The Odd Couple: Baltar and Lucifer - A Battlestar Galactica 1978 Compilation

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I have examined your epistle suggesting you would be able to locate the humans why can oh yes I I think as they do I I I I I I I know where they will go what they must do I find your reasoning logical then I am to be spared to serve the Empire [Music] Lucifer I'm sending you a base ship entirely under your command it will be my pleasure bter I think I can assure you with some sense of Pride you will inherit the most capable centurions in all the Empire by your command speak I bring good news we believe we have located the Battle Star Galactica oh a scouting expedition of colonial vipers has landed on a listening Post in the quadrant otaris they were permitted to escape as you instructed how far is this Outpost from us 1.5 hectars since the Galactica is kept to a minimum speed by the slower vehicles under her protection at light speed we can easily catch her within a Centon is she aware that she's being detected no our Fighters will take her by complete surprise as they did at carolon one base star is not sufficient to assure victory over the Galactica find her but follow just beyond her SC can arrange until we can call for reinforcements such a call would surely be picked up by the Galactica she would be alerted and escaped logical yes now perhaps you see why the imperious leader put me in command but if we cannot call for assistance and you will not attack is not the end result the same the Galactica [Music] escapes have faith Lucifer have faith I have a plan all I need is the opportunity to present it that will come by your [Music] command we have overtaken the Galactica and are trailing just beyond her scanner range excellent she has veered away from The Outpost quite logical on the contrary quite illogical their course is taking them into the Epsilon quadrant towards a magnetic Abyss a magnetic Abyss aoid a navigational Inferno possibly endless logically they should engage our small Outpost rather than enter such a dangerous area unless they know we are following anything is possible but the odds are astronomically against it shall we launch our Fighters against the Galactica now no have they sent out reconnaissance patrols occasionally we drop back beyond their scanner range give top priority to capturing one of those Patrol Pilots if I'm right Adama will turn the Galactica over to me without firing a shot by your [Music] command isn't he wonderfully Dev we can learn much from [Music] him his reaction to the news will be interesting to observe by your command speak vipers from the Galactica have attacked and destroyed our Outpost then the G itic is on her way over the Outpost now no no she is instead entering the void but why bother risking detection by destroying the Outpost if they had no intention of moving in that direction unless unless a Dharma needs something from the asteroid food fuel there are no such supplies there there is one other curious matter to report what is it the colonial Viper craft reportedly flew in a peculiarly erratic fashion evidently they flew well enough to destroy your base it was a small Outpost caught by surprise since you determined the Galactica would not strike there do not fence with me my friend everything is still proceeding according to my plan except you have not captured one of their pilots as I ordered to assure such to capture we would have to risk being discovered you ordered us out of the Galactica scanner range they send out patrols do they not capture one I just want you to know torture won't do you any good I had a course in resisting hey hey hey careful I bruise [Music] easy this is your plan to convince the humans that we come bearing The Twig of Peace yes it is illogical to assume they would ever trust you again you underestimate the human need for Hope properly presented and at a propitious moment they'll come willingly to my arms a curious development your eminence this one will I am sure take you by surprise nothing takes me by surprise what is it a star what star a star has appeared as if out of nowhere and has guided the Galactica to a dead Planet truly a dama knows I'm closing for the kill why would he a star you said it of course the endless black void and the Majestic Star in the [Music] heavens the Trap is about to be sprung my good friend and now it will be all too easy prepare my craft and an escort I go alone of course only I can bring the Galactica to your leader of course [Applause] [Music] we are picking up a transmission in a strange code launch fighters to investigate by your [Music] command [Music] by your [Applause] command we have news from our outpost on arcta they have encountered probe fightercraft from the Galactica yes but how did you [Music] know why do you suppose I have been gently hering them to this quadrant put out a call for additional base ships resume Pursuits at flank speed we have lost many fightercraft in our recent encounters we do not have enough to overwhelm the Galactica the Dharma does not know that in any case he cannot retreat in our Direction with additional base Ships coming up you are correct of course yeah you have your orders by your [Music] command soon Adama [Music] soon the probe that landed on the planet surface it was destroyed not exactly not exactly control yourself my friend you blow a circuit or I believe you call it a blood vessel really quite flimsy compared to I do not need a lesson in human anatomy where are our Fighters close to the point of no return still hectars from the Galactica have them attack the Galactica but then they will not have enough fuel to return that's suicide they're machines we are all machines even you of a sword with a probe on the surface and possible survivors I must push the Galactica forward even if there were human pilots in those Fighters I would give the same order yes I believe you would by your command have our Fighters engaged the Galactica yes but they will not have enough fuel to return break off the attack bolow I believe my sound sensor Ms you I said break off the attack it will force Adama to believe that we are even closer than we are in actuality very clever a little hard on our troops but very very clever by your [Music] [Music] command good news some of our Fighters may have enough fuel to R Leu with us well at least 30 30% good have them go back and re-engage the Galactica but Bal they just disengaged yes it will drive ad dama crazy he's not the only one you said something by your [Music] command Bart I bring grave news it cannot be I'm afraid it can a handful of hum successfully destroyed the ravish all Pulsar despite all of your garrisons and squadrons and the biggest weapon in the universe but the strategy was yours bolar I recommend we come up with some sort of solid front to explain this dearle to the imperious leader very well but I will yet have the last laugh on a dama mark my words don't I always B [Music] to a tiller Garrison Commander reporting a tiller an obscure Outpost in the Omega sector the Commander's name is Spectre I believe one of the earlier ilil series before my time rather Limited in [Music] ability report Spectre we have apprehended a colonial Warrior excellent have you interrogated the pilot The Scouting party that captured him has not yet returned to our Garrison I think you know what I desire the exact position of the Galactica I shall await your next communication you have a wonderful opportunity here Spectre use it well by your command this Spectre seems to have done rather well for an early model h still no word from ailla I'm sure Spectre will contact us if he has anything to report perhaps he feels his report will not be received satisfactorily by you Balter what are you implying Lucifer it has come to my attention that Spectre has ordered more laser pumps and Petro than any Garrison in the system so he's stockpiling what Garrison Commander doesn't he has also ordered an extraordinary supply of laser rifles and Metron bombs certainly unnecessary requisitions for a planet whose entire population has supposedly been terminated Lucifer do you wish me to believe that Spectre would submit false progress reports speaking from past experience I would not say it is beyond his programming Lucifer I do believe you're jealous such a reaction is not programmed into IL series circuitry Commander Spector [Music] reporting I'm counting on you Spectre I know and may I say it is a distinct honor to serve the illustrious balar you are a veritable leg well thank you by your command you see a logical explanation [Laughter] yes I apologize for the delay the captured Warrior is still unconscious he may even terminate die unfortunately we are programmed to destroy humans not save them our knowledge of their Anatomy is so limited still I do not offer excuses despite my by securing this planet for the empire in record time if this Warrior terminates I can only view my mission here as a failure for I will have failed one of the great leaders of our Millennium you balar oh Felder now now now now don't be too hard on yourself Spectre from the reports I read you've done a brilliant job on a Tilla well we have had our problems problems this planet is so wet half our Garrison is down with rust however I will spare no effort in Saving the human and extracting the information you need by your command you actually believe that dag Dil Lucifer this jealousy is simply not like you Spectre is doing a wonderful job by your command speak our Scouts have located the trailing business of the colonial Fleet they turn back before Discovery I presume by your order very well done this is the final moment at long last I've overtaken Adama with sufficient strength to blow him out of the sky it should be quite a good battle it will be no battle at all a single Battle Star is no match for three base ships oh no no what we have here my dear Lucifer is what is known as a route a humiliation a massacre then you do not wish support fighters from gar our outer Capital the only thing I want from glamore is a welcoming parade a Victory celebration a tribute from the people of gamore for the greatest military leader syon has ever known I've decided that the city of deore will be my seat of power from it I will decide how and where I will extend my Dominion throughout the star system begging your pardon balar but don't you think we should first go through the formality of Conquering the humans before ordering our Victory celebration that had the note of sarcasm Lucifer watch yourself you're not the only IL series syon who dreams of standing beside the greatest conqueror in all the universe forgive my impudence about that launch order yes yes let's get on with it wait wait I have an even better idea I will accompany the strike force you go into yes yes think of the impression on the city of gamore when they learn that I personally led the final assault on the humans prepare a ship with two of your best Pilots by your [Music] command what is the latest intelligence it is the consensus of the commanders of the two supporting Bay shapes that we should ask for help from the planet gamor at once somehow I find the idea of some base commander on gamore taking credit for destroying the Galactica slightly annoying we did not do quite so well in battle this day we were taken by surprise thanks to your so-called intelligence reports how many squadrons are based on Gore for complete squadrons the equivalent of a BAS in other words we have the Firepower of four base ships at our disposal that is correct prepare for a new [Music] attack are our ships ready to launch the final assault against the Galactica and Pegasus there is a problem I don't want to hear about any problems we have them where we want them now launch but they aren't where we want them what do you mean they aren't where we want them they are at this moment over gamori what blowing the pois out of it if reports coming in are accurate the fact that gamori is being attacked is perfect it means the colonial Fleet is completely unprotected launch a killer Force at once did you hear me I said destroy the fleet the there's a special Envoy anore it is headed by our imperious leader there to dedicate the new base imperious leader is on gamore I wonder what he'll think when he finds that the base on which he is standing is being destroyed by two ships you had within your grasp only this morning this is unbelievable we must rush to our leader defense yes send everything we have to destroy those two Battle Stars and let not a single ship return until that's [Music] accomplished a report from our task force a single Battle Star has been sent out to intercept them destroy it then continue on it should take no time at all by your command another report the Lone Battle Star is destroyed and our forces are on their way to gamore not exactly what's happened the pigasus and her warriors did not stop to engage our Fighters did not engage but that ah of course they're a decoy they intend to lead our Fighters off make them pursue and burn off fuel while gamor remains under attack a very clever plan but I see right through it break off the attack continue our fighters on towards gamore we'll finish off the Galactica and then return for the Pegasus after we've saved our imperious leader if the Pegasus did not head back towards the Galactica and she did not head off across the stars and where is she hiding directly towards us your eminence towards us but that's absurd he's allowing us to destroy the Galactica and the fleet who in his right mind would do such a thing may I suggest the legendary Commander Kane Kane yes Kan of course Kan what does he care about the fleet or the galactic he wants he wants he wants me Lucifer recall our Fighters at once how long before our Fighters can return to defend us I'm afraid the Pegasus will reach us first then drop back let the other two base ships intercept the Pegasus I'm not sure the other base commanders will appreciate that it isn't a request it's an [Music] [Applause] order our interceptors are reporting a large number of flying objects they are all around us and yet they are not a DH yes scientists aboard the Galactica perhaps it's a technological breakthrough of some kind let us hope so you would hope that the humans have made so Advanced a breakthrough the alternative is that we have encountered a new and more powerful force in the universe than our [Music] own any further news of these machines these creatures manifestations our attack crafts are unable to pursue them they are too Swift prepare my personal craft and crew to what end send out a long range signal unidirectionally to the Galactica wherever she is notify her that I wish to randevu with her you expect to be treated under universal law after leading your brothers into annihilation of the colonies it is my life that I risk do as I ask by your command [Music] bter
Channel: Darth Plagueis
Views: 128,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wondershare Filmora
Id: 7iBulRjW5iw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 53sec (1553 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2023
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