The Okavango Delta | Travel Vlog

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[Music] we're picking up where the last vlog left just as we were about to enter the murami game reserve the morami game reserve covers one third of the entire okavango delta and it's home to one of botswana's densest concentrations of wildlife [Music] during our stay here we set out for game drives every morning and evening when animals are most likely to show themselves in ronald and vivian's car we traverse the narrow tracks and pathways that crisscross the reserve in search of a glimpse of an animal and we didn't get disappointed lots of animals showed themselves antelope many of them especially impala were the most common species in botswana warthogs that usually appear in small groups and look quite funny with their tails straight up in the air hornbills the iconic african bird with the long orange beaks and of course the african elephant the largest land animal on earth viewing these immense creatures in the wild was incredible we even saw a group of wild dogs which are endangered and apparently quite rare to see we spotted them just lying in the middle of the road having a snooze even beside wildlife it was just amazing to be in the delta being one of the few inland river deltas in the world this is such a unique place the sudden abundance of water turns the region in a beautiful green paradise in such sharp contrast with the rest of the arab country looking out over the many rivers and marshes or watching the sunset over the plains was very special [Music] the nights in the morami were an experience on itself this is the time when most animals are active and as it gets dark the surroundings start to fill with the sounds and cries of different animals the campsite in the reserves are not fans in any way so animals can literally walk right past your tent and they do it was quite exciting and a bit scary to hear the loud calls grunts and eating noises of different animals in the middle of the night our most thrilling and scary experience happened on our last day in the more me i was driving following an especially narrow path surrounded by a thick bush on both sides when we turned around the corner we suddenly found ourselves amidst a group about 10 elephants including two babies they were only meters away and i immediately realized we were in trouble the matriarch of the group in order to protect the babies in walking towards us while trumpeting and violently viewing her ears there was no room to turn around at all so i had to switch back and reverse and drove backwards for about a hundred meters until the elephant stopped following us it was a close call on day eight of our trip we left the morami and returned to maun once again following the long bumpy dirt road we spotted more elephants including another baby and we also had a little dance party with a chameleon in the middle of the [Music] road [Music] it's about to go down [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] from mound we made another day trip luboro a tiny hamlet at the end of one of the delta's many fingers [Music] from here we went on a boat trip along the border river together with a local guide from bordeaux the boats which are traditionally made out of hollowed-out tree trunks are called moltoro nowadays they use mostly fiberglass mokoros which lasts much longer the ride along the river was beautiful and it gave us an idea of the sheer size of the delta [Music] river was quite overgrown and we literally had to be pushed through all of the breeds our mokoto guides told us that normally pass get created due to the many bows that pass through but lately they have had very few visitors in normal years about a hundred thousand tourists visited delta every year but right now because of covid there are barely any people for us this meant we had most of the places to ourselves which was nice but for the tourism industry of course it isn't and many people are without work because of this in any case we had a very nice day our guys were friendly and knowledgeable especially terrans who knew everything halfway we moored the mokutos and went for a small hike along the river the end we even got to try steering the mokotos ourselves using the long poles but this was surprisingly difficult final two days of the trip were reserved for the ride back home which was quite a long one nearly a thousand kilometers [Music] we split it up halfway and stayed near nata a town at the edge of the salt pans this is a huge area that was once thousands of years ago part of an enormous lake when the lake dried up several huge flat plateaus stayed behind rich in salt in the rainy seasons these pants can fill up with water again which was the case right now the sewer pen which we visited was completely full of water it looked more like an ocean we spent our last day here and even spotted some more wildebeest [Music] during the final evening we watched the sunset over the suwa pen which was absolutely magical and a great end of the trip [Music] we had an unforgettable trip and we can't wait to see even more of the country we do realize how fortunate we are right now to be able to travel so much while much of the world is still in lockdown hopefully this will become possible for everyone again in the months to come meanwhile we'll keep telling you about our adventures in botswana so stay tuned [Music] okay
Channel: Nomad Milan
Views: 906
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Id: qDgMnqNyV0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 58sec (478 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 30 2021
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