The Old Log Cabin Yields Another Bonanza!

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so a brand new metal detecting video today i am at an old home site i found and i was here one time once before i found some civil war mini balls and some buttons and a few other things uh so i thought of what i'd do is i'll go ahead and show you around the show you around the site real quick so you can see what we're dealing with just in case you haven't seen the other video a big pasture field here with some cows in it this is an old chimney stack or chimney foundation i think i think the house came out through here through here and i found stuff that i didn't that's not a dig hole that's the cows have been wallowing found a bunch of buttons down through here that little ravine right there that's the old lane that came up to the house came around to here and there is a well over here i want to show you real quick right here that's a well that's been filled in you can see it's kind of circular that's a fire back that i found before i'm going to carry that out today last time i was here had just too much stuff so i'm only going to be here for a few hours but anyway what we're going to do this little dip right here that was something and there's a little foundation over the hill that was very small that might have been a privy but what we're going to do today is we're going to metal detect i got a different loop i had the stock loop the other day i got a bigger one today and a smaller one we might switch them out just to see if it makes any difference i'll show you what we're hunting with real quick you can't see somebody i don't look at the numbers very often geared at max we're just going to turn it on uh zero program zero discrimination uh maximum sensitivity batteries are good contrary to ground balance now there's a lot of iron in here so that may not work but that looks okay right there so i'm gonna turn the headphones off just so you can hear what the ground sounds like here there is an electric fence so it will beep erratically occasionally but i want you how much irons in the ground right here all right so we zip along i'm hearing all the eyes nails everything and i'm listening for those high pitched squeaks this is the area right here where i found the bullets before under that rock was one that's probably something right there all right here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna go ahead and turn the headphones back on because i can hear a lot better with the headphones on i can i can i can tell the slight variations in the beeps and it's just a lot easier for me to figure out if something's iron or not iron or if maybe we should dig it so give me a few minutes i'll get a couple targets out of the ground i'll take a look at some wonderful confederate buttons that's my goal today one confederate button so here's what i did i went around i got four four signals out of the ground i've seen two of them i know they're brass two of them i have no idea hoping they're all going to be shotgun shells well i know two of them aren't but the other two might be we've got a whole whole hole and one around the side we'll go look at that last but let's go ahead and see what these things are together again i have not really looked i thought i saw this one but maybe i didn't so we'll get the pinpointer out it's out of the hole though i do know that there it is okay so probably gonna be something pretty small right here hopefully it's a butt ton or something like that uh that's probably it that looks like a piece of pewter probably part of a spoon pewter spoon bowl or a handle i would i would guess looks like it might actually have a hallmark on it maybe right in here but i'll get a good picture at the end all right i'm gonna leave that open i'll come back and close her up in a minute this one yeah this one i could see it's brassy and not a shotgun shell we probably can't hear that because my headphones are on sorry about that i'll try to turn them off next time all right here we go that is oh wow lucky that's either a locket or a watch i'm assuming it's going to be some type of old locket kind of small for our old watch now this site i think was probably gone about the time of the civil war yes there's nothing there's not gonna be anything left because half of it was missing those two pieces go together the other half could still be in the hole let me set that right there for now i'm gonna tuck it away now i'm not not really hearing much but i'll check out with a metal detector i'll get that in a minute we'll put that in a special case this one i threw the dirt out and rolled down the hill that looks like a giant button or the other half of that locket it's the other half of the pocket in it i think it is of the piece so that's probably that one like that and then this one on the back like that yeah so it's all together now just missing whatever was inside i guess that could have been a watch but nah that's good it had been some type of locket with a picture in it or something all right i'm gonna leave that there let's go to the last signal which was around the edge of the hill this is the area where i found buttons uh most of my buttons right in this little area is probably part of the house that hung over i think it's right down in here pretty small yeah yeah there we go i think it's a little tiny button is it no that's a rock ah yeah there we go that is another little flat button it's going to have a shank on the back or at least where the shank used to be right there so that's a nice early one early 1800s probably all right awesome doing really good so far haven't been here about a few minutes we're actually doing better today in the few minutes that we've been here than we did um in the first hour i was here last time but in all reality i kind of know where to look now so that kind of helps i'm using a different coil too you notice i have a bigger coil which seems to be doing really well in here we'll switch out to the small one before we go just to kind of compare them as well all right i'm going to button these holes up and get some more open it's almost had one of those oh my nina moments nice deep signal deep deep deep deep deep and then i see this cable so i think that's an electric cable that crosses the field from somewhere up there it's a couple posts here they must have had something down here at one time man i'm glad i didn't sever it it's probably not live but still i wouldn't want to have to tell the farmer that i cut his big electric cable in half of course maybe maybe it's water i don't know maybe i'm here in a fitting but i'm hearing something from that pipe that's where the electric line is right there and i'm off just to the side of it i can actually follow it up the hill uh but it got a big iron signal here so i dug it and it's a big o ring this would have been on to some type of go on to some wagon or some type of plowing or a farm equipment but reason i want to show you the hole is because there's a lot of pottery in it some glazed pottery and there's either charcoal or ash or rotted wood swirls really dark for this area too and i'm right below a little tiny square foundation that i think might have been a privy hole not 100 we may dig that out before the day's over or at least start digging it i just wanted to show you this dirt right here i didn't really look around at this area too much down in here so hopefully we'll come up with a little something down this area just dug this big old hand forged hook i think it's really cool and you know could have gone to some type of wagon part a chain might have hooked in there i'm not really sure i'm digging all the big iron in here because one of the targets i found last time i was here believe is a uh a sword scabbard so i'm gonna keep digging the big iron hoping i get a bayonet or a pistol or a musket or a sword you just never know another piece of pottery not too far from the well and very close to a very sloppy cow pie deep signal little piece of bone in there that's probably someone's supper it's a vertebrae uh but anyway yeah i think there's a button it was actually way down in the bottom of the hole that coil does go deep um unfortunately i have this big wide shovel with me today so um i'm having to dig big holes because of the rocks nice shank on that that's a beauty isn't it and sorry about the tape but that's just the way life is in the chig world okay i'm having trouble a little troubled uh pinpointing with that pinpointing with this uh stock loop just comes natural i mean i don't really have to do anything but um well of course that was really deep too man and that was i mean for a button that was pretty deep especially with all this iron in here huh doing good so far it probably says like treble guilt or extra gold extra guilt or something on the back so i'm about 20 inches away and 24 inches away from where the cow pie button was got another nice deep signal and it's in the bottom of the hole i have not dug it up look at that glass some old glass right there this house was gone by about the end of the civil war i do believe uh 1860s anyway there's a signal here i haven't dug it up yet right there let's get the uh mr dully out which is a dull knife see it doesn't have a doesn't really have a sharp point on it a nice sturdy blade less likely to scrape it whatever it is should be right there it's about button size i think so that probably got it right there if not it's just a little bit deeper all right let's check it with a pin pointer not still there a little bit deeper i want to be extra careful just in case it's a civil war button or civil belt buckle [Music] let's pinpoint it pinpoint you just like uh you say you have it on i know you probably can't hear it but it's beeping beeping it's loudest right there so we just put it to the side either turn it off turn it back on again that narrows the beam so it's actually it's actually bigger than a button for sure right in here i want to be a little careful there it is feeling it what is it it's green i think that's going to be a coin or a button or a coin or a button oh it looks feels thin from here tapping on it that wall sounds thin but no that's a big dandy button isn't it look at that hopefully that's george washington done it or gw that'd be awesome man that was a nice deep signal wasn't it all right uh wow dude i don't know it's probably just a design but that's a big dandy button you see the shank is missing on the back and give that just a light rub on the old pencil roomies make sure it's not a gw uh george washington ignore the inaugural buttons you call gw buttons george washington all girls are all different kinds and they were in commemoration of george washington being elected our first president i don't think that's going to be one but it has lots of designs on the edges it's really smooth on the inside though i don't know though it looks like it might have a a bust on it they usually have a veer very clear like gw on it or something like that that's an interesting one though i'm not a hundred percent i'm going to give up on that not being a some type of mark button awesome dude that was deep that coil is actually pretty good i mean i'm doing that actually really well with it today so there's the well this is where i found the last two buttons right here another signal right here and i believe it's a shotgun shell but um i i got to tell you this okay we'll talk about that coil i absolutely went over this area several times yesterday and the fact that i missed three targets that close together all right behind the chimney stack and be in my and you know this side of the well tells me that that coil is definitely going a lot deeper than the stock oil now i found a lot of stuff the other day with a stock coil a lot of you know with shotgun shells buttons yadda yadda a pile of non-ferrous items but i absolutely miss those and i don't think i would ever found them with a stock coil so i'm going to give kudos to the big one there whatever it is i don't know what brand it is to be honest with you my friends over at the company where the i'm not going to say their name at the link where um usually in the video comment a pin video comment sent that to me a couple years ago and uh you know it's a little heavy but boy i tell you it's going back to places i've been finding stuff i just really like that coil i i mean that truck show was pretty deep too i don't know if i would have heard it with a stock i'm not i'm just not really sure but i found plenty stuff for the stock coil here so i can't complain about it another deep target just a few feet away from where i'm finding the buttons i got something interesting here looks like his thin brass could have a shape to it hoping it was like a little uh medallion or something but i think it's just going to be a piece of flat brass i don't see any inscriptions on it or any type of writing or figure figures or anything so before i tell you that that was quite deep well let's just look at this thing that's a dtek ultimate i guess it's the i guess dtek is a brand i don't know but um i'm not even sure if that's what i normally use what's that say what's that say here yeah detect okay um but anyway yeah so nice little piece of brass missed that too all this is just in this one area and absolutely hunted it because that's the chimney pile right there i know i went back and forth through here quite a few times now granted i was really only listening for the best of the signals but these are the ones i definitely didn't didn't hear well enough that i wanted to dig them this is a neat little uh bit uh tip you know to like a hatchet i guess it's not very sharp though i can't imagine what else it would be but yeah like an axe axe head or hatchet head i wish that thing had been whole that would have been a nice one you know i just realized something i'm you know a little bit of a apparently first time i was here i found a ring finger ring that had a stylized s on it didn't look right like it was very old i don't know how old it is but you know old enough and i was over here dropping some stuff off at the old wells and put my iron here and extra headphones in my drink and i just remembered that's the fire back that i found at this house now that i believe is a big plate that they would put like in the back part of a fireplace that would heat up and help radiate the heat out pretty sure that's what it is but what i just noticed is the name is stevens that is the s that i found on that ring that's probably whose house it was i thought that was like a manufacturer but you see that's been applied i mean that wasn't that's not a cast i don't think that's cast it looks like it was applied but i'm pretty sure um the s on that ring it goes as a match to that i guess i was just too focused on trying to rescue the little um calf that was stuck in the fence which we did rescue by the way hope that video turned coins from out pocket take your gold chain and you'll lock it mother earth has no sympathy she'll take the ring from your hand and bury it in the sand and keep it for eternity mother earth she's got her secrets she's promised to keep
Channel: Aquachigger
Views: 32,347
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: metal detecting, magnet fishing, river treasure, aqua chigger, aquachigger, beau ouimette, family friendly, outdoor adventure, chiggs army, treasure hunting, yapping, chiggs army hats, metal detecting finds, treasure hunting metal detector, outdoor adventure films, metal detecting tips, metal detecting for beginners, treasure hunting videos, family friendly videos
Id: 3Beznj-Hers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 13sec (1033 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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