The Ocean Physics Behind Net Zero

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(intense music) - In this lecture, we're talking about, "The Ocean Physics behind Net Zero." And I'd like to start off with a question. Which probably not something you've thought about very much, but why is the deep ocean cold? You probably think you know the answer to this question. Well, it must be cold because the sun can't get down there. All the heat from the sun, is absorbed in the top few millimeters, in fact of the ocean, and the mixing by the wind only takes it down, top few tens of meters. But if you think about it, that only explains why the deep ocean isn't warming up. But why is it cold in the first place? And it really is very cold. If we look at a section through the Atlantic, so this is a sort of south to north section in the Atlantic, you can see that over most of the depth, so it's about, on average about four kilometers deep. So this is, remember this has been exaggerated, by about a factor of a thousand in the vertical. If I showed you this to scale, it would just be a straight line on the screen. I tried to do that but it was rather disappointing. So this scale is 12,000 kilometers. So if we look in the tropical Atlantic, around here over a few hundred meters, you go from surface temperatures, getting on for 30 degrees, bath temperature almost, you go a few hundred meters down and you reach temperatures that you'd have to travel, thousands and thousands of kilometers north to find them. So we have this massive contrast, in the rate at which temperatures change in the vertical and how they change in the horizontal. And it's even more extreme in the Pacific. Most of the Pacific is almost at freezing temperature. You see, this is all this purple color, that's down near zero degrees. And you know, in this some parts of the tropical Pacific, you actually if you were in scuba diving depth, so in the sort of depth you can get to, with just a sort of regular air tank, you could actually die of hypothermia, before you're not this is recommended, before you die of the bends, so to speak. Because the temperature contrasts are so great, in the vertical, so be careful, when you're scuba diving off Hawaii. So why is this? By the way, I'm just going back to this profile, you know, you might think, well it's cold because it can't be heated up. Well, that's a sort of very, you know, if you don't mind me saying, so that's a bit of an Aristotelian way of thinking. Aristotle was convinced, that everything had a sort of natural state. Aristotle was a Greek philosopher, scientist. Much of science, people call philosophy, lots of, you know, footnotes to Plato. Science is largely tidying up Aristotle's mistakes. So one of Aristotle's big mistakes was, he thought everything had a natural state. So the natural state of a cart was stationary or the natural state of any object was stationary and you had to keep pushing it to keep it going. Which meant, of course, Aristotle could never understand how the planets moved, because he couldn't work out what pushed them. Of course, Galileo quite a few years later, worked out that actually the natural state of something, was just to keep going in whatever it was doing. And the same, you know, unless there's something to slow it down. And the same goes for temperature. The natural state of water is not cold. If it's insulated, the natural state of water, is just to stay whatever temperature it's at. So why is it at this temperature in the first place? And I mean, by the way, water conducts heat as you know, I mean, if you've ever got soaked from the rain, you'll feel that. It's actually one of the best conductors of heat, that's not a metal, that's out there. And so if you hold a nail in a gas flame, again, not recommended, but you'll notice the temperature equilibrates, you know, evens up along the nail quite quickly. Within a a minute or two, temperature will be uniform along the nail. Water, I said it was one of the best conductors of heat, but it's not nearly as good as any metal. So if you take a glass of water, just say 10 centimeters deep or better still a styrofoam cup, so you don't need to worry about heat going down, through the walls of the container. It actually would take several hours, for you to warm it up by conduction from the surface. So that's the contrast between, you know, a metal object like a nail and liquid water, even though water does conduct heat. But if you, by the way, the depth which temperatures penetrate by conduction, the speed, the length of time it takes, for you know, a warming at the surface, to penetrate down by conduction, goes with the square on the depth. And that's sort of again, okay, most of you, before you sort of start, he's moving into maths, I'm going to tune out at this point, that should be fairly obvious to you anyway, because what's driving heat along the nail or down through the glass of water is the gradient, is how fast the temperature is changing, either in the vertical in the glass of water or along the nail. And the further you go, the less the average temperature contrast per unit length, the less rapidly temperatures change. So the slower it moves heat along. So you can just, you can do the sum in your head if you want. If I tell you that it takes several hours, for a glass of water in a 10 centimeters or styrofoam cup of water, to equilibrate temperature, it would take several thousand years for conduction, to get down through, you know, even just several hundred meters of water. So then you're like, oh wait a minute. Several thousand years ago? Well 20,000 years ago, the earth was in an Ice Age. Maybe this is because of the Ice Age. Okay, it's not, okay? 'Cause of course, if you go that route, you might think, maybe sea level rises, all the recovery from the last Ice Age. And then I remember in the last lecture, I commented on the number of people, who write like to write me angry emails, telling me that they've discovered that climate change, is entirely natural. So no, that's not the reason that deep oceans are cold. Because even back in the Ice Age, surface temperatures in the Tropics, are only a few degrees colder than they are now. Certainly not that kind of temperature contrast. So and you know, the ocean's been around, for billions of years. I'm hoping by now you should be a little bit puzzled, why is the deep ocean so cold? 'Cause even just conduction would warm it up. And the answer is a very sort of important one, a very important one for our net zero story. I hope you've all, you know, I'm sure you're all aware, that temperature is not the only effect, the factor that affects the density of seawater. Any idea where this is? The sort of hint is, I guess, also in the newspaper. That's the Dead Sea. This is somebody doing the classic thing, of reading a newspaper in the Dead Sea. If you have enough salt in water, it's very dense. And, you know, as another much, much better scientist than Aristotle, as Archimedes point out, that means that you can float in it at high enough, that you can actually read a newspaper. So the salt content of water increases its density. So if you want to increase the density of water, so these lines show you lines, contours of density, it gets more dense in this direction. You can either cool the water or you can make it saltier. So both of these things make sea water denser. So cooling, for example, you know, the wind blowing over the surface of the ocean, cooling it down, that helps make water denser. But evaporation and the formation of ice, that also makes water saltier. When ice forms, the salt is left behind. So if you're ever stuck on an ice floe, lots of survival tips in this lecture, eat the ice, don't drink the sea water. Yep? Because it's much fresher. But what happens is, as seawater freezes, the water that's left behind, it becomes saltier and therefore denser. So there you are. Here's water getting, you know, as you increase, reduce temperature and increase the salt content, the water gets denser. And so the places where water can escape, to the ocean depths, are places where it's very dense at the surface, to start with. And those are places where it's very cold and where the formation of ice and the action of wind blowing over the ocean, act to make water particularly dense. So places like this, that's ice floe in the background, to give you a hint about where you are. You got the wind, a storm in the North Atlantic, causing lots of evaporation, lots of spray. The water that's left behind is getting saltier. Ice is forming, that's also making the water saltier. Eventually, that surface water becomes denser, than the water beneath it and slides away down into the ocean depths. Now crucially, once the water's left the surface, there's nothing down there to warm it up again. There's no equivalent to rain formation or sun in the atmosphere to warm up different, it's on its own. There's nothing happening down there. So, once it's gone, ocean water remembers the temperature and the salt content it had, when it was last at the surface, until it gets back to the surface again, which may be many, many hundreds of years. So water forms in these isolated regions. So here they are. There's a few regions. The Labrador Sea, the extreme North Atlantic and this region near Antarctica, where the water's cold enough, to escape down into the ocean depths. So all of the water that you see, in 90% of the world's oceans has got there, through the so-called deep water formation regions. So it really is arctic temperatures, below the tropical Pacific, just a few, you know, 50 to 100 meters down. You find arctic temperatures because it's arctic water. It's come from the Arctic. Because once it's down there, it can't mix with the water above it, because it's so cold and dense and the water above it is being heated by the sun and made, you know, made less dense as a result and sits on top. So here's an amazing graphic courtesy of NASA, which shows you this circulation. Do you see the water flowing up through the North Atlantic and reaching this black region, that color indicates the density. And in this region where surface density is at its highest, the water drops away down into the ocean depths and then it can't mix with the water above it anymore, because it's so dense, it's stuck down there. And it travels southwards on average, back through all these sea mountains. Remember this is massively exaggerated in the verticals, so it's not nearly that spiky in reality. And you can see that this downward, under surface deep, deep flow, coming back down through past the tropical Atlantic, no mixing with the surface, because you've got this density contrast, the lighter, less dense water above, more dense water below. And goes all the way around the world, back out into the Pacific. And then eventually, somewhere else in the oceans, it resurfaces again. It's a fantastic graphic. The only thing I don't like about it, is that it sort of implies, you see here the water sort of popping up at one place. That's actually very misleading. That's not the way the ocean works. There's these few places where deep water is formed, but there's no such thing, as a shallow water formation region. It's actually much more like an aquarium pump, but working in reverse. So if you've got a tropical aquarium, you know you've got to have this sort of pump thing, that sort of circulates the water, pulls water from the bottom and pushes it out at the top. And so over the rest of the aquarium, you've got a very, very gradual down-welling of water. And then you've got this one little pipe, pumping it back up to the surface. Well the oceans work in exactly the same way in reverse. You've got these few points, where you've effectively got a pipe, from the surface down to the deep ocean. And then over the rest of the ocean, it's slowly up-welling, yep? That's the only criticism I've got of this, otherwise fantastic animation from NASA. Anyway, I think that's all that's really interesting, about just the way the ocean works. But what has it got to do with net zero? Well, it helps us understand, where energy goes in the climate system. Now remember from the previous lecture and we had a sort of 10 minute recap, before this lecture started, for those who weren't there, we emphasized that our climate system, is fundamentally governed by this flow of energy, in from the sun and the flow of energy back out into space. A little bit like a bathtub. If you crank up the tap and increase the flow of energy in, if this is a sort of the plug hole of the bath, then the heat content of the climate system increases, until the pressure driving energy out, balances the pressure of the energy coming in. And we sort of demonstrated that with that, with our gadget, which we'll come to in a minute. So where we are now is we're adding energy, to the climate system, because of the increase in greenhouse gases, over the past century and a half or so. At about two and a half watts per square meter, added up over the whole earth surface, which adds up to a lot of energy. And because the world's already warmed up, about one and three quarters is going back out into space. And the difference between those two numbers, is three quarters. The maths in this lecture is all really straightforward. And so the world is warming up by that much energy, you know, that's per square meter, of the earth's surface we're seeing. But that doesn't tell you itself, how fast the temperatures are going up. I'm telling you how fast the energy content, of the climate system is going up. But what does that mean for surface warming? And to understand that, you need to understand, where the energy's going, how it's distributed around the climate system. So this is a graph of where energy has gone, in the climate system since 1960s. 1960 here, to the present of 2018 or so. And this just shows you how heat energy, has accumulated in the climate system. And one of the sort of most impressive things, about this figure is this fine red line you see here, which shows, when we use satellites, to work out how much energy, is being taken up by the climate system, as a whole every year and then compare that to where measuring the oceans and the land and the ice caps, where energy's gone, we get a very good match. You see how this red line matches the blue line very well. So we know where the energy is going in the climate system. Which, you know, you think, well how hard was that? Really hard, okay? Lots of people had to do a lot of work to do that. But, you know, it's done. And it's lots of things like this. Because, of course, what we're doing here, in order to work out what the energy content, this is the pale blue here, is the top 300 meters of the oceans. The slightly darker blue is the top 700 meters. And then darker still, sorry, this is the top 300 meters above the green line. This is the top 700 and so on. So you can see how these different regions, are giving you different, you know, how the energy is distributed through the ocean system. And as a result of that, you see that, you know, in order to just be able to observe that, we've had to instrument up the earth oceans, with vast numbers of drifting buoys, to work out how fast temperatures are going up, in different regions. But this has been done and we can now, there's a lot of uncertainty sort of pre-1980s, because we didn't have these buoy networks back then, but we've got it pretty well wired up now, so we know where the energy's going. And this is what's accumulating in the climate system. The unit here is something called a zettajoule and you've probably heard of a joule of energy. That's the energy it takes to warm up, a liter of water by one degree, I think I've got that right or kilogram of water by one degree. So a zettajoule is one followed by 21 zeros joules. So it's a billion trillion joules. So quite a substantial number. If you want to compare that to, so that's the 0.75 watts meter square. If you want to talk, compare that to number you might be more familiar with, that's the total amount of energy we generate, mostly from burning fossil fuels, but from hydropower and everything else in the world, over the same period. So the actual amount of energy we generate and by the way, 75% of that is wasted as well. So the actual energy we use, will be quite a small fraction of that, okay? So that's whole of humanity, compared to the energy that's accumulating, in the climate system as a result of past emissions, of greenhouse gases. So people often ask me, you know, does it matter that a power station, is generating heat itself or that the steam coming out of the cooling towers, of a power station is quite hot. It is hot, it's steam. Is that what's causing global warming? No. Because that energy is tiny, compared to the energy that's being trapped, by those greenhouse gases, that that power station might have produced. That's the big impact on energy in our climate system, not the energy we actually generate from burning stuff Okay, by the way, notice here there are some extra stripes down here, that the little beige one is energy accumulating on land and energy accumulating in ice, mostly by melting ice is the sort of gray one. And finally the purple one is the tiny amount of energy, that's accumulating in the atmosphere. And the reason that's quite small compared to the ocean, is that the atmosphere has a very low heat capacity, compared to the ocean. It's much easier to warm, it doesn't take nearly as much energy, to warm air up as it takes to warm water up. And the land one is quite small, because the land only the soil really warms up, the sort of top few, you're not, whereas in the oceans you're warming up kilometers of water. So why is the energy being distributed the way it is, just to point at you? Most of it is in the top 700 meters, more than half is confined to that top 700 meters of water. A lot of it's in the top 300 meters and the rest, most of the rest is going down into the ocean depths. So why is this? You can sort of see what's happening here. These are temperature trends in the global oceans. And you can see here in the Pacific in particular, all the warmings happening at the surface, really nothing happening further down. In the Atlantic it is penetrating down, but only in a few regions that region of North Atlantic, that region of the southern ocean, okay? Those same regions that we've said, we've seen water penetrating down into the ocean depths, because those are the regions where, the surface is connected to the deep ocean and we get this siphoning off of surface waters. And as the surface warms, you get a siphoning off of surface heat. So that's where the energy penetrates down, into the ocean depths. So this is what takes us back to our climate model, our Gresham climate model, which I will wake up I hope. And just to remind you, this so fluid flowing in, represents energy coming in from the sun. I explained in the last lecture, that if I was to make this to scale, because the energy flowing in from the sun is so enormous, compared to the changes due to greenhouse gases, we'd need to have it sort of a hundred meters high and Gresham couldn't quite afford that. So this is scale down the natural flow, flowing in from the sun and flowing back out into space, okay? Space is downwards, okay? Again Gresham couldn't afford, a sort of anti-gravity arrangement but so, but you can see the basic idea, that we have a balance in energy flowing in from the sun and energy flowing back out into space. If we crank it up to, if we increase the speed of the pump, we see the level of water in this tube rises, pushing fluid out into space energy back out into space, that corresponds to temperature the surface temperature and it rapidly reaches a new equilibrium level. And if I increase the speed by the same amount again, it goes up by about the same amount again, all right? So far, so good, so far so simple and relatively obvious this would be, the way the climate would behave, if the whole world were kind of like the Pacific and you just had a sort of surface of water, completely isolated from the water underneath. But it isn't and this is why we need to think about, the way the oceans behave, the way the deep oceans behave, in order to understand how the climate responds. So as I promised in the last lecture, this is the bit where we uncork the ocean. I'll switch this off before I do that. (machine whirs) And now I'm going to drain this quickly. Sadly there isn't a tap at the bottom of the global ocean, to cool it down again if only, but so what this pipe represents is the heat content, the sort of fluid in this pipe, is the heat content of the deep oceans and therefore that level of water in the pipe, is proportional to the sort of, average deep ocean temperature, okay? And this pipe is fatter than this one, because the oceans have a bigger heat capacity, than the atmosphere. So it takes more fluid, more energy to push up the temperatures of the oceans, than it takes to push up the temperature, than it takes to push up the temperature of the atmosphere. Just to start with, to make things really simple, let's imagine the ocean, that this pipe is absolutely enormous, okay? So just to sort of imagine first, the oceans are infinitely big, okay? So I just opened this tap, it's sort of tricking out here. So now the level in there can't change, 'cause I've just opened the tap at the bottom. If I now do what I did before, so I'll switch it back on again, okay? And wait till it's back in equilibrium, okay? So it's now back in equilibrium, okay? Now I'm going to increase my greenhouse gas concentrations, in the atmosphere, increase the rate of turning of the pump, by the same amount that I did the first time before, okay? By the same speed increase of the pump. Does anybody want to suggest, what is now going to happen this time to the level of water, to the level of fluid in the atmosphere pipe, compared to what happened the last time? Remember the last time it went up to about here, the first time I did it. What do you think is going to happen this time? Does it, water is flowing out through here, into the ocean and through here, back out into space. So there's two out outlets now, whereas before there was one. So just to sort of get your thinking, what do you think's going to happen? So before when I increase the pump speed, it came up to about here, what do you think's going to happen this time? Yeah, it'll come up a bit lower. Let's do the experiment. (machine whirs) Okay? And it's warmed up but not as much, okay? About half what it would do if it actually was allowed to, if it was actually just the tropical Pacific, just isolated from the oceans. And if I do it again, I can see that, again if I increase it to that faster rate, that I had before again it goes up again. But again, by about half what it did before. So in the early stages of global warming, where energy's being carried off into the ocean, as well as energy going back out into space, you see much less of the warming you eventually see, when the system comes back into equilibrium. And this is really important because it means that, if we were to keep our concentrations of greenhouse gases, in the atmosphere constant at today's level forever, we wouldn't just see the warming we've already seen, it would keep warming. And this is why it's really important, to understand this process, which is what we're focusing on in these lectures. So there's in equations, that's the earth's climate system, exactly the same principle. That's the extra energy flowing in, due to the increasing greenhouse gases. And then there's this important parameter, which is the efficiency, we literally earth gets rid of energy to space, that's the plastic tube with an open outlet pipe, that was the first one we had. And here's the new one, where we've got two outlet pipes, okay? And you'll see that because there's two of these Ks, you need less H for the same F, okay? Because this is a bigger number now. And we can sort of do exactly the same thing, with the climate system, because we've got this extra term, energy being transported down into the ocean. We see less heating for the same amount of increase, in greenhouse gas concentrations. It's also really important to use this. You can understand it's a model, not just of the total amount of increase in height, in depth of the ocean, but it's a good model of how it responds to changes, in the incoming flow. So if I change the incoming flow down again, (machine whirs) that means delta F the change in F was negative. So my delta H is negative. It falls and it falls quickly, okay? I bump it up again. So it's a good model of how a change in flow, affects a change in heights. So we can go further than this. Same goes for temperature. It's a great model of how a change in greenhouse gases, on short time scales causes a change in temperature. But now we've got to do something, make it a little bit more interesting, because the oceans are not infinite. We know that the energy's got to go somewhere, it's going down into the deep oceans and causing them to warm up. And that's represented by the increase, in the level of the fluid over here. But let's start off here. Now we are just taking this back down to its sort of quotes, pre-industrial level, okay? So here we are, it's back in equilibrium, okay? It's down at the really this is the natural flow, of energy into the climate system. And now do you see the fluid is flowing back out into space? It can flow between these two pipes, but right now, because the level's about the same between them, it's not flowing, yep? Because it's balancing on both sides. So now this is the hard part. What's going to happen now, if I crank up the speed of the pump? (machine whirs) Someone go for it. - [Female Speaker] Does it rise up? - It rises initially and it rises initially, just as much as it did before. And then so with the infinite ocean, yep? So it'll rise, I will do it in a minute, but I want you to think about it before we do it. 'Cause afterwards, one of the things in science is, everything's always leading obvious when you've done it. Yeah, you never find a scientist who'll admit, that they never didn't understand something, at some point in the past, because it's always like, oh yeah, yeah, it's always like net zero, everything's net zero is totally obvious. In fact, 15 years ago it wasn't obvious. I have to keep reminding myself this. Anyway, so do think about what'll happen. It'll jump up to here, but then what's going to happen to the fluid in this pipe? It's going to start rising. It's going to rise slower because it's a fatter pipe. And what's then going to happen to the fluid in this pipe? (machine whirs) Should we just do it and see what happens? Okay, I'll go for the slightly bigger acceleration. So you can see it immediately pushes up. This is the faster speed immediately it goes up and then it seems to stop rising. But what's happening now, watch it carefully compared to the ticks behind it. (machine whirs) So this is constant concentrations, of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Remember the wording of the Rio Convention. We're going to stabilize atmospheric concentrations, of greenhouse gases at a level, that will prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference, in the climate system. Those are the words of the Rio Convention in 1992. So the level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, is constant. The pump is set at a constant rate. What's happening to this surface temperature? Somebody's close, it's still rising, yeah? It's rising very slowly and it's very hard to predict, when that rise is going to stop, because in order to know that, you need to know everything that's going on, in the deep oceans. And as I emphasized, it's quite hard to see everything, that's going on in the deep oceans. So let's take this back down to zero again and cool off our deep ocean. So we can do some more experiments with it. Here we are back down to where we started. So that's our all right? So that's our new system. Now with the ocean in, let's think about in a little bit more detail, of what actually happens, when we crank up the speed of the pump. So I'll switch it up to by a factor of, I'll increase the pump speed by sort of one unit. That was the first time we did. And this is what happens. You see this goes up by that much and then this is going up at a certain speed. And so this is, it's pushing this up at a certain slow speed as well. If I do it again, it goes jumps up by the same amount again. And the speed with which this is going up, also goes up by the same amount again. Now you'll probably be relieved to hear, we're going to go back to some maths. The whole point of this is to make you feel relieved, to see some more maths. Here we are. So the change in depth that we see in a short time, in a short time interval, a few seconds in that system is proportional to two things. One thing that we know all about, which is the change in fluid flow, that would be the same even if the deep ocean wasn't there or even if the deep ocean was infinitely large, okay? So that's that first term. But there's another term which is a rate of increase, that depends on how fast the pump is turning. The pump's turning quickly, it rises quickly. If the pump's turning slowly, it doesn't, it rises at a slower rate. So you've got one term, which depends on the change in fluid input flow, over that time interval. And another term that depends on the average fluid flow, over that time interval. And now what's really interesting is, you can reorganize this, by the way this is exactly the same equation, just I've replaced this, there's two constants here, but I can replace them with one constant, that represents the sort of responsiveness to the flow. That's this kappa thing here. And then this other one which represents, the rate at which it adjusts to a constant flow. That was the gradual rate at which it carried on adjusting, after I made the flow constant. And this is where it gets interesting. We can do exactly the same thing for the global temperature. The change in global temperature, over a multi-decade time interval, is proportional to one term, which is just the change in greenhouse gas concentrations, over that time interval. And another term that's the average, greenhouse gas concentrations over that time interval, multiplied by the length of the time interval. So you think, well, okay, that seemed like a lot of work. Where does this get us? Well what would it take? So first of all, it tells you that, I've already mentioned this, that article two of the Rio Convention, which was stabilizing greenhouse gas concentrations, at a level is a sort of problematic target to have, because the world will just continue to warm, for a very long time, many centuries if that's all we do. But the other really interesting thing it tells you, is actually, well wait a minute, before we get onto that, I could just ask you, how well this very simple equation, so I've got this very simple equation here. Here you are, it may not look that simple, but compared to a climate model, this is pretty simple. So it's just got two terms in it. The change in the energy flow at the top of the atmosphere, the energy imbalance at the top of the atmosphere and the average energy imbalance, at the top of the atmosphere, okay? Just adding those two things up and comparing that to these dots, which are the outputs of the most advanced climate models, in the world. And you can see, you know, they wobble around because of variations in the climate, you know, variable weather and so on. But broadly speaking we can understand it. Here's the Met office model, which by the way is, you'll notice that by the way, you'll say well there's still some, you know, if you're picky you'd say, well there's a bit of a discrepancy there. But hang on, you know, look at the models which we're comparing against. And you know, the Met office model actually doesn't shows, no warming at all up until the present. Then it takes off like a rocket. So, you know, the discrepancies between this very simple equation and these very advanced models are smaller, than the differences between the models themselves. I should of course stress, 'cause there is somebody from Bayes in the room, that there's many more uses and we don't want to replace the Met office, with a bunch of plastic pipes. There's many more uses for climate models, than just predicting global temperature. But the point is you can understand, what the climate models tell you about global temperature, you know, without believing every detail, of what the climate model is simulating. And that's really important because, you know, people find these climate models quite bewildering. They're sort of black boxes, there's lots of ways in which they can go wrong. There's lots of things you can nitpick over in them. But it's important the fundamental physics, of what drives changes in global temperature, is actually very simple. We can capture it with just this simple equation. Now comes the punchline. Bang on time. What will it take to stop global warming? Okay? So you want delta T the change in temperature, over a multi-decade time interval to be, what, if you stopped global warming? Answer is obvious zero, okay? So you want delta T to be zero. This is an equation. So we've got to get this side to be zero as well. And there's two ways to do that. One way is to make everything in here zero, yeah? Because zero plus zero is zero. The only way we could do that, is to make the average energy flow, due to extra greenhouse gases, zero. That means getting greenhouse gas concentrations, back to pre-industrial. That would be hard. Maybe one day in many thousands of years time, we may get that. But there's another way to make this zero. What's that? There's two terms here and I want them to add up to zero. One of them has to be negative, okay? Now if this average term, that's the average energy imbalance, due to past increases in greenhouse gases, we're kind of stuck with that being positive, yeah? Because greenhouse gases have gone up and they're not going down again anytime soon. But that could be negative. Do you want to say how much it has to be negative? Well, in order to get it, it's this number is crucial, yep? If the ratio between delta F and F bar delta T or between the change in flow and the average flow multiplied, by the length of a time interval is this rate, then this will average to zero. In fact, that's down here. Sorry, I was covering it up. So if delta F on delta, you'll hopefully you can see that, just rearranging this equation, if delta F on delta T, which is the sort of rate of change, of the fluid flow, divided by the average rate of fluid flow, is equal to negative, this rate so called the rate of adjustment, to constant forcing, which is about 0.3% per year, 3% per decade, then we get no further warming. So let's try this experiment. This is a simulation where, I'm going to increase the flow over 10 seconds or so and then I'm going to gently decrease it. I want you to watch and see what happens. After a couple of seconds, okay? You can see it's starting to go up over 10 seconds, it's accelerating. Greenhouse gas concentrations, are rising in the atmosphere, okay? And temperature goes up and now it's stopped increasing. And if you listen carefully, you can hear that it's slowly slowing down again, yep? Yep? And what's now happening to the level fluid in this pipe? I'm hoping it's not moving, yep? 'Cause that's the point. Even though the ocean is still warming up and the rate of the pump is going down, that's corresponds to greenhouse gas concentrations, coming down in the atmosphere, these two effects balance each other and we get no further warming. That's what we mean by net zero. It doesn't mean we've got constant concentrations, of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. It's now switch itself off again. It doesn't mean we've got constant, concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, it means we're reducing the concentration, fast enough to balance this accumulation of heat, in the deep oceans. And how we get concentrations falling at that rate, is of course the subject of our carbon cycle lecture, which will be coming up in a couple of lectures time. So there you are, this is, if you like, a good enough model for climate policy, changes in temperature over decade to century time scales, are just how much do you change, the concentrations of greenhouse gases over that period, plus what level are they at? For fast changes, this dominates. For slow changes as your approaching equilibrium, this becomes important as well. And if you want to know what it takes to get delta T to zero, you have to get these two to balance, which means you have to have declining concentrations, of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. And by the way, for the enthusiasts, here's the gory details, of the whole set of equations that runs this. And I'm not going to go through all of that. But and for those of you here, this is the sort of stuff you'll do when you're doing, actually you probably won't even do, couple differential equations in further maths. You might do, I'm not quite sure, I can't quite remember. And that's the this term is that additional energy flow, to the deep ocean, due to the fact that the systems out of equilibrium. And by the way, if you think about it, this exact same set of equations, is the set of equations, that governs the fluid in these pipes. So it's a nice example of how you can do, coupled differential equations with fluid in pipes. Finally, there's one more term, which is just an important one, which I sort of add for completeness. This is here, it's the additional energy flow to space, that results from the system being out of equilibrium, for this model to be truly realistic, the length of this pipe would have to somehow adjust, to the pressure difference between these two tubes. And we couldn't work out how to do that, okay? So, but if you can maths to the rescue, you can actually rearrange this and discover that satisfies the same equations anyway. That's left as an exercise. So and by the way, if you're really interested in this, indomitable nerds can go and read a paper free online, net zero science origins and Implications, which has all the maths in it. Although I have been told by a colleague, that the maths is somewhat gratuitous and it's perfectly possible to follow the paper, without the maths. He was sort of slightly teasing me about the fact, that I put all these questions in there, he felt rather unnecessarily. Anyway that's the slow adjustment term, because result as the world warms and heads back to equilibrium, the pattern of warming changes, which changes the efficiency, with which the planet gets sheds energy back into space. This is a really important term, sorry, I should remember to switch this off. Now that it's done its thing. This is a really important time, 'cause it adds to the considerable level of uncertainty, we have in where the warming will stop, if we were to hold concentrations of greenhouse gases, at today's level forever. But fortunately, there's another option, if we can get greenhouse gas concentrations falling, fast enough we never need to worry about all this. And that's really important. So the ocean physics behind net zero. First of all, how the circulation of the oceans, keeps the deep ocean cold? So the deep ocean is, it's not sort of called by accident, it's kept cold by the fact that, all of the water down in the deep oceans, comes from the Arctic. And this slow, we call it the thermohaline circulation, provides that multi century timescale response, that's represented in our little model, by the fat pipe over on the right. And just thinking about these two, this sort of simple pipe model, you can realize that just two quantities, the so-called transient climate response to forcing, that's how much it jumps up, when I crank up the speed of the pump and the rate of adjustment to constant forcing, that's the rate at which it continues to rise, when I stop changing the speed of the pump, are enough to understand global temperature changes, on decade to century time scales and to understand what it takes to stop global warming. Thank you. (crowd applauds) - Thank you so much Professor Alan. I've got a couple of questions online, before we go to the room, if that's all right. The first one is, does the temperature of the earth's core, have any influence on deep ocean temperature? I eg rather like the way temperature rises in a deep mine. - There's a yeah, great question. There's a very gentle trickle of energy, into the bottom of the ocean, from geothermal heat in mid ocean ridges. You know columns of boiling water, coming out of mid ocean ridges. You've probably seen movies of that, but compared to the volume of the ocean itself, it's tiny. So and you'll so, if the ocean circulation wasn't happening, it would eventually warm the oceans up. So you've got to be careful with numbers like tiny, because you've got to think, well in what context, you know over billions of years, that would warm the oceans up, but it's the oceans are kept cold, by that ocean circulation anyway. - Second question I've got from online is, this makes it all seem quite simple. Is it really that simple? And does everyone agree that it is simple? - If you want to understand global temperature, then it pretty much is that simple, at least so far the important proviso there so far, the response of global temperature, to global changes in greenhouse gas concentrations, has been remarkably simple. And by the way, this again wasn't obvious. I remember when I started in this field, you know, when I was doing my doctorate, back in the sort of late 1980s, early 1990s, I remember going to lectures where, you know, people were saying, the university I was at or the university I'm still at actually, people saying, oh, you know, we understand chaos. We understand the things are very complicated and it's only these sort of naive geographers, who think that when you ramp up the greenhouse gases, it'll be very simple and it'll follow. Anyway, turns out on that score, the geographers are quite right. It basically, you crank up gene greenhouse gases, world warmed up in a very predictable way so far. We shall see what happens in the future. - I have one more question from online, before turning to the room, if you'll forgive me. The deep sea is kept cold by the Arctic. Does the Antarctic play a role role at all? - Sorry, yes, I should have. I should understand Arctic regions, we tend to use the phrase to refer to both. Deep water is formed around the Antarctica and also in the North Atlantic. So both regions play an important role. - [Male Audience Member] Thank you. You've talked about politicians obsession with, stabilizing greenhouse emissions and the difficulty of explaining climate science, to politicians is that just a, another tragic feature of the two cultures, that politicians learn humanities and journalists then don't understand basic, scientific concepts? - To be fair, the political community got on board, net zero remarkably quickly. I mean, you know, we did this work, we established that it wasn't enough, to stabilize concentrations. You actually had to get concentrations going down. That work was done in the late 2000s. And the Paris agreement, which essentially acknowledges that and moves on from that stabilization framing of Rio, was signed in 2015. So, you know yes it's a perpetual struggle communicating, but it can work. And on that occasion, I think the politicians did take this on quite quickly. That said, we have sort of keep reminding people of this, because as we'll come onto in the carbon cycle nature, there's an increasing tendency these days for countries and companies and so on, to sort of declare they got to net zero, when they're no longer, when the sort of balance in the atmosphere, when effectively their activities, would stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations, of the atmosphere. You have to remind 'em no, that that's not what we meant by net zero. You need to go beyond that. We'll I'll explain more about that, in the carbon cycle lecture, but it's still topical, therefore. - [Female Speaker] I understand that temperatures, in Kodiak Island in Alaska in 1st of January, 2021, reached 19 degrees C. The Antarctic has been apparently recorded, as having temperatures at 30 degrees above average. How is this affecting deep water, cold water formation and the the hairline circulation? - Yes, yeah. - [Female Speaker] How quickly. - Yeah, no so obviously, the changes in the temperature in these regions, have a particularly importance, because the ocean will be remembering those changes, for hundreds of years. If you warm up in a given year, if you warm up the Labrador Sea, then the water that enters the deep ocean, from the Labrador Sea will remember that temperature, for centuries. So these changes really matter. Even if they only happen in a given season, the earth will remember them for a long time. So and they're not, you know, they're happening more and more often, so exactly it's building up. So yeah, no, it's very important. This of course is why we need complicated climate models, as well as, you know, fluid in pipes, in order to understand how those changes in these regions, actually affect the penetration of heat, into the ocean depths. And of course a big worry and a point that I will look at later in these lectures or we may have to delve into it more later on, in the, because it's involves even more maths, is the danger that if you mess with the system enough, then you could actually affect the ocean circulation itself. And for example, if you were to shut down the entire ocean circulation, you'd have a huge impact on climate, which would be very difficult to reverse. That's not predicted to happen anytime soon. But as I say, you know, just 'cause it doesn't happen in models, doesn't mean it can't happen in the real world. It's certainly a worry and one which we're watching. And one of the reasons, why people are particularly concerned, about these huge changes we're seeing in arctic regions, is 'cause we know not only are they, a very sort of sensitive indicator region, but they play an absolutely vital role in important in what controls our global climate. So, you know, the fact that every liter of water, in the earth's oceans, over the vast bulk of the depth, has probably got there via the Arctic, tells you just how important changes in the or Antarctica, tells you just how important for future climate, changes today in the Arctic and Antarctica are. - Thank you so much, professor Allen. Professor Allen's next lecture, is going to be on the 7th of March. - Yes and in view of the fact that, so in a slight shift to the program and earlier we were going to sort of, work through the science and then come back to the policy in the final lecture. But because we got an energy bill, in front of parliament at the moment and also because I felt having got through this lecture, that you might want to break from the algebra and get back to politics. We'll talk about what the UK is trying to do, to get to net zero and what we could put into the energy bill, to make it happen in the next lecture. So we'll sort of get stuck into, some of the policy implications, of the need for net zero next time and then we'll, but don't worry the plastic pipes will make a reappearance, in the follow in the last two lectures, when we get onto understanding the carbon cycle and what it'll take to get, atmospheric concentration of the greenhouse gases, going down fast enough to stop global warming. So see you on 7th of March. - Thank you so much Professor Allen. (crowd applauds)
Channel: Gresham College
Views: 5,575
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Keywords: Gresham, Gresham College, Education, Lecture, Public, London, Debate, Academia, Knowledge, environment, climate change, net zero, geosystem, geography, science, biology, chemistry, ocean, temperature, thermohaline circulation, energy, warming, heat energy, climate model, greenhouse gas, atmosphere
Id: a24cpXQwiK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 24sec (3564 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 03 2023
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