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what's up guys welcome to the beautiful Bahamas one of my favorite things to do in the whole world is be in this ocean so my start today's but it's a little windy and I'm on a GoPro so forgive me very crazy environment over here we're basically gonna just jump right in this OSHA to see if we can get some cool shots of anything living in beautiful I here so let's go let's jump in let's gear up the family is already out there they beat me probably can't see them they're all the way out at that point see if I can catch up and that's fun I'm gone here you got your beverage we came up pretty far the mainland's over there that was absolutely amazing the octopus was the highlight tell me if you guys saw him he was so camouflage he was able to change white to red to green unbelievable a lot more cloudy than ever I've never seen it this cloudy here so still rolling GoPro switch still am I go for all my switch to the vlog cam I gotta go get it I got a pee really bad and everybody's really holding your Burnie right now is got lobster tail too 420 ops turtle yeah I am I'm gonna switch up to my actual vlog camera because I have no idea what this even looks like maybe it's unusable I'm young fun I love you right guys switch it from the GoPro to the vlog here I hope you're having a great day my favorite way to start a day is in that ocean snorkel and seeing things that I don't get to normally see on a daily basis you good better you go right there boom hey just coming back in hey what's up baby remember years years ago I caught a crab and I scared you with it me and the kids that's that that's where I got the crab right there on those right mom and dad up here making deals making scoring some deals do you get some goodies some hot sauce homemade oh my rice no buds wrapped in newspaper it's hot okay so we are going to a place called Bernie's and die it's down here like this little shack made out of pallets and sticks with the tarp funds on them but he's got the best food and this is super cool because it's low tide right now what you mean all the water comes out this way and the beach basically starts here so the kids can play in all of this area and all I can think about guys I swear every time I see this is the xmax going full-speed out into that Caribbean whoa hey buddy Shin is gone guys where the ocean go it's like you're hired in but you guys building are you guys trying to live out here volcano thing this is cool man Kane how cool with the RC truck be out here okay hey I'm gonna run up here alright I almost have to start traveling with RCS cuz I old man imagine guys this would be so cool you have this big like runway and then with the paddle tires just hitting that water always find the family up here look what you find what day are you serious doing good back at Bernie's house moving on up my man Bernie I hope Darrell you'll kill my whole family you get shark bait man everything is ready I'm gonna get wait what you recommend I think you getting wet okay so a lot of you guys may not know this but before this trip country country started scuba classes so that we could go scuba diving on this trip so on this trip it is not country his new name sharkbait whoo ha ha she uh she's we just woke up this morning and there's no water it's crazy look at this home the ground look you can tell there used to be water there now it's just an it's just crazy dude oh you can't feeling that way amazing here the family's having a blast like we can all kind of do our own thing and everyone's having fun together the boys are playing Emily's about to eat some good food oh you know it's crazy yesterday I forgot to put it in the law the amount of glass and bottles and trash in this ocean is insane man like whoa just found this right here but yesterday I was snorkeling and I found just me and Dale found this huge pile like it's destroyed serving me even today I found like bottles everywhere and it's so sad man like we've Dale and I no joke talked about getting bags coming out and just cleaning bottles you could spin the whole day just picking up bottles right here on this Beach crazy did you see a lot of bottles it's crazy I'll get the weak one I'll get the weak one he's too strong hey cheese let's get a picture like a nice a nice photo a nice picture thank you guys you look amazing take a picture did it go oh it's video you are such a mom right now you're such a mom mom swim can mom swim I know you're going out there to country's got barbecue on the way he's hungry get this boy some food here's a pretty interesting sign changing room free to watch two dollars alright so we've eaten we're gonna play a game how do you release this this is cool okay so the wood blocks this is awesome you guys you probably seen the game Kinect for no and I are gonna take it on blue what color you want to be blue usually when you say what do you want to be blue influencers yeah I'll be blue but he said yeah Connect four go for it hi when you remember some neat connection it can be diagonal like that or sideways we go one go first rock-paper-scissors one two three shoot one two three shoot to see who goes first 1 2 3 shoot 1 2 3 shoot your first alright I'm yellow I'm yellow wait are you yellow hi I'm blue I'm blonde blue here we go Shh won't eat it okay he's gonna drop in beside me III I'm gonna go three boom no pressure boy feel some strategic moves needin to happen here he's already - neat - - - - who's gonna win guys ah they're not even on my team have to stop him right there boom eat it I just blocked your whole goal what do you mean dang it you're doing great I'm gonna go well I have no choice ah okay alright stop me okay alright I see I see the light I see the light I just stopped you're I know what you were doing one two three four you didn't even see it you get a 100 you're in a bad spot right now you're in a bad spot right now your country's yelling your name over there oh hi baby you got any pointers for me you got any pointers for me and this is tough okay alright this is my move right here I gotta get this diagonal one two three I'm just gonna tell you this if you drop it right there I went yep I win if you drop it there is if he dropped it here I'd go there and then I have the diagonal right so I'm basically trying to trap him to go there if he goes there I win and if I go let's just fill this slot it's full no more no more moves there oh you have to stop me now now I go victorious one two three four I forced it good game son you know one day you gotta beat me over and over and over so right now I'm just gonna play with your mirror get it it's our vacation right here warping back to the room just get out of the shower feeling fret I'm definitely getting some Sun even though there wasn't much Sun today look at that that's red that is super red all right dude it got dark so fast going to catch up with a family I lost everybody I think I hear literally I can hear them but I can't see them somewhere over here there's Kane hey boy you need shoes alright let's go back in your shoes that whole thing about me coming I was just false alarm let's let's go back real rocket jump ready three two one oh you come out of nowhere you funk yeah alright all cleaned up it feels I'm amazing after being out on the sand and the salt to get a shower I love Commerce I love we both wear the same shoes even know how these shoes will put them on nightmare all they're too tight readjustment like 45 minutes to get on Josh get out of here with those shoes boy how does that mind like preset so you literally just just slip them on like slippers yeah he's like that it's a secret man he's gone thanks for nothing dad and the whole family's taken over the shuffleboard horseshoe arena who's winning the match I took grand champ versus Gilly Gill how did you take grand chimin play one I didn't even lay you at the time of the tuck there's always new players in the game right I like that I like that I'm coming maybe of course to be reckoned with but right now either what you guys really throwing it out here take one shower and you guys just completely is that what you're doing yeah I saw you when the Sun was up can you make it all the way down there okay alright close close close my turn first push through the night what you got yeah clean that off for me bro clean that off for me okay I didn't make it either maybe you hit a little harder give it all you got Cain give it all you got there you go you're gonna block me Oh nobody scores all right dude it's zero zero that's right warm-up that was warmup let's go back let's do it again we only got two and two because the other ones are missing I think you're supposed to have three or through my cane I watch out down there I'm going for the win okay okay see I can give it hard dude you gotta push hard come back to the back of your Pole there you go I'm mad that's a long way Eddie help me wait you want oh did we get our first point I think we did was split it because that was both of us I'll help you ready set go Oh land on point I'm the best dad Avenue Oh both on points double kick one behind the back I want to hear it out of your mouth best dad ever Oh universe well the best dad game I love you guys taking the challenge bro you taking a challenge if I score if I'm on the board and on the first go I'm gonna be happy you only created this challenge because I got it where were you from the red alright that's how I did it you stand on them and it's just it's like the flick of the wrist with the flick of the ankle the flick of the angle watch out guys Ryan I need you off the board Brian I need you off are you gonna want to stretch tough hang on shuffleboard enthusiasts this is it this is the new game this is a shuffle feet shuffle foot nobody's even watching when I did it was an accident hang on hang on there's a little girl oh I just saved your life Liza off the runway there's a plane landing here there's gonna be a plane you've got my nerves just to shake it up now I don't think I'm gonna be able to do this yeah I think you got this not in the way there it is yo you got one I think you got one I thought it was good not been there I would have crushed it mmm that's a victory I'm so sorry bro oh never really double foot game you stand on it and you flip okay I created something the goal is to land those two on that tree down there just like this I'll break your nose it's not about ten points whether you hit or not there you go it's an exclamation I'm going for the guarantee I'm ready for kids to go how many for a kid building brian's it oh okay you might uh it was closed roaming in i but i guess i should have mentioned whoever loses has to pay for dinner so no pressure you guys have fun out there we're going to Pier one era so I'm in a good spot here we go the final flick Oh looking good but not enough power unfortunately it was kind of weak twinkle feet down there in those shoes on maybe you're not more power it looked adorable though when you kiss I didn't have shoes on I should have a second go go giving chase a second shot here first one was just so cute there you go alright watch the power your nails are gonna peel off okay alright Oh double points what is that that's an eight sixteen good job at second place I would go I would well I just kind of feel like I should stop watch out some boys all right let's go follow the pucks down for you guys ready send it Roman send it send it oh he got one pull to them yeah pulled something that one okay come on over yeah pulls that mean game over in eighteen perfect eighteen yes mom's karaoke oh let's go we gotta catch this Brittany's mom gets behind a mic is pretty special it's a good time usually she's got a baby [Music] country she needs backup she needs backup get up there get up there look the girls are going we cut the cord did it country Jenny country still going on it's the one they're doing great they're good they're braver than me I'm not up there oh my gosh you really went for it I'm proud again no I'm proud of you he had the camera army you were to notice every time I open up the same Britney was just giving me the elbow just get up here and sing we go give it to us you got this [Music] you owe him 20 bucks chase that's the singsong 20 bucks chase got to pick the songs never seen this before excited to see your husband up there rocking out he's got this hey man no pressure nobody's watching it's just you huh never seen country music come on maybe next time that boys got chords that boy can sing that boy can sing Gilley get everyone that was really good really tip it Brit get it Brit all right guys warming back and I think that I'm not actually this red maybe I am this red I don't know thank you guys so much for hanging out with this day a great day we're kind of bouncing into the night it is bedtime we're all gonna pass out this Wednesday I'm super pumped it is the first episode my first episode of Roman outwits daydreams comes out come out Wednesday along with a vlog so it'll be two videos on Wednesday one is the show and one will just be my vlog here with the family it will also be totally free to you guys to check out this Wednesday so I hope you get a chance to watch it that's all I have for you today I love you guys so much you are beautiful you are one-of-a-kind say goodbye see you tomorrow guys smama you
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 2,915,106
Rating: 4.9509616 out of 5
Keywords: Roman Atwood, Roman, Atwood, roman atwood vlogs, family vlogs, roman vlogs, atwood vlogs, noah atwood, kane atwood, brittney, roman soldiers, kid-friendly, kid friendly, family-friendly, family friendly, family fun, Vlogs2017, vlog, vlogs, vlogger, vlogging, day, daily, Everyday, Smile more, Roman atwoods, House, Home, Kids, Noah, Kane, donkey, Empire, flash, Husky, Dog, Girlfriend, Britt, Bahamas, beach, tropical, island, octopus
Id: zqIu6yyC-wI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 26sec (1046 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2017
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