The OFFICIAL Spence vs. Crawford Prediction Show (ft. Coach Barry Hunter) | #TPWP146

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ladies and gentlemen from the Microsoft theater here in downtown Los Angeles brought to you by Sean Porter promotions relax I'm just saying yeah you really just that's a 90-10 fight and don't say nothing just leave it at that yeah and I give it less I'll give it five rounds man y'all looked at your phone and you had a whole bunch of messages I look at them when they come in it's intimidating what's up with you man how many like what are you what are you doing with your life listen what I just clicked on was like 70 or something but let me off let me also just say for anyone that may feel personally left out in the cold about Sean's response is like I've been one of Sean's best friends for over a decade and I like you get response you know usually I don't know what you do but after a while usually I mean after a while I'm calling yeah I'm calling I'll be like hey man just face timing FaceTime you today he literally FaceTime me today piece of me just was wondering if he's gonna answer the other piece of me just really wanted it first off yeah there's no piece of you wondering that welcome to the Porter Way podcast excited to have Carson a Merc in the studio today of course and two T's this dude made a jacket it says Aunt with two teeth two with two T's that's what it's supposed to say is that literally started just because the ant was saying his Instagram handle yeah and I was just explaining he's like yeah it's Aunt with two teeth and that was like oh with two T's and that's why I was like when people come up and says what's up to me yeah don't start that I feel like when I say ant and they'll just say ant they're like yes two T's I'm like oh yo let's be cool let's be honest and let's be real and then we'll just move on from a from a from a from a from a business standpoint how long ago did I tell you hey start branding now I already branded it it has two T's on it now I ain't know what to do because I don't give a damn Carson he wrote it out with two things with two teeth that's crazy I know y'all tired of hearing this but did you but you ain't Brandy because I'm talking about this conversation yeah absolutely I don't know how many times this has come on yeah especially last week I didn't know I tried to look out for you asking this dude like every combination known to man hey that was one of the times I ain't respond to him yeah Let's help with him out I was like is this the Babel guy what is happening here the bagel guy I'm sitting there do it I'm sitting there doing the time and I'm like shout out to the bagel guy though very generous with the super chats Carson's here helping out uh got got a heavy workload and she brought in a heavy guy is that the producer bar you were kicking in there you know and so you know we we brought in this guy right here to help out with everything and um that also means he gets the grace the podcast with his presence I know you don't like it thank you for your kindness what it is you are a Fan's face oh yeah they love him I'm hopeful and I don't know here we go I kind of want a sandbag this episode a little bit because I do feel like we're past the fans like what are you missing me hell no Carson's there hey hopeful hey shout out to the dude George last week thought hayfee was you oh yeah pretty similar guys you see me on the deadlifts but yeah but yeah I'm I was I'm hopeful we're past that so I'm hoping the comments like yeah I actually didn't miss cars that much that would be fine real quick because you play football yeah uh did you ever like show up at wait how was it for you yeah cause I know you at all but when you did show up what was the what was the don't embarrass yourself or get injured was typically like the I literally well I'll think shout out to I feel like I see you live serious one time where like you just I think they had to like you had I had to max out yeah like you always had like I always feel like we had to max out and I feel like thankfully I have a natural strength for my dad he's a stronger guy like I wasn't like the worst yeah so like they put something on there yeah I could get one done but yeah that's it I'm good but no anyway not here to talk about that we got a lot to get in before we get too far into the show I would like to congratulate Stephen Fulton damn I thought you was going to uh defending his uh WBC WBO super Band Away title I'm I'm really excited for that fight obviously but no no no no oh yeah yeah if I was crazy man but I still recording out how to release it we just have to deal we've done this before like it is what it is the fight has already happened by the time you're seeing this by the time you were recording this it has not happened yet if you didn't win hell of a fight he defended his titles best he could yeah but anyways a monster and he proved to you why he's the monster it's gonna be a great fight how do you see this fight going I'm gonna look so stupid if it goes wrong but I think I lean towards anyway this fight so shout out to my guy my guy sibi silly boxing he asked a question a while ago of what you feel more confident in your pick for Fulton in a way or your pick for Spence Crawford not just to me but generally yeah and they're such close fights and it's like damn you really gotta think about it I actually feel more confident in my Spence pick all I do against them the monster oh is the best fighter on the planet number one and so like I lean towards himself until until Saturday Fulton is unbelievable would you say the monster is multi-dimensional yeah of course but have you seen him legitimately be multi-dimensional from a standpoint of being able obviously we know he can punch we've seen him get to the body but he's a box people I really haven't seen him stay on the outside and counter punch do you think that's what he's gonna have to do against Fulton it's not the point the point is you just call him the number one fighter on the planet power bound but you got to be able to do it all right I mean you can say this for Crawford who they fight damn oh really we're gonna set up for coffee we'll get to that I mean like yeah but you know what I'm saying we'll see yeah he's gonna have the show a lot I I lean towards him but not by much because Fulton is very multi-dimensional he's the bigger guy yeah um no it's gonna be I think that's gonna be I think that will be the better fight of the two I think we always say Styles make fights and it's going to be one or the other either the pressure gets to the fire photos gonna move he's in the counter punch he's probably gonna try to turn get to the body here and there but I think for the most part he's going to want to play this one from the outside yeah I think he'll switch a little bit through the course of the entire fight anyway he's gonna have to I think anyway is going to force him to switch too I think it's gonna be moments he's moving this way and he's gonna have to flip it I think I'm gonna have to he's gonna have to really make full and feel his power early yeah because then phone's gonna have to have to be moving and by this time you guys have no dancers talk yeah but I want to say this because I noticed something about the monster he takes punches yeah and I was watching another five I'm not gonna say what Friday was but I noticed it it it's like he's His Own Worst Enemy or could become His Own Worst Enemy in this fight because that forward movement that forward pressure if if it moves into the rhythm of Fulton you know what I'm saying and Fulton is able to slide boom boom slide boom boom he's comfortable with that yeah and so that that that pressure of course Playing devil's advocate that pressure could become a bit too much but at the same time I think it's gonna move into what and people people obviously Styles make fights Charles Styles make fights um but you look at like he has a close fight I didn't think it was drastically close against Brandon Figueroa yeah pressure fighter obviously shout out to his sister that was I thought it was pretty close people but people think like people think Fulton lost oh yeah which I don't think I thought he won but like it was a close fight yeah so if you look at that and I think in a way is a more diverse Talent than you already know you already know what will happen so um yeah and then do we want to start with the other ESPN action sure yesterday yeah that's where we're gonna start opener Stephen Shaw surprise loss no I was like Keisha Tyler Davis yo you want to go there well so people might think I'm here for Spence Crawford let me tell you the real reason I'm here I'm not sure of either you guys no that's a good one but you know who else fought yesterday and and some say got an unjust that is not why you're here asked me when we were on our way to Boston has there have you ever fought somebody you were like like wow I said I said no not really I said everybody is who who I expected them to be I said but the one that really called us by surprise was Eric Bonet yeah yesterday yeah guys yeah I'm a big Eric Bonet fans never even seen him fight outside and fight me yeah I know either way but um yeah other than that on that card there are a few heavyweight fights um Troy Eisley and Keyshawn both fought um yeah they both won they both I think have moments that weren't maybe as great as yeah we've expected from them but a hell of a shot by Keyshawn with the counter yeah absolutely nice little nice little slip right hand yeah I do want to say it's about Troy Troy I I saw Improvement I see I just see him working yeah and I think that it's it's almost like running running a mile you know what I mean usually the one that works hard is the one that's gonna win at the end of the day it's not the one who starts off the fastest and it's not the one who saves it off for the end it's the one who's working and being consistent and that's one thing about Troy to this point I say that from a personal standpoint him approached me multiple occasions asked me hey what do you think was and then the other side of that is when I see it live when he fights and I just see the energy is different or I see the movements are a little different and he's just he's improving I'm not comparing him to Andre Ward by any means but early on in Andre's career everybody expected I think a little bit more than he was giving but look how he ended his career yeah and I kind of see that where Troy where it's like again he ain't got off to the fastest start but he's gonna build to something and I'm looking forward to seeing what that becomes like Keyshawn I know he's he's considered like this Uber Elite Prospect which I have I don't have any personal doubts that he will be that but um yeah and but it's it's it's kind of he has to deal with both sides of it he's gonna get a lot of Praise because of that where people are like keyshawn's next up you throw him into these fantasy matchups Andy Cruz like everyone lines up but then he has a performance last night which was good um but it wasn't easy it wasn't great like it wasn't like he gave himself I think a c plus or a B minus like I'll probably put you in that ballpark yeah but now people are like oh and so it's like you kind of deal with it on both sides I think he's a great talent but see what he does it's a part of part of watching somebody's grow right in front of your eyes they're gonna have it upstairs we're very judgmental in boxing yeah and it's very much different in in this area compared to even Sean's era of like somebody go find me Sean's I don't know what is that I like 13 seconds nine fight like fine Sean for his ninth fight like it's not that available like we see him he was the co-main event like so it's it's just different like the accessibility of it and then also the hype we know more about the amateurs amateur boxing champions but we're going yeah he worked in progress I was still going on while I'm coming soon I was trying to figure out how I was gonna do this because I never want to give anybody the impression that if you're not fighting like me you're not excited if you're not fighting like me you're not doing not saying that at all and I actually just figured out a way to do this right here oh boy right in person so the patience that he showed yeah great but you got to have multiple paces and you gotta you gotta have multiple gears and the way I defend that statement is by saying I had one practically one gear and it was a high gear and I I could have pulled back you know I mean I could have showed more patience I could have been more Polished in in the in a lot of the fights that I had yeah and so it's like where I where I'm saying hey you know I didn't have a great way of changing my pace and my gear through a fight to go up and down or come come down at certain points he's got to learn how to go up yeah because people want that strong finish you got that beautiful pullback kind of right hand you drop dude flexed in his face I was like let's go and then that balloon you think it just kind of is that something you can learn absolutely is that something you can or is that like in his nature or is that something where he has to like I don't because I I thought I thought his nature was to forgive the terminology but sick and destroyed yeah I thought that was his his nature plus who he's in Camp with but I didn't really see that last night you know yeah and again I mean you talking about who he's in camera Terence Crawford is a finisher yeah you know what I mean um where we've said in the past that we've seen Keyshawn and he reminded us a lot of uh Terence last night was actually saying Shakur Stevenson okay and they're all Pals yeah they're all piles yeah so I think she again Shakura someone who was he he has his Pace yeah and he forces everybody to fight his Pace I'm really interested to see how some of the fights that he could be in primarily Devin Haney I'm trying I'm really curious to see how the pace of that fight ends up because you got one who's fast you got one who's not not slow but definitely patient more methodical yeah and I'm and this is where we're fighting at and so I'm really really want to see that but overall like you said not the Elite Performance yeah I personally think that if he had turned it up some more that's where we would have been you know died again rather learning a victory than learning a loss yeah obviously that's one thing I hate yeah well we we what have you done for your life yeah and there's so many where we like nitpicks I mean he I don't think the other guy went around no okay are you here from the main event of this ESPN fight yeah he was here for Eric Monet yeah it was Bonnet was it really yeah 100 yeah yeah but uh do I call him corny or something yeah get it off yeah we uh yeah and then we go Main Event uh and that could be somebody that maybe she screams up fighting it was kind of a weird like why was there bad scorecards on that fight like what 117 like 111. I'm watching that and I'm like what I hey boss is just man he just can't figure it out I love dealing with a boxer and came back for the scorecards I said uh-oh uh oh yeah when I heard the draw the first scorecard was 114 114 I was like really get that a drive I heard the next one I was like okay that's you that's why for you it's like okay clearly one yeah yeah uh yeah cambosa see you know more prior to him I don't think he won at all and he mentioned like a little bit in the post fight when he was saying yeah he had a couple good rounds but I won most of them I was like nah not really he won most of the rounds yeah I don't know yeah I just wasn't like I didn't have lofty expectations for cambosis I know based on the episode last week neither you guys were like super jazzed up this has been back in there but like more power to him came over here um I thought I lost um not to seem as if I'm turning my back on the guy or anything like that okay fighter like he kind of is what he is and I want to kind of go back to yeah I always like to say like you know I was studying uh that fight when they were initially supposed to fight and I thought that there could be a surprise that fight with camboses and until FEMA Lopez obviously ended up being that but when you look at this this young man's feet and how he boxes he boxes extremely erect the the right foot is completely turned out and and flat-footed he has no Mobility yeah and where I saw him be explosive which is why I thought that he could do something with Teo I just don't see him being explosive anymore um I think that what we have seen is someone who had a moment and that moment has sure enough passed to the point where we can say hey now it's only a matter of time before you play in the ring with put him like maybe put I don't know put them in there with somebody hey bang if I'm to yo I could let me get that game you mean to get something better out of him right yeah because like because like all right so now so now we've got there's no way there's no bangers at this point like murataya like I mean is it is a decent like he's at 135. he got the IBO now something like that yeah but I'm just like so you've gone you had two fights with that never thought about where he just completely outboxed like boxed your face off yeah and then you fight Maxi Hughes who oh he's okay fighter he's not a great man great fighter like he's okay um but he uh pieced him up like so you have to put him in there with somebody that can just fire fight he he clearly he's not Punk we can all agree on that cambosis whether it's the fights he's taken whether it's how he is in the ring like you know Punk it's like put him in there with somebody that you're just gonna sit there and Rumble yeah just let him throw them things and one thing that I did notice that I have to point out oh okay so there were a couple moments of like there were some glancing elbows that Hughes hit him with and I was like dang like coincidental whatever and then I saw who was taking off his gloves at the end of the fight and it was Josh Warrington I was like ah it's all makes sense now it all lines up now but uh yeah I don't know Kim Bose has put him in there like I I don't think there was a fix it was just a very weird fight to have those kinds of scorecards for and is clearly the guy that you can put in there with Shakur Stevenson but yeah I feel like right now he's a gatekeeper is a he's not an easy Knight for anybody yeah except for Devin quote-unquote name yeah yeah uh that night with Tio uh the Tio we see him fight Josh Taylor pieces him up of course Teo adds more movement to his game yeah it's an easy night for Tio yeah I don't even know if it's worth going back and getting that I doubt it and Kim boss has got to move the 40 like I mean yeah I don't know yeah so I don't know he's in a weird spot he won credit to him hey he's an IBO Champion he wears that probably hey you know yeah if Hughes was the champion yeah I've never been in the boxing ring so I I would aspire to me I feel a chance no never inspired for Ibo no you should went out to Jeff Horn all respect to the IBM they have a gym out here he used to have a gym more I don't know it was kind of weird night of boxing but Crawford Spence yeah we want to go through the undercard briefly we're going we're going to do our bets we want to talk about oh damn cards I don't even understand what anything you just said was so all right on the card it is under cards um so the opening fight is Sergio Garcia who we've seen fight in person and whose child was feeling very sad that he was getting hurt in front of his son against Tony Harrison you remember 100 um he was supposed to fight one of the Ramos Brothers or not the Roman they're my brothers the uncle family one of the the other uncles yeah supposed to be the uncle all right I think I thought it was the no I think that's what you said I think no I think it was supposed to be there all right well whoever yeah I think it was supposed to be I think it was supposed to be Jesus but um now he's gonna fight uh joanis teles either Tellez he's like a young Cuban Phenom um be an interesting fight I mean we saw Garcia give Fundora a pretty tough time um for the Cuban young Cuban fighter that's a pretty big step up like Garcia's been in there now with Harrison and Fedora and I in in teles or telez is pretty young in his career so that'll be the opener we'll see how that one goes um the next one I'm trying to think of does It Go um okay no needto so Nonito fights uh Santiago so that was going to be on the fight on the Frank Martin card and then now they moved it to this one I'm not oh to make the car better maybe I'm not positive why I used to make the car better yeah it I think it improves it for sure um Nonito as long as he's not fighting the monster like he's got he's got a pretty good shot of winning fight monito's still out there yeah he uh so we'll see what he ends up doing he's fighting now for one of the bantamweight titles that in a way vacated moving up so that'd be a good fight all right Santiago like you know okay Fighter um got some losses he lost I think Gary Antonio Russell um but then co-main Pitbull Cruz on the feet of fighter against Giovanni Cabrera who we saw beat game Flores where he dropped him like five seconds into the fight he's a good Fighter um ESAT Cruz has made quite a name on Surviving the distance with tank Davis that's crazy huh like that's literally like I I get it you know if that's like he's an explosive enough fighter like I don't I don't think he needs to really like make his name off of that but that just seems to be something you keep going back to so like I don't know that that annoys me to some extent but um yeah that uh that one is definitely should be a good fight Cabrera kind of a come forward fighter I think a fighter they can give Cruz trouble is more of a boxer but I just put this on the screen I don't think so oh that'd be crazy right there just not professional yeah and I stand by it I just don't think that that's a fight we'll ever see again I hope I hope we don't at this point just what cruising uh in tank I want him to clean them up that and if it does happen fine like 10 DC two healthy hands knock them out and say hey you got yeah you know what it reminds me of go back to the earlier fight on the car with Nonito and the monster first fight he broke into his orbital bone it's a close-ish fight and everyone's like no needle gave him a tough time they fight a second time and he kicks the dog out of him so like yeah Anita was winning the first round no he was not he was and Sean Texas I don't know if we talked about that at the time he was like either and then he gets floored stuck around just gets his doors blown off I was like come on man Sean was hurt he was hurting I think I think Cruz wins I I career is good but I think he's too much of a come forward fighter and I think Cruz is going to Feast on that yeah well listen we got uh coach Barry Hunter uh in the waiting room uh I wanted to preview some of this fight before we get him on but we're not gonna do that okay bring him in now let's get the expert Point yes yes I'm I'm usually the expert but we got coach Barry Hunter here oh hey guys what's up y'all no we're good good everybody's good huh Can we tie that down yeah yeah blessing black you know less than white I suppose no you can't say that okay yes sir Perfect Hey listen I'm uh I'm gonna start this bad boy off create a little narrative and then I'm gonna let these two uh kind of take over um when do you remember first seeing Terence Crawford box the first time I seen uh that I saw turns it wasn't live I saw him fight against braiders Prescott no no no no no I'm talking about I'm talking about oh yeah wow that was some years ago man um he and it's crazy because Terence was one of those guys like the chalos that enabled good Fighters but you know who knew that he would become what he became yeah um even top ranked uh to be honest with you uh when they first got a glimpse of Terence they wasn't impressed with him and uh Chris Middendorf then who was handling turns his uh business at the time I believe he was in a managerial uh role Chris kept taking them to top ranks and once turns got that break the fight Brady's Prescott you know uh the rest is history pretty much um he wasn't putting those fights to so-called win yeah but he kept turning the apricot over and you know what can I say coach Barry do you can you kind of recall when you saw Terence as an amateur whether he was 9 10 15 and kind of recall what you saw out of him as a youngster which kind of could explain who he is now as a pro he he when I saw him in the amateurs turns we had a guy a kid just like Terence Club it's almost carbon copy and uh that's what caught me my eye because he reminded me of a kid we used to have named Audrey Tyler God arrested so you know he he passed away um but when I saw Terence it reminded me so much of quick which made me look at it and I believe he was let's see he was in the class with Gary Russell in them uh so he was in his I want to say teens uh probably early to mid teens and uh you you knew you had some flavor with him because like I said quick was special too and he reminded me so much a quick you know uh I thought that you know he did have the potential to become what he became um that's my point and then what about Arrow when when did you catch when the arrow is an amateur the first time I saw Earl was of course we were all on the U.S team together Earl was about 17 to 16 17. in fact him and DayDay great and fought each other uh in the in the Nationals in the uh Golden Glove finals which is when I first saw him and he was a good fighter then and um they had a war we came out on the high end of that fight but he ended up uh of course being a member of the U.S team and in fact if I recall correctly Sean you were up there one of the ones helping Earl along with Lamont Adrian brauna uh there were so many of you guys up there helping those guys out yeah Earl was one of the kids that y'all was helping at the time yeah yeah uh I remember hurricane Linares was there they had our head that's right because Freddie Roach was there of course my dad was there uh Stafford yeah quite a few coaches and remember back then they just were trying to get the amateurs ready uh for for basically going up against Pros because they said you know these amateurs are staying amateur so long they might as well be Pro in the other countries and so they thought that hey let's let's try to give our Fighters a better chance here in the states by having them trained with with pros and uh I don't remember how that whole team panned out but um 100 and the add-on to that um another Earl Spence uh story um of course once we were on the U.S team Earl was the type then when he was younger that if he felt as though he didn't wasn't training enough he would have a problem with and so his dad called me one day he called home and his dad called me and you know and we were when I spoke to his father you know I was kind of you know joking with his dad but I can tell his energy was different this day and I said what's the matter and he said you know Earl you know they're not training enough up there well you know how Colorado was at that time you know it was a lot of meetings going on but I told him what I would do I would um end up going back to the gym with him later on so he was that kid that you know you'd have to stop training you know uh uh because he would train until he passed out on us and what you see out of Arrow now this is something that that you certainly expected when you saw him back then absolutely um if you think about it when we were of course in the camp he did extremely well in the camps in fact uh it was Lamont who said that he was working with Earl and it was a man who said that if he hangs if he stays in there he's gonna be World Champ yeah and he says just like that and uh and so yes I've seen Earl uh an international competition I've taken him to International competition at each time each time every time he's always stood up and uh and I I knew he would be something special if you know no outside force has got in the way and Coach Barry you faced Earl Spence I think twice in your career in this professional well once in amateurs okay twice in the pros of course with Sean and once for the month what have you noticed that continues getting better by Earl Spence well I would say that his his IQ group um definitely a course from the amateurs and from the fights that he were in you know Earl going up against uh at the time when he fought the month when the month first stop we're working with him years ago in the hamsters of course it was a you know a big uh uh a difference at the time because you know he's a young guy he was still just growing and uh he got a little frustrated because he couldn't do what he wanted to do that particular time but of course fighter to fight you know uh National at the national International competition and then the pro post and you can see him starting to turn and start to flip all the way over uh I think after maybe his second or third big fights you started to see him evolve even more what do you think that's a professional we always talk about like a boxer's boxer like as a boxing mind what is your favorite thing about Arrow what's your favorite thing about buzz you just watching you're like damn that makes him special well number one both of those guys have unbelievable Wills to win they refused I mean you can hurt them you can drop them you can Daze them or do whatever but they are not the type of it's checking in is not in their DNA neither guy um Earl if you go back to the fight with Sean and I think we all agree on that Sean was leading there or winning that fight um but not one time in that fight did he yield or he would think about yielding in a fight he kept pressing forward kept pressing forward kept pressing forward and it wasn't like Sean didn't hurt him too you know I mean and uh uh he kept pressing forward until he got that one shot off uh which I think waved the judge's mind into that fight I still had it a draw but nevertheless not one time in that fight did he break down the average fighter that go up against the Sean Porter Sean Porter has never been a regular fighter ever anybody that deal with the Sean Porter the way he dealt with Sean that night you know and to be able to uh keep pressing forward the way he did that speak volume about you know the character of the fight ER that is what about bud what stands out about him but the thing that makes Buzz special to me is his ability to make adjustments on the Fly um same thing go back to the fight with Sean uh yeah Sean was winning that fight and he didn't Panic he was kind of confused early on Sean kind of had him all balanced a little bit early on but he stayed of course and then when he was informed that he was losing the fight or he was behind in the flip the switch and and he turned the flare so the thing I really love about bud is his ability to make adjustments on the Fly against whomever whatever style beat a bigger faster stronger than him he always find a way to make an adjustment coach Barry as a whole I know you that you're like really looking forward to this fight looking forward to being out here what do you think this fight is going to look like I would have liked to have seen all honesty despite about three or four years ago but I think because of both guys um Willow went I think because of their you know they got this place they got Egos and nobody wants to lose I think that right button push here there we could be in for a real special night I think that what really makes this fight exciting we know bug can box urban box too but it's been a while you know since I seen it Earl actually box boxing um the fact that neither one wants to lose and they have that will I think you're gonna see explosions man somewhere along that that that night that fight it's gonna be a war you got a pick oh you picked to win this fight coach he thinking about it I'm thinking about it come on I thought I thought they even pause that's what I say I'm gonna put my fillers out off uh I'm gonna throw that out the door right now because I'm I'm close to Earl and and turns is a great guy too uh and his team um I think that as far as Pathways to Victory you have to look at Terrence because of him being able to switch it the way he does uh he can fight inside outside he can box or he can fight uh and that's not in no way suggesting that Earl cannot win this fight I think that turns his flaws sometimes he tend to get a little ballsy and he a war with you you know I mean and that definitely a play into Earl Smith's favorite my opinion yeah so I I got it maybe 50 50. yeah gotta be 50 50. y'all heard it there yeah the the elite of the elites well the size 54. the best Minds in the game get off my back yeah okay Coach Barry thank you guys I look forward to seeing you next week Barry and this will not be the last time you join the podcast appreciate you man thank you guys for having me stay blessed thank you and I'm super excited about this partnership we got going on with DraftKings why is that because we get to help people we love the help we love to help and we would love to help you what we want you to do go to the draftkingsports book app download that bad boy right now put in our promo code tpwp and tell them what's going to happen you're gonna bet five dollars you're gonna get 150 bonus bets instantly and you want to do that because we got a great fight coming up this weekend Terence Crawford aerial Spence World Champs World Champs undefeated undefeated you've seen them both seen them both upper close 50 50. so what you do is you go to the draftkingsportsbook app download that bad boy right now put in our promo code tpwp 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that so let's talk about what's the chances of Earl ending this fight in three rounds by TKO oh my God we said that this is a 50 50 fight I would honestly say that that is a it's an 80 chance that that does not happen so take that 20. I think that yeah I think that that is 20 000. that's a that's a that's a that's a that's a wild card bet to make right there yeah and here's the thing we already know energy is going to be Max for both these guys we already know mentally I'm ready to take you out I think that if Arrow sees something early on I don't I just don't see that punch Landing that early I think that's three rounds in and I think that both Fighters still I think they're gonna have that fill out period in the first round maybe even still in the second round it's gonna get heated in the third round don't make that pick that ain't a good one okay another a popular pick this is a lot of people talk about make the pick if you got a g though because I'm probably five times man listen that's a good investment all right so another popular pick a lot of people saying let's talk offline about it this could happen okay uh one of the most famous picks is Crawford uh betting 100 on Crawford to win by KO um you bet 100 you went back 380. what's the chance of Crawford getting a stoppage before any time in the fight well I mean let's look at the statistics right there and look at the fact that he knowing that 147 has has gone the distance with him uh but both these Fighters we see have the ability to turn it on and keep it up at a high level for the rain for the duration of a fight uh I also would say that that's maybe even closer to a 70 chance 75 chance that that does not happen I don't see uh Terence getting the late late round stoppage against Errol Spence Jr uh let's not forget that arrow is the kind of fighter that yeah it looks like he gets strong as the fight goes on it's not really that it's so much that his momentum picks up because that fighter is weakening you know what I mean so we've seen Arrow weekend Fighters and we've seen Terence knock them out I think we put that together and do the math we don't see a late round stoppage by Terrence all right and eyes on this plus 280. so 100 get you get your 380. all right I'm gonna go with like my pick this is what I'm betting and I'm only this is a 50 50 fight I'm literally only betting this because I'm getting a it's a plus by my money yes sir so I go ahead and throw 100 and I'm getting back 220. Earl Spence just money line wins the fight Plus 120. so what's the chances of Earl winning this fight 50 50. this is a 50 55 when you talk about hey I gotta bet my last dollar in order for me to survive this next year yeah who do I put my money on honestly Ben Arrow could be a safe pick yeah Ben Arrow could be the safe pay because we have seen him be strong we have seen him weather storms we know what he's been through outside of the Ring I personally think that that has built him up and made him even stronger inside of the ring and so I think when you look at you say if this fight goes the distance who wins this fight I think you're looking at possibly Aerosmith Jr okay yeah even though I have a 50 50 I'm telling y'all from a Beggars perspective if he wanted the BET either way and you would obviously want to bet on DraftKings yes yeah if you go to bed because this segment of the podcast was brought to you by DraftKings download the draftking app bet put up five dollars end up getting 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like happy damned I mean there's nothing that favors the business and crawfish season is over have they played on it no they start all yeah just started we'll see if Carson's like I'm over it but it is an interesting little tie-in though I thought that was interesting but man this is this is the one man we've been waiting on this Sean almost effed this up twice uh this is the fight man what else can you want for we've been uh coach Barry said he wanted it three years ago I'm okay with it happening right now be honest I think those guys did everything they did on their side to make the fight happen Earl was a man of his word Terence handled his business in the ring we getting two undefeated world champions no losses never lost one guy stopping everybody at 147. one guy's beating everybody at 147 taking eyes did he ever take your eye absolutely he almost did no one did what was that shot slow yourself down okay listen you didn't really have major no he got Cuts did you ever have like major swelling in a fight no I don't remember well not from punches but do you ever have like your eye over like 12 shutter listen because when you say both these guys is undefeated yeah these are like true I'm not I'm not saying anything that we don't know but what it does mean is that neither of them know how to lose either them care to know how to lose and I mean we looking at the night that getting comfy over here yeah cause we're looking at night unreal I lost my mic I got to come back we looking at a knife that's just gonna be unreal so let's get right to it holla at you boy you you you you want to embarrass me huh oh it's not a great comparison uh Kell Brook obviously he was hurt he suffered a broken face with Triple G that he went in with Earl for the most part he was beating Earl yeah and I gave Earl everything can handle and more close uh great fight great fight Earl ended up getting a stoppage he took a knee Sean Porter Earl of a fight I've never seen Sean prepare for a fight in my life the way he did everything he got everything he he put into that fight and I think it was that's that Underdog roll the maybe the is talking absolutely everybody disrespected I got disrespected being his friend from people and I think everything motivated Sean and this was what Sean worked his whole career for this moment and I think that night Sean gave it everything he got so in that night we seen Earl be push to the Limit but never break and that's the problems you got a lot of people seeing Earl being pushed to the limit in in these two fights but think about it he never broke at the same time we never seen Terence Crawford get pushed to the Limit maybe he's that damn good maybe he is and he's passed the eye test 39 times 39 times with ease 45 yeah but in the pale Brook fight I felt Kell Brook with Terence Kell Brook was shot he was cooked uh he's took in a Earl Smith's beating a Triple G beaten got stabbed he hadn't fought it well to wait in like yeah five fights coming down fights or something so that's the thing and you know I'll take another from Terence Crawford he did what he had to do but uh the cow was getting off on him with the Jabs yeah if you notice he was swollen up after four rounds through a hell of a shot and got to kill kill to know what the hell happened yeah and he was out of there which actually led to the best argument the portaway podcast ever had you remember how mad Sean was about that yeah the Sean was like well why ain't God do something I was like dude he didn't even know the fight ended I mean he hit him with the shot and my man goes all the way across the ring it literally didn't know the fight was over there stops that's why he didn't do anything to him so now to the part of Sean Porter yeah I'm watching the fight re-watch a fight first time ever yeah love my God know my guy one round in I said my guy ain't gonna win this fight that's me re-watching the fight yeah did you try to put any money in on DraftKings that Sean's gonna lose that fight Porter can go Sean Porter Sean never got on him I don't know if it was the respect the preparation I can never speak for a shot man no I'm loving I don't know but go ahead you were here go to our patreon right now patreon it is it is we are not going to release these two episodes until the end of next week before this fight happens but what you do see is you and see me answer all the questions that could be presented about both of these fights I mean at least to the best of ourselves it was satisfactory to me okay so it made sense to me so I'll speak for my my just didn't see Sean give everything he got I'll say one it's one of those things where you speak about retirement y'all you're out the door already yeah uh uh and Terence Crawford did what you have to do I think I felt like Sean has felt like they had an agreement and Terence turned it on and Sean was wasn't ready to go that level that's what I felt from me watching that because for the most part I had it five four at the time had Sean down one round but could have went anyway and at the same time I felt yeah you know controversial and then stoppage whatever Sean would have got up and he would have thought then it would have fought to the end uh who knows what could have went Terrence could have got on his ass Sean could Drew because at that point I mean who knows what the score is he could have came up one to fight tied whatever but I just felt like that was never that wasn't a shame that Sean Porter would Spence never prepared the way that shot that Sean Porter ever again that was never the same Sean Porter all due respect to you I just felt like you that that that moment it was just and maybe it's just a loss this tough loss took so much out of you just like what was that worth I don't know yeah he did and he did a good job again breaking that down but and I also assume there will be Clips throughout the week shout out to shout out to kid hyphen um but yeah he did a good job of breaking it down that it was the factors that because when we watched we rewatched the fights I had never rewatched it he had never re-watched it and multiple times in the in the bud fight we're both like that's fine it's okay like it was just kind of like it's okay fight like it was like we weren't like blown away like The Arrow fight you're like yeah it was into it like that one were like it's a good fight but like it didn't one and then that's all I felt he kind of explained he explains why going back to the conditioning that everyone talks about with the preparation when KP mentioned it and why there was less aggressiveness offensively which it was I thought he broke it down pretty well and and at the same time I know you guys saying but hater Bud hater at this point I love the butt butt is my guy that is good yeah there's no doubt about it it ain't his fault what happened with Sean wabbed the kill once they got up there with him he handled business yeah and it could possibly he can get up in there who knows and and clean Earl up could be one of the easiest nights ever for him yeah I just don't feel like it's gonna happen but Terence is that damn good but I'm gonna let Carson get on it right now because Carson has been Carson has got it some of the I guess we can get behind the scenes of Carson and Crawford we can't anytime we get any time but I'm gonna let Carson get on it right now we're gonna let the man with the plan get in there so the one thing I wanted to mention when you were saying like people saying butt hater butt hater um in a in a fight like this there's gonna be varying levels of your fandom of a fighter but like the way I feel the way you feel the way Sean feels like it is a 50 50 fight like I think Earl wins that doesn't mean but there are definitely people on the spectrum of that that are like die hard Arrow Spence fans that they're they're going to be disrespectful to Bud they think this this and this it's gonna be Bud fans the same feel the same way about Arrow disrespect him so I don't think there's like if I pick aerospence to win which I do I don't dislike Bud yeah and I don't think he washes them I don't think like a fight at this level like it's one a and one B I just think Ariel happens to be one egg I don't know if man you're on the same thing only reason why I'm picking Earl only reason yeah resume see I just that's it yeah I just think that's the reason why I'm picking up I just think consistency and also my one issue with with buddies is his definition of resume because he said Shawna the better resume which I adamantly disagree with yeah but let's also look up the word resume like I think there's maybe some some we need to open up the Webster's Dictionary and looking for a resume I mean no but you just hit it consistency do we want to go I know I floated out there and your communication was excellent do we want to go category by category no there was there's really only like or do we not even one do we just want to just just go just we'd break it down we just break it down okay yeah so and go ahead because so I think for me and I mentioned consistency so these these guys are the the best in the game both of them and I just think that that Terence has highs and lows where I think Errol just has steady he's a metronome so we're a hell of a point so I think there's going to be hell of a point I don't gained that so I think I was like I made the point but but I'm looking at the so like I think there's gonna be rounds and we mentioned this on what when we were talking about it but I think there's going to be rounds where bud has like a really flashy great round maybe knocks Arrow back maybe he has you know steps off the side gets a great shot off but I think those rounds will be here and there though I think all every round's gonna be close but I think buds rounds are gonna be flashier victories where arrow is Just Gonna Be steady Eddie man he's just so great he's so fundamentally sound where I just think he's just gonna he's just gonna keep on going and the one thing you mentioned and I know Barry mentioned it as well with the the switch hitting for bud when Sean and I were watching the fight I have no clue why he fights Orthodox zero idea like he comes out start I would start softball immediately he has a better jab from the Orthodox dance oh I took your point yes but I mean I already made that point tpwp I didn't really want that up out there like oh you think Arrow's watching this and he's like what is Carson mert gonna say about this fight Ariel if you're watching this I love you please don't listen to me don't take my word as gospel but yeah I think if anything it's the jab and it's a different look but like he switched in the second round against you and never run back so it's like it kind of is what it is like I don't know it doesn't do much for me but I just don't think Errol makes I don't think he's makes as many mistakes as but not the button makes a ton of mistakes but I think he's there to be hit as ant mentioned earlier yeah and I just think Earl's just gonna he's just gonna be too much that's the that's the one thing about terence's game what me personally I think makes him special the fact that he can be right there in range and seamlessly make the range for me and again like I I'm already I I've never really seen the way it worked out with Terrence yeah where it was like I know my range and then it's gone yeah I know my range and then it's gone you know and he has the ability to do that take the range away make it look invisible and then he also has the ability to punch him between guys who are punching you know I mean that's one thing that's something else that that I think is extremely crucial for him to do in this fight and then the the thing about it is you're not asking him to do something he's not capable of doing you know so where do we think um what do you think good I just got a statement a written statement yeah Floyd Mayweather something Floyd Mayweather say okay he was saying but he never never do it both these guys if you make a mistake you got to pay yeah this and they both are watching their film lately they have flaws yeah get up Earl Spence yeah so Earl Spence is definitely heavy about launching extending yeah he gets himself out there and if you throw that shot with with Terence Crawford Sean you leave all this open did you have this plan by the way no well you had all this open you will go to he's going to go to work okay one thing about Terence Crawford lunging he's not the guy that lines yet yeah sure that you dance oh guys I mean even with you I think at times you made him pay when he launched that's one thing I know he overextends at times and I feel like that's the biggest downfall in Earl Spence in this fight which could possibly get him knocked out that's the biggest worry I go to about him so that flaw in his defense let's go to Terence Crawford's flaws how did I have this plan Terrence Terrence flawfer thinking about crawfish yeah uh Terence Crawford is there to be hit man uh he believes in Terence Crawford more than you believe in you so he he's he's online to get hit yeah he's there for the jab he's gonna get Sean is more of a jab jab he's gonna be hitting with power Jabs on Saturday night has to get his head off the line man has to get it has to has to do a little bit more than just believing Terence Crawford otherwise it's going to be a hell of a night and that investment that Earl Spence is gonna start because in the first 10 seconds he's fighting yeah I don't know if you guys notice that the first 10 seconds Earl Spence is like you know 10 seconds yeah he's fighting yeah so during that whole time eight ninth round that will that investment will pay you already have a banked early around so just little things those guys need to work on defense they ain't got I would say the better defense will be yeah the work is done what uh you better get your head off well speaking of the work that's where I was gonna go what do you think corner-wise where do you think I'm not I don't even think it's close uh I have no disrespect The Bowman I think Derek James is that good yeah and Beau Mack I'm like you go great trainer like how do you I don't know how you you really particular about working other people's stuff when it's time to fight he was in Oklahoma last night yeah are you okay with that the work is done okay with that because the work is done okay okay I had the same thought that yeah I was like wait a second Dynamic is different you know what I mean uh and if my dad went like Barry had to be there if Barry would wait had to be there both of them had to be there the whole team if my dad when the whole team got you know so I was really really right like really meticulous about those things but I think when you truly look at it and we'll go back to the fight with uh with um the the Mean Machine and we and they went to the corner several times and it was like but bomac was quiet and it was like bomac was practically waiting on on Terrence to do whatever it was he was gonna do and I remember I was like yo Terence switch and put it on this dude I'm like switching put it on his door I asked for about two two rounds and they went to the corner and said well yeah Beau man he Bowman said he's just feeling filling it out he gonna do it when he ready to do it and it's like no you got to take charge you gotta give him instruction and make sure he implements that instruction you know so we know Derek James we here when they go to the corner he's very very precise until it gives gives instruction and you know and I wonder what you mentioned I was kind of thinking that as you were saying it about the where I think there may be a discrepancy between Derek James and bomac where I think bud maybe is more of a dynamic and instinctive fighter where Aeros is very technical and very fundamentally sound so maybe he doesn't need bomac to be that because he is doing this all calculated in his head maybe I don't know that's just something that popped in my head 100 because then when you look at it you say well Arrow or excuse you say Terence can make adjustments on the Fly he's the most you know adjustable fighter whatever you the case may be uh that is due to his high IQ yeah his ability to just be instinctive and know what I'm seeing and do what I got to do whereas Arrow I mean Barry just said it Arrow go back to the gym yeah and he working he keep working he keep working so when they come to the gym with or when they come to the fight with I honestly think that they're coming to fight with this and I think that there's subtle adjustments they're going to make but there aren't going to be any big adjustments I don't see Arrow going from being an aggressive fighter in the first three rounds all of a sudden catching counter and draw him into you and see if we can change the dynamic of this fight those are like big adjustments and those are things we've seen Terrence do what do you think um from a standpoint of experience obviously they're both very experienced but coming up different divisions do you think Arrow has an edge in the big fight experience whereas Bud may not at this point I really do think that whatever but has not experienced let's say hypothetically there's 50 there on Fight Night which I don't think that that's even despicable Tony yeah yeah I don't even think that's possible but let's say Arrow or Terence is only fought in front of 20. yeah that's cool because this Underdog mentality that I got that's gonna make up that other 30. he's been the underdog his whole career allegedly even though it's never once happened but God love them so you know everybody I think people just so much on Earl and this comparison just because we didn't see Terrence struggle that's my biggest thing but do in boxing you know sometimes you win but do you guys agree sometimes you need your ass whoop unboxing not not I'm saying Floyd that way Floyd he still won but he got his ass whooped he wanted to fight but the war yeah and like that makes you a better fighter do you believe that because I feel like for the most part Terence mean machine there was a guy the good part about 10 University makes Champions was a phrase I picked up once well the good part about Terence is even though he he's he's not a spoiled fighter he's just a fighter who has just won and has continued to win but he's not a spoil fighter where we're gonna put this specific style in front of you because we know it's gonna make you look fantastic on fire he just continues to win and then and then has his ass kicked the ass kicking that I personally think Earl received was the car accident I think the car accident is what improved Earl okay I think people doubting Terrence is what has continued has forced Terence to continue to happened three or four years ago you might be looking at a Sean Porter versus Keith Thurman kind of fight yeah we're still an amazing fight but there's no telling what that fight would look like if it happened that fire happened in 2016. if that fight happened in 2019 there's no telling with that fight yeah and what uh maybe I'm missing something but what like what is not stayed where it was at that those years ago like have you seen Arrow drop off you've seen Bud drop off if anything I've seen them both of them improved I don't quite understand that it'd be different if maybe one of them took a loss had The Narrative of the car accidents neither of them took a loss I didn't watch I I didn't watch to be fair sorry Terence I didn't watch him against avenisian but like I don't think anyone was like oh man buddy slipping against against evanesian yeah and then Errol when his fight with you guys like I I didn't see that and was like man I don't know like I think they're both at the best he had a moment pieces was hilarious crazy yeah which is also on the patreon I'm telling y'all wait a second he told that story what are you talking about yeah hey I'm like y'all y'all better but there's a there's a there's a better version of the page of him there's a better version of that story on the patreon that you didn't even see so did you make it unless you did you no man check it out uh but man this is hell of a fight I my thing how I like people say obviously I got Earl but man I could see Terrence knocking Earl the hell out over the top of the Jab hurting him and if Terence hurts you you're fooled ain't nowhere I'm gonna give you a chance to sniff yeah hey you're a fool that's what the the counter shots and Terence being so damn good and I ring IQ I Edge Terence very slightly but I feel like little things like that he can pick pick up on Earl and could get Earl out of here is it a hot Tech I don't think either of them goes down in this place because I feel like people are kind of like insinuating that they think one of them will go down at some point I'm just so ready for this fight but I don't think either yeah I'm good with a 50. I'm most like I'm saying a 50 50 fight all the way to the end where we just getting moments moments moments moments where it's just like Sean's been in two fights what was this all about moments you know yeah it's like you got down all right I'm gonna get you back yeah I'm excited to see what what the walkouts are to be honest with you man Sean talked about that because I hope they come well so that so the alleged there's gonna be a coin flip yeah I don't know I don't know but yeah I hope they both come come with some some uh some fire arrow should walk second let's just be candid about it use the a side um we got all the belts and yeah again another thing is you know at 147 it's not the Terrace you only face One champion you know that champion was Jefferson Earl Smith's face Sean Porter World Champ you didn't know World Champ Cal Brook World Champ you face Jeff Horn those guys watched by all three of those guys yeah I don't I hope Eric walks second but but I mean back to I don't again I don't know what he came out to the ebenezuelan fight well he did Chaka Khan against shaquel which is great okay and then he came out to uh I'm bad LL Cool J which at the time I mentioned when Sean came out I was like damn hell yeah then all of a sudden I heard I'm bad and I was like don't care I'm sorry oh my God it came out Sean could have came out the Barney he said muscle he said muscle bound man and put his face in the sand I said oh boy we're in jail here boys oh man you want to do an official an official prediction because we're here you can't absolutely not no you can't we can't dance around this the people have asked for it I'll start you go he okay boom uh this fight man hell of a fight uh 50 50 all the way around you can tell Floyd your favorite fighter the way you say hell of a fighter I say hell of a fight yeah so hello that makes sense yeah go ahead sorry to cut you off no no you're good man it's gonna be a great fight man you know honestly y'all my heart is pulling for bud I'm be honest with y'all that's my guy I rock with him all day long I have a man of my word I gotta at this point I gotta go Aerosmith but if blood getting out of there I'm okay losing my money to the Terrence yeah it's not a problem man but it's gonna be a hell of fight I feel like moments man moments I Terrance has to has I'd say Terrence got to win the Jaguar because he's gonna jab inside Terence got to be able to get out get in get out keep your back off the damn ropes when Earl Spence sees your back on the ropes it's like go time for him I don't know if you notice that you in your prep I think you noticed that if he gets you on the Rope he going to work he throwing combos he's getting this off uh Terence man I'm trying to think everything I tell Terrence to win this fight move man move when that man gets too close ties us ties big ass up who's stronger between those two I'm going with Earl Smith what about you the guy that's been in the ring listen man you've seen what happened in the fight with Terrence so you think I'm about like physically like they tie up if they were to wrestle I know bud is a Restless on my head too physical strength do you think did you know this what they both Terrence first fight was that super lightweight too well to wait yeah if you go back and look it up I got you light well yeah I got you uh Earl first fight was that super welterweight 54 yes against one four and one four yeah fight night what you think they come in at 155 I'm guessing 155 versus 175. Jesus I don't think that boy is Big yeah he's a big 55 and 165. hell no I also I think it'll be around 64. so I don't for my prediction I also don't care who wins a fight like if Bud wins I'm not gonna be like oh man yeah they're gonna light itself the only reason that I want Arrow to win is to talk the butt that's it that is literally the only personal thing okay I think era wins if I'm just analyzing the fight I think girl wins if I were to lean one was just for the talking but um yeah no I think there's gonna be a close fight I think nine of them goes down I just think it's gonna be a matter of if there's a round where you can kind of lean one way or the other I think arrow is just going to be so steady so consistent offensively where I just think the rounds that are close he's going to bank where but I think is gonna have to do something special to overcome that so I lean him I lean him on points yeah I go my final thing because I never got it yeah go ahead find out the the investment from to the body will stop we'll slow down Terence Crawford end up making him stagnant and his body were failing 11 round stoppage Earl Spence oh man you know what and this is another thing about Terence is whatever he hears he's just gonna grab onto it oh yeah he's taking all this so he going to the Rings like everybody's talking about this body work I'm gonna get this body work and if he goes to Arrow's defense's body which we've literally never seen anybody do the whole complexion of the fight changes yeah that's why this is a great 50-55 and I'm gonna go to the DraftKings Sportsbook app I'm gonna download that bad boy yeah I'm gonna sign up get my five dollars in my 150 and I'm gonna talk to you about some of these incentives over there because some of these bets is crazy I love and I want in on some of it I love I love both these guys but I love them as Fighters and dudes like they're they're not too both great dudes both great Fighters we're gonna get something special on Saturday and it's crazy and the sports book Terence is the favorite yeah girl is the underdog with all the belts it goes back to him being the underdog his whole career on this fight one thing I like another thing with Earl is he did I like that he did what he said he was going to do he's a man of his way he's the truth well you almost Trump trying to say that because I remember when Sean and I I can't remember why you weren't there but I made a a return appearance and it was when he was fighting avanesium and I was like Earl Spence never lied to me anything he's ever said he's gonna do he did where his Bud goes if I have anything whatever we're past that thankfully we never have to talk about that ever again but Arrow he he said he's going to spin the block he spin the block because he's truly going to be an amazing Friday night and I I'm gonna be a fun week too you know what just pick that's it I would pick Terence Crawford and I will pick so we got two Earls one Terence okay and I picked Terence because we are friends because you know but uh you are Earl Spence hater I'm not wearing on the streets you're Earl Smith's hater I'm not and I defend you and then you do that you know at the end of the day it's like you know I don't know how can you compare this it's just is what it is you know you're the you're the uh you're the main what would you say the main like a litmus test yeah litmus test but at the same time Sean where we said style make fights the Rand B oh I got it right there the ran uh Hagler close uh Hearns KO Duran Hagler kill Hearns the style make fights yeah Sean Porter Cal Brook really on me ish yeah on Saturday yeah and I'm ready to get to it it's gonna be a big do you think this is going to be a big fight week here oh we which I'm going do you think it's gonna we're gonna make it lit I truly do hope if it depends on the portaway podcast I'm not solely super confident well we are a Staples Sean let's man you think it's gonna be that buzz like the tank and Ryan fight it was but it was buzzing honestly bro I'm gonna be honest with you I don't know if it's just a big fight to the casuals yeah I mean to uh the hard course I don't know if the Casual show up I hope uh what I was getting from we're down in Dallas a lot of people the ones that didn't know boxing you know who they did know tank yeah hey they don't know boxers that's that guy that was so uh there's I hope one thing that I think might add just a little flavor is there's actually a big soccer match at a legion I think on Sunday okay and so you might have some of the soccer players in town already Saturday night like maybe for some of the fight stuff I have no idea man united and Dortmund I don't think we depend on soccer well we got the media blitz coming to you guys Wednesday will be at the media workout that starts at 1pm um open to the public I believe it is open to the public uh Wednesday uh at the MGM Grand um where the sports book is at MGM Grand sports book so we'll be over there hanging out and uh just uh enjoying the festivities and enjoying the rise alive I assume absolutely okay you're already well you just said we were just good you were just gonna be enjoying the time okay all right does your show good live show Thursday we got the furnace the final press conference live 1pm uh not open not open to the public and um Thursday we're also going to do the barbershop episode Thursday let them know where it's at sure you let them know where I can't read okay no problem we're gonna be at fade em all Centennial pay them all Centennial yeah what the hell yeah hey I said the same thing when I seated 80 53 North the rainbow Suite 120 we'll let you guys know your series around Hollis you're more than welcome come on if you want to if you want the opportunity to be on the put away podcast that's probably your best opportunity to come to the barbershop definitely shout out to my guys down there in Texas they did it right shoulders love sir that was a hell of a time hell of an argument uh fun with friends act like they've been annoying me for years yeah yeah so Sean that was a good time they fed as well yeah so uh Freedom all Centennial bring the picture yeah I was gonna say get the food ready so that'll be Thursday we'll be there that'll be Thursday yeah that'll be Thursday live on the Porter Way podcast six o'clock okay uh Pacific time you just decide on that time yeah because like he didn't know it was Thursday and then Friday moving forward yeah we'll have the last the final press and find a way in we'll be uh open to the public 3 P.M and set to T-Mobile so I hope it's inside yeah I would imagine so cameras will be melting outside I mean yeah just says T-Mobile because I was toasty at that tank and Ryan that was a while back this is we're at 115. Wayne is Friday 3 P.M Pacific Time right here on the poor way podcast we want you guys to tune in to everything that we do in media week uh during the during the weeks with the media she will be in the media room as well trying to get on um some some whatever big guests they got out here I'm sure Booker T will be around so you ever you you can get a chance to see Burger King I took a picture with him oh you took a shower did you really yes you know you no did you did you introduce yourself yes did you say um so we'll we'll see you guys right here uh this week if you're coming to Vegas please hydrate because it's hot as yeah it's pretty hot out here don't come out here and think you don't need to drink a lot of water motivational message for the week it's time yeah this is the Porter Way
Channel: The PorterWay Podcast
Views: 61,603
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boxing, sports, boxing news, sports news, podcast, sports podcast, shawn porter, welterweight, showtime shawn porter, shawn porter podcast, boxing podcast, tpwp, the porter way podcast, carson merk, anthony brenagh, sean zittel, porterway, porterway podcast, draftkings, sponsored, spence vs crawford, crawford vs spence, errol spence jr, terence crawford, isaac cruz, george kambosos, maxi hughes, kambosos vs hughes
Id: ME_zvac6TrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 6sec (4566 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2023
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