, and  so they could fall into their lowest energy state.   By doing that, they released energy in the  form of photons that could now travel freely   through a Universe that was transparent for the  first time. These photons can still be detected   as the cosmic microwave background radiation and  this is the oldest direct observation we have of   anything happening in the entire history  of the Universe. Those released photons   would have filled the Universe with a brilliant  pale orange glow at first but as time passed,   this glow faded out of the visible spectrum of  light and the Universe would have been truly   dark until the first star started to shine. The  ancient light of the cosmic microwave background   reaches us from so far away in both space and  time, the wavelengths having been stretched   out by the expansion of the Universe, and we're  so far removed from this event that we can only   detect these photons using extremely sensitive  instruments. To our eyes, the space between stars   and galaxies seems completely dark but by using  machines that can detect long wavelengths in the   microwave range of the electromagnetic spectrum,  scientists were able to make a map of the cosmic   microwave background. This phenomenon had actually  been predicted as evidence for the Big Bang   theory and was discovered in the 1960's. Now after  decades of study, the oldest light in the Universe   is an important source of data on the primordial  Universe. It allowed scientists to determine the   age of the Universe, and by studying the small  fluctuations in temperature, they learned about   the origin of galaxies and large scale structure  that we can observe in the cosmos, and it provides   insight into the composition of the Universe as a  whole. Ordinary matter, stars, galaxies, planets,   and what all of us are made of, seems to make up  only 5% of all matter that exists. Dark matter,   good for about 27% of everything, does not  interact with ordinary matter except through   gravity, making it incredibly difficult to  study. The remaining 68% of stuff is for now   dubbed dark energy and seems to be responsible  for the accelerated expansion of the Universe,   but as it is, scientists are not sure what dark  matter and dark energy truly are. And these are   some of the biggest questions still remaining in  modern cosmology. The Hubble and Webb telescopes   have shown us glimpses of the early days of the  Universe, when galaxies were still irregular   clumps of infant stars containing almost none  of the heavy elements that makes we can exist   and study ourselves, and this incredible place  we find ourselves in. We can wonder if planets   and even life were at all possible this long ago,  since life as we know it requires a decent amount   of specific elements. Still, could an intelligent  civilization survive long enough that they can say   their distant ancestors witnessed the last of  these mythical first stars, like how we look at   the Methuselah star as a relic of a past we  can just barely make out with our machines.  By some inconceivable coincidence, we happen  to be alive in a day and age our technology   allows us to know so much about Universe and  its origins. Perhaps this Epoch is the perfect   one for life to exist and develop intelligent  beings capable of a deeper understanding of   everything that happens. It may not have been  possible before and the future is uncertain. If   the Universe continues to expand forever, light  will no longer be able to cross the ever growing   distances between galaxies and clusters.  The cosmic microwave background radiation,   that first light to travel freely and carries  the echoes of the beginning of everything that   exists, will fall out of reach. For anyone  looking back in an attempt to find answers,   there would be only darkness as far as any  eye, organic or machine, can see. If maybe   some distant descendants of humanity still exist  in a much colder and darker era, they might tell   stories of our yellow Sun and our glittering  night sky full of nebula and giant stars and   spiraling galaxies, and whoever is listening  could never truly understand, because they   would know only their reddish island galaxy full  of aging red dwarfs, adrift in a sea of nothing.  For now however, we get to enjoy our time and  place in the Universe as it is, on a small blue   World brimming with life, caught in the light of  a star that couldn't have existed without out a   few ever so tiny fluctuations in the fabric of  existence when it was less than a fraction of   a second old. The past teaches us where we  came from, but the future is in our hands,   because the present is where we find the tools,  means, knowledge, and willpower to build it.   Thank you for watching, I hope you learned  something new today and I will see you soon. [Music]
Channel: bluedotdweller
Views: 23,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: big bang, first stars, jwst, james webb telescope, james webb, hubble, hubble telescope, cosmic microwave background, first galaxies
Id: -CWqipzMeI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 35sec (1655 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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