"The Old Medical Records Room" Creepypasta

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I work at a hospital I don't want to specify which one because of privacy reasons but it's a big one and one of the oldest in the country specifically I work in the RMI department show of a release of medical information what we do here is provide medical records of patients to various people on request for HIPAA law if you aren't familiar a patient can provide an authorization to allow someone else to look at their medical records most of the time it's a family member like a spouse sibling or child for the recently deceased is the administrator of their estate we also get a lot of authorizations and requests from doctors offices and other practitioners as their patients come and go being a hospital we're open 24/7 since other hospitals are also open 24/7 that means that we almost always happen to have someone on staff that can respond to these requests in case of an emergency in the middle of the night that's me the overnight records clerk it's a pretty simple and honestly slow job we have an electronic medical record EMR for short it was installed a long time before I was hired probably 20 years ago or longer it's pretty great though it's basically our own internal Google for patient records we don't even really use paper anymore every patient file since we installed it has been digital and searchable by name date of birth social security etc it really makes the job easy it's got backups upon backups an IT has pretty much made it so we'd never lose a single record but seeing as how we're an old hospital we still have a ton of old paper records - they're all filed in this hue room down in the basement in the pre Civil War part of the building no one in my department has ever had to go there requests for records that old never come in so no one in the last 20 years probably never even had to pull one of them in fact I don't think I'd even laid eyes on the door of the old records room until the early morning hours today I got a request for an old record from an estate lawyer's office that must have been burning the midnight oil it was obviously non-emergent because it was concerning the medical records of a patient that appears to have died before the Korean War that of itself is pretty unusual the resolution of someone's estate is usually done within a year or two of their passing but certainly never received or even heard of one lasting this long however it was accompanied with a signed court order confirming the selection of a new executor of the deceased person's estate and it was signed by a judge so it was the real deal and besides it's not like I had a lot going on so I hopped up from my desk and walked down the hall that part of the building is pretty quiet at night the admin wing and the accounting offices are all empty and dark passing by the front desk there's not really any signs of life there's a few Souls loitering around the cafeteria mostly for the free coffee that tastes like garbage but whatever I ducked down a side hall and took the freight elevator because it's the only one that goes down to the maintenance level it's a bad swype elevator so patients and family members can't use it by mistake the maintenance level is pretty dimly lit at night there's only about three ladies and staff in housekeeping and I gave him a quick nod as I passed their break room it's a slow night so they're probably just as bored as me it's kind of neat when you go from the new part of the building to the old you can instantly tell the difference especially in the basement the newer gas lines stop where the old construction starts and curve back into the wall taking a different route to their destination the boring painted cylinder block wall gives way to a beautiful dark wood paneling and the floor itself changes from plain white tile to long wooden planks that make a soft foot sound with every footstep turning a corner I saw the door that leads to the record room like the rest of the hallway it's made of some ancient wood that has been sustained beautifully dark despite its obvious age it's gorgeous and seemed no worse for wear then it probably did when it was first built some 200 or more years ago the brass knob turned at a touch and the door while heavy swung open almost effortlessly invitingly I was immediately treated to a scent that was simultaneously woody earthy and antique like a library filled with the hot bugs it reminded me of what old parchment must smell like it made my imagination picture relics of bygone days ahead of me in dim electric light stretched the row after row after row of wooden shelves packed to the brim with old folders stuffed with paper all neatly arranged in perfect clean lines Wow as I passed from row to row I was in awe of how impossibly clean this old room is I guess maintenance really does their job well odd because I can't even get them to vacuum my office on a regular basis the record I was looking for had a name that was fairly deep in the alphabet so I had to walk a large number of rows just to find it was a common name to which made it likely that I'd have to pull a lot of files to find the particular one I was looking for mentally I braced myself for what might be a long night my suspicions were soon proven correct there must have been a million Jane Smith's in America it wasn't until I'd already ruled out 20 individual records that I figured out that something was wrong and that's why I'm telling this so you can know what I now know the first several ones I ruled out were simple wrong date of birth wrong Social Security number wrong date of death the usual stuff but as I continued onwards I noticed little things impossible things this James Smith had a birth date of March 5th 1735 that's before the hospital was even built I thought to myself this James Smith had a birth date of June 14th 16:57 as before this was even a country this James Smith had a birth date of called the third a day of September in the year of our Lord fourteen hundred and sixty-one that's before this was even a new world I thought it was an elaborate prank for a while I thought it was a hoax someone was pulling a fast one on me I laughed nervously to the room and the pile of paper around me I started looking around for cameras oh good one I said loud very funny [Music] then I came across one with the time of death declared 1326 hours on Tuesday January 7th 2020 that's ridiculous very very funny I tried to cover up the growing nervousness in my voice okay fine I thought in mental defense whoever did this couldn't have possibly done it for everyone I went to the next row and pulled a file of random Smith chan cake born April 5th 2022 I spun around and grabbed another file Smith Jane Rebecca Bourne 2nd of March 16 79 not possible I could feel my mouth going dry I showed the two files back into place with shaky hands and walked down to the T section no one would possibly place that many files for a prank right Thomas Aaron B 23rd of July 2023 Thomas R&B 11th of September 2001 Thomas Aaron B 4th of February 13:12 there is a perfectly reasonable logical explanation for this my mind was reeling but what I left that row and wandered down several other intersecting rows blankly as my mind raced impossible dates impossible scenarios how is there a medical record here for someone who died very obviously some other place and some other time it's completely logically impossible okay so people from all over from dates all over the calendar maybe try someone famous I raced over to the H section listening to the strange echoing sound that my footsteps made on the wooden floor I did a report on him when I was still in school I own every album I have watched every documentary have dressed like him for Halloween last year I know as much as you can possibly know about him there is no conceivable reason he should have a medical record here I dashed down the long road labeled hen and thumbed through the tabs as quickly as I could James Marshall Hendrix date of birth November 27th 1942 date of death September 18th 1970 at st. Mary Abbot Hospital Kensington London England this should not be here the file fell from my hands why is this here papers scattered across the floor papers that didn't belong in this building I could see his death certificate I could see the doctor's signature impossible in July 15th 2005 my father died in front of me a brain aneurysm in our family home halfway across the country I'm certain he's never been in this building his entire life but his file is here the truth is sinking in everyone that's ever lived or is living or he's ever going to live their files are somehow and possibly in this room everything about their medical history their birth the vaccination records their regular check-ups their illnesses they cause of death everything even if it hasn't happened yet I've been in here for hours now I must have looked at 10,000 files I do not know how it's impossible yet in front of my eyes and all around me here it is a complete record of humanity everyone you've ever known met hated all loved there are names in here that are in different alphabets there are dates in here that are not on our calendar there are places listed but I've never heard of your record is somewhere in here - and so is mine every one you'll ever know all that have come before you and all that will ever be there all here this is impossible except it's not only one more problem where's the door [Music] [Music]
Channel: CreepsMcPasta
Views: 146,194
Rating: 4.880743 out of 5
Keywords: creepypasta, creepy pasta, creepypastas, creepypasta reading, horror stories, creepsmcpasta, horror, scary story, scary stories, creepypasta stories, paranormal, asmr, podcast, reddit, nosleep
Id: xUqF1fakKo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2019
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